SANSKRIT DEPARTMENT SYLLABUS – YEAR 13 A2 SANSKRIT Assessment Objectives - Language (Year 13 includes the requirements of Year 12.) Candidates should be able to: (A) Linguistic Knowledge with Understanding 1. show by translation an understanding of unprepared passages of Sanskrit, thereby showing their grasp of Sanskrit vocabulary, accidence and syntax; 2. demonstrate a full understanding of an unprepared passage of Sanskrit by answering in English (or, where appropriate, by quoting from the Sanskrit) questions set on the passage; also by showing a grasp of Sanskrit vocabulary, accidence and syntax; 3. translate into accurate and preferably stylish Sanskrit a piece of English prose; (B) Literary Knowledge with Understanding 1. (a) describe the content of character, thought, action, context; (b) select information from the text; (c) explain meanings and references; (d) explain, where appropriate, matters relating to the social, cultural, philosophical or historical context; (e) analyse and evaluate literary techniques, e.g. style, arrangement and selection of material, tone, metre (where appropriate); (f) make a reasoned personal response; 2. translate a portion of the text; and 3. with regard to all the Sanskrit literature encountered, whether in the original or in translation, to: (a) write short essays showing both a broad understanding of the prescribed texts and showing a wider reading and understanding of Sanskrit texts in translation as recommended; (b) make some reasoned personal response in Assessment Objective 3 (a) where appropriate; (C) Optional Assessment Objectives (one of the two to be chosen) 1. analyse, translate, explain and apply aphorisms and technical terms from the traditional system expounded by PáÃini and show a general understanding of the grammatical system; 2. or, translate extracts of English prose into accurate and preferably stylish Sanskrit, the English style being more 1 SANSKRIT DEPARTMENT sophisticated than in Assessment Objective A3. SYLLABUS - YEAR 13 Prescribed Texts PAPER 1 1. The Story of Nala and Damayantî (A Sanskrit Reader, by C.R. Lanman, Harvard University Press) pages 1 to 16 (about 328 lines) 2. Hitopadesha (A Sanskrit Reader, by C.R. Lanman) Section II, up to end of page 17 only whole of Section IV, pp.23 to 27 whole of Section XII, pp.35–36 whole of Sections XIV, XV, XVI, pp.37 to 40 whole of Section XIX, pp.42–43 (about 219 lines) 3. Laws of Manu (Udayacala Press, 5 Clive Row, Calcutta 1) Bk 1, vv 1–9 inclusive, 21, 26, 31, 75–78 inclusive, 81–83 inclusive, 96, 97 Bk 2, vv 6, 94, 95 Bk 3, vv 68–70 inclusive, 99, 117 Bk 4, vv 137–139 inclusive, 161, 172, 238–242 inclusive, 256, 258 Bk 5, vv 46, 107–109 inclusive, 148, 150 Bk 6, vv 2, 3, 8, 26, 29, 33, 43, 45, 65, 87, 89, 91, 92 Bk 7, vv 3, 16, 19, 20, 44 Bk 8, vv 15, 91, 129, 318 Bk 9, v 300 Bk 11, vv 228–232 inclusive, 239, 242 Bk 12, vv 3–7 inclusive, 9, 88, 89, 90, 103, 118, 125 (about 156 lines) 4. Bhagavad Gîtá (Motilal Banarsidass, Vol. II of Works of çaåkarácárya) Ch. 1, v 1 Ch. 2, vv 7–17 inclusive, 20, 24, 38, 45, 47, 54–57 inclusive, 62, 63 Ch. 3, vv 9, 27 Ch. 4, vv 7, 8, 18, 20, 36, 38 Ch. 5, vv 8–10 inclusive, 18 Ch. 6, vv 19, 25, 34, 35 Ch. 7, vv 4, 5 Ch. 9, v 27 Ch. 10, vv 16, 20, 31, 38, 42 Ch. 11, v 40 Ch. 12, vv 13–15 inclusive Ch. 13, vv 27, 29, 32 Ch. 14, vv 5, 9 Ch. 16, vv 1–5 inclusive Ch. 18, 42–44 inclusive, 63, 73 (about 130 lines) 2 SANSKRIT DEPARTMENT SYLLABUS - YEAR 13 (cont) 5. Eighteen Principal Upanishads (V.P. Limaye, Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala, Poona, 1958) Isha vv 5, 6, 7 Kena 1:2 Katha 2:1, 2:18, 3:3–5 inclusive, 3:8, 5:7, 6:7–8 Mundaka 2:2:11, 3:1:1, 3:1:2 Mandukya vv 1, 2 Chándogya 6:14:1–3 inclusive, 7:23:1, 7:24:1–2 Brihadaranyaka 4:3:1–6 inclusive, 4:3:7 (first part), 4:3:14 (first and last parts),4:3:32 (last part), 4:3:33 (last part), 4:4:14, 4:4:19, 4:4:20, 4:4:22 (part), 4:4:23 (part), 4:4:25. (about 85 lines) 6. Sankaracarya on Bhagavad Gîtá (Motilal Banarsidass, Vol. II of Works of Sankaracarya) a selection of about 40 lines from 2:11 tatra . . . nirvidya iti srute 13:27 na sa bhúya . . . ityartha 18:73 nasŒa iti . . . abhipráya PAPER 2 Sanskrit passages for translation and comprehension will be from the Mahábhárata or the Rámáyana, or from both. PAPER 3 (A) List of recommended reading in English translation (for items 1 and 2 any good translation will suffice) i. Bhagavad Gîtá ii. The Ten Principal Upanisads iii. Mahábhárata (selected passages from translation of K. M. Ganguli in 12 volumes) iv. Rámáyana (selected passages from translation of H.P. Shastri in 3 volumes) v. Srîmad Bhágavatam (selected passages from the translation of Swami Tapasyananda in 4 volumes) vi. The Laws of Manu (selected passages from the translation of G. Buhler, Sacred Books of the East, Volume 25) (B) Candidates will not at present 3 be required to know the SANSKRIT DEPARTMENT Panini grammar sútras in Composition is recommended. this section. The Higher Level Prose A2 EXAMINATIONS SUMMARY PAPER 1 3 hours: Prescribed Texts (80) PAPER 2 3 hours: Unprepared Translation, Unprepared Comprehension and Prose Composition (50) PAPER 3 3 hours: (A)Short essays on the prescribed texts and based on recommended reading material (32) (B) either (i) Páninian grammar (ii) Higher level Prose Composition (38) 4