Topside Controls Discussion Memorandum Auditor Guidance: Objective: The objective of this memorandum is for Corporate Internal Audit colleagues to document topside control discussions conducted with market leaders. This documentation is a necessary component of our field audits in order to comply with SOX 404 guidelines, the COSO framework, and to allow reliance by the external auditors. When: This memorandum should be completed during the first week of the audit, and included in TeamMate as part of the audit’s work papers. How: This memorandum should be completed through discussions with the Finance Director, BT Director, Site Leader or other relevant members of management. The memorandum should be completed through discussions with multiple members of management if there are multiple processes under review. For example, at a site where both financial processes and a data center are within the SOX 404 scope, the auditor should complete this memorandum by speaking with both a finance representative and a local CIT representative. Documentation: This document includes an example of a completed memorandum. The example does not represent a “best practice”. It was designed to provide the auditor with an example of the level of detail expected for the documentation of the responses received. The completed memorandum does not need to be accompanied by supporting documentation, unless it is considered material to the audit. Impact on rating: Neither the individual responses to this memorandum nor the overall results of the memorandum will be assigned a rating. The memorandum responses should only be used as part of the determination of the overall evaluation of the audit results. For example, if through our audit testing, we found that duties between colleagues were not properly segregated and by completing the memorandum we learned that the Pfizer Values were not well communicated, we may want to consider the results of the memorandum when assessing the overall significance of the audit finding. Corporate Internal Audit Topside Controls Discussion Template MEMORANDUM DATE: (Enter Date) SUBJECT: Topside Control Discussions at the Markets – (Enter Market Name) AUDITOR: (Name) PLEASE LIST ALL COLLEAGUES AT THE MARKET SITE WITH WHOM YOU DISCUSSED THIS DOCUMENT: (Names) OBJECTIVE: The objective of this memorandum is for Corporate Internal Audit colleagues to document topside control discussions conducted with market leaders. This documentation is a necessary component of our field audits in order to comply with SOX 404 guidelines, the COSO framework, and to allow reliance by the external auditors. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Employee Related Matters 1. Management must convey the message that integrity and ethical values cannot be compromised, and employees must receive and understand that message. Specifically, management must stress the importance of ethical conduct with regards to financial reporting and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Describe the tools management uses to convey this message and how it ensures all colleagues attempt to achieve the highest standards of conduct. How are the Leader Behaviors and Pfizer’s Values conveyed and enforced with employees? Are they communicated and reinforced on a regular (annual or semiannual) basis, or only upon hire? Which employees receive and sign the Blue Book? Is the Blue Book signed annually? Who maintains the certifications and follows up on missing ones? Management teaches an “Integrity and Ethics” course to all new employees when they start. This course shows the importance of values at Pfizer to new employees. 2 Employees who work with the financial reporting process are given continuous training on financial ethics and informed of any new financial standards that need to be addressed in their work. All new employees receive and sign the Blue Book. In addition, new employees must complete an on-line tutorial of the Blue Book within 31 days of their start date. Corp. HR oversees this process and follows up with individuals who have yet to complete the on-line course. The continuous training provided to employees who work with financial reporting ensures that employees are aware of any new laws and regulations pertaining to financial reporting ethics. Employees are made aware of the anonymous compliance hotline via information provided in their new hire orientation materials. Pfizer Values and Leader Behavior posters and paraphernalia are present in common areas including the cafeteria and entry foyer. The Pfizer Values and Leader Behaviors are reinforced to employees through periodic emails and messages from Senior Management. 2. Management must specify the level of competence needed for particular jobs, and translate the desired levels of competence into requisite knowledge and skills. Explain how management ensures responsibilities are assigned to the right people with the right skills to get the job done effectively. Provide information on the site’s major training programs, hiring and promotion policies, frequency of performance reviews, job description procedures, etc. Also, describe how management conveys to colleagues the importance of developing and enhancing the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their responsibilities. Part of the recruiting process is ensuring that candidates have the required education and experience levels necessary to do the job effectively. This is done initially through reviewing resumes, conducting interviews and speaking with references. If the decision is made to hire an individual, they are in turn placed in a role that fits their experience and education level. At the time of hiring, they are given a job description memo as part of their orientation kit, confirming what was discussed during the hiring interview. Training is given to everyone when they are first hired, and as necessary as job requirements and/or laws and regulations change. This consists of training specific to the job, such as software/hardware or applications training. Hiring is done both through internal and external resources. Documented hiring principles state that hiring is performed without regard to ethnicity, religion, age, and gender. Promotions are given as deserved and when there is a need by 3 the organization. Performance reviews occur annually, with some reviews occurring on a project basis, depending on the length of the project. Training to increase job performance is encouraged for all employees. Established hiring processes, promotion guidelines and training programs are controls in place to ensure that the right employees are hired for the right jobs, and are given the necessary training to succeed at their positions. These programs are communicated to employees from the time they are hired throughout their tenure. 