Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 1. TITLE: URBAN MOBILE EMISSIONS (UMESAM) IN SOUTH AMERICAN MEGA Bogotá CITIES Rio do Janeiro São Paulo Lima Buenos Aires Santiago InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) SGPII August 18 2003 August 2003 1 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The main goal of the present proposal is to promote the development of new collaborative research in the Americas, able to connect local air quality initiatives and global change issues, among IAI member countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and the United States of America). This research will focus on two work packages: (a) a methodology to estimate urban emissions from mobile sources, and (b) inverse modeling techniques both on the regional and local (city by city) scales. Vehicle activity and technology distribution will be measured in representative South American cities and integrated into the International Vehicle Emissions (IVE) model, including criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases. Once a regional inventory for mobile sources is completed, it will be evaluated by inverse modeling techniques in order to reduce its uncertainties. Carbon monoxide (CO) observations will be used as a constraint to evaluate emission inventories from traffic activity. The proposed network is expected to expand its scope to other pollutants, including greenhouse gases, and the establishment of coordinated regional networks of observations, which are all functional to the consolidation of Earth System Modeling tools for a better basis on atmospheric chemistry and climate research, and the establishment of long-term sustainable policies. 3. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES 3.1. Introduction In 1950, the only city in South America with a population over 5 million inhabitants was Buenos Aires. By year 2000, six cities in this continent exceeded this number: Bogotá (7 millions), Buenos Aires (12 millions), Lima (7 millions), Rio de Janeiro (11 millions), Santiago (6 millions) and Sao Paulo (18 millions), gathering 75% of the region’s population (UNPOP, 2003). This poses severe environmental problems (including air pollution) that have received increasing attention by decision makers and the local scientific communities. However, the efforts developed by these communities have been largely decoupled from those undertaken at the global scale, being Brazil and the Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA, Avvisar et al, 2002) the single and largest exception in South America. Thus, on the one hand, enormous changes, which may have long-reaching impacts, are taking place in South America, particularly in urban areas, and on the other hand, there is a need for linking local air quality management initiatives and regional and global Earth System Modeling research. Atmospheric science, particularly atmospheric chemistry, and air quality management are topics that are receiving increasing attention from policy makers and scientific communities in South America. Typically the research and management initiatives have been triggered by severe air pollution problems as those daily experienced by the inhabitants of our mega cities. Therefore, the accent of these activities has been put on short-term and local scale analyses designed to deal with acute problems, i.e., extreme pollution events, and little attention has been paid to long-term, large-scale effects. The appalling lack of regional August 2003 2 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities scale atmospheric chemistry monitoring networks in most areas of South America is a consequence of this. However, the situation is slowly starting to change. As the attainment objectives become more ambitious (e.g., long-term air quality standards for dealing with accumulative or versus short-term air quality standards for dealing with acute effects) and the need of cost-effective measures and tools increases, decision-makers have looked for cooperative efforts as those reflected in the Clean Air Initiative for Latin American cities (WB, 2003). Also, scientists dealing with global issues have emphasized the role of mega cities in our changing atmosphere, including pragmatic approaches at those referred to connect global and urban scale monitoring networks (e.g., GOURMET, 2003). Hence, a research network as the one proposed here, with representatives from all major mega cities in the continent will be complementary to the efforts already undertaken. Rephrasing IGAC’s science plan, to be able to answer questions such as “What is the role of atmospheric chemistry in amplifying or damping climate change?”, we need to know within the Earth System, what effects do changing regional emissions and depositions, long-range transport, and chemical transformations have on air quality and the chemical composition of the planetary boundary layer. Air quality degradation is an outstanding and typically visible problem in large urban areas, where industrial and transportation sources, energy consumption and other pollutant emission drivers converge. Air pollution, on its multiple space and time scales, is determined by a suite of intricate factors, among others human behavior on individual and societal scales. Therefore, like any other environmental issue, dealing with air pollution requires of a systemic approach in which suites of tools ranging over a broad span of disciplines and considerations are applied. This is expressed in nowadays science plans, particularly that of the atmospheric project, IGAC (e.g., IGAC, 2003), within the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP). A concrete expression of this is found in the Mexico City Integrated Program on Urban, Regional and Global Air Pollution lead by the Nobel laureate Mario Molina (e.g., Molina and Molina, 2001, 2002). Mobile sources constitute a major environmental problem in South American mega cities around which several activities are ongoing already (WB, 2003). Mobile sources are the largest CO emitters in mega cities. CO shows a relatively slow chemical turnover time and it is therefore a criteria pollutant that is regularly monitored in many cities. CO will be used as a constraint to evaluate urban emissions inventories. We intend to provide new emissions inventories not only for CO but also for greenhouse gases and aerosols emitted by transportation sources. These emissions estimates will be made available for use in air quality and climate modeling. We will implement a comparable methodology to estimate emissions for urban mobile sources in South American cities. Vehicle activity and technology distribution will be measured in representative South American cities and integrated