COOL KIDS 1-2 AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ENGLISH FIRST CYCLE COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION OF CENTRE AND ORGANISATION OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT .......................... 3 OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................................................10 CONTENTS ...............................................................................................................................................14 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA........................................................................................................................18 KEY COMPETENCES ..............................................................................................................................19 ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY ..................................................................................................................33 PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 1ST YEAR - COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION ...........................35 PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 2ND YEAR - COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION ..........................69 CLASSROOM PROGRAMME –COOL KIDS! 1: YEAR 2010/2011* ...................................................106 CLASSROOM PROGRAMME –COOL KIDS! 2: YEAR 2010/2011* ...................................................189 DESCRIPTION OF CENTRE AND ORGANISATION OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 1st cycle primary School Address Town Province Post Code I. TEACHERS IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT 1 2 3 4 5 II. DISTRIBUTION OF PUPILS Level Number of pupils Number of groups III. STUDENT CHARACTERISICS (The department should describe the profile of the students using ther following areas as a guide:) – General characteristics – Characteristics of different groups – Characteristics of one particular group (Give details of basic objectives for dealing with these groups, prioritising the groups’ needs and outlining strategies to be used and their timing.) IV. PROFILE OF SCHOOL (OMIT THOSE WHICH ARE NOT RELEVANT) Social level High Medium Low Mixed Geographicalarea City Centre Suburb Small town Rural Nº of students with Special needs: Observations: V. Learning characteristics of the different groups (omit those which are not relevant) General Group A Pupils like learning through play. Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination. The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged. Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions. Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning. Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class. Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language. Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it. Pupils like/don’t like reading at home. Others. Group B Pupils like learning through play. Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination. The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged. Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions. Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning. Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class. Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language. Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it. Pupils like/don’t like reading at home. Others. Group C Pupils like learning through play. Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination. The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged. Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions. Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning. Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class. Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language. Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it. Pupils like/don’t like reading at home. Others. Group D Pupils like learning through play. Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination. The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged. Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions. Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning. Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class. Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language. Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it. Pupils like/don’t like reading at home. Others. VI. PRIORITISATION OF NEEDS (To be completed by teachers) General needs Specific needs of different groups Group A Group B Group C Group D Specific individual needs Group A Pupil Group B Pupil Group C Pupil Group D Pupil VII. STRATEGIES (To be completed by teachers) a) With pupils b) With teachers c) With parents and tutors VIII. CRITERIA FOR GROUPING PUPILS (omit those which are not relevant) Human resources Support teachers Psychologist Criteria Alphabetical order Flexible grouping (specify what type and give reasons) Small support groups within/outside the mainstream class Pupils with special sensory needs in different groups/classes IX. ORGANISATION OF SPACE AND TIME Material resources available in the school (omit those which are not relevant) Video - DVD TV Radio cassette/ CD player Video camera Computers Pizarra Digital Interactiva Internet connection(WiFi, others…) (Note here any observations about how, when and why these resources are used for English classes.) Spaces available in the school (omit those which are not relevant) Multi-use areas Language laboratory Computer room playground Gymnasium Teatro Library Criteria for use of common spaces (Note here anyobsdervations about when, how and why these spaces are used for English classes.) Distribution of classroom space (omit those which are not relevant) Pupils’ desks arranged in rows Pupils’ desks arranged in “U” Specific corners: Class library, transversal topics, games, crafts, etc. Others X. OUTINGS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES COMMON TO THE WHOLE SCHOOL AND TO OTHER GROUPS (Note here any educational or other outings planned.) Group/s Profesores Term/Dates Outing and activity descriptions Observations XI. CLASS TIMETABLES Teacher’s name and position: TIME Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday Wed. Thursday Friday Wed. Thursday Friday Teacher’s name and position: TIME Monday Tuesday Teacher’s name and position:: TIME Monday Tuesday THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT The demands and needs of 21st-century society have brought changes to the school environment, preparing pupils to live in an ever more international, multicultural, multilingual and technologically more advanced world. As a member of the European Union, our country is committed to the promotion of the knowledge of other community languages as is reflected in one of the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy. Meanwhile, the Council of Europe in the European Common Reference Framework for the learning of foreign languages establishes directives for both the learning of languages as well as for the assessment of competence in different languages. These guidelines have been a key reference in the elaboration of the curriculum. The Royal Decree of Minimum Education states that Primary Education will help develop in children the skills that will enable them to: a). Know and appreciate the values and norms of coexistence and prepare for active citizenship and respect for the human rights and pluralism inherent in a democratic society. b). Develop habits of individual and team work, effort and responsibility as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, creativity and interest in learning c) Acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflict, enabling them to function independently in the family and household, as well as in the social groups with which they will relate. d) Know, understand and respect different cultures and differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women and the non-discrimination of disabled people. e) Know and make appropriate use of the Spanish language and, in its case, the coofficial language of the Autonomous Community and develop reading habits f) Acquire, in at least one foreign language, skills to enable them to express and understand simple messages and function in everyday situations. g) Develop basic Maths skills and initiative in solving problems that require elementary operations of calculation, geometry and estimates, as well as in being able to apply them to situations in everyday life. h) Get to know and appreciate their natural environment both social and cultural, as well as the possibilities for action and care of it. i) Get started in the use of information and communication technology to develop a critical mind to the messages they receive and produce. j) Use representation and artistic expression and start to build visual proposals. k) Value the importance of hygiene and the acceptance of one’s own body as well as that of others, respecting differences and using physical education and sport to encourage both personal and social development. l) Know and appreciate those animals closest to us and adopt forms of behaviour that contribute to their preservation and care. m) Develop emotional skills in all areas of personality in their relations with others and an attitude opposed to violence, prejudice and gender stereotype. n) Promote road safety education and respectful attitudes for the prevention of traffic accidents. OBJECTIVES Objectives of the area of foreign language The area of foreign language is designed to train students to understand, speak and talk, read and write. Most of the learning opportunities are in the school environment. This circumstance demands the inclusion of diverse contents removed from the academic world such as those of social relations, mass media and the literary world (properly adapted) The axis of the area of foreign language, in the curriculum and in our project, is the achievement of an effective oral and written communicative competence in meaningful social contexts which will enable students to express themselves more and more efficiently and correctly encompassing all possible uses and registers as well as the use of communication strategies both verbal and non verbal. The Royal Decree of Minimum Education establishes that the objective of the teaching of a foreign language during this stage will be the development of the following abilities: 1. Listening to and understanding verbal messages in various kinds of interactions, using the information provided for the execution of diverse specific tasks related to students’ experience. 2. Expressing themselves orally and interacting in simple and routine within a given content and development, using procedures and verbal and non verbal language and adopting a rspectful and co-operative attitude. 3. Producing short simple texts with various purposes on topics covered in class with the aid of patterns. 4. Reading and understanding various texts, related to their experience and hobbies, texts to extract general and specific information in accordance with a specific purpose. 5. Learning to use with increasing autonomy all the means at their disposal, including new technology, to obtain information and to communicate in the foreign language. 6. Valuing the foreign language, and languages in general, as a means of communication and understanding between people of diverse origins and cultures and as a tool for learning different contents. 7. Expressing a receptive and confident attitude vis-à-vis their own ability to learn and use the foreign language. 8. Using knowledge and prior experience of other languages for a faster, more efficient and independent acquisition of the target language. 9. Identifying the phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation, as well as linguistic structures and lexical aspects of the target language, using them as basic elements of communication. Objectives of the area of foreign language and its integration within our profect The aim of the area of foreign language is to prepare people who can use it to understand, speak, converse, read and write, so its use should be the starting point from the moment teaching begins. The introduction of English in the first year of Primary Education is an experience which is currently being adopted in numerous schools, and stems from the premise that learning a second language at an early age contributes to the development of basic abilities. Primary education begins with a very elementary competence in the target language, so, throughout this stage, the knowledge, ability and experience in the languages the children know will be extremely important in order to understand and construct meanings, structures and strategies when participating in acts of communication. The elaboration of our project, which affects the organisation and contents of the programme, is closely linked to the psycho pedagogic principles which serve as a foundation for the curricular design of Primary Education. It is our aim that our pupils acquire communicative competence in English via games and motivating activities, which at the same time promote effective learning. Whilst engaged in these activities they use the language to obtain information, express their own opinions and relate with others in a natural way. It is a question of reinforcing the students’ ability to perceive the knowledge of a foreign language not just as one more subject, but as the reflection of an outside world of which we all form a part. The objective, insofar as is possible, is to globalise experiences whilst not forgetting the specific stage of learning in which students find themselves. Methodological bases that inspire our work are as follows The starting point in the students’ learning is their previous knowledge; focusing on this may seem close and familiar to the students but with an aspect of fantasy to strike a balance between safety/well-being and interest/imagination. The student can transfer learned concepts and strategies to build meaning and attribute meaning to what he/she learns (Starting with what he knows and making hypotheses to make rules to help interiorize the new system) thus, enhancing their personal growth, development and socialization. Communicative situations that include humour and play capture the motivation of students and facilitate learning; It is therefore important to take into account the importance of songs and stories, the features of the characters, illustrations and even sound effects Children learn in different ways and at different speeds; for this reason our project is devised to be used with flexibility so that all group members can take part and find activities to which they can apply know-how and aptitude, facilitating the development of one's own daily awareness of achievement and progress. Our project provides extra support for those who need it, taking into account those cases in which progress does not respond to expectancy as well as those who may excel in their goal achievement and, due to lack in programmed activities, lose interest and become unmotivated. To remedy these situations the programme includes extension activities for the more advanced and reinforcement for those who may get bogged down at any time. These activities are in the Activity Book (at the end of the book: ’Extra Writing’ for each unit), in the photocopiable materials and the Resources Pack and notes in the Teacher’s Book. Children’s learning is more intense and effective when they are active; they need to exercise their action skills. Each of the units in our project provides a wide range of activities and teaching resources for participation. The student is the keystone in the learning/teaching process but his/her constructive attitude depends on the teacher’s intervention. This intervention must be both active and reflective and adapt to the student’s level using input to help the student interaction and feedback to contextualise activities and render meaningful answers with a view to promoting communication strategies, consolidating those already acquired and the admission of errors. Consider both progress and the error as something natural in the learning process. Errors occur as a result of the underlying dynamism in comprehension and progressive mastering of the new language. We understand that errors occur when the child tries to anticipate the functioning of the language or when he transfers rules from his mother tongue in a natural process of acquisition. It is important to note the difference between error and mistake. Errors are believed to be systematic failings due to lack of knowledge. These errors will be dealt with when finishing oral interactions, in groups, taking into account that they take time to correct. A mistake is an occasional failure due to lack of attention which may even befall native speakers. Mistakes are not worthwhile correcting since they are not relevant to the teaching/learning process. The evaluation of individual and collective progress is an important factor in ensuring quality; We have provided an English language portfolio with photocopiable Self Evaluation sheets (Teacher’s Book) which will enable teachers to monitor their students’ progress. It is devised so that it can be adapted by teachers to their own specific needs Globalised learning will generate an apprehension of reality as a whole. Our project takes this into account offering activities related with other areas in the curriculum beginning with learning about the child, then moving on to the world around him; house, school, environment and society in general. In each unit, this development is reflected in those topics related to other areas in the curriculum; Environmental Education, Artistic Education, Mathematics, Physical Education, etc. CONTENTS The contents have been grouped in blocks to sort the elements of analysis of a complex reality, in relation to four key competences with specific characteristics and needs in terms of the teaching and learning process: oral language; written language; the constituents of the linguistic system, their functioning and relationships, and the social and cultural dimension of the foreign language. Although oral and written language are two different manifestations of the same capacity, each requires different skills and knowledge and is therefore dealt with separately. Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversing, acquires, in this stage, particular relevance. The limited presence of foreign languages in the social context means that the language model provided by the school is the first source of knowledge and learning of the language,. This model should reflect the variety of speech, habitual expressions, phonetic and prosodic nuances typical of different real communicative situations, and will be reinforced by the use of conventional audiovisual media and information technology. Discourse employed in the classroom is at the same time both vehicle for and object of learning, so the curriculum focuses on both the knowledge of linguistic elements and and the ability to use them to perform communicative tasks.. Block 2. Reading and writing, in coherence with the previous block, aims at knowledge of written language. The progressive use of wriiten language will depend on the degree of knowledge of written forms and increasing security in the graphic representation of the sounds of the language, usually different from the students’ own. To overcome lack of security, the curriculum and our project include strategies and resources such as the use of dictionaries and other consulting facilities, conventional and digital, for the understanding and composition of all kinds of texts. Block 3. Knowledge of the language, iincludes both linguistic knowledge and contents of reflection upon learning. The starting point will be practical situations which encourage the acquisition of rules regarding the workings of the language, in order that students may establish which elements of the foreign language function in a similar way to their own tongue, gaining confidence in their ability to use the second language.. Block 4. Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness. The contents of this block help the students learn customs, forms of social relationships, and specific features of countries that speak the target language; in other words, lifestyles different from their own. This knowledge will promote respect and interest in the knowledge of different social and cultural realities Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversing The language model provided by the school is the first source of knowledge and learning of language. Classroom discourse is both a vehicle and an object of learning. Therefore both the curriculum and our project have provided for the learning elements as well as the capacity to use them in communicative tasks. On the other hand, the language model must come from a large enough number of speakers to reflect changes and nuances both in phonetic and prosodic aspects as in the election of idiomatic expressions in well-defined communicative situations. Hence the use of conventional media and ITC is present both in the curriculum and in our project. The contents of this block for the first cycle in the area of foreign language according to the Royal Decree of Minimum Education are as follows:: Comprehension of simple oral messages for classroom tasks. Understanding of simple messages from different audiovisual and IT sources. Oral interaction in real or fake situations through verbal and non-verbal responses in communicating routines. Production of previously studied oral texts through active participation in shared performances, songs, recitations and dramatization. Development of basic strategies to support comprehension and oral expression; transfer of visual and non-verbal context and of previous knowledge of the subject or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with. Appreciation of the target language as an instrument of communication. Block 2. Reading and writing The aim is competence in discursive writing. Foreign-language texts are also textual composition patterns and practice for the acquisition of linguistic elements.. The progressive use of written language will depend on the degree of knowledge of the code, which is directly related to the degree of security that the code provides in the graphic representation of the sounds of the language. To overcome lack of security, the curriculum and our project include strategies and resources such as the use of dictionaries and other consulting facilities, conventional and digital, for the understanding and composition of all kinds of texts. The contents of this block for the first cycle in the area of foreign language according to the Royal Decree of Minimum Education are as follows:: Reading of previously studied simple words and sentences through active participation in real or fake situations. Initiation in reading strategies; transfer of visual and non-verbal context and of previous knowledge of the subject or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with. Writing of previously studied words and sentences through active participation in oral interactions to be used in sharing or transmitting information or in play activities. Initiation in the use of educational computer programmes to read and write simple messages. Interest in the careful presentation of written texts. Block 3. Knowledge of the language Contact with the foreign language and its use enables those who are learning it work out a basic conceptual system on its functioning. The starting point will be situations that encourage the inference of language rules so as to gain confidence in their own abilities. This content block is divided into knowledge and reflection on learning. The contents of this block for the first cycle in the area of foreign language according to the Royal Decree of Minimum Education are as follows:: Linguistic knowledge: o Introduction to phonetic aspects, rhythm and stress of the foreign language and use for comprehension and oral production. o Identification and use of previously used vocabulary and basic structures of the target language. o Global association in spelling, pronunciation and meaning from written forms representing well-known oral expressions. o Familiarisation with the use of basic strategies in text production from different patterns; selection of target, purpose and content. o Interest in using the target language in different situations Reflection upon learning. o Use of skills and procedures such as repetition, memorization, word association, words and expressions containing gestural and visual elements, pattern observation etc. for the acquisition of vocabulary, form and structure. o Progressive use of graphic means for information and consultation regarding new possibilities opened up by new technology. o Confidence in student’s own ability to learn a foreign language and enjoyment of teamwork. Block 4. Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness This block helps the students learn customs, forms of social relationships, and specific features of countries that speak the target language, in other words, lifestyles different from their own. This knowledge will promote tolerance and acceptance, increase interest in the knowledge of different social and cultural realities and facilitate intercultural communication The contents of this block for the first cycle in the area of foreign language according to the Royal Decree of Minimum Education are as follows: Acknowledgement and learning of basic forms of social relations in the target language. Positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different culture to the student’s own. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The Royal Decree of Minimun Education establishes the following assessment criteria for the first cycle of primary education in the area of foreign language: 1. Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in easily predictable communicative situations. This is a means of assessing the ability to respond in a simple way to requests and instructions, or to give information. The interactions will involve familiar topics, previously studied or related to immediate communicative needs, such as greetings or farewells , introductions, talking about likes, within communicative situations recognised as routine, habits, classroom language, dramatisations, recitations or songs. The capacity to participate actively in classroom activities will also be valued positively. 2. Grasp the overall meaning and identify some specific elements in oral texts, using linguistic and non-linguistic context elements This criterion evaluates whether or not students are able gradually to grasp the overall meaning of an oral message, in situations of face-to-face communication, using gestures and mime and the necessary repetition, and to recognise and understand key words and basic expressions, related to classroom activities or the school context. 3. Read and identify simple words and phrases previously introduced in oral form concerning family and hobbies. This criterion evaluates the ability to read, aloud too, words and phrases first encountered in oral form via all kinds of activities. Reading will be supported by visual and verbal elements related to the context in which these expressions appear and will form a part of games and communicative activities 4. Write words, familiar expressions and phrases employing models and with a specific purpose. This criterion evaluates the ability to write words and simple sentences repeatedly and frequently used in oral fashion in diverse activities. Writing should begin with the observation of a model and form part of the execution of a specific task such as writing a note, making a poster, composing a birthday card or completing a song or poem. 5. Recognise and reproduce the sound, rhythm, stress and intonation of expressions which appear in everyday communicative contexts. This criterion seeks to evaluate whether or not students recognise and are capable of reproducing sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation when actively participating by listening to, repeating and anticipating expressions and when reading aloud, always employing models. 6. Use basic strategies for learning-to-learn, such as asking for help, communication with accompanying gestures, using visual dictionaries and identifying personal features which will help them to learn better. This criterion aims to evaluate the use of basic strategies which enhance the learning process, such as the use of visual resources and gestures, asking for help and clarification, the use of visual dictionaries and assessment, albeit elementary, of their own progress. 7. Show interest and curiosity regarding learning a foreign language and recognise linguistic diversity as as an enriching characteristic. This criterion assesses participation, effort and interest in learning the target language. It also evaluates awareness of the importance of knowing languages in order to communícate with people from different countries and the appreciation of linguistic diversity as an enriching quality for one and all.. The section Programme of Units of this document lists the criteria and means of assessment specific to each teaching unit. KEY COMPETENCES In the Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) definition of the curriculum, we find both the traditional components (objectives, contents, teaching methods and assessment criteria) as well as key competences. This is one of the guiding elements of the curriculum as a whole and, consequently, a guide in the processes of teaching and learning. In fourth grade of primary school pupils have to participate in the so-called diagnostic assessment, in which they have to demonstrate the acquirement of certain skills. This assessment does not have academic consequences for students, but the fact that the results help guide centres to take decisions regarding students’ learning gives us some idea as to how educational processes are conditioned by this element in the sense of being much more functional. In sixth grade of primary school the decision as to whether pupils are promoted to the subsequent level is partly based on whether or not they have acquired the key competences, as a result of which they become a reference for student assessment. As opposed to an educational model focused upon the the acquirement of more or less theoretical knowledge, often unrelated, an educational process based upon the acquirement of skills emphasises, above all, the acquirement of some vital know-how, practical and integrated, know-how which students will have to demonstrate (this is rather more than functional training). In brief, a skill is the putting into practice and demonstration of the capacity to integrate knowledge, abilities and attitudes to resolve problems and situations in different contexts. In a very graphic and succinct manner, there is a definition of the putting into practice of acquired knnowledge, knowledge in action, in other words, mobilising knowledge and skills in a specific situation (real and different from the one in which these were learned), activating existing resources or knowledge (although one thinks they are absent because they have been forgotten). There is one aspect which should be highlighted, regarding what might be called the combined character of the skill: the pupil, via what he knows, must demonstrate what he can apply, but also what he can be. In this way we see how a skill integrates the different contents which are worked on in the classroom (concepts, procedures and attitudes), an example of integral training of the pupil. To summarise, we are acknowledging that the academic instiitution wil not only prepare students in the knowledge of technical and scientific know-how, but also as citizens, so they should evince a series of civic and intellectual attitudes which imply respect towards others, being responsible, team-work... Another aspect is also important: acquiring competences allows one to tackle the constant renewal of knowledge which occurs in any area of learning. The student’s academic training takes place in school over a limited number of years, but the need for personal and/or professional preparation never ends, so that a competence in the use, for example, of information and communication technology, will enable access to this tool to obtain the information necessary at any given moment (obviously, after analysing its quality). If we also bear in mind that it is often impossible to consider in depth all the contents of the curriculum, it is clear that the student must acquire this competence, that of learning to learn. In our educational system, the key competences regarded as those which students should possess when they finish their obligatory education in order to deal with the demands of their personal and working lives are as follows: Competence in linguistic communication Mathematical competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Data processing and digital competence. Social and civic competence. Cultural and artistic competence. Learning-to-learn. Autonomy and personal initiative. But, what do we understand by each of these competences? In essence, and concentrating on the most important aspect of the school curriculum, each of them contributes the following to the student’s personal and intellectual preparation: COMPETENCE IN LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATION This competence involves using the language as a spoken and written communication tool, and as a means of learning and self regulation of thought, emotions and behaviour. It contributes to the creation of a positive self-image and encourages constructive relationships with others and with the environment. Learning to communicate meaning establishing links with other people and cultures. It is fundamental in resolving conflict and for peaceful coexistence. Acquiring this competence involves a command of oral and written language in a variety of contexts and the functional use of at least one foreign language. MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE This competence consists, above all, of the ability to use numbers and basic mathematical operations, symbols and mathematical reasoning to produce and express information. Students learn about quantitative and spatial features and resolve everyday problems. The acquisition of this competence means applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. COMPETENCE IN KNOWLEDGE OF AND INTERACTION WITH THE PHYSICAL WORLD This involves the ability to interact with the physical world in it’s natural state and see how it has been affected by human intervention. It helps to understand events and the consequences of different activities designed to improve and preserve conditions for life, of other people, and other living things. This competence implies the acquisition of scientific rational thought which enables the student to interpret information and make decisions with autonomy and personal initiative, and to use ethical values in personal and social decisions. DATA PROCESSING AND DIGITAL COMPETENCE Searching, finding, and processing skills are developed in this competence, as are the communication of information and its transformation into knowledge. Aspects such as the access to, and selection of information are included, and the transmission of this information in different formats. Students learn to use ITC as an essential media for information and communication. The acquisition of this competence involves use of technology to solve problems efficiently and having a critical attitude towards the information available. SOCIAL AND CIVIC COMPETENCE This competence involves understanding the social reality of the world in which we live and being a democratic citizen in the today’s plural society. It incorporates individual behaviour patterns that allow us to function and coexist in society, have contact with others, cooperate, assume commitments and deal with conflict. Acquiring this competence means knowing how put oneself in the place of others, accept differences, be tolerant and respect their values, beliefs, cultures and the culture and personal history. To summarise, it implies an understanding of the social reality we live in, the ability to deal with conflict applying ethical values and understanding of the rights and obligations we have as citizens, showing solidarity and responsibility. CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETENCE This competence involves learning about, appreciating, understanding and evaluating a variety of cultural and artistic statements, and treating them as a source of pleasure and personal enrichment and as part of the cultural patrimony of different societies. Appreciation and enjoyment of art and other cultural statements and an open and receptive attitude to the variety of art forms lead to the conservation of a common cultural legacy and encourages the student’s own creative capacity. LEARNING-TO-LEARN This competence involves on the one hand starting the learning process, and on the other hand being capable of continuing the process in an autonomous fashion. It implies the acceptance of a variety of possible answers to the same problem, and motivation to search for these answers using different means. To sum up, it implies an organisation of the student’s own capacity to efficiently manage resources and intellectual processes. AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVE This competence refers to the ability to decide using one’s own criteria and to successfully take the necessary initiatives to develop and take responsibility for the chosen option, both at a personal and social level and in the workplace or school. The acquisition of this competence implies creativity, innovation, responsibility and a critical approach to the development of individual or group projects. How is each key competence attained by using this material? We are going to explain in brief the most relevant aspects of our project, subject to the denands of daily teaching practice at any given time.: In essence and reflecting the most significant elements of the school currículum, each competence contributes the following to the student’s personal and intellectual preparation: A. KEY COMPETENCES DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE LEARNING OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE IN LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATION This competence involves using the language as a spoken and written communication tool, and as a means of learning and self regulation of thought, emotions and behaviour. It contributes to the creation of a positive self-image and encourages constructive relationships with others and with the environment. Learning to communicate meaning establishing links with other people and cultures. It is fundamental in resolving conflict and for peaceful coexistence. Acquiring this competence involves a command of oral and written language in a variety of contexts and the functional use of at least one foreign language. Foreign language learning contributes directly to the development of this competence, completing, enriching and adding new aspects of comprehension and expression to the general communicative competence of the student. All textbooks published by Oxford University Press offer a wide range of activities which encourage authentic communication in the classroom, with a systematic development of written and oral skills and opportunities for personalisation Lessons 2 in CK 1& 2 consists of a game with the Class Book cut-out cards (Magic Lamps Game) which is very useful to test the students’ oral comprehension of the CD. In lessons 3, children will stage the comic strip and communicate orally. For example: Cool Kids 1, pages 16, 17. DATA PROCESSING AND DIGITAL COMPETENCE Searching, finding, and processing skills are developed in this competence, as are the communication of information and it’s transformation into knowledge. Aspects such as the access to, and selection of information are included, and the transmission of this information in different formats. Students learn to use ITC as an essential medium for information and communication. The acquisition of this competence involves use of technology to solve problems efficiently and having a critical attitude towards the information available. Information and communication technology offers the possibility to comunícate in real time with any part of the world, as well as simple and immediate access to a constant flow of information which increases every day. Knowledge of a foreign language offers the possibility to communicate using new technology real, functional contexts for communication.. This competence consists of having the ability to obtain, process and communícate information and turn it into knowledge. The Cool Kids series has its own website, where students will be able to get in touch with other children throughout the world by means of e-cards. Interactive games are an opportunity to process information and consolidate knowledge. The teacher’s website provides links to different websites which are useful to carry out activities in real time. For example: The Multirom offers interactive games in order to practice the language. SOCIAL AND CIVIC COMPETENCE This competence involves understanding the social reality of the world in which we live and being a democratic citizen in today’s plural society. It incorporates individual behaviour patterns that allow us to function and coexist in society, have contact with others, cooperate, assume commitments and deal with conflict. Acquiring this competence means knowing how put oneself in the place of others, accept differences, be tolerant and respect their values, beliefs, culture and personal history. To summarise, it implies an understanding of the social reality we live in, the ability to deal with conflict applying ethical values and understanding of the rights and obligations we have as citizens, showing solidarity and responsibility. Languages are used for social communication, but also as a vehicle for cultural communication and transmission. Learning a foreign language involves an understanding of cultural features and information related to the communities which speak the language. This favours an understanding of the society we live in through respect and acceptance of different cultures. Tolerance and integration are developed and an appreciation of features of, and differences in, cultural identity. My World’s section in lessons 6, encourages children to think about different cultures and compare them to their own. SEE: Cool Kids 1 CB p. 38. In the final pages of the CB, a cultural section deals with holidays in English speaking countries. For example: Cool Kids 1 1 CB p. 60-64. The DVD contains traditional rhymes and dialogues/scenes performed by British children. CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETENCE This competence involves learning about, appreciating, understanding and evaluating a variety of cultural and artistic statements, and treating them as a source of pleasure and personal enrichment and as part of the cultural patrimony of different societies. Appreciation and enjoyment of art and other cultural statements and an open and receptive attitude to the variety of art forms lead to the conservation of a common cultural legacy and encourages the student’s own creative capacity. Learning a foreign language helps to develop this competence if the linguistic models contain, even in the limited way possible at this level, cultural information. This competence, then, encourages expression and communication in order to perceive and understand different realities and products of the artistic and cultural world. Artistic competence involves a basic understanding of techniques, resources and conventions related to the different artistic idioms, music, literature, visual and stage arts or different aspects of so-called popular culture. Throughout the course, children use musical language (songs in lessons 5 and chants, lessons 1), pictures, etc. In lesson 2, they make a craft activity with cut-out cards. In lesson 3, they perform the story. For example: Cool Kids 1 CB p. 14 (chant), 15 (picture), 16, 17 and 19. LEARNING-TO-LEARN This competence involves on the one hand starting the learning process, and on the other hand being capable of continuing the process in an autonomous fashion. It implies the acceptance of a variety of possible answers to the same problem, and motivation to search for these answers using different means. To sum up, it implies an organisation of the student’s own capacity to efficiently manage resources and intellectual processes. Learning a foreign language is far more effective if it includes contents directly related to reflection upon one’s own learning, so that each child identifies how to learn better and which strategies to use to improve. This involves the awareness of those capacities which form a part of learning, such as attention, concentration, memory, comprehension, linguistic expression and motivation, for example. At the end of each unit (lessons 7), students will complete a vocabulary dictionary/summary with stickers to use as reference. Afterward, they will think about their progress in the unit and colour the corresponding face. For example: Cool Kids 1 CB p. 13. Each level’s Assessment Notebook has Portfolio photocopiable resources (selfevaluation) as in the European Language Portfolio. B. KEY COMPETENCES NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE This competence consists, above all, of the ability to use numbers and basic mathematical operations, symbols and mathematical reasoning to produce and express information. Students learn about quantitative and spatial features and resolve everyday problems. The acquisition of this competence means applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge. Using numbers and basic operations,symbols and forms of expression and mathematical reasoning to produce and interpret information, to know more about quantitative and spatial aspects of reality and to resolve problems related to daily life. Part of mathematical competence is the ability to interpret and express with clarity and precision information, data and arguments. Many activities throughout the course, offer the opportunity of developing mathematical competences by means of sequence exercises (cartoon stories in the Photocopy Master), counting and ordering (Magic Lamps card game). SEE: Cool Kids 1 CB p. 3, 18, 64-65 and PMB (story) in the TPR. COMPETENCE IN KNOWLEDGE OF AND INTERACTION WITH THE PHYSICAL WORLD This involves the ability to interact with the physical world in it’s natural state and see how it has been affected by human intervention. It helps to understand events and the consequences of different activities designed to improve and preserve conditions for life, of other people, and other living things. This competence implies the acquisition of scientific rational thought which enables the student to interpret information and make decisions with autonomy and personal initiative, and to use ethical values in personal and social decisions. Interacting with the physical world, both in its natural aspects and those generated by human action, in such a way that facilitates the understanding of events, the prediction of consequences and activity directed towards the improvement and preservation of the conditions of one’s own life, that of other people and of all other living creatures. Taking as a starting point knowledge of the human body, nature, and the interaction of mankind with nature, this competence allows students to discuss rationally the consequences of different lifestyles and take decisions about a healthy physical and mental way of life in a healthy and safe environment. The responsible use of natural resources, environmental conservation, and preservation of individual and collective health are recognised as key to quality of life. Cool Kids 1 & 2 tackle a series of issues which include, for instance, a better knowledge of the body, food, nature, animals, social relations among friends and family, and so on. For example: Cool Kids 1 CB p. 24, 29, 30, 32, 37, 38. AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVE This competence refers to the ability to decide using ones own criteria and to successfully take the necessary initiatives to develop and take responsibility for the chosen option, both at a personal and social level and in the workplace or school. The acquisition of this competence implies creativity, innovation, responsibility and a critical approach to the development of individual or group projects. Decisions which result from reflection on the learning process favour autonomy. As autonomy and personal initiative often involve others, this competence necessitates social skills such as cooperation, flexibility, negotiation, teamwork, seeing others’ points of view, dialogue, and the assertiveness to explain one’s own decisions. Autonomy and personal initiative involve being able to imagine, begin, develop and evaluate one’s actions or individual or group projects with creativity, confidence, responsibility and a critical attitude. In this sense it requires the ability to revise previous ideas or create new ones, finding solutions and putting them into practice. For example: Cool Kids 1, Teacher’s Book p. 136-139 (cross-curricular subjects) and p. 21-22. Continuous learning In a competence there iis no knowledge which is only acquired in and valid for a particular subject (especially in and for this one). Everything students learn in different subjects (and not only at school) forms a background of culture and information which should serve them throughout their lives, which they should be able to use at specific moments and in differerent situations (language is, in this sense, paradigmatic) . For this reason, any of these competences may be achieved if not in all, certainly in most curriculum subjects and for that reason too these competences can be used and applied in all these subjects, regardless of in which one they have been acquired (transversality). Being competent should guarantee the completion of determined learnings, but also permit the attainment of others, both at school itself and beyond, a guarantee of continuous learning (or, in this case, the capacity to communicate in very diverse situations, some of which pupils themselves may not yet even perceive as likely in the future). Nevertheless, clearly there is an obvious interrelation between the different elements of the curriculum, one which we must highlight in order to make suitable use of all the curriculum subjects employed in the teaching-learning process. When in a didactic programme like this one the objectives of a unit are indicated formulated ( like the assessment criteria, in terms of abilities), we know that these determine the choice of contents, in the same way that we should employ assessment criteria which demonstrate whether or not pupils attain them. Thus, assessment criteria allow for a double interpretation: on the one hand, those related to the pupils’ learning as a whole, in other words, there will be some assessment criteria specifically linked to concepts, others to procedures and others to attitudes, as all of these contents need to be assessed because they were worked on in class and are those which are assesssed at different stages during application of continuous assessment; and on the other, there will be assessment criteria which have been formulated more with regard to their relationship with key competences. The assessment of key competences is an assessment model which differs from that of assessment criteria, both because it is applied at different stages of other assessments, and because its purpose, though complementary, is different. If we assume that key competences involve a real and practical application of knowledge, abilities and attitudes, the way of checking or assessing whether the pupil has acquired them is to reproduce application situations which are as real as possible, and in these situations it is customary for the pupil to use this accumulated background (all kinds of contents) but to respond, above all, to practical situations. In this way, when we assess competences we are essentially, though not exclusively, assessing procedures and attitudes, which is why we relate them to assessment criteria that are more procedural and attitudinal. SUBCOMPETENCES The competences by their very nature are generic. To use them as a reference for pedagogical actions and to really demonstrate the competences acquired by the students, they need to be broken down into more specific objectives related to other elements of the curriculum. We have called these objective subcompetences, and without covering all the possibilities, they do include those most closely related to the subject curriculum and most prominent in all subjects on account of their interdisciplinary nature. In foreign language learning, these subcompetences are as follows (there are other competences/subcompetences which are also acquired in the area of Foreign Language– English, though not in this grade): Competence in linguistic communication Express thoughts, emotions, experiences and opinions orally and simply. Adapt spoken style to a variety of communicative contexts, taking into account nonverbal features and respecting norms of communicative exchanges. Understand social and cultural conventions when producing texts Understand a variety of texts types typical of the academic setting and understanding the communicative intention and formal features. Take pleasure in reading and use reading to discover other places, languages and cultures. Be conscious of the need to respect spelling rules in the production of written texts Understand principles of word formation as a means of extending vocabulary Use a sufficient range of vocabulary to be able to express oneself orally and in writing in specific situations. Compose texts typical of the academic environment, appropriate to the communicative objective. Write texts to express ideas, feelings and experiences Data processing and digital competence Search for, obtain, process and communicate information in the foreign language, transforming it into knowledge, using the computer or the internet. Analyse critically the information obtained Social and civic competence Use dialogue as a basic tool for interpersonal communication and in the resolution of conflict. Understand the values which characterise a democratic society: freedom, solidarity, participation, citizenship, tolerance. Value linguistic diversity as a cultural advantage. Cultural and artistic competence Appreciate cultural diversity as seen though artistic statements. Learning-to-learn Understand and habitually use the main techniques and strategies which favour the intellectual process (summary, note taking, concept maps...). Use a variety of sources for finding and processing information Autonomy and personal initiative Show initiative and personal creativity Develop social skills. Mathematical competence Apply logical reasoning to chains of argument, identifying the fundamental ideas. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world Recognise geographical spaces and conditions where other cultures are located or come from and which may determine and influence the development of these cultures. Identify questions or problems and obtain conclusions based on evidence. All these competentes and subcompetences bring into play different strategies and different linguistic and discursive skills are employed in a contextualised manner. Therefore, the activities in which the foreign language is used are set within fields which may be public (everything related to daily social interaction), personal family relationships and individual social habits), professional or educational. Students will use communication strategies in a natural and systematic manner in order to make effective the communication activities performed by means of communicative skills. The skills developed will be: productive (speaking and writing), receptive (listening and reading) and based on interraction or mediation. Learning tasks or activities will constitute the core of didactic planning, and will integrate objectives, contents and assessment, making up units of programming. Amongst other criteria, the design of activities and tasks has taken into account the stages to be followed in their development, prior knowledge, integrated treatment of linguistic components, skills and strategies, proposed final objectives and the classroom’s potential for adaptation and diversity. Learning English will not only provide students with competences in order to communicate, but also with cultural and social knowledge of the culture whose language they are studying, which will help them develop a personality which is open and tolerant towards what is different.. In this way one achieves the integral prepararation of the individual As we have noted, one of the characteristics of the key competences is that they allow for and encourage transversality in the learning with which they are associated, in other words, that which can and should be achieved, though from a different but complementary perspective, via the development of the curriculum of the various areas of the same educational stage. In this grade, these areas are Conocimiento del Medio, Art, P:E., Spanish Language, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Music and, optionally, Religion. For the overall work required of teachers in this grade, we indicate in the table below the key competences which, as a minimum, should also be attained in other areas, in some with more interrelation and in others with less: KEY COMPETENCES* ÁREA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Science X X X X X X X X Art X X X X X X P.E. X X X X X X Spanish Language X X X X X X Foreign Language X X X X X X Mathematics X X X X X X X X *n.b.: 1. Linguistic communication. 