3. A comprehensive new hire training program helps ensure all employees are aware of Pfizer’s mission statement, values and employee expectations. What are the tools employed to ensure new hires are fully aware of Leader Behaviors, Pfizer’s Values and the Blue Book? What other types of training are colleagues given when they are hired to ensure they are aware of both Pfizer and local market performance expectations? What training is given related to job specific functions? Is there a management leadership program in place to help employees make a smooth transition into a management position? New hires are given an in-depth orientation, and provided with a new employee binder. All information contained in the binder is included on the local Pfizer intranet website. The orientation binder includes discussion of Pfizer’s Leader Behaviors and Values, and includes a copy of the Blue Book. Employees are required to complete a Blue Book module course online within 31 days of hire. Employees are also given training on applications they are expected to use on the job. The orientation program acts as a control to ensure that employees are aware of Pfizer’s mission statement, values and employee expectations. The orientation program includes a review of the organization structure of Pfizer, compliance hotline information, the Open Door Policy and Pfizer’s mission statement. The job specific training programs act as controls to ensure that the employees are educated on the company systems and can be productive and efficient in their day-to-day activities. Newly promoted managers are sent to management and leadership seminars so they can better adjust to their new role and develop the necessary leadership, communication, motivation, and negotiation skills. 4. Options to anonymously report non-compliance practices and colleague knowledge of these options are critical components of an effective control environment. What are the vehicles available to colleagues to report potential compliance issues anonymously? How are colleagues informed about these 4 vehicles? Is there any reason an employee would not be aware of how to report a compliance issue (no formal orientation, transfer from another division, etc.)? Pfizer has set up an anonymous compliance hotline for all employees. Employees who have concerns with compliance issues can contact this number and air their concerns anonymously, without fear of repercussions. Employees are made aware of this number when they are first hired as part of their orientation packet, as well as given access to it through the Pfizer intranet website. Local management recently sent out an email to all local employees reminding them of the compliance hotline and how to use it appropriately. They also gave a business conduct presentation to their employees last month. 5. Management must ensure that colleagues’ job descriptions and responsibilities adequately integrate with the internal control framework of the organization. Do most functions have written job descriptions? How often are these job descriptions updated? Do job descriptions include specific references to internal control related responsibilities? Most functions have written job descriptions, kept both by HR and the department manager. These job descriptions are updated when the departments structure changes, or when systems changes cause the job description to change. The job descriptions do include specific references to internal control responsibilities, and each employee is in charge of ensuring that the controls in place for their position are operating effectively. The operating effectiveness is monitored by a department manager on a regular basis. 6. Colleague education of Pfizer’s Open Door Policy (ODP) as well as regular communication of ODP is an integral part of the firm’s leadership culture. How does the site promote Pfizer’s Open Door policy? Does management believe that managers and process owners have ready access to senior management when addressing significant issues? Pfizer’s open door policy is communicated to employees as part of their orientation. Employees are encouraged to contact their supervisors, or if need be, any level above their direct supervisor to communicate any issues they perceive that require management attention. Management believes that everyone has access to senior management when addressing significant issues. New employees are introduced to site management when they are hired to make the employee feel comfortable when talking to management. The site’s local intranet website provides a link to the Corporate Open Door Policy. 5 7. Management and personnel continuity are critical success factors in the operation of an effective internal control environment. Has there has been significant turnover of the colleagues who perform internal controls activities related to its annual primary processes in the last year? Has there been significant turnover of the members of senior management who review internal control activities related to annual primary processes in the last year? Is mandatory vacation required of employees, and if so, what functions? Recently there was a significant amount of turnover in senior management. As a result, a plan was developed and executed to ensure internal controls sound. The plan included providing training to new or relocated employees, reemphasizing the overall control structure, introducing the new organizational structure, introducing communication, and information sharing methods, etc. All restructuring activities were reviewed with corporate. 8. The existence and communication of a vision statement and mission must be part of management’s overall strategy. Does the site have a vision statement or a mission? If so, how is the vision statement communicated to colleagues? How is the company wide mission statement communicated to employees? A vision statement/mission exists at the site, and is communicated to employees in various ways. Both the site specific and company wide vision statements are communicated to employees through orientation, training programs, posters in the workplace, weekly newsletters, and office stationery/decorating items. Business Related Matters 9. For an entity to be effectively controlled, it must have established objectives. Entity-wide objectives include broad statements of what an entity desires to achieve, and are supported by related strategic plans. What are management’s current entity-wide objectives and describe the process the site follows to identify them. How does management ensures these objectives are aligned with the division and Pfizer goals? Explain how they ensure these objectives are effectively conveyed throughout the organization and into employee objectives. Current site wide objectives include…(auditor should list the site’s objectives ). Management identifies these objectives based on feedback from customers, suppliers and employees. Once these objectives are identified, they are communicated to site senior management to ensure they are in line with overall company goals and, upon agreement with Corporate, communicated to employees at the entity. Site-wide objectives are communicated throughout the organization through informational newsletters, e-mails, as well as through meetings with managers, who then relay the objectives down to their team. Colleagues incorporate these 6 objectives into their own development plans. Objectives are generally reviewed for progress on a semi-annual basis. 