MEMORANDUM DATE: January 15, 2015 TO: FBLA Local Chartered Chapters FROM: Jody Jones, Florida FBLA-PBL State Adviser SUBJECT: 2015 FBLA State Leadership Conference, Hilton Orlando, March 19-22 The material contained in this packet is to be used in making the necessary arrangements for you and your students to participate in the 2015 FBLA State Leadership Conference. ALL MATERIALS HAVE A RECEIVED DEADLINE OF FEBRUARY 18, 2015. Please plan accordingly! With spring break occurring at different times for each school district, it is imperative that materials be sent promptly to insure that they arrive at the hotel by the stipulated deadline, that materials arrive in time for the pre-judging, and that the SLC Registration Committee has sufficient time to assemble chapter packet materials. The conference officially opens Thursday, March 19, with registration at 3 p.m. at the Hilton Orlando. Hotel registration will NOT begin until 3 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: The hotel is often booked to capacity the night before the conference; therefore, registration may take some time. If you have students competing in any event on Thursday, they should arrive dressed in business attire. Dress Code will be enforced for these events. Pages 2 and 3 provide a section called: "2015 Conference Packet Highlights." This is intended to be a preview of the enclosed packet, but please be sure to read all parts of this packet carefully. If you have trouble printing the registration forms, contact Jody Jones ( and they will be emailed to you. I, along with the Board of Directors, look forward to seeing each of you at the Hilton Orlando for the 65th annual FBLA State Leadership Conference! Attachments 2015 Conference Packet Highlights The conference hotel is the Hilton Orlando. All of the competitive events, workshops, and sessions will be held at this hotel. Room rates at the Hilton Orlando are $169 single, double, triple, or quad occupancy. Make your reservations early. The hotel requires names of all individuals staying in the rooms. If you are staying at a hotel during this conference, it MUST be the conference hotel. Be sure to include a copy of the form with your conference registration. Hotel check-in begins at 3 p.m. Rooms will not be available prior to that time. Your patience with the hotel registration process is greatly appreciated. Schools are encouraged to prepay for all their rooms prior to arrival. The conference registration fee for students is $55. There is no fee for advisers. The fee is due with your registration forms. There is a $10 charge for every change made from the original form sent to the state office. Each refund will also be charged a $10 fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations after February 27, 2015. PLEASE note the deadline for all materials: RECEIVED: February 18, 2015—This is NOT a postmark date. Be sure to mail items to the proper addresses. Do not delay by sending materials to the wrong address. When completing the Conference Registration be sure to indicate which students will serve as voting delegates. (See Page 5 for allocation systems.) A copy of the FBLA State Officer Candidate Official Application is enclosed. The received date of February 18, 2015, applies to these applications. Florida FBLA is looking for nine outstanding representatives to serve as our elected officers! In an effort to provide more students with the opportunity to attend the SLC, each chapter is permitted to bring members-at-large. This means each chapter is entitled to bring the same number of members-atlarge as they are allowed voting delegates. (See Page 5 for allocation systems.) Contestants in skill events will be tested at a site in their own district prior to the State Leadership Conference. The information on this testing will be sent to the District Directors under a separate mailing. In addition, the contestants in the high school level skill events will have to take a written test at the State Conference. ML skill events do not have a written test. Be sure to review the competitive event guidelines on our state website ( If your students are in an event that requires a calculator, we will provide them unless the guidelines specify otherwise. No electronic devices of any kind (including cell phones) may be brought to the testing rooms. All contestants must also provide their own pencils. Advisers, chaperons, State Officers and current District Presidents do not pay a registration fee. There is a $25 guest fee. This fee is for anyone who is coming simply to observe one competitive event or attend the Awards Ceremony. Most of the time, this would apply to a parent. Name badges are required for everyone attending the conference. Please register any guests with your conference registration. Guest fees are NOT for voting delegates and/or members at large. Those individuals are required to pay the full registration fee of $55. Written manual/project/interview entries that are prejudged must be sent to Mrs. Jody Jones, 38834 Alston Avenue, Zephyrhills, FL 33542, and RECEIVED by February 18. (Include the submission form on Page 11.) PLEASE note that the enclosed agenda is TENTATIVE!! We have, however, tried to be as accurate as possible. Some events/activities may be scheduled at an hour different than what is listed here. Check your Conference Program when you register at the conference site for exact times and locations of activities. As listed on the tentative agenda, we will be having some tests and performances on Thursday evening. Please plan accordingly. Since you may not arrive in time for all of your students to check into their rooms prior to a meeting or a test, plan to have them dressed for travel or able to dress in the restrooms in the lobby if necessary. Dress code will be enforced. Along with the conference registration online registration, conference registration form, and school check, advisers must send a copy of the school official certification form that is on page 28 to the state office to be received by February 18, 2015. If this form is not received, your registration packet will not be processed. Advisers must have students complete the Conference Dress Code and Conduct Practices and Procedures forms. These forms should be alphabetized and must be turned in at conference registration on March 19, 2015. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES The conference registration fee of $55 per student is to be paid by school check and included with the registration form. State officers, advisers, chaperons and current district presidents do not pay a registration fee. Florida FBLA does NOT accept purchase orders. A $10 SERVICE CHARGE WILL BE ASSESSED FOR EACH LATE OR ON-SITE REGISTRATION, CHANGE, AND ELIGIBLE REFUND—remember no refunds will be processed for cancellations received after February 27, 2015. ****Lost nametags have become quite a challenge. Students must wear their nametags at all conference functions. Any changes to or replacements of nametags will be charged $5 each and will require photo ID or verification of identity by the chapter adviser.**** FIRE PROTECTION Delegates should note the exits nearest to the rooms and plan an escape route in case of fire. There are strict laws against false fire alarms—it is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. Violators will be arrested if false alarms are made. This is out of the control of Florida FBLA and the Hilton Orlando. ATTENDANCE CRITERIA AND ELIGIBILITY 1. Adults The Board of Directors, Florida Chapter of FBLA, has stipulated that in the absence of a county chaperone policy there must be a minimum of one adult adviser for every ten student delegates. Adult advisers are considered to be the chapter advisers. If more than one adult adviser is necessary, another adult may be designated by the proper school official to serve in this capacity. 2. Criteria for Students to Attend SLC To be eligible to attend the SLC, each FBLA member must meet these basic criteria: 1. Be an active, associate, or professional division member of FBLA 2. Have the approval of the FBLA chapter adviser 3. Have the approval of the school administration 4. Have the approval of parent or guardian 5. Have signed the Conference Dress Code and Delegate Conduct Practices and Procedures Form (These forms will be collected at Registration.) 6. If staying in a hotel, it must be the conference hotel In addition to the above basic criteria a delegate must: 7. Be a state event competitor (this may include up to 3 members for a chapter event), or 8. Be a current state or national officer or a current district president, or 9. Be a newly elected district president, or 10. Be a state or national officer candidate, or 11. Be a campaign manager for one of the nine state officer candidates (one per candidate), or 12. Be a voting delegate--see chart, or 13. Be a member-at-large--see chart. Each FBLA CHARTER (school) shall be entitled to the following number of VOTING DELEGATES and MEMBERS-AT-LARGE at SLC based on total CHARTER MEMBERSHIP: 1 - 50 members 51 - 100 members 101 - 150 members 151 - 200 members 2 Voting Delegates 3 Voting Delegates 4 Voting Delegates 5 Voting Delegates and and and and 2 Members-at-large 3 Members-at-large 4 Members-at-large 5 Members-at-large For each additional 50 members (or fraction thereof) a CHARTER (school) may have, the school is allowed one additional voting delegate and one additional member-at-large. Voting delegates will attend the Voting Session and are the ONLY members from the school eligible to vote for the election of FBLA state officers and to vote on any business that is brought before the conference. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Each FBLA chapter adviser is required to register the student delegates and adult advisers in his/her chapter delegation. State officers, advisers, chaperons and current district presidents do not pay the Conference registration fee. Please follow directions carefully and fill in all forms completely. Advisers must register their students at the following site: Florida FBLA State Leadership Conference Registration. In addition, advisers must complete the conference registration form and mail the original form and check to Florida FBLA at P. O. Box 1106, Zephyrhills, FL 33539-1106. Conference registration for your chapter will not be processed until the online registration, the registration form, the School Official Certification form, copy of the hotel form, and the check are received in the state office. Payment for your chapter's conference registration must be mailed to the FBLA office with your registration form. Please be sure that the amount of your check is equal to the registration fee multiplied by the number of delegates you have registered. You will receive a receipt at the conference. Make checks payable to FLORIDA FBLA. A $10 service charge will be assessed for each late or on-site entry, every change, and for refunds requested prior to February 27, 2015. There will be no refunds after February 27, 2015. The online conference registration, the registration forms and checks are to be received by February 18, 2015. All name badges will be printed from the registrations that you enter. It is imperative that you spell all names correctly. The chapter advisers should make a copy of each of the forms submitted and bring these copies with them to the State Leadership Conference for verification at the Registration Desk. It shall be the responsibility of the chapter adviser to verify that ALL student delegates are members of FBLA (district, state and national dues are paid). Student delegates must carry their membership cards to the conference. (Membership cards are issued from the National Office.) HOTEL REGISTRATION Room rates for the conference are $169 per night per room at the Hilton Orlando. There shall not be more than four people staying in any room. Any chapter caught sleeping more than four to a room will be asked to leave the conference and the members of that chapter will be disqualified from all competition. HILTON ORLANDO Single, Double, Triple, or Quad PER NIGHT $169.00 THREE NIGHTS $507 THE ABOVE RATES DO NOT INCLUDE MEALS OR ANY APPLICABLE TAXES. Per Board of Directors’ Policy: All members and advisers that will be staying in a hotel for this conference are required to stay at the official conference hotel. Any member staying at a hotel other than the official conference hotel will be disqualified from all competition. Hotel reservation forms must be RECEIVED no later than February 18, 2015. Reservations will be on a first-come, first-served basis and may not be available if not RECEIVED by February 18—PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO FULLY PAID ROOMS. If reservations exceed the number of rooms available, additional housing will be secured by the conference hotel. FIRST NIGHT'S DEPOSIT REQUIRED AT THE HILTON ORLANDO - The hotel requires an advance deposit equal to one night's lodging be mailed at the same time you send your reservations for the State Leadership Conference. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO OBTAIN RESERVATIONS WITHOUT THIS DEPOSIT. We strongly encourage chapters to totally prepay for the rooms so that upon arrival at the hotel your registration may be expedited. CONFERENCE REGULATIONS RELATING TO CHAPERONS/ADVISERS 1. The problem of proper chaperonage of students on school-sponsored trips is enormous. Hotel managers and others have expressed grave concern over the lack of effective chaperonage. 2. Teachers who assume the responsibilities for chaperoning a group of students on an out-of-town trip should recognize that they are assuming a twenty-four-hour-a-day responsibility from the time they leave until they return. At no time may chaperones make personal plans except with the consent of the person in charge of the trip. 3. The drinking of alcoholic beverages at any time is forbidden. 4. Chaperones should never retire until all students are checked in for the night, all visiting between rooms has stopped, and the chaperones are reasonably sure that the groups are quiet and in their rooms. 5. Chaperones should keep an accurate check on the members assigned to them at all times. Students should not be "turned loose." 6. Students should engage in school activities of a group nature only. 7. When a student is assigned to a group or chaperone, he/she is to remain with the group at all times unless special arrangements have been made. Students should return with the group, unless other traveling arrangements are made prior to the time of departure. 8. If a party includes members of each sex, there should be chaperones of each sex or arrangements should be made with a chaperone from another school so that responsibilities may be shared. 9. No student should be allowed to accompany a group on a trip until he/she has agreed, in writing, to abide by the rules set up and has submitted the written consent of his/her parents or guardians for him/her to make the trip. 10. Travel in private cars should be avoided as much as possible. Driving into the early hours of the morning to return home should be ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED. 11. Delegates violating any of these rules will subject their entire delegation to being unseated and may cause their candidates or contestants to be disqualified. 12. Delegates may be sent home at their own expense for violating any of these rules. 13. All members and advisers who are staying in a hotel are required to be registered and stay at the official conference hotel. Any violation of this rule will cause the chapter to be disqualified from all competition. TENTATIVE 2015 FBLA SLC AGENDA Thursday, March 19, 2015 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Conference Registration 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Hotel Registration 3:30 p.m. Screening of Officer Candidates (Candidate and candidate's adviser must attend) 5:00 p.m. Meeting of State Officer Candidates, Campaign Managers and Advisers (Important Instructions and Drawing for Campaign Booths) 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Impromptu Speaking, ML Public Speaking Preliminaries, Public Speaking I and II Preliminaries (audience welcome) 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Digital Video, E-Business, Electronic Career Portfolio, Mobile Application Development, Website Design Presentations (notified participants only) 5:45 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Written Tests: Banking & Financial Systems, Desktop Publishing, Entrepreneurship, Future Business Leader, Global Business, Help Desk, Hospitality Management, Management Decision Making, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Network Design, Parliamentary Procedure, Sports & Entertainment Management 8:30 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. Opening General Session 9:45 p.m. -10:30 p.m. Regional Meetings 10:30 p.m. Chapter Adviser Meeting (mandatory for 1 adviser per chapter) 11:30 p.m. In-Room Curfew Friday, March 20, 2015 7:30 a.m. Event Coordinators’ Meeting 8:15 a.m. Judges’ Meeting 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Campaign Booths Open – Officer Candidates 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Exhibits and FBLA Promotional Sales Booth Open 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Written Tests: Accounting II, Business Calculations, Business Communication, Business Law, Business Procedures, Computer Applications, Economics, Health Care Administration, Introduction to Business Communication, Introduction to Information Technology, and Middle Level Business Math 9:00 a.m. All contestants in Client Service and all finalists in the following events must report to the holding room: Global Business, Management Decision Making, Management Information Systems, Marketing Friday, March 20, 2015 (continued) 9:00 a.m. - ? Skill events grading 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Business Ethics Preliminaries 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Business Presentation Preliminaries 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Client Service Preliminaries 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Emerging Business Issues Preliminaries 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Future Business Leader (FBL) Interviews Preliminaries 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Global Business Presentations 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Job Interviews Preliminaries 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Management Decision Making Presentations 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Management Information Systems Presentations 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Middle Level Public Speaking Finals 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Marketing Presentations 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Sales Presentation Preliminaries 10:00 a.m. Workshops 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Written Tests: Accounting I; Business Math; FBLA Principles and