2. Mathematics. 3. Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. 4. Data processing and digital competence. 5. Social and civic.. 6. Cultural and artistic. 7. Learning-to-learn. 8. Autonomy and personal initiative. As can be seen, the transversality of the key competences is evident, so within the framework of the centre’s educational standard criteria should be formulated for their collective treatment. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY One of the elements upon which the LOE places most emphasis is attention to diversity. It is clear that the same educational method employed with a single group of students has differing results depending on each pupil’s knowledge and previous experience, their intellectual capacity and their interests and motivation with regard to teaching. This si why, on many occasions, we have to modify. or adapt contents or methodology in order that all pupils may attain the objectives established. Similarly, we should offer extension activities for more able or receptive students. attention to diversity should always be practised in both directions. Therefore, these differences should always be catered for, by presenting the same activities in different ways by means of the activities included in the students’ book and the workbook.. Teachers need to evaluate towards whom they should direct one type of activity or the other, and need to be constantly aware of these differences, not only when assessing, but also when teaching planning the process of teaching-learning. and Surprise! includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils, depending on their needs and learning rhythm. Every lesson in our project includes ideas to help teachers respond to the different situations which arise in the classroom The Teacher’s Book suggests reinforcement and consolidation activities for students as well as notes for the teacher, teaching advice, better to deal with different types of student. In one of the components of the Teacher’s Resource Pack, , the Photocopy Masters Book, the teacher will find photocopiable consolidation and extension pages for each unit. Criteria and procedures adopted for the development of special curricular adaptation for students with special educational needs (The department can describe and detail these criteria and procedures here if necessary. If this is not the case then this section can be omitted) Adaptations will focus on: 1- The time and rhythm of learning 2- A more personalised methodology 3- A reinforcement of study skills 4- The improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes 5- Ways of increasing amount of counselling a) For the more gifted students, extension materials will be provided b) For pupils with serious learning problems, as sufficient progress in the conceptual contents of the course is more difficult to attain, procedures and attitudes will be the priority, with social integration being the overall aim. Core instrumental skills need to be the key content of the adapted curriculum. Modifications to the curriculum may be quite significant (they will probably entail the elimination of contents, objectives and consequently of the assessment criteria which might otherwise be considered essential). When such adaptations are not enough, the alternative is to have the pupil study part of the core curriculum in special groups, with different contents and educational activities. This learning can take place in the mainstream classroom with special support, or in a separate physical space. This pupil will have the general objectives of this stage of primary education as a reference, but will work towards those aims through different contents and activities. PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 1st YEAR - COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION This programming and scheduling constitutes a model of timed learning for 1st year of Primary Education and taking into account the specific objectives of English as a subject. This is an adaptable timetable which may be adjusted to the group-class profile as it may be used simultaneously with students who struggle to learn languages as well as with those who have slightly superior knowledge. It may also be adapted to the teacher’s and students’ own tastes and initiatives and the evolution of the course. This is a guiding and extendable programme, with numerous optional possibilities suggested in the Teacher’s Guide and the Photocopy Masters Book. The teacher may introduce these activities at the appropriate moment, according to students’ needs and attitudes, bearing in mind learning speed – individual and collective – and teaching hours available. STARTER UNIT 1 – TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize the characters: Rosie, Jack and Zipadee the Genie. Identify and use greetings and goodbyes. Recognize and use numbers 1 to 10. Recognize and name the colours of the unit. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to make the required classroom tasks. Generate hypotheses to guess the different unit aspects, which is essential for English learning building. Strengthen and use the unit’s basic vocabulary by taking part in TPR games. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Observe a picture and try to describe what they see. Listen and identify numbers as they listen to them on a recording. Understand globally and repeat the text of a chant. Listen and identify colours as they listen to them on a recording. Understand globally and repeat the text of a chant. Listen and understand a conversation with the unit’s characters; perform dialogues in groups in order to practice the language and its structures. Identify an object and deduce the right colour for it. Say colours out loud (AB. page 4). BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Count the number of boxes in a drawing and match them with the corresponding number. Colour a picture by following the suggested colour pattern and discover an object as a result of the activity. Join the dots of several numbers; count and colour those numbers in a series of flowers (AB. Page 2). Match each number with its corresponding door by following the visual clues. Write the number on them (AB. Page 3). Colour the number with the student’s favourite colour. Use the coloured numbers as a code to paint each part of a picture (AB. Page 5). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Numbers 1-10 Hello!, Bye! Colours (blue, white, green, purple, pink, red, orange, brown, yellow, black) Lamp. Communicative Structures I´m …(Rosie) I´m … (six) Open your books at page…; Look at page…; Point and count … What number’s this? What’s your name? This is (Rosie); Let’s (listen), You’re (Rosie); How old are you? Let’s say the colour chant; Who’s (six)?; What´s this?; What colour’s this? Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Listen and sing a song (CB, pages 4 and 6). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English with its own reality by identifying colours and toys. 3.- CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES IN THIS UNIT See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Peace Education Students develop positive attitudes regarding personal relations, thus valuing friendship and cooperation in our development as human beings. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of greeting and introducing themselves properly. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence Students carry out a simple craft activity such as cutting out colour and number flashcards. 4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: numbers, colours Photocopy Master: 30 (making finger puppets) Class Book: pages 77 and 79 Activity Book: pages 2 to 5 Teacher’s Book: page 27 (Pass the flashcard) page 29 (Circle the numbers) page 31 (Kim’s game) page 33 (performance with finger puppets) Extension Activities Teacher’s Book: page 27 (What number is this?) page 29 (Circle the numbers) page 31 (Matching game) page 33 (Snap) 5.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Creation of a Portfolio to assess the student’s continuous progress. UNIT 1 – TOYS 1 – TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to toys. Listen and understand a story, as well as perform it in groups. Reinforce and use basic vocabulary and the unit’s structures by taking part in TPR games (Turn around – Jump). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to execute the work required within the classroom. Generate hypotheses to guess the different unit aspects, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify toys as they are named. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Relate toys to their corresponding box by following several visual clues and drawing the same toy. Name an object out loud. Play a game (Magic Lamp) in which students listen to a recording and follow its instructions, showing the mentioned toy and placing it on its corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Observe some shapes and guess the toy. Relate each toy to the real one. Name it out loud. Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud, performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions. Observe the comic strip and relate the hidden mini toys with their corresponding frame. Choose the correct toy belonging to the previous comic strip among all the options by means of the suggested question and answer formula. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions in order to review vocabulary and structures. Colour the toys as instructed and sing the previous song by replacing the colours. Listen to some actions and perform them by following the instructions of Zipadee the Genie. Use the unit’s stickers by putting them on their corresponding place (Picture Dictionary). Listen and repeat the name of the toys on the stickers out loud. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Complete some pictures, colour them and name the toys out loud (page 6). Use a pencil to go over the words and match them with their corresponding pictures (page 7). Find the hidden pictures and colour the dotted parts. Name the pictures out loud and write the words down as well (page 8). Observe the toy pictures and solve a crossword with the toys names (page 9). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Car, teddy, kite, ball, doll, robot. Big / small Sad/happy Review: Hello! I’m, Bye! Numbers 1-6. Communicative Structures It’s a (car). I’ve got a (kit). I´m scared!. It’s (small). (You’re) big/small. Look It’s a …, Let’s…, Listen and clap I say, What’s this?, What colour’s this? Show me the…, Count to six, Help!, Look at number…, Are Rosie and Jack big or small? Look at the story/picture. Where’s the (teddy)? Is this (car) in the story? Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 9). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 11). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English with its own reality by identifying toys, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 13 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 1 and 2, page 22. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw their favourite toy in the box (My world, page 12). Approaching British culture and comparing the picture’s environment with their own. Non-Sexist Education Not making a distinction between girl and boy toys. Multicultural Education Students understand that toys are different depending on each culture. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of sharing their toys and showing respect to others while playing. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence Creation of a Portfolio (Evaluation notebook, Unit 1). CB, page 75. Students carry out a simple craft activity such as making toy flashcards. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Physical Education Physical actions are part of a game (CB, page 12). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: toys Photocopy Master 1 (Cut out and put comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 2 (Colour and cut out the toys) Class Book: page 75 Activity Book: pages 6 to 9 Teacher’s Book: pages 35 and 39 (What’s missing) page 37 (Pelmanism) page 43 (Chinese whispers) Extension Activities TPR: Photocopy Master 3 (Complete the lyrics of a song) Photocopy Master 4 (Make a poster) Teacher’s Book: page 35 (Syllables) page 37 (Matching boards) page 39 (Story structure) 6.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 6-9 of the Activity Book. Evaluation notebook, pages 8 and 9: photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 12, test 1 (units 1 and 2) Self-assessment Use page 13 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 1, page 19 of the evaluation notebook). UNIT 2 - SCHOOL 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to school and school materials. Learn and use prepositions of place: on / under. Listen and understand a story, as well as perform it in groups. Reinforce and use basic vocabulary and the unit’s structures by taking part in TPR games (Open your book – Close your book). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to execute the work required within the classroom. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify school materials. Name objects as they are heard. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Go over the dotted lines to complete the objects and relate them to their equivalent. Name an object out loud. Play a game (Magic Lamp) in which students listen to a recording and follow its instructions, showing the mentioned school materials and placing them on their corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Follow the lines that match a colour and an object. Colour the object as suggested. Identify and say its name. Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud, performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions. Observe the comic strip and relate the hidden school materials with their corresponding frame. Ask and answer questions related to amounts of objects. Choose the correct amount of objects, according to the comic strip. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions in order to review vocabulary and structures. Go over the pictures. Listen to a song about them and create three more stanzas similar to the others. Listen to some actions and perform them by following the instructions of Zipadee the Genie. Use the unit’s stickers by putting them on their corresponding place (Picture Dictionary). Listen and repeat the name of the school materials on the stickers out loud. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Go over the dots to discover the hidden picture. Name the objects out loud (page 10). Read the content of the snakes. Draw the mentioned objects and write the number and the word of each object in its corresponding box (page 11). Read and say the name of the objects out loud. Classify these objects and draw them in their corresponding place, school materials or toys (page 12). Put the letters inside the objects in order to create the name of the object. Write down the words (page 13). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Book, ruler, pen, bag, pencil, rubber Yes/No On/Under Review: It’s a (ruler), numbers 1-6, colours, Hello I´m (Zipadee), Bye! Communicative Structures I’ve got (6 pens) Thank you Let’s (say the school chant), Listen and clap/say, What’s this? What colour’s this? Show me the (ruler), Look at (pink), Have you got (a blue pencil)?, How many (pencils)? Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 17). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 19). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality by identifying school materials, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 21 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 1 and 2, page 22. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw school materials in the box (My world, page 20). Approaching British culture and comparing the picture’s environment with their own. Education for Coexistence Students are taught that a school is a place where boys and girls coexist with their teachers. It is a community where mutual understanding is vital for learning. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of taking care of school materials, the school and its facilities. Health Education Developing reflective attitudes towards the use of specific school supplies: scissors. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 73. Students carry out a simple craft activity such as cutting out school material flashcards. Lesson 6. CB, page 20. Draw school material. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Maths Count school supplies and circle them (CB, page 18). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: school materials Photocopy Master 5 (Cut out and put comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 6 (Colour and cut out the toys) Board activity My World poster Vocabulary poster (Race) Class Book: page 73 Activity Book: pages 10 to 13 Teacher’s Book: pages 49 and 51 (Guess the flashcards – Match the flashcards) page 55 (Board game) Extension Activities TPR: Photocopy Master 25 (Make a poster) Photocopy Master 7 (Complete the lyrics of a song) Photocopy Master 8 (Cut out and stick vocabulary flashcards. Draw and colour) Teacher’s Book: page 49 (Sounds and words) page 51 (Matching boards) page 53 (Remembering the story) 6.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 10-13 of the Activity Book. Evaluation notebook, pages 8 and 9: photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 12, test 1 (units 1 and 2) Self-assessment Use page 21 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 2, page 19 of the evaluation notebook). REVIEW UNITS 1-2 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Review of units 1 and 2 in order to consolidate your vocabulary as well as the structures learnt. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and follow the comic strip frames visually (Bob and Olly). Repeat the comic strip text out loud. Class Book, page 23. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Look closely at a picture showing the objects dealt with in the units. Find, count and write the number of objects in the corresponding box. Class Book, page 22. BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Review: toys, school materials, colours, numbers 1-10. Communicative Structures I’ve got (my bag), Hello, Bye, Yes/No How many?. Time for school!, It’s (Snapper), Well done, Oh no! BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality by identifying toys and school materials, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence (Review) Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 1 and 2, page 22. 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: toys, school materials Board activity Vocabulary poster Extension Activities TPR: Photocopy Master 4 and 8 UNIT 3 - FAMILY 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to family. Learn and distinguish pronouns and possessives: me / my. Listen and understand a story, as well as perform it in groups. Reinforce and use basic vocabulary and the unit’s structures by taking part in TPR games (Stand up – Sit down). Carry out small communication exchanges in order to speak English. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify members of the family. Name members as they are heard. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Relate silhouettes to their corresponding member of the family. Ask and answer about the silhouettes. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which students listen to a recording and follow its instructions, showing the mentioned members of the family and placing them on their corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Look closely at the pictures of family members. Guess which member is missing in each of them and draw him or her on its corresponding place. Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud, performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions. Observe the comic strip and relate the hidden family members to their corresponding frame. Ask and answer questions related to family members. Choose the correct picture from each section, according to the comic strip. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions in order to review vocabulary and structures. Complete the pictures by drawing on the blank spaces. Listen to a song and perform it. Listen to some actions and perform them by following the instructions of Zipadee the Genie. Use the unit’s stickers by putting them on their corresponding place (Picture Dictionary). Listen and repeat the name of the different members of the family on the stickers out loud. Observe the rows of pictures with members of a family. Guess and point the member who does not belong to the family in each row (page 14). BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Guess the secret words by means of the code. Write the resulting word (page 15). Identify the name of different objects and family members from the group of letters. Write the words found (page 16). Identify the name of several members of the family in a word search. Write the words found under each picture (page 17). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Grandad, Granny, Dad, Mum, sister, brother, me, Pull Grandad’s shoe. Review: Numbers 1 - 6, No/Yes, I have got (two brothers), Colours. Communicative Structures It’s my (mum) Let’s (say the family chant), Listen and clap/say, Who’s this? Show me (sister Who’s missing)?, It’s Rosie’s (Grandad), Put (Granny) in the photo, Where’s (Granny), Is this the photo in the story? Zipadee says…, around, Jump, Point to…, Look at… Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) Open your book, Close your book, Turn PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 27). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 29). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality by identifying school materials, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 31 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 3 and 4, page 40. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw each member of their own family in the suggested box (My world, page 30). Approaching British culture and comparing the picture’s environment with their own. Education for Coexistence Students learn to respect others, not only within their family but also at school and when spending time with their friends. It should be taken into account that their are different kinds of families and all of them should be respected. Peace Education Students learn the importance of respecting others and being tolerant. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 71. Students carry out a simple craft activity such as cutting out family member flashcards. Lesson 6. CB, page 30. Draw your family. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Physical Education Perform different physical actions by following the listening instructions (CB, page 30). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: family Photocopy Master 9 (Cut out and put comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 10 (Colour and cut out the song) Board activity My World poster Vocabulary poster (Race) Class Book: page 71 Activity Book: pages 14 to 17 Teacher’s Book: pages 65 and 67 (Who’s missing? – What’s missing?) page 67 (Pelmanism) page 71 (Sofia’s sister) page 73 (Grandad’s shoe) Extension Activities TPR: Photocopy Master 11 (Complete the lyrics of a song) Photocopy Master 12 (Cut out and stick vocabulary flashcards. Draw and colour) Teacher’s Book: page 65 (First letters) page 67 (Matching boards) page 69 (Story structure) 6.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 14-17 of the Activity Book. Evaluation notebook, pages 8 and 9: photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 13, test 2 (units 3 and 4) Self-assessment Use page 31 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 3, page 20 of the evaluation notebook). UNIT 4 - PETS 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to animals. Ask and answer simple questions to describe pets. Listen and understand a story, as well as perform it in groups. Reinforce and use basic vocabulary and the unit’s structures by taking part in TPR games (Put your hand up – Put your hand down). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow them to do the work required within the classroom. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify pets. Name animals as they are heard. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Follow the path which connects each pet with a box and draw the corresponding animal in it. Colour the pets and ask questions about the activity. Say the name of the animals out loud. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which students listen to a recording and follow its instructions, showing the pets and placing them on their corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Follow the lines which connect a part of a pet with the whole pet. Ask the name of the animals and say it out loud. Colour the pictures. Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud, performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions. Observe the comic strip and relate the hidden pets to their corresponding frame. Ask and answer questions to guess the real colour of the pets, according to the comic strip. Circle the right one. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions in order to review vocabulary and structures. Colour the pictures according to the suggested colour codes. Make up new stanzas with the colours and sing them, according to the song. Listen to some actions and perform them by following the instructions of Zipadee the Genie. Use the unit’s stickers by putting them on their corresponding place (Picture Dictionary). Listen and repeat the name of the different members of the family on the stickers out loud. Colour the parts of the dotted pictures in order to find the hidden animals. Say the names of those animals (AB, page 18). BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Review the name of the pets and draw the missing animal in each box. Colour the pictures. Ask and answer questions in order to identify the animals (AB, page 18). Colour the number of pets according to the instructions provided. Ask questions in order to identify the pets (AB, page 20). Look closely at the pictures with letters. Put the letters in order so that they form the name of each animal. Ask and answer questions to identify the animals (AB, page 21). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Cat, bird, dog, rabbit, mouse, fish. Fly, run. Review: It’s a (rabbit), colours, numbers, No, Yes, I’ve got a (pet)? Communicative Structures It´s (black) Let’s (say the pets chant), Listen and clap/say, What’s this/that?, What colour’s the dog? Show me the (fish) Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 35). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 37). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality by identifying school materials, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 39 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 3 and 4, page 40. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw their favourite pet in the suggested box (My world, page 38). Approaching British culture and comparing the picture’s environment with their own. Environmental Education Students learn to respect animals and be responsible for their care, as children are also responsible for the animals living in their homes. Health Education Students learn the importance of our pets being healthy. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 69. Students carry out a simple craft activity such as cutting out animal flashcards. Lesson 6. CB, page 38. Draw your favourite pet. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Natural and Social Science Knowledge of the different animals who live with us (CB, page 32). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: pets Photocopy Master 13 (Cut out and put comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 14 (Colour and cut out the pets) Board activity My World poster Vocabulary poster (Race) Class Book: page 69 Activity Book: pages 18 to 21 Teacher’s Book: page 79 (Order the pets) page 81 (Find a pair – Animal mimes) page 87 (Count) Extension Activities TPR: Photocopy Master 15 (Complete the lyrics of a song) Photocopy Master 16 (Make a poster) Teacher’s Book: page 79 (Sounds and words) page 81 (Matching boards) page 83 (Story structure) 6.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 18-21 of the Activity Book. Evaluation notebook, pages 8 and 9: photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 13, test 2 (units 3 and 4) Self-assessment Use page 39 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 4, page 20 of the evaluation notebook). REVIEW UNITS 3-4 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Review of units 3 and 4 in order to consolidate your vocabulary as well as the structures learnt. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and follow the comic strip frames visually (Bob and Olly). Repeat the comic strip text out loud. Class Book, page 41. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Look closely at a picture showing the objects dealt with in the units. Find, count and write the number of living organisms in the corresponding box. Class Book, page 40. BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Review: family, pets, numbers 1-10. Communicative Structures How many? Help!, My big brother What’s this, Who’s this/that? BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality by identifying toys and school materials, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence (Review) Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 3 and 4, page 40. 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: family, pets Board activity Vocabulary poster Extension Activities TPR: Photocopy Master 12 and 16 UNIT 5 - BODY 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to the body. Learn and use certain geometric shapes: square, circle, triangle. Identify and perform certain movements: stop, dance, hop, clap, turn, jump, touch, stamp, run, etc. Listen and understand a story, as well as perform it in groups. Reinforce and use basic vocabulary and the unit’s structures by taking part in TPR games (Clap your hands – Stamp your feet). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow them to do the work required within the classroom. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify parts of the body. Name the parts as they are heard. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Complete the drawings and relate them to their equivalent from the second group. Say the names of the parts of the body out loud. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which students listen to a recording and follow its instructions, showing the parts of the body that are mentioned and placing them on their corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Complete the drawings. Say the name of the missing parts of the body and identify them. Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud, performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions. Observe the comic strip and relate the hidden parts of the body to their corresponding frame. Guess which parts of the dog’s body belong to the comic strip. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions in order to review vocabulary and structures. Go over some pictures. Listen to a song about them. Name the actions and perform them. Listen to some actions and perform them by following the instructions of Zipadee the Genie. Use the unit’s stickers by putting them on their corresponding place (Picture Dictionary). Listen and repeat the name of the different parts of the body on the stickers out loud. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Draw the missing parts of the robots’ bodies. Match each part of the body with the corresponding part from the robot on the centre of the page (page 22). Guess the words according to the suggested codes and write them down where indicated. Say these words out loud (page 23). Classify the suggested words into two categories, say them out loud and draw them inside the correct silhouette (page 24). Identify different parts of the body in a word search, making use of the visual clues. Write down the resulting words (page 25). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Head, arms, hands, legs, feet Square, circle, triangle Stop, dance, clap, hop, run Review: Numbers, colours, toys, school supplies, members of the family, pets. Communicative Structures It’s got (a white body), a white (body), a big (head), four big (legs) It’s my dog! It’s OK, Let’s (say the body chant), Listen and stamp/say, What’s number? (one) What’s this?, Show me (arms), Let’s (play), Look at (the doll), What’s missing? Where’s Zipadee?. Help! Touch your (head), Draw a square in the air/on the ground, Jump!, Turn around! Zipadee says. Put your hand up/down. Stand up/Sit down, Open/Close your book Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 45). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 47). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality by identifying school materials, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 49 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 5 and 6, page 58. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw themselves practicing a sport in the suggested box (My world, CB, page 48). Approaching British culture and comparing the picture’s environment with their own. Peace Education Students learn to respect themselves as well as the others. Health Education Students talk about their body and its features, accepting differences. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 67. Students carry out a simple craft activity such as cutting out flashcards of the parts of the body. Lesson 6. CB, page 48. Draw yourself. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Natural and Social Science Learning the parts of the body and the way these work (CB, page 42). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: parts of the body Photocopy Master 17 (Cut out and put comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 18 (Colour, cut out, glue. Sing) Board activity My World poster Vocabulary poster (Race) Class Book: page 67 Activity Book: pages 22 to 25 Teacher’s Book: page 97 (Sit down – What’s missing?) page 101 (Who’s got the same?) page 103 (In the air, on the ground) Extension Activities TPR: Photocopy Master 19 (Complete the lyrics of a song) Photocopy Master 20 (Make a poster of the parts of the body) Teacher’s Book: page 97 (Matching boards) page 99 (Story structure) 6.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 22-25 of the Activity Book. Evaluation notebook, pages 8 and 9: photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 14, test 3 (units 5 and 6) Self-assessment Use page 49 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 5, page 21 of the evaluation notebook). UNIT 6 - PICNIC 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to food. Say what food they like and dislike: I like / I don’t like. Listen and understand a story, as well as perform it in groups. Reinforce and use basic vocabulary and the unit’s structures by taking part in TPR games (Point to the door – Point to the floor). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow them to do the work required within the classroom. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify food. Name the different kinds of food as they are heard. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Relate the picnic food silhouettes with their corresponding pictures. Use a pencil to go over the silhouette. Say the name of the food out loud. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which students listen to a recording and follow its instructions, showing the parts of the body that are mentioned and placing them on their corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Look closely at the sequence pictures and identify which one corresponds to each food strip. Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud, performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions. Observe the comic strip and relate the hidden food to its corresponding frame. Identify and draw a circle over the food picture that the characters are eating in the comic strip. Ask and answer questions about the food students like and dislike. Answer Yes / No. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions in order to review vocabulary and structures. Go over some pictures and colour them. Ask and answer questions about them. Listen to a song about them and create two more stanzas according to the model. Listen to some actions and perform them by following the instructions of Zipadee the Genie. Use the unit’s stickers by putting them on their corresponding place (Picture Dictionary). Listen and repeat the name of the different parts of the body on the stickers out loud. Complete the food pictures and colour them. Say the name of the food out loud and ask the proper question (AB, page 26). BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Read the letters that form words. Follow the lines and draw the corresponding food in the boxes. Write the name of the animals on the provided lines (AB, page 27). Look closely at the words on the snake picture. Identify them and match them with their corresponding picture. Underneath the picture, write the words found (AB, page 28). Look closely at the pictures, identify them and write their names in the crossword with the help of the vocabulary box (AB, page 29). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Ice cream, sandwiches, apples, cheese, salad, pizza. Review: colours, numbers, Thank you, Yes/No, family. Communicative Structures I like (ice cream) Please, Thank you I´m hungry/I´m thirsty Look at (number one), chant), Let’s (play), What’s this? What’s number (one)?, Let’s (say the picnic Show me (ice cream), Here you are!, Please, Oh no!, Where is it?, Who’s that?, Clap your hands, Stamp your feet, Put your hand up, Put your hand down, Stand up, Sit down, Open your book. Close your book, Turn around, Jump. Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 53). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 55). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality by identifying school materials, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 57 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 5 and 6, page 58. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw themselves eating their favourite food in the suggested box (My world, CB, page 56). Approaching British culture and comparing the picture’s environment with their own. Health Education Students learn to keep a healthy diet, thus developing a reflective and positive attitude towards our food. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of asking for things politely: please, thanks, sorry. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 65. Students carry out a simple craft activity such as cutting out food flashcards. Lesson 6. CB, page 56. Draw yourself eating your favourite food. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Natural and Social Science Learning the different kinds of food and their properties (CB, page 50). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: picnic food Photocopy Master 21 (Cut out and put comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 22 (Colour, cut out and make a cone) Board activity My World poster Vocabulary poster (Race) Class Book: page 65 Activity Book: pages 26 to 29 Teacher’s Book: page 109 (Move around) page 111 (Match the flashcard) (Survey) page 117 (Find a pair) Extension Activities TPR: Photocopy Master 23 (Complete the lyrics of a song) Photocopy Master 24 (Make a poster) Teacher’s Book: page 109 (Sounds and words) page 111 (Matching boards) page 113 (Story Building) 6.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 26-29 of the Activity Book. Evaluation notebook, pages 8 and 9: photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 14, test 3 (units 5 and 6); page 15, End of year test. Self-assessment Use page 57 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 5, page 21 of the evaluation notebook). REVIEW UNITS 5-6 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Review of units 5 and 6 in order to consolidate your vocabulary as well as the structures learnt. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and follow the comic strip frames visually (Bob and Olly). Repeat the comic strip text out loud. Class Book, page 59. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Look closely at a picture showing the objects dealt with in the units. Find, count and write the number of parts of the body and kinds of food in the corresponding box. Class Book, page 58. BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Review: parts of the body, picnic food, numbers 1-10. Communicative Structures I´m hungry, Do you like…? BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality by identifying toys and school materials, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence (Review) Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 5 and 6, page 58. 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: parts of the body, food Board activity Vocabulary poster Extension Activities TPR: Photocopy Master 20 and 24 FESTIVALS - CHRISTMAS 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to Christmas. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit. Carry out small communicative exchanges, asking and answering simple questions. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Observe a Christmas picture. Ask and answer questions about it, thus generating working hypotheses. Repeat the unit’s vocabulary and structures. Observe and talk about a picture of children singing Christmas carols. Sing and learn an English Christmas carol. Observe the sequences of Christmas objects and guess the colour of the following object. Colour. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Identify and complete the Christmas objects. Go over the names of these objects. Colour the pictures and ask questions about them (AB, page 30). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Christmas tree, present, star, showman, bell, boy, girl, children, Christmas decoration, Christmas lights, Father Christmas. Communicative Structures We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness Learn aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture, for instance, how Christmas is celebrated. Compare the celebration to that in their own country. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Peace Education Development of positive attitudes towards personal relationships. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of cooperation to organize activities in which people around us take part. Multicultural Education Development of positive attitudes towards habits and traditions which are different from ours. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 61, sing an English Christmas carol. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Maths Complete a series of Christmas pictures by following the logical colour order (CB, page 61). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: colours Photocopy Master 21 (Colour, cut out and make a doll) Photocopy Master 27 (Colour the objects. Sing.) Activity Book: page 30. Extension Activities Teacher’s Book: page 125 (Presents game) page 127 (Copy and decorate the song’s lyrics) FESTIVALS - EASTER 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to Easter. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit. Carry out small communicative exchanges, asking and answering simple questions. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Observe a picture related to Easter in England. Ask and answer questions about it, thus generating working hypotheses. Repeat the unit’s vocabulary and structures. Observe and talk about a picture of chicks and an Easter bunny. Ask and answer questions about it. Sing a song. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Observe a picture with different Easter eggs. Classify them according to their design, count them and write down the correct number. Draw and colour the correct number of eggs in each basket. Go over the sentences. Say the colour and the number of eggs in each basket out loud and answer the questions (AB, page 31). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Easter, egg, flower, basket, chick, bunny, Happy Easter! Tree. Communicative Structures What´s this?, What colour´s this? How many…? BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness Learn aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture, for instance, how Easter is celebrated. Compare the celebration to that in their own country. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Peace Education Development of positive attitudes towards personal relationships. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of cooperation to organize activities in which people around us take part. Multicultural Education Development of positive attitudes towards habits and traditions which are different from ours. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 63, sing a song about Easter in English. 4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: numbers Photocopy Master 28 (Colour and cut out an Easter card) Photocopy Master 29 (Colour the objects. Sing.) Activity Book: page 31. Extension Activities Teacher’s Book: page 129 (Easter eggs game) page 131 (Copy and decorate the song’s lyrics) PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 2nd YEAR - COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION This programming and scheduling constitutes a model of timed learning for 2nd year of Primary Education and taking into account the specific objectives of English as a subject. This is an adaptable timetable which may be adjusted to the group-class profile as it may be used simultaneously with students who struggle to learn languages as well as with those who have slightly superior knowledge. It may also be adapted to the teacher’s and students’ own tastes and initiatives and the evolution of the course. This is a guiding and extendable programme, with numerous optional possibilities suggested in the Teacher’s Guide and the Photocopy Masters Book. The teacher may introduce these activities at the appropriate moment, according to students’ needs and attitudes, bearing in mind learning speed – individual and collective – and teaching hours available. STARTER UNIT 1 – TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize the characters: Rosie, Jack and Zipadee the Genie. Identify and use greetings and goodbyes. Recognize and use numbers 11 to 20. Recognize and talk about the weather. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to make the required classroom tasks. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Strengthen and use the unit’s basic vocabulary by taking part in TPR games. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Observe a picture and try to describe what they see, thus reviewing vocabulary and structures that they already know. Listen and identify numbers as they listen to them on a recording. Repeat the numbers out loud. Understand globally and repeat the text of a chant. Join the dots to create a picture. Ask and answer simple questions in order to practice the numbers and guess the character in the exercise. Cut out the Class Book miniflashcards in page 79 and play (Match the flashcards) a game to practice the numbers. Listen to a simple dialogue between the book characters in order to learn and practice the unit’s structures (How are you? I’m fine, thank you). Listen and identify the weather on a recording. Repeat and practice. Understand globally and repeat the text of a chant. Listen to weather sentences and draw a circle around the picture corresponding to what is being heard. Cut out the Class Book miniflashcards in page 77 and play (Match the flashcards) a game to practice the weather. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Write the weather vocabulary on a poster, according to the corresponding picture. Count and classify the objects in the box and write the number corresponding to each group of objects (page 2). Colour the dotted sections from the pictures and find the hidden number. Say the numbers out loud (page 3). Read the sentences in the boxes. Match and draw the corresponding weather symbol according to the text (page 4). Observe the pictures, identify them and write their names in a crossword with the help of the vocabulary box (page 5). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Numbers 11-20 Cloudy, sunny, wet, windy, hot, cold. Review: numbers 1 - 10, I´m…, Hello!, Bye! , colours. Communicative Structures I´m fine, Thank you It’s (hot) Let’s…, What’s this/that?, What number’s this?, Who’s this/that? Close your eyes, Look now!, What’s the weather like today?, What’s your favourite (weather)?. Point and say. BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality by learning the numbers as well as how to talk about the weather. 3.- CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES IN THIS UNIT See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Peace Education Students develop positive attitudes regarding personal relations, thus valuing friendship and cooperation in our development as human beings. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of greeting and introducing themselves properly. Health Education Students learn the importance of dressing up properly and according to the weather, depending on where they are. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 71, make a simple crafts activity such as cutting out the flashcards of numbers 11 to 20 as well as the weather flashcards. 4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional Activities (Review and Extension) Review Activities TPR Flashcards: numbers, weather, colours Magic Lamp Poster Class Book: pages 77 and 79 Activity Book: pages 2 to 5 Teacher’s Book: page 27 (Pass the flashcard) page 29 (Circle the numbers) page 31 (Numbered flashcards) page 33 (Write and guess the word) Extension Activities Teacher’s Book: page 27 (What’s the answer?) page 29 (What number’s this?) page 31 (Matching game) page 33 (Matching boards) 5.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 2-5 of the Activity Book. Evaluation Notebook, pages 8 and 9, photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. UNIT 1 - HOME 1 – TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to the different rooms in a house as well as to the furniture. Recognize and distinguish some prepositions of place: in, on. Listen and understand a story. Perform it in groups. Strengthen and use the unit’s basic vocabulary and structures by taking part in TPR games (Wave – Walk). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to make the required classroom tasks. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluate the student’s own progress as well as the work done. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify the rooms of the house as they are mentioned. Repeat and practice the names. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Cut out the Class Book miniflashcards in page 75 to prepare a game and practice the rooms of the house. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which a recording is heard and instructions have to be followed, showing the mentioned rooms and placing them on the corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud while performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions about the story. Match the sentences with the story’s corresponding frames where they are mentioned. Identify and say the numbers. Choose the correct answer to Rosie’s question. Ask and answer questions. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer questions about them in order to review vocabulary and structures. Practice pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. Listen and perform the actions according to the instructions provided by Zipadee the Genie. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Match the picture to its corresponding written word, identifying it and removing the unnecessary ones. Observe the rooms and write the correct word in the correct place, by following a line. Check the spelling with the help of the vocabulary box. Observe the comic strip and match the hidden toys to their corresponding frame. Write the name of the toys. Identify the animals and write their names in the corresponding box. Sing the previous song again, replacing the name of the previous animals with the ones in the exercise. Put the unit’s stickers on the correct place (Picture Dictionary). Write the corresponding name under each sticker. Listen and repeat the names of the rooms on the stickers. Identify and number the room pictures (page 6). Match the speech bubble characters with the silhouettes that appear in the rooms. Write the name of the corresponding room and say it out loud (page 7). Observe the pictures and find the words in the word search (page 8). Observe the room pictures. Distinguish and draw a circle around the word corresponding to the picture. Write the correct word in each speech bubble, according to the model (page 9). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, garden, bed, chair, table, sofa. Review: Hello, I´m, Bye! , numbers 1-6, days of the week, the weather, Mum, Dad, car, kite, ball, teddy, mouse, fish, cat, dog, bird, rabbit, me. Communicative Structures In the (garden) On the (chair) Look It’s a …, Let’s (say the home chant), Listen and point/clap/say, What’s this? What day is it today It´s (Monday), What’s the weather like?, Show me the… Count to six. Let’s play…, Yes, it’s a (bedroom) What’s this?, Put away… Where’s (Mum)? Sleeping?, Look at (number one), Who is it?, Who are they? Act out the story, Where’s the car? Let’s sing a song. Zipadee says… Let’s play…, What’s your favourite? Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 9). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 11). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to their own reality by identifying the parts of the house, thus learning the habits, ways of relating socially, features and characteristics of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES IN THIS UNIT See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 13 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 1 and 2, page 22. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw themselves in their favourite room of their houses, in the suggested box (My world, CB, page 12). An approach to British culture. Students compare the picture’s environment with their own. Non-Sexist Education Students learn about the importance of taking part in and sharing house chores. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of family and home in our lives. Health Education Students learn the importance of taking good care of our pets so they are healthy. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 71, make a simple crafts activity such as cutting out the flashcards of the rooms of the house. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Physical Education Perform different physical actions by following the listening instructions (CB, page 12). