Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 REPORT OF THE FIFTH MEETING OF THE EAST ASIA AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT COORDINATION GROUP (EATMCG/5) 1. History of the Meeting 1.1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 The Fifth Meeting of the East Asia Air Traffic Management Coordination Group (EATMCG/5) was held at the Hong Kong Aviation Club, Hong Kong, from 18 to 20 April 2012. The meeting was hosted by the Hong Kong Air Traffic Control Association (HKATCA). 1.2 Attendance 1.2.1 The meeting was attended by 31 experts of the civil aviation authorities and air traffic service providers from Hong Kong China, Japan, Philippines, Republic of Korea and Taiwan together with the Representative of IFATCA. The list of participants is at Appendix A to this report. 1.3 Opening of the Meeting 1.3.1 The Facilitator for the meeting was John Wagstaff, Asia/Pacific Representative, IFATCA. He welcomed all delegates to the meeting on behalf of HKATCA and IFATCA. Mr Raymond Li, Chief (Operations and Personnel), CAD Hong Kong, thanked HKATCA for hosting the meeting and expressed his gratitude to all delegates for attending the meeting. He commented on the continuing increase in traffic within the Asia Pacific region and the challenges every ANSP faces in handling the continuing demands of the operators for improved efficiency. He stated his confidence in the meeting being productive and successful. 1.4 Documentation 1.4.1 All documentation and discussions were in English. A total of 11 Working Papers and 8 Information Papers were submitted for discussion. The list of Working Papers and Information Papers is at Appendix B to this report. 1 Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 1.5 Adoption of Provisional Agenda 1.5.1 The meeting accepted the Provisional Agenda. The Facilitator noted that the order of business would not be in sequential Agenda items. 2. Report of the Meeting 2.1 Review of EATMCG/4 2.1.1 IFATCA gave a brief review of the Fourth Meeting of the East Asia ATM Coordination Group (EATMCG/4) that was held in Hong Kong, between 1 and 3 December, 2010. The EATMCG/4 Task List items were highlighted and it was noted that many of these items were covered by Working Papers or Information Papers to be presented at the meeting. 2.2 Report on Recent ICAO Meetings and Outcomes 2.2.1 IFATCA gave a brief report on recent ICAO meetings, including: i) APANPIRG/22 Meeting produced several Conclusions and Decisions that directly concern airspace planning and flight procedures in the Region. ii) The Asia/Pacific Seamless ATM Planning Group Meeting/1 made initial steps to produce a regional plan to ensure common procedures and similar ATM procedures are developed by ANSPs to provide a ‘seamless’ service to aircraft throughout the area. iii) Regional Airspace Monitoring Advisory Group Meeting/16 reviewed the Target Level of Safety data for the FIRs throughout the region. iv) Aeronautical Information Management Implementation Task Force Meeting/7 noted the significant problem of dual use of 5 letter name codes in many adjacent FIRs in the region. It also provided an update on the progress of States in planning for the implementation of the new Flight Plan in November 2012. v) Civil/Military Coordination Seminar discussed the need to establish improved coordination and cooperation between civil and military authorities for more efficient use of all available airspace. vi) Performance Based Navigation Task Force Meeting/9 noted that many States have not complied with the ICAO requirement to develop a PBN Plan. It also noted that many of the procedures that will be needed for the Seamless ATM Plan 2 Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 will be PBN-based. 2.3 Review of Daily Capacity Notification Scheme and Associated ATFM Matters 2.3.1 Japan presented three Working Papers and one Information Paper relating to the Daily Notification Scheme, the collection of data for traffic analysis and details of the operational trial of the SCAS programme for regulating traffic inbound to Tokyo Haneda Airport. Hong Kong made a presentation on the recent upgrades to their ATFM procedures and facilities. 