lesson plan

Lesson Title: Open Disclosure Practical Training
Date: Insert dates here Duration: Half a day (4 hours)
Aim: To train healthcare personnel on delivering on the principles of open disclosure within their respective services.
1. To brief staff about the open disclosure programme and its significance nationally.
2. To have an understanding of Open Disclosure and its implications for patients, their families, staff and the wider organisation.
3. To build understanding as to how OD links into the existing HSE Quality, Safety, Risk and Quality Improvement framework.
4. To provide guidance on how to implement the Principles of open disclosure.
5. To provide information and training via case scenarios and role play on delivering on the principles of open disclosure.
6. To practice key skills needed to implement the guidance effectively.
7. To provide awareness to staff on the resources currently available to them to assist the open disclosure process.
Trainees & Numbers: ‘Open Disclosure Champions’/Clinicians, Management staff, Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals; Specialist
Function Roles such as Risk Management, Quality, Safety; Business Managers – average of 4-5 per Division i.e. 15-20/session
Facilitator(s): Insert names of facilitators and attach biogs
Pre-requisite: It is recommended that all attending the OD Practical Course will have attended the OD Awareness Course/elearning programme in
Evaluation: Post training evaluation form to assess learning and to assist in programme improvement going forward.
IOBM/ 08/03/2010
Revised AD/AT October 2011
Duration Activity
20 mins
Introduction & Overview of open disclosure nationally including background
Establish trainer and group learning objectives.
Icebreaker DVD
Overview of Adverse events and Open Disclosure to include:
 Definitions
 Detailed overview of the 10 principles of Open Disclosure
 Summary components
Insert names
Ppt & handouts
Insert names
Overview of current status in the Republic of Ireland to include:
60 mins
15 mins
Update on Legislation
Information on national and international agencies endorsing and
supporting OD principles
Report: Building a culture of patient safety 2009
Group discussion
Insert names
Workbook and reference book
Feedback and information
Insert names
Break 15 mins
60 mins
Adverse Events – what patients expect from us
Exercise 2: Watch DVD – list the patients expectations
o Group discussion and feedback
Workbook and reference book
DVD exercise
Introduction of the the MPS A.S.S.I.S.T Model of Communication
Feedback and general information/research based evidence
CIS exploratory study
Role play using the MPS A.S.S.I.S.T Model of Communication
IOBM/ 08/03/2010
Revised AD/AT October 2011
Group discussion and feedback
Case scenarios
Insert names
Duration Activity
30 mins
Adverse Events - The Clinician’s perspective and considerations
Exercise 3: Watch the DVD – Consider the feelings and emotions of the
doctor whose patient is being referred to by their medical colleague.
Feedback and discussion
Impacts of adverse events on staff
Discussion on staff supports available and evidenced based research re
Research based information regarding the benefits of open disclosure
for staff
Insert names
Workbook and reference book
The Open Disclosure Process
The 5 W’s: Why/Who/When/Where/What
Exercise 4: Watch the DVD: Consider how the Doctor demonstrated his use of
the A.S.S.I.S.T Model.
Workbook and reference book
Insert names
Discussion and Feedback
Feedback and information
10 mins
Summary, evaluation and close
Exercise 6: Using case scenario in exercise 1 reflect on learning and changes to
IOBM/ 08/03/2010
Revised AD/AT October 2011
Evaluation form
Workbook and reference book
Insert names
Overview of resources available
Handout Pack to include workbook, reference materials, sample OD process recording template, key contact details for ongoing support, additional
reading materials, relevant website links etc?
IOBM/ 08/03/2010
Revised AD/AT October 2011
IOBM/ 08/03/2010
Revised AD/AT October 2011