Excell 2003 T/F Review


Excell 2003 T/F Review


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.






























1. Two of the least powerful aspects of Excel are its limited array of functions and its inability to organize answers to what-if questions.

2. A key feature of Excel is its capability to add hyperlinks to a worksheet.

3. Using a column as a separator between sections on a worksheet is a common technique used by spreadsheet specialists.

4. While usually cells are formatted after values are entered, Excel allows cells to be formatted before values are entered.

5. The Currency style format has an impact on text in a cell.

6. If a percent sign (%) is appended to 8.25 when it is entered into a cell, Excel automatically formats the cell in the Percent style with no decimal places.

7. Worksheets often have column titles at the top of each column and row titles to the left of each row that describe the data within the worksheet.

8. The Name command on the Insert menu can be used to define descriptive names that are not column titles or row titles to represent cells, ranges of cells, formulas, or constants.

9. Naming a cell that will be referenced in a formula makes the formula more difficult to read and remember.

10. Excel is case-sensitive with respect to names of cells.

11. If a formula is entered using Point mode and a cell that has a name is clicked, then Excel will insert the cell reference rather than the name of the cell.

12. A name assigned to a cell or cell range on one worksheet in a workbook can be used on other sheets in the same workbook to reference the named cell or range of cells.

13. Cell or range names are displayed in the Go To dialog box in the order in which they were created.

14. Spreadsheet specialists often assign names to a cell or range of cells so they can select them quickly.

15. Labels, like names, can be used on any worksheet in the workbook, no matter where they are defined.

16. Labels are listed alphabetically in the Names list or Go To dialog box.

17. Excel recognizes labels in formulas even if label usage is not activated.

18. Because financial institutions calculate interest on a monthly basis, the rate value in a PMT function is annual rate * 12.

19. Excel considers the value returned by the PMT function to be a credit and, therefore, returns a positive number as the monthly payment.

20. In addition to the PMT function, Excel provides more than 50 additional financial functions to help solve the most complex finance problems.

21. Data tables are built in a used area of the worksheet.

22. With a one-input data table, you vary the value in one cell and Excel then calculates the results of one or more formulas and fills the table with the results.

23. A two-input data table allows the values in two cells to vary, but it can be applied to only one formula.

24. The cell immediately to the left of the formulas in a one-input data table should include an input value.

25. The number of formulas placed at the top of a one-input data table depends on the application.

26. When entering formulas in a data table, cell references are preferred over cell names because if cell references are used, Excel will not assign a format to the cell.

27. To include additional formulas in a one-input data table, enter them in adjacent cells in the same row as the current formulas and then define the entire new range as a data table by using the Table command on the Data menu.

28. The table for an amortization schedule is limited to 15 years.

29. The PV function can determine an ending balance after the first year by using a term equal to the number of months the borrower still must make payments.
































30. The IF function =IF(G3 <= $E$3, PV($E$2 / 12, 12 * ($E$3 – G3), -$E$4), 0) assigns the value of the PV function or zero to a cell, depending on whether the corresponding value in column G is less than or equal to the number in cell E3.

31. In a function, dollar signs within a cell reference indicate the cell reference is relative and, therefore, will change when the function is copied.

32. If cell H3 has a Currency style format and cell I3 has a Comma style format, when the formula =H3 – I3 is entered in cell J3, Excel assigns the Comma style format to cell J3.

33. The results of the IF function display using the format of the first cell reference in the function.

34. A destination file (or hyperlinked file) can be any Office document or Web page.

35. Once a hyperlink is assigned to an element on a worksheet, the mouse pointer can be positioned on the element to display the hyperlink as a ScreenTip.

36. If a hyperlinked file is not displayed when the hyperlink is clicked, make sure the correct file was selected from the list in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

37. Printing in black and white not only slows down the printing process, but also wastes ink.

38. The Page order area on the Sheet sheet in the Page Setup dialog box determines the order in which multipage worksheets will print.

