Pre meeting jobs - The Dystonia Society

Dystonia Society Support Groups: Checklists
Things you might need to do before, during and after
group meetings
The following are suggestions and ideas for things you might need to do
for group meetings – feel free to amend so you can create a to do
list/check list relevant to your group.
Pre meeting jobs: Here is a list of pre meeting jobs some groups find it
useful to do:
 Book venue and confirm the booking closer to the date.
 Check whether you can put up signs at the venue to say where
the meeting is.
 Make sure you know about security at the building and keys, if
 Confirm the speaker, by email/letter.
 Confirm refreshments.
 Check if there are any transport needs the group can help with.
At the meeting: Here is a list of some things that different groups find it
useful to do at or remember for their meetings:
 Allow time to set up the room and dismantle at end.
 Put up signs at the venue showing where meeting is, if you are
able to.
 Make sure refreshments are organised.
 Invite contributions to go towards the cost of the
 Meet and Greet. Big name tags.
 Welcome (new) people to the group/meeting. Say thank you to
(new) people who attend.
 Get everyone to introduce themselves.
 Introduce the speaker - a biography. Thank the speaker.
 Records: have a reason for keeping notes - important decisions
made, action needed, financial records, numbers in attendance Page 1 of 2 pages
Date: October 2012
Dystonia Society Support Groups: Checklists
what you record depends on your group.
 Deal with any money appropriately.
 Make sure new people feel welcome and that you chat to them
before they leave.
Getting others to help out: Here are some ideas from groups about
how to get people involved in your groups activities:
 Ask specific people to do a specific task/job - but make it safe for
people to say no.
 Delegate: start people with small jobs/tasks and it will lead to
greater involvement: empower people.
 Ask directly for help. Can you help me to move the chairs?
 Shared responsibility. EG rotate who chairs the meeting.
 Get volunteers to take on different roles.
 Give people job titles - make every job important: transport
manager, catering manager and so on!
 Have a roster to organise group meetings.
 Take up offers of help from a wide range of people: members,
people with/affected by dystonia, UK Office - anyone who offers!
Getting members to help
 Encourage people to contribute ideas - a suggestions and ideas
box or book can help with this.
 Help people to identify how they can help out - have a skills book,
or ask for people who have particular skills.
 If someone suggests an idea for a meeting ask them if they could
help you organise it.
 Ask people to do simple tasks or jobs at first and then encourage
them to build on that and develop their contribution.
 Ask people what they want from the group.
 Hold an AGM to recruit new (key) volunteers or regularly commit
to finding new volunteers.
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Date: October 2012