A CFD Investigation of Potential Aerodynamic Enhancements to a Microcar Class Vehicle by Jason H. Batchelder A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ David Tew, Thesis Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York May, 2009 1. Proposal With gas prices on the rise, drivers are personally modifying their cars to improve their fuel efficiency. Such “ecomodding” of vehicles was also practiced during the gas crisis of the 1970’s—where Car and Driver modified a Ford Pinto to increase its fuel efficiency [Sherman]. Furthermore, in the 1930’s, vehicle aerodynamics were occasionally modified to maximize vehicle speed for low powered race cars such as the Ford Model T [“Aero Mods”]. In the last few years the ecomodding trend has been accelerating, probably due to a combination of the increase in gas prices, Global Warming concerns, and the ability to quickly spread information across the internet. Most of the modifications performed are done based on the ecomodder’s “common sense”, as well as ideas they pick up from various sources. Few, if any, of these are based on an analysis of the vehicle, although many modifications have been verified by drivers monitoring their fuel use over time. The starting point for many ecomodders are efficient cars, and some of the most efficient vehicles fall into the Microcar classification. Currently, the Microcar classification isn’t strictly defined and varies by country or state, they are typically around 3m or less in length and only have seating for a driver and a single passenger. An example available in the United States is the Smart Fortwo. Although modern vehicles are often designed for efficient aerodynamics, the popularity of ecomodding means that most, if not all, fuel efficient vehicles will be modified. With the popularity of Microcars increasing, the question becomes what efficiency increases are possible for this small and efficient vehicle? It is proposed that in this project an example of a Microcar is analyzed and various modifications are investigated to assess their impact on the Aerodynamic drag of the vehicle. 1 2. Methodology A three dimensional model of a vehicle based on a Smart Fortwo was found online<ref>. The model is a simplified version of a vehicle in that it doesn’t allow any flow in the engine compartment or passenger compartment, and has a smooth undercarriage which doesn’t capture the effects of cavities and complex geometry under the vehicle. The focus of this project will therefore focus on large turbulence generating regions and separations, such as the back of the vehicle, wheel wells, and protruding features. The model is meshed using TGrid by Fluent and analyzed at highway speeds using Fluent. Common modifications performed by ecomodders will then be modeled and analyzed. This includes, but may not be limited to: smooth wheel covers, covered wheel wells, side mirror removal, and a modified spoiler. 2 3. Timeline The timeline for the project, including milestone and deadlines is shown below. January 28 - Proposal Due February 2 - Base Vehicle Analyzed February 9 - Mesh Sensitivity Completed February 16 - Modification Analyzed (Smooth Wheels) February 18 - First Progress Report Due February 23 - Modification Analyzed (Closed Wheel wells) March 2 - Modification Analyzed (Mirrors and Antenna Removed) March 9 - Completion of Analysis of Vehicle Modifications March 11 - Second Progress Report Due April 1 - Final Draft Due April 15 - Final Report Due 3 4. References “Aero mods - 1930's style”, http://www.metrompg.com/posts/model-t-stevinson.htm, Last checked January 22, 2009 Hoerner, S. F., Fluid-dynamic Drag, Published by the author, 1985 Hucho, W. H., Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles, Fourth Edition, SAE International 1998 Hucho, W.H., Janssen, L.J., and Emmelmann, H.J., “The Optimization of Body Details – A Method for Reducing the Aerodynamic Drag of Road Vehicles”, SAE Paper No.760185, p.865-882 Janssen, L.J. and Emmelmann, H.J., “Aerodynamic Improvements – A Great Potential for Better Fuel Economy”, SAE Paper No.780265, 1978, p.1261-1269 Janudert, “Smart”, 3D Studio Max Model available through 3DVia, http://www.3dvia.com/jeanudert/models/9337B7899BADBF91, Last checked January 22, 2009 Katz, Joseph. Race Car Aerodynamics. Bentley Publishers, August 1995 Sherman, Don, “Project Car: ‘Crisis-Fighter’ Pinto”, Car And Driver, March 1974, p. 44-47, 80. 4