39. Once a print area is set, Excel will continue to print the entire worksheet, rather than the specified range.

40. If a workbook is saved with the print area set, then Excel will remember the settings the next time the workbook is opened and printed.

41. Ranges can be named using the Name box on the formula bar, and then one of the names can be used to select an area before using the Set Print Area command or Selection option button.

42. When building a worksheet for novice users, cells in the worksheet that should not be changed, such as cells that contain text and formulas, should be left unprotected.

43. When a new worksheet is created, all the cells are assigned a locked status, but the lock is not engaged.

44. Once an entire worksheet is protected, nothing can be changed, including the locked status of individual cells.

45. The check boxes in the list in the Protect Sheet dialog box give the option to modify the protection so that a user can make certain changes.

46. When the check mark is removed from the Select unlocked cells check box in the Protect sheet dialog box, the user can select a locked cell.

47. When the formula checker is invoked, each time Excel encounters a cell with a formula that violates one of its rules, it displays a dialog box containing information about the formula and a suggestion on how to fix the formula.

48. When background formula checking is enabled and a formula fails to pass one of the formula checking rules, Excel displays a large red circle in the middle of the cell assigned the formula in question.

49. When background formula checking is enabled, if a cell with a green triangle is selected, a Trace Error button appears next to the cell.

50. It is strongly recommended that background formula checking be used when creating certain types of worksheets that may violate the formula rules until referenced cells contain data.

51. A list record cannot include formulas or functions.

52. A computational field displays results based on other fields in the list.

53. Each row of a worksheet can be used to store a field and each column to store a record.

54. Although Excel requires a list title to be entered, it is poor practice to include one on the worksheet.

55. Excel allows you to enter data in a range either before defining it as a list or after defining it as a list.

56. The data form is considered to be a less accurate and reliable method of data entry than entering records in columns and rows.

57. The HLOOKUP function is used when a table direction is horizontal or across the worksheet.

58. The VLOOKUP function is used when a table direction is vertical or down the worksheet.

59. For the VLOOKUP function to work correctly, the table arguments must be in descending sequence, because the VLOOKUP function will return a table value based on the lookup_value being greater than or equal to the table arguments.

60. The VLOOKUP function is searching for a table argument that matches the lookup_value exactly.































61. A list can have a maximum of 256 fields and 65,536 records on a worksheet.

62. When creating a list, a basic guideline is that each column should have different data; for example, company start date should be in a different column for each company.

63. The List button on the List toolbar displays a menu of commands that primarily are used to maintain the list.

64. When a data form is opened initially, Excel displays the first record in the list.

65. The vertical scroll bar in the middle of the data form can be used to browse through and move among records.

66. If field values on a data form are changed and then the Find Next button is selected to move to the next record without entering the field changes, Excel will make the changes.

67. When a record is deleted, Excel automatically moves all records below the deleted record up one row and appropriately redefines the range of the name


68. Data is in ascending sequence if it is in order from lowest to highest, earliest to most recent, or alphabetically from A to Z.

69. Data is in descending sequence if it is sorted from highest to lowest, most recent to earliest, or alphabetically from Z to A.

70. If sorting on a single field (column), use the Sort command on the Data menu; if sorting on multiple fields, use one of the Sort buttons on the Standard toolbar.

71. When designing a list, it is good practice to include a field that allows the list to be returned to its original order.

72. The phrase, sort by quota within education within sales area, means that the records in the list first are arranged in ascending sequence by quota.

73. Because Excel sorts a list using the current order of records, a list can be sorted on multiple fields by sorting on one field at a time using the Sort buttons on the Standard toolbar, beginning with the minor sort key.

74. When sorting a list two or more times, the earliest sort takes precedence.

75. When the control field changes, Excel displays a subtotal for the numeric fields selected in the Subtotal dialog box.

76. In an outlined list, if the show detail symbol (+) is clicked, Excel hides the detail records within the row level bar.

77. In an outlined list, if the hide detail (-) symbol is clicked, Excel displays the hidden detail records.

78. The same relational operators (=, <, >, >=, <=, and <>) used to enter comparison criteria on a data form that are used to formulate conditions in IF functions.