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: rooms, family My World Poster Magic Lamp Poster Race Vocabulary Poster Board activity Photocopy Master 1 (listen and put the comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 2 (place the animals on the correct piece of furniture, according to the song). Class Book: page 75 Activity Book: pages 6 to 9 Teacher’s Book: page 35 (Reverse Bingo) page 37 (What’s missing? – Find a pair) page 39 (What’s missing? – Remembering the story) page 43 (Chinese whispers) Extension Activities TPR Photocopy Master 3 (complete the lyrics of a song) Teacher’s Book: page 35 (Home) page 37 (Word game) page 41 (Make a mini-book) 5.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 6-9 of the Activity Book. Evaluation Notebook, pages 8 and 9, photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 12, test 1 (units 1 and 2) Self-assessment Use page 13 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 1, page 19 of the evaluation notebook). UNIT 2 - CLOTHES 1 – TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to clothes. Use expressions to define themselves: I’m... Listen and understand a story. Perform it in groups. Strengthen and use the unit’s basic vocabulary and structures by taking part in TPR games (Pick up your pencil – Put down your pencil). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to make the required classroom tasks. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluate the student’s own progress as well as the work done. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify the different clothes. Say them out loud as they are mentioned. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Cut out the Class Book miniflashcards in page 73 to prepare a game and practice the clothes. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which a recording is heard and instructions have to be followed, showing the mentioned clothes and placing them on the corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud while performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions about the story. Match the sentences with the story’s corresponding frames where they are mentioned. Identify and say the numbers. Observe the comic strip and relate the picture of hidden school supplies to its corresponding frame. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer questions about them in order to review vocabulary and structures. Practice pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. Listen and perform the actions according to the instructions provided by Zipadee the Genie. Put the unit’s stickers on the correct place (Picture Dictionary). Write the corresponding name under each sticker. Listen and repeat the names of the rooms on the stickers. Observe the characters’ clothes. Guess whose clothes they are (AB, page 10). BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Observe and guess which clothes are hidden on the pictures and match them with the written words. Observe the clothes and read the name of their colours. Complete the sentences by writing under each box the name of the corresponding clothes. Colour them with the proper colour. Read and complete the end of the sentences using the pictures as clues. Decide which of the two picture options is the correct one, according to the previous cartoon strip. Read the description of the clothes and colour them as indicated. Sing the previous song again, replacing the colours of the clothes with the ones in the exercise. Read the words from the boxes and match them with the pictures, completing the speech bubbles with the clothes. Colour the pictures properly (AB, page 11). Classify and write the words, according to the vocabulary family they belong to or with the help of visual clues (AB, page 12). Read the content of the speech bubbles and observe the pictures to guess the name of the characters. Complete the speech bubbles with the help of the clues provided (AB, page 13). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Skirt, trousers, T-shirt, jacket, hat, dress, shirt, socks, blonde, Review: Thank you, Hello!, Bye!, colours, days of the week, the weather, numbers 1 - 10, hat, teddy, kite, ruler, bag, book, pencil. Communicative Structures I´m wearing (a black hat) I´m a (clown) What’s this?, Let’s…, Show me…, What colour is it?, Put away…What day is it today?, What’s the weather like?, Who’s this?, Who’s that? What’s this?, Where’s the …? What is he wearing?, What are these?, If you are wearing (blue trousers) stand up. Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 17). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 19). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to their own reality by identifying the different clothes, thus learning the habits, ways of relating socially, features and characteristics of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES IN THIS UNIT See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 21 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 1 and 2, page 22. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw themselves wearing their favourite clothes, in the suggested box (My world, CB, page 20). An approach to British culture. Students compare the picture’s environment with their own. Peace Education Students understand that what is important is the people and not the clothes that they are wearing. They value friendship and not clothing. The importance of costumes as a healthy way of having fun and expressing themselves. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 73, make a simple crafts activity such as cutting out the clothes flashcards. Lesson 6, CB, page 20. Draw yourself with your favourite clothes. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Crafts Students find the hidden clothes in the colour mosaic and colour them afterwards (CB, page 15, 16, 19). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: clothes, numbers, rooms, colours My World Poster Magic Lamp Poster Race Vocabulary Poster Board activity Photocopy Master 4 (listen and put the comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 5 (dress the clown, according to the song). Class Book: page 73 Activity Book: pages 10 to 13 Teacher’s Book: page 49 (Bit by bit) page 51 (Match the flashcard – A green skirt) page 53 (I’m wearing... – Remembering the story) page 55 (Write) page 61 (Guess who’s wearing...) Extension Activities TPR Photocopy Master 6 (complete the lyrics of a song) Teacher’s Book: page 49 (Clothes) page 51 (Word game) page 55 (Make a mini-book) page 57 (Clothes Bingo) 5.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 10-13 of the Activity Book. Evaluation Notebook, pages 8 and 9, photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 12, test 1 (units 1 and 2) Self-assessment Use page 21 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 2, page 19 of the evaluation notebook). REVIEW UNITS 1-2 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Review of units 1 and 2 in order to consolidate your vocabulary as well as the structures learnt. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and follow the comic strip frames visually (Bob and Olly). Repeat the comic strip text out loud. Class Book, page 23. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Look closely at a picture showing the objects dealt with in the units. Find, count and write the number of objects in the corresponding box. Class Book, page 22. BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Fish, octopus, crac. Review: clothes, rooms in the house, numbers. Hello!, Bye! Communicative Structures How many?, Zipadee says…, What’s this?, It’s a…, Count (the hats), How many (hats)? BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality through the vocabulary of the rooms in the house and the clothes, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence (Review) Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 1 and 2, page 22. 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: rooms, clothes Board activity Vocabulary poster UNIT 3 - FACE 1 – TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to the parts of the face. Use expressions to describe themselves physically: I’ve got... I’m... Listen and understand a story. Perform it in groups. Strengthen and use the unit’s basic vocabulary and structures by taking part in TPR games (Touch your arms – Touch your feet). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to make the required classroom tasks. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluate the student’s own progress as well as the work done. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify the different parts of the face. Say them out loud as they are mentioned. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Observe the face of the characters. Guess the missing parts and draw them. Say the selected word out loud. Cut out the Class Book miniflashcards in page 71 to prepare a game and practice the parts of the face. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which a recording is heard and instructions have to be followed, showing the mentioned parts of the face and placing them on the corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud while performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions about the story. Match the sentences with the story’s corresponding frames where they are mentioned. Identify and say the numbers. Observe the comic strip and relate the picture of hidden members of the family to its corresponding frame. Choose the correct appearance of the characters, according to the previous comic strip. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer questions about them in order to review vocabulary and structures. Practice pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. Listen and perform the actions according to the instructions provided by Zipadee the Genie. Put the unit’s stickers on the correct place (Picture Dictionary). Write the corresponding name under each sticker. Listen and repeat the names of the rooms on the stickers. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Complete a crossword with the names of the parts of the face, following the pictures and the corresponding numbering. Read the sentences and colour the children’s hair and eyes according to them. Sing the previous song replacing hair and eye colour with the ones mentioned in the exercise. Guess the words using the suggested code and write them down on the correct line. Make the corresponding drawing (AB, page 14). Complete or write the description of the characters, according to the numberscolours code. Colour the characters accordingly (AB, page 15). Look at the picture closely and complete the sentences with the words in the box (AB, page 16). Look closely at the pictures of the children and guess the word that describes them, in order to complete and write sentences about them (AB, page 17). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, long, short, blonde. Review: No/Yes, Hello!, Bye!, I’ve got (green eyes), weather, days of the week, numbers, colours, the family, food. Communicative Structures I´ve got (green eyes). I like you I´m happy Look at Jack’s... Let’s…, Draw his hair, What’s this?, What’s missing?, today?, Show me…, Write (nose) here, Put away…, What day is it Who’s got (red hair?), Where’s Jack?, What colour’s…?, What colour are?, Stand up!, I like you and you like me, Have you got?, What’s the weather like?. Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 27). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 29). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to their own reality by learning the parts of the face, thus learning the habits, ways of relating socially, features and characteristics of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES IN THIS UNIT See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 31 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 3 and 4, page 40. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw themselves in the space, in the suggested box (My world, CB, page 30). An approach to British culture. Students compare the picture’s environment with their own. Education for Coexistence We are all different on the outside, that is normal. You can change your appearance by combing our hair or using make up. Peace Education Students learn the importance of respecting others and being tolerant, regardless of the race or the appearance of the other people. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 71, make a simple crafts activity such as cutting out the flashcards of the parts of the face. Lesson 6, CB, page 30. Draw yourself. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Natural and Social Science Students learn the parts of the face and what they are used for (CB, page 24). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: face, numbers, family My World Poster Magic Lamp Poster Race Vocabulary Poster Board activity Photocopy Master 7 (listen and put the comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 8 (colour eyes and glasses and put them on during the song). Class Book: page 71 Activity Book: pages 14 to 17 Teacher’s Book: page 67 (The same - Permanism) page 69 (Remembering the story) page 77 (Face Bingo) Extension Activities TPR Photocopy Master 9 (complete the lyrics of a song) Teacher’s Book: page 65 (Draw a face) page 67 (Word game) page 69 (I’ve got...) page 71 (Make a mini-book) page 75 (Families) 5.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 14-17 of the Activity Book. Evaluation Notebook, pages 8 and 9, photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 13, test 2 (units 3 and 4) Self-assessment Use page 31 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 3, page 20 of the evaluation notebook). UNIT 4 - PLAYGROUND 1 – TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to playground activities. Use expressions to describe abilities and knowledge: I can... Identify and carry out certain movements: hop, jump, run, dance, skip, etc. Listen and understand a story. Perform it in groups. Strengthen and use the unit’s basic vocabulary and structures by taking part in TPR games (Point to the board – Point to the window). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to make the required classroom tasks. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluate the student’s own progress as well as the work done. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify the different actions in the school playground. Say them out loud as they are mentioned. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Relate some silhouettes to their corresponding action. Cut out the Class Book miniflashcards in page 69 to prepare a game and practice the playground actions. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which a recording is heard and instructions have to be followed, showing the mentioned actions and placing them on the corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Observe the pictures of the children carrying out playground actions. Follow the indicated labyrinths and write the name of the action on its corresponding line. Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud while performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions about the story. Match the sentences with the story’s corresponding frames where they are mentioned. Identify and say the numbers. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer questions about them in order to review vocabulary and structures. Practice pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. Listen and perform the actions according to the instructions provided by Zipadee the Genie. Put the unit’s stickers on the correct place (Picture Dictionary). Write the corresponding name under each sticker. Listen and repeat the names of the rooms on the stickers. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Observe the comic strip and match the hidden pets with their corresponding frame. Write the names of the animals on the correct line. Read and complete the ending of the sentences. Use the pictures as clues. Decide which of the two options is the real one, according to the previous comic strip. Read and complete the sentences with the actions of a girl. Sing the previous song again, but replace the actions mentioned with the ones on the exercise. Read the numbers and names of the actions. Number the pictures according to the action they represent (AB, page 18). Read the actions and decide which picture corresponds each action. Complete the sentences with I can... (AB, page 19). Find the words which correspond to the pictures on the word search (AB, page 20). Observe the action pictures and match them with the characters according to the activities they can carry out. Guess the name of the characters and complete the sentences (AB, page 21). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Hop, jump, run, sing, dance, skip. . Review: Hello!, Bye!, Yes, Thank you, rabbit, dog, bird, cat, weather, days of the week, colours. Communicative Structures I can (skip) Let’s…, What’s this?, What day is it today?, What’s the weather like?, me…, What can you do?, Can you (skip)?, Who’s this?, Show Hop to the (tree), Then I stop, This row hop to the door, Zipadee says… , Can you…? Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 35). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 37). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to their own reality through actions and movements in the school playground, thus learning the habits, ways of relating socially, features and characteristics of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES IN THIS UNIT See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 39 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 3 and 4, page 40. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw themselves carrying out an activity from the vocabulary box (My world). An approach to British culture. Students compare the picture’s environment with their own. Peace Education Not everyone can do the same things. It is important not to mock or look down on others because of their limitations. Health Education Physical outdoor activity is important to be on top form, both physically and mentally. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 69, make a simple crafts activity such as cutting out the flashcards of the school playground actions. Lesson 6, CB, page 30. Draw yourself carrying out one of the actions. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Physical Education Use games to practice the different school playground actionss (CB, page 35). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: playground, rooms, weather My World Poster Magic Lamp Poster Race Vocabulary Poster Board activity Photocopy Master 10 (listen and put the comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 11 (make a disk with an arrow pointing each activity, according to a song). Class Book: page 69 Activity Book: pages 18 to 21 Teacher’s Book: page 79 (Reverse Bingo) page 81 (Word game) page 65 (Make a mini-book) Extension Activities TPR Photocopy Master 12 (complete the lyrics of a song) Teacher’s Book: page 79 (Playground) page 81 (Word game) page 85 (Make a mini-book) 5.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 18-21 of the Activity Book. Evaluation Notebook, pages 8 and 9, photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 13, test 2 (units 3 and 4) Self-assessment Use page 39 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 3, page 20 of the evaluation notebook). REVIEW UNITS 3-4 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Review of units 3 and 4 in order to consolidate your vocabulary as well as the structures learnt. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and follow the comic strip frames visually (Bob and Olly). Repeat the comic strip text out loud. Class Book, page 41. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Look closely at a picture showing the objects dealt with in the units. Find, count and write the number of parts of the face and activities in the corresponding box. Class Book, page 40. BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Review: physical activities, parts of the face, Hello!, Bye!, fish, octopus, crab. Communicative Structures Zipadee says…, What’s this?, What are these?, How many BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality through the vocabulary of parts of the face and school playground actions, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence (Review) Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 3 and 4, page 40. 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: face, activities Board activity Vocabulary poster UNIT 5 - FOOD 1 – TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to food. Talk about the food they like and dislike: I like / I don’t like... Express actions related to personal hygiene: wash, brush, etc. Listen and understand a story. Perform it in groups. Strengthen and use the unit’s basic vocabulary and structures by taking part in TPR games (Wash your hands – Brush your teeth). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to make the required classroom tasks. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluate the student’s own progress as well as the work done. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify the different kinds of food. Say them out loud as they are mentioned. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Cut out the Class Book miniflashcards in page 67 to prepare a game and practice with food vocabulary. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which a recording is heard and instructions have to be followed, showing the mentioned actions and placing them on the corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud while performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions about the story. Match the sentences with the story’s corresponding frames where they are mentioned. Identify and say the numbers. Observe the comic strip and relate the pictures of the hidden parts of the body to their corresponding frame. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer questions about them in order to review vocabulary and structures. Practice pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. Listen and perform the actions according to the instructions provided by Zipadee the Genie. Put the unit’s stickers on the correct place (Picture Dictionary). Write the corresponding name under each sticker. Listen and repeat the names of the food on the stickers. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Use lines to match the food in two different columns, as well as their written names. Observe the food and guess the missing food on each of the pictures. Write down the name on the line provided. Read and complete the ending of the sentences. Use the pictures as clues. Decide which of the two options is the real one, according to the previous comic strip. Observe the pictures and write down the missing food. Sing the previous song again, replacing the group of food items for the ones mentioned in the exercise. Observe the characters. They each have a different menu. Read the list of food and identify which of the two previous menus is the right one (AB, page 22). Complete the crossword with the name of the food drawn. Review the spelling of the words (AB, page 23). Read the vocabulary related to food and school playground actions. Classify them and write them down according to their corresponding group (AB, page 24). Observe the pictures and write down the name of the food each of the characters is thinking about (AB, page 25). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Orange juice, chicken, tomatoes, milk, rice, bananas, carrots, peas. Review: Hello!, Bye!, Thank you, pizza, salad, ice cream, cheese, apples, sándwiches, face, days of the week, the weather, numbers. Communicative Structures I like (pizza), I don´t like (bananas). Let’s…, What’s number one?, What day is it today?, What’s the weather like?, Show me…, Let’s (play), What’s missing?, What’s this?, I don’t like (bananas), I like (pizza), Do you like (bananas)?, I´m hungry, Where’s the…? Where are the…?, Who’s that?, Zipadee says… Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 45). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 47). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to their own reality through actions and movements in the school playground, thus learning the habits, ways of relating socially, features and characteristics of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES IN THIS UNIT See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 49 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 5 and 6, page 58. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw their favourite food and drink from the vocabulary box (My world. CB, page 48). An approach to British culture. Students compare the picture’s environment with their own. Health Education Students learn the importance of a balanced and varied diet to have a good health. Daily habits regarding food are important. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 67, make a simple crafts activity such as cutting out the food flashcards. Lesson 6, CB, page 48. Draw your favourite food. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Natural and Social Science Students learn the properties of food in order to have a balanced diet. 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: food My World Poster Magic Lamp Poster Race Vocabulary Poster Board activity Photocopy Master 13 (listen and put the comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 14 (cut out the faces to make a puppet. Perform with it, according to the song). Class Book: page 67 Activity Book: pages 22 to 25 Teacher’s Book: page 95 (Pass the flashcard) page 97 (My granny - Pelmanism) page 99 (Remembering the story) page 101 (Chinese whispers) Extension Activities TPR Photocopy Master 15 (complete the lyrics of a song) Teacher’s Book: page 95 (Food) page 97 (Word game) page 99 (I don’t like...) page 101 (Make a mini-book) 5.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 22-25 of the Activity Book. Evaluation Notebook, pages 8 and 9, photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 14, test 3 (units 5 and 6) Self-assessment Use page 49 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 5, page 21 of the evaluation notebook). UNIT 6 – FAVOURITE THINGS 1 – TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to each student’s favourite things. Make small communicative exchanges expressing preferences and tastes regarding their favourite things: What’s your favourite? My favourite is... Listen and understand a story. Perform it in groups. Strengthen and use the unit’s basic vocabulary and structures by taking part in TPR games (Stand behind your chair – Pick up your bag). Understand and carry out simple orders which allow students to make the required classroom tasks. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit, which is essential for English learning building. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluate the student’s own progress as well as the work done. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and identify the characters’ favourite objects. Say them out loud as they are mentioned. Listen and follow the instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Cut out the Class Book miniflashcards in page 65 to prepare a game and practice with the characters’ favourite things. Play a game (Magic Lamps) in which a recording is heard and instructions have to be followed, showing the mentioned actions and placing them on the corresponding box (Class Book, page 64). Listen to a comic strip and repeat it out loud while performing the actions. Ask and answer listening comprehension questions about the story. Match the sentences with the story’s corresponding frames where they are mentioned. Identify and say the numbers. Observe the comic strip and relate the pictures of the hidden food to their corresponding frame. Listen to a song and perform the actions. Ask and answer questions about them in order to review vocabulary and structures. Practice pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. Listen and perform the actions according to the instructions provided by Zipadee the Genie. Put the unit’s stickers on the correct place (Picture Dictionary). Write the corresponding name under each sticker. Listen and repeat the names of the favourite objects on the stickers. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Finish the drawings of objects. Identify them and decide what object it is by marking the correct option. Read the words out loud, practicing the vocabulary and the structure What’s this? Observe the parts of pictures related to favourite things from the vocabulary box. Guess and write the part that is not related to the rest with the help of the vocabulary box. Read the questions and answer them with the help of the pictures. Guess the correct option according to the previous comic strip. Read the names of the favourite things from the vocabulary box and write them down on the correct object. Sing the previous song again, replacing the favourite objects with the ones mentioned in the exercise. Read about the characters’ favourite things and draw them where corresponds (AB, page 26). Read the beginning of the sentences and follow the labyrinth to the corresponding picture (AB, page 27). Observe the pictures and complete the sentences with the words from the vocabulary box. Ask and answer questions about the structure of the previous sentences (AB, page 28). Read the content of the speech bubbles and observe the pictures to guess the name of the characters. Complete the speech bubbles with the help of the clues provided (AB, page 29). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Bike, match, camera, skateboard, computer game, paints, Goodbye. . Review: Hello!, Bye!, Thank you, my, kite, food, the face, days of the week, the weather, colours. Communicative Structures My (bike) My favourite toy’s a (skateboard). My favourite colour’s (blue) Let’s…, What’s this? , What day is it today?, What’s the weather like?, Show me… What’s your favourite (thing)?, Children, if your favourite colour’s (blue) put your hand up, What are these? I like…, I’ve got…, I can… I´m seven, Do you like …? Can you …?, How old are you?, Zipadee says… Is a car your favourite thing? Phonetics (Rhythm, Stress, Intonation) PROCEDURES Repeat out loud and perform the unit’s comic strip (CB, page 53). Listen, sing and perform a song (CB, page 55). BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to their own reality through actions and movements in the school playground, thus learning the habits, ways of relating socially, features and characteristics of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES IN THIS UNIT See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence Picture Dictionary. Page 57 There will be a review every two units (Review). Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 5 and 6, page 58. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Students draw their favourite things from the vocabulary box on the space provided (My world. CB, page 56). An approach to British culture. Students compare the picture’s environment with their own. Peace Education Students learn the importance of sharing things with other people, respecting the preferences and hobbies of the others and valuing their favourite things. Education for Equality between the Sexes Do not use gender clichés when talking about games and hobbies. v. Artistic and Cultural Competence CB, page 65, make a simple crafts activity such as cutting out the flashcards of favourite objects. Lesson 6, CB, page 56. Draw your favourite food. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Crafts Students complete the pictures with their favourite things by looking at the model on the previous page. 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: favourite things My World Poster Magic Lamp Poster Race Vocabulary Poster Board activity Photocopy Master 16 (listen and put the comic frames in order) Photocopy Master 17 (Make and place favourite hearts, according to the song). Class Book: page 65 Activity Book: pages 26 to 29 Teacher’s Book: page 109 (Pass the flashcard) page 111 (Favourite things bingo – Match the minicards) page 113 (Remembering the story – Match the flashcard) page 119 (Actions) page 121 (Matching boards) Extension Activities TPR Photocopy Master 18 (complete the lyrics of a song) Teacher’s Book: page 109 (Favourite things) page 111 (Word game) page 115 (Make a mini-book) 5.- ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Use pages 26-29 of the Activity Book. Evaluation Notebook, pages 8 and 9, photocopiable evaluation sheets for the teacher to write down each student’s progress. Summative Assessment Evaluation notebook, page 14, test 3 (units 5 and 6) Self-assessment Use page 57 in the CB Use photocopiable sheets in the Portfolio Time (unit 6, page 21 of the evaluation notebook). REVIEW UNITS 5-6 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Review of units 5 and 6 in order to consolidate your vocabulary as well as the structures learnt. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen and follow the comic strip frames visually (Bob and Olly). Repeat the comic strip text out loud. Class Book, page 59. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Look closely at a picture showing the objects dealt with in the units. Find, count and write the number of kinds of food and favourite games in the corresponding box. Class Book, page 58. BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Review: Food, favourite things, numbers 1 - 10. Hello! Goodbye!. fish, octopus, crab. Communicative Structures Zipadee says…, What’s this?, What are these?, How many…? Count BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness CONCEPTS Relate English to its own reality through the vocabulary of food and favourite things, thus contributing to the learning of habits, social relations ways, features and peculiarities of the countries where the foreign language is spoken. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences, especially the way they are reflected in this unit: ii. Learning-to-Learn Competence (Review) Students will learn to classify the learnt vocabulary. Units 5 and 6, page 58. 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: favourite things, food Board activity Vocabulary poster FESTIVALS - HALLOWEEN 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to Halloween. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit. Observe a picture and find the differences. Carry out small communicative exchanges, asking and answering simple questions. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Observe a Halloween party picture. Ask and answer questions about it, thus generating working hypotheses. Repeat the unit’s vocabulary and structures. Observe and talk about a picture of animals and a witch. Sing and use puppets to perform the actions. Observe the cauldron pictures and find the differences between them. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Colour the line of objects according to the text (AB, page 30). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Owl, witch, ghost, bat, pumpkin, spider. Review: numbers, Hello!, children, hat. Communicative Structures It’s Halloween, tonight! What’s this?, What colour’s this?, How many…? BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness Learn aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture, for instance, how Halloween is celebrated. Compare the celebration to that in their own country. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Peace Education Development of positive attitudes towards personal relationships. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of cooperation to organize activities in which people around us take part. Multicultural Education Development of positive attitudes towards habits and traditions which are different from ours. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Music Students sing a song related to Halloween (CB, page 61). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: witch, ghost, spider, pumpkin. Bats; numbers. Photocopy Master 28 (Colour, cut out and make a witch) Photocopy Master 27 (Colour the edges of the pictures) Activity Book: page 30. Extension Activities Teacher’s Book: page 125 (The witches game) page 127 (My Halloween) FESTIVALS - CHRISTMAS 1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Recognize and use the unit’s vocabulary, which is related to Christmas. Generate hypotheses to guess the different aspects of the unit. Carry out small communicative exchanges, asking and answering simple questions. Sing a song, performing the actions mentioned in it. Self-evaluation of the student’s own progress and work. 2 – CONTENTS BLOCK 1 – Listening , speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Observe a picture of Christmas in England. Ask and answer questions about it, thus generating working hypotheses. Repeat the unit’s vocabulary and structures. Observe and talk about a picture of presents and Santa Claus. Ask and answer questions about it. Sing a song. Find the way of a labyrinth so that Santa Claus finds his stocking. BLOCK 2 – Reading and Writing PROCEDURES Read the characters’ sentences and match their content with the presents picture by means of a line (page 31). BLOCK 3 – Thinking about the Language and Getting to Know it through Its Use CONCEPTS Vocabulary Santa Claus, Christmas tree, presents, stocking, bell, star, Christmas decorations, sleigh, Christmas card, snowflake, reindeer, riding, gifts.. Review: boy, girl, I’ve got a…, ball, kite, car, pen, book, toys, favourite things. Communicative Structures Look! It’s Santa Claus. BLOCK 4 – Social and Cultural Aspects and Intercultural Awareness Learn aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture, for instance, how Christmas is celebrated. Compare the celebration to that in their own country. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES See introduction: General aspects of the contribution of foreign language learning to basic competences. iv. Social and Civic Competence – Knowing a language implies knowing the characteristics and social facts linked to the speakers of that language that can be dealt with alongside the unit. Peace Education Development of positive attitudes towards personal relationships. Moral and Civic Education Students learn the importance of cooperation to organize activities in which people around us take part. Multicultural Education Development of positive attitudes towards habits and traditions which are different from ours. 4.- CONNECTION WITH OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS Music Sing a Christmas carol (CB, page 63). 5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Review Activities TPR Flashcards: Santa Claus, stockings, presents, bell, Christmas tree, numbers. Photocopy Master 27 (Paint and cut a snowflake.) Photocopy Masyer 28 (paint the edges of the pictures) Activity Book: page 31. Extension Activities Teacher’s Book: page 129 (My Christmas) page 131 (What do you want for Christmas?) CLASSROOM PROGRAMME –COOL KIDS! 1: YEAR 2010/2011* *Each centre will have to adapt this programme to its own situation and timetable. THE SESSIONS ARE APPROXIMATELY 45’ LONG. TEACHERS WILL ADAPT THIS TO THEIR TIMETABLE AND CLASS LEVEL Introduction Rosie and Jack / Zipadee Objectives Ses Introduce Cool Kids to the students and sion motivate them. 1 Introduce numbers 1 to 10 and learn a chant with numbers 1 to 10. Count groups of 1 to 10 objects. Practise numbers 1 to 10. Activities TB p. 26 / Class Book Getting started. -T: “Hello!”Encourage Ss to answer. -T introduces the new English book to the students and explains the activities they will be doing throughout the course. Show them different pages of the book. CB, p. 2-3 L1 L2 Listen and point -T puts the flashcards in visible parts of the classroom. T says numbers 1 to 12; Ss repeat them. -T plays the chant; Ss listen. -Ss listen to the chant once again, and point to the flashcards. -T: “Open your books at page two”. T presents the Rosie and Jack characters to the Ss. -Ss listen to the chant again and point to the numbers of the houses as they hear them. CB pág. 3. Count and say. Match -Ss look closely at the picture that appears at the bottom. Conversation with Ss about the subject of the picture. -Ss count the boxes and say the number of boxes there are in each pile. -Ss join the piles with the numbers. While they do so, T. asks them: “What number’s this?” TB p. 3.Finishing -Play with the Ss at “What number is it?”. -T shows a flashcard with a number. T says the numbers aloud. Ss remain in silence until they hear the number on the flashcard. When they hear it, they repeat it. * Reinforcement activities Skills L /S 2. L /S L /S 4. L/S Interaction T /Ss Time 5-10’ 2. T /Ss 10-15’ 3 T /Ss 3. 15’ 4. T /Ss 4. Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Flashcards of numbers 1 to 10. -Colour pencils. -Cd with music the students may like 10- 5-10’ - Practise numbers 1 to 10. - Practise numbers 1 to 10. - Practise numbers 1 to 10. Introduction. Rosie and Jack / Zipadee Objectives Ses Revise the chant of numbers 1 to 10 from sion the previous session. 2 Make some cards to practise the numbers from 1 to 10. Introduce and practise name?” , “I’m (Juan)”. “What’s your -AB p. 2 Trace. Count and colour. Ss count and colour the number of flowers indicated. -TB p. 27 Pass the flashcard. Ss sit in a circle. T hands out three or four flashcards and plays music. Ss pass them on until the music stops. When the music stops, the Ss holding the flashcards have to call out the number they have. * Extension activities -TB p. 27 Missing numbers Ss? hangs the flashcards on the board placing them in order and in two rows. T takes 2; Ss have to guess which are missing. - R /W -IW -5-10’ -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' Activities TB pág. 28 L1 Getting started -Ss listen to the song and point to the flashcards with the numbers. -T: “Point and say”. Ss sing the song and point to the flashcards. CB, pág. 79 Para jugar -T: “Open your books at page seventy-nine”. Ss cut out the cards and write their name on the back.. -Play “Match the flashcards”. T shows Ss the flashcards with the numbers in no particular order. Ss show them and say the numbers. 7. CB pages 2-3 L2. Rosie and Jack introductions -T: “I’m (name) What’s your name?” Practise with the Ss. -T: “Look at page two. This is Rosie. This is Jack. Let’s listen to Rosie and Jack”. -T asks Ss what they think Rosie and Jack say to each other. Ss listen to the register again. -Make two groups. Rosie's group says phrases 1,3,5 and 7; Jack's group: phrases 2,4 and 6. Exchange roles. -T writes numbers 6 and 7 on the board. T: Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss 6. 15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Flashcards of numbers 1 to 10. -Scissors for each student. -Students' folders. “Who’s six? (Rosie) Who’s seven? (Jack)” Practise “What’s your name? I’m (Rosie) How old are you? I’m (six)”. Practise “What’s your name? I’m (Rosie) How old are you? I’m (six)”. Introduction. Rosie and Jack / Zipadee Objectives Ses sion - Practise numbers from1 to 10. 2 (Co ntin - Practise numbers from 1 to 10. ued ) - Practise numbers from 1 to 10. 8. TB p. 29.Para practicar -Sacar dos Ss a la pizarra: “You’re Jack. You’re Rosie” Ss answer the questions regarding name and age as if they were one of the characters of the book. TB p. 29 Finishing -T asks each student: “What’s your name? How old are you?”. 8. L / S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 3 Find and write. Ss siguen los caminos y escriben los números en las puertas correspondientes. -TB p. 29 Circle the numbers. Ss escriben 4 números del 1 al 10. T va diciendo números; Ss rodean los que tienen. El primer Ss que los ha rodeado todos levanta la mano y los dice. * Extension activities -TB p. 29 What number’s this? Hacer parejas. Ss mezclan sus tarjetas y las ponen en un montón boca abajo. S1 levanta una tarjeta sin que S2 la vea. S2 ha de intentar adivinar quién es en menos de 3 intentos. Si acierta se la queda. Después es el turno de S2. Skills Interaction Time - R /W -IW -5-10’ -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' Material Introducction. Rosie and Jack / Zipadee Objectives Ses Revise greetings and the questions: sion “What’s your name?” and “How old are 3 you?” Practise identification of numbers 1 to 10. Introduce colours' vocabulary: “Blue, white, green, purple, pink, red, orange, brown, yellow, black”. Practise identifying the colours. Practise oral comprehension of the colours. . Activities TB p. 30 Getting started -T: “Hello!” Ss answer. -T walks around the class pretending not to know the Ss: “What’s your name? How old are you?”. TB, p. 30 Para practicar -T hangs the flashcards of numbers 1 to 10 on the board. T points at numbers 1 to 10. Ss repeat them. Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 10’ 12. CB pages 4-5 L3. Listen and point. Chant -Explain to the Ss that they will be learning the colours. Ask them what colours they know already. -Hang the flashcards on the board in the same order as they come in the book. T says the names of the colours. Ss repeat them. . -L3. T: “Let’s say the colour chant!”. Ss listen to the colours and point at the corresponding flashcards. -T: “Open your books at page four”. Comment the picture with the Ss. Introduce the Zipadee character. I: “Magic lamp”. T puts on the Zipadee hand puppet.: “What’s this?” Puppet: “It’s a lamp!”. -Play L3 again; Ss follow it. 13. CB p. 5.Para practicar -T: “Open your books at page 5”. Ask Ss to look at the numbers: “What number’s this? (one) What colour’s number one? (Red)”. Ss point at the parts of the picture marked with a 1. -While they are doing the activity, T asks Ss: “What colour’s this?”. TB pág. 31 Finishing -Each S takes a colour pencil and stands up. T asks a S to say a colour; all Ss holding that colour sit down and put their things away, preparing to go home. Continue until they are all 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 15’ 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Flashcards with numbers 1 to 10. -Flashcards with the colours . -Poster: “Magic Lamp” -Zipadee.hand puppet. -Colour pencils. Additional material: -Glue -A photocopy of page 30 of the PMB for each student. -Mini-cards with the colours. 13. L /S 13. T /Ss – IW 13. 15’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5-10’ 10- seated. Introduction. Rosie and Jack / Zipadee Objetcives Ses sion - Practise the colours. 3 (Co ntin - Practise the colours. ued ) - Practise oral comprehension of the colours. Introduction. Rosie and Jack / Zipadee Objectives Ses Revise the colours' song from session 3. sion 4 Elaborar unas tarjetas para practicar los colores. Introduce Zipadee. Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 4 Colour. Say the colour. Look closely at the pictures of fruits with the Ss. T: “What colour’s this?”. -TB p. 31 Kim’s game. T puts the flashcards with the colours on the board. Ask the Ss to look at them and try to remember the names of the colours in English. T takes down the flashcards from the board and asks Ss which they remember. Skills Interaction Time Material - R /W -T / Ss - IW -10-15’ -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ * Extension activities -TB p. 31 Matching game. Ss put the colour pencils on the desks. T shows them a flashcard and the Ss have to pick up the pencil with the right colour and say the name of the colour. . - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' Actividades 15. TB p. 32 L3 Getting started -T puts the colour flashcards in the same order as they appear in the book. T plays the chant again. T:“Listen and point”. -T: “Point and say”. 16. CB, p. 77 Para jugar -T: “Open your books at page seventy-seven”. Ss cut out the cards and write their name behind. -Play “Match the flashcards”. T shows the Ss the colour flashcards in no particular order. Ss show them and say. CB p. 4-5 L4. Listen. -Discuss the picture with the Ss and introduce the character of Zipadee. -Ss listen to L4 and point at the character as each Skills 15. L /S Interaction 15. T /Ss Time 15. 5-10’ 16. L /S 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ 10- 17. L /S 17. T /Ss 17. 15’ 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Flashcards with numbers from 1 to 10. -Flashcards with the colours . -Scissors for each student. - Zipadee puppet. -Colour pencils. -Students' folders. Practise greeting: “Hello” and introduction: “I’m (Juan)”. Practise oral comprehension of the colours. - Practise the colours and numbers from 1 to 10. - Practise the colours. - Practise oral comprehension of the colours. one speaks.señalan el personaje que habla en cada momento. -Make three groups: Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. Play the el registro; each group says its part. Change roles. 18. TB p. 33.Para practicar -T puts on the Zipadee. Hand puppet. T: “Hello. I’m Zipadee!” Ss answer: “Hello; Zipadee! I’m (Juan)”. 19. TB p. 33 Finishing -Each S takes a colour pencil and stands up. A S says a colour, whoever has that colour, sits down. Continue until they are all seated. -Farewell from the puppet to the Ss: “Bye!”. * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 5 Colour. Say the colour. Practicse the numbers with the Ss. Ss paint each number in a different colour and paint the drawing following the code they chose. While they are colouring, T asks : “What number’s this? What colour’s this?” -PMB p. 30 L4 Finger Puppets Make the Jack, Rosie and Zipadee finger puppets. Use the puppets to act out the dialogue in L4, making three groups. * Extension activities -TB p. 33 Snap Play Snap in pairs, with the colours' cards. 18. L /S 18. T /Ss 18. 10’ 19. L /S 19. T /Ss 14. 5-10’ - R /W -T / Ss - IW -10-15’ -L /S -T/Ss -10-15’ - L /S -T/Ss – PW -10' Unit 1. Toys Objetivos Ses Introduce the context in Unit 1 (toys). sion 1 2. Introduce the toys' vocabulary: teddy, kite, ball, doll, robot”. “Car, 3. Practise vocabulary. toys' identification 4. Practise oral expression of toys. - Practise the toys. of comprehension and Activities 1. TB p. 34 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts up the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the classroom and puts away the toys' flashcards. en un lugar visible del aula y guarda las flashcards de los juguetes en ella. T puts on the Zipadee finger puppet and hides it behind her/his back. -T points at the poster : “Hello! Look! It’s a magic lamp”. Show the Zipadee puppet: “Hello, I’m Zipadee” Ss answer: “Hello, I’m (Jose)”. -Tell the Ss they will be starting a new unit today. T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Get a flashcard to come out of the lamp: “Look, it’s a (teddy)” Ss have to guess the topic of the unit. When they have done so, ask them what words they think they will be learning. 2. CB, p 6 L5 L6 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T pulls out from the lamp the flashcards with the new words using the Zipadee puppet, T says them aloud and puts them on the board in the same order as they appear in the book. -Look at and discuss the picture with the Ss-L5 “Listen and point”. Ss listen to the words and point at them. -L6 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and repeat it. 3. AB p. 7. Find and Draw. Say. -Ask Ss what they think they're supposed to do. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks: “What’s this? What colour’s this?”. TB p. 35.Finishing -Ask a S to take a flashcard from the board and give it to Zipadee in order to put it back into the lamp. Zipadee asks: “What’s this?” Ss answer. * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 6 Draw and colour. Say. Ss completae the drawings, colour them and Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Flashcards with toys. -Colour pencils. - Zipadee puppet. “Magic Lamp” poster Additional material: -Flashcards with toys. 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L / S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ - L /S -IW -10-15’ - Practise the toys' vocabulary. Separate the toys'vocabulary.orally. syllables in Unit 1 Toys. Objectives Ses Revise the toys' vocabulary. sion 2 Make some cards to practise the toys' vocabulary. Practise oral vocabulary. comprehension 8. Practise the toys' vocabulary. of toys' say the names of the toys. While Ss work, T asks:: “What’s this? What colour’s this?”. -TB p. 35 What’s missing? T puts the 6 flashcards with toys on the board. “Close your eyes”. T takes down one of the flashcards. T: “Open your eyes”. Ss have to say what's missing. * Extension activities -TB p. 33 Syllables Help Ss say the words counting the syllables. Activities 5. TB p. 6 Getting started. -T puts up the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible place of the classroom and puts away the flashcards with the toys. T puts on the Zipadee finger puppet and hides it behind her/his back. -T points at the poster: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Use the puppet to pull out a flashcard: “Look, it’s a (doll)”. Repeat with all the flashcards, getting the Ss to name the toys. 6. TB pá36 / CB, p 75 Para preparar el juego. -Ss prepare the cards with the toys to create a game. . CB p.8/ CB p. 64 L7. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (ball)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Repeat with all the cards. -Revise with the Ss the numbers from 1 to 6. Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” Play L7. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First they show the corresponding object and then they listen and place the card in the right box. -Correct on the board. T: “One. It’s a robot”. CB p 8.Match and say. -Ss say what they think they are supposed to do. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks: “What’s this?”. -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. L /S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -“Magic Lamp” poster. -Flashcards with the toys. -Flashcards with the numbers from 1 to 10. -Colour pencils. - Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student. -Students' folders. -Toys' mini-cards. Practise oral vocabulary. expression of toys' - Practise the toys. - Practse toys' vocabulary. - Oral practice of toys' vocabulary and numbers from 1 to 6. Unit 1. Toys Objectives Ses Prepare and motivate students to listen to sion a story. 3 Listen to a story in English. Overall comprehension of the story. Answer questions about the story. TB pág. 37 Finishing -Ss write their names on the back of the cards and put them away in their folders. Ss say goodby to the toys: “Bye, (teddy)”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 37 Match the flashcards. Each S takes a toy and stands up. T says the name of a toy, the Ss who have it have to raise the card and say “same!”. -TB p. 37 Pelmanism Ss play in pairs using two sets of cards with toys, shuffling them and putting them face down on the table. S1 picks two and names them, if they coincide, S keeps them. If they don't, they are left in their place again. They play in turns. * Extension activities -TB p. 37 Matching boards Form pairs. Each S puts 3 toys' cards in the chart on page 64. S1 gives her/his position to S2, and the other way around. Then they compare their charts. 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L /S -PW -10’ - L /S -PW -10' Activities 10. TB p. 38 L8 Getting started. -T puts on the Zipadee finger puppet and greets the Ss. Explain they will be listening to a story about Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Introduce the magic song to the Ss with the following actions: *One, two, three. Raise one, two and three fingers. *For you and me. Point at the students and at yourself. -Ss try to say the song and repeat the gestures. 11. TB p 38 / CB, p. 9 L8 Listen to the story. -Look at the story in the book with the Ss. Ss explain in LL1 what they think this story is about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 9. Material -CB -AB -CD 1 - Zipadee puppet. -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee Additional material: -Flashcards with the toys. 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. Oral practise of the phrases in the unit story. Reinforce Zipadee.'s magic song. until the end and follow it in the book pointing at the frames. -T plays the story again and stops in each frame. Ask comprehension questions: 1 and 6 “Are Rosie and Jack big or small?” (Small/ Big) 2, 3, 4 and 5 “What’s this?” “A (car)” -T: Listen and repeat”. Play the story and pause for Ss to repeat the phrases. TB p.39/ CB p. 9. Para trabajar la historia. -T: “Listen and answer”. T says phrases from the story. Ss have to say the number of the corresponding frame. TB p. 39 /CB p. 9.Act it out. -Make three groups: Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. -Change roles. . 