Procedures; Health Care Administration, Insurance & Risk Management, Introduction to Business; Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure; Middle Level FBLA Principles and Procedures; and Middle Level Introduction to Business Communication 11:15 a.m. Workshops 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Written Tests: Agribusiness, Computer Problem Solving, Cyber Security, Middle Level Introduction to Computers, Middle Level Career Exploration, Middle Level Leadership/Parliamentary Procedure, Networking Concepts, Personal Finance, Securities and Investments, Spreadsheet Applications, and Word Processing 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Judges' Luncheon (Invitation Only) 2:00 p.m. Workshops 2:00 p.m. All finalists in the following events must report to the holding room: Banking, Business Ethics, Client Service, Emerging Business Issues, Entrepreneurship, Help Desk, Hospitality Management, Impromptu Speaking, Network Design, Parliamentary Procedure, and Sports & Entertainment 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Banking & Financial Systems Finals Friday, March 20, 2015 (continued) 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Business Ethics Finals (if needed) 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Business Presentation Finals (if needed) 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Client Service Finals (if needed) 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Emerging Business Issues Finals (if needed) 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Entrepreneurship Team Performances 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Future Business Leader and Job Interview finals (if needed) 2:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Help Desk Finals 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Hospitality Management Finals 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Network Design Performances 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Parliamentary Procedure Performances 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sales Presentation Finals (if needed) 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sales & Entertainment Management Finals 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Impromptu Speaking, Public Speaking I, and Public Speaking II finals (if needed) 3:15 p.m. Workshops 3:15 p.m. Information Management Written Test (must be registered) 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Voting booths open (Voting Delegates will vote during this time frame) 4:30 p.m. - 5:10 p.m. District Meetings (if District Directors have signed up) 7:00 p.m. Dinner on your own 8:30 p.m. Florida FBLA Idol 11:30 p.m. In-Room Curfew Saturday, March 21, 2015 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Second General Session--Motivational Speaker/Miscellaneous Awards 11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 District Directors' and District Presidents’ Luncheon 12:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Awards Program Rehearsal (all outgoing state officers & incoming district presidents) 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Awards Assembly and Officers' Installation Immediately following Meeting of all First Place, Second Place, and Third Place High School Winners, their Advisers and the 2015-2016 nine State Officers and their Advisers (Supervisors may also wish to attend) 12:00 Midnight In-Room Curfew MANUAL/PROJECT/INTERVIEW MATERIALS PREJUDGING TRANSMITTAL FORM DISTRICT _____ RECEIVED DATE: February 18, 2015 School ______________________________ Adviser ________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Directions: Phone__________________ Please complete this form and forward your chapter entry to: Mrs. Jody Jones, 38834 Alston Avenue, Zephyrhills, FL 33542. Include a self-addressed stamped postcard in your package of material. It will be returned to you to use for proof of mailing. Bring this postcard with you to SLC. Judging will be completed prior to SLC. PLACE CHECK BESIDE YOUR ENTRIES AND INCLUDE ENTRIES WITH THIS FORM. _____ AMERICAN ENTERPRISE PROJECT (Please indicate: ____ ML ____ HS) _____ BUSINESS ETHICS _____ BUSINESS FINANCIAL PLAN (There is NO presentation at the State Conference) _____ BUSINESS PLAN (There is NO presentation at the State Conference) _____ COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT _____ COMPUTER GAME AND SIMULATION PROGRAMMING (There is NO presentation at the State Conference) _____ DESKTOP APPLICATION PROGRAMMING (There is NO presentation at the State Conference) _____ DESKTOP PUBLISHING _____ DIGITAL DESIGN AND PROMOTION (There is NO presentation at the State Conference) _____ †DIGITAL VIDEO PRODUCTION _____ †E-BUSINESS URL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ _____ †ELECTRONIC CAREER PORTFOLIO (Please indicate: ____ ML ____ HS) FUTURE BUSINESS LEADER EVENT JOB INTERVIEW EVENT _____ LOCAL CHAPTER ANNUAL BUSINESS REPORT _____ LOCAL RECRUITMENT OF CHARTERS (Submit a letter of application for this award along with proof of merit) _____ ML LOCAL CHAPTER ACTIVITIES REPORT _____ ML COMPUTER SLIDESHOW _____ ML WEB PAGE CREATION _____ †MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT _____ PARTNERSHIP WITH BUSINESS PROJECT _____ PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT (There is NO presentation at the State Conference) _____ †WEB SITE DESIGN URL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________ _____ WHO'S WHO IN FBLA** (read statement below carefully) **Each Who’s Who entry must be sent to Mrs. Jones at the above address and RECEIVED by February 18, 2015. Regional winners will be selected and announced at SLC. Each of the five state officers is automatically included in Who's Who. Those state officers wishing to be considered for the overall Who's Who to represent Florida at NLC must submit an entry for pre-conference judging. State officers also send their written entries to Mrs. Jones to be received by February 18, 2015. ___________________________________ __________________________ Contestant's Name Signature of Chapter Adviser ___________________________________ Signature of District Director (needed for all Who’s Who entries)** †Individuals in this event MUST complete the form on the next page and the Statement of Assurance on page 13. EVENT GUIDELINE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As explained in the state competitive event guidelines, I understand that by submitting my entry into the following event (please indicate event) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Digital Video Production E-business Electronic Career Portfolio (this event does not need Statement of Assurance) Mobile Application Development Web Site Design that I am now competing on the state level of Florida FBLA. This means that I must pay conference registration or my submission will not be judged. These entries will be pre-judged to determine the top five in each of the above mentioned events. In addition, I understand that only the top five entries in each of the above mentioned events will progress to the second round of the competition that is held at the actual State Leadership Conference in Orlando. I understand that not making it to finals is a possibility and I realize that my conference registration will not be refunded if I am not a finalist. __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Event Participant Signature Adviser Signature __________________________________________________ Event Participant Signature __________________________________________________ Event Participant Signature If a student is in one of these events, this form must be submitted with conference registration. FBLA Statement of Assurance This form must be completed and sent for the following events: Check one: Computer Game & Simulation Programming Desktop Application Programming Digital Video Production Digital Design & Promotion E-business Web Site Design Provide the URL for E-business and Web Site Design—NO CHANGES may be made to the URL from February 18-March 22, 2015. Make sure the URL link is valid through the State Leadership Conference. District: Check One: FBLA School: Web site URL Address: (where appropriate) Member(s) Name: Local Chapter Contact Adviser’s Name: Daytime/Cell Number: E-mail: I/We, the undersigned, attest that the design, creation, and implementation of the event are the original work of the above chapter member(s). I/we agree that this event may be linked, promoted, and used in any way by Florida FBLA-PBL, Inc. for purposes of promoting the association. (Typed name is accepted for signature.) Name of Team Member Adviser’s Name Name of Team Member Name of Team Member Complete this Document Section for the Above Events (replaces Readme file): Software Used: Source of Information: Copyright Notations Instructions for Running Project: Template(s) Used (source) This form must be received by February 18, 2015. Send to Jody Jones, 38834 Alston Avenue, Zephyrhills, FL 33542. CAMPAIGNS, DISTRICT MEETINGS, AND VOTING PLEASE NOTE: Members and advisers are encouraged to listen to the candidates’ speeches very carefully and visit the campaign booths. FBLA Districts will be given an opportunity to meet as a district privately on Friday to discuss matters of District concern. Only current FBLA District Directors are permitted to reserve a room. Please e-mail Mrs. Jones at prior to February 18, 2015, if you wish to reserve a room for your district. Please give her the approximate number of individuals who will be attending the meeting. Please impress upon your voting delegates the importance of the role that they have been given. They play a major role in shaping the future of the entire organization. It is their responsibility to discuss the candidates with their members and make an educated decision on who will receive their votes. Individuals who have chosen to run for office have spent a great deal of time and money on their campaigns. They deserve respectful consideration. We look forward to each voting delegate fulfilling their responsibility by voting on Friday. FLORIDA FBLA-PBL CAMPAIGN RULES AND REGULATIONS THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS WILL BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. 