2.3.2 Japan proposed a number of measures to improve the efficiency of the Notification Scheme by dividing the 8 hour time period into smaller periods; to make the afternoon notification time earlier; to review the accuracy of the information, to increase the number of airports in the Notification Scheme, provide information to airlines and to include the time period of any expected delays. Hong Kong noted the proposals and advised that they already share the Notification Scheme information with the major operators in Hong Kong. 2.3.3 Japan also stated their desire to establish timely coordination with adjacent units for both planned and unscheduled restrictions to airport operations, e.g. facility maintenance or adverse weather conditions. They proposed ATFM planning officers at each unit should share the information and coordinate actions. 2.3.4 Hong Kong provided information on the extended coverage of the weather forecasts for the Hong Kong Terminal Area, including holding areas and final approach areas. An effective process for calculating the Notification Scheme Level has been developed and it is hoped that this will provide a measure of uniformity to the information. They also hoped that this will alleviate the issue of repetitive short notice restrictions as a tactical measure and instead provide a more strategic plan for implementing restrictions only when significant delays are predicted. 2.3.5 Japan reported that only two reports of the traffic data have been received and urged the other participants to provide the data for the past three years to enable a comprehensive analysis of the information to be conducted. 2.3.6 Japan gave a presentation of the operational trial of SCAS (Specifying Calculated fix departure time for Arrival Spacing). This procedure is being evaluated for both domestic and international arrivals to Haneda Airport. The process is activated by the Fukuoka ATMC when there are unexpected delays to aircraft in the en-route phase inbound to Haneda and avoids excessive vectoring or holding in the approach area. 2.4 Seamless ATM 3 Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 2.4.1 IFATCA gave a presentation on the recent ICAO Seamless ATM Plan Meeting and Japan provided a Working Paper on their initiatives in this plan. 2.4.2 The IFATCA presentation compared the current and future airspace plans of Europe, North American and the Asia-Pacific region. There is a need for an ‘Asian’ solution for this area as there was no single entity to actively oversee the development and implementation of new facilities and procedures in the area. The need for harmonisation and cooperation within the region will be necessary as well as the need to critically review some of the long established procedures and practices. In this matter, IFATCA suggests to replace the modified Flight Level Orientation System (FLOS) in the South China Sea with the standard Single Alternate FLOS. 2.4.3 Japan provided details on the current facilities and procedures in place with adjacent FIRs for the major traffic routes within their airspace and their plans for supporting a Seamless ATM system. 2.5 Review of Longitudinal Spacing 2.5.1 Japan and Hong Kong each presented a Working Paper. Japan reported that a trial of 20 NM longitudinal spacing on G581 between Naha ACC and Taipei ACC was extended to include R583 and R595 on 25 August 2011. Taipei advised that the current MoU will be replaced by a LoA once the details are finalised. 2.5.2 Hong Kong reported that 20 NM longitudinal spacing on A1, M750 and G581 between Hong Kong FIR and Taipei FIR had been implemented in 2011. They noted that because of the requirement to conduct a verbal handoff when using the procedure, many controllers were reluctant to utilise the procedure because of the additional coordination workload. They therefore proposed to implement the ICAO approved transfer procedure which does not require any controller-controller coordination. Taipei advised that whilst they are willing to accept this proposal, to provide a standard operating practice, a similar transfer procedure should also be adopted between Taipei ACC and Japan. Japan advised that their current procedures did not permit this procedure to be implemented. However they would review the ICAO criteria related to the practice and follow up on this matter with Taipei. 