Whitsome Dance 24th April 2015

Whitsome 60th Anniversary Dance Friday 24th April 2015
Jimmy Mitchell and Friends
All stand facing in couples in circle round room.
Rights and Lefts starting across.
9-16 Set to partner (4 pdb), Turn partner BH (4 pdb).
17-24 Ladies Chain.
25-32 All Poussette to change places with the opposite
couple thus progressing one place CW or anti-CW.
1-8 1s & 2s nhj Set, ½ RH Wheel, Set, ½ LH Wheel.
9-16 1s Lead Down & Up. Finish ready for allemande.
2s Step in on bar 16.
17-24 1s & 2s Allemande. 1s finish facing 1st corners.
25-32 1s Turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH &
Cross LH with partner to 2nd place. [2, 1, 3, 4].
MONYMUSK Strathspey 8 X 32 11/2
1s Turn RH & Cast off 1 (2s Step up).
1s Turn 1¼ LH. End 1W between 2s all facing
down, 1M between 3s all facing up
9-12 1s, 2s, 3s nhj Set twice facing up/down; On bars 1112 1s Petronella to 2nd place opposite sides.
13-16 2s, 1s, 3s nhj Set twice facing across.
17-24 2s, 1s, 3s Circle and back.
25-30 Reels of 3 on sides (RSh to person on R).
31-32 1s Cross RH to 2nd place own sides.
LADIES OF DUNSE (THE) Reel 8 X 40 26/11
1s Lead down (3), up (3) & Cast off into 2nd place
(2s Step up on 7-8). [2, 1, 3, 4].
9-16 2s Repeat bars 1-8 (1s Step up). [1, 2, 3, 4].
17-24 2s followed by 1s Fig. of 8 round 3s. [2, 1, 3, 4].
25-32 1s & 3s Rights & Lefts. 1s end facing 1st corners.
33-36 1s Set to 1st corners, Set to 2nd corners.
37-40 1s Turn 1½ RH. [End 2, 1, 3, 4].
1-4 1s, 2s, 3s, Dance as follows:
1s Lead down two, Cross & Cast up to 2nd place.
As 2s Set & Cross RH to 3rd place.
As 3s Cast up to top & Cross RH. [(3), (1), (2)].
5-8 3s, 1s, 2s Set & ½ Turn BH. [3, 1, 2].
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8 from new places. [2, 3, 1].
17-20 1s Lead to top (2s & 3s Step down).
21-24 1s Set Twice. On 2nd set 1M & 2M also 1W & 2W
Move in nhj.
25-32 1s & 2s Poussette. [2, 1, 3, 4].
BALMORAL STRATHSPEY Strathspey 4 X 32 4 cpl 22/3
1s & 2s also 3s & 4s Rights and Lefts.
9-12 1s & 2s also 3s & 4s Set, ½ RH Wheel.
13-16 All Set, Cross RH to own sides. [2, 1, 4, 3].
17-24 Reels of 4 on the sides (RSh start 2s & 1s also 4s &
3s). [2, 1, 4, 3].
25-32 2s Stand at top as 1s, 4s, 3s Allemande. [2, 3, 4, 1].
MRS MACLEOD Reel 8 X32 6/11
1s & 2s RH Wheel and back LH.
9-16 1s Lead down the middle for 4 (2s Step up on 1112). 1s Lead back for 4 to end facing 1st corners.
17-24 1s Set & Turn 1st corners BH then Set and Turn 2nd
corners BH.
25-32 Reels of 3 on sides (LSh start to 1st corners). 1s
end by Crossing to 2nd place own sides. [2, 1, 3, 4].
PEGGY SPOUSE MBE Strathspey 8 X 32 J. Wilkinson
1W & 2M dance round partner RSh to end B to B
facing partner.
1s & 2s ½ Poussette. [2, 1, 3, 4].
9-16 Reels of 3 across (LSh start; 1M+3s, 1W+2s).
On the last 2 bars: 1W dances up & faces down
in middle as 1M dances down & faces up in
middle as 2s dance in to meet & face up as 3s
dance in to meet & face down.
17-20 1W+2s also 1M+3s Set & ½ Circle Left.
21-24 1s Set & dance out to 2nd place own sides as 2s
& 3s Set & Link to own sides. [2, 1, 3, 4].
25-32 2s, 1s, 3s Circle 6 hands round & back.
BORDER BRIDGE (THE) Reel 8 X 32 Dunse 14
1s, 2s, 3s. Advance & Retire & Turn partners RH.
End in middle ready for promenade.
9-16 1s, 2s, 3s Promenade. End 1s Cast off 1 & finish B
to B on diagonal facing 1st corners.