14. TB p. 39 L8 Finishing -Play the Zipadee song. Ss try to say it following the recording.. -Zipadee says goodbye “Bye!” Ss: “Bye, Zipadee!”. 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ Unit 1. Toys Objectives Ses sion - Practise the toys' vocabulary. 3 (Co ntin ued ) - Identify the beginning, middle and end of the story in the unit. el nodo - Practise written comprehension of the toys' vocabulary. Unit 1. Toys Objectives Ses Recall the names of the toys. sion 4 Identify the toys in the story of the unit. Distinguish which toys appear or not in the unit story. Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 39 What’s missing? Play “What’s missing?” with the flashcards with toys' vocabulary. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L /S -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10' Activities 15. TB p. 40 Getting started. -Play with the Ss “Name the flashcards”. T puts the toys' flashcards on the board; Ss say the names. Ss close their eyes and T turns a flashcard round. Ss say all the toys again. T turns the flashcards round one by one until all of them are out of sight and Ss say them by heart. 16. CB, pág. 9-10 L8 Find. -Play the story in L8 for Ss to recall it. -T: Open your books at page ten”. Explain the Ss what the activity is about. -Look for the first one with the Ss: “What’s this? Look at the story. Where’s the (teddy)?” -While the Ss do it, T asks around the classroom. va preguntando por el aula. Skills 15. L /S Interaction 15. T /Ss Time 15. 5-10’ 16. L /S 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ 10- 17. CB p. 9-10 Circle. -Do number 1 with the Ss. T: “Look at the pictures. What’s this? Is this car in the story?”. -Ss carry out the activity. 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 10- * Extension activities -TB p.39 Story Structure Identify with the Ss the beginning, middle and ending of the story in the unit. -AB pág. 7 Trace and match Ss trace the words with a pencil and match them with the pictures. Material Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Flashcards with the toys. Additional material: -1 photocopy of page 1 of the Photocopy Master Book 1 for each student. -Scissors for each student. -Colour pencils. -Glue for each student. Oral practise of the phrases of the unit story. - Reinforce the comprehension of the story in the unit. -Practise written vocabulary. expression of toys' CB p. 9 L8 Finishing. -Divide the group-class in 6 groups and assign a number to each group. Play L8. Pause after each frame for the corresponding group to repeat the phrase and act out the actions in the assigned frame. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p 1 L8 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames in the story . Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check if it's in the right order. * Extension activities -AB p. 8 Colour and say. Write. Talk over with the Ss how the activity should be done. Ss colour the dotted area and write the words in the corresponding place. 18. L /S 18. T /Ss 18. 15’ 10- - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10-15' Unit 1. Toys Objectives Ses Reinforce oral comprehension of toys' sion vocabulary. 5 Prepare the students to listen to a song in English. Sing a song in English. Practise the language of the song. Practise farewells and toys' vocabulary. Activities TB p 42 Getting started. -Hand out one of the 6 toys' flashcards to each of the 6 Ss. -T names the toys one by one and the S that has it stands up. -The same procedure with other Ss. 20. CB, p. 11 Para preparar la canción. -T: “Open your books at page 11” Point at one of the three toys in the main picture.l: “What’s this? What colour is it? Is it big or small?”. Do the same with the other toys. 21. CB p. 11 L9 Sing. -Comment the picture of the girl with the Ss. -Play L9. T acts out the lyrics for Ss to understand the song. *I’ve got a car. T points at him/herself and pretends to drive a car. *It’s small. T uses hands to indicate small. *I’ve got a kite. T points at her/himself and draws a rhombus in the air. *It’s big. T uses hands to indicate big. *I’ve got a ball. T points and draws a circle in the air. -Play L9. Again. Encourage Ss to act out the actions. -Volver a poner L9. Animar a los Ss a cantar. CB pág. 11L 10 Colour. Sing. -Look at the toys with the Ss. Ask what they think they are supposed to do and what colour they think they have to colour the toys. -Ss colour the toys. -T: “What colour’s the (ball)?” -L10. Ss use the pictures to change the stanzas of the song. 23. TB pág. 43 Finishing - Ss say goodby to the toys. Zipadee shows one of the flashcards and Ss say: “Bye, (teddy)!” Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 - Zipadee puppet -Toys' flashcards -Colour pencils 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 5-10’ 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ 10- 22. L /S 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5’ Additional material: -A photocopy of page 2 of the PMB for each student. -A photocopy of page 3 of the PMB for each cada alumno. -Scissors for each student. -Students' folders. Unit 1. Toys Objectives Ses sion - Practise distinguishing objects, colours 5 and sizes. (Co ntin ued ) -Oral practice of structures: “I’ve got a (car). It’s (brown). It’s (small)”. Activities * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 2 Colour and cut. Ss colour the toys and cut out the cards. . -L9. Ss listen to the song and raise the corresponding cards as they hear them. -TB p.43 Chinese Whispers Make two teams of about five Ss standing in a row. T whispers a different line of the song to the first S of each team. The first S whispers what he hears to the second one and so on. If the last S of the row repeats the line correctly, a point is awarded to his/her team. Then the first S in each row moves to the end of the row, and the game begins again. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ Material * Extension activities - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the unit song. Unit 1. Toys Objectives Ses Recall the song in the unit. sion 6 -PMB p. 3 L9 Write. Sing. Complete the lyrics of the song with the Ss using the words provided in a list. Sing the song again with the Ss. Activities 24. TB p. 44 L9 Getting started. -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. -Divide the group-class in three groups and assign a stanza per group. Each group sings its stanza. . Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Flashcards with the toys - Colour pencils . Introduce and practise the actions: “Turn around” and “jump”. Get to know information about the toys of a British child. Draw their favourite toy. Reinforce the orders introduced in this session. Unit 1. Toys Objectives Ses sion -Make a poster about toys with personal 6 photographs and drawings. (Co ntin ued 25. CB pág. 12 L11 Listen and play. -I: “Turn around” and “Jump”. T acts them out and asks Ss to imitate him/her. -T: “Open your books at page 12”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. Explain that Zipadee does magic for the children to do the actions but only when they hear the words “Zipadee says” before the order. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. Choose the orders: “Point to...” and “Look at...”. 26. CB pág. 12 Draw. -T shows the CB pointing at the “My World”section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photograph. Discuss the photograph with the Ss. -Talk about the differences between this bedroom and their own. -Talk about the British boys and girls' different hair colour. -Put the 6 toys' flashcards on the board..T: “What’s your favourite toy?” Explain that they have to draw it in the blank space. -While the Ss draw, T asks around the class : “What’s your favourite toy?” -When they finish, they show their drawings and say : “I’ve got a (ball)”. TB p. 45 L11 Finishing. -T puts on the Zipadee puppet and plays L11. Ss carry out the actions as they listen. 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ 10- 26. L /S 26. T /Ss – IW 26. 25’ 20- 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 45 My World Poster T puts up the “My World” poster where Ss can see it properly. Comment that they'll be putting the photos and drawings of their favourite toys in the centre. They can label them with a water- Skills Interaction Time - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -“My World” poster -Photos and drawings of toys brought by the students. -Blue tack Masa adhesiva -Water-soluble felt tip pen -1 photocopy of p. 4 of the PMB for each student. -A big sheet of paper for each student. -Scissors for each student -Glue Material ) soluble felt tip pen, that can later be erased when they make another poster. -Practise the written expression of toys' vocabulary. -Practise written comprehension of the names of the toys. Unit 1. Toys Objectives Ses Prepare the Ss for a revision of the work sion done throughout the unit. 7 Revise the toys' vocabulary. Revise the questions: “What’s your name?” and “How old are you?”. Revise the structure “I’ve got a (car)”. * Extension activities -AB p. 9 Write. Ss fill in the crossword. -PMB p. 4 Pupil’s posters. Cut. T puts the toys' flashcards on the board and writes the names above. T turns the flashcards around and Ss say what toys they are reading the names. -Ss make a poster of the toys using a big sheet of paper with the cards on page 4 of the PMB and their drawings. Activities 28. TB p. 46 Getting started. -T puts up the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the classroom and puts away the flashcards in the lamp. T: “Hello! It’s the Magic Lamp!” T shows the puppet: “Look! It’s Zipadee!”. -Explain to the Ss that today they will review what they have done throughout the unit. -Zipadee pulls out the toys' flashcards one by one; Ss identify them. 29. TB p. 46 Para revisar A -T calls six Ss to the board and numbers them with the rest of the group-class. -Using the Zipadee puppet, ask each of the Ss: “What’s your name?” and “ How old are you?”. -T hands out a toys' flashcard to each student.. In turns, they show their flashcard and say “I’ve got a (car)”. -Repeat with other Ss. -R /W -IW -5-10’ -R/W -IW -10-15’ Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 15’ 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -“Magic Lamp” poster -Flashcards with the toys - Zipadee puppet -Colgantes de los juguetes -Rubber stamps -Colour pencils - Portfolio binders -Vocabulary poster Revise the adjectives: “big” and “small”. Make a picture dictionary with the toys' vocabulary. Practise the pronunciation of the toys' vocabulary. Students self-evaluate throughout the unit. Unit 1. Toys Objectives Ses * Make the Portfolio. sion 7 (Co ntin ued ) -Reinforce toys' vocabulary. their work 30. TB pág. 46 Para revisar B. -T draws on the board: two circles, two squares and two triangles, a small one and a big one of each, and the numbers from 1 to 6. -T calls a S to the board: “Point to number (five). Is it big or small?”. Same procedure with the other Ss. 31. CB p. 13 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While Ss engage in the activity, T can ask around: “What’s this?” Ss: “(It’s a) (Doll)”. -Optional: Ss can trace the words with a pencil. -T can stamp the work of the Ss with the rubber stamps (bottom right of page 13) CB p. 13 L 12 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to the six words at different speed in groups of three and then repeat them. 30. L /S 30. T /Ss 30. 5-10’ 31. L/S/R/W 31. T /Ss - IW 31. 10’ 32. L /S 32. T /Ss 32. 10’ CB p. 13 Circle and colour. -T introduce face expressions : “Look! Sad. Look! OK. Look! Happy!”. -Before the Ss self-evaluate,the activities done throughout the unit can be recalled. 33. L /S /R 33. T /Ss – IW 33. 5-10’ Activities Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they could draw their favourite toys, or look for pictures and photographs of these to make a poster. If you want them to practise writing, they can label the pictures. Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 10-20’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 47 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible place in the classroom. Two Ss compete to see who finds the toy first. : “Find the (doll)”. Repeat with other Ss. Revision can also include finding hidden colours and numbers. Material -Recall the lyrics of the song in the unit. * Extension activities -TB p. 47 L9 Extension. T asks Ss to say what the song was about. T asks them to say words they remember from the song. T writes them on the board. Play the song, Ss sing it and perform the actions. -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Ses 1. Introduce the context of Unit 2 sion school). 1 (the 2. Introduce the school objects' vocabulary: “book, ruler, pen, bag, pencil, rubber”. 3. Practise identifying the school objects' vocabulary. 4. Practise oral comprehension expression of school objects. - Practise identifying school objects. and Activities 1. TB p. 48 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible place of the classroom and puts away the flashcards with school objects. T puts on the Zipadee finger puppet and hides it behind her/his back. -T points at the poster: “Hello! Look! It’s a magic lamp”. Show the Zipadee puppet: “Hello, I’m Zipadee” Ss answer: “Hello, I’m (Jose)”. -Tell the Ss they will be starting a new unit today. T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Pull out a flashcard from the lamp: “Look, it’s a (ruler)” Ss have to guess what the unit topic is. When they have guessed, ask them what words they think they will be learning. 2. CB, p 14 L13 L14 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T pulls out the flashcards with the new words from the lamp using the Zipadee puppet and saying them out loud as she hangs them on the board in the same order as the book. -Look at and discuss the picture with the Ss. -L13 “Listen and point”. Ss listen to the words and point at them. -L14 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and say it. 3. AB p. 15. Draw and match. Say. -Ask the Ss what they think they are supposed to do. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks them: “What’s this? What colour’s this?”. TB pág. 49.Finishing -Ask a S to pick a flashcard from the board and give it to Zipadee to put it back into the lamp. Zipadee asks: “What’s this?” Ss answer.. * Reinforcement activities -AB p 10 Join the dots and say. Ss join the dots and say the names of the school objects. While Ss work, T asks them : Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L / S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ - L /S -IW -10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Flashcards with school objects -Colour pencils - Zipadee puppet. -“Magic Lamp” poster - Practise shool objects' vocabulary. - Practise the starting sound of the words of school objects' vocabulary. ar. Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Se Revise colours' vocabulary. ssi on 2 Make cards to practise the school objects' vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension of the school objects' vocabulary. 8. Practicse the school objects' and colours' vocabulary . “What’s this?” Ss: “It’s a (bag)”. -TB p. 49 Guess the flashcard Ss place the school objects that were introduced, on the table. T holds up a flashcard without allowing Ss to see it. Ss raise one of the objects on their table. Ask a S to say the name of the object. Repeat with all the objects. . * Extension activities -TB p. 49 Sounds and words Practise the initial sounds of the words in the school objects' vocabulary with the Ss. . Activities 5. TB p. 50 Getting started. -T lifts one of the colours' flashcards over her head without looking at it. T says the colours. Ss repeat it when it is the same colour that's on the flashcard, if it is not, they keep silent. 6. TB pá 50 / CB, pág. 73 Para preparar el juego. -Ss prepare the cards with school objects to make a game. 7. CB p16/ CB pág. 64 L15. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (book)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Same procedure with all the cards. -Revise the colours with the Ss. Place the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” Play L7. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First, they show the corresponding object and then they listen and put the card in the box with the corresponding colour. -Correct on the board. T: “Blue. It’s a pen”. CB p. 16. Match and colour. Say. -T points at the colours: “What colour’s this?”. -T points at the objects : “What’s this?”. -Ss draw the lines and paint the objects. -While Ss do the activity, T asks: “What’s this?” -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. L /S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 - “Magic Lamp” poster. -Flashcards of the toys . -Flashcards of the colours . -Colour pencils - Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student. -Students' folders. -Glue. -A big sheet of paper for each student. -Mini-cards with school objects. -One photocopy of page 25 of the PMB for each student Ss: “It’s a (purple) (pen)”. Practise oral expression of school objects' vocabulary. - Practise oral comprehension of school objects' vocabulary. - Create a poster with the school objects' vocabulary. - Oral practice of school objects' and colours' vocabulary. 9. TB p. 51 Finishing -Ss write their names on the back of the cards and put them away in their folders. Ss say goodbye to the school objects: “Bye, (book)”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 51 Match the flashcards. Each S takes a mini-card and stands up. T names a school object and the S that has it has to raise the card and say “same!”. * Extension activity -PMB p. 25 Pupil’s posters. Cut Ss make a poster with a big sheet of paper with the words on page 25 of the PMB and the pictures. -TB p. 51 Matching boards Make pairs. Each S puts 3 toys' cards on the chart on page 64. S1 tells S2 his/her positions and the other way round. They later compare their charts. 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L /S /R -IW -15-20’ - L /S -PW -10' Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Ses Prepare and motivate students to listen to sion a story. 3 Listen to a story in English. Overall comprehension of the story. Answer questions about the story. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. Oral practice of the phrases of the story in the unit. Practise oral comprehension language in the unit. of the Activities 10. TB p. 52 L16 Getting started. -T puts on the Zipatee puppet and greets the Ss. Explain they will be listening to a story about Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Play the magic song; Ss chant the formula and act it out. 11. TB p. 52 / CB, p. 17 L16 Listen to the story. -Look closely at the story in the book with the Ss. Ss explain in LL1 what they think the story is about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story until the end and follow it in the book pointing out the frames. -T plays the story again and stops in each frame. Ask comprehension questions : 1. “Who’s this?” (Jack and Rosie) 2. “How many pencils?” (Six pencils) 3. “Who’s this?” (Jack and Rosie) 4. “How many pens?” (Eight pens) 5. “Who’s this?” (Jack and Rosie) 6. “How many rubbers?” (Five rubbers) -T: Listen and repeat”. Play the story and pause for Ss to repeat the phrases. 12. TB p.52/ CB p. 17. Para trabajar la historia. -T: “Listen and answer”. T says phrases from the story. Ss have to say the corresponding frame number Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ 13. TB p. 53 /CB p. 16.Act it out. -Make three groups: Jack, Rosie y Zipadee. -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. -Change roles. 14. TB p. 53 Finishing -With the Zipadee puppet, T asks the Ss: “Have you got (three books) / (two red pencils)?”. Ss answer. -Zipadee says goodbye to the Ss: “Bye!” Ss: “Bye, Zipadee!”. 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 - Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectivoes Ses sion - Practise school objects and colours' 3 vocabulary. (Co ntin ued ) - Oral discrimination of words in the story. - Practise written comprehension and expression of the school objects' vocabulary. Activities * Reinforcement activities -CB p. 17 Story categories T explains to the Ss that they will be looking for different things in the story. T asks Ss to look for the characters. T asks them to look for the school objects. Ss name them and T writes them on the board. T asks them to look for the following objects and say what colour they are: “Pencil-blue”, “pen-green”, “Rubber-blue and white”. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -10’ * Extension activities -TB p.53 L16 Remembering the story Ask the Ss tp sau wjat wprds they remember from the story. T writes them on the board. Play L16. Ss listen and raise their hand each time they hear one of the words they said. -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10-15' -AB p. 11 Read and draw. Write. Ss read the words in the snakes. They draw what it says and say what they have drawn. Material Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Sesi Recall the school objects' vocabulary. ón 4 Identify school ojects in the unit story. Count the number of objects. Practise oral comprehension language in the unit. of the - Reinforce comprehension of the unit story. -Oral practice of the structures : “What’s this? (Three) pencils”. Activities 15. TB p. 54 Getting started. -Play “Name the flashcards” with the Ss. T puts the school objects' flashcards on the board. Ss say the names. Ss shut their eyes and T turns round a flashcard. Ss say all the objects again. T turns round the flashcards one by one, until they are all out of sight and Ss say them by heart. 16. CB, p. 17-18 L16 Find. -Play the story in L8 for Ss to remember it. -T: Open your books at page ten”. Explain to the Ss what the activity is about. -Look for the first one with the Ss: “What’s this? Look at the story. Where’s the (pencil)?” -While the Ss are doing so, T asks around the class. 17. CB p. 17-18 Circle. -Look at the pictures. T asks: “How many (pencils)? What colour?”. -Ss have to circle the number of objects that appeared in the story. -Correct the activity with the Ss. TB p. 54 Finishing. -Divide the group-class in 4 groups and assign an answer to activity 17 for each group. T says: “Six blue pencils”. The Ss of each group stand up when they hear the name of their object, ready to leave the class. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 5 L16 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames in the story. Ss try to order the frames by heart. Listen to the story and check if they put it in the right order. -TB p. 55 Board game T draws 3 pencils on the board : “What’s this?”. T hands out a sheet of paper to each S and Skills 15. L /S Interaction 15. T /Ss Time 15. 5-10’ 16. L /S 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ 10- 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 10- 18. L /S 18. T /Ss 18. 15’ 10- - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - L /S - T /Ss -10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Toys flashcards Additional material: -1 photocopy of page 5 of the Photocopy Master Book 1 for each student. -Scissors for each student -Colour pencils -Glue for each student -Two sheets of paper for each student . -Toys flashcards asks them to draw between 1 and 4 pencils. T draws 1 pencil on the board. : “What’s this?”: The S that draws the same number wins a point. Same procedure with other school objects. -Classificy vocabulary from semantic fields of toys and school objects. . Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Ses Reinforce the oral comprehension of the sion school objects vocabulary. 5 Prepare the students for listening to a song in English. Sing a song in English. - L /S -T /Ss - IW -10-15' Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 5-10’ * Extension activities -AB p. 12 Read and draw. Ask Ss to say the name of the toys they learned. T shows the corresponding flashcards. Do the same thing with school objects. T shows a flashcard: “Toys or School?” -Ss draw the words individually. T asks around the class : “What’s this? Toys or School?” Activities TB p. 56 Getting started. -Each S takes a school object and stands up. -T shows a flashcard and says the object . Ss who have the object repeat the name and sit down. Continue until they are all seated. 20. CB, p. 11 Para preparar la canción. -Give Zipadee a ballpoint pen and a ruler. T: “Have you got a ruler?” Zipadee: “Yes, I’ve got a ruler”. T: “Have you got a rubber?” Zipadee: “No”. -The puppet asks some Ss: “Have you got a (book)?” 21. CB p. 19 L17 Sing. -T points at his/her desk: “This is my desk”. Ss imitate T. -T shows a ruler, a ballpoint pen and a schoolbag. T: “What’s this?” Ss: “It’s a ruler” T: Where’s the ruler? It’s on my desk”. Do the same with the ballpoint pen. The schoolbag.will be “under the desk”. -Look at the picture and talk about the school objects they see. . -Ss listen to L17. T acts out the actions in the song. -Play L17 again. Encourage Ss to perform the actions. 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -School objects flashcards -Colour pencils Additional material : -A photocopy of page 6 of the PMB for each student. -One photocopy of page 7 from the PMB for each student. -Scissors for each student. -Students' binders. -Play L17 again. Encourage Ss to sing. Practise the language of the song. Practise farewells and the school objects vocabulary. 22. CB p. 19 L 17 Draw. Sing. -Point at the objects : “What’s this?” Ss: “(It’s a pen)”. -Ss trace the drawings with a pencil. -L18. Ss use the pictures to change the stanzas of the song. 23. TB p. 57 Finishing -T: “Show me a (red pencil)/ (a book)”. Ask them to put them on or under their desk. -T: “If you’ve got a (red pencil) on / under your desk, sit down”. Repeat with other combinations until they are all seated. -Ss say goodbye to Zipadee. 22. L /S 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5-10’ Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Activities Skills * Reinforcement activities Sess -PMB p 6 Song craft. Cut. Fold and cut. ion 5 - Practise oral comprehension of phrases - L /S (Con with the structure: “Put the (book) on / under Ss colour the objects and cut out the cards. tinue the (desk)” T gives orders and Ss put the objects on or d) under the desk. L9. Ss listen to the song and place the objects in the corresponding place according to what they hear in the song. Interaction Time -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -T /Ss -10’ -PMB p. 7 L17 Write. Sing. -L/S/R/W Complete the lyrics of the song with the Ss, using the words provided in the list. Sing the song again with the Ss. -T /Ss -10' Activities 24. TB p. 44 L9 Getting started. -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. -Divide the group-class into three groups and assign a stanza to each group. Each group sings its stanza. Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ -TB p.57 Board Activity -Oral practice of the structures: “What’s -L /S this? It’s a (red pencil) I’ve got a (red Put up the school objects flashcards on the pencil)”. board. Call a S to the board: “What’s this?” Ss. “It’s a (red pencil)” All the Ss who have a red pencil, raise their hand. Get two or three Ss to say: “I’ve got a (red pencil)”. Repeat with other Ss and flashcards. Material * Extension activities - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Sesi Remember the song of the unit. ón 6 Skills 24. L /S Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -School objects flashcards -Colour pencils. Introduce and practise the actions: “Open your book” and “close your book”. Get to know information about the schools of British boys and girls Draw their school objects. Reinforce the orders introduced in the session. Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Ses sion -Make a poster about school objects with 6 the personal drawings and photos. (Co ntin ued ) 25. CB p. 12 L11 Listen and play. -I: “Open your book” and “Close your book”. T acts them out and asks Ss to imitate him/her.. -T: “Open your books at page 20”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. Add the orders: “Point to... , Look at... , turn around, jump”. 26. CB p. 20 Draw. -T shows his/her CB pointing at the “My World” section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photograph. Talk with the Ss about the photograph. -Comment whether British boys and girls use the same school objects as they do. -Comment that many boys and girls in primary British schools wear a uniform. -Put up the 6 school objects flashcards on the board. T: “What’s this?” Explain that they are to draw one in the blank space. -While Ss draw, T asks around the class : “What’s this?” -When they finish, they show their drawings and say: “I’ve got a (book)”. 27. TB p. 59 Finishing. -T puts on the Zipadee puppet and says : “Close your book, (name)” to each S. -Ss say goodbye to Zipadee. 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ 10- 26. L /S 26. T /Ss – IW 26. 25’ 20- 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 59 My World Poster T puts the “My World” poster where Ss can see it properly. Comment that they will put the photographs and drawings of school objects in the center. They can label them with a watersoluble felt pen that can be erased when they Skills Interaction Time - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -“My World” poster. -Photos and drawings of toys brought by the students -blue tack -Water-soluble felt tip pen -1 photocopy of page 8 of the PMB for each student. -A big sheet of paper for each student. -Scissors for each student -Glue Material make a new poster. . -Practise written expression of school objects vocabulary. -Practise written comprehension of the names of the toys. Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Ses Prepare the Ss to revise the work done sion throughout the unit. 7 Revise the school objects vocabulary. . Revise the school objects vocabulary. * Extension activities -AB p. 13 Write. Ss order the letters and write under each picture. -R /W -IW -5-10’ -PMB p. 8 Pupil’s posters. Cut. T puts the school objects flashcards up on the board and writes the names. T turns round the flashcards and Ss say what objects are, reading the names. -Ss make a poster with the school objects in a big sheet of paper with the cards from page 8 of the PMB and their drawings. -R/W -IW -10-15’ Actividades 28. TB p. 60 Getting started. -Play with the Ss “Numbered flashcards”. T puts up on the board the school objects flashcards; Ss say the words. T numbers the flashcards from 1 to 6: ·”What’s number one?” T takes them down from the board and checks if the Ss remember what word each number was. 29. TB p. 60 L14 Para revisar A -T call six Ss to the board and hands out to them the school objects flashcards. -L14. Ss called have to listen to the song, raise their flashcard when they hear the word and put themselves in order with the help of the rest of the class. -L14: Ss point at the objects, clap and chant the Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 15’ 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -School objects flashcards - Zipadee puppet -Colgantes del material escolar -Rubber stamps -Lcolour pencils -Portfolio folders -Vocabulary poster song. Revise prepositions: “on” and “under”. 30. TB p. 60 Para revisar B. -T draws on the board: a desk, on it, a book and a schoolbag and under it, a pencil and a ruler. T: “This is your desk”. -Call a S to the board: : “Point to the ruler. Where’s the ruler?” S: “On / under my desk”. -Same procedure with other objects and students. 31. CB p. 21 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T can ask around: “What’s this?” Ss: “(It’s a) (book)”. -Optional: Ss can trace the words with a pencil. -T can stamp the Ss work with the rubber stamps (bottom right part of page 21) 32. CB p. 21 L 20 Listen and repeat. -In groups of three, Ss listen to the six words at different speeds and repeat them. 30. L /S 30. T /Ss 30. 5-10’ 31. L/S/R/W 31. T /Ss - IW 31. 10’ 32. L /S 32. T /Ss 32. 10’ Realizar una auto evaluación de su trabajo a lo largo de la unidad. 33. CB p. 21 Circle and colour. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can recall the activities done throughout the unit. 33. L /S /R 33. T /Ss – IW 33. 5-10’ Prepare the students for working on a new unit. TB p. 61 Finishing. -Ask the Ss what they like most in unit 2. -Expliain that next session they will revise what they have done so far and that in the following one, they will start a new unit. 34. L /S 34. T /Ss 34. 5`’ Activities * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they could draw their school objects on or under the table. If you want writing practice, they can label the drawings. Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 10-20’ Make a picture dictionary with the school objects vocabulary. . Practicse the pronunciation objects vocabulary. Unit 2. SCHOOL Objectives Ses * Work on the Portfolio. sion 7 (Co ntin ued of school Material ) -Reinforce the school objects vocabulary. Revision. Units 1 and 2 Objectives Onl 1. Reinforce the orders worked on in units y 1 and 2: “Open / Close your book, jump, ses turn around”. sion Revise the toys vocabulary. . and school objects Identify and number objects. Answer the question : “How many (pens)?” Overall understanding of the episode in a comic. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 61 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible part of the classroom. Pick two Ss to compete to see who finds a toy first: “Find a (pencil)”. Same with other Ss. Hidden toys, colours and numbers can also be used to revise. Activities 1. TB p. 62 Getting started. -T puts on the Zipadee puppet: “Hello!” Ss: “Hello, Zipadee!” -Play “Zipadee says” with the orders introduced in units 1 and 2: Open/ Close your book, jump, turn around. 2. TB p. 62 First game. -Play “Name the flashcards” with the toys and school objects flashcards. 3. CB p. 22 Second game. -Look at the elements on the page margins. T: “Point to the (ball)”, etc. -Give the example with the Ss: “Count the cars. How many cars?”. -Ss perform the activity individually. While Ss work, T asks around the classroom: “What’s this? How many?” -Check the answers with the Ss. 4. CB p. 23 L21 Listen. -T: Look at page twenty-three. Look at the Story”. Introduce the characters to the Ss. -Ask the Ss to look closely at the frames and say - L /S -T /Ss -10’ Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 5-10’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L/S/R/W 4. T /Ss - IW 4. 15’ Material -CB -CD 1 - Zipadee puppet. -Toys flashcards -School objects flashcards -1 photocopy of page 4 of the PMB for each student. -1 photocopy of page 8 of the PMB for each student. -Vocabulary Poster Practise farewells. -Reinforce school objects vocabulary. -Reinforce toys vocabulary. . and school objects Evaluation. Units 1 and 2 Objectives Eval * Evaluate the main aspects worked on in uati units 1 and 2. on ses sion in LL1 if they think Snapper is pleasant or not. es simpático o no. -I: “Come on!”, “Time for school” and “Well done!”. -L21 Ss follow the frames with their finger. -L21 Ss listen again. Tpauses after each phrase. Ask the Ss to repeat them. Explain the words they don't understand. -T: “One”. Ask the Ss to remember the frame. Do the same with the rest of the frames. -Divide the class in three groups. Bob, Olly and the professor. Each group says its part. -Get Ss with self-confidence to act out one or several frames. 5. TB p. 63 Finishing. -T puts on the Zipadee puppet and says goodbye to each of the Ss. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 63 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible part of the class and calls a S.. T asks the S to look for one of the school objects in the poster. S has to find it, say the word, but not point at it. Another S comes up to the board to point at it. The latter names another object that another S has to point at. * Extension activities -TB p. 63 Magic lamps game Play the game of the magic lamp with the toys and school objects vocabulary cards. Activities -Ss take test 1. Note: Ss that finish early can finish pending activities from the CB or the AB. 5. L /S 5. T /Ss 5. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - L /S - T /Ss -10’ Skills * L/S/R/W Interaction * IW Time * 30-40’ Material -One photocopy of TEST 1, p.12 of the Evalation notebook for each student. Unit 3. Family Objectives Ses 1. Introduce the context of unit 3 (the family sion ). 1 2. Introduce the family vocabulary: “Grandad, Granny, Dad, Mum, Sister, Brother”. Activities 1. TB p. 64 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts up the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the class and puts away the family flashcards excepting the one with the grandmother.. -Tell the Ss that today they are starting a new unit. T shows the Ss the “Granny” flashcard. Ss have to guess what the unit topic is. Once they've guessed, ask them what words they think they will be learning. 2. CB, p. 24 L23 L24 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T takes the flashcards with the new words out of the lamp using the Zipadee puppet and says them out loud as she puts them up on the board following the order in the book. -Look at and talk about the picture with the Ss -L23 “Listen and point”. Ss listen to the words and point to them as they hear them. -L24 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and chant. Remind Ss that when they hear “Listen and tap” they are to tap to every syllable in the word. -Make two groups and play L24. Each group has Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Family flashcards -Colour pencils. - Zipadee poster. -“Magic Lamp” poster. to perform an action. Play again, the groups exchange actions. Show one of the flashcards: "Who’s this?” Ss answer: “It’s (Granny)”. 3. Practise vocabulary. identifying the 4. Practise oral comprehension expression of family vocabulary. family and Unit 3. Family Objectives Ses sion Practise identifying the members of the 1 family. (Co ntin ued Practise the members of the family ) vocabulary. Practise the initial sound of the words in the members of the family vocabulary. 3. CB p.25. Match and say. -Ask the Ss what they think they are supposed to do. -T: “Who’s number one?”. -Ss carry out the activity and while they do so, T asks around the classroom: “Who’s number (two)?” TB p. 49.Finishing -T puts up the family flashcards on the board in no particular order. Ask Ss to say what it's about. -Call a S to the board : “Put (Mum) on my desk”. Do the same with the rest of the flashcards. -At the end of the session, T puts a family flashcard in front of her face. T says goodbye: “Bye, (Mum)!” 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L / S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 14 Circle the odd one out. Say. Ss identify the picture that is the odd one out. While Ss do this, T can ask around: “Who’s this?”. -TB p. 65 Who’s missing? Play “Who’s missing?” with the members of the family flashcards. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -IW -5-10’ -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' * Extension activities -TB p. 65 First letters Practise with Ss the initial sounds of the words from the family members vocabulary. Material Unit 3. Family Objectives Ses Revise oral comprehension of members of sion the family vocabulary. 2 Make some cards to practise the members of the family vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension of members of the family vocabulary. 8. Practise vocabulary. members of the the family Practise oral expression of members of the family vocabulary. Activities 5. TB p. 66 Getting started. -Play with the Ss “Who’s repeated?” using the members of the family flashcards. -T puts up the flashcards on the board and asks: “Who’s this?”. -T points at them and repeats one of them; Ss have to discover which one is repeated. 6. TB p. 66 / CB, p. 71 Para preparar el juego. -Ss prepare the cards of members of the family to make a game. . 7. CB p.26/ CB p. 64 L25. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me (sister)”. Ss show the corresponding cards. Do it with all the cards. -Revise with Ss numbers 1 to 6. Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. . -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” Play L25. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First they show the corresponding person and then they are to listen and place the card in the box with the corresponding number. -Correct on the board. T: “One. Mum”. CB p. 26. Draw and say. -T points at one of the members of the family: “Who’s this?” Look closely at each picture: “Who’s missing?”. -Ss draw the missing member in each picture. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks : “Who’s this?” and “Who’s missing?”. 9. TB p. 67 Finishing -Ss write their names on the back of the cards and put them away in their folders. . Ss say goodbye to the members of the family: “Bye, (Mum)”. Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. L /S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -“Magic Lamp” poster. -Members of the family flashcards . -Toys flashcards -Numbers 1 to 10 flashcards . -Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student. -Students' binders. -Mini-cards of the members of the family. Unit 3. Family Objectives Sess ion 2 - Practise oral comprehension and (Con expression of the members of the family tinue vocabulary. d) - Practicse oral comprehension and expression of the members of the family vocabulary. Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 67 What’s missing?” Play with Ss: “What’s missing” using the members of the family flashcards. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -TB p. 67 Pelmanism Ss play Pelmanism in pairs, with the mini-cards of the members of the family. -L /S -PW -10’ - L /S -PW -10' Material * Extension activities - Oral practice of the members of the family vocabulary and numbers 1 to 6. Unit 3. Family Objectives Sessi Prepare and motivate students to listen to on 3 a story. Listen to a story in English. Overall comprehension of a story. Answer questions about a story. -TB p. 67 Matching boards In pairs. Each S puts 3 members of the family cards in the chart on p.64. S1 tells his/her positions to S2 and the other way around. Then they compare the charts. Activities 10. TB p. 68 L26 Getting started. -T puts on the Zipadee puppet and greets Ss. Explain that they will be listening to another story about Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Play the magic song; Ss chant the formula and act it out. 11. TB p. 68 / CB p. 27 L26 Listen to the story. -Look at the story in the book with the Ss. Ss explain in LL1 what they think the story will be about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story until the end and follow it in the book, pointing at the frames. -T plays the story again and pauses after each phrase for Ss to repeat it. Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 - Zipadee puppet. -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee -A sheet of paper for each student. -Colour pencils. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. Oral practice of the phrases in the unit story. Practise oral comprehension language in the unit. of the - Practise the members of the family vocabulary. - Identify the beginning, the middle and the end of a story. . - Practise written comprehension and expression of the members of the family vocabulary. Unit 3. Family Objectives 12. TB p.68/ CB p. 27. Para trabajar la historia. -Ask the Ss to talk about the people that appear in the photographs of the story. Indicate some frames without following any order. e.g.: “Look at picture three. Who’s that? (sister) Look at picture one. Who’s that? (Mum, brother, sister) Where’s the magic photo? (six)”. 13. TB p. 68 /CB p. 27.Act it out. -Make two groups : Rosie and Zipadee. -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. -Switch roles. 14. TB p. 68 Finishing -T explains to the Ss that Zipadee wants to know things about their families : “Have you got a brother / sister? Ss: “No / Yes, I’ve got (two brothers / sisters)”. -Zipadee says goodbye to the Ss. * Reinforcement activities -CB p. 27 Photos T asks Ss to say what persons appear in the photos that Rosie shows in the story. Ask what other people could have been in the photos. Ask whose photographs they have at home. Ask them to draw and colour on a sheet of paper, a photo frame with someone in it: “Who’s that in the photo? It’s (my mum)”. * Extension activitites -TB p.69 L26 Story Structure. Silent Story L26 Ss listen to the story and follow it in the book. T turns down the volume completely when it reaches frame 2. Stop the audio and ask Ss which frame of the story they got to. Is it at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the story? -AB p. 15 Write. Ss use the code on the upper part of the page to write the words of the members of the family. Activities 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 10’ 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10-15' Skills Interaction Time Material Ses sion 4 Recall the vocabulary. members of the family Identify the members of the family in the unit story. Identify members of the family in the unit story. Practise oral comprehension language in the unit. of the - Reinforce comprehension of the unit story. -Oral practice of the structures: that? It’s (Sofia’s) sister”. -Practise written “Who’s comprehension and 15. TB p. 70 Getting started. -T draws on the board a photo frame the size of a flashcard. T calls a S and gives him/her the flashcards: “Put Granny in the photo”. S has to put “Granny” inside the frame. Ask the rest of the Ss: “Who’s that?” Ss: “It’s (dad)”. 16. CB, p. 27-28 L26 Find. -Play the story in L26 for Ss to remember it. -T: Open your books at page 28”. Explain to the Ss what the activity is about. -Look for the first one with the Ss: “Who’s this? Look at the story. Where’s Granny? (In picture two)”. -While Ss are doing it, T asks around the class: “Where’s...?” 17. CB p. 27-28 Circle. -Look closely at the pictures. T asks: “Who’s this? Is it Rosie’s sister?” Ss: “Yes / No” Do it with the second photo in section 1: “Is it Rosie’s Mum?” Ss answer . T: “Is this the photo in the story?”. -Ss have to circle the photographs that appear in the story. -Correct the activity with the Ss. 18. TB p. 70 Finishing. -Divide the group-class in 6 groups and assign a member of the family to each group. T points at one of the pictures in the book and asks Zipadee: “Who’s that?” Pretend it's Zipadee who answers: “It’s (Mum)”. Ss can get ready to leave when they hear the name of the member of the family they were assigned. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 9 L26 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames of the story. Ss try to order them by heart. They listen to the story and check if they have put them in the right order. . 15. L /S 15. T /Ss 15. 5-10’ 16. L /S 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ 10- 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 10- 18. L /S 18. T /Ss 18. 15’ 10- - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - L /S - T /Ss -10’ - R /W -IW -10-15' -TB p. 71 Sofia’s sister Ask the Ss to draw on a sheet of paper a member of the family of one of their fellow students. Then they have to show it to the rest of the class. T asks : “Who’s that?” Ss: “It’s (Sofia’s) Sister”. * Extension activities -CB -AB -CD 1 -Members of the family flashcards - Zipadee puppet. Additional material: -1 photocopy of p. 9 of the Photocopy Master Book 1 for each student -Scissors for each student -Colour pencils. -Glue for each student -A big sheet of paper for each student . expression of the members of the family vocabulary. Unit 3. Family Objectives Ses Reinforce the oral expression of members sion of the family vocabulary. 5 Prepare the students for listening to a song in English. Sing a song in English. Practise the language of the song. Practise the oral expression of the words in the lyrics of the unit song. - Practise oral comprehension of the phrases with the structure: : “Put the (book) on / under the (desk)” -AB p. 16 Circle and find. Write. Ss identifiy the members of the family vocabulary and write it under the corresponding picture. Activities 19. TB p. 72 Getting started. -Zipadee shows Ss a flashcard and says (Dad). If the flashcard is the right one, Ss say : “Yes, (Dad)” If it is not correct, they say: “No, (Brother)”. 20. TB p. 72 Para preparar la canción. -I: “Shoe” T: “Show me your shoe”. Ask some Ss what colour their shoes are. -I: “Pull”. Ask the Ss to repeat the word and imitate the action. 21. CB p. 29 L27 Sing. -Look at the picture with the Ss and ask who sits in the armchair: “Who’s that?” Ss: “It’s Grandad”. Ask what they think the characters in the picture are doing. Explain that the fourth girl in the picture is the one who sings the song about herself and her family. I: “Me”. Identify the rest of the characters “Who’s that?” -Ss listen to L27. T acts out the words “pull” and “me”. -Play L17 again. Encourage Ss to perform the action: “Pull Grandad’s shoe”. -Play L17 again. Encourage Ss to sing and act out the song. 22. CB p. 29 L 28 Draw. Sing. -Ss complete the drawings with a pencil. -L28. Ss use the pictures to change the stanzas of the song. 23. TB p. 73 Finishing -Zipadee sings two lines of the song. Ss have to repeat the last word in each verse. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 10 L27 Song craft. Cut. Fold and cut. Ss colour, cut out and fold the picture. Ss show the characters as they hear their Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 5-10’ 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ 10- 22. L /S 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5-10’ - L /S -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 - Zipadee puppet -Fmembers of the family flashcards Additional material: -Colour pencils -A photocopy of p. 10 of the PMB for each student. -One photocopy of p. 11 of the PMB for each student. -Scissors for each student -Students' folders. -Flashcards from the previous units. -Oral practise of the structure (shoe)” “(Dad)’s - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the unit song. Unit 3. Family Objectives Ses Recall the unit song. sion 6 Introduce and practise the actions: “Stand up” y “Sit down”. following Get to know information about the families of British boys and girls. Draw one of their relatives. Reinforce the orders introduced in the session. -Make a poster about the families of names in the song. -TB p. 73 Grandad’s shoe Practise with students' real structure: “Grandad’s Shoe”. objects -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ the * Extension activities -PMB p. 11 L27 Write. Sing. Complete with the Ss the lyrics of the song with the words provided in a list. Sing the song again with the Ss. Activities 24. TB p. 74 L27 Getting started. -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. 25. CB p. 30 L29 Listen and play. -I: “Stand up” and “Sit down”. T acts them out and asks Ss to imitate him/her.. -T: “Open your books at page 30”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. Ad orders: “Open / close your book, Point to... , Look at... , turn around, jump”. 26. CB p. 30 Draw. -T shows his/her CB pointing at the “My World” section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photograph. Comment the photo with the Ss. -Expliain that they have to draw a member of their family in the blank space. -While Ss draw, T asks around the class : “Who’s that?” Ss: “It’s my (Granny)”. 27. TB p. 75 Finishing. -T puts on the Zipadee puppet and says : “Stand up, (name)” to each S and when they do so, they can get ready to go home. -Ss say goodbye to Zipadee. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 75 My World Poster 10- 26. L /S 26. T /Ss – IW 26. 25’ 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ 20- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet Additional material: - “My World” poster -Photographs and drawings of the students and their family -Blue tack -Water-soluble felt tip pen -1 photocopy of page 12 of the PMB for each student. -A big sheet of paper for each student. -Scissors for each student. -Glue students using personal drawings and photographs. -Practise written expression of members of the family vocabulary. -Practise written expression of members of the family vocabulary. the the Unit 3. Family Objectives Ses Prepare the Ss for revision of the work sion done throughout the unit. 7 Revise the school objects, toys and family vocabulary. Revise the family vocabulary and the “Sit down” order. Revise the orally.. “I’ve got a (sister)” structure T puts the “My World” poster where Ss can see it properly. Comment that in the center they will put the photos and drawings of their families. Se can label using a water-soluble felt pen that can be erased when they make a new poster. * Extension activities -AB p. 17 Write. Ss look for the words in the letter soup and write the word under the corresponding picture. -PMB p. 12 Pupil’s posters. Cut. T puts on the board the members of the family flashcards and writes their names on top. T turns round the flashcards and Ss say who the people are by reading their names. -Ss make a poster with the members of the family using a big sheet of paper with the cards in p.12 of the PMB and their drawings. Activities 28. TB p. 76 Getting started. -Play with Ss a “Sort the out”. T mixes two or three sets of flashcards and puts them up on the board. T calls out Ss and asks them to classify them with the help of the rest of the group-class, taking into account the topic and saying the name of the persons and objects. 29. TB p. 76 Para revisar A -T assigns a member of the family to each S. Zipadee gives them orders but they only have to obey when they hear the person they stand for. Zipadee: “Sit down, (sister)”. Do this until they are all seated. 30. TB p. 76 Para revisar B. -T puts the members of the family flashcards on the board : “Who’s that?”. -T picks a member of the family. If Ss have it in -R /W -IW -10’ -R/W -IW -10-15’ Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 15’ 30. L /S 30. T /Ss 30. 5-10’ 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -School objects flashcards -Toys flashcards -Members of the family flashcards - Zipadee puppet -Hangers with members of the family vocabulary -Rubber stamps -Lcolour pencils - Portafolio folders. -Vocabulary Poster their family, they have to say : “I’ve got a (sister)”. 31. CB p. 21 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While Ss do the activity, T can ask around : “Whot’s this?” Ss: “It’s (dad)”. -Optional: Ss can trace the words with a pencil. -T can stamp the work of the Ss with the rubber stamps (Bottom right part of page 31) 32. CB p. 31 L 30 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to six words at different speeds in groups of three and then repeat them. 31. L/S/R/W 31. T /Ss - IW 31. 10’ 32. L /S 32. T /Ss 32. 10’ work 33. CB p. 31 Circle and colour. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can go over the activities done throughout the unit. 33. L /S /R 33. T /Ss – IW 33. 5-10’ Prepare the students for working on a new unit. TB p. 61 Finishing. -Ask Ss what they liked most in unit 3. -Expliain that they will start a new unit in the next session. 34. L /S 34. T /Ss 34. 5`’ Make a picture dictionary with members of the family vocabulary. the Practicse pronunciation of members of the family vocabulary. Students self-evaluate throughout the unit. their Unit 3. Family Objectives Ses * Make the Portfolio. sion 7 (Co ntin ued -Reinforce members ) vocabulary. Activities * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they could carry out a project related with their family. ot the family Unit 4. PETS Objectives Ses 1. Introduce context of unit 4 (Pets). sion 1 2. Introduce the pets vocabulary: “Cat, bird, dog, rabbit, mouse, fish”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 77 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible part of the class. T calls up two Ss who compete in trying to be the first to find a toy: “Find a (pencil)”. Do with other Ss. Toys, school objects, colours and numbers can also be revised. Activities 1. TB p. 78 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the class and puts away the pets flashcards in the bag, excepting the one of the cat. -Tell the Ss that they will be starting a new unit today. . T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Take out the cat flashcard from the lamp : “Look, it’s a (cat)” Ss have to guess the unit topic. When they do, ask them what words they think they will learn. 