Lifespan Development

Lifespan Development
Examination II – Review Sheet
Carolyn R. Fallahi, Ph. D.
Memory, Learning, & Intelligence
1. Why have we underestimated infant’s intelligence & abilities in the past?
2. Define learning.
3. What is habituation & dishabituation?
4. What are some of the learning paradigms that we use in order to see if
infants have memory?
5. Define encoding, storage, & retrieval.
6. What is the capacity of memory for 2-3 year olds, 7 year olds, 7-13 year
olds, & adults (based on the digit span test on IQ tests)?
7. What is infantile amnesia?
8. What are false memories?
9. What is the difference between implicit & explicit memories?
10. Do infants have the ability to consciously remember the past? What does
Rovee-Collier have to say about this?
11. What is deferred imitation?
12. What did Meltzoff have to say about deferred imitation?
13. Are babies capable of problem solving?
14. Why did Alfred Binet attempt to construct an IQ test?
15. What are the Bailey scales? Are they IQ tests? What are their limitations?
16. The Wechsler intelligence tests are based on a mean and standard
deviation of what? You should be able to know the IQ if I were to tell you the
standard deviation.
17. The Wechsler tests can be broken down into Verbal IQ; Performance IQ;
and Full-scale IQ. Know what those measures include.
18. Which Wechsler test is the best test of IQ (if you don’t have time to do the
entire battery) & premorbid intelligence?
19. What things were changed in the most recent standardization of the
Wechsler tests?
20. Know the IQ range classifications.
21. How do we diagnose gifted and talented?
22. How do we diagnose learning disabled?
23. How do we measure achievement?
24. What is the difference between an aptitude test & an achievement test?
25. What is the self-righting tendency?
26. Does IQ decrease as we age? Make sure that you know the difference
between fluid versus crystallized intelligence.
27. Know Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences.
28. Be able to diagram a classical conditioning paradigm.
29. Understand the difference between classical conditioning & operant
30. Understand the difference between positive & negative reinforcement &
31. Know all of the terminology associated with behaviorism, e.g. shaping,
schedules of reinforcement, discrimination, generalization, skinner box.
Language & Genie
1. Know Genie’s story & the issues associated with language development.
2. Understand Chomsky’s theory of language development. Be able to
compare & contrast that theory with Skinner’s behavioral theory. Which one is
correct? What is the evidence?
3. What is the language acquisition device?
4. Is there a critical period for language development? What is the evidence
for this?
5. Are human beings the only ones who have language? What about chimps?
1. Who was Bowlby & what contributions did he make to our understanding of
2. What infant characteristics promote attachment?
3. What adult characteristics promote attachment?
4. What infant & adult characteristics hinder attachment?
5. What are the 3 disorders associated with bad behavior in children? What 2
disorders seem to have an underlying sociopathy component?
6. What are the symptoms of reactive attachment disorder?
7. Understand Harry Harlow’s famous ape experiments.
8. Know the difference between the psychoanalytical, learning, & ethological
theories of attachment.
9. Is feeding considered critical to the promotion of attachment?
10. What is important to the promotion of attachment?
11. Understand Ainsworth’s strange situation experiment. What are the types
of attachment styles? What symptoms do we see associated with those
attachment styles?
12. What is Kagan’s temperament hypothesis?
13. What 3 symptoms do we see in children who are having problems?
14. What sorts of symptoms do we see if a child has attachment problems? An
adolescent? An adult?
15. What are the types of treatments available for infants, adolescents, &
16. Is it okay to put your child into daycare?
While we will cover parenting beginning on Friday, I won’t test you on
parenting until the 3rd exam. This includes gay & lesbian parenting.