CIS 475: EVALUATION OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Prerequisites: A course in probability and statistics, or a course in social science research methods. Fall 2007 Syllabus Contact Information: Instructor: Kathleen Higginbotham Office: Virtual Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10 am – 11 am or anytime you see me in WebBoard Online Hours: Monday-Friday 10 am - 11 am IM: Web Site: Telephone: (985) 878-1578 (voicemail available) E-mail: Course Description: . Methods for identifying usability problems and for testing the relative merits of alternative designs for interactive systems. Following a review of usability heuristics, students read journal articles about and practice five different methods: semi-structured interviews, protocol analysis, cognitive walkthroughs, user surveys, and controlled experiments. Course Objectives: 1. Learn to evaluate computer applications, including human and organizational aspects of performance, in a scientific and objective way. 2. Develop skills to: 1. Carry out a case study. 2. Design a questionnaire. 3. Do interviews. 4. Carry out a controlled experiment. 3. The course will introduce: 1. Methods of analyzing data. 2. How to analyze an information system: 1. Website. 2. Groupware. 3. Legacy organizational software. 3. How to identify usability problems. 4. How to test the relative merits of alternative designs. 4. Students will read journal articles about, discuss and practice the following types of methods: 1. Semi-structured interviews. 2. User surveys. 3. Experiments. Readings: 1. Text book: H. Russell Barnard, Social Research Methods, 2000 , 1st edition. Sage Publications, ISBN: 9780761914037. 2. A number of recent articles for each week. These articles will contain examples of different research methods being applied to analyze and improve software usability. The articles are chosen from ACM and other publications. These publications are available online to NJIT students through the digital library facilities. As a student you can have access by downloading the Cisco Systems VPN client. I will include instructions in WebBoard on how to find it and, also, set up a conference where we can deal with problems encountered with its use. Assessment Course assessment (subject to modification) is 70% course work and 30% exams, broken down as follows: Assessment Assignment 1: Research Design Assignment 2: Protocol Analysis Final Project. Group Presentation Class Participation Mid-Term Final Exam TOTAL Allocation 10% 15% 20% 10% 15% 15% 15% 100% Graded Out Of 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Course Outline: * Assignment 1. Research Design * Assignment 2. Protocol Analysis * Final Project * Group Presentation— This is a presentation of the final document. It is due one week after the final project. The objective of this assignment is to give the group a time to synthesize the various individual work that has created the final project and to present the project in a powerpoint presentation. Since this is a distance course and we will not be presenting our projects in a classroom, I will expect that a voiceover narrative will be provided with each presentation. I will provide instructions in a WebBoard conference on how to do this and entertain any questions you may have on the mechanics. * Class Participation—This class is presented in a virtual format making you a member of a virtual community.. My philosophy of education is simple: “If you can say it, then you own it.” Another way to put it might be, “I want you to find your voice on this subject.” As such, I will expect you to contribute to the Webboard discussions and activities. This is 15% of your grade. For this purpose, the grading week will run from Sunday morning through Saturday night. A topic will be set up for each reading assignment in the Readings Conference or the Lectures Conference. You are required to have in each topic, one comment on the material and at least one response to someone else in the previous week’s postings. This is 50% of the participation grade, the other 50% will involve the level of your participation in these conferences. I don’t want to orchestrate this participation, but for those new to WebBoard, I want to clarify expectations. For a perfect participation grade, I would expect to see the following types of interactions: Message: You make a good point, but I wonder if this might also have a bearing on XXX. You know, XXX seems to be related to YYY and it even seems you can’t have one without considering the other. Message Response: No, I think they have very little interaction. I think it is more likely that ZZZ is involved here. It says in the article by ABC, that. . . . Needless to say this participation level can take many forms: personal opinion, quotes from the book, quotes from the readings, etc. The more interaction, the more you find your voice, the better your participation grade. I will post your participation grade weekly. This is to give you immediate feedback and to help you prepare for the test. Answers to test questions will involve this same level of familiarity with the material and the ability to verbalize it (on paper). My job is to help you become articulate on this subject. * Mid-Term * Final Exam The following Matrix represents a breakdown of the the course requirements: # Lesson Part I. Introduction 1. L1--Information 1/14 to 1/20 2. 