2. CB, p. 32 L1 L2 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T takes out the flashcards with the new words using the Zipadee puppet and says them aloud while he/she puts them on the board in the same order as they appear in the book. -Look at and talk about the picture with the Ss. Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 10-20’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ Material Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Pets flashcards -Colour pencils . - Zipadee puppet. -“Magic Lamp” poster -Flashcards from previous units. 3. Practise vocabulary. the identification of pets 4. Practise oral comprehension expression of pets. and Unit 4. PETS Objectives Ses sion -Practise the identification of 1 vocabulary. (Co ntin ued ) -Practise oral comprehension of vocabulary. pets pets -L1 “Listen and point”. Ss listen to the words and point at them. . -L2 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and chant. When the instructions are “Listen and tap” Ss have to tap to each syllable of the word -Make two groups. Each group performs an action: : *Cat: licks milk from a plate *Dog: Lifts two front legs as if asking for something *Rabbit: Put fingers on top of your head as if they were ears. *Fish: Open and shut your mouth *Bird: Move your arms as if you were flying *Mouse: Chew a piece of cheese. 3. AB p. 33. Hasta and draw. Say. -Ask Ss what they think they are supposed to do. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks around: “What’s this? What colour’s the dog?”. TB p. 79.Finishing -Ask a S to take a flashcard from the board and hand it to Zipadee to put it back into the lamp. Zipadee asks: “What’s this?” Ss answer. 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L / S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 18 Colour and say. Ss paint the dotted areas to discover the outline of an animal. While Ss work, T asks around: : “What’s this?” Ss: “It’s a (rabbit)”. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -IW -10-15’ -TB p. 79 Order the pets. Bring six Ss to the front and give a pets flashcard to each one. Play L2 Ss are to put the flashcards on the board in the same order as they hear them in the song. -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ Material -Practise the initial sound of the words from the pets vocabulary. Unit 4. PETS Objectives Ses Revise the pets vocabulary. sion 2 Make some cards to practise the pets vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension of the pets vocabulary. 8. Practise the pets vocabulary. Practise the oral expression of the pets vocabulary. * Extension activities -TB p. 79 Sounds and words Practise with Ss the initial sounds of the pets vocabulary. - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' words of Activities 5. TB p. 80 L2 Getting started. -T puts the pets flashcards on the board in no specific order. Ask the Ss if they remember what animal appears first in the song of the previous session and which came after. With the Ss, put the flashcards in order at the bottom of the board, -Play L2 to check. 6. TB p. 80 / CB, p. 69 Preparing the game . -Ss preparan las tarjetas de los animales de compañía para hacer un juego. 7. CB p.34/ CB p. 64 L3. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (fish)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Repeat with all the cards. -Revise the colours with the Ss. Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” Play L3. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First, they show the corresponding pet and then they listen and put the card in the box with the right colour. -Correct on the board. T: “Blue. It’s a rabbit”. CB p. 34. Match and colour. Say. -T points at the pets: “What’s this?”. -Ss join the pictures and colour the animals. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks around: “What’s this/ that?” Ss: “It’s a (dog)”. 9. TB p. 81 Finishing -Ss write their names on the back of the cards and put them away in their folders. Ss say goodbye to the pets. “Bye, (mouse)”. Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. L /S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Pets flashcards. -Colours flashcards -Colour pencils - Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student -Students folders. -Glue. -Pets mini-cards . Unit 4. PETS Objectives Ses sion - Practise the oral expression of pets. 2 (Co ntin ued ) - Practise the oral expression of pets. Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 81 Find a pair. Each S chooses a mini-card. Ss walk around the classroom. When T claps and says: “Stop!” Ss stop and say their pet to the closest student. If the pets are the same, they sit down. Continue until they are all seated. -TB p. 81 Animal mimes. T imitates some animals with gestures: ; Ss have to guess. Ask Ss to mime the animals themselves. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ - L /S -PW -10' Material * Extension activities - Oral practice of pets vocabulary. -TB p. 81 Matching boards In pairs. Each S puts 3 toys cards in the chart on p. 64. S1 says his positions to S2, and the other way around. Later they compare the charts. Unit 4. PETS Objectives Sessi Prepare and motivate students to listen to on 3 a story. Listen to a story in English. Overall comprehension of a story. Activities 10. TB p. 82 L4 Getting started . -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and greets the Ss. Explain they will be listening to a story about Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Play the magic song. Ss chant and act it out. 11. TB p. 82 / CB, p. 35 L4 Listen to the story. -Look at the story in the book with the Ss. Ss explain in LL1 what they think the story is about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story until the end and follow it in the book pointing at the frames. Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ Material CB -AB -CD 2 - Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee -Vocabulary Poster -Colour pencils -T plays the story again and stops after each verse for Ss to repeat it Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. Oral practice of the phrases of the unit story. Practise oral comprehension language in the unit. of the - Practise the identification and oral expression of the pets vocabulary. - Oral discrimination of the words in the story. . - Practise written comprehension and expression of the pets vocabulary. 12. TB p.82-83/ CB p. 35. Working on the story -T: “Look at picture 1. What colour’s the cat?” Ss: “(It’s) black”. -T: “Look at picture 2: Now what colour’s the cat? ((it’s) pink)” -T: “Look at picture 3. What colour’s the dog?” Ss: “(It’s) white”. -T: “Look at picture 4: Now what colour’s the dog? ((it’s) green)” -T: Look at picture 6: What colour’s Zipadee? Pink and green”. 13. TB p. 83 /CB p. 35.Act it out. -Make three groups: Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. -Switch roles. 14. TB p. 53 Finishing -With the Zipadee puppet, T asks Ss: “Have you got a (dog)?”. Ss answer: “No / Yes, I’ve got a (dog)”. -Zipadee says goodbye to the Ss: “Bye!” Ss: “Bye, Zipadee!”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 83 Vocabulary Poster Put the poster in a visible place and bring 2 Ss to the front. Each S points at an animal and names it. * Extension activities -TB p.83 L4 Remembering the story Ask Ss to say what words they remember from the story. T writes them on the board. Play L4. Ss listen and put up their hand every time they hear one of the words they have said. -AB p. 19 Trace and draw. Ss read the words and identify the corresponding animal. Ss can trace the names of the animals with a pencil. T can ask: : “What pet’s this?”. 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10' Unit 4. PETS Objectives Ses Remember the pets vocabulary. sion 4 Identify pets in the unit story. Oral practice of the structure: “A (black) (dog)”. Practise oral comprehension and expression of the language in the unit. - Reinforce the comprehension of the story in the unit. - Practise written comprehension of the Activities 15. TB p. 84 Getting started. -Play with the Ss “Name the flashcards”. T puts the pets flashcards on the board. Ss say the names.. Ss shut their eyes and T turns a flashcard around. Ss say all the animals again. T turns the flashcards one by one until they are all turned and Ss say the pets by heart. 16. CB, p. 35-36 L4 Find. -Play the story in L4 for Ss to remember it. -T: Open your books at page 36”. Explain to the Ss what the activity is about. -Look for the first one with the Ss: “What’s this? Look at the story. Where’s the (mouse)? (In picture 6)” -While the Ss are working, T asks around the class. 17. CB p. 35-36 Circle. -Look at the pictures. T asks: “What’s this? (It’s a cat) What colour’s the cat? (It’s white)”. Get the Ss to say: “It’s a white cat”. Do the same withthe rest of the cats in section 1. . -T: “What colour’s the cat in the story? (It’s a black cat)”. -Ss circle the animals that appear in the story. -Correct the activity with the Ss. 18. TB p. 84 Finishing. -Ask Ss if they remember what colour Zipadee was at the end of the story: “What colour’s Zipadee? (pink and green)” Zipadee: “Yes! Pink and green!” * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 13 L4 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames of the story. Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check if they put them in the right order. . * Extension activities Skills 15. L /S Interaction 15. T /Ss Time 15. 5-10’ 16. L /S 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 18. L /S 18. T /Ss 18. 5-10’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -R - IW -10-15’ 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Pets flashcards - Zipadee puppet Additional material: -1 photocopy of p. 13 of the Photocopy Master Book 1 for each student -Scissors for each student. - Colour pencils. -Glue for each student -One sheet of paper for each student . structure: “Three brown dogs”. -AB p. 20 Read and colour. Ss read the phrases and colour the pictures. T asks around the class: “What’s this?” Ss: Three brown dogs”. Unit 4. Pets Objectives Ses Reinforce oral comprehension of pets sion vocabulary. 5 Prepare students to listen to a song in English. Sing a song in English. Practise the language in the song. Practise saying goodbye and the away” order.. “Fly Activities 19. TB p. 86 Getting started. -T hands out the flashcards to 6 Ss. T: “Show me the bird”. Do the same with the rest of the animals. Ss show them. The rest of the group names them. 20. CB, p. 37 Preparing the song. -Ask the Ss to stand up . I: “Run/ Fly”. -Ask the Ss to choose the mouse or the bird without telling anyone. When T says “Bird” those who chose it pretend to fly and if T says “mouse” , they run. If T says another word : “cat” they are to remain still. -Do the same with “Fly / Run” If T says “Jump” nobody moves. 21. CB p. 37 L5 Sing. -T: “Open your books at page 37”. -Look at the picture : “What colour’s the bird/ mouse?”. -Ss listen to L37. T acts out the flying and running actions in the song. -Play L37 again. Encourage Ss to perform the actions. -Play L37 again. Encourage Ss to sing. 22. CB p. 37 L6 Draw. Sing. -Get Ss to look at the code: “What colour’s number 1? (Blue)”. Ss colour the animals. -L6. Ss use the pictures to modify the stanzas of the song. 23. TB p. 87 Finishing -Ss put their things together and say goodbye to Zipadee. -T: “Fly away” and the name of 5 Ss that leave the classroom flying. Do the same until they have all left. Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 5-10’ 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ 10- 22. L /S 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Pets flashcards -Colour pencils -Mini-cards: the bird and the mouse Additional material: -One photocopy of p.14 of the PMB for each student. -One photocopy of p. 15 of the PMB for each student. -Scissors for each student. -Students' folders. - Practise oral comprehension of the song in the unit. - Oral discrimination of a word in the song. . - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 14 Song craft. Colour and cut. Fold and cut. Ss do the cutouts and use the animals to act out the song. -TB p.87 L5 Count Choose a word from the song and count the times it appears. * Extension activities -PMB p. 15 L5 Write. Sing. Complete the lyrics of the song with the Ss using the words provided in the list. . Sing the song again with the Ss. - L /S -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Unit 4. Pets Objectives Ses Remember the song in the unit. sion 6 Introduce and practise actions: “Put your hand up” and “Put your hand down”. Get to know information about the pets of British boys and girls. Draw and introduce their pet orally. Reinforce oral comprehension language in the unit. Unit 4. Pets Objectives of the Activities 24. TB p. 88 L5 Getting started. -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. 25. CB p. 38 L7 Listen and play. -I: “Put your hand up / down”. T acts out and asks Ss to imitate. -T: “Open your books at page 38”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. Add the orders: “Open / Close your book, stand up, sit down, point to... , look at... , turn around, jump”. 26. CB p. 38 Draw. -T names an animal: “Cat”. Ss who have a cat, put up their hand. Do the same with other animals. Put the flashcards on the board. Each S picks a pet (the one they have at home or the one they'd like to have). Ss: “I’ve got a (cat)”. -T shows his/her CB pointing to the “My World” section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photograph. Discuss the photo with the Ss. -Talk about the pets British children have. -Ss draw their pet. -While Ss are drawing, T asks around the class: “What’s this? What colour’s your (cat)? It’s a (black) (cat)” -When they finish, they show their drawings and say : “I’ve got a (cat). It’s (small/big). It’s (black)”. 27. TB p. 89 Finishing. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and says : “If you’ve got a (dog), put up your hand!” -Ss say goodbye to Zipadee. Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ 10- 26. L /S 26. T /Ss – IW 26. 25’ 20- 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ Activities Skills Interaction Time Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Pets flashcards -Colour pencils. -“My World” poster -Photographs and drawings of pets brought by the students. -Blu tack -Water-soluble felt tip pen -1 photocopy of p. 16 of the PMB for each student -One big sheet of paper for each student . -Scissors for each student. -Glue Material Ses sion 6 (Co ntin ued ) -Make a poster about pets with students' personal drawings and photos. -Practise the written expression of pets vocabulary. -Practise written comprehension of the names of pets. Unit 4. Pets Objectives Ses Prepare the Ss for a revision of the work sion done throughout the unit. 7 Revise the pets vocabulary. Revise the song in the unit and the oral comprehension of the pets vocabulary. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 89 My World Poster T puts the “My World” poster where Ss can see it properly. Tell them that they will put the photographs and drawings of their pets in the center. They can label with a water-soluble felt pen that can later be erased when they make another poster. - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -R /W -IW -5-10’ -PMB p. 16 Pupil’s posters. Cut. T puts the pets flashcards on the board and writes the names on top. T turns the flashcards and the Ss say what animals they are by reading their names. -Ss make a poster about pets with a big sheet of paper, the cards on p.16 of the PMB and their drawings. -R/W -IW -10-15’ Activities 28. TB p. 90 Getting started. -T takes a flashcard and says the name of the pet moving the lips but without uttering a sound. Ss read the lips and say what animal it is. Repeat with all the animals. 29. TB p. 90 L2 Revising A -Call 6 Ss to the front and hand out one flashcard each. Play L2 Ss have to pick them up Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 15’ * Extension activities -AB p. 21 Write. Ss write the name of the animal on top of the corresponding picture. 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Pets flashcards -Colours flashcards -Zipadee puppet -Colgantes de los animales de and place them in the right order. -Play L2 again: Ss chant and act it out. 30. TB p. 90 Revising B. -T: “I’ve got a bird. What colour’s my bird?” Show a colour flashcard: “Brown”. Ss say: “It’s a (brown) bird”. Do the same thing with other animals and colours. 31. CB p. 39 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While Ss carry out the activity T can ask: “What’s this/ that?” Ss: “It’s a (rabbit)”. -Optional: Ss can trace the words with a pencil. -T can stamp the Ss work with the rubber stamps (Bottom right, p.39) 32. CB p. 39 L 8 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to six words at different speeds in groups of three and then repeat them. 30. L /S 30. T /Ss 30. 5-10’ 31. L/S/R/W 31. T /Ss - IW 31. 10’ 32. L /S 32. T /Ss 32. 10’ Self-evaluation of the work throughout the unit. 33. CB p. 39 Circle and colour. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can remember the activities done throughout the unit. 33. L /S /R 33. T /Ss – IW 33. 5-10’ Prepare the students to work on a new unit. TB p. 91 Finishing. -Ask Ss what they liked the most in unit 4. -Explain that in the next session they will revise what they have done so far and that in the session after, they will start a new unit. 34. L /S 34. T /Ss 34. 5`’ Activities * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they could carry out a project related with their pets. Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 10-20’ Revise the oral expression of the structure: “It’s a (brown) bird”. Make a picture dictionary with the pets vocabulary. Practise pronunciation of pets vocabulary. Unit 4. Pets Objectives Ses * Make the Portfolio. sion 7 (Co compañía -Rubber stamps -Colour pencils -Portfolio folders -Vocabulary Poster Material ntin ued ) -Reinforce the pets vocabulary. Revision. Units 3 and 4 Objectives Onl . Reinforce the orders worked on in units 3 y and 4: “Stand up, sit down, put your hand Ses up /down”. sion Revise the members of the family and pets vocabulary. el vocabulario de los miembros de la familia y de los animales de compañía. Identify and number pets and people. Answer the question: “How many (cats)?” * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 91 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible place of the class. Two Ss up front will compete to be the first to find an animal: “Find a (dog)”. Repeat with other Ss. Members of the family, school objects, toys, colours and numbers can also be revised. - L /S -T /Ss -10’ Activities 1. TB p. 92 Getting started. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on: “Hello!” Ss: “Hello, Zipadee!” -Play “Zipadee says” with the orders introduced in units 3 and 4: “Stand up, sit down, put your hand up/ down”. Orders from units 1 and 2 can also be used. 2. TB p. 92 First game . -Play “Name the flashcards” with the members of the family and pets flashcards . Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 5-10’ 3. CB p. 40 Second game. -Look at the elements on the page margins. T: “Point to the (dog)”, etc. -Give the example with the Ss: “Count the dogs. How many dogs?”. -Ss carry out the activity individually. While Ss work, T asks around the class: “What’s this? Who’s this? How many?” -Check the answers with the Ss. 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ Material -CB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -Family members flashcards -Pets flashcards -1 photocopy of page 12 of the PMB for each student. -1 photocopy of page 16 of the PMB for each student -Vocabulary Poster Overall comprehension of the episode of a comic. c. 5. Practise saying goodbye. -Reinforce the members of the family vocabulary. -Reinforce the members of the family and pets vocabulary. Evaluation. Units 3 and 4 Objectives Eval * Evaluate the basic aspects worked on in uati units 3 and 4. on Ses sion 4. CB p. 41 L9 Listen. -T: Look at page twenty-three. Look at the Story”. Remember the characters. . -Ask the Ss to look at the frames and say in LL1 if they think Snapper is nice or not. . -L21 Ss follow the frames with a finger. -L21 Ss listen again. T pauses after each phrase. Ask Ss to repeat them. Explain the words they don't understand. -T: “One”. Ask Ss to remember the frame. Do the same with all the frames. -Divide the class in five groups: Bob, Olly, Octavia, Snapper and Otto. Each group says its part. -Call to the front self-confident Ss to act out one or several frames. . 5. TB p. 93 Finishing. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and says goodbye to each S. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 93 Vocabulary Poster T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible part of the class and calls a S to the board. T asks him/her to look for one of the members of the family in the poster. S finds it, names it but does not point. Another S comes to the board to point to it. This last S says another element that another S will point to. * Extension activities -TB p. 93 Magic lamps game Play the game of the magic lamp with the members of the family and pets vocabulary cards. 4. L/S/R/W 4. T /Ss - IW 4. 15’ 5. L /S 5. T /Ss 5. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - L /S - T /Ss -10’ Activities -Ss take Test 2. Skills * L/S/R/W Interaction * IW Time * 30-40’ Note: the Ss that finish earlier can complete pending activities from the CB or the AB. Material -One photocopy of l TEST 2 p. 13 of the Evaluation notebook for each student . Unit 5. Body Objectives Ses 1. Introduce the context of unit 5 (the body sion ). 1 2. Introduce the body family vocabulary: “Head, arms, hands, body, legs, feet”. 3. Practise the identification of parts of the body vocabulary. Activities 1. TB p. 94 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the class and puts away the parts of the body flashcards except for the one of the hands. -Tell the Ss that today they are starting a new unit. T shows the Ss the “Hands” flashcard. Ss have to guess the topic of the unit. When they do so, ask them what words they think they will be learning. 2. CB p. 43 L11 L12 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T brings the flashcards with the new words from the lamp, using the Zipadee puppet and saying them aloud as she/he puts them on the board in the same order as they appear in the book. -Look at and comment the picture with the Ss. -L11 “Listen and point”. Ss listen to the words and point at them. -L12 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and chant. Remind Ss that when they hear “Listen and stamp” they are to stamp their foot on the floor the same number of times as syllables there are in the word. -Make two groups and play L12. Each group has to perform an action. Play again, the groups switch actions. -T points to parts of his/her body. Ss name them. T asks some Ss to point to parts of their body; the rest of the class names them. 3. CB p.43. Draw and match. Say. -Ask the Ss what they think they are supposed to do. -T: “What’s number one?”. Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Parts of the body flashcards -Colour pencils. -Zipadee puppet. “Magic Lamp” poster -CD with music the students like -Flashcards from previous units. 4. Practise oral comprehension and expression of the parts of the body vocabulary. -Ss carry out the activity and while they are doing so, T asks around the class: “What’s number (two)?” 4. TB p. 95.Finishing -T pone en la pizarra las flashcards de las partes del cuerpo sin orden. T dice el nombre de una de las partes del cuerpo y pide a uno de los Ss que traiga aquella parte de la pizarra y la de a Zipadee. Zipadee: “Thank you”. 4. L / S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 22 Draw. Match and say. Ss look at the pictures. T asks in each picture: : “What’s missing?” Ss draw the missing parts and join them to the main picture: : “What’s number one? (Legs) Draw the line. Match the legs”. While Ss are carrying out the activity, T can ask around : “What’s this?”. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -IW -5-10’ Practise the parts of the body vocabulary. -TB p. 95 Pass the flashcards Play “Pass the flashcards” with the parts of the body flashcards. -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ Practise the initial sound of the words in the parts of the body vocabulary. * Extension activities -TB p. 95 First letters Practise with the Ss the initial sounds of the words in the members of the family vocabulary. - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ Unit 5. Body Objectives Ses sion Practise the identification of the parts of the 1 body. (Co ntin ued ) Unit 5. Body Objectives Ses Revise the oral comprehension of the parts sion of the body vocabulary. 2 Activities 5. TB p. 96 Getting started. -Play “Who’s repeated?”with Ss, using the parts of the body flashcards. -T puts the flashcards on the board and asks: “What’s this?”. -T points and repeats one of them; Ss have to discover which he/she repeated. Material Material -CB -AB -CD 2 - “Magic Lamp” poster -Parts of the body flashcards . -Numbers flashcards -Zipadee puppet. Make some cards to practise the parts of the body vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension of the parts of the body vocabulary. 8. Practise vocabulary. the parts of the body Practicse the oral expression of parts of the body vocabulary. Unit 5. Body Objectives Sess ion 2 - Practise oral comprehension and (Con expression of the parts of the body tinue vocabulary. d) 6. TB p. 96 / CB, p. 67 Preparing the game . -Ss prepare the cards of the parts of the body to make a game. . 7. CB p. 44/ CB p. 64 L13. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (arms)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Do it with all the cards. -Revise with Ss the numbers from 1 to 6. Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” Play L13. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First they show the correponding part and then they listen and put the card in the box with the corresponding number. -Correct on the board. T: “One. Head”. CB p. 44. Draw and say. -Give the example with the Ss. : “look at the doll. What’s missing? (Legs)”. -Ss draw the missing part in each picture. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks around: : “What’s this?” y “What’s missing?”. 9. TB p. 97 Finishing -T asks a S to touch a part of his/her body. Another S names it and they all put away the corresponding mini-card in their folder. Continue until they put away all their mini-cards. Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 97 Sit down. Each S takes a mini-card of the parts of the body and stands up. T calls a S to the board and shows him/her a parts of the body flashcard. S says it and all the Ss who have the same card show it and sit down. Continue unitl none of them remain standing. 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. L /S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -Scissors for each student -Students' folders. -Min-cards of the parts of the body. -Pets flashcards . Material - Practise oral comprehension and expression of the parts of the body and pets vocabulary. . -L /S -T /Ss -10’ - L /S -PW -10' -TB p. 97 What’s missing? Put 4 parts of the body and 2 pets flashcards on the board. Play “What’s missing?” with these flashcards. * Extension activities - Oral practice of the parts of the body and numbers 2 to 6 vocabulary. Unit 5. Body Objectives Sessi Prepare and motivate the students to listen on 3 to a story. Listen to a story in English. Overall comprehension of a story. Practicse the comprehension of the story in the unit. -TB p. 67 Matching boards In pairs. Each S puts 3 parts of the body cards in the chart on p. 64. S1 gives the positions to S2 and the other way around. Later they compare the charts. Activities 10. TB p. 98 L14 Getting started. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and greets the Ss. Explain that they will listen to another story about Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Play the magic son; Ss chant and act out the formula. 11. TB p. 98 / CB p. 45 L14 Listen to the story. -Look at the story in the book with the Ss. Ss explain in LL1 what they think the story is about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story until the end and follow it in their book pointing to the frames. -T plays the story again, pausing after each phrase for Ss to repeat them.. 12. TB p.98/ CB p. 45. Working on the story . -T: “Listen and answer”. T says some phrases from the story. Ss are to look at the frames and say who appears in the phrase. Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee -Vocabulary Poster Oral practice of the phrases of the story in the unit. Practise oral comprehension of the parts of the body. - Practise parts of the body vocabulary. - Identifiy the beginning, middle and ending of the story. - Practise written comprehension and expression of the members of the family vocabulary. Unit 5. Body Objectives Ses Oral comprehension and carrying out of sion simple orders. 4 Identify parts of the body in the unit story. 13. TB p. 98-99 /CB p. 45.Act it out. -Make two groups: one acts as Rosie and Jack and the rest as Zipadee. -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. -Switch roles. 14. TB p. 99 Finishing -T says one of the parts of the body. Ss have to touch that part and say how many of each. T: “Legs! (Two)”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 99 Vocabulary Poster Put the “Vocabulary” poster in the classroom. Bring 2 Ss.forward. Each S has to point to a part of the body and name it. Same procedure with other Ss. 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ * Extension activities -TB p.99 L14 Story Structure. L14 Ss listen to the story and follow it in the book. T turns down the volume completely when they reach frame 2. Stop the recording and ask the Ss which frame they have reached. Is it at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the story? -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10-15' -AB p. 23 Write. Ss use the code at the top of the page to write the words of the parts of the body. Activities 15. TB p. 100 Getting started. -Greet the Ss and I: “Touch your (head)”. Use the Zipadee puppet and the body parts flashcards to play “Zipadee says...”. 16. CB, p. 45-46 L14 Find. -Play the story in L14 for Ss to remember it. -T: Open your books at page 45”. Explain to the Ss what the activity is about. -Look for the first part with the Ss: “What’s this? (Hands) Look at the story. What picture? (Picture 4)”. Skills 15. L /S Interaction 15. T /Ss Time 15. 5-10’ 16. L /S 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Parts of the body flashcards . -Zipadee puppet Additional material: -1 photocopy of p. 17 of the Photocopy Identify parts of the body in the unit story. Practise oral comprehension of the parts of the body. - Reinforce comprehension ot the story in the unit. -Oral practice of the structure: “It’s got (a head)”: -Practise written comprehension and expression of parts of the body and pets vocabulary. 17. CB p. 45-46 Circle. -Look at the pictures. T asks: “What’s this? (It’s a body) What colour’s the body? (It’s white)” Do the same with the second picture in section 1. Next,: “Look at the dog in the story. (It’s got a white body)”. -Ss have to circle the right pictures in relation with what appears in the story. -Correct the activity with the Ss. 18. TB p. 100 Finishing. -Assign a part of the body to each S. T says them and Ss stand up as they hear theirs. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 17 L14 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames of the story. Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check if they ordered it properly. -TB p. 101 Who’s got the same? Ss draw an animal on a sheet of paper and colour a part of the body. Each S walks around the class with the drawing and listening to music. When the music stops, they tell the student who is closest:: “It’s got a (head)” refering to the part of the animal they coloured. If both have coloured the same part, they sit down. * Extension activities -AB p. 24 Read and Draw. Ss classify words in two semantic fields: Pets and parts of the body. . 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 10- 18. L /S 18. T /Ss 18. 15’ 10- - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - L /S - T /Ss -10’ - R /W -IW -10-15' Master Book 1 for each student -Scissors for each student. -Colour pencils -Glue for each student. -Two sheets of paper for each student. . -Cd with music the students like. Unit 5. Body Objectives Ses Reinforce oral comprehension of simple sion orders. 5 Activities 19. TB p. 102 Getting started. -Play “Zipadee says” with the Ss using the following orders: “Jump, turn around, clap, put your hand up/ down, fly, run”. 20. TB p. 102 Preparing the song . -I: “Draw a square in the air/ on the ground” Do the same thing with a circle and a triangle. -Revise with the Ss: “Touch your legs/ head / hair” y “hop” y “dance”. 21. CB p. 47 L15 Sing. -Look at the picture with the Ss and ask what actions they are performing. -Ss listen to L27 with no pauses. T performs the actions. -Play L27 again. Encourage the Ss to perform the actions. . -Play L27 again. Encourage the Ss to sing and act out the song. . 22. CB p. 47 L 16 Draw. Sing. -Ss complete the pictures with a pencil. -L16. Ss use the pictures to change the stanzas of the song. 23. TB p. 103 Finishing -Ask the Ss one by one to perform an action from the song and to name it at the same time. When they have all done so, they say goodbye. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 103 L15 Song craft. Colour and cut. Ss make the pencil craft to use it to draw geometrical figures of the song in the unit. Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 5-10’ -Practise oral comprehension of orders. -TB p. 103 In the air, on the ground Play Zipadee says with the Ss .“Draw a (two) in the air / on the ground”. - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. * Extension activities -PMB p. 19 L15 Write. Sing. With the Ss, complete the lyrics of the song Prepare the students to listen to a song in English. Sing a song in English. Practise the language in the song. Practicse oral comprehension expression of orders. and - Reinforce oral comprehension of the language in the unit. 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ 10- 22. L /S 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5-10’ - L /S -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -Members of the family flashcards Additional material: -Colour pencils -One photocopy of p. 10 of the PMB for each student. -One photocopy of p. 11 of the PMB for each student. -Scissors for each student. -Students' folders. -Flashcards from the previous units. using the words provided in the list. Sing the song again with the Ss Unit 5. Body Objectives Ses Remember the song in the unit. sion 6 Introduce and practise the actions : “Clap your hands” and “Stamp your feet”. Get to know information about the sport activities of British boys and girls. Draw themselves practising sport. Reinforce the parts of the body. -Make a poster about sports with personal drawings and photographs. Activities 24. TB p. 104 L15 Getting started. -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. 25. CB p. 48 L17 Listen and play. -I: “Clap your hands” and “Stamp your feet”. T acts them out and asks Ss to imitate. -T: “Open your books at page 48”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. Add the following orders: “Put your hand up /down, stand up, sit down, open / close your book, Point to... , Look at... , turn around, jump”. 26. CB p. 48 Draw. -T shows his/her CB pointing to the “My World”section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photograph. Discuss the photograph with the Ss. Explain that many primary schools don't have a gym and that PE lessons are held in the assembly hall. In summer the “School Sports Day” is celebrated, a day devoted to school sports. -Expliain that they are to draw themselves practising a sport. . 27. TB p. 105 Finishing. -T puts the parts of the body flashcards on the board, says them one by one out loud. Ss point at them. . -Ss say goodby to Zipadee. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 105 My World Poster T puts the “My World” poster where Ss can see it properly. Tell them that in the center,they will Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ 10- 26. L /S 26. T /Ss – IW 26. 25’ 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ 20- Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Parts of the body flashcards -Colour pencils Additional material: -“My World” poster. -Photographs and drawings of people practising sports brought by the students -Blu tack -Water-soluble felt pen -1 photocopy of p. 20 of the PMB for each student -One big sheet of paper for each student. -Scissors for each student. -Glue put the photos and drawings of people practising sports to indicate the parts of the body. They can label with a water-soluble felt tip pen that can later be erased when they make another poster. -Practise written comprehension and expression of the parts of the body vocabulary. * Extension activities -AB p. 25 Write. Ss look for the words in a letter soup and write the word under the corresponding picture. -Practise written comprehension of the parts of the body vocabulary. -PMB p. 20 Pupil’s posters. Cut. T puts the parts of the body flashcards and writes the names on top. T turns them round, and Ss say what parts they are reading the names. -Ss make a poster of the parts of the body on a big sheet of paper with the cards of the PMB p. 20 and their drawings. . -R /W -IW -10’ -R/W -IW -10-15’ Unit 5. Body Objectives Ses Revise comprehension of simple orders. sion 7 Activities 28. TB p. 106 Getting started. -Play “Copy Me!” with the Ss. -Ss imitate the T if what T does corresponds to what T says. If it doesn't, they keep still. 29. TB p. 106 Revising A -T writes on the board the numbers from 1 to 6 and puts a flashcard with a part of the body under each number. T: “Number one. What’s this?”, ask a S to say the word. 30. TB p. 106 L12 Revising B. -Hand out the parts of the body flashcards to 6 Ss. Play the first part of the song. Ss pick up the flashcards and order them on the board. -Ss listen to the song while they chant and perform the actions. 31. CB p. 49 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T can ask around : “What’s this?” Ss: “(Legs)”. -Optional: Ss can trace the words with a pencil. -T can stamp the Ss work with the rubber stamps (Bottom-right of p. 49) 32. CB p. 49 L18 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to the six words at different speds in groups of three and later repeat them. Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 15’ 30. L /S 30. T /Ss 30. 5-10’ 31. L/S/R/W 31. T /Ss - IW 31. 10’ 32. L /S 32. T /Ss 32. 10’ done 33. CB p. 49 Circle and colour. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can remember the activities carried out throughout the unit. 33. L /S /R 33. T /Ss – IW 33. 5-10’ Prepare students for working on a new unit. TB p. 106-107 Finishing. -Ask the Ss what they liked the most in unit 5. -Expliain that next session they will be starting a new unit. . 34. L /S 34. T /Ss 34. 5`’ Revise parts of the body vocabulary. Revise orally the parts of the body and the song in the unit. Make a picture dictionary of the vocabulary of the parts of the body. Practise the pronunciation of the parts of the body vocabulary. Self-evaluation of throughout the unit. the work 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Parts of the body flashcards -Zipadee puppet -Colgantes del vocabulario de las partes del cuerpo -Rubber stamps -Colour pencils - Portfolio folders -Vocabulary Poster Unit 5. Body Objectives Ses * Make the Portfolio. sion 7 (Co ntin ued -Reinforce the parts ) vocabulary. Activities * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they could carry out a project related with the body. of the body Unit 6. Picnic Objectives Ses 1. Introduce the context of unit 1 (Picnic). sion 1 * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 107 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible place in the class. Two Ss compete at the board to see who is the first to find a part of the body : “Find a (head)”. Repeat with other Ss. Pets, members of the family, toys, school objects, colours and numbers can also be revised. . Activities 1. TB p. 108 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the class and puts away the picnic flashcards in the bag, except for the “sandwiches” flashcard. -Tell the Ss that today they are starting a new unit. T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Take the “Sandwiches” flashcard out of the lamp. Ss are to guess the unit topic. When they've done so, ask them what words they think they will learn. Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 10-20’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ Material Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Flashcards de los alimentos -Colour pencils. -Zipadee puppet. -Póster “Magic Lamp” 2. Introduce the food vocabulary: “Ice cream, sandwiches, apples, cheese, salad, pizza”. 3. Practise vocabulary. the identification of food 4. Practicar la comprensión y expresión oral de los alimentos. Unit 6. Picnic Objectives Ses sion -Practise the identification of food 1 vocabulary. (Co ntin ued ) -Practise oral comprehension of the food vocabulary. 2. CB, p. 50 L19 L20 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T takes the flashcards with the new words out of the lamp using the Zipadee puppet and says them aloud while she/he puts them on the board in the same order as they appear in the book. -Look at and discuss the picture with the Ss. -L1 “Listen and point”. Ss lsiten to the words and point to them. . -L2 “Listen and chant”. I: “Stamp” y “Say”. Ss listen to the song and chant it. When the instructions are: “Listen and stamp” Ss have to stamp their foot on the ground to each of the syllables in the word. -Make two groups. Each group has to perform an action, some “Listen” and the others “Say”. 3. CB p. 51. Match and say. -Ask the Ss what they think they are supposed to do. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks around : “What’s this? What’s number one?”. TB p. 79.Finishing -Put the food flashcards on the board. T gives the name of a food. Ask a S to take a flashcard and give it to Zipadee who will put it back into the lamp. . 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L / S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 26 Draw and colour. Say. Ss have to complete the pictures of food and colour them. T asks around the class: : “What’s this?”. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -IW -10-15’ -TB p. 109 Move around. T puts the food flashcards around the class. T says the name of one or more Ss and next, the name of a food item. The Ss are to find the flashcard, touch it and go back to their place. -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ Material Repeat until all Ss have taken part. -Practise the initial sound of the words in the food vocabulary. Unit 6. Picnic Objectives Ses Revise the food vocabulary. sion 2 * Extension activities -TB p. 109 Sounds and words Practise with the Ss the initial sounds of the words in the pets vocabulary. - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' Activities 5. TB p. 110 Getting started. -Play “What’s missing?” with the food flashcards. Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ Make some cards to practise the food vocabulary. 6. TB p. 110 / CB, p. 65 Preparing the game . -Ss prepare the food cards. 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ Practise oral vocabulary. 7. CB p. 52/ CB p. 64 L21. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (ice cream)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Do it with all the cards. -Revise the colours with the Ss. Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” Play L21. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First, they show the corresponding food and next, they listen and put the card in the box with the right colour. -Correct on the board. T: “Blue. Sandwiches”. CB p. 52. Circle the odd one out. Say. -T points to the pictures in section 1 : “What’s this?”. -Explain that they have to circle the odd one out. 9. TB p. 111 Finishing -Ss write their names on the back of the cards and put them away in their folders. Ss say goodbye to the food. : “Bye, (apples)”. 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. L /S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ comprehension of food 8. Practise food vocabulary. Practicse oral vocabulary. expression of food Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Food flashcards -Colour flashcards -Colour pencils. -Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student -Students folders. -Glue. -Food mini-cards Unit 6. Picnic Objectives Ses sion - Practise comprehension and 2 expression of food. (Co ntin ued - Practise the identification of food. . ) oral - Oral practice of food vocabulary. Unit 6. Picnic Objectives Sessi Prepare and motivate the students to on 3 listen to a story. Listen to a story in English. Overall comprehension of a story. Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 111 Match the flashcard. Play “Match the flashcard” with the Ss using the food flashcards and mini-cards. -TB p. 111 Survey. Ss put their food mini-cards on their desks following an order of preference, starting with the food they like the most. Revise with the Ss to see what they like the most and what the least. T: “What’s number one? Pizza? What’s number two?”. * Extension activities -TB p. 111 Matching boards In pairs. Each S puts 3 food cards in the chart on p. 64. S1 tells S2 his positions and the other way around. Next, they compare their charts. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -L /S -T /Ss -10’ - L /S -PW -10' Activities 10. TB p. 112 L22 Getting started. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and greets the Ss. Expliain that they will listen to a story about Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Play the magic song ; Ss chant the formula and act it out. 11. TB p. 112 / CB p. 53 L22 Listen to the story. -Look at the story in the book with the Ss Ss explain in LL1 what they think the story will be about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story until the end and follow it in the book, pointing to the frames. -I: “Thirsty” and “Hungry”. -T plays the story again and stops after each verse for Ss Material Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ Material CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee -Vocabulary Poster -Colour pencils to repeat. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. 12. TB p.112/ CB p. 53. Working on the story . -T says several phrases from the story. Ss point to the frames and say the correspondin numbers. 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ Oral practice of the phrases of the story of the unit. 13. TB p. 112-113 /CB p. 53.Act it out. -Make three groups: Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. -Switch roles. 14. TB p. 53 Finishing -The Zipadee puppet acts as a waiter. Ss order as if they were in a restaurant: “Pizza, please”. Zipadee pretends to take what they ordered. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 113 Vocabulary Poster Put the poster in a visible place and call 2 Ss to the front. Each S has to point to a food item and name it. 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10' Practise oral comprehension language in the unit. of the - Practise the identification and oral expession of the food vocabulary. - Oral discrimination of words in a story. Practise comprehension expression of food vocabulary. written * Extension activities -TB p.113 L22 Remembering the story Ask the Ss to say what words they remember from the story. T writes them on the board. Play L4. Ss listen and put up their hand every time they hear one of the words they said. -AB p. 27 Read and draw. Write. Ss read the food words, draws them in the corresponding boxes and writes them under the drawings Unit 6. Picnic Objectives Ses Remember food vocabulary. sion 4 Identify food in the unit story. Practise oral comprehension expression of food vocabulary. and Practise oral comprehension and expression of the language in the unit. - Reinforce comprehension of the story in the unit. - Practise written comprehension and experssion of food vocabulary. Activities 15. TB p. 114 L22 Getting started. -T puts the food flashcards on the board. Play L22. Call a S to point at the food items as he hears them in the story. 16. CB, p. 53-54 L22 Find. -Play the story in L4 for Ss to remember it. -T: Open your books at page 53”. Expliain to the Ss what the activity is about. -Look for the first one with the Ss: “What’s this? (sandwiches) Look at the story. Where are they? (In picture 6)” -While the Ss do so, T asks around the class. . 17. CB p. 53-54 Circle. -Look at the pictues. T asks : “Who’s this? (Rosie) What’s this? (pizza, cheese)”. They have to circle what Rosie wants to eat in the story. . -Correct the activity with the Ss. 18. TB p. 114 Finishing. -Play “True!”with the Ss. If T says something that they like, Ss say “Yes” if they don't like it, they say “No”. T: “I like (apples)”. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 21 L22 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames in the story. Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check if they ordered it correctly. Skills 15. L /S Interaction 15. T /Ss Time 15. 5-10’ 16. L /S 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ * Extension activities -AB p. 28 Circle and find. Write. Ss look for the words in the “Word snake” and write them under the corresponding pictures. 10- 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 18. L /S 18. T /Ss 18. 5-10’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - R/W - IW -10-15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Food flashcards -Zipadee puppet Additional material: -1 photocopy of p. 21 of the Photocopy Master Book 1 for each student -Scissors for each student -Colour pencils -Glue for each student. -One sheet of paper for each student. Unit 6. Picnic Objectives Ses Recall the sion vocabulary. 5 members of the family Prepare students to listen to a song in English. Introduce the structure : “Can I have (some ice cream), please? Sing a song in English. Practise the language in the song. Oral practice of the structure (apples). “I like - Practise oral comprehension of the song in the unit. - Oral practice of the food vocabulary. . Activities 19. TB p. 116 Getting started. -T shows the Ss a flashcard of a member of the family without seeing which card it is. T says names of members of the family, if she doesn't guess, Ss say “No” and if she does, they say “Yes”. -Ask, with the flashcards on the board : “Who’s this/ that?”. 20. CB, p. 55 Preparing the song -Call 6 Ss to the board and give them one food flashcard each. T: “I’m hungry! Can I have (some ice cream), please?”. The S that has the ice cream, gives the card. T: “Thank you”. Do it with the rest of the food. 21. CB p. 55 L23 Sing. -T: “Open your books at page 55”. -Look at the picture and discuss it with the Ss. -Ss listen to L23. T performs the actions in the song. -Play L23 again. Encourage the Ss to perform the actions. . -Play L23 again. Encourage the Ss to sing. 22. CB p. 55 L23 Draw. Sing. -Look at the pictures : “What’s this?”. -L55. Ss use the pictures to change the stanzas of the song. 23. TB p. 117 Finishing -The Zipadee puppet says what it likes : “I like (apples)”. Ss say what they like : “I like (salad)”. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 22 L23 Song craft. Colour and cut. Fold and cut. Ss make a cutout to use when acting out the song. -TB p.117 Find a pair Each S takes a food mini-card and walks around the class until T says “Stop!”. They tell Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 5-10’ 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ 10- 22. L /S 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5-10’ - L /S -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -L /S -T /Ss -10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Members of the family flashcards -Food flashcards -Colour pencils -Food Mini-cards Additional material: -One photocopy of p. 22 of the PMB for each student. -One photocopy of p. 23 of the PMB for each student. -Scissors for each student. -Students' folders. . the student closest which food item they have. If it is the same one, they sit down. Repeat until most Ss are seated. - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. Unit 6. Picnic Objectives Ses Remember the song in the unit. sion 6 Introduce and practise the actions: : “Point to the door” and “Point to the floor”. Getting to know about food and British families. Draw and present orally one ot their favourite foods. Practise farewells. * Extension activities -PMB p. 23 L23 Write. Sing. Complete the lyrics of the song with the using the words provided in the list. . Sing the song again with the Ss. -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ 10- 26. L /S 26. T /Ss – IW 26. 25’ 20- 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5’ Ss Activities 24. TB p. 118 L24 Getting started. -T greets the Ss : “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. 25. CB p. 56 L25 Listen and play. -I: “Point to the door / floor”. T acts out and asks Ss tp imitate. -T: “Open your books at page 56”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. Add the following orders: “Clap your hands, stamp your feet, put your hand up / down, Open / Close your book, stand up, sit down, point to... , look at... , turn around, jump”. 26. CB p. 56 Draw. -Show the foods flashcards. Ss put up their hand when they like something. Ask the Ss to build phrases. : “I like (apples)”. -T: “Look at page 56”. Look and comment thei illustration with the Ss. -Tell them that British families have a light lunch at midday and a fuller meal in the evening. Ask Ss what they eat and at what time. -Ss draw themselves eating their favourite food. -When they finish they show their drawings and say “I like (apples)”. 27. TB p. 119 Finishing. -Ss say goodbye to Zipadee. Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Food flashcards -Colour pencils. - “My World” poster -Photographs and drawings brought by the students. -Blu tack -Water- soluble felt pen -One photocopy of p. 24 of the PMB for each student. . -One big sheet of paper for each student. -Scissors for each student -Glue -Make a food poster with the students' personal drawings and photographs. -Practise written vocabulary. . expression of food -Practicse written comprehension of foods. Unit 6. Picnic Objectives Ses Prepare the Ss to revise the work done sion throughout the unit. 7 Revise the food vocabulary. Oral practice of the phrases: “Pizza, please” and “Thank you” to order food. . Revise the song in the unit. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 119 My World Poster T puts the “My World” poster where Ss see it properly. Tell them that in the center they will put the drawings and photos of their favourite foods They can label them with a water-soluble felt pen that can be erased when they make another poster. - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -R /W -IW -5-10’ -R/W -IW -10-15’ Activities 28. TB p. 120 Getting started. -Play “Numbered flashcards” with Ss with the food flashcards. Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. TB p. 120 Revising A -Have 4 Ss go to the front of the class. T is the waiter. Ss have to order what they want to eat. : “Pizza, please”. T raises the corresponding flashcard and gives it to the S who ordered it, who then says “Thank you”. Repeat the procedure with other groups of Ss. 30. TB p. 120 L20 Revising B. -Call 6 Ss yto the board and give them one food flashcard each. Play L20 Ss have to raise them and put them in the right order. -Play L20 again: Ss chant it and acti it out. 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 15’ 30. L /S 30. T /Ss 30. 5-10’ * Extension activities -AB p. 21 Write. Ss do the crossword. . -PMB p. 24 Pupil’s posters. Cut. T puts the food flashcards on the board and writes the names on top. T turns the flashcards round and Ss say the foods by reading the names. . -Ss make a food poster on a big sheet of paper with the cards from p.24 of the PMB and their drawings. 