2.6 Review of Airspace Matters 2.6.1 Japan presented three Working Papers detailing airspace matters. Because of the non-standard Flight Level Allocation Scheme (FLAS) used on B462 between Manila FIR and Naha FIR, FL360 is only available for flights from Manila FIR to Naha FIR. However some flights from Naha FIR and entering Manila FIR request FL360, and there have been some cases when a Naha controller has incorrectly assigned FL360 4 Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 to traffic that will enter Manila FIR. To avoid any further repetition of such events, Japan requested the Philippines to consider revising the FLAS on B462 to comply with the standard ICAO Single Alternate FLAS, or not allocate FL360 on B462. The Philippines advised that they will consider the proposal not to use FL360. 2.6.2 Japan noted that the restriction on the availability of FL400 on G581 imposed by Hong Kong has been a long standing issue, and they are pleased to note the times of the restriction have recently been reduced to only 2 hours daily. However they still request this restriction to be cancelled as soon as possible, noting that at EATMCG/4 in December 2010, Hong Kong stated that the restriction would be removed once airspace reorganisation had been completed and new equipment was in place. Hong Kong advised that although the airspace restructuring had been completed, the safety case for the cancellation of the restriction required the medium term conflict alert system to be fully operational. Unfortunately the system has encountered some software problems and the implementation date cannot be currently determined. However Hong Kong assured Japan and Taiwan that as soon as the system was in place, will cancel the restriction. 2.6.3 Japan reported on the realignment of ATS Route J5 since 25 August 2011 to permit a more direct route for Hong Kong bound trans-Pacific flights. The realignment was undertaken specifically at the request of the airline operators and required the cooperation of the Japanese military authorities. 2.7 Review of B576 Traffic Issues 2.7.1 Japan had a Working Paper, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan each gave a presentation and Hong Kong presented an Information Paper on this matter. Japan reported that following the successful completion of a trial period of 30 NM longitudinal spacing on B576 between Taipei FIR, Fukuoka FIR and Incheon FIR, an LoA was signed and since 25 May 2011 the radar procedure has been implemented operationally. Japan noted the increase in traffic on B576 at certain times of the night and despite the new radar procedures, there was still significant congestion on the route at peak traffic periods. 2.7.2 The Republic of Korea gave a presentation highlighting the traffic density on B576 and the controller workload involved in handling the flights during the peak time of 1900-2200 UTC. They are considering a number of measures to alleviate the congestion and reduce the controller workload, including a one-way route system, alternative routes and rerouting some domestic flights and overflying traffic. 2.7.3 Hong Kong reported that during the peak traffic period in the early hours of the morning, ENVAR/M750 was congested with Incheon-bound flights and the controller workload was high. If there was a continuing growth in the traffic 5 Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 numbers it may be necessary to require some flights to route via KAPLI/G581. Taiwan noted that the alternative route via G581 could be linked with an RNAV route through the Taipei FIR and Fukuoka FIR up to the Incheon FIR boundary, which would also provide an alternative route for the Incheon flights from Manila. All parties agreed to consider the various suggestions. 2.8 RNAV Re-designation of Routes 2.8.1 The Philippines and Hong Kong each presented an Information Paper on the redesignation of routes in compliance with the ICAO plan for the implementation of PBN procedures throughout the region. The Philippines reported that following the ICAO initiative to re-designate routes where RNAV procedures were already in place, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines agreed to re-designate B348 to RNAV Route M646 with effect from 3 May 2012. The route will require a minimum navigation performance of RNP10. The Philippines requested Taiwan to consider redesignating the short portion of B348 from POTIB to HNG VOR in a similar manner. 2.9.1 Hong Kong reported that M750 was declared an RNAV5 Route on 9 February 2012. 2.10 Civil/Military Traffic Occurrences 2.10.1 Taiwan gave a presentation on unknown traffic conflicting with controlled civil aircraft within their FIR. They reported that they experience numerous occurrences of unknown traffic, believed to be military aircraft, operating within their airspace but without any radio communication, flight plan or prior notification. In recent months there have been four TCAS RA incidents between commercial flights and unknown aircraft. They asked for the assistance of adjacent FIRs in providing any information or notification of any unknown flights that may enter their airspace. 