1. All FBLA and PBL state officer candidates and FBLA candidates’ advisers will be required to sign a State Officers’ Agreement. This agreement must be submitted with the candidate application. 2. There shall be no campaigning inside or outside the candidate's district or the recruiting of campaign workers outside the district in which the candidate resides before passing the screening procedure at the State Leadership Conference. Official campaigning begins immediately following the SLC Opening General Session. It is against the rules and regulations for state officer candidates to mail district newsletters to other districts prior to the SLC when the newsletter contains state officer candidate information. 3. FBLA and PBL candidates for state office must agree that in case they later enroll in a school where there is no active FBLA or PBL chapter, they will charter one or resign the office within 60 days. PBL candidates also have the option of affiliating with a nearby chapter with the approval of the Board of Directors. 4. FBLA candidates for state office must agree that they will be enrolled in a business-related course throughout the term of office. PBL candidates for state office must agree that they have taken, are taking or will be enrolled in a business-related course in the current academic year. 5. Standard Operating Procedures: a. FBLA candidates must be accompanied to the state officer screening by their local chapter adviser or his/her adult school representative. PBL candidates may be accompanied to the screening by their local chapter adviser or they may provide a letter from the chapter adviser. It is strongly recommended that the campaign manager also attend this screening. b. Applicants may choose to run for another office for which they are qualified, up to 3 weeks prior to the SLC. Applicants must announce their intention to the state adviser in writing. d. Candidates may begin campaigning after completing the following: --filing official application by the due date --gaining official approval by the screening committee --getting all campaign materials approved REMEMBER--NO CAMPAIGNING MAY BEGIN UNTIL THE ADJOURNMENT OF THE FIRST GENERAL SESSION! 6. Candidates must submit the items below, if used in the formal campaign, to the state officer screening committee at the State Leadership Conference. Candidates are required to meet with the campaign material screening committee within the time frame designated. a. One each of their campaign items properly identified with the name of the candidate and office sought. b. A sample of all giveaway items. c. A copy of the candidate's speech. There are to be no deviations from this speech once it has been approved. d. Final copy of financial statement: Candidates may not spend or have received donated materials (at “wholesale” value) and/or money totaling more than $1,000 in the campaign for state office. Substantiated documentation for donations and receipts for all campaign materials must accompany the financial statement. Failure to submit these materials will result in a candidate disqualification. 7. The persons involved in a candidate's campaign shall be limited to current dues paid members in good standing. During the campaigning, all persons involved shall wear their official SLC name badges. 8. A portion of the First General Session is reserved for campaign speeches on behalf of candidates for state office. a. A lavaliere or detachable microphone will be provided for candidates to use who prefer not to stand behind a podium. b. Presidential candidates will be allowed a total of three (3) minutes for speeches. c. All other candidates will be limited to two (2) minutes for speeches. d. TIME LIMITS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Some type of loud device will be used and the person speaking must stop speaking when the device sounds. e. Demonstrations are restricted to the designated room where the campaign booths are located. No demonstrations are allowed during the Opening Session. f. No props may be used during the campaign speeches or caucuses. 9. Campaign booths (tables) will be provided at the conference. Booths will be open on the second day of the conference from early morning to late afternoon. Check the conference program for official times. a. Each state officer candidate will be provided: 1. One skirted table (approximately 3 x 6) 2. Two chairs b. Tables will be numbered. Candidates will draw numbers to determine which table is his/hers. c. Approved banners, posters, or any other promotional materials are to be displayed in the assigned area only. Items may not be pinned, taped, or tacked to walls, floors, ceilings, or furniture. d. The campaign booth is the only area where campaign materials may be dispersed or displayed. e. Helium balloons, noisemakers, monies, alcohol, tobacco, or items considered to be in poor taste will not be permitted. Items designed to be thrown (i.e., all types of balls) are not permitted. Items containing parts, which could cause injury, are not permitted. REMEMBER, ALL ITEMS TO BE DISTRIBUTED OR USED IN THE CAMPAIGN MUST BE APPROVED BY THE OFFICER SCREENING COMMITTEE. f. Neither state officer candidates nor their representative(s) will be permitted to host receptions, meals, etc., related to the campaign. Food items such as candy, cookies, etc., are permitted but must be in the manufacturer’s original packaging and may be dispensed at the campaign booth only. 10. Florida FBLA-PBL understands that new technologies, such as social media, have made it very easy to communicate with members outside of your local area. You are not allowed to mention state officer candidacy on your personal Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or any other social media networking page, blogs, etc., prior to the end of the opening session at the State Leadership Conference. If you are approved to run for state office, Florida FBLA-PBL will allow campaigning via the use of social media (limited to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram) and your chapter’s web site beginning immediately following the opening session of the State Leadership Conference. If you use these media, you must do so with the understanding/risk that these can be accessed by people outside of your chartered association, giving them an advantage in knowing their competition. Social networking pages need to be carefully monitored so as not to become a forum for debate on your candidacy. You are held accountable for the media that is front-facing on your social media accounts. This includes data that is obscured by privacy settings, but allowed to be viewed by “friends” or “followers”. Since many state officers accept members and advisers friend requests, it is imperative that any material posted is professional in nature. If you choose to use a web site or social media in your campaign you must follow these guidelines: A. Provide Florida FBLA-PBL with all urls for sites you will be using. Limited to: Facebook Page (not a personal page) Twitter Page Instagram Page Youtube Channel Website - Can be campaign or chapter website B. No campaigning will be allowed in any other social medium C. Only make the sites active at the end of the opening session of the State Leadership Conference. D. No social media posts time stamped before the closing of opening session of the State Leadership Conference will be allowed. E. Notify Florida FBLA-PBL if any digital paid media will be utilized and outline where ads will show (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), how much will be spent in each media, and sample ads/posts to be used. F. Close (remove) the sites at the end of the voting time at the State Leadership Conference. G. Agree to remove anything deemed inappropriate by the State Adviser, Board of Directors, or Campaign Coordinator. H. Set your privacy settings to “Public”. 10. No campaign materials of any kind will be permitted in the general sessions at the FBLA or PBL conferences. Any infraction of the rules and regulations as outlined in this document, will necessitate a meeting between the officer candidate, his/her chapter adviser, possibly the respective District Director, and the Board of Directors (sitting as the Grievance Committee) to resolve the infraction(s). Penalties (if deemed appropriate by a majority of the Board) shall be set by the Board and may include disqualification of the officer candidate. IMPORTANT NOTE!!!!! The Florida FBLA-PBL Dress Policy differs slightly from the national policy. Advisers are reminded that we follow the Florida policy at all Florida events. As always, this policy will be enforced at this year’s conference. The Florida FBLA-PBL Board of Directors revised our dress policy because of input from many of our chapter advisers. It is the board’s desire that Florida students are always the most professional that they can be. Please note that each member and adviser should be very aware of the entire dress policy (see page 20). The main differences from the national policy: Florida FBLA-PBL requires dress shoes for females must be closed—toe and heel. Florida FBLA-PBL requires that if females are going to wear business pants, they must also wear a business jacket. (a sweater does not count) Florida FBLA-PBL does not allow business shorts, gauchos, or capris. Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing the best-dressed business students in the nation at our State Leadership Conference! Student Name (PRINT)__________________________School ____________________________________ DELEGATE CONDUCT PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 1. The term "delegate" shall mean any FBLA member or adviser attending SLC. 2. There shall be no defacing of public property. Any damages to any property or furnishing in the resort rooms or conference center must be paid by the individual or chapter adviser responsible. 3. Delegates shall keep their adult advisers informed of their activities and whereabouts at all times. 4. Be prompt and prepared for all activities. Be financially prepared for all possibilities. 5. Out-of-town delegates will spend nights in the assigned hotel and in assigned rooms. Conference-area delegates not staying at the hotel shall be off the hotel property by 11 pm. 6. Dates shall be admitted to authorized activities only and permitted only between delegates. 7. No alcoholic beverages or narcotics in any form shall be possessed by delegates at any time, under any circumstances. 8. Resort rooms are bedrooms. Under no circumstances or at any time should students of opposite sex be in the same room. 9. No delegates shall leave the hotel (except for authorized events) unless permission has been received from the chapter adviser. 10. Delegates shall attend all general sessions and activities, including competitive events, committee meetings, etc., for which they are registered. 11. Identification badges will be worn at all times while in the hotel/convention center. 12. Delegates violating or ignoring any of the conduct rules will subject their entire delegation to being unseated and their candidates or competitive events contestants being disqualified. Individual delegates may be sent home immediately at their own expense. Curfew will be enforced. (Curfew means delegates will be in their assigned rooms.) 13. Grievance procedure: Any protest brought before the Board of Directors must be presented in writing and the person(s) bringing the charge must present the charge in person. Students involved must be accompanied by their advisers. 1. No visitors will be permitted to attend the conference or visit attendees while at the conference. 15. Only those FBLA members properly registered, may attend the conference. Student Signature Adviser Signature Advisers must bring these forms with them to the SLC. Copy this form as needed. Student Name (PRINT)__________________________School _________________________ FBLA-PBL PROFESSIONAL DRESS POLICY FOR ADVISERS, MEMBERS, AND GUESTS (Adopted by Florida July 2003, Revised 2009) FBLA-PBL members and advisers should develop an awareness of the image one’s appearance projects. The purpose of the dress policy is to uphold the professional image of the association and to prepare students for the business world. Acceptable attire is required for all attendees—advisers, members, and guests—at all general sessions, competitive events, meetings, workshops, and other activities unless otherwise stated in the conference program. MALES Business suit with collared dress shirt and necktie; or Sport coat, dress slacks, collared dress shirt, and necktie; or Dress slacks, collared dress shirt, and necktie. Dress shoes and dress socks are required. A banded collar shirt may be worn only if a sport coat or business suit is worn. FEMALES Business suit; or Business pantsuit (must include dress pants and dress jacket); or Business dress; or Skirt with blouse or sweater. Closed toe and closed heel business dress shoes are required. MALES AND FEMALES No jewelry in visible body piercing, other than ears, on men or women! ACCEPTABLE AWARDS PROGRAM ATTIRE Professional dress as listed above; or Semi-formal or formal attire UNACCEPTABLE ATTIRE INCLUDES: Denim, chambray, or flannel fabric clothing of any kind Overalls, shorts, skorts, gauchos, capris, stretch or stirrup pants, exercise or bike shorts Low-cut, backless, see-through, tight-fitting, spaghetti straps, or strapless blouses/tops/dresses Extremely short, tight-fitting, or see-through dresses/skirts Sandals, athletic shoes, industrial work shoes, hiking boots, over-the-knee boots, or bare feet Athletic wear, including sneakers and letterman jackets Hats Bolo ties Visible foundation garments New fashion trends may be in style but not necessarily appropriate. The best way to operate is to avoid walking the line. If there is a doubt, select something else to wear. Be a professional! I agree to abide by this dress code and realize that failure to do so may result in disqualification. ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Student Signature Adviser Signature Advisers must bring these forms with them to the SLC. Copy this form as needed. FBLA STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM/INVOICE DISTRICT # __________ RECEIVED DATE: February 18, 2015 School __________________________________ Adviser __________________________________ City ___________________ Total # of members in chapter ___________Phone __________________ E-mail _________________________________________ Fax __________________________ Adult responsible for secondary school students attending SLC: Name __________________________________ Relationship to Students: _____________________ Cell phone NOTE: A separate registration (available at Florida FBLA State Leadership Conference Registration) must be completed for each conference attendee. In addition to this form, the on-line registration, the school official certification form, and your check must be RECEIVED by February 18, 2015. Your registration will NOT be processed until all of these items are received. Return form to: Florida FBLA-PBL, Inc., P. O. Box 1106, Zephyrhills, FL 33539-1106. FBLA Student Members ________ x $55 = ________ (If received after February 18, multiply members times $65) Guests ________ x $25 = ________ (If received after February 18, multiply guests times $35) Make school check or money order payable to: Florida FBLA. Mail check and this form to the Florida FBLA office. Make two copies of completed form. Bring a copy of this form and a copy of the check to the registration desk at the conference. HOTEL RESERVATION FORM 2015 FLORIDA FBLA STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE March 19-22, 2015 Hilton Orlando 6001 Destination Parkway, Orlando, Florida 32819 Phone: 407-313-4300 Fax: 407-313-8487 EMAIL: SEND ALL FORMS “ATTENTION: Kendyl Bressant (Group Housing Coordinator) The Hilton Orlando must receive your form, complete rooming list with additional names and a form of guarantee or payment on or before February 18, 2015, to guarantee rooms availability. SCHOOL NAME__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_____________________________________________________ZIP ___________________________________________________ ADVISOR________________________________________________ EMAIL_________________________________________________ PHONE__________________________________________________ FAX ___________________________________________________ Arrival Date: __________________________________________ Departure Date: ______________________________________ # OF ROOMS DESIRED: _____________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Total Number of Rooms: ______ x Number of Nights: ______ x $169 (TAX EXEMPT) (Hilton Orlando) = $_____________ Total Number of Rooms: ______ x Number of Nights: ______ x $190.13 (12.5% TAXES) (Hilton Orlando) = $_____________ To qualify for state (state and tourist) Tax Exemption, you must provide the hotel with a copy of the tax Exemption Certificate. Advisers must pay with a check/credit card from the institution named on the tax Exemption Certificate. All others must pay the group rate plus 12.50% tax. This amount can be paid by cash, any major credit card or school check. No Personal Checks! Remember in order to guarantee your reservation(s), your credit card number or a one night’s room and tax/surcharge deposit is required by the hotel. HILTON ORLANDO will take an authorization on all credit cards 5 days prior to arrival. All checks should be made out to the HILTON ORLANDO. If the hotel is full, they will forward your reservations and the check to an overflow hotel. CREDIT CARD ______ CHECK ______ CC NUMBER: _________________________________________ CHECK NUMBER: _________ EXPIRATION DATE: __________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_______________________________ THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE HOTEL NO LATER THAN 2/18/15. A COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE FBLA OFFICE NO LATER THAN 2/18/15. Check-in Time is after 3:00PM; Check-out Time is 11:00AM. I have read and understand the above information. Signature & Date: ____________________________________________________________________________ FBLA SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS The procedures and requirements must be followed completely! All incomplete application packets will be disqualified without review. FBLA BUSINESS THROUGH EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: * * * * * High School Senior Member of Florida FBLA for a minimum of two years Top 20 percent of graduating class (be sure that your transcript shows class rank) Full time Florida Resident Must apply scholarship to a post-secondary institution in the state of Florida A complete application includes: 1. A cover page stating name, social security number, birth date, address, phone, high school, adviser’s name, and name of scholarship. 