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Food flashcards -Zipadee puppet -Colgantes de los alimentos de animales de compañía -Rubber stamps -Colour pencils - Portfolio folders -Vocabulary Poster Make a picture dictionary with the food vocabulary. Practise pronunciation of food vocabulary. Self-evaluation of throughout the unit. the work done Practise farewells. * Make the Portfolio. -Reinforce food vocabulary. Revision. Units 5 and 6 Objectives Onl 1. Reinforce the orders worked on in units y 5 and 6: “Clap your hands, stamp your feet, Ses point to the door, point to the floor”. sion 31. CB p. 57 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While Ss carry out the activity, “What’s this/ that?” Ss: “(Pizza)”. -Optional: Ss can trace the words with a pencil. -T can stamp the Ss' work with the rubber stamps (Bottom right of p.57) 32. CB p. 57 L 26 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to the six words at different speeds in groups of three and then repeat them. 31. L/S/R/W 31. T /Ss - IW 31. 10’ 32. L /S 32. T /Ss 32. 10’ 33. CB p. 57 Circle and colour. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can recall the activities carried out throughout the unit. . 33. L /S /R 33. T /Ss – IW 33. 5-10’ TB p. 121 Finishing. -One by one, Ss say goodbye to Zipadee . * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they could carry out a project related with foods. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 121 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible place of the classroom. Two Ss compete at the board to see who finds a food item first “Find an (ice cream)”. Repeat with other Ss. Parts of the body, members of the family, shcool objects, toys, colours and numbers can also be revised. 34. L /S 34. T /Ss 34. 5`’ * R /W * IW * 10-20’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ Activities 1. TB p. 122 Getting started. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on: “Hello!” Ss: “Hello, Zipadee!” -Play “Zipadee says” with the orders introduced in units 5 and 6: “Clap your hands, stamp your feet, point to the door, point to the Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ Material -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Parts of the body flashcards -Food flashcards floor”. Orders from other units can also be used. body 2. TB p. 122 First game. -Plau “Name the flashcards” with the parts of the body and foods flashcards 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 5-10’ Identify and number foods and parts of the body. Answer the questions : “How many (hands)?” 3. CB p. 58 Second game. -Look at the elements on the page margins. T : “Point to the (sandwich)”, etc. -Give the example with the Ss: “Count the hands. How many hands?”. -Ss carry out the activity individually. While Ss work, T asks around the class: : “What’s this? How many?” -Cehck the answers with the Ss 4. CB p. 59 L27 Listen. -T: Look at page twenty-three. Look at the Story”. Remembering the characters . -Ask Ss to look at the frames and say in LL1 if they think Snapper is nice or not. . I: “Seeweed”. -L27 Ss follow the frames with their finger. -L27 Ss listen again. T pauses after each phrase. Ask Ss to repeat them. Explain the words they don't understand. -T: “One”. Ask Ss to remember the frame. Do the same thing with the other frames. -Divide the class in four groups: Bob, Olly, Snapper and the bull. Each group speaks its part. -Get self confident Ss to act out one or several frames. 5. TB p. 123 Finishing. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and says goodbye to each S. 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L/S/R/W 4. T /Ss - IW 4. 15’ 5. L /S 5. T /Ss 5. 5’ Revise food vocabulary. and parts of the Overall comprehension of the episode of a comic. . 5. Practise farewells. -1 photocopy of page 20 of the PMB for each student. -1 photocopy of page 24 of the PMB for each student. -Vocabulary Poster -Reinforce parts of the body vocabulary. -Reinforce food and parts of the body vocabulary. Evaluation. Units 5 and 6 Objectives * Evaluate the basic aspects worked on in Eval units 5 and 6. uati on Ses sion Evaluation. Units 1 to 6 Objectives * Evaluate the basic aspects worked on in Eval units 1 to 6. uati on Ses sion * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 123 Vocabulary Poster T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible place and calls a S to the board. T asks him/her to look for one of the parts of the body in the poster. S will find it, say the word but not point to it. Another S comes up to the board to point and says another part of the body that another S in turn, will point to. . - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - L /S - T /Ss -10’ Skills * L/S/R/W Interaction * IW Time * 30-40’ Material -One photocopy of TEST 3 p. 14 of the Evaluation notebook for each student. Skills * L/S/R/W Interaction * IW Time * 30-40’ Material -One photocopy of TEST 4 p. 15 of the Evaluation notebook for each student. * Extension activities -TB p. 123 Magic lamps game Play the magic lamp game with the food and parts of the body vocabulary cards. Activities -Ss take Test 3. Note: the Ss who finish earlier can complete pending activities from the CB or the AB. Activities -Ss take Test 4. Note: the Ss who finish earlier can complete pending activities from the CB or the AB. Christmas Objectives Ses 1. Introduce students to the context of the sion unit (Christmas) 1 Introducie the vocabulary: “Snowman, Christmas tree, star, present” Learn aspects of Christmas celebration in Great Britain. Sing a Christmas carol. Oral practice of Christmas greetings. -Practise written comprehension and expression of: “Bell, Christmas tree, star, present”. -Revise vocabulary from previous units. . Christmas Objectives Activities 1. TB p. 124 Getting started. -Ask in LL1 what Ss do for Christmas, what they eat, where they go, if they visit their families... -T draws on the board : “Snowman, Christmas tree, star, present”. Point to each object and say the names. -Call a S to the board T. says a name and Ss point to it. 2. TB p. 124 / CB p. 60 Look at the picture. -Look at the picture with the Ss. Look in the picture for the following elements: “Snowman, Christmas tree, star, present”. -I: “Bell”. -Explain the way Christmas is celebrated in Great Britain comparing it with their own celebrations. 3. CB p. 61 L29 Sing. -Look at and discuss the pictures with the Ss -L29 Teach Ss the Christmas carol. 4. TB p. 125 Finishing. -Have a S go up to the board and with Zipadee a “Merry Christmas” * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 30 Trace. Draw and colour. Ss draw the missing parts in the pictures, match them with the corresponding words and trace them with a pencil. * Extension activities -TB p. 125 Presents game In pairs Ss have to think of 4 objects that would make a good present. S1 says them and S2 draws them. Finally, they compare the drawings to see if they have drawn the same things. Next, it's S2 turn to decide. . Activities Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 10-15’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 15’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L/S/R/W 4. T /Ss - IW 4. 5’ - R /W -IW -10’ - L /S - PW -10-15’ Skills Interaction Time Material -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Colour pencils -One big sheet of paper per student Material Ses sion 2 5. TB p. 126 Getting started. -T: “Open your books at page 60”. T points to objects but says words that do not correspond to the object. Ss correct. T. 6. TB p. 126 / CB p. 61 L29 Sing. -L29. Sing the carol again. -Make three groups: each group stands up and sings one of the verses: “We wish you a Merry Christmas”. The whole group stands up to sing the last verse: “And a Happy New year”. 7. CB p. 61 Colour. -Revise the colours using the colour flashcards. -Look at the picture. Ss say what they think they are supposed to do. Ss carry out the activity. 8. TB p. 125 Finishing. -Get the Ss to come up and wish Zipadee a “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 21 Colour and cut. Fold and Stick. Ss follow instructions to make a cutout of a snowman. 5. L /S 5. T /Ss 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 15’ 8. L/S/R/W 8. T /Ss - IW 8. 5’ L /S -IW -10’ -Reinforce the carol in the unit. -PMB p. 27 L29 Sing Ss colour the pictures on the margins and the picture of “Father Chritsmas”. While they do so, T asks : “What’s this? (a Star) What colour this? (Yellow)” L29 Ss sing the Christmas carol again. - L /S -IW -10-15’ - R /W -IW -10-15’ -Practise written expression of the song in the unit. * Extension activities -TB p. 127 Ss copy the lyrics on another page and decorate it to take it home. Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Time 5. Recall Christmas related vocabulary. 6. Sing a Christmas carol. 7. Practise Christmas related vocabulary. Oral practice of Christmas and New Year greetings. -Make the cutout of a snowman. -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Colours flashcards -Colour pencils -One photocopy for each student of page 26 of the PMB -One photocopy of page 27 of the PMB for each student. -Scissors for each S -Glue -One big sheet of paper per student. Easter Material Ses sion 1 1. Introduce students to the context of the unit (Easter) Introduce the vocabulary : “Easter eggs, flowers, tree, chick” Learn aspects of Easter celebrations in Great Britain. Sing an Easter song. . Oral practice of an Easter greetings formula -Practicse written comprehension and expession of the structure : “3 blue eggs”. -Practise written comprehension and expession of the structure: “3 blue eggs”. 1. TB p. 128 Getting started. -Ask in LL1 how they celebrate Easter. Do they break chocolate eggs? -T draws on the board : “Easter egg, flower, tree, chick”. Points to each object and says the names. -T calls a S. to the board. T says a name and the Ss point to it. 2. TB p. 128 / CB p. 62 Look at the picture. -Look at the picture with the Ss. Look in the picture for these elements: “egg, flower, chick, basket”. -Explain how Easter is celebrated in Great Britain, comparing it with how they celebrate it: I: “Easter Buny”. 3. CB p. 63 L30 Sing. -Look at and discuss the pictures with the Ss. -L30 Point out the song to the Ss . 4. TB p. 1219 Finishing. -Have Ss wish Zipadee a “Happy Easter” . * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 31 Trace. Draw and colour. Ss draw and colour the indicated Easter eggs in the baskets. * Extension activities -TB p. 129 Easter Eggs game Ss play in pairs. S1 thinks of a colour and a number and says to S2 “Three orange eggs”. Both Ss draw them without showing their friend. Now S2 says the colour and number to S1. When they have repeated it several times, they compare their drawings to see if they are the same. 1. L /S 1. T /Ss 1. 10-15’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 15’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L /S 4. T /Ss 4. 5’ -R -IW -10’ - L /S - PW -10’ -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Colour pencils -One sheet of paper per student Easter Ses sion 2 Objectives 5. Remember Easter related vocabulary. . Sing an Easter song. . 7. Practise Easter related vocabulary. Revise the numbers 1 to 10 vocabulary. Oral practice of Easter greetings. -Make a card with Easter greetings. -Reinforce the song in the unit. Activities 5. TB p. 130 Getting started. -T: “Open your books at `page 62”. T points to objects but says words that are not the names of the objects. Ss correct. 6. TB p. 130 / CB p. 63 L30 Sing. -L30. Sing the song again. . -Perform actions: when they say “egg” they draw an oval in the air, when they say “Run” the pretend to run, when they say “play” they shake the hand of another student. 7. CB p. 63 Find and count. -Ss have to look for the different types of Easter eggs and count them. . -Check the answers with the group-class. 8. TB p. 130 Finishing. -Put the flashcards with the numbers on the board. Make two teams. Have one S from each team go up to the board. T says a number from 1 to 10, e.g.: “Seven”. Ss have to run to number 7 and write under it any combination that adds up to 7: 4+3, 2+5... The first S to write a correct combination gets a point for his/her team. -Ss say goodbye to Zipadee: “Happy Easter, Zipadee!” Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 15’ 8. L /S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ -L /S -IW -10’ -PMB p. 29 L30 Sing Ss colour the pictures on the margins. While they are doing so, T asks around : “What’s this? (a rabbit) What colour this? (Green)”L30 Ss sing the song again. - L /S -IW -10-15’ * Extension activities - R /W -IW -10-15’ * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 28 Colour. Cut and fold. Ss follow the instructions to make an Easter card. Material -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Numbers flashcards -Colour pencils -One photocopy of page 28 of the PMB for each student. -One photocopy of page 29 of the PMB for each student -Scissors for each student -Practise the written experessionof the song in the unit. . -TB p. 131 Ss copy the lyrics of the song on another sheet of paper and decorate it to take it home. CLASSROOM PROGRAMME –COOL KIDS! 2: YEAR 2010/2011* *Each centre will have to adapt this programme to its own situation and timetable. THE SESSIONS ARE APPROXIMATELY 45’ LONG. TEACHERS WILL ADAPT THIS TO THEIR TIMETABLE AND CLASS LEVEL Introduction. Numbers / Weather Objectives Ses Introduce Cool Kids 2 to the students and sion motivate them. 1 Recall the characters of Rosie, Jack and Zipadee from the previous level. Introduce numbers from 11 to 20 and learn a “Chant” with numbers 1 to 20. Remember numbers 1 to 10. Numbers from 1 to 20. Activities TB p. 26 / Class Book Getting started. -Put the “Magic Lamp” poster in the classroom. Put away the numbers 1 to 20 flashcards in the lamp. -T introduces his/her self : “Hello! I’m (name)”. Get the Ss to introduce themselves. Ask if they remember the characters from the previous level. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on “Hello!” Ss: “Hello, Zipadee!”. CB, p. 2-3 L1 Listen and point. Chant. -T puts the numbers 1 to 10 flashcards on the board. Zipadee points to them and says them. Ss repeat them. -Zipadee doing magic, takes the numbers 11 to 20 flashcards from the lamp and introduces them to the Ss as T puts them on the board. -L1: “Listen and point”. -L2. T: “Let’s say the numbers chant”.Ss listen to the Chant. -L2. Ss listen to the Chant and point to the numbers in their book. -Ss listen to the “chant” again and say it following the recording. CB p. 3. Draw and say. -Ss look at the picture in the bottom part. Ss figure out what they have to do. -Ss join the dots in order. While they are doing so, T asks around : “What number’s this?” and when they finish “Who’s that?”. Skills L /S 2. L /S L /S Interaction T /Ss Time 5-10’ 2. T /Ss 10-15’ 3 T /Ss 3. 15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 “Magic Lamp” poster -Numbers 1 to 20 flashcards -Cd with music the students may like 10- Count orally from 1 to 20. Introduction . Numbers / Weather Objectives Ses sion - Count amounts of school objects upto 20 1 elements. (Co - Remember school objects vocabulary. ntin ued ) TB p. 27.Finishing -Explain to the Ss that they will all count from 1 to 20, with each S saying a number successively when they are pointed at. Correct pronunciation. -Ss say goodbye to Zipadee. 4. Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 2 Count. T shows the school objects from the previous level : “What’s this?”. Ss open their books and look at the picture. Get Ss to read the words at the end of the page. T: “Count the (pencils) in the picture”. Ss count them . T: “How many (pencils)?”. Ss carry out the activity individually while T asks around the class : “What’s this? How many?”. Skills Interaction Time - L /S /R -T /Ss - IW -10’ -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ - L /S -T/Ss -5-10' Skills Interaction Time - Oral practice of numbers 1 to 20 L/S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ Material -TB p. 27 Pass the flashcard. Ss sit in a circle. T hands out three or four numbers 1 to 20 flashcards and plays music. Ss pass them on until the music stops. When the music stops, Ss that have a flashcard have to say the number out loud. - Solve simple sums. Introduction. Numbers / Weather Objectives * Extension activities -TB p. 27 What’s the answer? T writes some simple sums on the board : “13+4”. T: “What’s the answer?”. Ss answer.. Activities Material Ses sion 2 Revise the oral identification of numbers 11 to 20. TB p. 28 Getting started -Play What’s missing?” using numbers 1 to 20 flashcards . 5. L /S 5. T /Ss 5. 5-10’ Make some cards to practise numbers 11 to 20. CB, p. 79 Para jugar -T: “Open your books at page seventy-nine”. Ss cut out the cards and write their name on the back. -Play “Match the flashcards”. T shows the Ss the number flashcards in no specific order. Ss show them and say them. 7. CB p. 2 L2. Listen -T: “Open your book at page 2”. Look and discuss the picture with the Ss. -Point, one by one at all the characters: “Who’s this?”. Point at the magic lamp: “What’s this?”. -L2. T: “Let’s listen to Rosie, Jack and Zipadee”. Ask the Ss what they think the characters are saying. -L2. Ss point to the character who is speaking at all times. -L2. Make three groups, one for each character. Each group says the phrases of its character. 8. TB p. 29. Practising -Call two Ss to the board : “You’re Jack. You’re Rosie” Ss practise the dialogue lines as if they were the characters in the book. TB p. 29 Finishing -T says numbers 1 to 20. When they hear them, Ss put away the corresponding mini-cards in their folders. _Ss say goodbye to Zipadee. 6. L /S 6. T /Ss 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. L / S 8. T /Ss 8. 10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 3 Colour and say. Skills Interaction Time - R /W -IW -5-10’ Introduce once again, the characters of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. Introduce : “How are you” and “I’m fine”. Practise orally: “How are you?” and “I’m fine, thank you”. Practise orally the identification of numbers from 1 to 20. Introduction. Numbers / Weather Objectives Ses sion - Identify numbers 11 to 20. -CB -AB -CD 1 -Numbers 1 to 20 flashcards -Scissors for each student -Students folders -Colour pencils -Mini-cards of numbers 11 to 20 Material 2 (Co ntin ued ) Ss colour the dotted areas and identify the numbers. T can ask meanwhile, : “What number’s this?” - Practise oral comprehension of numbers 11 to 20. - Practise oral comprehension expression of numbers 11 to 20. and -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ - L /S -PW -5-10' Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ -TB p. 29 Circle the numbers. Ss write 4 numbers between 1 and 30. T says the numbers: Ss circle the numbers they have. The first S to circle all the numbers puts up his/her hand and says them. * Extension activities -TB p. 29 What number’s this? In pairs. Ss shuffle their cards and put a pile facing downwards. S1 takes a card without letting S2 see it. S2 has to try to guess what card it is in less than three attempts. If he/she guesses, S gets to keep it. Next, it is the turn of S2. . Introducción. Numbers / Weather Objectives Ses Introduce students to the topic in the sion session: “Weather”. 3 Activities 10. TB p. 30 Getting started. -Put the “Magic Lamp” poster in the class. Put away the weather flashcards in the lamp. -T:“Hello!” and explain that today they will work on another subject. Show the “Windy” flashcard. Ask Ss to guess what subject it is about. Ask Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Weather flashcards -Numbers flashcards “Magic Lamp” what words they think they will learn. Introduce the weather related vocabulary: : “Cloudy, sunny, wet, windy, hot, cold”. Learn a song with the weather vocabulary. . Practise oral comprehension of weather vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension of weather vocabulary. Introduction. Numbers / Weather Objectives Ses sion -Practicse written comprehension 3 weather vocabulary. of poster -Zipadee puppet 11. TB, p. 30 L3 L4 Listen and point -T pulls out of the lamp the weather flashcards one by one, showing the Ss. -L3. Zipadee points to them as they are heard in the recording. -T: “Open your books at page 4”. L3. Ss listen and point to the pictures of the weather in their book. -L3. Pause after each word for Ss to repeat. -L4. T: “Let’s say the weather chant”. Teach Ss the weather song. 12. CB p. 5 L5 Practising -T: “Open your books at page 5”. Ask Ss to look at the pictures. -Do the first one with the group-class: “Look at number 1. What’s the weather like?”. -L5 Ss listen and circle the right pictures. -Correct with the Ss. 13. TB p. 31 Finishing -Each S chooses a different type of weather and marks it in the book. T shows the weather flashcards one by one. When Ss see the one they chose, they can close their books and get ready to leave. 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ 12. L /S 12. T /Ss – IW 12. 15’ 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 4 Read and draw. Previo: T: “Open your AB at page 4. Look at the Skills Interaction Time - L /S /R -T / Ss - IW -10-15’ Additional material: -Colour pencils -One sheet of paper per student 10- Material pictures. What’s the weaher like (in one)?”. While the Ss carry out the activity, T can ask : : “What’s the weather like?” Ss. “It’s (wet)” (Co ntin ued ) - Practise oral identification of the weather. . - Oral and written expression of their favourite type of weather. Introduction. Numbers / Weather Objectives Ses Revise the weather song from session 3. . sion 4 -TB p. 31 Numbered flashcards T puts the weather flashcards on the board and numbers them from 1 to 6. T asks one by one: : “What’s number (one)?”. Turn round the flashcards and check if the Ss remember the order. : “What’s number (six)?” -L /S -T/Ss -5-10’ * Extension activities -TB p. 31 Draw. Ask some Ss what weather they prefer. Ss draw themselves somewhere with their favourite weather, using a sheet of paper. Ss write what the weather is like under the picture. These pictures can be used later to make a poster. - R /W -T /Ss – IW -10' Activities 14. TB p. 32 L4 Getting started -T puts the weather flashcards in the same order as they appear in the book. T plays the “Chant again. T:“Listen and point”. -T: “Point and say”. Skills 14. L /S Interaction 14. T /Ss Time 14. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Weather flashcards -Numbers flashcards Make some cards to practise the weather. Practise oral identification of numbers 1 to 6 and the weather. Present the “Days, weather and seasons” poster and its uses Introduce the question : “What’s the weather like today?”. - Practise written comprehension and expression of weather vocabulary. - Describe the weather. - Practise oral expression of the weather vocabulary. 15. CB, p. 77 Playing -T: “Open your books at page seventy-seven”. Ss cut out the cards and write their name on the back. . -Play “Match the flashcards”. T shows Ss the colours flashcards in no specific order. Ss show them and say them. 16. TB p. 32.Practising -T raises a number 1 to 6 flashcard and another weather flashcard: : “Five, windy”. Divide the class in two groups. One group says what number it is and the other what the weather is like. Repeat switching roles. . 17. TB p. 32 Finishing -Put the “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster in the class. Explain that from now on, they will be writing the weather at the begining of each session. -T: “What’s the weather like?”. Write on the poster . * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 5 Write. Ss look at the pictures. Do the first on with the Ss. : “Number 1. What’s the weather like? (It’s hot)”. Ss carry out the activity individually. Correct with the group-class . * Extension activities -TB p. 33 Guess the word T writes on the board the weather words. T mimes one of these words. Ss try to guess what the weather is like. -TB p. 33 Matching boards In pairs. Each S puts 3 weather cards in the chart on p 64. S1 gives his positions to S2 and the other way around. Later they compare their charts. 15. L /S 15. T /Ss – IW 15. 15’ 16. L /S 16. T /Ss 16. 10’ 17. L /S /R 17. T /Ss 17. 5-10’ - R /W - IW -10-15’ -L /S /R -T/Ss -5-10’ - L /S -PW -10' 10- -Scissors for each student. -Students folders - “Days, weather and seasons” poster -A water-soluble felt tip pen -Zipadee puppet -Mini-cards of the weather. Unit 1. Home Objectives Ses Introduce the context of unit 1 (Toys). sion 1 2. Introduce the rooms vocabulary: “Bedroom, dining room, bathroom, kitchen, living room, garden”. 3. Practise written comprehension of the rooms vocabulary. 4. Practise oral comprehension and expression of the rooms vocabulary. . Unit 1. Home Activities 1. TB p. 34 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster where it is perfectly visible and puts away the rooms flashcards in it. T puts the Zipadee puppet on and hides it in the corner. -T points to the poster : “Hello! Look! It’s the magic lamp”. Show the Zipadee puppet: “Hello, I’m Zipadee” Ss answer: “Hello, I’m (Susana)”. -Talk over with the Ss that today they will be strarting a new unit. T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!”Have a flashcard come out of the lamp : “Look, it’s a (living room)” Ss have to guess the topic of the unit. When they guess, ask what words they think they will be learning. 2. CB, p. 6 L6 L7 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T brings the flashcards withthe new words from the lamp using the Zipadee puppet, and saying them aloud as he hangs them on the board following the order in the book. -Look at and comment the picture with the Ss. -L5 y : “Listen and clap”. “Listen and point”. Ss listen to the words and point to them. -L6 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and say it. 3. CB p. 7. Read and cirlce. Say. -Ask the Ss what they think they are supposed to do. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks : “What’s this?. TB p. 35.Finishing -Ask a S to take a flashcard from the board and give it to Zipadee who will put it back into the lamp. Zipadee asks : “What’s this?” Ss answers.. Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Rooms flashcards -Zipadee puppet. -Magic Lamp”poster. Additional material: -Colour pencils -Pieces of paper for each student -A sheet of paper per student -Colour pencils 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ 3. L /S /R 3. IW 3. 10’ 4. L / S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ Objectives Ses sion 1 (Co ntin ued ) Practise written comprehension of the rooms vocabulary. Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 6 Number. Ss read the words and write the numbers in the corresponding pictures. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -IW -5-10’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ - Practise oral comprehension of rooms vocabulary -TB p. 35 Reverse Bingo Each S takes pieces of paper and puts them on three of the pictures on p 7 of the CB to play reverse Bingo. Ss bring the papers as they hear the name of the rooms. Whoever brings all the papers is eliminated. Ss that still have a piece of paper when T says the sixth room, are the winners. - Identify the rooms in the drawing of a house. . * Extension activities -TB p. 35 Home T draws the sketch of a house on the board. Identify the rooms with the Ss. Ss can draw the sketch of a house on a sheet of paper and label the rooms. . - L /S/R/W -T /Ss –IW -10-15' Activities Skills Interaction Time Unit 1. Home Objectives Material Material Ses sion 2 Identfy the day of the week and the day's weather. Make some cards to practise the rooms vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension of the rooms vocabulary. 8. Practise the written comprehension and expression of the rooms vocabulary. . Practise oral comprehension of the rooms vocabulary. - Oral practice of the rooms vocabulary. - Practise the rooms vocabulary. 5. TB p. 36 Getting started. -Put the “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster in a visible place of the classroom. -Point at the days of the week in the poster and say them in English. -T: “What day is it today?”. T answers and Ss repeat. . “It’s (Monday)”. Call a S to the board to point at the word in the poster and write it in the corresponding place. -Do the same with the weather. 6. TB p. 36 / CB, p. 75 Preparing the game. -Ss prepare the cards with the rooms to make a game. CB p.8/ CB p. 64 L8. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (dining room)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Repeat it with all the cards. -Revise with the Ss the numbers from 1 to 6. Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” play L8. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First, they show the corresponding object and then they listen and put the card in the corresponding box. -Correct on the board. T: “One?” Ss: “Bedroom” T: “Yes, It’s a bedroom”. CB p. 8.Find and write. -Ss say what they think they are supposed to do. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks: “What’s this?”. 9. TB p. 37 Finishing -Ss write their names on the back of the cards and put them away in their folders when T gives the order: “Put away the (kitchen)”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 37 What’s missing? Play “What’s missing?”with Ss, using the rooms flashcards. . 5. L/S/R/W 5. T /Ss 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. R /W 8. IW 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -TB p. 37 Find a pair. Play “Find the pair” with the mini-cards of the rooms. -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -CB -AB -CD 1 - “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster. -A water-soluble felt pen -Rooms flashcards -Numbers flashcards -Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student. -Students folders -Mini-cards of the rooms -One sheet of paper per student. -Colour pencils - Practise spelling of rooms vocabulary. . Unit 1. Home Objectives Ses Prepare and motivate the students to listen sion to a story. 3 Listen to a story in English Overall comprehension of a story Answer questions about a story Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. * Extension activities -TB p. 37 Word game In pairs S1 takes the rooms and dictates them to S2. Next, they all correct the spelling.together. Switch roles. Activities 10. TB p. 38 L9 Getting started. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and greets the Ss. Explain that they will listen to a story about Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -Introduce the magic song “It’s story time” to the Ss performing the actions. *One, two, three. Raise one, two and three fingers. *For you and me. Point to the students and to yourself. -Ss try to chant the song and mime the gestures. 11. TB p. 38 / CB, p. 9 L9 Listen to the story. -Look at the story in the book with the Ss Ss explain in LL1 what they think the story is about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story until the end and follow it in the book pointing at the frames. -T plays the story again and stops in each frame. T asks comprehension questions: V1: “Who is it? V2: “Where’s Mum?” V3: Who is it? V4: “Where’s Dad?” V5: “Who is it?” V6: “Where’s Zipadee?” -T: Listen and repeat”. Play the story and pause for Ss to repeat the phrases. 12. TB p.39/ CB p. 9. Working on the story -T: “Listen and answer”. T says phrases from the story. Ss have to say the corresponding number of frame. - R /W -PW -10' Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee Additional material: -Rooms flashcards -1 photocopy of p 30 of the PMB for each student Oral practice of the phrases from the story in the unit. Introduce the phrase “You may go!” Unit 1. Home Objectives Ses sion - Practise the rooms vocabulary. 3 (Co ntin ued ) - Remember the words and phrases of the story in the unit. Oral discriminationo of words. - Practise written comprehension and expression of the rooms vocabulary. Unit 1. Home Objectives TB p. 39 /CB p. 9.Act it out. -Make two groups : Jack and Rosie to act out the story. -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. Switch roles. . 14. TB p. 39 Finishing -Number the Ss with the numbers from 1 to 5. T: “Number two, you may go!”. Continue until the whole group is ready to leave. 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 39 What’s missing? Play “What’s missing?” with vocabulary flashcards. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -TB p.39 Remembering the story T asks the Ss what words and phrase they remember fromt he story and writes them on the board. Play L9. Ss put up their hand when they hear one of the words written on the board. -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ * Extension activities -AB p. 7 Match and write Ss match the characters with the rooms they're in, read the words and complete the phrases. Give the example with the Ss. Remember “I’m..:” T: “Where’s the boy?” Ss: “In the livng room”. -R/W -IW -10' Activities the Material rooms Skills Interaction Time Material Ses sion 4 Identiy the day of the week and the what the weather is like.. Identiy toys in the story in the unit. Practise spelling of toys vocabulary. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. Practise comprehension information in a story. of specific Oral practice of the phrases in the unit story. - Reinforce comprehension of the story in the unit. -Practise written expression of the toys vocabulary. . - Reinforce written comprehension of the 15. TB p. 40 Getting started. -Put the “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster in a visible part of the class. -Point to the days of the week in the poster and say them in English. . -T: “What days is it today?”. T answers and Ss repeat. “It’s (Monday)”. Call a S to the front to poin to the word in the poster and write it in the corresponding place. -Do the same with the weather. 16. CB, p. 9-10 L8 Find and write. -T says phraes of the story but changing the information so Ss can correct it e.g.:. “Mum’s in the living room” Ss: “No, in the garden”. Before each phrase, T says : “look at number (one)” -Look at the toys on page 10.Look for the first one with the Ss. “What’s this? Look at the story. Where’s the (ball)?” Ss: “One”. -Correct the actitvity with the Ss. 17. CB p. 9-10 Choose and say. -T: “Look at the pictures”. Point to the characters: “Who’s this?”Dp sectopm 1 with the group. -Ss carry out the activity individually. CB p. 9 L9 Finishing. -Divide the group-class in 2 groups: Rosie and Jack. Play L9. Each group says and acts out its phrases. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 1 L9 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames in the story. Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check if they've done it correctly. * Extension activities -AB p. 8 Find and circle. Pre: Look at the pictures . T: “What’s this?” Ss: “It’s a (living room)”. Ss do the letter soup. -TB p. 41 make a mini book 15. L/S/R/W 15. T /Ss 15. 5-10’ 16. L/S/R/W 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ 10- 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 10- 18. L /S /R 18. T /Ss 18. 15’ 10- - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10-15' -R/W -IW -15-20’ (H) -CB -AB -CD 1 “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster -A water-soluble felt tip pen -Zipadee puppet Additional material: -1 photocopy of p. 1of th Photocopy Master Book for each student -Scissors for each student -Colour pencils -Pegamento para cada alumno -Una hoja de papel para cada alumno story in the unit. Hand out 2 sheets of paper to make a small book with 8 pages. They use the first page for the cover and then draw the 6 frames with the characters' dialogues in the rest. Ss take the book home. Unit 1. Home Ses sion 5 Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Time Material Reinforce oral comprehension of the rooms vocabulary TB p. 42 Getting started. -Ss take the rooms mini-cards. -T: “Show me the (garden)”. Ss raise the corresponding mini-card. T shows the corresponding flashcard so Ss can see if they did it right. . 20. CB, p. 11 Preparing the song . -T: “Open your books at page 11” Point to one of the pieces of furniture in the first picture. : “What’s this?” Point to one of the animals and ask : “What’s this?”. Do the same with other furniture and pets. 21. CB p. 11 L10 Sing. -L9. Play without stopping the recording. -Play L10. T acts out the lyrics so the Ss understand the song. *”Where’s my mouse?”. T imitates a running movement with the fingers. . *”Where’s my fish?”l. Pretend you are a fish opening and closing your mouth *”Where’s my cat?”. Pretend to stroke a cat. -Play L10 again. Encourage Ss to perform the actions. -Play L10 again. Encourage Ss to sing CB p. 11 L 11 Write. Sing. -Look at the animal pictures with the Ss.Look at the words in the box, read them and write them under the corresponding picture. -L11. Ss use the pictures to invent new stanzas of the song. . 23. TB p. 43 Finishing -As T says the rooms, Ss put away the corresponding mini-cards in their folder. 19. L /S 19. T /Ss 19. 5’ 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 5-10’ -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -Rooms flashcards -mini-cards of the rooms -Students' folders Prepare the students to listen to a song in English. Sing a song in English Practise the language in the song. Practise writing of: “Bird, rabbit, dog”. Practise oral comprehension of the rooms vocabulary. 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ 10- 22. L/S/R/W 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5’ Additional material: -One photocopy of p. 2 of the PMB for each student -One photocopy of p 3 of the PMB for each student -Scissors for each student -Glue -Colour pencils Unit 1. Home Objectives Ses sion - Practise oral comprehension of 5 instructions to put objects on certain pieces (Co of furniture. ntin ued ) -Oral practice of structures : “Where’s my mouse? It’s in the bedroom?”. Activities * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 2 Colour. Cut and Stick. Ss colour the animals and furniture and cut out the cards. Practise giving instructions to place animals on different furniture: “Cat. On the table”. L10. Ss listen to the song and put the animals on their respective furniture, clasping them. . Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -L /S -T /Ss -10’ -PMB p. 3 L10 Write. Sing. Complete the lyrics of the song with the Ss using the words provided in the list. . Sing the song again with the Ss. -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Activities 24. TB p. 44 L10 Getting started. -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. . -Divide the group-class in three groups and assign a stanza to each group. Each group sings its stanza. 25. CB p. 12 L12 Listen and play. -I: “Wave” and “Walk”. T acts them out and asks Ss to imitate. -T: “Open your books at page 12”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. Explain that Zipadee does magic for children to perform actions but only Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ -TB p. 43 Chinese Whispers Make two teams of about 5 Ss that stand in a row. T whispers a different verse to the first S in each team. The first student then whispers to the second one and so on. If the last S of the row says the verse correctly, the team gets a point. The first one in every row then occupies the last place in the row and the game starts all over again. Material * Extension activities - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. Unit 1. Home Objectives Ses Remember the song in the unit. sion 6 Introduce and practise the actions: “Wave” y “Walk”. 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Rooms flashcards -Colour pencils. “My World”poster -Blu tack -Water-soluble felt tip pen -Zipadee puppet -Cd with music the students like Get to know about kitchens in British homes. Draw your favourite room. Reinforce the orders introduced in the session. Unit 1. Home Objectives when they hear “Zipadee says” before the order. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. All the orders from previous levels can also be used. 26. CB p. 12 Draw. -T shows his/her CB pointing to the “My World” section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photo. Discuss the photograph with the Ss. -I: “Kettle” the English families use to boil the water. -Put the 6 rooms flashcards on the board. T: “What’s your favourite room?” Explain that they are to draw it in the blank space. -When they finish the drawing, complete the phrase: “I’m in the...”. TB p. 45 L12 Finishing. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and plays L12. Ss carry out the actions while they listen. Activities 26. L/S/R/W 26. T /Ss – IW 20-25’ (H) 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ Skills Interaction Time Material * Reinforcement activities Sess -TB p. 45 My World Póster ion 6 -Make a poster of the rooms in students' - L/S/R/W (Con homes using their personal drawings and T puts the “My World” poster where Ss see it tinue photos.. properly. Tell them that they will put the photos d) and drawings fo the rooms of their homes in the center part of the poster. They can be labelled with a water-soluble felt pen that can be erased whtn they make another poster. -Practise oral expression of the rooms vocabulary. TB p. 45 Pass the flashcard -L/S Ss sit in a circle. T hands out the rooms flashcards and plays music. Ss pass them on until the music stops. The Ss with the flashcard has to say what room he has. * Extension activities -AB p. 9 Circle and write -Practise written comprehension and -R/W expression of the rooms vocabulary and the Ss circle the room in which there is a boy or a written expression of the phrase: “I’m in girl and complete the phrases. . the...”. -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -T /Ss -5-10’ -IW -5-10’ Unit 1. Home Objectives Ses Prepare the Ss for a revision of the work sion done throughout the unit. 7 Revise the rooms vocabulary. Oral practice of questions : “What’s your name?” and “How old are you?” and “What’s the weather like?” Revise the members of the family vocabulary and the structures: “Where’s (dad)? In the (living room)”. Make a picture dictionary with the rooms vocabulary. Practise the pronunciatio of the rooms vocabulary. Self-evaluate the work done throughout the unit. Activities 28. TB p. 46 Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster where it is perfectly visible and puts away the rooms flashcards in the lamp. T: “Hello! It’s the Magic Lamp!” T shows the puppet : “Look! It’s Zipadee!”. -Expliain to the Ss that today they will revise what they've done throughout the unit. -Zipadee brings the rooms flashcards one by one. Ss identify them. 29. TB p. 46 Revising -T calls six Ss to the board and numbers them with the rest of the group-class. Ask each S : “What’s your name?”, “ How old are you?” and “What’s the weather like?”. -T shows the Ss two flashcards: one of a member of the family and the other of a room. Ask a S : “Who’s this? (Dad) Where’s Dad? (in the living room)” Repeat with other flashcards and Ss. 30. CB p. 13 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While Ss carry out the activity, T can ask: “What’s this?” Ss: “It’s the (garden)”. -Ss write the words under each picture. -T can stamp the work of the Ss with the rubber stamps (Bottom right of p.13) 31. CB p. 13 L 13 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to six words at different speeds in groups of three and repeat them. Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 20’ 30. L/S/R/W 30. T /Ss - IW 30. 10’ 31. L /S 31. T /Ss 31. 10’ CB p. 13 Circle and colour. -T introduces face expressions : “Look! Sad. Look! OK. Look! Happy!”. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can remember the activities carried out throughout the unit. -Ss complete the “My favourite word / page” sections. 32. /S/R/W 32. T /Ss – IW 32. 5-10’ L 15- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 “Magic Lamp” poster -Rooms flashcards -Zipadee puppet -Colgantes de las habitaciones -Rubber stamps -Colour pencils - Portfolio folders - Vocabulary poster Oral practice of numbers 1 to 20. Unit 1. Home Objectives Ses * Make the Portfolio. sion 7 (Co ntin ued ) -Reinforce the toys vocabulary. -Remember words from the song in the unit. Unit 2. Clothes Objectives Ses Introduce the context of unit 2 (clothing). sion 1 TB, p. 47 Finishing Ss are numbered orally from 1 to 20. Explain that the next session they wil be starting a new unit. 33. L /S 33. T /Ss 33. 5’ Activities * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they could draw their house. They are to look for a photo or a drawing of a member of their famil inside a room of their house. Write the name of the person and thre room he/she is in. Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 10-20’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 47 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible place of the class. Call two Ss who will compete, trying to be the first one to find a toy d the (doll)”. Repeat with other Ss. Hidden colours and numbers can also be revised. * Extension activities -TB p. 47 L10 Ampliación. T asks Ss to say what the song was about. T asks them to say words they remember from the song. T writes them on the board. Play the song. Ss sing it and perform the actions. Activities 1. TB p. 48 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster where it is perfectly visible and puts away the clothes flashcards in the lamp. T points to the poster: “Hello! Look! It’s the magic lamp”. Tell the Ss they Material Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Clothes flashcards -Rooms flashcards 2. Introduce the clothes vocabulary: : “skirt, trousers, T-shirt, jacket, hat, dress”. 3. Practise written comprehension of the clothes voabulary. 4. Practise oral comprehension of the clothes vocabulary. - Practise written comprehension of the clothes vocabulary. . - Identify the clothes in the pictures. -Oral practice of identification of clothing items. - Expand the clothes vocabulary. - Practse written comprehension expression of the clothing items. . and are starting a new unit today. T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Have a flashcard come out of the lamp : “Look, it’s a (skirt)” Ss have to guess the topic of the unit. When they do so, ask what words they think they will larn. 2. CB, p. 14 L14 L15 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T brings the flashcards with the new words to the lamp using the Zipadee puppet and saying them aloud as they are placed on the board in the same order as they appear in the book. -Look at and discuss the picture with the Ss. -L14 “Listen and clap”. “Listen and point”. Ss listen to the words and point to them. -L15 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and say it. . 3. CB p. 15. Find and match. Say. -Ask the Ss what they think they are supposed to do. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks “What’s this?. TB p. 35.Finishing -T says a clothing item. Ask a S to take the corresponding flashcard from the board and give it to Zipadee who will put it back into the lamp. Zipadee says: “Thank you”. * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 10 Circle. Look at the pictures with the Ss: “Who’s this?”. Ss carry out the actvity. . Correct with the group-class. -TB p. 49 Bit by bit T takes a clothes flashcard and shows it covered by a sheet of paper. Little by little, T lowers the sheet of paper showing the clothes item bit by bit. Ss put up their hand when they recognize the clothing. * Extension activities -TB p. 49 Clothes T draws a clothesline on the board. Ss say what clothes they could hang from it. T draws -Numbers flashcards -Zipadee puppet. Magic Lamp poster 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ 3. L /S /R 3. IW 3. 10’ 4. L 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ - L /S -IW -5-10’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ - L /S/R/W -T /Ss –IW -10-15' Additional material: -Colour pencils -One sheet of paper per student -Colour pencils their suggestions, even clothing that hasn't bee introduced yet, writing the name on the board. . Ss can draw their own clothesline on a sheet of paper and label the clothes. Unit 2. Clothes Objectives Ses Identify the day of the week and the sion weather. 2 Make some cards to practice clothes vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension of the clothing vocabulary. 8. Practice written comprehension and expression of the clothing items and the structure : “a (red) (T-shirt)”. Practise oral expression of the clothes vocabulary. - Practise oral comprehension of clothing items vocabulary. . Activities 5. TB p. 50 Getting started. -Put the “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster in a visible part of the class. -T: “What day is it today?”. T answers and Ss repeat. “It’s (Monday)”. Call a S to point to the word in the poster and write it in the corresponding place. -Repeat with the weather. 6. TB p. 50 / CB, p. 73 Para preparar el juego. -Ss prepare the cards with clothing items to make a game. 7. CB p. 16/ CB p. 64 L16. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (hat)”. Ss show the card with the hat. Repeat with all the cards. . -Revise the colours with the Ss. Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” Play L16. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First, they show the corresponding object and then they listen and put the card in the corresponding box. -Correct on the board. T: “Blue?” Ss: “Hat” T: “Yes, It’s a hat”. CB p. 16.Colour and write. -Ss say what they think they have to do. -Give the example with the Ss . T: “What’s this?” Ss: “It’s a T-Shirt” T: “What colour is it?” Ss: “(It’s) (red)” T: “So it’s a (red T-shirt)”. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks : “What’s this?”. 9. TB p. 37 Finishing -Ss write their names on the back of the cards and put them away in their folders when Zipadee gives the order : “Put away the (kitchen)”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 51 Match the flashcard Play “Match the flashcard” with Ss, using the Skills 5. L/S/R/W Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. R /W 8. IW 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 - “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster. -A water-soluble felt tip pen -Clothing items flashcards -Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student. -Students' folders. -mini-cards of clothing items. -mini-cards of the colours -A sheet of paper per student -Colour pencils - Practise oral comprehension of the structure: la “A (green) (Skirt)”. - Practise spelling vocabulary. of clothing items flashcards and the mini-cards of clothing items. -TB p. 51 A green skirt Make two groups. One group takes the colours mini-cards and the other group takes the clothing items. T says the name of a clothing item and its colour. A group raises the mini-card with the corresponding colour and another group does the same with the corresponding clothing item. * Extension activities -TB p. 51 Word game In pairs: S1 takes three clothing items and dictates them to S2. Later they all correct the spelling together. Switch roles. Unit 2. Clothes Objectives Activities Sess Prepare and motivate students to listen to a 10. TB p. 52 L17 Getting started. ion 3 story. -Tell the Ss that they will listen to another story about Rosie, Jack and Zipadee. -Introduce the magic song: “It’s story time” to the Ss performing the actions. -Ss try to say the song and mime the gestures. 11. TB p. 52 / CB p. 17 L17 Listen to the story. Listen to a story in English Overall comprehension of the story. Answer -Look at the story in the book with the Ss. Ss questions about the story. explain in LL1 what they think the story is about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story until the end and follow it in the book, pointing to the frames. -T plays the story and stops in each frame. Ask comprehension questions: : “Who’s this? What’s this?” -T: Listen and repeat”. Play the story and pause for Ss to repeat the phrases. . Practise comprehension of the story in the 12. TB p.52/ CB p. 17. Working on the story unit. -T: “Listen and answer”. T says objects and people in the story. Ss have to say the number of frame where they appear. E.g.: “A black hat”. -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ - R /W -PW -10' Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee Additional material: -mini-cards of the clothing items. -Colour pencils 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ Oral practice of the phrases of the story in 13. TB p. 52-53 /CB p. 17.Act it out. 13. L /S the unit. -Make three groups: Jack, Rosie and Zipadee to act out the story . -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. Switch roles. Practise oral comprehension of the structure 14. TB p. 52 Finishing 14. L /S : “A (blue) (T-shirt)”. -Ss stand up. Zipadee says : “I’m wearing...· Introduce the structure : “I’m wearing a Los Ss that are wearing the item Zipadee says, (skirt)”. can sit down and get ready to leave. Ask some ss to say : “I’m wearing (a skirt)”. Unit 2. Clothes Objectives Ses sion - Oral practice of the structure: 3 wearing (a blue skirt)”. (Co ntin ued ) 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 53 I’m wearing... Ask Ss questions about what their fellow students are wearing and what colour their clothes are. A S goes up front and gives his back to the class. A S says something he's wearing: : “I’m wearing (blue trousers)”. The S at the board has to guess who it is. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - Remember words and phrases from the story in the unit. Oral discrimination of words. -TB p. 39 L17 Remembering the story T ask Ss what words and phrases they remember from the story and writes them on the board. Play L17. Ss raise their hand when they hear one of the words that's on the board. -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -Practise written comprehension and expression of the clothing items vocabulary. -Complete phrases with the structure : “I’m wearing a (pink dress)”. * Extension activities -AB p. 11 Read and write. Colour Ask the Ss what they think they have to do. Do the example with the Ss. Ss carry out the activity individually. Correct the exercise with the group-class -R/W -IW -10' Activities Skills Interaction Time Unit 2. Clothes Objectives : “I’m Material Material Ses sion 4 Remember the clothing items vocabulary. . 15. TB p. 40 Getting started. -Play “Match the flashcard” with the clothes flashcards and mini-cards 15. L/S 15. T /Ss 15. 5-10’ Identify school objects in the unit story. Practise spelling the school objects vocabulary. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. 16. CB, p. 17-18 L17 Find and write. -Play L17 for Ss to remember the story. -T asks: “What’s this?” in relation with the school bojects in the picture on p . 18. -Look for the first one with the Ss: “What’s this? Look at the story. Where’s the (ruler)?” Ss: “In picture two”. Ss do the rest of the objects. -Correct the activity with the Ss. 17. CB p. 9-10 Choose and say. -T: “Look at the pictures”. Point to the characters : “Who’s that?” Do section 1 with the group. -Ss carry out the activity individually. -Correct with the Ss. 18. TB p. 54 Finishing. -Divide the group-class in 4 groups: one for each answer in activity 17. When T gives the answer Ss that have that were assigned that answer, can get ready to leave. T: “A pink hat, a black hat, black trousers, a yellow jacket”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 55 Write Call 2 Ss to the board. One puts up colour flashcards on the board and the other one puts clothing items. Ss have to write a combination of the flashcards: : “Yellow / T-shirt”. 16. L/S/R/W T /Ss – IW 10-15’ Practicse comprehension information in a story. of Practise oral comprehension structure : “A (yellow) (hat)”. specific of the -Reinforce written expression of the colours and clothes. . -Rinforce comprehension of the story in the unit. -Practise written expression of the clothing items and rooms vocabulary. Discriminate clothing items and rooms vocabulary -PMB p. 4 L17 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames of the story. Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check if they ordered it correctly. * Extension activities -AB p. 12 Write. Show Ss the rooms flashcards one by one. Ss say them. Same procedure with clothing items. T shows a lashcard: “What’s this? Room or clothes?” 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 10- L 18. T /Ss 18. 