2.10.2 IFATCA advised that ICAO procedures and requirements are not applicable to military aircraft and military flights operate in accordance with ‘due regard’ in international airspace, even though the airspace is recognised by all civil operators as a State FIR. Hong Kong informed Taiwan that their standard procedure is to pass traffic information on any unknown flight to civil aircraft, but not to apply any separation standard. IFATCA recommended that this flight safety matter should be brought to the attention of IATA for their follow up action. 2.11 Review of AIDC Matters 2.11.1 Japan and Hong Kong each presented an Information Paper on recent developments with their AIDC systems. Japan reported that Fukuoka and Naha ACCs and Taipei ACC commenced AIDC trials on 22 March 2012. No problems have been reported with the system to date and both sides have noted the reduction in controller 6 Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 workload due to the reduction of coordination telephone calls. Hong Kong reported that during the initial test phase between Hong Kong ACC and Taipei ACC a number of technical problems were encountered. These were subsequently identified as software problems and once a software patch has been developed it is hoped to commence trials by mid-2012. 2.12 Update of EATMCG/4 Task List 2.12.1 Taiwan provided an Information Paper on the updates to those items concerning Taiwan. The list was amended and together with the new items from EATMCG/5, a new Task List is at Appendix C. 2.13 Philippines CNS/ATM Development Plan 2.13.1 The Philippines gave a presentation on their ATM modernisation project which includes a new ACC building, new radar installations and radar processing system, two ADS-B receiver sites, a CPDLC system and improved VHF communication facilities. The CNS/ATM plan should be completed within 30 months of contract award. However the plan is currently on hold pending a comprehensive Government review of all major projects. It is hoped that approval to proceed will be given by late 2012. They reported that the trial of the CPDLC system in their East Sector area has been concluded, and once approval for the CNS/ATM plan is received, trials in other areas will commence. 2.14 Provisional Arrangements for EATMCG/6 2.14.1 JFATCA kindly offered to host EATMCG/6. They will provide information on the date and location of the meeting when they have finalised the meeting details. 3. Closing of the Meeting 3.1 The Facilitator thanked everyone for their positive attitude throughout the meeting and the many constructive comments and suggestions that the discussions had generated. He noted that once again the EATMCG forum had provided a good opportunity for a better understanding of each others’ problems and promoted a healthy exchange of views. He noted that whilst not all issues may have been resolved during the meeting, the willingness of all participants to cooperate will doubtless result in successful outcomes in the future. He urged all participants to continue the close coordination outside of the meeting and communicate regularly amongst each other in the coming months. 7 Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 Appendix A EATMCG / 5 List of Attendees 8 Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 Appendix B EATMCG/4 List of Working Papers and Information Papers WP 1 WP 2.1 WP 3.1 WP 4.1 WP 4.2 WP 5.1 WP 5.2 WP 5.3 WP 5.4 WP 5.5 WP 5.6 WP 5.7 WP 6.1 WP 6.2 WP 8.1 IP 3.1 IP 3.2 IP 5.2 IP 7.1 IP 7.2 IP 8.1 IP 8.2 IP 8.3 IP 9.1 Provisional Agenda Review of EATMCG/4 Review of Recent ICAO Meetings and Outcomes Trial for the Operational Procedures to Share the Notification, Hong Kong ATCC/Taipei ACC/ATMC Sharing the Notification in the Early Stage Among Planning Officers JCAB’s Current Initiatives Towards Seamless ATM Review traffic Level and Relocation of ATS Route J5 Flight Level Allocation Scheme Concerning ATS Route B462 Review of Application for Radar Separation on ATS Route B576 Review of trial on 20 NM Intervals on G581/R583/R595 Flight Level Restriction on G581 The Proposal to Make Rules for Submitting Common Report Form for Air traffic Flow Management in East Asia