2. Two letters of recommendation: one from a peer in Florida FBLA and one from a teacher, administrator, counselor, or employer. 3. An essay, of no more than 500 words, describing FBLA and its effect on your development and education. 4. An autobiographical essay, creatively done, of no more than 500 words. 5. An official transcript that must include ACT or SAT scores and class rank. 6. A resume including FBLA awards, offices, and achievements (limit of 2 pages). BEAU SCHENECKER LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP: The Calyx and Beau Schenecker Memorial Fund/Community Foundation of Tampa Bay awards two $2500 leadership scholarships in honor of Beau Schenecker, former member of FBLA. As a member of FBLA he was an example of teamwork and sportsmanship. He and his sister, Calyx, were murdered on January 28, 2011. * * * * * High school graduating seniors that plan to attend a post-secondary institution. Current FBLA chapter officer A former member of FBLA Middle Level. A record of school and community involvement, leadership, and good character. 3.0 GPA A complete application includes: 1 . Original application (pages 24 and 25 of this packet) 2 . An official transcript. 3 . Essay of no more than 1000 words. Use this as a checklist to ensure that you have included all of the required documentation for this scholarship. A complete application must include the following items in sequential order and be stapled together. 1. ORIGINAL APPLICATION FORM--Typed, Arial, 10 points 2. TRANSCRIPT/GPA--GPA of 3.00 or above, must be a graduating high school senior 3. ESSAY--Your essay should consist of no more than 1000 words, typed, double spaced, Arial, 12 points, and answer the following questions: 1. Why it is important for you to receive this scholarship? 2. What is something about you that makes you stand out from your peers? 3. How FBLA has impacted your life? 4. How do you define Leadership? 5. Looking at a personal hero, how have you worked in your life to be an example of a leader? 4. PERSONAL REFERENCES/RECOMMENDATION LETTERS Two (2) letters are required: One recommendation letter must be from an FBLA Adviser One recommendation letter must be from a community member (non-relative) such as employer, neighbor, etc. These scholarships are for one year. The scholarships will be paid as reimbursement of tuition. Applicants' packets must be RECEIVED by February 18, 2015. Mail application packet to: Mrs. Jody A. Jones, 38834 Alston Avenue, Zephyrhills, FL 33542. BEAU SCHENECKER LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP 2014-2015 APPLICATION FORM ALL AREAS MUST BE COMPLETE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SCHOLARSHIP--PLEASE TYPE Student Name: Mailing Address: Home Phone Number: Birth date: E-Mail Address: School Currently Attending: Grade Level: Which post-secondary institution do you plan to attend? Attach letter of acceptance. Intended major: Are you currently employed? Yes No If so, where? Grade Point Average (GPA): State Unweighted District Weighted ACT Composite Score SAT Score LIST ALL FBLA OFFICER POSITIONS BELOW INCLUDING MIDDLE LEVEL (add more rows if necessary): Office Dates School Adviser Phone Number Hours Volunteered LIST ALL COMMUNITY SERVICE BELOW: Organization Name Contact Person LIST All CLUBS (other than FBLA), PROGRAMS, SPORTS, AND HOBBIES BELOW: Clubs Programs Sports Hobbies LIST ALL AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS BELOW: Awards & Achievements Year Received Statement of Accuracy I hereby affirm that all of the above stated information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the criteria of the scholarship that I am applying for. I understand that this application only makes me eligible for consideration in the selection process. I further agree to give permission to have my transcripts and test scores attached to my application. Should I be selected as a scholarship recipient, I agree that a copy of my application may be given to the scholarship donor. My name and photograph may be publicized as a scholarship recipient. I hereby understand that if chosen as a scholarship winner I must be present at the FBLA Leadership Awards Conference in the spring to receive my scholarship award. Applicant’s Signature Date Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature (If under 18 years of age) ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 18, 2015. Date FLORIDA CHAPTER FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA ADVISER HALL OF FAME PURPOSE: To recognize outstanding advisers who have dedicated their lives and careers to benefit the lives of their students through their involvement with the Future Business Leaders of America. QUALIFICATIONS: Advisers must have a minimum of 100 points based on the scale below and not have been recognized at a previous SLC for this award. SCALE: 1) Years as an FBLA sponsor 5 points per year 2) Number of district officers 2 points per officer ______ 3) Number of state officers 5 points per officer ______ 4) Number of national officers 10 points per officer ______ 5) Years served as district director 10 points per year ______ 6) Years served on Board of Directors 10 points per year ______ 7) Number of State Leadership Conferences attended 2 points per year ______ 8) Number of State Fall Conferences attended 2 points per year ______ 9) Number of National Fall Conferences attended 2 points per year ______ 10) Number of National Leadership Conferences attended 2 points per year ______ 11) Number of years participating in state and national projects 2 points per year ______ TOTAL Name __________________________________ ______ ____________ School ___________________________________ Please complete this form and return it with your SLC registration, received by February 18, 2015. STATE AND NATIONAL PROJECT PARTICIPATION If your chapter has participated in the state and national projects listed below, please complete this form and return it with your conference registration, received by February 18, 2015. DISTRICT __________ SCHOOL _______________________________________ ADVISER ____________________________________ NUMBER OF MEMBERS _______ BAA or MAP (students who have completed the BAA Leader level or MAP Enterprise level): Students: Level Achieved: _______________________________________________ ________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________ MARCH OF DIMES: Activity and date: Amount Raised (if applicable): _______________________________________________ ________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________ TOTAL AMOUNT RAISED ________________________ FEED THE FOUNDATION: TOTAL AMOUNT RAISED ________________________ Chapters that submit this form by February 18, 2015, will be recognized with awards for these projects! FLORIDA FBLA SCHOOL OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION The following events have special limitations, either on grade or related classes taken. Please make sure your students meet the requirements to be eligible to compete in these events. ALL chapters must complete this form, even if you do not have a student in any of these events! MIDDLE LEVEL EVENTS Business Math, Career Exploration, Computer Slide Show, Desktop, FBLA Principles & Procedures, Intro. to Computers, Keyboarding, Leadership/Parliamentary Procedure, Intro. to Business Communication, Public Speaking, Spreadsheet, Web Page HIGH SCHOOL EVENTS Accounting I, Business Math, FBLA Principles and Procedures, Introduction to Business, Introduction to Business Communication, Introduction to Information Technology, Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure, and Public Speaking I. CONTESTANT’S NAME EVENT __________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ I certify, to the best of my knowledge, the above individual(s) meet(s) the eligibility requirements for the specified event(s). SCHOOL ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ FBLA Chapter Adviser ____________________________________ School Administrator This form must be included with your conference registration. FLORIDA FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA STATE CONFERENCE CHECKLIST Please be sure that you have completed all of the following: _____ The hotel registration form has been completed and a copy has been made for your records. _____ A check for at least the first night’s rent has been written to the Hilton Orlando. _____ A copy of the hotel registration form and the check have been made to include with the conference registration that will be mailed to the FBLA state office. _____ The hotel registration form and the check have been sent to the Hilton Orlando, 6001 Destination Parkway, Orlando, Florida 32819, received by February 18, 2015. _____ Conference registration has been completed online at Florida FBLA State Leadership Conference Registration and registration form has been completed _____ A check for conference registration has been written to Florida FBLA. _____ All chapters must complete the Florida FBLA School Official Certification