15’ 10- -R /W -T /Ss -10’ -L -T /Ss- IW -10’ -L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -Clothes flashcards -clothes mini-cards Additional material: -1 photocopy of p. 4 of the Photocopy Master Book for each student -Scissors for each student -Colour pencils -Glue for each student -A sheet of paper for each student -Colours flashcards -Rooms flashcards - Reinforce written comprehension of the story in the unit. . T: “Open your AB at page 12”. Give some words as an example. -Ss carry out the activity orally. Correct with the group-cas. -L/R/W -IW -15-20’ (H) Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 10’ 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ Additional material: -One photocopy of p. 5 of the PMB for each student -One photocopy of p. 6 of the PMB for each student. -Scissors for each student. -Colour pencils 22. L/S/R 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ -TB p. 55 Make a mini book Hand out 2 sheets of paper to make a small book with 8 pages. Ss use the first page as a cover and in the rest they draw 6 frames with the characters' dialogues. They take the book home. Unit 2. Clothes Objectives Ses Practise oral comprehension of brief sion descriptions about what some fellow 5 students are wearing. Prepare the students to listen to a song in English. Sing a song in English. Practise the language in the song. Practise written comprehension of clothing items and colours. Activities TB p. 56 Getting started. -Call a S to the board. S says what he/she's wearing, but gives the wrong colours. The rest of the class corrects: : “I’m wearing a blue T-shirt”. Ss: “No, a red T-shirt”. 20. CB, p. 19 Preparing the song . -T says some clothing items with their colour. Ss stand up if they are wearing it. “Black shoes”. Get some Ss to say clothing items. -T: “Open your books at page 11” Look at the picture : “Who’s this?” (A clown) What’s he wearing?” Ss answer. 21. CB p. 19 L18 Sing. -L18 play the recording without stopping -Play L18. T acts out the lyrics for Ss to understand the song. T pretends to put on the clothes that appear in the verses. . “Look, I’m a clown” T points to her/him self “Who are you?” T points to a S . -Play L18 again. Encourage Ss to perform the actions. -Play L18 again. Encourage Ss to sing. 22. CB p. 19 L 19 Read and colour. Sing. -Look at the pictues of clothes with the Ss. Look at the words in the box, read them and colour the clothes. . -L19. Ss use the pictures to invent new stanzas of the song. 10- Practise oral comprehension of brief descriptions about what someone is wearing. Unit 2. Clothes Objectives Ses sion - Practise oral comprehension of brief 5 descriptions about what someone is (Co wearing. ntin ued ) -Practise oral comprehension structure: “I’m wearing a (skirt)”. of the - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. 23. TB p. 57 Finishing -T: “If you’re wearing (blue trousers), stand up”. Repeat with other items and colours unitl all Ss are standing up. 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 5 L18 Colour. Cut and fold. T: “Cut out the (jacket /hat / trousers)”. Ss colour the clown's clothes as they appear on p. 19 of the CB. L18. Ss listen to the song and put the clothing items when they hear them in the song. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' * Extension activities -TB p. 57 Clothes Bingo. Ss take three of their clothes mini-cards to play Reverse Bingo. T says the clothing items. If Ss have them, they turn the cards. The one who turns the first three cards and says “Bingo!”is the winner.. -PMB p. 6 L18 Write. Sing. Complete the lyrics of the song with the using the words provided in the list. Sing the song again with the Ss Ss Material Unit. 2 Clothes Objectives Ses Remember the song in the unit. sion 6 Introduce and practise the actions : “Pick up your pencil” and “Put down your pencil”. Obtain information about the clothes British boys and girls wear to school. . Draw and describe their favourite clothes. . Activities 24. TB p. 58 L18 Getting started. -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. -If there is time, they can listen to the song from unit 1. 25. CB p. 20 L20 Listen and play. -I: “Pick up / put down your pencil”. T acts out and asks Ss to imitate. -T: “Open your books at page 20”. Look at the picutres with the Ss . -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. You can also use all the orders from the preivious level and unti 1 . 26. CB p. 20 Write. Draw. -T: “Jacket” Ss put up their hand if they are wearing this item. Do the same with other clothing items. -Put the clothes on the board. Ss build phrases about what they are wearing: “I’m wearing (a TShirt)”. Each time a S builds a phrase, T repeats in the third person: : “He’s / She’s wearing a Tshirt”. -T shows his/her CB pointing to the “My World section”. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photo. Discuss the photograph with the Ss. T: “What’s he wearing?”. -Explain to the ss they are to draw themselves in the blank space with their favourite clothes,and complete the phrase “I’m wearing...”. Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ 26. L/S/R/W 26. T /Ss – IW 20-25’ (H) 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Clothing items flashcards -Colour pencils. -“My World”poster -Blu tack -Water soluble felt tip pen -Zipadee puppet -Cd with music the students like. 27. Reinforce comprehension of clothing items. . Unit 2. Clothes Objectives Ses sion -Make a poster of the clothing items worn 6 by students with personal drawings and (Co pictures. ntin ued ) TB p. 59 Finishing. -Ss stand up. T looks at the way they are dressed and says clothing items: “Blue jeans”. The Ss who are wearing this item, sit down. . 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 59 My World Póster T puts the “My World” poster where Ss see it properly. Look and talk about the girl in the picture from Great Britain. Tell them that they will put their photos and drawings of their clothes in the center. They can label with a water-solvent felt tip pen Se that can later be erased when they make another poster. Skills Interaction Time - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -L/S -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10-15’ -Describe orally what they are wearing. -TB p. 59 Same clothes Put the clothes flashcards on the board. Call a S to the front : “What’s this?” Ss: “A T-Shirt”. All the Ss wearing one stand up. Get one or two of them to sy: “I’m wearing a T-Shirt”.Do the same with other flashcards. -Understand brief descripions about what other people wear. Write a brief description about how someone is dressed. * Extension activities -AB p. 13 Read and match. Write Ss read the descriptions and look at the pictures to decide who is dressed that wy. Ss write a brief description about how the gilr in the picture es dressed. Material Unit 2. Clothes Objectives Ses 28. Revise the clothes vocabulary. sion 7 29. Identify the weather.. Revise the clothes vocabulary. Oral practice of the structure: “I’m wearing a (blue hat)”. Remember the song in the unit. Make a picture dictionary with clothes vocabulary. Practicse pronunciation vocabulary. of clothes Self-evaluation of their work throughout the unit. Oral practice of numbering from 10 to 1. Activities 28. TB p. 60 Getting started. -Play “Numbered flashcards” with the clothes flashcards . 29. TB p. 60 L15 Para a revisar -Call 6 Ss to the board. T: “How many children?”. Look out the window : “What’s the weather like?” Ss answer.. -Hand out the 6 clothing items to the 6 S. T: “What’s this? (It’s a hat) Are you wearing a (hat)? (Yes/ No) What are you wearing?” Ss: “I’m wearing a (skirt)”. -L15 plays the song. Ss at the board raise their flashcards when they hear their clothing and put them in order. . 30. CB p. 19 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T can ask: “What’s this?/ What are these” Ss: “It’s a (dress)”. -Ss write the words under each picture. -T can stamp the Ss work with the rubber stam. (Bottom right of p.19) 31. CB p. 21 L21 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to the six words at different speeds in groups of three and then repeat them. Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 15’ 30. L/S/R/W 30. T /Ss - IW 30. 10’ 31. L /S 31. T /Ss 31. 10’ 32. CB p. 21 Circle and colour. -T recalls the face expressions : “Look! Sad. Look! OK. Look! Happy!”. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can remember the activities carried out throughout the unit. . -Ss complet the sections “My favourite word / page”. 33. TB, p. 47 Finishing Ss number themselves orally from 10 to 1. Explain that next session they will be revising units 1 and 2 and after that they will start a new unit. 32. /S/R/W 32. T /Ss – IW 32. 5-10’ 33. T /Ss 33. 5’ 33. L /S L 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Flashcards de las piezas de ropa -Zipadee puppet -Colgantes de las piezas de ropa -Sellos de caucho -Colour pencils -Las carpetas del Portafolio -Un papel pequeño por alumno -Póster Vocabulary Unit 2. Clothes Objectives Ses * Make the Portfolio. sion 7 (Co ntin ued ) -Revise clothing items vocabulary and vocabulary from previous units. -Revise oral comprehension and written expression of brief descriptions about what other people are wearing. -Remember words from the song in the unit. Revision. Units 1 and 2 Objectives Activities * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they can carry out an activity related with clothes. They draw or look for a photograph or a drawing of a child wearing clothes they like, making a list of the clothing items before they say them in English. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 61 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster where it can be perfectly seen in the class. Pick two Ss that will compete in trying to be the first to find a clothing item. : “Find the (skirt)”. Do it with other Ss. Rooms, numbers, weather or members of the family can also be revised. -TB p. 61 Guess who’s wearing... Hand out a sheet of paper to each S. Ss will write a true phrase about what they are wearing : “I’m wearing blue socks”. T collects the papers and reads one of them. Ss have to discover who the phrase refers to. * Extension activities -TB p. 61 L18 Ampliación. T asks Ss to say what the song was about. T asks them to say words they remember from the song. T writes them on the board. Play the song. Ss sing it and act out the actions. Activities Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 15-20’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - L /W - T /Ss -10-15’ -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ Skills Interaction Time Material Material Onl y Ses sion 1. Reinforce the orders worked on in units 1 and 2: “Wave”, “Walk”, “Pick up your pencil” and “Put down your pencil”. Revise the rooms of a house vocabulary and the clothes vocabulary. Identify and count clothing items and rooms in a house. Answer the question: “How many (bathrooms)?” Overall comprehension of the episode of a comic. c. 5. Practise farewells. Revision. Units 1 and 2 Objectives 1. TB p. 62 Getting started. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on: “Hello!” Ss: “Hello, Zipadee!” -Play “Zipadee says” with the orders introduced in units 1 and 2 : “Wave”, “Walk”, “Pick up your pencil” y “Put down your pencil” and orders from the first level of Cool Kids. 2. TB p. 62 First game . -PLay “Name the flashcards” with the rooms of a house and clothing items flashcards. 3. CB p. 22 Second game. -Look at the elements on the page. Margins. T: “Point to the (dress)”, etc. -Do the example with the Ss Ss: “Count the bathrooms. How many bathrooms?”. -Ss carry out the activity individually. While Ss work, T asks around the class: “What’s this? How many?” -Check the answers with the Ss 4. CB p. 23 L22 Listen. -T: Look at page twenty-three. Look at the Story”. Remembering the characters -Ask Ss to look at the frames -L22 Ss follow the frames with the finger -L22 Ss listen again. T pauses after each phrae. Ask Ss to repeat them. Explain the words they don't understand. -T: “One”. Ask Ss to remember the frame. Do the same with the rest of the frames. -Divide the class in two groups: Bob, Olly. Each group says its part. -Get self confident Ss to act out one or several frames. . 5. TB p. 63 Finishing. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and says goodbye to each Ss 1. L /S 1. T /Ss 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 5-10’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L/S/R/W 4. T /Ss - IW 4. 15’ 5. L /S 5. T /Ss 5. 5’ Activities Skills Interaction Time -CB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -Vocabulary Poster Material Onl y Ses sion (Co ntin ued ) -Reinforce the vocabulary. rooms of the house -Reinforce written expression of the rooms of a house and clothing items vocabulary. Evaluation. Units 1 and 2 Objectives * Evaluate basic aspects worked on in units Eval 1 and 2. uati on Ses sion Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses 1. Introduce the context of unit 3 (Parts of sion the face ). 1 * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 63 Vocabulary Póster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible place in the class and calls a S to the board. T asks the S to look for one of the rooms of a house in the poster. S will find it, say the word but not point at ti. Another S goes up to the board to point to it and say another element that, in turn, another S will point to. - L /S -T /Ss -10’ * Extension activities -TB p. 63 Dividie the group-class in four groups. Jremember the topic of the first unit. Ask each group to write as many words as they remember. They can also write names of furniture. Jrepeat with the words in unit 2. Award a point for every correct answer. The group with more points is the winner. . - R /W - GW -10-15’ Activities -Ss take Test 1. Skills * L/S/R/W Interaction * IW Time * 30-40’ Material -One photocopy of TEST 1 p. 12 of the Evaluation notebook for each student. Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Parts of the face flashcards -Zipadee puppet. -”Magic Lamp”poster. Note: the Ss who finish earlier can complete pending activities from the CB or the AB. Activities 1. TB p. 64 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the class and puts away the parts of the face flashcards in the lamp. -Show the Zipadee puppet: “Hello, I’m Zipadee”. Tell the Ss today they are starting a new unit. T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Have a flashcard come out of the lamp “(Eyes)” Ss have to guess the unit topic. Once they guess, ask what words they think they will learn. 2. Introduce the parts of the face vocabulary: “hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth”. 3. Practise written comprehension of the parts of the face vocabulary. 4. Practise oral comprehension of parts of the face vocabulary. Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses sion - Practise written comprehension and 1 expression of the parts of the face (Co vocabulary. ntin ued ) 2. CB, p. 24 L24 L25 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T takes the flashcards with the new words out of the lamp using the Zipadee puppet and says them aloud as she puts them on the board in the same order as they appear in the book. -Look at and discuss the picture with the Ss. -L24 I: “Listen and tap”. “Listen and point”. Ss listen to the words and point at them. -L25 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and say it. 3. CB p. 25. Read and circle. Say. -Ask Ss what they think they have to do. Do section 1 with the Ss: “Look at the boy’s face. What's missing?”. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks: “What’s this?. 4. TB p. 65.Finishing -T says one of the parts of the face and asks a S to bring it from the board and give it to Zipadee who says : “Thank you”. 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ 3. L /S /R 3. IW 3. 10’ 4. L 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 14 Write and draw. Ss use the code to write the words of parts of the face. Once written, they draw them. Skills Interaction Time - R /W -IW -10-15’ - L /S/R/W -T /Ss –IW -10-15' * Extension activities -TB p. 65 Draw a face T va draws on the board a face that resembles Additional material: -Colour pencils -A sheet of paper per student Material - Expand the parts of the face vocabulary. Zipadee on page 24 of the CB. As T draws a part of it, she/he asks : “What’s this?”. Ask the Ss if they want to add more elements to the face. If they suggest parts not yet introduced, T writes them on the board. Ss draw the face on a sheet of paper and label the parts. . Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses 5. Identify the day of the week and the sion weather. 2 6. Make some cards to practise the parts of the face vocabulary. Practise oral comprehensiono of the parts of the face vocabulary. 8. Practise written comprehension and expression of the parts of the face vocabulary. . Practise oral comprehension of the parts of the face vocabulary. Unit 3. Face Activities 5. TB p. 36 Getting started. -Put the “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster in a visible part of the class. -T: “What day is it today?”. T answers and Ss repeat . “It’s (Monday)”. Call a S to point to the word in the poster and write it in the corresponding place. -Do the same with the weather. 6. TB p. 66/ CB p. 71 Preparing the game -Ss prepare the parts of the face cards to make the game. CB p. 26/ CB p. 64 L26. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (hair)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Do it with all the cards. -Revise with Ss the numbers from 1 to 6. Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” PLay L26. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First, they show the corresponding object and then they listen and put the card in the corresponding box. -Correct on the board. T: “One?” Ss: “Hair” T: “Yes, It’s (hair)”. CB p. 26. Write. -Look at the pictures with the Ss: “Look at number one. What’s this? (Nose) Write ‘nose’ here”. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks : “What’s this?”. 9. TB p. 67 Finishing -Ss write their names on the back of the cards and put them away in their folders when T orders: “Put away (mouth)”. Skills 5. L/S/R/W Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. R /W 8. IW 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster. -A water-soluble felt tip pen -Parts of the face flashcards -Numbers flashcards -Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student. -Students folders -mini-cards of the parts of the face. -One sheet of paper per student -Colour pencils Objectives Ses sion 2 (Co ntin ued ) - Practise oral comprehension and expression of the parts of the face vocabulary. - Practise parts of the face vocabulary. - Practise spelling of the parts of the face vocabulary. Unit 3. Face Objectives Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 67 The same Ss take out the mini-cards of the parts of the face. A S picks one and walks to the board. All the Ss count to three and show and say their mini-card. If it is the same as the one of the S at the board, they get a point. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ - R /W -PW -10' Skills Interaction Time Material -TB p. 67 Pelmanism Ss play in pairs using two sets of parts of the face cards that they shuffle and place facing downwards. S1 picks two and names them , if they are the same, S keeps them. If not, they put them back in the pile. They play in turns. . * Extension activities -TB p. 67 Word game In pairs. S1 takes three parts of the faces and dictates them to S2. Later the whole class corrects the spelling. Switch roles. . Activities Material Ses sion 3 Prepare and motivate students to hear a story. Listen to a story in English. Overall understanding of a story. Answer questions about a story. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. Oral practice of the phrases of the story in the unit. Oral comprehension of brief descriptions about the colour of hair and eyes. 10. TB p. 68 L27 Getting started. -Briefly revise the colours with the Ss. -Ask the Ss to think of their colour of eyes and hair T: “Who’s got black / brown / red hair?” I: “Blond”. T: “Who’s got green / blue / black / brown eyes?”. Ss look at their fellow students. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and greets the Ss. Explain that they will hear a story about Jack, Rosie and Zipadee. -L27 Ss say the song and mime. 11. TB p. 68 / CB p. 27 L27 Listen to the story. -Look at the story in the book with the Ss. Ss explain in LL1 what they think the story is about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story until the end and follow it in the book pointing to the frames. -T plays the story again and stops in each frame. Ask comprehension questions such as : “Who’s this? What colour are Jack’s eyes?”. -T: Listen and repeat”. Play the story and pause for Ss to repeat the phrases. 12. TB p. 69/ CB p. 27. Working on the story -T: “Listen and answer”. T says phrases from the story. Ss have to point and say the corresponding number of frame. 13. TB p. 69 /CB p. 27 Act it out. -Make two groups: Jack and Zipadee to act out the story. . -Ss act out the story using finger puppets. Switch roles. . 14. TB p. 69 Finishing -Ss stand up . Zipadee says phrases : “I’ve got black hair”. The Ss who hear something that they have as well, sit down. 10. L /S Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 69 L27 Remembering the story T asks the Ss what words and phraes they 10. T /Ss 10. 10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ Skills Interaction Time -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee Additional material: -One sheet of paper for each student -Colour pencils Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses sion 3 - Recall words and phrases from the story in the unit. Material (Co ntin ued ) Oral discrimination o words. remember from the story and write them on the board. Play L27 Ss put up their hand when they hear one of the words on the board. -Practise oral comprehension and written expression of brief descriptive phrases with the structure: “I’ve got (black hair)”. -Complete brief descriptions about the colour of hair and eyes of other boys and girls. * Extension activities -TB p. 69 I’ve got... Hand out a sheet of paper each. They are to write a descriptive phrase about themselves: “I’ve got (black hair)”. T collects all the phrases and reads them. The rest of the Ss have to guess who has written each phrase. . -L /W - T /Ss -10-15’ -R /W -IW -10-15' Activities 15. TB p. 70 Getting started. -Play “Bit by bit” with the parts of the face flashcards. Skills 15. L /S Interaction 15. T /Ss Time 15. 5-10’ 16. CB, p. 27-28 L27 Find and write. -L27 Ss remember the story . -Look at the pictures of the members of the family “Who’s this?”. Point at the word box. Ask 4 Ss to read each one. Look for the first one with the Ss: “Who’s this? Look at the story. Where’s (Granny)?” Ss: “Five”. -Correct the activity with the Ss 17. CB p. 27-28 Choose and say. -Do the first section with the Ss. -Ss carry out the acivity. -Correct with the whole group-class 16. L/S/R/W 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ -AB p. 15 Colour. Write. Ss colour the eyes and hair. Ss complete the phrases . Correct the activity on the board. Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses Identify parts of the face. sion 4 Identify members of the family in the unit story. Practise spelling of family members vocabulary. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. . Oral practice of the structure: (blue eyes)”. “I’ve got 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 10- 17. 15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet -Flashcards de las partes de la cara Additional material: -1 fotocopia de la p. 7 del Photocopy Master Book para cada alumno -Scissors for each student -Colour pencils -Pegamento para cada alumno Practise the parts of the face vocabulary. - Reinforce comprehension of the story in the unit. . -Completae picture. written phrases about a - Reinforce written comprehension of the story in the unit. TB p. 70-71 Finishing. -Put the parts of the face flashcards on the board. Divide the class in 6 groups and assign a part of the face per group. Point at one of the flashcards and ask Zipadee “What’s that?”. Zipadee answers and the Ss that has that part assigned can get ready to leave. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 7 L27 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames of the story. Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check if they have ordered it properly. 18. L 18. T /Ss 18. 5-10’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ * Extension activities -AB p. 16 Look abd write. Ss look at the picture and complete the phrases. Correct with the group-class. -R/W -IW -10' -R/W -IW -15-20’ (H) -TB p. 71 Make a mini book Hand out 2 sheets of paper to make a small book 8 pages long. The first page is for the cover and the rest of the pages S draw 6 frames with the characters' dialogues. They take the book home. -Dos hojas de papel para cada alumno Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses Revise the structure: “I like...”. sion 5 Prepare the students to listen to a song in English. Sing a song in English Practise the language in the song. Oral description of the colour of their eyes and hair. - Practise oral comprehension of the song in the unit. Activities TB p. 72 Getting started. -T: “I like (pizza)”. Ss have to say something they like. IT can be food, a colour, a song or a place. They cannot repeat something another student has already said. 20. CB, p. 29 Preparing for the song -T: “Open your books at page 29. Look at the pictures”. Ask the Ss to describe the hair and eyes of the boy and girl in the picture. I: “Have you got (brown hair/ green eyes)?” Ss stand up and answer : “Yes/ No, I’ve got...”. 21. CB p. 29 L28 Sing. -L28. Play the recording without stopping -Play L28. T acts out the lyrics so the Ss understand the song. *”I like you”. Point to a friend. . *”I’ve got black hair”. Point to the hair . *”And blue eyes”. Point to the eyes . *”And you like me”. Point to yourself . -Play L28 again. Encourage Ss to perform the actions. -Play L28 again. Encourage Ss to sing 22. CB p. 29 L 28 Read and colour. Sing. -Look at the illustrations with the Ss. Ss read the phrases and colour the pictures. -L29. Ss use the pictures to invent new stanzas for the song. 23. TB p. 73 Finishing -Each S says a phrase referred to the colour of his/her eyes or hair. “I’ve got brown eyes / hair”. Afterwards, they can put their things together. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 8 L28 Colour. Cut and Stick. Fold. Ss colour the eyes and ears. L28. Ss listen and put on the ears when they hear phrases that talk of the colour of eyes: “I’ve got (blue/ brown) eyes”. Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 5-10’ 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ Additional material: -Una fotocopia de la p. 8 del PMB para cada alumno. -Una fotocopia de la p. 9 del PMB para cada alumno. -Scissors for each student. -Colour pencils 22. L/S/R/W 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5-10’ - L /S -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ 10- * Extension activities - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses Practise the parts of the face vocabulary. sion 6 Introduce and practise actions: your arms” and “Touch your feet”. “Touch Get to know about the colour of eyes and hair of British boys and girls. Draw a self-portrait and a written description of their colour of eyes and hair. . 27. Reinforce the actions introduced in the session. -PMB p. 9 L28 Write. Sing. Complete the lyrics of the song with the words provided in the list. Sing the song again with the Ss. -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Activities 24. TB p. 74 Getting started. -Play “Freeze!” T says a word and shows the parts of the face flashcards one by one. When ss see the picture that matches the word, they say “Freeze!” 25. CB p. 30 L30 Listen and play. -I: “Touch your arms/ feet”. T acts them out and asks Ss to imitate. -T: “Open your books at page 30”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. All the orders from the previous level and previous units can be used as well. 26. CB p. 30 Draw. -T shows his/her CB pointing to the “My World” section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photograph. Talk about the photo with the Ss. -Explain that in Great Britain there is a great variety of eye and hair colour. -Ask different Ss to read the phrases. T asks a question per phrase: : “Have you got long hair?” The Ss that do, put up their hand. -Look at the words in the box. Ss have to draw themselves in the blank space. -When they finish the drawing, complete the phrases: : “I’’ve got...”. TB p. 75 L30 Finishing. -L30. Ss listen and perform the actions Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ 10- 26. L/S/R/W 26. T /Ss – IW 26. 25’ 20(H) 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Parts of the face flashcards -Colour pencils. -“My World” poster -Blu tack -Water-soluble felt tip pen -Zipadee puppet Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses sion -Make a poster with the parts of the face 6 using personal drawings and photographs. (Co ntin ued ) -Practise written comprehension expression of short texts. and -Simple oral description of their eyes and hair. . Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 75 My World Póster T puts the “My World” poster where Ss can see it properly. Tell them they will put the photos and drawings of the rooms and parts of the face in the center. They can label with a water-soluble felt pen that can be erased when they make the next one. * Extension activities -AB p. 17 Circle and write Ss circle the right word for each boy or girl and complete the phrases. Skills Interaction Time - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -R/W -IW -5-10’ -TB p. 75 Families Put the “Eyes” and “Hair” flashcards on the board. T writes words that are useful to describe these parts of the face: “Hair: short, long, red, brown, black/ Eyes: Blue, green, black, brown”. T poiints to one of the two flashcards. Ss have to describe the part of the body giving their own specific features : “I’ve got (blond hair)”. -L /S /R - T /Ss -10’ Material Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses 28. Revise the parts of the face vocabulary. sion 7 29. Practise oral questions : “What’s the weather like?” and “What are you wearing?”. Revise the parts of the face and clothing items vocabulary. Remember the song in the unit about the parts of the face. Make a picture dictionary with the parts of the face vocabulary. Activities 28. TB p. 76 Getting started. -Play “What’s repeated?” with the Ss using the parts of the face flashcards. Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. TB p. 76 L25 Para revisar -T picks six Ss to go up to the board and numbers them with the rest of the group-class. Ask the Ss: “What’s the weather like? What are you wearing?”. -T hands out the flashcards with the parts of the face to the Ss. T: “What’s this? (Hair) Have you got (long hair)?” (Yes/No) What colour’s your hair? (I’ve got brown hair)”. -L25 Ss listen to the song, they sing it and perform the actions. Ss that have the flashcards raise them and put them in order when they hear them in the recording. 30. CB p. 31 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T can ask. : “What’s this?/ What are these?” Ss: “(mouth)”. -Ss write the words under each picture. -T can stamp the work of the Ss with rubber stamps. (Bottom right part of page 31 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 20’ 30. L/S/R/W 30. T /Ss - IW 30. 10’ 15- Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Parts of the face flashcards -Zipadee puppet -Colgantes de las partes de la cara -Rubber stamps -Colour pencils -Portfolio folders - Vocabulary poster 31. T /Ss 31. 10’ 32. T /Ss – IW 32. 5-10’ 33. L /S /R 33. T /Ss 33. 5-10’ Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 15-20’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ Practise pronunciation of the parts of the face vocabulary. 31. CB p. 31 L 31 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to the six words at different speeds in groups of three and then repeat. 31. L /S Self-evaluate their work throughout the unit. 32. CB p. 31 Circle and colour. -T remembers the face expressions : “Look! Sad. Look! OK. Look! Happy!”. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can go over the activities done throughout the unit. -Ss complete the sections “My favourite word / page”. 33. TB, p. 77 Finishing -T says the days of the week in order. Ss repeat them. . T writes them in order on the board. T points at them randomly. Ss repeat them. -T: “What day is it today?” Ss answer.. -Tell them that in the next session they will be starting a new unit. 32. /S/R/W Activities * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they could carry out an activity related with the parts of the face. They look for a photograph or a drawing of a relative, they draw him/her and describe him/her. They also write the name of the person and label the different parts of the face. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 77 Vocabulary Póster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible part of the classroom. T picks two Ss that will compete to see who is the first one to find a part of the face: “Find the (mouth)”. Repeat with other Ss . Clothing items, rooms, numbers from 1 to 20, the weather or the members of the family can also be revised. Oral practice of the days of the week . Unit 3. Face Objectives Ses * Make the Portfolio. sion 7 (Co ntin ued ) -Reinforce the parts of the face vocabulary. -Reinforce oral comprehension of the parts L Material of the face voabulary and of the structure: : “I’ve got (blond hair)”. -L /S -T /Ss -10’ * Extension activities -TB p. 77 L28 Unit song. T asks Ss to say what the song was about. T asks them to say words that they remember from the song. T writes them on the board. Play the song. Ss sing it and perform the actions. -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ Activities 1. TB p. 32 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the clas and puts away the actions flashcards in it. -Tell the Ss that today the will be starting a new unit. T T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Have a flashcard come out of the lamp : “Look, it’s (dance)” Ss have to guess the topic of the unit. When they do, ask them what words they think they will learn. . 2. CB, p. 32 L1 L2 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T takes the flashcards with the new words from the lamp using the Zipadee .puppry. T says them aloud and puts them on the board in the same order as they appear in the book. -Look at the picture and discuss it with the Ss. -L1 “Listen and tap / say”. Ss listen to the words Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ -TB p. 77 Bingo Play Reverse Bingo with the parts of the face mini-cards. Each S takes 3 and puts them on the desk. T says the phrases: “I’ve got (blond hair)”. Ss that have a card with this feature, turn it round. The first one to turn round three cards and say “Bingo!” is the winner. -Recall the words of the song in the unit. Unit 4. Playground Objectives Ses 1. Introduce sion (Playground). 1 the context for unit 4 2. Introduce the actions vocabulary : “hop, jump, run, sing, dance, skip”. Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Actions flashcards -Rooms flahscards -Weather flashcards - Zipadee puppet. -“Magic Lamp” poster Additional material: -Colour pencils -One sheet of paper per student -Three pieces of paper per student and do what the order indicates. -L2 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and chant it. 3. Practise written actions vocabulary. comprehension 4. Practise oral comprehension expession of actions vocabulary. of and - Practise written comprehension of the clothing items vocabulary. - Practise oral comprehension of the actions vocabulary. - Practise written and oral comprehension and expression of actions. Unit 4. Playground Objectives 3. CB p. 33. Match and say. -Ask the Ss what they think they have to do. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks “What’s this?. 4. TB p. 79.Finishing -T says an action. Ask a S to take the correspondin flashcard from the board, say it and give it to Zipadee to return to the lamp Zipadee says: “Thank you”. * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 18 Number. Look at the pictures with the Ss : “What’s this?”. Ss carry out the activity. Correct with the group-class . -TB p. 79 Reverse Bingo Each S takes three pieces of paper and puts them on top of the three pictures on pa.32 of the CB to play Reverse bingo. Ss have to take the papers as they hear the actions. Whoever takes them all loses. The Ss that keep a piece of paper when T says the sixth action, are the winner.s * Extension activities -TB p. 79 Playground T draws six human figures with sticks, performing six actions. Assign a letter to each drawing. T points to them one by one. “What’s this?”. Ss perform the actions. : “Zipadee says (hop)”. Ss can draw the actions in a sheet of paper and label them. Activities 3. L /S /R 3. IW 3. 10’ 4. L /S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ -R -IW -5-10’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ - L /S/R/W -T /Ss –IW -10-15’ Skills Interaction Time Material Ses sion 2 5. Identify the day of the week and the weather. 6. Make the cards to practise the actions vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension of actions vocabulary. 8. Practise written comprehension and expression of actions vocabulary. Practicse oral expression of the actions vocabulary. - Practise oral comprehension expression of the actions vocabulary. and - Practise oral comprehension of the actions and the colours. . 5. TB p. 80 Getting started. -Put the “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster in a visible part of the classroom. -T: “What day is it today?”. T answers and Ss repeat . “It’s (Monday)”. Call a S to the board to point to the word in the poster and write it in the corresponding place. -Do the same thing with the weather. 6. TB p. 80 / CB p. 69 Preparing the game -Ss prepare the actions cards to make the game. 5. L/S/R/W 5. T /Ss 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. CB p. 34/ CB p. 64 L3. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me (run)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Do it with all the cards. -Revise the colours with the Ss. . Put the corresponding flashcards on the board . -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” play L3. Ss listen and follow the instructions. They first show the corresponding action and then listen and put the card in the corresponding box. -Correct on the board T: “Blue?” Ss: “dance” T: “Yes, It’s dance”. CB p. 34. Find and write. -Ss say what they think they have to do. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks around: “What’s this?”. 9. TB p. 81 Finishing -Ss write their names on the back of the cards and put them away in their folders when Zipadee gives them the order : “Put away (jump)”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 81 Find a pair Play “Find a pair” with the Ss using the mincards with the actions. -TB p. 81 Where is it? Ss take the mini-cards of the actions and open their CB in the chart on p.64. T puts three cards in the chart of her/his book and dictates the corresponding actions and colours. “Yellow – run”. Ss put the dictated cards with the 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. R /W 8. IW 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -CB -AB -CD 2 “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster. -A water-soluble felt tip pen -Actions flashcards -Colours flashcards -mini-cards of the actions -Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student. -Students' folders -One big sheet of paper per student. -Colour pencils - Practise spelling of actions vocabulary. corresponding colours of their charts. Correct with he Ss. . * Extension activities -TB p. 81 Word game In pairs. S1 takes three actions and dictates them to S2. Later they all correct the spelling. Switch roles. - R /W -PW -10' Unit 4. Playground Objectives Ses Prepare and motivate the students to listen sion to the story. 3 Introduce “Can”. Listen to a story in English. Overall comprehension of the story. Answer questions about the story. Practise comprehension of the unit story. Oral practise of phrases from the story in the unit. 14. Practise oral comprehension of the structures : “Can you (skip)? Yes, I can (hop) / No”. Unit 4. Playground Objectives Activities 10. TB p. 82 L4 Getting started. -Tell the Ss they will listen to another story about Rosie, Jack and Zipadee that is about what they can do.. -T asks some Ss : “What can you do? Can you skip?” T can ask in LL1 if they know how to do certain activities. -L4. Play the magic song. Ss sing it and perform the actions. 11. TB p. 82 / CB p. 35 L4 Listen to the story. -Look at the story in the book with the Ss. Ss explain in LL1 what they think the story is about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen till the end and follow it in the book pointing to the frames. -T plays the story again and stops in each frame. Ask comprehension questions : “Who’s this? Can Rosie skip?” -T: Listen and repeat”. Play the story and pause for Ss to repeat the phrases. 12. TB p.82/ CB p. 35. Working on the story -T: “Listen and answer”. T says phrases from the story. Ss point and say the corresponding of frame number . 13. TB p. 82-83 /CB p. 35.Act it out. -Make three groups : Jack, Rosie and Zipadee to act out the story. -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. Switch roles. 14. TB p. 83 Finishing -T asks each S a question : “Can you (skip)?” Ss responden: “Yes, I can (skip) / No”. Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ Activities Skills Interaction Time Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee Material Ses sion 3 (Co ntin ued ) - Oral practice of the structure: “I’m wearing (a blue skirt)”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 53 I’m wearing... Ask the Ss questions about how the other students are dressed and what colour their clothes are. A S goes to the board and gives his back to the class. A S names a clothes item he/she is wearing. : “I’m wearing (blue trousers)”. the S at the board has to guess who it is. - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - Recall words and phrases of the story in the unit. Oral discrimination of words. -TB p. 39 L17 Remembering the story T asks Ss what words and phrases they remember from the story and writes them on the board. Play L17 Ss put up their hand when they hear one of the words on the board. -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -Practise written comprehension and expression of the clothing items vocabulary. -Complete phrases with the structure : “I’m wearing a (pink dress)”. * Extension activities -AB p. 11 Read and write. Colour Ask the Ss what they think they are supposed to do. Do the example with the Ss. Ss carry out the activity individually. Correct the exercise with the group-class. -R/W -IW -10' Activities Skills Interaction Time Unit 4. Playground Objectives Material Ses sion 4 15. Associate the written form of the actions vocabulary with its iconic representation. Identify pets in the unit story. Practicase spelling of school objects vocabulary. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. Practise comprehension information in a story. of specific Practise oral comprehension of the structures : “Can you (skip)? Yes, I can (skip)/ No”. -Reinforce comprehension of the story in the unit. -Practise written comprehension of parts of the body and actions vocabulary. Discriminate parts of the body and actions vocabulary. - Reinforce wirtten comprehension of the story in the unit. 15. TB p. 84 Getting started. -Call 6 Ss to the board and give them an action flashcard each. Ss say the word they have. T gives the six actions vocabulary to 6 different Ss. these Ss are to stand by their pair. 16. CB, p. 35-36 L4 Find and write. -Play L4 for Ss to remember the story. -T asks: “What’s this?” in relation with the pets in the pictures on p.36. -Look for the first one with the Ss : “What’s this? Look at the story. Where’s the (bird)?” Ss: “In picture five”. Ss do the rest of the objects. -Correct the activity with the Ss. 17. CB p. 35-36 Circle and say. -T: “Look at the pictures”. Point to the characters: : “Who’s that?” Do section 1 with the group. -Ss carry out the activity individually. -Correct with the Ss . 18. TB p. 84 Finishing. -Ask some Ss: “Can you (skip)?” Ss: “Yes, I can (Skip) / No”. Ask them to say the action and perform it. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 10 L4 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames of the story. Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check if they ordered them correctly. * Extension activities -AB p. 20 Find and circle. Ss carry out the activity individually -TB p. 85 Make a mini book Divide 2 sheets of paper to make a mini book with 8 pages. The cover goes on the first page and on the rest, Ss draw the 6 frames with the characters' dialogues. They take the book home. 15. L/S/R 15. T /Ss 15. 5-10’ 16. L/S/R/W T /Ss – IW 10-15’ 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 10- 18. L /S 18. T /Ss 18. 15’ 10- -R /W -T /Ss- IW -10’ -R - IW -10-15’ -L/S/R/W -IW -15-20’ (H) -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Actions flashcards -Actions vocabulary cards Additional material: -1 photocopy of p. 10 of the Photocopy Master Book for each student -Scissors for each student -Colour pencils -Glue for each student -Three sheets of paper for each student Unit 4. Playground Objectives Ses Identify and perform actions. sion 5 Prepare the students to listen to a song in English. Sing a song in English Practise the language of the song. Practise oral comprehension of the actions - Oral discrimination of the vocabulary in the ong of the unit. actions Activities 19. TB p. 86 Getting started. -Call a S to the board. T shows S an actions flashcard. S mimes the action and the rest of the class says the word. Next, the S says the word and the class performs the action. 20. CB, p. 36 Preparing the song . -T draws a tree on the board. : “What’s this?” I: “Tree”. Ask a S to stand up. T: “Can you hop? (Yes) Hop to the tree”. When the S gets to the tree, say “Stop!”. Repeat with other Ss and other acitons. -T: “Open your books at page 37” Look at the picture. Ask what the girl is doing. Ss answer. . 21. CB p. 37 L5 Sing. -L5 play without stopping . -Play L5. T acts out the lyrics for Ss to understand the song “I can dance”. Dance without moving from your spot “I can sing” Point to your mouth “I can hop” Perform the action “And then y stop”. Stay sill with your hands on your hips. -Play L5. Again. Encourage Ss to perform the actions . -Play L5 again. Encourage Ss to sing. 22. CB p. 37 L 6 Match. Sing. -Look at the pictures with the Ss and match with the words. -L6. Ss use the pictures to invent new stanzas for the song. 23. TB p. 87 Finishing -Get Ss to stand in four or five row. : “Door”. T: “This row, hop/ walk / dance to the door and then stop”. Give a different order to each row. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 11 L5 Colour. Cut. Ss make the disc. Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 10’ 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ Additional material: -One photocopy of p 11 of the PMB for each student . -One photoocpy of p 12 of the PMB for each student . -Scissors for each student. -Colour pencils -A bookbinder per student -Colour pencils 22. L/S/R 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5’ - L /S -T /Ss – IW -15-20’ 10- L5. Ss listen to the song and colour the actions they hear in the song. - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. * Extension activities -PMB p. 12 L5 Write. Sing. Complete the lyrics of the song with the words provided in the list. Sing the song again with the Ss. -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Unit 4. Playground Objectives Sess Recall the song in the unit . ion 6 Activities Skills 24. TB p. 88 L5 Getting started. 24. L /S -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. Interaction 24. T /Ss Introduce and practise the actions: : “Point 25. CB p. 38 L7 Listen and play. 25. L /S 25. T /Ss to the board” and “Point to the window”. -I: “Point to the board/ the window”. T acts them out and asks Ss to imitate. -T: “Open your books at page 38”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. All the orders from the previous level and units can also be used. Get to know about the schoolyard in British 26. CB p. 20 Write. Draw. 26. L/S/R/W 26. T /Ss – IW schools. -T shows his/her CB pointing to the “My World” Draw yourself doing something. section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photo. Discuss the photograph with the Ss. . -Explain that many primary schools in Great Britain have grass fields aside from an asphalt yard for Ss to play. -Ss read the phrase T: “Can you run?”. Ask about the other actions . -Explain to the Ss that they should draw themselves in the blank space performing an action and complete the phrase “I can...”. 27. Reinforce oral comprehension of TB p. 89 Finishing. 27. L /S 27. T /Ss phrases with the structure: : “I can (hop)”. -Zipadee says phrases with actions it can do. If Ss know them, they perform them. Zipadee: “I can count to ten/ turn around / open my book / close my book/ wave my arms / put my hand up / put my hand down / touch my head / draw a square / sing / dance ..:”. Unit 4. Playground Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Time 24. 5-10’ 25. 10-15’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Actions flashcards -Colour pencils. “My World”poster -Blu tack -Water-soluble felt pen -Zipadee puppet 26. 20-25’ (H) 27. 5-10’ Time Material Ses sion 6 (Co ntin ued ) -Make a poster about the actions with drawings and photographs brought by the students. -Oral practice of structures:: “Can you (junp)? Yes, I can (jump) / No!”. -Comprehension of brief texts about the activities others can carry out. Write a brief text about actions another person can perform. Unit 4. Playground Objectives Ses Revise the actions vocabulary . sion 7 * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 89 My World Póster T puts the “My World” poster where Ss can see it properly. Tell them that they will put in the center the photographs and drawings of boys and girls playing, They can label them with a watersoluble felt tip pen that can be erased whtn they make a new poster. . - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -L/S -T /Ss -10’ -R/W -IW -10-15’ Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ -TB p. 59 Same clothes Put the actions flashcards on the board. “What’s this? (jump) Can you jump?” Ss answer.. * Extension activities -AB p. 21 Read and match. Write Ss read the texts and look at the pictures to decide if they can do specific actions. Ss write a brief text about the activities that the boy in the picture can carry out. Activities 28. TB p. 90 Getting started. -Play “Copy me!”. T says and does an action. If the action matches the word, Ss imitate. If the action does not match the word, Ss stay Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet still. 29. Identify the weather. Revise the clothing items vocabulary. Oral practice of questions: “”What’s your name? How old are you? What are you wearing? Have you got blue eyes? Can you run?” and the answers Remember the song in the unit. 30. Make a picture dictionary with the actions vocabulary. Practise pronunciation vocabulary. of the actions Self-evaluation of their work throughout the unit. Oral practice of numbering from 1 to 20. Unit 4. Playground 29. TB p. 90 L2 Para revisar -Call 6 Ss to the board. T: “How many children?” Number with the clas Ask : “What’s your name? How old are you?” Look out the window : “What’s the weather like?” Ss answer.. Ask: “What are you wearing? What colour’s your hair? Have you got blue eyes?”. -Hand out the 6 actions flashcards to the 6 Ss at the board. T: “What’s this? (run) Can you run? (Yes, i can run/ No). -L2 play the song. The Ss at the board raise their flashcards when they hear their action. They put them in order. 30. CB p. 39 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T can ask around : “What’s this? “(run)”. -Ss write the words under each picture -T can stamp the work of the Ss with rubber stamps (bottom right of p.39) 31. CB p. 39 L8 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to the six words at different speeds in groups of three and then repeat them. 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 15’ 30. L/S/R/W 30. T /Ss - IW 30. 10’ 31. L /S 31. T /Ss 31. 10’ 32. CB p. 39 Circle and colour. -T remembers face expressions : “Look! Sad. Look! OK. Look! Happy!”. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can go over the activities done throughout the unit. . -Ss complete the sections “My favourite word / page”. 33. TB, p. 91 Finishing Ss number themselves orally form 1 to 20. Explain tha next session they will revise units 3 and 4 and after that, they will start a new unit. 32. L/S/R/W 32. T /Ss – IW 32. 5-10’ 33. L /S 33. T /Ss 33. 5’ 10- -Colgantes de las acciones -Rubber stamps -Colour pencils -Portfolio folders. - Vocabulary poster Ses sion 7 (Co ntin ued ) Objectives * Make the Portfolio. -Revise vocabulary of actions and from prevoius units. -Revise oral comprehension of the phrase “Can you (jump)?” and the oral expression of the phrase “Yes, I can (jump)”. -Practise spelling of the actions vocabulary. . -Remember words from the song in the unit. Activities * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they can carry out an activity about what the Ss can do. They draw or look for photographs or drawings of boys and girls doing all types of activities and write under : “He / she can...”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 91 Vocabulary Póster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible part of the class. Call out 2 Ss that will compete to see who finds and action first: : “Find (jump)”. Do with other Ss. Parts of the face, clothing items, rooms, numbers, the weather or the members of the family can all be revised. Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 15-20’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -TB p. 91 Playground Bingo Ss take out their mini-cards with the actions and take three that they put on their desk. T says the actions one by one in the context of a phrase : “Can you jump?” Ss turn the mini-cards with the actions they hear: : “Yes, I can jump”. The first one to turn round the three cards and call “Bingo!” wins.. -L/S - T /Ss -10’ -R /W -IW -10’ -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -TB p. 91 Minicards revision Ss take out the picture and the actions vocabulary mini-cards. Ss place the picture minicards on their desk. They write in their notebooks the expression “I can” followed by the name of the corresponding action. When they finish, they correct the spelling using the vocabulary minicards. . * Extension activities -TB p. 91 L5 Extension. T asks Ss to say what the song was about. T asks them to say words that the remember from the song. T writes them on the board. Play the song. Ss sing it and act out the Material actions. Revision. Units 3 and 4 Objectives Onl 1. Reinforce the orders worked on in units y 3 and 4. “Touch your arms”, “touch your Ses feet”, “Point to the board” and “Point to the sion window”. 2. Revise the vocabulary of the parts of the face and the actions. 3. Identify and count parts of the house and actions. Answer the question: “How many (pairs of eyes)?” 4. Overall comprehension of the episode of a comic. Activities 1. TB p. 92 Getting started. -T puts the Zipadee: puppet on “Hello!” Ss: “Hello, Zipadee!” -Play “Zipadee says” with the orders introduced in units 3 and 4: “Touch your arms”, “touch your feet”, “Point to the board” and “Point to the window” and orders from the first level of Cool Kids and units 1 and 2 of Cool Kids 2. 2. TB p. 92 Primer juego. -Play “Name the flashcards” with the parts of the face and actions flashcards 3. CB p. 22 Second game. -Look at the elements on the margins of the page. T: “Point to the (mouth)”, etc. -Do the example with the Ss: “Count the pairs of eyes. How many pairs of eyes?”. -Ss carry out the activity individually. While Ss work, T asks around the class : “What’s this? How many?” -Check the answers with the Ss. 4. CB p. 41 L9 Listen. -T: Look at page forty-one. Look at the Story”. Remember the characters. . -Ask Ss to look at the frames. -L9 Ss follow the frames with their finger. -L9 Ss listen again. T pauses after each phrase. Ask Ss to repeat. Explain the words they don't understand. -T: “One”. Ask the Ss what thery remember of the frame. Do the same with the rest of the frames. -Divide the class in groups of three.Ss to act out Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 5-10’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L/S/R 4. T /Ss – GW 4. 