Incursions of Unknown Traffic and their Conflicts with Civilian Aircraft in TPE FIR Update of EATMCG/4 Task List for EATMCG/5 Concerning TPE FIR Review Use of 20 NM Longitudinal Spacing IFATCA IFATCA IFATCA ATMC, Japan Review of ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades The Controller and Seamless Sky Implementation of AIDC between Taipei ACC and Fukuoka/Naha ACC Re-designation of ATS Route B348 to RNAV Route M646 IFATCA IFATCA JCAB RNAV Designation of PBN Route M750 AIDC Development Operational Status on B576 Airway in Korea 9 ATMC, Japan JCAB JCAB JCAB JCAB JCAB JCAB JCAB Taiwan Taiwan Hong Kong Philippines Philippines Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong Republic of Korea Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 Appendix C EATMCG/5 TASK LIST FOR EATMCG/6 No. 3-2 3-3 Description Responsibility Coordination with Shanghai ACC in Taiwan terms of the level allocation of B591 by Taipei ACC Review for implementing ATS Route Hong Kong M750 as RNAV 5 Taiwan 3-4 Review of the trial of Operational Hong Kong Procedures to Share the Notification Japan Taiwan 3-5 Collect the data based on the new Japan Common Report Form for Air Traffic Hong Kong Flow Management in East Asia Philippines Taiwan Review use of 20 NM longitudinal Hong Kong spacing on A1/M750 Japan Taiwan 4-1 4-2 Review flight level restrictions on Hong Kong G581 Taiwan 4-3 Review B576 4-4 5-1 5-2 longitudinal spacing on Taiwan Japan Korea Review traffic level and relocation of Japan ATS Route J5 Taiwan Hong Kong Philippines to consider withdrawing Philippines use of FL360 on B462 for traffic to Japan Naha FIR Request operators on plans for future IFATCA use of ATS Route J5 10 Remarks Revised FLAS agreed with Shanghai CLOSED RNAV 5 implemented 9 February 2012 CLOSED Trial continuing Hong Kong to review Japan’s proposals ONGOING Only 2 States have submitted data. ONGOING LoA Taipei-Fukuoka 25 May 2011 LoA Taipei-Hong Kong 15 June 2011 CLOSED When Hong Kong conflict alert system is implemented restriction will be cancelled ONGOING LoA Taipei-Fukuoka 25 May 2011 MoU Taipei-Hong Kong 1 July 2011 CLOSED Rerouting implemented 25 August 2011 CLOSED Internal coordination Report at EATMCG/6 Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 Consider suggestions to reduce Hong Kong congestion on B576 at peak times Taiwan Manila Korea Japan Review trial of 20 NM spacing on Japan G581/R583/R595 and proceed to Taiwan operational status Internal coordination and report at EATMCG/6 Pass information on unknown IFATCA military flights to IATA for their action Report at EATMCG/6 5-5 Japan to review ICAO radar transfer Japan procedures and coordination Taiwan requirements Hong Kong Internal coordination 5-6 5-3 5-4 11 Taiwan to finalise LoA Report of EATMCG/5 18-20 April 2012 Appendix D EATMCG/4 TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. The objectives of EATMCG are to develop and implement tactical/strategic, benefit driven plans in a harmonious manner to improve en-route airspace capacity in addition to enhancing safety and efficiency in the region. 2. The members of EATMCG shall consist of ATM experts from Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines and Taiwan. 3. To meet the objectives above, the EATMCG shall; 1) Review the current operation/procedures among all facilities concerned. 2) Review the existing route structures in the airspace of concerned FIRs, taking into consideration major traffic flows in the region. 3) Develop a new route structure and altitude allocations if necessary. 4) Review and determine the longitudinal separation at FIR boundaries, taking into consideration the demand of routes. 5) Develop and implement cooperative Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) operations and procedures among facilities concerned. 6) Consider and discuss the implementation of ATS Inter-facility Data Link Communication (AIDC) with neighboring FIRs. 7) Develop and implement the necessary strategic plans based on ICAO regional and global plans, taking into consideration the need for inter-regional harmonization, service provider and airspace user requirements. 8) Explore possibilities for further enhancements to operational efficiency of ATC operations/procedures and route structures. 4. The EATMCG meeting will be held once or twice a year. 5. The Meeting may invite industry partners and accredited organizations to attend when considered appropriate, in the capacity of Observers. 12