Independent Science Fair 8th grade California 8th Science Standard: 9. scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. a. plan and conduct a scientific investigation to test a hypothesis. b. evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of data. c. distinguish between variable and controlled parameters in a test. d. construct appropriate graphs from data and develop quantitative statements about the relationships between variables. California 8th grade Reading Comprehension standards 2.0 Task: You have been asked to design and conduct an independent science experiment. You may also be asked to enter your project into the science fair. You must select one of the following categories for your science project: Chemistry - study of chemical reactions Physics motion - study of movement, forces and energy Physics electricity - electricity and magnetism Environmental science - study of the effect of pollution, energy conservation Earth science - astronomy You will need to be sure that you are conducting an experiment. You may not turn in a model, collection or report. You must also have the project question approved before you begin. You can not conduct an experiment that is aimed at harming animals or people. You will need to utilize the steps of the scientific method: question (problem), background information, hypothesis, materials, methods/procedures, data, conclusion and discussion. Your final write up will need to be in the proper format and order. Below are some reminders of what needs to be included in your project. • Your hypothesis needs to be written in the If... then format • You must tell where your background information came from. • You will need to be sure that you are changing only one variable in your experiment. • You will need to have a control (where nothing is changed). • You must also repeat the experiment a minimum of three times or have a large enough sample to be considered scientific. • You will need to have detailed number procedures. • You will need to use correct scientific units. • You will need to have charts and graphs to show results/data. • You can not bring in the experiment, animals or plants. You will need to use drawings or photos to show experiment set up and visual results. You will need to include a student notebook / logbook. • This should be a handwritten description of all work on the project such as notes on research, project design, changes to procedures, data collected, rough draft etc. • All entries must be dated and show progression of the work done • Log can not be written after the project is completed. • LOGS CAN NOT BE TYPED!!!! Science Fair Display boards MUST BE TYPED!!!! 8th Grade Sample Science Fair Questions Magnets What is the effect of magnet size on the magnet’s strength? What is the effect of temperature on magnet strength? What is the effect of the number of pieces a mass is in on the magnets ability to lift the weight? What is the effect of battery size on the strength of an electromagnet? What is the effect of the number of coils on electromagnetic strength? What is the effect of the type of wire on electromagnetic strength? Batteries What is the effect of temperature on the output of AA batteries? What is the effect of temperature on the output of C batteries? What is the effect of temperature on the output of D batteries? What is the effect of freezing on battery output? What is the effect of size of 1.5 volt batteries ( AA, C, D) on the output of the battery? Forces, Motion and Speed What is the effect of length of ramp on speed of object rolling down the ramp? What is the effect of slope of ramp on the speed of object rolling down the ramp? What is the effect of different ramp coating on the speed of a car rolling down the ramp? What is the effect of different lubricants coating the ramp on the speed of a _____ rolling down the ramp? What is the mass of an object on the speed rolling down a ramp? What is the effect of the mass of a ball on high it bounces? What is the effect of temperature of a ball on how high it bounces? What is the effect of composition of the ball on how high it bounces? What is the effect of temperature on the stretching ability of rubber bands? What is the effect of temperature on the strength of a rubber band? What is the effect of the height a ball is bounced on the rebound height the ball bounces? What is the effect of surface type the ball bounces onto on how high the ball will bounce back? What is the effect of the grain of sandpaper on how much force is needed to move an object across a flat surface? What is the effect of the grain of sand paper on how much force is needed to move an object up a ramp? What is the effect of an object’s mass on the amount of forces need to move across a rough surface? What is the effect of an object’s mass on how much force is needed to move an object up a rough ramp? What is the effect of different surfaces on the amount of forces needed to overcome friction to move an object across a flat surface? What is the effect of different surfaces on the amount of forces needed to overcome friction to move an object up a ramp? What is the effect of ramp length on the amount of work needed to move an object a height of 1 meter? What is the effect of ramp surface coating on the work needed to move an object a height of 1 meter? What is the effect of the number of water streams on the speed of a sprinklers rotation? What is the effect of fulcrum placement on force needed to lift a 50 g mass? What is the effect of the type of pulley on the force or work required to life a 50 g mass 1 meter? Heat / energy What is the effect of different materials on the absorption of heat? What is the effect of different materials on the ability to retain heat after being removed from a heat source? What is the effect of color on a liquid ability to absorb heat? What is the effect of color on retention of heat? What is the effect of surface area on heat loss? What is the effect of surface area on heat absorption? What is the effect of color on solar heating? What is the effect of angle of inclination on solar heating? Sound What is the effect of sound waves on solids, liquids and gases? Chemistry Reaction rates What is the effect of surface area on reaction rates of alka seltzer? What is the effect of temperature on the reaction rates of alka seltzer? What is the effect of water pH on the reaction rate of alka seltzer? What is the effect of concentration on the reaction rate of alka seltzer? What is the effect of different liquid types on the reaction rate of alka seltzer? What is the effect of salt water on nail rusting? What is the effect of nail coating on rusting? What is the effect of temperature on nail rusting? What is the effect of material a nail is made of on the rusting of the nail? Saturation What is the effect of temperature on the amount of solute held in solution? What is the effect of liquid type on saturation? What is the effect of temperature of the solution on the rate of a substance dissolving? What is the effect of type of salt on the rate of it dissolving in water at room temperature? What is the effect of the type of salt on the rate of dissolving in boiling water? What is the effect of the type of salt on the rate it dissolves in cold water? What is the effect of salt type on the solubility in boiling water? What is the effect of salt type on the solubility in cold water? What is the effect of salt type on the solubility in room temperature water? What is the effect of type of sugar on the rate of it dissolving in water at room temperature? What is the effect of the type of sugar on the rate of dissolving in boiling water? What is the effect of the type of sugar on the rate it dissolves in cold water? What is the effect of sugar type on the solubility in boiling water? What is the effect of sugar type on the solubility in cold water? What is the effect of sugar type on the solubility in room temperature water? Properties of elements - gas/solids/liquids What is the effect of temperature on gas volume in a balloon?