15’ Material -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Vocabulary Poster the comic. 5. Practise farewells. Revision. Units 3 and 4 Objectives Onl y -Reinforce the vocabulary of the parts of Ses the face. sion (Co ntin ued ) -Reinforce the written expression of the vocabulary of the parts of the face and the actions. Evaluation. Units 3 and 4 Objectives Ses * Evaluate the basic aspects worked on in sion units 3 and 4. Eval uati on 5. TB p. 93 Finishing. -T se pone la marioneta de Zipadee y se despide de cada Ss. 5. L /S 5. T /Ss 5. 5’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 93 Vocabulary Poster T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible part of the class and calls a S to the board. T asks him/her to look for the parts of the face in the poster. S finds it, says the word but does not point at it. Another S comes up to the board to point and say another part of the face that another S, in turn, points at. * Extension activities -TB p. 93 Dividire the group-class in four groups. Remember the topic of the third unit. Ask each group to write as many words as they remember. They can also write the names of the parts of the body they remember. Repeat with the words of unit 4. Give a point for each correct answer. The group with more points is the winner. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -10’ - R /W - GW -10-15’ Activities -Ss take Test 2. Skills * L/S/R/W Interaction * IW Time * 30-40’ Note: the Ss that finish earlier can complete pending activities of the CB or the AB Material Material -One photocopy of TEST 2 p. 13 of the Evaluation notebook for each student. Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses 1. Introduce the context of unit 4 (food ). sion 1 2. Introduce the food vocabulary: : “orange juice, chicken, tomatoes, milk, rice, bananas”. Learn a song with food vocabulary. . 3. Practise written comprehension of food vocabulary. 4. Practise oral comprehension of food vocabulary. Activities 1. TB p. 94 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the class and puts away the food flashcards in it. -Show the Zipadee puppet: “Hello”. Tell the Ss that today they are starting a new unit. . T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Have a flashcard come out of the lamp. : “(Chicken)” Ss have to guess the topic of the unit. When they've guessed, ask them what words they think they will learn. 2. CB, p. 42 L11 L12 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T takes the flashcards with the new words out of the lamp, using the Zipadee puppet and saying them aloud while he/she puts them up on the board in the same order as they appear in the book. -Look at and comment the picture with the Ss. -L11 T: “Listen and point”. Ss listen to the words and point to them. -L11 “Listen and say”. Ss listen to the words and say them -L12 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and chant . 3. CB p. 43. Match and say. -Ask the Ss what they think they have to do. Do section 1 with the Ss. : “What’s this? (tomatoes)”. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks “What’s this? 4. TB p. 95.Finishing -T says one of the foods and asks a S to take it from the board and give it to Zipadee hwo says : “Thank you”. Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ 3. L /S /R 3. IW 3. 10’ 4. L 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Food flashcards -Zipadee puppet. -“Magic Lamp” poster. Additional material: -Colour pencils -One sheet of paper per student -Cd with music the students like Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses sion - Practise written comprehension of the 1 food vocabulary. (Co ntin ued ) Activities * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 22 Circle. Look at the pictures : “Look at the food. What’s this? (Chicken)”. Ask what he would like to eat (Jack). Ss carry out the activity. T can ask around : “Does Rosie / Jack like this?”. Correct with the group-class. Skills Interaction Time - R /W -IW -10-15’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ * Extension activities -TB p. 95 Food T draws a chart on the upper part of the board and over several foods and drinks. Tell the Ss what each thing is in LL2. Revise the food they learned in Cool Kids 1. T: “What’s this?”. T can draw other foods the Ss order. Ss draw on a sheet of paper their own chart witht the foods they want and they label them. - L /S/R/W -T /Ss –IW -10-15' Activities Skills Interaction Time -Practise identification of food. Material -TB p. 95 Pass the flashcard. Play “Pass the flashcard” with the food flashcards . - Expand the food vocabulary. Unit 5. Food Objectives Material Ses sion 2 5. Identiy the day of the week and what the weather is like . 6. Make some cards to practise the food vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension of the food vocabulary. 8. Practise written comprehension and expession of the food vocabulary. Practise oral comprehension and expression of the food vocabulary. Introduce the “I like...” structure.. 5. TB p. 96 Getting started. -Put the “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster in a visible part of the class . -T: “What day is it today?”. T answers and Ss repeat. “It’s (Monday)”. Call out a S to point to the word in the poster and write it in the corresponding place. . -Do the same with the weather. 6. TB p. 96/ CB p. 67 Preparing a game. -Ss prepare the cards of the foods to make a game. CB p. 44/ CB p. 64 L13. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (milk)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Do it with all the cards. -Revise with Ss the numbers, 1 to 6. Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” PLay L13. Ss listen and follow instructions. First, they show the corresponding object and then they listen and put the card in the corresponding box. When the picture cards are in their place, the vocabulary cards must go under each picture. Correct on the board. T: “One?” Ss: “Bananas” T: “Yes, (Bananas)”. CB p. 44. Draw and write. -Look with the Ss at the picture at the beginning of the activity. Next, look at picture 1 and do, as an example: : ”Look at picture one. What’s missing? (tomatoes)”. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks : “What’s this? What’s missing?”. 9. TB p. 97 Finishing -T shows the food flashcards one by one. Ss say the vocabulary. -T raises a flashcard. The Ss who like the food in the flashcard, raise their hand. . T: “Do you like milk?” Ss: “Yes, I like milk”. Repeat with all the foods on the flashcards. 5. L/S/R/W 5. T /Ss 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. L/S/R/W 8. IW 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5-10’ -CB -AB -CD 2 “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster. -A water-soluble felt tip pen -Food flashcards -Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student. -Students folders --mini-cards of the foods -A sheet of paper per student. -Colour pencils Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses sion - Practise oral comprehension 2 expression of food vocabulary. (Co ntin ued ) and Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 97 My Granny Ss take the mini-cards with the foods and choose one. Call out a S. T tells him/her that there's one food his/her granmother loves and he /whe will have to tel the rest of the class what iit is. T shows the S a food flashcard. The S tells the other students. The S who took the mini-card with that type of food sits down. Continue until they are all seated. - Practise the food vocabulary. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ - R /W -PW -10' Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 10’ Material -TB p. 97 Pelmanism Ss play in pairs using two sets of cards of the parts of the face that they shuffle and put on the table, facing downwards. S1 raises two of them and names them, if they are the same, he/she keeps them, if not, they are put back in place. Play in turns. - Practise spelling of food vocabulary. . * Extension activities -TB p. 97 Word game In pairs . S1 takes three foods and dictates them to S S2. Later they all correct the spelling. Switch roles. . Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses Preparar y motivar a los alumnos para sion escuchar una historia. 3 Repasar el verbo “like” y la pregunta: “Do you like (bananas)?” Activities 10. TB p. 98 L14 Getting started. -Explicar que escucharán una historia sobre Jack, Rosie y Zipadee que trata sobre los alimentos y las bebidas. Pedir que piensen alimentos y bebidas que les agraden y que no les agraden. R: “Like”. T hace preguntas a los Ss: “Do you like (bananas)? /Yes/ No)”. Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie Zipadee -L14 Ss dicen la canción y hacen los gestos. 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ Practise oral comprehension and expression of the food vocabulary and oral comprehension of the structure: : “I like (tomatoes)”. 11. TB p. 98 / CB p. 45 L14 Listen to the story. -Observar con los Ss la historia en el libro. Ss explican en LL1 de qué creen que trata la historia. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss escuchan la historia hasta al final y la siguen en el libro señalando las viñetas. -T vuelve a poner la historia y la para en cada viñeta. Hacer preguntas de comprensión como: “Who’s this? What’s this?”. -T: Listen and repeat”. Poner la historia y hacer pausas para que los Ss repitan las frases. 12. TB p. 98/ CB p. 45. Para trabajar la historia. -T: “Listen and answer”. T dice frases de la historia. Ss han de señalar y decir el número de la viñeta correspondiente. 13. TB p. 99 /CB p. 45 Act it out. -Hacer tres grupos: Jack, Rosie y Zipadee para interpretar la historia. -Ss interpretan la historia utilizando las marionetas de dedo. Cambiar papeles. 14. TB p. 99 Finishing -A Ss takes one of the food flashcards, says it and hands it to Zipadee who says “I like (tomatoes)”. Do with other flashcards and Ss. 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses sion - Remember words and phrases of the 3 story in the unit. . (Co Oral discrimination of words. ntin ued Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 99 L14 Remembering the story T asks the Ss what words and phrases they remember from the story and writes them on the board. . Play L14 Ss raise the hand when they hear one Skills Interaction Time -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ Listen to a story in English. Overall comprehension of a story. Answer questions about a story. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. Oral practice of the phrases of the story in the unit. Material ) of the words that are written on the board. -Introduce the : “I don’t like structure...”. -Practicse written comprehension and expression of the food vocabulary. -Complete the written phrases: “I like...” and “I don’t like...” with foods . Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses Remember the food vocabulary. sion 4 Identify parts of the body in the unit story. . Practise the spelling of the vocabulary of parts of the body. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. * Extension activities -TB p. 99 I don’t like... T I: “I don’t like...” Ss repeat and write it in their notebooks completing it with the drawing of a food or drink they do not like. Ss walk around the class with their notebooks. When T says “Stop!” Ss stop and say their phrase to the student they have closest. If the food is the same, they get a point. -AB p. 23 Write. Write about you. Look at the pictures with the Ss: “What’s this?” Ss do the crossword . Ss complete the phrases. Correct the activity on the board. -L/S/R/W - T /Ss -10-15’ -R /W -IW -10-15' Activities 15. TB p. 100 Getting started. -Play “What’s repeted?” with the food flashcards . 16. CB, p. 45-46 L14 Find and write. -L14 Ss remember the story. -Look at the pictures of the parts of the body : “Who’s this?” Point to the words in the box. Ask 4 Ss to read one each. Look for the first one with the Ss: “What are these? Look at the story. Where are the(feet)?” Ss: “Four”. -Correct the activity with the Ss Skills 15. L /S Interaction 15. T /Ss Time 15. 5-10’ 16. L/S/R/W 16. T /Ss – IW 16. 15’ 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Food flashcards Additional material: -1 photocopy of p. 13 of the Photocopy Master Book for each student Practise the oral expression and written comprehensionar of the : “I like...” and “I don’t like” structures. Understand phrases with the “I like...” and “I don’t like...” structures.. - Reinforce the comprehension of the story of the unit. -Classify vocabulary of the semantic fields of food and actions. - Reinforce the written comprehension of the story in the unit. Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses Identifiy vocabulary that doesn't belong to a sion specific semantic field. 5 17. CB p. 45-46 Choose and say. -Do the first section with the Ss. -Ss do the activity. . -Correct with the whole group-class. 18. TB p. 100 Finishing. -Ss stand up. T shows them the food flashcards T builds phrases with “I like” and “I don’t like”. If the Ss hear a phrase that describes their tastes, they sit down. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 13 L14 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames of the story. Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check if they have ordered them correctly. 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 18. L 18. T /Ss 18. 5-10’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ * Extension activities -AB p. 24 Write Ask the Ss to remember what actions they have learned. Ss say them and T shows the corresponding flashcards. Do the same with the food. T: “What’s this? PlaygrounAd or food?”. Ss classify the vocabulary. Correct with the group-class -T/S/R/W -IW -10-15' -R/W -IW -15-20’ (H) Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ -Scissors for each student -Colour pencils -Glue for each student -Two sheets of paper for each student. -Actions flashcards -TB p. 101 Make a mini book Hand out 2 sheets of paper to make a small, 8pages book. The first page is for the cover and on the other pages they draw the 6 frames with the characters' dialogues. They take the book home. Activities 19. TB p. 102 Getting started. -Play “Add one out”. T shows three flashcards from one semantic field and another from a different semantic field. Ss have to say : “Which Material -CB -AB -CD 1 -Zipadee puppet is the add one out?”. Prepare the students to listen to a song in English. Sing a song in English. Practise the language in the song. Practise oral comprehension of the colours. - Practise oral comrehension of the song in the unit. . 20. CB, p. 47 Preparing the song . -I: “Carrots” Draw on the board or show real carrots. Same procedure with “Peas”. -T: “Do you like carrots / peas?” Ss: “Yes, I like (carrots) / No, I don’t like (peas)”. -T: “Open your books at page 47. Look at the pictures”. Ss look at the boys' expressions. 21. CB p. 47 L15 Sing. -L15 play the recording without stopping. -Play L15 T acts out the lyrics for Ss to understand the song. *”I like (bananas) and (milk)”. Touch your stomach to indicate you like these. *”But I don’t like cheese”. Indicate you push the plate away. . *”No, no, I don’t like cheese”. Move your head saying no -Play L15 again. Encourage the Ss to perform the actions. . -Play L15 again. Encourage Ss to sing. 22. CB p. 47 L16 Write. Sing. -Look at the piictures and the words with the Ss. Ss complete the phrases. -L16. Ss use the pictures to invent new stanzas for the song. 23. TB p. 103 Finishing -Ss Stand up. T says a colour.: “Red”. If the Ss are wearing a clothing item in this colour, they sit down. Continue until all the Ss are seated. * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 14 L15 Cut and fold. Stick. Ss make the pencil puppet to use it during the song. L15. Ss listen to the song and show the face of the corresponding puppet according to what the lyrics of the song say. * Extension activities -Flashcards from units 1 to 5 -Real objects: carrots and peas 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 10’ 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ 22. L/S/R/W 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5-10’ - L /S -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ 10- Additional material: -One photocopy of p. 14 of the PMB for each student. -One photocopy of p. 15 of the PMB for each student. . -Scissors for each student. -Colour pencils -Glue - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. -PMB p. 15 L15 Write. Sing. With the Ss, complet the lyrics of the song with the words provided in the list. Sing the song again with the Ss. -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses Remember the song in the unit. sion 6 Introduce and practise the actions: : “Wash your hands” y “Brush your teeth”. Get to know about food in British schools. Complete a brief text about food they like and don't like and illustrate it. 27. Practise the oral expression of phrases to express likes and dislikes of foods. Activities 24. TB p. 104 L15 Getting started. -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics. . 25. CB p. 48 L17 Listen and play. -I: “Wash your hands” and “Brush your teeth”. T acts them out and asks Ss to imitate. -T: “Open your books at page 48”. Look at the pictures with the Ss. . -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. You can use all the orders from the previous level and from the previous units. . 26. CB p. 48 Write. Draw. -T shows his/her CB pointing to the “My World” section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photograph. Talk about the photograph with the Ss. . -Explain tha tin Great Britain the boys and girls can buy warm food in the canteen or take their lunch from home. -Ask a S to read the phrase T: “Do you like chicken/ tomatoes?” Ss: “Yes, I like (chicken) / No, I don’t like (tomatoes)”. -Look at the words in the box. . T: “Do you like (bananas)?”. Ss have to draw themselves in the blank space and complete the phrases. TB p. 105 Finishing. -Zipadee says an affirmative or negative phrase using “I like / I don’t like” and asks a S to say another similar phrase. If Zipadee's phrase is affirmative, S will have to say an affirmative phrase as well. Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ 10- 26. L/S/R/W 26. T /Ss – IW 26. 25’ 20(H) 27. L /S 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Colour pencils. - “My World” poster -Blu tack -Water-soluble felt tip pen -Zipadee puppet Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses sion -Make a poster about the food that 6 students like. (Co ntin ued ) -Practse oral comprehension expression of food vocabulary. and -Complete written phrases to express the food other people like. Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses 28. Revise the food vocabulary. sion 7 29. Oral practice of questions: : “What’s the weather like? What are you wearing? What colour are your eyes? Have you got brown hair? Can you sing?” Revise the food vocabulary and the following structures: “Do you like (milk)? Yes, I like (milk) No, I don’t like (milk)”. Remember the song in the unit about food. Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 105 My World Poster T puts the “My World” poster where Ss can see it perfectly. Tell them they will put photos and drawings of food in the center. They can label with a water-soluble felt pen that can later be erased when they make another poster. Skills Interaction Time - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -AB p. 25 Look and write Ss complete the phrases with the words in the box of the bottom part of the page. -R /W -IW -10’ Activities 28. TB p. 106 Getting started. -T chooses a food flashcard without showing it to the Ss and says the word moving the keys without pronouncing it. Ss have to guess what food it is. When they guess, T shows them the flashcard. 29. TB p. 106 L12 Para revisar -T takes six Ss out to the board and numbers them with the rest of the group-class. Ask the Ss “What’s the weather like? What are you wearing? What colour are your eyes? Have you got brown eyes? Can you sing?”. -T hands out the food flashcards to the Ss. T: “What’s this? (Milk) Do you like (milk)? (Yes, I like milk /No, I don’t like milk)”. -L12 Ss listen to the song, sing it and perform the actions. Ss that have the flashcards raise them Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 20’ * Extension activities -TB p. 105 Pass the flashcard Jugar a “Pass the flashcard” with the food flashcards . Material 15- Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Food flashcards -Zipadee puppet -Colgantes de los alimentos -Rubber stamps -Colour pencils -Portfolio folders - Vocabulary poster and put them in order when they hear them on the recording. 30. Make a picture dictionary with the food vocabulary. Practicse pronunciation of food vocabulary. Self-evaluation of their work throughout the unit. Unit 5. Food Objectives Ses Express orally the foods they like and the sion foods they dislike . 7 (Co ntin ued ) * Make the Portfolio. 30. CB p. 49 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While Ss carry out the activity, T asks: “What’s this?/ What are these?” Ss: “(tomatoes)”. -Ss write the words under each picture. -T can stamp the works of the Ss with the rubber stamps. (Bottom right part, p 49) 31. CB p. 49 L 18 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to six words at different speeds in groups of three and then repeat them. 30. L/S/R/W 30. T /Ss - IW 30. 10’ 31. L /S 31. T /Ss 31. 10’ 32. CB p. 49 Circle and colour. Write. -T remembers face expessions : “Look! Sad. Look! OK. Look! Happy!”. -Before the Ss self-evaluate, they can go over the activities carried out throughout the unit. -Ss complete the sections “My favourite word / page”. 32. L/S/R/W 32. T /Ss – IW 32. 5-10’ Activities 33. TB, p. 107 Finishing -Ss separate the mini-cards in two piles depending on what they like and what they don't like. Zipadee starts naming foods and Ss have to say r: “I like / I don’t like ...” depending on whether they like or dislike the food they heard. -Tell them that in the next session they will start a new unit. * Portafolio (Opcional) Ss make their personal Portfolio. In this unit they could carry out an activity about the foods that Skills 33. L /S /R Interaction 33. T /Ss Time 33. 5-10’ * R /W * IW * 15-20’ Material -Reinforce the food vocabulary. -Use the language in the unit to make a game. -Remember the words of the song in the unit. boys and girls generally like. Look for drawings or photos of boys and girls eating their favourite foods and label them. They can also add food that they like and don't like and write: “I like...” I “I don’t like”. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 107 Vocabulary Poster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible part of the class. T calls out two Ss that will compet to see who finds the food first: : “Find the (tomatoes)”. Repeat with other Ss. Actions, clothing items, rooms, numbers 1 to 20, weather or the members of the family can also be revised. -TB p. 107 Chinese whispers Play Chinese Whispers” with the Ss using the verses of the song in the unit. * Extension activities -TB p. 107 L15 Unit song. T asks the Ss to say what the song was about. T asks them to say words they remember from the song. T writes them on the board. Play the song. Ss sing and perform the actions. . - L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L /S -T /Ss -10’ -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ Unit 6. Favourite things Objectives Ses 1. Introduce the sion (Favourite things). 1 context of unit 6 2. Introduce the favourite things vocabulary: “Bike, watch, camera, skateboard, computer game, paints”. 3. Practise written comprehension and identification of favourite things vocabulary. 4. Practise oral comprehension and experssion of the favourite things voabulary. . - Practise written comprehension of the favourite things vocabulary. . - Practise oral comprehension of the Activities 1. TB p. 108 / Class Book Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible part of the class and puts away the favourite things flashcards in the lamp. -Tell the Ss that they are starting a new unit today. T: “Look! It’s Zipadee’s lamp!” Get a flashcard to come out of the lamp : “Look, it’s a (bike)” Ss have to guess the topic of the unit. When they guess,ask them what words they think they will learn. 2. CB, p. 50 L19 L20 Listen and point. Listen and Chant -T brings the flashcards with the new words from the lamp, using the Zipadee puppet and says them aloud while she/he puts them on the board in the same order as they appear in the book. . -Look at the picture and discuss it with the Ss. -L19 “Listen and point”. -L20 “Listen and chant”. Ss listen to the song and chant. 3. CB p. 51. Draw and circle. Say. -Ask the Ss what they think they have to do. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks : “What’s this?. 4. TB p. 109.Finishing -T pretends to play with one of the favourite things. Ask a S to take the corresponding flashcard from the board and say it and then give it to Zipadee so it puts it back into the lamp. Zipadee says: “Thank you”. * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 26 Read and draw. Look at the pictures with the Ss: “Whos’s that? What are Jack’s favourite things?”. Ss carry out the activity. Correct with the group-class. -TB p. 109 Pass the flahscard Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 10-15’ 3. L /S /R 3. IW 3. 10’ 4. L /S 4. T /Ss 4. 5-10’ -R -IW -5-10’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Favourite things flashcards -Zipadee puppet. -Magic Lamp” poster Additional material: -Colour pencils -One sheet of paper per student Play “Pass the flashcard” with the favourite things flashcards. vocabulary of favourite things. -Expand the vocabulary of favourite thing. Unit 6. Favourite things Objectives Ses 5. Identify the day of the week and the kind sion of weather there is. 2 6. Make the cards to practise the vocabulary of the favourite things. Practise oral comprehension vocabulary of favourite things. of the 8. Practise written comprehension and expression of the vocabulary of the favourite things. * Extension activities -TB p. 109 Favourite things T draws the favourite things on the board. T: “What’s this?”.Ss can ask the T to draw other favourite things on the board. T draws them and writes the words. Ss can draw their collection of favourite things in a sheet of paper and label it. Activities 5. TB p. 110 Getting started. -Put the “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster in a visible part of the classroom. -T: “What day is it today?”. T answers and Ss repeat. “It’s (Monday)”. Call a S to the board to point at the word in the poster and write it in its corresponding place. -Do the same thing with the weather. 6. TB p. 110 / CB p. 65 Preparing the game -Ss prepare the cards of the favourite things to make a game. 7. CB p. 52/ CB p. 64 L21. Listen. Play the Magic Lamps game. -T: “Show me the (camera)”. Ss show the corresponding card. Do with all the cards. -Revise the colours with the Ss. . Put the corresponding flashcards on the board. -T: “Let’s play the Magic Lamp game!” Play L21. Ss listen and follow the instructions. First they show the corresponding action and then they listen and put the card in the corresponding box. -Correct on the board. T: “Blue?” Ss: “bike” T: “Yes, It’s bike”. CB p. 52. Find the add one out. Write. -Ss say what they think they have to do. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks : “What’s this?”. - L /S/R/W -T /Ss –IW -10-15’ Skills 5. L/S/R/W Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss – IW 6. 10-15’ 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 10-15’ 8. R /W 8. IW 8. 5-10’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 “Days, Weather and Seasons” poster.. -A water-soluble felt tip pen -Favourite things fashcards -mini-cards of favourite things -Zipadee puppet. -Scissors for each student. Students' folders -One sheet of paper per student. -Colour pencils Practise the vocabulary of the favourite things. . - Practise comprehension of the vocabulary of the favourite things. - Practise the association of the words of favourite things with their iconic representation. - Practise spelling the vocabulary of the actions. s. 9. TB p. 111 Finishing -Ask a S to use mime to represent one of the favourite things. Another S says what it is and all put away their mini-card in their folder. Repeat until they have put all of them away. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 111 Bingo Play Bingo with the mini-cards of the favourite things. 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5’ -L /S -T /Ss -5-10’ -R -IW -5-10’ - R /W -PW -10' -TB p. 111 Match the minicards Ss separate the picture mini-cards from the vocabulary mini-cards. When T says “Go!” Ss take them and when they finish, they put up their hand. * Extension activities -TB p. 111 Word game In pairs. S1 chooses three favourite things and dictates them to S2. Later they all correct the spelling. Switch roles. l. Unit 6. Favourite things Objectives Ses Prepare and motivate the students to listen sion to a story. 3 Remember the vocabulary of favourite things. Listen to a story in English. Overall comprehension of the story. Answer questions about the story. Practise the comprehension of the story in the unit. Oral practice of the phrases of the story in the unit. 14. Practise oral comprehension of the structure: : “If your favourite colour’s (blue), put your hand up”. Unit 6. Favourite things Activities 10. TB p. 112 L22 Getting started. -Play “What’s missing?” with the favourite things flashcards . -Tell the Ss that they will hear another story about Rosie, Jack and Zipadee. -L22. Play the magic song. Ss sing and perform the actions. 11. TB p. 112 / CB p. 53 L22 Listen to the story. -Look at the story in the book with the Ss: Ss explain in LL1 what they think the story is about. -T: “Let’s listen to the story!” Ss listen to the story until the end and follow it in the book pointing at the frames. -T plays the story again and stops in each frame. Ask comprehension questions: : “Who’s this? What’s that?” -T: Listen and repeat”. Play the story and pause for Ss to repeat the phrases. 12. TB p. 112/ CB p. 53 Working on the story -T: “Listen and answer”. T says phrases from the story. Ss have to point and say the corresponding frame number. . 13. TB p. 113 /CB p. 53 Act it out. -Make three groups: Jack, Rosie and Zipadee to act out the story. . -Ss act out the story using the finger puppets. Switch roles. 14. TB p. 113 Finishing -T: “If your favourite colour’s (blue), put your hand up”. T writes on the board the colours as she /he says them and the number of boys and girls that have raised their hand. . Skills 10. L /S Interaction 10. T /Ss Time 10. 5-10’ 11. L /S 11. T /Ss 11. 15’ 12. L /S 12. T /Ss 12. 5-10’ 13. L /S 13. T /Ss 13. 10’ 14. L /S 14. T /Ss 14. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Finger puppets of Jack, Rosie and Zipadee -Favourite things flashcards -mini-cards of favourite things. Objectives Ses sion 3 (Co ntin ued ) - Remember words and phrases of the story in the unit. Oral discrimination of words. Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 113 L22 Remembering the story T aks the Ss what words and phrases they remember from the story and writes them on the board. Play L22 Ss put up their hand when they hear one of the words that is written on the board. Skills Interaction Time -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ -TB p. 113 Match the flashcard Play “Match the flashcard” with the flashcards and mni-cards of favourite things. -L /S -T /Ss -10' * Extension activities -AB p. 27 Find and write Ask Ss what they think they are going to do. Do the example wth the Ss. Ss do the activity individually. Correct the exercise with the group-class -R /W -IW -10-15’ Activities 15. TB p. 114 Getting started. -Play “Name the flashcards” with the flashcards of the favourite things. Skills 15. L/S/R Interaction 15. T /Ss Time 15. 5-10’ Material -Identify the vocabulary of favourite things. -Practise written comprehensoion and expression of the vocabulary of favourite things. . Complete phrases with the structure: “I’ve got a...”. Unit 6. Favourite things Objectives Ses 15. Practise the vocabulary of the favourite sion things. 4 Material -CB -AB -CD 2 Identify foods in the unit story. Practise spelling of the food vocabulary. Practise comprehension of the story in the unit. Practise comprehension information of the story. of Practse oral comprehension of go!” specific “You may -Reinforce the comprehension of the story in the unit. -Completae picture. written phrases about a - Reinforce written comprehension of the story in the unit. Unit 6. Favourite things 16. CB, p. 53-54 L22 Find and write. -Play L22 for Ss to remember the story. -T asks: “What’s this? What are these?” in relation with the food in pictures on p.54 . -Look for the first one with the Ss: “What’s this? Look at the story. Where’s the (cheese)?” Ss: “In picture five”. Ss do the rest of the foods. -Correct the activity with the Ss 17. CB p. 53-54 Choose and say. -T: “Look at the pictures”. Point to the characters : “Who’s that?” Do section 1 with the group. -Ss carry out the activity individually. -Correct with the Ss. 18. TB p. 114 Finishing. -Assign to each S a number. T: “Numbers threes, you may go!”. The Ss that were assigned this number put their things away and get ready to leave. . * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 18 L22 Listen and put in order Ss cut out the frames of the story. Ss try to order them by heart. Listen to the story and check thay it is in the right order. . 16. L/S/R/W * Extension activities -AB p. 28 Write Look at and comment the picture with the Ss Do the first phrase as an example. Ss carry out the activity. Correct with the whole group-class. -TB p. 115 Make a mini book Divide 2 sheets of paper to make a small 8pages book. The first page is used for the cover and on the rest, Ss draw the 6 frames with the characters' dialogues. They take the book home. T /Ss – IW 10-15’ -Zipadee puppet -Favourite things fllashcards 17. L /S 17. T /Ss – IW 17. 15’ 10- 18. L /S 18. T /Ss 18. 15’ 10- -R /W -T /Ss- IW -10’ -R /W - IW -10-15’ -L/S/R/W -IW -15-20’ (H) Additional material: -1 photocopy of p. 16 of the l Photocopy Master Book for each student -Scissors for each student -Colour pencils -Glue for each student -Two sheets of paper for each student Ses sion 5 Objectives Identify foods. Practise oral questions: : “What’s this? Do you like? What’s your favourite food/ colour/ thing?” and their answers . Prepare students to listen to a song in English. Sing a song in English Practise the language in the song Practise oral comprehension of phrases with the structure : “My favourite (food) is...”. Activities 19. TB p. 116 Getting started. -T raises and shows the Ss a foods flashcard without looking at i. T says the names of the different foods. Ss say “No” until T says the food that's onthe flashcard and Ss then say “Yes” -Put the food flashcards : “What’s this? Do you like...? What’s your favourite food/ colour/ thing?” 20. CB, p. 55 Preparing the song -I: “What about you?” Ask a S: “What’s your favourite food?” S answers and T asks another one : “What about you?”. Do the same thing with other questions : “Do you like appples? Have you got a sister? Can you dance? What’s your favourite colour?” -T: “Open your books at page 55. ” Look at the picture . Ask what the boy and girl are doing. Say what objects and foods appear in the picture. Ss answer. 21. CB p. 55 L23 Sing. -L23 play without stopping the recording -Play L23. T acts out the lyrics for Ss to understand the song. When a toy is named, T pretends to play with that toy. When a colour is said, T points to something in that colour. . “What about you?” Point to a student. -Play L23 again. Encourage Ss to carry out the actions. -Play L23 again. Encourage Ss to sng 22. CB p. 55 L23 Sing. -Look at the pictures with the Ss. and rmatch the words with the pictures. -L23. Ss use the pictures to invent new stanzas for the song. 23. TB p. 117 Finishing -Play “True!” with Ss. T says phrases about her/his favourite things. Ss repeat everyting they hear that is true. T: “My favourite colour’s (blue)”. Skills 19. L /S Interaction 19. T /Ss Time 19. 5’ Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Flashcards de los alimentos 20. L /S 20. T /Ss 20. 10’ Additional material: -One photocopy of p. 17 of the PMB for each student . -One photocopy of p. 18 of the PMB for each student . -Scissors for each student. -Colour pencils 21. L /S 21. T /Ss 21. 15’ 22. L/S/R 22. T /Ss – IW 22. 10’ 23. L /S 23. T /Ss 23. 5’ 10- Unit 6. Favourite things Objectives Ses sion - Oral discrimination of the vocabulary of 5 the favourite things. (Co ntin ued ) - Practise written comprehension of the lyrics of the song in the unit. Unit 6. Favourite things Objectives Ses Remember the song in the unit sion 6 Activities * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 17 L22 Song craft. Read and draw. Cut and fold. Ss make a cutout to use during the audition of the song in the unit. L22. Ss listen to the song and show the heart with the favourite things. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss – IW -15-20’ -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10' Skills 24. L /S Interaction 24. T /Ss Time 24. 5-10’ Material * Extension activities -PMB p. 18 L23 Write. Sing. With the Ss, complete the lyrics of the song with the words provided in the list. Sing the song again with the Ss. Activities 24. TB p. 118 L23 Getting started. -T greets the Ss: “Let’s sing a song”. Ss sing and act out the lyrics Material -CB -AB -CD 2 Introduce and practise the actions : “Stand behind your chair” and “Pick up your bag”. Get to know about the bedroom of British boys and girls and their favourite things. Draw their favourite things. 27. Match the written form of favourite things with their iconic representations. Unit 6. Favourite things Objectives Ses sion -Make a poster with the students' favourite 6 things. (Co ntnu ed) 25. CB p. 56 L25 Listen and play. -I: “Stand behind your chair” and “Pick up your bag”. T acts them out and asks Ss to imitate. -T: “Open your books at page 56”. Look at the pictues with the Ss. -Use the puppet to play “Zipadee says”. All the orders from the previous level and the previous units can also be used. 26. CB p. 56 Write. Draw. -T shows his/her CB pointing to the “My World” section. T: “Look at your books”. -Ss say what they see in the photo. Comment the photo with the Ss and read the list of the girl's favourite things. T: “Is a (bike) your favourite thing?” Ss: “(Yes / no)”. -Explain to the Ss that they are to draw their favourite things. TB p. 119 Finishing. -Ss put their vocabulary mini-cards of the favourite things on the desk and stand up. T shows a favourite thing flashcard . Ss with the correponding card put up their hand . T asks the first 6 that raised the mini-card to sit down. 25. L /S 25. T /Ss 25. 15’ 10- 26. L /S /R 26. T /Ss – IW 26. 25’ 20- 27. R 27. T /Ss 27. 5-10’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 119 My World Póster T puts the “My World” poster where all the Ss can see it properly. Tell them that they will put photographs and drawings of their favourite things in the center. They can label with water- Skills Interaction Time - L/S/R/W -T /Ss – IW -10-15’ -Favourite things flashcards -mini-cards of the favourite things -Colour pencils. “My World” poster -Blu tack -Water-soluble felt tip pen -Zipadee puppet (H) Material solvent felt pen that can be erased whent they make another poster. -Practise actions. oral comprehension of the -Understand brief texts about other boy's and girl's favourite things. Write a brief text about other people's favourite things. Unit 6. Favourite things Objectives Ses Revise the vocabulary of favourite things. . sion 7 29. Identify the weather. Revise the vocabulary of the favourite things. Practise oral questions : “What’s are you wearing? What colour are your eyes? Have you got brown hair? Can you sing? Do you like pizza? What’s your favourite food/ toy?” and the answers. Rememeber the song in the unit. -L/S -T /Ss -10’ * Extension activities -AB p. 29 Read and match. Write Ss read the texts and look at the pictures to decide who each text refers to. Ss write a brief text about the favourite things of the boy in the picture. -R/W -IW -10-15’ Activities 28. TB p. 120 Getting started. -Play “What’s missing?” with the favourite things flashcards . 29. TB p. 90 L20 Para revisar -Call 6 Ss to the board. . T: “How many children?” Number with the class. Look out the window. : “What’s the weather like?” Ss answer.. -Ask the Ss: “What’s are you wearing? What colour are your eyes? Have you got brown hair? Can you sing? Do you like pizza? What’s your favourite food/ toy?”. -Hand out the 6 flashcards of favourite things to the 6 Ss that are at the front. T: “What’s this? (skateboard) Do you like skateboards? What’s your favourite toy?”. -L20 play the song. The Ss at the board raise their flashcards when they hear their favourite things and put them in order. Skills 28. L /S Interaction 28. T /Ss Time 28. 5-10’ 29. L /S 29. T /Ss 29. 15’ -TB p. 119 Actions Ask the Ss to stand up and perform an action of the TPR. T says an action: Ss that are perfoming the action the T said are elilminated and sit down. 10- Material -CB -AB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Food flashcards -Colgantes de los aliment0s -Rubber stamps -Colour pencils -Portfolio folders - Vocabulary poster 30. Make a picture dictionary with the vocabulary of favourite things Practicse pronunciation of the vocabulary of the favourite things. Self-evaluation of throughout the unit. the work done Oral practice of the question: “What’s your favourite (food/ thing / colour)?” and their answer. Unit 6. Favourite things Objectives Ses * Make the Portfolio. sion 7 (Co ntin ued -Revise the vocabulary of favourite things. ) 30. CB p. 57 Stick. -T: “Find the stickers”. -While the Ss carry out the activity, T asks : “What’s this? What are these? (paints)”. -Ss write the words under each picure. -T can stamp the work of the Ss with the rubber stamps. (bottom right of p.57) 31. CB p. 57 L26 Listen and repeat. -Ss listen to six words at different speeds, in groups of three, and then repeat htem. 30. L/S/R/W 30. T /Ss - IW 30. 10’ 31. L /S 31. T /Ss 31. 10’ 32. CB p. 57 Circle and colour. -T remembers the face expressions “Look! Sad. Look! OK. Look! Happy!”. -Before Ss self-evaluate, they can go over the activities done throughout the unit. -Ss complete the sections of “My favourite word / page”. 33. TB, p. 121 Finishing -T asks the Ss: “What’s your favourite (food/ thing / colour)?” Ss answer.. 32. L/S/R/W 32. T /Ss – IW 32. 5-10’ 33. L /S 33. T /Ss 33. 5’ Activities * Portfolio (Optional) Ss make their personal Portfolio . In this unit they can carry out an activity about their favourite things. * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 91 Vocabulary Póster Race T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a visible part of the class. Choose two Ss that will compete trying to be the first one to find a favourite thing.. : “Find (jump)”. Do with other Ss. Food, actions, parts of the face, clothes, rooms, numbers, weather or members of the family can also be revised. Skills * R /W Interaction * IW Time * 15-20’ - L /S -T /Ss -10’ Material -Reinforce comprehension of vocabulary of favourite things. . -Remember words from the song in the unit. Revision. Units 5 and 6 Objectives Onl 1. Reinforce the orders worked on in units y 5 and 6: “Wash your hands”, “Brush your Ses teeth”, “Stand behind your chair” and “Pick sion up your bag”. 2. Revise the food things vocabulary. and the favourite 3. Identify and count food and favourite things. . Answer the question : “How many (skateboards)?” -TB p. 121 CB p. 64 Matching boards Play “Matching boards” with the Ss. * Extension activities -TB p. 121 L23 Ampliación. T asks Ss to say what the song was about. T asks them to say the words they remember from the song. T writes them on the board. Play the song. Ss sing and act out the actions. Activities 1. TB p. 122 Getting started. -T puts the Zipadee:puppet on. “Hello!” Ss: “Hello, Zipadee!” -Play “Zipadee says” with the orders introduced in units 5 and 6. “Wash your hands”, “Brush your teeth”, “Stand behind your chair” and “Pick up your bag” and orders from the first level of Cool Kids and the units 3 and 4 of Cool Kids 2. 2. TB p. 92 First game . -Play “Name the flashcards” with the food flashcards and the favourite things. 3. CB p. 58 Second game . -Look at the elements on the page margins. T: “Point to the (Milk)”, etc. -Do the example with the Ss Ss: “Count the -L/S - T /Ss -10’ -L /S /R -T /Ss -10’ Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 5-10’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 5-10’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ Material -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Vocabulary Póster 4. Overall comprehension of the episode of a comic. 5. Practise farewells. Revisión. Units 5 and 6 Objectives Onl y -Reinforce the food and favourite things Ses vocabulary. sion (Co ntin ued ) -Reinforce the written expression of food and favourite things vocabulary. (skateboards). How many (Skateboards)?”. -Ss do the activity individually. While the Ss work, T asks around the class: : “What’s this? How many?” -Check the answers with the Ss 4. CB p. 59 L27 Listen. -T: Look at page forty-one. Look at the Story”. Remembering the characters . -Ask the Ss to look at the frames. -L27 Ss follow the frames wth a finger. -L27 Ss listen again. T pauses after each prase. Ask the Ss to repeat them. Explain the wors they don't understand. . -T: “One”. Ask Ss to remember the frame. Do the same with the rest of the frames. -Divide the class in groups of four Ss to act out the comic. . 5. TB p. 123 Finishing. -T puts the Zipadee puppet on and says goodbye to each S. . 4. L/S/R 4. T /Ss – GW 4. 15’ 5. L /S 5. T /Ss 5. 5’ Activities * Reinforcement activities -TB p. 123 Vocabulary Póster T puts the “Vocabulary” poster in a vsible part of the class and picks a S. T asks him/her to look for one of the foods or favourtite things in the poster. S finds it, says the word but does not point to it. Another S comes to point at it and in turn, says another word that another S will point at. Skills Interaction Time - L /S -T /Ss -10’ * Extension activities -TB p. 123 Dividire the group-class into four groups. Remember the topic in the fifth unit. Ask each group to write as many words as they remember. They can also write the names of food from the last course. Repeat with the words from unit 6. - R /W - GW -10-15’ Material Give a point for every right answer. The group with more points wins. Evaluation. Units 5 and 6 Objectives * Evaluate the basic aspects worked on in Eval units 5 and 6. uati on Ses sion Evaluation. Units 1 to 6 Objectives Activities -Ss take Test 3. Skills * L/S/R/W Interaction * IW Time * 30-40’ Material -One photocopy for each student of TEST 3 p. 14 of the Evaluation notebook . Skills Interaction Time Material Note: the Ss that finish earlier can complete pending activities of the CB or the AB Activities Eval uati on Ses sion * Evaluate the basic aspects worked on in the units 1 to 6. -Ss take Test 4. * L/S/R/W * IW * 30-40’ -One photocopy for each student of TEST 4 p. 15 of the Evaluation notebook. Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 10-15’ 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 15’ Material -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Numbers flashcards -Halloween” flashcards -Scissors for each student -Glue -Colour pencils -One photocopy of p.26 of the PMB for each student 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ Note: the Ss that finish earlier can complete pending activities of the CB or the AB Halloween Objectives Ses 1. Introduce the students to the context of sion the unit (Halloween) 1 Introduce the vocabulary: “Owl, witch, ghost, bat, pumpkin, spider”. Learn aspects about celebrations in Great Britain. Halloween Activities 1. TB p. 124 Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible place and puts the “Halloween” flashcards in the lamp. . -T takes a flashcard from the lamp: : “Look! It’s a (ghost)”. Ask the Ss to guess the topic of the unit and to say what words they think they will learn. 2. TB p. 124 / CB p. 60 Look at the picture. -Look at and comment the picture with the Ss -T takes the “Halloween” flashcards from the lamp and presents the words to the Ss . -T puts the flashcards on the board. T says them one by one and asks Ss to repeat them 3. TB p. 125/ CB p. 60 Para practicar. -Comment with the Ss how Halloween is celebrated in Great Britain. Explain that it is a children's celebrations that is held the night Practise the “Halloween”. vocabulary related with -Preactuse written comprehension and expressionof the structure: “2 black bats”. -PMB p. 26 Colour and cut. Fold and stick. Ss make the cutour . -Make the cutout of a witch. -Oral discrimination of the word “Witch”. Halloween Objectives Ses 5. Remember the vocabulary related with sion “Halloween”. 2 Prepare the Ss to sing a song. Expand the voabulary related “Halloween”. before Todos los Santos and that originally, it was called “All Hallow’s Eve”. Explain that tradition has it that this night the spirits, ghosts and witches wander freely. Explain that families put up pumpkins in the windows. Explain that people celebrate fancy dress parties where everyone dresses up. Explain “Trick or Treat”. Ss look at the pictue and say elements related with “Halloween” look. I: “Bobbing for apples”. 4. TB p. 125 / Cb p. 60 Finishing. -T puts the number flashcards on the board and writes the words of the Halloween vocabulary. -Ask Ss to count how many elements there are in each picture onnp.60 of the CB. * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 30 Read and colour. Write. Ss carry out the activity individually. with * Extension activities -TB p. 125 The witches game T says the Halloween words.. Ss are to raise their witch when they hear the word “Witch”. T says the words faster and faster. Activities 5. TB p. 126 Getting started. -T: “Open your books at page 60”. T points to objects but say words that do not match with the object. Ss correct it. 6. TB p. 126 / CB p. 61 Singing a song . -Look at and comment the pictures with the Ss. I: “Mice, cat”. -Ss can ask for other words they may want to learn in English. . T says them and writes them on the board. -I: “Toad” andd “Owl”. 4. L /S 4. T /Ss 4. 5’ -R -IW -10’ -L /S -IW -10’ -L -T/Ss -5-10’ Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss 6. 10’ Material -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -“Halloween” Flashcards -Colour pencils -One photocopy of page 27 of the PMB for each student -One sheet of paper for each student. 7. Learn a song related with “Halloween”. Practise vocabulary “Halloween”. related with Identificy the words of the semantic fields of clothing and Halloween. . -Reinforce the song in the unit. -Practise the vocabulary of “Halloween”. Christmas Objectives Ses 1. Introduce the students to the context of sion the unit (Christmas) 1 Remember numbers from 1 to 20 7. CB p. 61 L29 Sing -Ss chooses the pencil puppet of the witch. -L29 Ss listen to the song . -L29 T stops the song after each verse for Ss to repeat. -Explain to Ss that when they hear “It’s a witch” they should make their puppet flay. -L29 Ss listen,, sing and move their puppet. . 8. CB p. 61 Cross 5 differences. -Ss look for 5 diferencias. 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 15’ 8. L /S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ TB p. 127 Finishing -T puts the Halloween and the clothing flashcards on his/her desk. T says words randomly. Ss have to raise and move their witch puppet if they hear a word related with Halloween but not if they hear clothing if they don't want to be eliminated. 9. L 9. T /Ss 9. 5-10’ - L /S -IW -10-15’ -L /S -IW -10-15’ Skills 1. L /S Interaction 1. T /Ss Time 1. 10-15’ * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 27 L29 Sing Ss colour the pictures in the margins. While they do so, T asks: “What’s this? (a frog) What colour this? (Green)”L29 Ss sing the song again. . * Extension activities -TB p. 127 Ss draw and colour “Halloween” elements typical in their country and different to British ones. Activities 1. TB p. 128 Getting started. -T puts the “Magic Lamp” poster in a visible place and puts the “Christmas” flashcards in the lamp. -T takes a lashcard from the lamp “Look! It’s a (stocking)”. Ask the Ss to guess the topic of the -Colour pencils -Pencil puppet made by the students in the previous session Material -CB -CD 1 -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Numbers flashcards “Christmas” unit and to say words they think they will learn. -L2. Ss sing the song of the numbers from 1 to 20 to remember them. . Introduce the vocabulary:“Santa Claus, Christmas tree, presents, stocking”. 2. L /S 2. T /Ss 2. 15’ 3. L /S 3. T /Ss 3. 10-15’ 4. L /S 4. T /Ss 4. 5’ -Practise written comprehension of the structure: “I’ve got a (ball)”. 2. TB p. 128 / CB p. 62 Look at the picture. -Look and comment the picture with the Ss. -T takes the “Christmas” flashcards from the lamp and presents the words to the Ss. -T puts the flashcards on the board. T says them one by one in English and asks Ss to repeat them. 3. TB p. 129/ CB p. 62 Para practicar. -Comment with Ss how Halloween is celebrated in Great Britain. -Explain the “Christmas Eve” celebration.. - Ss look at the picture and say what is happening and what elements related with Christmas they see. . 4. TB p. 129 / CB p. 62 Finishing. -T puts the numbers flashcards on the board and writes the words of the Christmas vocabulary. -Ask SS to tell how many elements of each there are in the picture p. 62.CB * Reinforcement activities -AB p. 31 Match and write. Ss do the actiivty individually. -R -IW -10’ -PMB p. 28 Cut and fold. Cut again. Ss make the snowman cutout -L /S -T /Ss – IW -10’ -Make the cutout of a snowman. -L /S -IW – PW -5-10’ Learn aspects about Christmas celebration in Great Britain. Practise the “Christmas”. vocabulary related with -Expand the Christmas-related vocabulary. el vocabulario relacionado con la Navidad. * Extension activities -TB p. 129 My Christmas Ss draw a wrapped-up present they want for Christmas. In pairs, Ss show their drawings and have to guess what present it is. : “What’s this? It’s a (kite)”. flashcards” -Scissors for each student -Glue -Colour pencils -One photocopy of p.27 of the PMB for each student. -Scissors for each student -One sheet of paper per student. -One “Christmas card” made by the teacher Christmas Objectives Ses 5. Remember the vocabulary related with sion Christmas. 2 Prepare the students to sing a song. . 7. Learn a Christmas carol. Practise Christmas vocabulary. Identifiy and quantify elements related with Christmas. -Reinforce the song in the unit. -Practise and extend vocabulary related with Christmas. Activities 5. TB p. 130 Getting started. -T: “Open your books at page 62”. T points to objects but says words that don't match the objects. Ss correct. T. 6. TB p. 130 / CB p. 62 Singing a song -Look and comment the pictures with the Ss. Comment where Santa Claus comes from and what he does. Skills 5. L /S Interaction 5. T /Ss Time 5. 5-10’ 6. L /S 6. T /Ss 6. 10’ 7. CB p. 63 L30 Sing -L30 Ss listen to the song. . -L30 T stops the song after each verse so Ss repeat it. -L30 Ss listen and sing . 8. CB p. 63 Find. -Look at the maze and identify the elements related with Chrismas: “What’s this?”. -Ss do the maze and raise their hand when they have finished. TB p. 130 / p. 62 Finishing -Make two teams. Each team counts the number of elements the T says: : “How many (Christmas trees)?”. The first team in giving an answer wins a point. 7. L /S 7. T /Ss 7. 15’ 8. L /S 8. T /Ss 8. 5-10’ 9. L /S 9. T /Ss 9. 5-10’ - L /S -IW -10-15’ -L/S/R/W -T /Ss -10-15’ * Reinforcement activities -PMB p. 29 L30 Sing Ss paint the drawings of the margins. Meanwhile, T coninues asking funny things. los dibujos de los márgenes. Mientras lo hacen T va preguntando: “What’s this? (a present) What colour this? (Red)”. L30 Ss sing the song again. . * Extension activities -TB p. 130 What do you want for Christmas? Conduct a survey to know which is the present that most boys and girsl would love for Material -CB -CD 2 -Zipadee puppet -Christmas Flashcards -Colour pencils -One photocopy of page 28 of the PMB for each student. -Mini-cards of the colours and the toys. Christmas. Each S writes down the present he would like for Christmas on a piece of paper.