Project Reference No.: 06-2014 RESEARCH TENDER CALL TENDER INFORMATION DOCUMENT Project Reference No.: 06-2014 Project Title: Understanding consumer behaviour in the usage of hand sanitizers and establishing their efficacy 1. Objective/Knowledge Gap Understanding consumer behaviour in the usage of hand sanitizers and establishing their efficacy 2. Background Hands serve as vectors for transmitting pathogens to foodstuffs and drinks and to the mouths of susceptible hosts. Hand washing is a key primary barrier to transmission of enteric pathogens by preventing cross-contamination. safefood advises that effective handwashing requires warm water, soap and friction (rubbing) to thoroughly remove dirt and bacteria, and that hand sanitizing gels should only be used when soap and water are unavailable. However, recent years have seen an increase in the availability and usage of hand sanitizing gels. 3. Approach This research project will involve mixed methods, including a questionnaire-based study to assess consumer behaviour in relation to hand sanitizers, as well as desk research to conduct a thorough review of the literature, including grey literature, on the efficacy of hand sanitiziers. The study will be conducted with consumers in both the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and Northern Ireland (NI), and will establish the situations in which consumers use sanitizers for handwashing, as well as assessing consumers’ understanding of how these sanitizers work. 4. Technical Specification a) b) c) d) e) f) Literature review Qualitative research Pilot Analysis Data handling and Reporting Quality assurance 1 Project Reference No.: 06-2014 a) Literature review The contractor must carry out a robust literature review exploring the efficacy of hand sanitizers, including comparisons with handwashing using soap and water (including, antibacterial soap and soap not specified to be anti-bacterial), as well as collating and analysing any published data on consumer use of hand sanitisers. The study should have a particular focus on norovirus, as well as other foodborne pathogens. This should include peer-reviewed publications and also a full search of the grey literature including government and other organisation reports. b) Quantitative & Qualitative research The contractor will select appropriate methodologies to gain in-depth insight into consumer practices in relation to hand sanitisers, including any barriers to the use of soap and water for handwashing. The studies should include: A fifty-fifty split between ROI and NI Rural/urban locations Male/ female divide A range of adults ages, to include parents of young children c) Analysis The contractor will provide explicit details of the methods for quantitative and qualitative analysis. d) Data Handling and Reporting The contractor is responsible for collating all results and a final report will be submitted to safefood. All forms, documentation and electronic files must be retained by the contractor until further notice from safefood in case of issues arising after the completion of the research. 2 Project Reference No.: 06-2014 e) Quality Assurance The contractor will use validated methods for quantitative work where applicable and provide explicit details of the qualitative analytical methods. safefood will visit the contractors during the course of the research to assess how the work is being carried out. 5. Proposed Activities/Deliverables Literature review. Assessment of the frequency and usage of hand sanitisers amongst consumers on the island of Ireland. Analysis of consumer understanding of the efficacy and appropriate use of hand sanitisers. Examination of barriers to the use of soap and water for hand washing amongst consumers. Drafting of final report to safefood, including recommendations for communicating to consumers on the use of hand sanitisers. 6. Evaluation of Tenders Tender bids will be evaluated according to the quality of proposals and applicants using the following criteria: Quality of the proposal: Anticipated deliverables; Research method; Value for money; Potential for application; Work plan, including the overall timeframe. Quality of Applicants: 7. Experience in subject area; both qualitative and quantitative research Existing facilities; Quality Assurance Duration of Project It is anticipated that the duration of the project will be 6 months. A detailed timescale of research should be submitted by each applicant. 3 Project Reference No.: 06-2014 8. Scientific Aspects Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the Research Administration Office at safefood for further information about this research project. 9. Tender Application Forms and Guidelines The Tender Application Form and associated Guidelines can be downloaded from They can also be obtained by emailing, quoting the project reference number 06-2014. Alternatively please contact safefood as per the details below. Ms Gillian Fox/Ms. Veronica Sheehan Research Coordinator Research Office safefood 7 Eastgate Avenue Little Island Co. Cork Tel: +353 21-2304100 Fax: +353 21-2304111 4