10. Within the organization, information is collected at various points and by different people. Communication standards should be established to ensure information regarding risks and financial information is shared with the right people in a timely manner for consideration in making business decisions. How does management ensure all significant information flows up, down and across the organization, as appropriate? Describe the site’s organizational structure, leadership teams or other cross-divisional teams that allow for the effective sharing of information. How often do these teams meet? Initiatives include weekly staff meetings held by managers, senior management conducts quarterly town hall meetings summarizing performance, announcing new hires, significant events, etc., and a monthly local email is distributed. Organization charts are kept up to date and are available on the site’s intranet. Several site leadership teams are established to ensure information is communicated to all colleagues. The Site Leader and his/her direct reports meet on a monthly basis, the finance management team meets on a weekly basis, the IT management team meets on a weekly basis, and several cross-divisional teams meet as needed. 11. Procedures should exist to ensure that the internal control policies and procedures are updated and reviewed by process owners and management, respectively, on a periodic basis. A group or individual should be identified as the owner of this updating and review process. What is the site’s review procedures related to the documentation of internal controls? How does management update SOPs as processes change? Who is responsible for reviewing the SOPs related to the primary annual processes? Is there a local internal audit presence or a controls champion to ensure that policies and procedures are updated and accurate? Process owners are responsible for documenting and making changes to internal controls for their respective processes. Updates are required to be made as soon as a significant change occurs. In addition, we ask process owners to review their documentation at least once a year to ensure even minor changes are properly reflected. Formal SOPs must be reviewed and approved via the site’s established approval process. We do not have site internal auditors but have assigned a colleague to be our Internal Controls Champion. This colleague is responsible for ensuring we have all the most current internal controls information as provided by Corporate Internal Audit. This person also helps with the preparation work before Corporate Internal Audit arrives for an audit. 7 12. An effectively operating control environment requires that the organization continually make available and disseminate updated information about its internal controls. What is the process for establishing, updating and disseminating changes to SOPs and other procedures? How does management ensure changes to SOPs are communicated and shared with colleagues who are responsible for performing the procedures? Where are SOPs and other procedural documentation kept? SOPs are initially drafted by the process owners and are reviewed and approved via the site’s established approval process. Changes are made to existing SOPs as more efficient processes are identified through both internal and external resources. Communication of SOPs is done periodically via emails and through training. SOPs are maintained with the process owner, as well as on the site’s local network. 13. A risk-assessment process should identify and consider the implications of relevant risks, at both the entity level and activity level on an annual basis. The risk-assessment process should consider external and internal factors that could impact achievement of the objectives. It should also analyze the risks and provide a basis for managing them. Factors external to the entity within its operating environment should be also considered. Explain how management performs its risk assessment process and how it manages risk. A risk assessment process is performed and monitored on an ongoing basis. External risks are identified through changes in the operating environment, political climate or the competitive environment. Internal risks are identified based on knowledge of the business processes, and input from the process owners. The operating plan identifies potential internal and external risks and a proposal of how they will be addressed. As other risks are identified during the year, we ensure Corporate and local leaders are informed of all aspects of the risk. The most significant financial reporting related risks are documented in the Risk Control Matrices (RCMs). Within the RCMs, we have identified controls in place to mitigate those risks. 14. Management must identify the principal drivers that affect its internal control environment. Documenting and communicating significant changes to these drivers (i.e. updated systems, significant transactions or changes in volume, sales, etc.) increases the effectiveness of our risk assessment and audit process. Does management expect any significant system or business changes related to its annual primary processes during the next year? If so, how does management believe this will affect the internal controls related to its annual primary processes? 8 Management does not expect any significant system or business changes related to its annual primary processes during the next year. OR In Q3, the site will be replacing the current procurement system with Ariba. This represents a significant system change for the site. To ensure internal controls for both the migration and the new system are sound, management has documented detailed procedures addressing data conversion, validation, migration, and testing. The site will also perform a post-implementation review. 15. Ensuring records are properly retained is an important aspect of Pfizer’s commitment to transparency in its operations. Record retention is also required by several external regulatory agencies to which Pfizer is subject to comply. How does management ensure records are retained in compliance with both Pfizer policy and external regulatory requirements? Management encourages compliance with corporate record retention policies. For certain types of documentation, retention periods extend beyond corporate requirements due to local data retention regulations. All division leaders are made aware of the record retention policies via the local site’s intranet and occasional reminder emails that are sent. Record retention policies are included in all new hire orientation binders. 9