1/21 to 1/27 Reading Text: PART ONE: BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH systems research. Chapter 1--About Social Science Qualitative vs. quantitative methods, Posting: Initial Posting in Discussion on W1 (C1 & L1) Epistemology, Rationalism, Empiricism, Assignment 1: Research Design--Begin positivism, interpretivism, cognitive approach; L2— Text: PART ONE: BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH Scientific method Chapter 2--The Foundations of Social Research concepts: Chapter 3--Preparing for Research Variables measurement unit of analysis Posting: validity Response to W1 posting(C1 & L1) reliability Initial Posting on W2 (C2, C3 & L2 & [Goodwin hypotheses causal relationships Ethics of social research Assignment 1: Research Design--Continue Article: Nancy C. Goodwin Functionality and Usability 1987]) CACM March 1987, 229-233. (Remember: You will need VPN client to access, see WebBoard) 3. 1/28 to 2/3 Part II Qualitative Research L3-Interviewing: Unstructured interviews Semi-structured interviews PART THREE: DATA COLLECTION Chapter 6—Interviewing Posting: Response to W2 posting (C2, C3 & L2) Initial Posting on W3 (C6 & L3) Assignment 1: Research Design--Continue 4. L4--Participant 2/4 to 2/10 Observation: Observation, Protocol analysis, Case and field studies Article: L. Wood, “Semi-structured interviewing for user-centered design”, Interactions, March-April 1997, p. 48-61 (VPN accesss) PART THREE: DATA COLLECTION Chapter 9—Participant Observation Posting: Response to W3 posting (C6& L3) Initial Posting on W3 (C9 & L4) Assignment 1: Research Design--Continue 5. continue 2/11 to 2/17 L4--Participant Observation: Observation, Protocol analysis, Case and field studies Article: Maloney-Krichmar and Preece, “A multilevel analysis of sociability, usability and community dynamics in an online health community,” ACM TOCHI, 12, 2 ( June 2005), pp. 201- 232. CFID=858940&CFTOKEN=93703067 (VPN Access) PART THREE: DATA COLLECTION Chapter 10— Direct and Indirect Observation Posting: Response to W4 posting (C9 & L4 & Article [Maloney-Krichmar 2005]) Initial Posting on W5 (C10 & Articles [Boren 2000] & [Holzinger 2005]) Assignment 2: Protocol Analysis--Begin Articles: Boren, M. Ted and Ramey, Judith. “Thinking Aloud: Reconciling theory and practice.” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 43, 3, Sept. 2000, 261278. http: // (VPN Access) Skim: Hozinger, A. “Usability engineering methods for software developers.” Communications of the ACM 48, 1 (January 2005), 71- 74. 6. Exam 1 (VPN Access) Assignment 2: Protocol Analysis--Continue Test 1 2/18 to 2/24 PART III QUANTITATIVE METHODS: DATA COLLECTION Sampling: Text: PART ONE: BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH Sampling frame, Chapter 5—Sampling 2/25 population, sampling methods, Posting: to sample size, Response to W5 (C10) posting central limit Initial Posting on W2 (C5 & L7) 3/3 theorem and confidence Assignment 2: Protocol Analysis--Continue intervals. Article: Bailey and Pearson. "Development of a Tool for Measuring and Analyzing Computer User Satisfaction" Management Science, , May 1983, p530-545. PART THREE: DATA COLLECTION 8. Chapter 7— Structured Interviewing 3/4 Questionnaires and Chapter 8—Scales and Scaling surveys: 7. Question wording, to format, 3/11 9. 3/12 response rate problem, survey techniques. Scales and scaling: Simple, complex, Guttman, Likert, semantic differential, t-testing unidimensionality Posting: Response to W7 posting (C9 & L4 & Article [Maloney-Krichmar 2005]) Initial Posting on W8 (C7, C8 & Article [Lederer 1998]) Assignment 2: Protocol Analysis—Due Final Project: Issued--Begin Articles: Lederer A.L. et. al "The role of ease of use, usefulness and attitude in the prediction of world wide web usage" ACM CPR , undefined 1998, p195-204. Spring Break Could be a good time to work on Final Project. to 3/18 10. Experimental design Text: PART ONE: BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH Chapter 4—Research Design 3/19 Posting: Response to W8 posting (C7 & C8 & Article [Lederer 1998]) Initial Posting on W9 (C4 & L9 & Article [Hoadley 1990]) to 3/24 Final Project--Continue Article: Ellen Hoadley, “Investigating the effects of color," CACM, 33, 2 (February 1990), 120-125. (VPN Access) 11. 