Pre-APNewspaper Project: Julius Caesar Teacher Name: Mrs. Ferguson Student Name: ________________________________________ 4 3 2 1 Headlines: Death of Caesar *Clear central idea *Clear, specific supporting details *Clear organization, appropriate for purpose *Clear central idea *Focused *Point of view may shift *May be repetitive *Central idea may not be clear *May not be focused *May have more than one idea *Weak progression *No elaboration *Unclear *May have central idea, but little else *No elaboration *Focus shifts *Random organization Obituary Page *Clear central idea *Clear, specific supporting details *Clear organization, appropriate for purpose *Clear central idea *Focused *Point of view may shift *May be repetitive *Central idea may not be clear *May not be focused *May have more than one idea *Weak progression *No elaboration *Unclear *May have central idea, but little else *No elaboration *Focus shifts *Random organization Interview with Brutus *Clear central idea *Clear, specific supporting details *Clear organization, appropriate for purpose *Clear central idea *Focused *Point of view may shift *May be repetitive *Central idea may not be clear *May not be focused *May have more than one idea *Weak progression *No elaboration *Unclear *May have central idea, but little else *No elaboration *Focus shifts *Random organization Interview with Antony *Clear central idea *Clear, specific supporting details *Clear organization, appropriate for purpose *Clear central idea *Focused *Point of view may shift *May be repetitive *Central idea may not be clear *May not be focused *May have more thanone idea *Weak progression *No elaboration *Unclear *May have central idea, but little else *No elaboration *Focus shifts *Random organization Interview of choice *Clear central idea *Clear, specific supporting details *Clear organization, appropriate for purpose *Clear central idea *Focused *Point of view may shift *May be repetitive *Central idea may not be clear *May not be focused *May have more than one idea *Weak progression *No elaboration *Unclear *May have central idea, but little else *No elaboration *Focus shifts *Random organization Cartoons Cartoon choice is appealing and clearly related to Roman humor. Cartoon choice is appealing and mostly related to Roman humor. Cartoon choice is somewhat appealing and partially related to Roman humor. Cartoon choice is not appealing and does not relate to Roman humor. CATEGORY Total Points Crossword Puzzle Crosswood Puzzle is Crossword Puzzle is Crossword Puzzle is Crossword is poorly neatly organized and relates to drama terms terms or events in Caesar or Roman history. mostly organized and relates to drama terms or events in Caesar or Roman history. somewhat organized and partially relates to drama terms or events in Caesar or Roman history. organized and does not relate to drama terms, events in Caesar or Roman history. *Clear central idea *Clear, specific supporting details *Clear organization, appropriate for purpose *Clear central idea *Focused *Point of view may shift *May be repetitive *Central idea may not be clear *May not be focused *May have more than one idea *Weak progression *No elaboration *Unclear *May have central idea, but little else *No elaboration *Focus shifts *Random organization Recipe section is appealing and appealing and clearly relates to the mostly relates to the Italian diet. Italian diet. Recipe section is somewhat appealing and partially relates to the Italian diet. Recipe section is not appealing and does not relate to the Italian diet. Article of Choice *Clear central idea *Clear, specific supporting details *Clear organization, appropriate for purpose *Clear central idea *Focused *Point of view may shift *May be repetitive *Central idea may not be clear *May not be focused *May have more than one idea *Weak progression *No elaboration *Unclear *May have central idea, but little else *No elaboration *Focus shifts *Random organization Layout Headlines & Captions All articles have headlines that capture the reader's attention and accurately describe the content. All articles have headlines that accurately describe the content. Most articles have headlines that accurately describe the content. Many articles do not have adequate headlines Useage *Standard inflections *Agreement *Word meaning *Conventions All features are handled well Enough errors in Significant one or more weakness shown in features to conclude several features control is not consistent Many errors Reading and understanding are impeded Mechanics *Capitalization *Punctuation *Formatting *Spelling All features are handled well Some errors in one Many errors across or more features all features may be present, but control is reasonable Serious errors across all features Sports Page Cooking/Recipe(s) Recipe section is Total Score