79. When using comparison criteria, the Find Prev button can be used to display the next record that passes the test.

80. When using comparison criteria, if the Find Next button is clicked and the record displaying in the data form does not change, then no subsequent records in the list meet the criteria.

81. Excel is case-sensitive; that is, Excel considers uppercase and lowercase characters in comparison criteria to be different.

82. The question mark (?) can be used in comparison criteria to represent any number of characters in the same position as the question mark.

83. When querying on text fields, the asterisk (*) represents any single character in the same position as the asterisk.

84. AutoFilter hides records that do not pass a test, thus displaying only those that pass the test.

85. While using AutoFilter, if you select a filter criterion from a second column heading while the first is still active, then Excel displays a list from the entire database that satisfies the second criterion.

86. When AutoFilter is enabled and records are hidden, there is no indication on the column heading arrows used to establish the filter or on the row headings of the selected rows.

87. The AND operator indicates that only one of the two parts of the criteria must be true.

88. The OR operator indicates that both parts of the criteria must be true.

89. A criteria range is independent of the criteria set up in a data form.

90. The Advanced Filter command uses the comparison criteria set up in a criteria range on the worksheet.






91. Unlike the AutoFilter command, the Advanced Filter command does not display a subset of the list.

92. When the Advanced Filter command is invoked, Excel disables the AutoFilter command, thus hiding the column heading arrows in the active list.

93. When setting up an extract range, all of the field names in the list must be copied to the proposed extract range.

94. When an extract range is defined as just one row, any number of records can be extracted from the list.

95. If a criteria range contains a blank row, it means that no comparison criteria have been defined, and thus all records in the list pass the test.




96. When extracting records, if the comparison criteria below different field names are in the same row, then records must pass only one of the tests.

97. When extracting records, if the comparison criteria for the field names are in different rows, then the records must pass all of the tests.

98. The DAVERAGE function serves as an alternative to finding an average using the Subtotals command on the Data menu.

____ 99. The general form of the DCOUNT function is: =DCOUNT(list range, "field name", criteria range), where list range is the range of the list, field name is the name of the field in the list, and criteria range is the comparison criteria or test to pass.

____ 100. When entering the DCOUNT function, Excel requires that the field name be surrounded with quotation marks unless the field has been assigned a name through the Name box in the formula bar.

____ 101. In Excel, formulas can be entered on one worksheet that reference cells on other worksheets in the workbook, which allows worksheet data to be summarized.

____ 102. Once a template is saved on disk, it can be used every time a similar workbook is developed.

____ 103. Because templates slow and complicate their work, few Excel users create templates for any applications on which they work.

____ 104. When creating a template, selecting simple dummy data for each amount allows formulas to be checked quickly to see if they are generating the proper results.

____ 105. When using the ROUND function, if the number of digits argument is greater than zero, the number that the function is applied to is rounded to a positive integer.

____ 106. Workbooks normally are saved using Templates in the Save as type box in the Save as dialog box.

____ 107. A floating dollar sign always appears in the same position in a cell, regardless of the number of significant digits.

____ 108. Excel assigns a format code to every format style listed in the Category list box on the Number sheet.

____ 109. A format code must have four sections: positive numbers, negative numbers, zeros, and text.

____ 110. When a new custom format code is created, Excel adds it to the bottom of the Type list in the Numbers sheet in the Format Cells dialog box to make it available for future use.

____ 111. With the Style command, styles can be deleted and styles can be merged from other workbooks.

____ 112. It is unusual for spreadsheet specialists to create more than one style for use in a workbook.

____ 113. When the date format dd-mmm-yyyy is assigned to a cell that contains the date 1/10/06, the date displays as 06-001-0010.

____ 114. The default styles that come with Excel should not be deleted because some of the buttons on the toolbars are dependent on them.

____ 115. Styles from another workbook can be merged into the active workbook by using the Merge button in the Style dialog box.

____ 116. When a template is selected from the Templates dialog box to create a new workbook, Excel names the new workbook using the template name and appending “New” (for example, TemplateNew).