Form (Page 28 of this packet) and return it with their conference registration form and check. _____ If your chapter has participated in the state and/or national projects, complete the state and national project form and return it with your conference registration. _____ The check to Florida FBLA, one copy of the conference registration form, the Florida FBLA School Official Certification, and one copy of the hotel registration form and check are mailed to Florida FBLA, P. O. Box 1106, Zephyrhills, FL 33539-1106, RECEIVED no later than February 18, 2015. _____ A copy of the conference and hotel registration forms and checks are placed in a file to bring to the State Conference Registration Desk. _____ If you are running a student for state office, a copy of the state officer candidate form has been completed and mailed to Florida FBLA, P. O. Box 1106, Zephyrhills, FL 33539-1106. This form must be received by February 18, 2015. _____ If you have an entry in any of the following events: American Enterprise Project, Business Ethics, Business Financial Plan, Business Plan, Community Service Project, Computer Game and Simulation Programming, Desktop Application Programming, Desktop Publishing, Digital Design and Application, Digital Video, E-Business, Electronic Career Portfolio, Future Business Leader Event, Job Interview Event, Local Chapter Annual Business Report, Local Recruitment of Charters, ML Computer Slide Show, ML Web Page Creation, Partnership With Business Project, Web Site Design, Who's Who In FBLA, complete the Project/Manual/Interview Entry form and mail form and entry to Jody Jones, 38834 Alston Avenue, Zephyrhills, FL 33542. The form and materials must be RECEIVED by February 18, 2015. _____ If you have an entry in any of the following events: Digital Video, E-Business, Electronic Career Portfolio, Mobile Application Development, or Web Site Design, the Event Guideline Acknowledgement form must be sent to Jody Jones, 38834 Alston Avenue, Zephyrhills, FL 33542, and be received by February 18, 2015. _____ If you have an entry in any of the following events: Digital Video, E-Business, Mobile Application Development, or Web Site Design, the Statement of Assurance form must be sent to Jody Jones, 38834 Alston Avenue, Zephyrhills, FL 33542, and be received by February 18, 2015. _____ If you have a student who wishes to apply for the FBLA Scholarships, the application must be RECEIVED by February 18, 2015. Mail to Mrs. Jody Jones, 38834 Alston Avenue, Zephyrhills, FL 33542. _____ Bring a copy of all paperwork (including alphabetized, signed conduct and dress code forms) with you to the conference registration desk at the conference. SEND AN SLC GRAM 2015 SLC Program Classified Ad Copy Sign me up…I have a special message to send to my adviser, teacher, friend, child, or competitor. Please have my ad read: Ad placed by: Phone number/e-mail This coupon must be received by February 18, 2015, with a check or money order in the amount of $10 payable to: Florida FBLA-PBL P. O. Box 1106 Zephyrhills, FL 33539-1106 Your ad will run in the FBLA State Conference Program. Please remember that no ad may contain information relating to campaigns or selling products/services. Text only; pictures and/or logos are not accepted. SERVE AS A CYBIS COMMUNICATIONS INTERN Cybis Communications is a media production company based in Orlando, Florida. This spring, they are offering the Cybis Production Internship as an opportunity for one Florida FBLA member to participate in the many aspects of live event production. Cybis will produce the general sessions at the 2015 SLC. Together, Florida FBLA and Cybis will create everything from the audio and video elements to the stage and lighting design. The student selected for the Cybis Production Internship will have the opportunity to use his or her skills to help produce a powerful live event and benefit from hands-on experience. Please visit Deadline: February 18, 2015! for more details and online application. Interested in singing the national anthem at our conference?????? Florida FBLA is looking for one member to sing the national anthem at the 2015 State Leadership Conference. If you sing or know someone who would like to perform the national anthem, make a demo CD or MP3 and send to or: Jeff Douglass Cybis Communications Corporation 36 East Jackson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 All auditions must be received by February 18, 2015. Please include your name, school, email address, phone number, adviser’s name, and adviser’s email address. Team Cybis will review and notify all applicants via email. Audition CDs will not be returned. FLORIDA STATE FBLA/PBL OFFICER APPLICATION (must be completed by individuals seeking any Florida FBLA-PBL state officer position—including Parliamentarian) Each prospective candidate must complete this form and mail it to the state office by date specified in the State Leadership Conference Registration Packet. Resume including qualifications for office (not to exceed two pages); Letter of recommendation from your local chapter adviser, Letter of recommendation from your school administrator; A copy of the student's current transcript, and Completed Officer Application Forms including: - Applicant Fact Sheet - Applicant Autobiography (signed by applicant and parent if applicable) - Candidate Statement - Candidate Writing Assignment - Commitment Statement (signed by applicant, adviser, school administrator) - Certification (signed by applicant, parent if applicable, local adviser, and school administrator) - Financial Statement APPLICANT FACT SHEET Office Sought ________________________________________________________________ FBLA PBL II. Applicant Information Name __________________________________________________________ FBLA/PBL Chapter _______________________________________________ Home Address ___________________________________________________ City ____________________________State ________ Zip _______________ Home Phone _________________ E-mail _____________________________ School Class for next school year: Sophomore Junior Senior GPA _______________________________ Polo Shirt Size _______________________ III. Parent/Guardian Information (Required for Applicants 18 years, or younger) Name(s) ________________________________________________________ Place(s) of Employment ___________________________________________ Work Number(s) _________________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________ IV. Adviser Information Name(s) _______________________________________________________ Home Address __________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ________ Zip __________ Home Phone __________________ Work Phone ______________________ Email _______________________ APPLICANT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Name ________________________________ Nickname ________________________ Birthday ______________________________ Number of Years in FBLA _____ PBL ______ (Attach a separate sheet if necessary-- This form may be recreated on your computer) FBLA/PBL Offices Held & Term of Office: Business Courses Taken or Currently Enrolled: Awards & Honors: Special Recognition & Achievement: Interests & Hobbies: Leadership Positions Held: Career Goals/Aspirations Other Items of Interest about You: CANDIDATE STATEMENT Name _____________________________________________________________________ Office Seeking ______________________________________________________________ CANDIDATE STATEMENT Please include a Candidate Statement (300 words or less). The statement is your opportunity to share with the Officer Screening Committee why you are qualified to be a state leader, what you hope to accomplish in your position, and other information that would encourage delegates to vote for you. This form may be recreated on your computer. CANDIDATE WRITING ASSIGNMENT Directions: As a state officer, one of the most important forms of communication you will utilize is writing. Through thoughtful deliberation, creativity, and brief powerful statements, your writing can inform and inspire members to action! The Candidate Writing Assignment is your opportunity to demonstrate writing proficiency while “informing” the Officer Screening Committee about yourself and “inspiring” them to approve you as a candidate for FBLA-PBL state office. This form may be recreated on your computer. I. Why are you a member of FBLA-PBL? II. Explain the reasons you want to be a state officer for Florida FBLA-PBL. III. Describe the one aspect of FBLA-PBL that has had the greatest impact on you personally. IV. Tell about the most rewarding or challenging FBLA-PBL leadership situation you have faced. Describe how you handled the situation and the lessons that you learned that you could apply to the future. V. If you were elected as a state officer, what would you like to accomplish first? VI. Describe the other priorities you would pursue as a state officer. VII. Serving as a state officer is a major commitment of time, energy, and resources. Describe the arrangements you have made to ensure you can dedicate adequate levels of each if elected. VIII. Discuss your personal goals and plans. Where do you want to be 5 years from now? How will service as a state officer help you achieve these goals? COMMITMENT STATEMENTS Name ________________________________________________________________ Office Seeking _________________________________________________________ Directions: Serving as a successful FBLA-PBL state officer is a unique commitment that requires a strong partnership between the