3/25 to 3/31 Part III. DATA ANALYSIS Qualitative and quantitative analysis-Univariate analysis and correlation: Raw data, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, graphing variables, z-scores and chi-square test Text: PART FOUR: BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH Chapter 11—Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Chapter 14—Univariate Analysis Posting: Response to W9 posting (C4 & L9 & Article [Hoadley 1990]) Initial Posting on W10 (C11, C12 & L10 & Article [Fogg 2001]) Final Project--Continue Article: 12. L11. Bivariate 4/1 to 4/7 Analysis 1: t-test, ANOVA, cross-tabs, Lambda, chi-square, Gamma B. J. Fogg et. al “What makes Web sites credible?: a report on a large quantitative study”, Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, p.61-68, March 2001, Seattle, Washington, United States Text: PART FOUR: BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH Chapter 15, pp. 545-576 Posting: Response to W10 posting (C11, C12 & L10 & Article [Fogg 2001]) Initial Posting on W10 (C15 pp. 545-576 & L11 & Article [Xue 2003]) Final Project--Continue Article: Xue, Y., Sankar, C.S., and Mbarika, V.W., (2003), "Multimedia and Virtual Teams: Results of an Experimental Research", American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference, Macon, GA, April 2003. 13. L12. Bivariate Plan around Easter Break, nothing is due Friday or Sunday, which are school Analysis 2: Correlation, holidays, so we should be okay. You normal postings are due by Saturday, so Spearman’s r, 4/8 Pearson’s r, plan ahead if you are busy on Saturday. There is no reading for this week. I hope this makes the holidays of Passover and Easter more enjoyable. Regression, to Significance, Eta 4/14 Text: PART FOUR: BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH Chapter 15 pp. 576-612 Posting: Response to W11 posting (C15 pp. 545-576 & L11 & Article [Xue 2003]) Initial Posting on W12 (C15 pp. 576-612 & L12) Final Project--Continue 14. 4/15 to 4/22 L13. Multi-variate Analysis: Partial correlation, Multiple regression, Path analysis, Factor, Cluster and Discriminant analysis Text: PART FOUR: BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH Chapter 16—Multi-variate Analysis Posting: Response to W12 posting (C15 pp. 576-612 & L12) Initial Posting on W12 (C16 & L13) Final Project—Due 15. Review & Final Exam 4/23 Circumstances for Final to be determined at a later date. to 5/1 Copying/Cheating All students are expected to follow published guidelines on academic honesty and integrity. You will find these at: You must acquaint yourself with these policies before submitting any assignments. All written work must be original. Violations of NJIT policies will be reported to the Dean of Students and may result in failure on a particular assignment, failure in the course, failure in the course and probation, or failure in the course and expulsion. Honor Code violations will be pursued immediately and aggressively. Using "TURNITIN.COM" A copy of all individual assignments, including the final project, will be required to be submitted to the "" web site. This is in addition to paper copies that may be supplied to the professor, or to posting a copy of the assignment for the class, according to detailed instructions that will be given for assignments. This service checks your work against everything available on the world wide web and in the archives for all sections of 675 past and present, and gives a report on exactly where your work is similar to that of other work that can be found. This is an objective way to help determine whether plagiarism has occurred. The last thing I want for any of you is that you find “someone else’s voice”. I can assure you that however good TurnItIn may be, I am better. Google and I will personally sit down with each assignment and look for sources of exact matches. Make sure if you use material from a source, that you quote it if exact. If you integrate the material into your work, please cite it. When you are writing a paper for a project, you are building a case for the premise of your paper. It is much less work for you if you cite pieces of information from a source than having to actually make a case for the material. I want you to leave this educational experience being able to feel confident in talking about the material you have assimilated. I want us to have a great semester. See you in class! Kathleen Disclaimer: I do reserve the right to make any changes I deem necessary. kmh