____ 117. When a worksheet is added to a workbook, Excel places its tab to the right of the active tab.

____ 118. To change the default number of worksheets in a blank workbook, click Options on the Tools menu, click the General tab, and change the number in the Sheets in new workbook box.

____ 119. A worksheet can be deleted by clicking the sheet tab of the worksheet to be deleted and then clicking Delete on the Edit menu.

____ 120. Excel’s capability of drilling data through worksheets is an efficient way to enter data that is common among worksheets.

____ 121. Cell B5 on a worksheet with the sheet name Cleveland is referred to as =B5!Cleveland.

____ 122. A sheet reference, such as San Diego!, always is relative.

____ 123. To enter a 3-D reference using point mode, click the sheet tab and then select or drag through the cells to be referenced.

____ 124. When the Formulas command on the Paste button menu is used, the paste operation pastes both the formulas and formats from the source area into the destination area.

____ 125. Once a WordArt object is added to a workbook, the WordArt toolbar can be used to edit it.

____ 126. A text box and arrow can be used to annotate (callout or highlight) other objects or elements in a worksheet or chart.

____ 127. You use the sizing handles to resize a text box in the same manner you use the sizing handles to resize an embedded chart or a WordArt object.

____ 128. If a text box has the same color as the background, then the text box appears as if it was contained in a box.

____ 129. The AutoShapes button on the Drawing toolbar can be used to draw more eloquent callouts, such as flowchart symbols, stars and banners, and balloons that are similar to those used to display words in a comic book.

____ 130. A header is printed at the bottom of every page in a printout.

____ 131. A footer is printed at the top of every page in a printout.

____ 132. When headers, footers, or margins are modified, the page setup characteristics change for all sheets in a workbook, regardless of whether or not they were selected.

____ 133. Excel copies page setup characteristics when one sheet is copied to another.

____ 134. When a button is clicked in the Header dialog box, Excel enters a code (similar to a format code) into the active header section.

____ 135. When a worksheet is printed, Excel inserts page breaks based upon the margins selected in the Margin sheet in the Page Setup dialog box and the type of printer being used.

____ 136. To insert a horizontal page break, select a cell in row 1 or an entire column and then click the Page Break command on the Insert menu.

____ 137. The Find and Replace commands are available for a chart sheet.

____ 138. The Find and Replace dialog box has three variations — one version displays minimal options, one version displays about two-thirds of the options, and the third version displays all the options.

____ 139. Like the Spelling command, the Find and Replace command starts at the active cell and works downward.

____ 140. The Format button in the Find and Replace dialog box allows a search to be fine-tuned by adding formats, such as bold, font style, and font size to the string.

____ 141. If a check mark is placed in the Match case check box in the Find and Replace dialog box, Excel will locate only cells in which the string is in the same case (that is, matches exactly the way the word is typed).

____ 142. If a check mark is placed in the Match entire cell contents check box in the Find and Replace dialog box, Excel will locate only the cells that contain the string and no other characters.

____ 143. The Replace command is similar to the Find command, except that the found search string is replaced by a new string.

____ 144. Consolidating data from other workbooks also is referred to as linking.

____ 145. In the 3-D reference ‘A:\[AWI Cleveland Profit Potential.xls]Cleveland’!B5, the location (A:\) is necessary if the workbook being referred to is in the same folder as the active workbook.

____ 146. In the Basic File Search task pane, the Advanced Search link allows conditions to be added to customize a file search.

____ 147. For additional information on advanced searching, click the Search Tips link in the Basic File Search task pane.

____ 148. A workspace file actually contains all the workbooks that are open when the Save Workspace command on the File menu is invoked.

____ 149. Once a workspace file is created and saved, all the associated files can be opened by opening the workspace.

____ 150. When Excel asks if the links on a dependent workbook should be updated, if the source workbooks are not open Excel opens the source workbooks, but it does not read data in the source workbooks on disk or recalculate formulas in the dependent workbook.

Excell 2003 T/F Review

Answer Section


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