officer, the adviser, and school officials. This form is to be completed and signed by each party. Applicant If elected to serve FBLA-PBL as a member of the State Officer Team I agree to: Place an “x” in each box and sign Remain committed to my education and family obligations Make FBLA-PBL state service my top priority after my education and family responsibilities Follow the FBLA-PBL Handbook rules, guidelines, and responsibilities Cooperate with my school, adviser, local chapter, state chapter, and national association throughout the year Attend all required meetings, activities, and events Perform all assigned officer responsibilities Keep my school administration, local adviser, and state adviser informed of all activities Maintain the highest degree of personal honor, integrity, and ethics Signature _____________________________________________________________ Chapter Adviser If _____________________________ is elected to FBLA-PBL state office, I agree to: Place an “x” in each box and sign Support this officer if he/she is elected Ensure that all school policies regarding travel and absences are communicated to the State Adviser and that they are followed Ensure that school officials are appropriately informed of officer activities Assist the officer in making appropriate travel arrangements Monitor the officer’s academic program and communicate potential challenges to the State Adviser Assist the officer with the successful performance of his/her duties and responsibilities Communicate with FBLA-PBL State Adviser regarding any officer performance issues Signature ___________________________________________________________ School Administrator (required for all FBLA candidates and for any PBL applicant under the age of 18) If _____________________________ is elected to FBLA-PBL state office, I agree to: Place an “x” in each box and sign Support this officer if he/she is elected Support the adviser’s role throughout the year and attendance at required events Enable the officer to attend events required of a state officer The State Office does not provide for funding for local advisers to accompany state officers on their official assignments. Only state officer expenses are funded. Signature ______________________ Title/Position___________________________ CERTIFICATION FORM Certification by State Officer Applicant and Parent/Guardian (where applicable) I agree to adhere to the State Office Candidate rules and regulations outlined in the Candidate Guide and Florida FBLA-PBL Bylaws. I have read and fully understand the State Leadership Conference "Delegate Conduct Practices and Procedures" and "Dress Code" and agree to comply with these conduct guidelines. In addition, I have read Articles IV & V of the FBLA Section of the Official State Handbook and understand what is expected of an FBLA State Officer. I am aware of the guidelines established for managing a campaign. Furthermore, I am aware of the consequences that will result from violation of any of the Conference guidelines. The information presented in this application is true and my own work. Applicant Signature __________________________________ Date _________________ As the parent/guardian to _________________________________________, I agree to support his/her candidacy and, if elected, term as an FBLA-PBL state officer. Parent Signature __________________________________ Date _________________ Certification by Local Chapter Adviser (required) The credentials for __________________________________________ are included in this application. The applicant meets the qualifications for the office indicated. If elected, he/she will receive the full support of the school, chapter, and adviser in the execution of the duties of this office. Adviser Signature __________________________________ Date _________________ Certification by School Administrator (required) To the best of my knowledge, ________________________________________ meets the qualifications for the office sought. We endorse and support his/her application and will support him/her in the execution of the duties required of a state officer. School Administrator's Signature ________________________ Date _________________ Title/Position _______________________________________ FBLA CANDIDATES MUST ATTACH A COPY OF THE SCHOOL'S CHAPERONAGE POLICY. This form must be received by the date specified in the State Leadership Conference Registration Packet: Florida FBLA-PBL, P. O. Box 1106, Zephyrhills, FL 33539-1106. FLORIDA FBLA STATE OFFICERS 2015-16 AGREEMENT I, ___________________________________________ if elected to the office of 2015-16 state ___________________________, agree to all of the following state officer duties and responsibilities. I acknowledge that failure to fulfill these specific items will result in removal from office. SECTION ONE I will follow the State Officer Code of Conduct as it appears in the Florida FBLA-PBL State Handbook which reads: State officers of Florida FBLA and PBL shall: *at all times show respect for the rights of others; *speak moderately, behave conservatively and avoid undesirable language; *keep personal opinions separate from FBLA-PBL policies and goals; *be at appointed places on time; *observe all rules and regulations of meetings and conferences; *set an example for others in conduct, dress, and professional behavior; *take pride in what they and the organization are doing; *abide by the FBLA-PBL code of ethics as it appears in the Florida FBLA-PBL Handbook, and *follow the delegate code of conduct (below) at all official functions. State officers of Florida FBLA and PBL shall not: *campaign for any state or national officer candidates at the State Leadership Conference; *use profanity or obscene and abusive language or gestures in the presence of fellow members or advisers; *participate in or encourage any activity that is disruptive to the general peace and welfare of the organization; *discriminate against any other member, adviser, volunteer, or any other persons involved with the organization; or *participate in a walkout, sit-in, strike, or other action which is disruptive to the functioning of the organization. Delegate Code of Conduct The following code of conduct is required of all members attending any conferences, workshops, camps, etc., sponsored by the organization: *Be prompt and prepared for all activities. Be financially prepared for all possibilities. *Keep advisers informed of activities and whereabouts at all times. *Spend nights in the assigned room. *Attend all general sessions and activities for which they are registered and be on time for said events. *Wear identification badges at all times. *Leave the conference site only with the permission of the chapter adviser. *Members under the age of 18 will not drive to any state sponsored function. *Respect all public and private property of the conference site. *Observe the proper dress code at all times. *Students will not entertain members of the opposite sex in their room; nor shall they go into a room of a member of the opposite sex without leaving the door open and having the permission of the chapter adviser. *Alcoholic beverages and narcotics in any form are prohibited. *Visitors are not permitted to attend the conference or visit attendees while at the conference. *Dates shall be admitted to authorized activities only and permitted only between delegates. SECTION TWO I will participate/attend all of the following conference/meetings unless excused by the State Adviser team prior to the conference/meeting. Dates are tentative and subject to change. Pre-NLC State Officer Training Florida Fall Conference (President) Board of Directors Meeting Tallahassee Trip Fall or Spring Activity Day State Leadership Conference May May October or November January February TBA March or April Officers must be aware that the state organization will pay a limited amount for travel, food, and lodging for these activities. The following is the State Officer Reimbursement adopted by the Board: State Leadership Conference All officers will be provided with complimentary registration. All hotel room expenses will be provided. Officers will be reimbursed for any meal that is not provided. Meals will be reimbursed as follows: $6 for breakfast, $11 for lunch, $19 for dinner. The state will reimburse for gas if receipts are provided. Fall Leadership Conference All officers will be provided with complimentary registration. All hotel room expenses will be provided. Officers will be reimbursed for any meal that is not provided. Meals will be reimbursed as follows: $6 for breakfast, $11 for lunch, $19 for dinner. The state will reimburse for gas if receipts are provided. National Leadership Conference The state presidents will be allocated $200 each. All other officers who can attend will be reimbursed for early conference registration. National Fall Leadership Conference The state presidents will be allocated $200 each. Clothing Upon providing receipts each officer will be reimbursed up to $200 to use toward the purchase of “uniform.” ____________________________________________________ Candidate Signature ____________ Date ____________________________________________________ Parent Signature ____________ Date ____________________________________________________ Adviser Signature ____________ Date This form must be included with the officer application form and received by the date specified in the SLC registration packet! Any questions or concerns regarding these guidelines should be addressed before the campaigning and elections take place.