17-24 Hello-Goodbye Setting. [2, 1, 3, 4].
25-32 2s, 1s, 3s Circle & back.
LAST OF THE LAIRDS (THE) Jig 8 X 32 22/5
1-16 Horseshoe Reels: 1s, 2s, 3s Reel of 3 opposite
sides then own sides. 1s Cross down at start. (M
follow track of 1M, W follow track of 1W. i.e. Each
couple in turn cross down on reaching the top of the
17-20 1s Set, Cross RH & Cast off 1. [2, (1), 3, 4].
21-28 1s Cross down RH, Cast up round 3s, nhj Dance up
to top & Cast off 1. [2, 1, 3, 4].
29-32 2s, 1s, 3s Turn partners RH.
St COLUMBA’S STRATHSPEY Strathspey 5 X 32 5cpl
2s & 4s RH Wheel. Hold on RH with partner.
2s & 4s Lead to top/bottom of set & Cast off/up 1 to face
1st corners.
Corners Pass & Turn: Corners Turn RH in centre, 2s & 4s
Pass RSh with all dancers. End: 2s & 4s in middle facing
partner, M facing up.
2s & 4s Reel of 4 (RSh). End: original places.
2s, 3s, 4s, 5s nhj Set on side. 2s & 4s Cast off 1 as 3s &
5s Lead up 1 place. [1, 3, 2, 5, 4].
1s & 2s (1st & 3rd positions) Turn partner RH & Cast off 1
place own side. [3, 1, 5, 2, 4].
MRS STEWART'S JIG 8 X 32 Jig 35/1
1- 8 1s Set. 1W followed by 1M, Casts off 2 places, she
Crosses below 3s up to 2nd place opposite side. 1M
follows but dances up the middle to 2nd place W's
side. 1s end facing down (2s Step up on 7-8).
[2, (1), 3, 4].
9-16 2s, 1s, 3s Grand Chain. End: 2M & 1M Face out.
17-24 2s & 1s Ladies Chain.
25-28 2s, 1s, 3s Advance and Retire nhj
29-32 1s Turn RH 1½ times to 2nd place own sides.
Whitsome 60th Anniversary Dance Friday 24th April 2015
Jimmy Mitchell and Friends
TRIP TO BAVARIA Reel 4 X 32 4cpl McGregor Brown
1s & 4s Cross RH as: 2s & 3s ½ RH Wheel.
All change places on the side LH. [(3), (1), (4), (2)].
5-16 Repeat bars 1-4 three more times from new
positions. [1, 2, 3, 4]. 1s & 2s Face on sides.
17-20 1s & 2s Set. 1s Cross down diagonally & Face 3s
as 2s Dance up 1 place.
21-28 Repeat with 3s then 4s. [2, 3, 4, (1)].
29-32 2s, 3s, 4s nhj Advance as: 1s ½ Turn RH.
2s, 3s, 4s, 1s All Retire to side lines. [2, 3, 4, 1].
MINISTER ON THE LOCH (THE) Strathspey 3 X 32 3cpl
1s & 2s Poussette right round back to places.
9-16 1s Dance down (2), Turn BH (2), Dance up (2), Turn
BH (2) to finish facing top.
17-24 1s & 3s Double Figure of 8 around 2s (1s Cast off to
start, 3s Cross up, 2s Stand). End: 1s face out.
[1, 2, 3]
25-32 1s & 2s Turn 1½ times on the side (W RH, M LH).
1s & 3s Turn 1½ times on the side (W LH, M RH).
[2, 3, 1].
1s Turn RH & Cast off 1 (2s Step up).
1s Lead down, Cross over below 3s and Cast up
behind 3s to 2nd place opposite sides.
9-10 2s, 1s, 3s nhj Set on the sides.
11-16 Reels of 3 across: 1M+3s, 1W+2s.
17-22 Reels of 3 on sides (RSh start to 2nd corner).
23-24 1s Cross RH & Turn to face up nhj.
25-32 2s & 1s Circle L then 1s & 3s Circle R.
DUKE OF PERTH Reel 8 X 32 1/8
1s Turn RH, Cast off 1 (2s Step up). [2, 1, 3, 4].
1s Turn LH to finish facing 1st corners.
9-16 1s Turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH,
partner LH to finish facing 1st corners.
17-20 1s Set & Turn 1st corners BH.
21-24 1s Set & Turn 2nd corners BH. 1s face 1st corner
on the side lines.
25-30 Reels of 3 on the sides (1s LSh to 1 st corners).
31-32 1s Cross RH to 2nd place own sides. [2, 1, 3, 4].