into the International Vehicle Emissions model (IVE, http://www.epa.gov/oia/airandclimate/capbuild/ive.html). In addition, where available the new inventories will be compared with other local and regional inventories built upon bottom-up techniques and with global inventories (e.g., GEIA for natural sources (http://geiacenter.org/), EDGAR for anthropogenic sources (http://arch.rivm.nl/env/int/coredata/edgar/), etc.). August 2003 3 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities In this work, we emphasize the coupling between three key tools for integrated studies on air pollution and global change in South America, namely pollutants emissions inventories, local and regional air quality modeling and pollutants levels monitoring. The coupling will be established with inventory evaluation via inverse modeling using observations as constraints. Inverse modeling and data assimilation appear as growing research tools within the atmospheric chemistry community (e.g., Granier et al, 2003). In the next years, a growing number of observations of tropospheric chemical species will become available from both in-situ and remote platforms (EOS/Terra, Aqua, ENVISAT). This is expected to result in a better bracketing of the strength and location of emissions of relevant compounds, in the optimization of the design of monitoring networks, in a better quantification of model parameters errors and modeled sensitivities, and in the overall improvements of the ability of available three-dimensional chemistry transport models (3-D CTMs) to reproduce and predict the real atmospheric state and evolution. Once a regional inventory is completed, it will be evaluated applying the method of the adjoint, i.e., four-dimensional variational data assimilation method (4D-var) which iteratively minimizes the misfit between modeled and observed data by adjusting the emissions parameters (e.g., Elbern et al, 2000). Hereby we propose a pilot activity that would promote the integration of local and global scientific communities via international networking, under the auspices of the IAI, around the establishment of methodologies to implement and evaluate emission inventories for urban mobile sources. 3.2. Objectives a) General To establish an international network of scientists able to connect local air quality initiatives and global environmental change research in South America. To provide a common and comparable methodology that combines bottom-up and top-down inventory building techniques and that can be readily applied in South American cities for estimating, as a first and triggering step, emission inventories for mobile sources. To reduce the uncertainties in emissions inventories of several major pollutants, including CO, NOx, particulate matter and GHGs, at both continental and urban scales, instrumental to air quality and climate modeling. b) Specific To review and compile existing methodologies for estimating emissions of pollutants including greenhouse gases produced by mobile sources at urban regions and their application in developing countries. To identify and test in a few South American cities (e.g., Santiago, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires) a common and comparable methodology that combines bottom-up and top-down techniques. August 2003 4 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 4. To evaluate city-by-city inventories by means of inverse modeling techniques, using available CO observations as constraints for a subset of South American cities where such measurements are regularly made. To explore the use of the identified methodologies for building and evaluating an inventory of mobile source emissions for the continent as a whole, considering both in-situ and remote observations of CO. APPROACH To attain the proposed objectives we will develop activities within three main groups: Methodology review, selection and implementation Inventory building Modeling and evaluation In addition, there will be workshops, short-term visits of researchers and students, a conference and reports and publications. These activities will be partially financed via in-kind contributions from ongoing projects. 4.1. Methodology review, selection and implementation a) Emission estimates i) Review of existing methodologies for estimating emissions of local pollutants and GHG produced by mobile sources at urban regions and their application in developing countries; ii) Application of above methodologies to a complex case study: Urban Transport Planning for Santiago (Plan de Transporte Urbano de Santiago, PTUS); iii) Local measurements of traffic activity and estimation of both greenhouse gases (GHG) and local pollutant emissions for two Latin American cities (e.g., Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo); iv) Analysis of urban air pollution arising from mobile sources and the effectiveness of different policy initiatives aimed at their control and abatement. b) Inverse modeling i) We will review different inverse modeling techniques useful for the optimization of emission inventories for mobile sources at the urban scale using observations of carbon monoxide as constraints. The idea is to identify a suitable technique for our cities and to point out the advantages and disadvantages of such technique. ii) Similarly, a review of techniques will be made for the continental scale with emphasis on the inclusion of both in situ and remotely sensed observations. iii) Based on the reviews and previous experience, a suitable methodology will be selected iv) The methodology will be implemented in available regional dispersion models 4.2. Modeling and evaluation i. Compilation of observations in data base compatible with modeling requirements August 2003 5 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities ii. Forward and backward simulations of CO dispersion for Santiago de Chile (See details in 8.2 b) iii. Forward and backward simulations of CO dispersion for a mega city with sufficient in situ CO measurements, possibly Sao Paulo iv. Simulations at the continental scale with emphasis in the intercomparison of available models and validation against in situ and remote measurements a) Networking and capacity building i) Visits and small workshops Modeling workshop in March 29-30-31 2004 in Chile. A small modeling workshop will be organized in Chile where ongoing modeling activities will be reviewed and coordinated. One day will be devoted to training in inverse modeling. In this meeting will participate the modeling groups in Brazil and Chile, including students, plus at least one representative, preferably students, from Argentina, Colombia and Peru. Modeling workshop in November 8-9-10 2004 in Brazil. A modeling workshop will be organized in Brazil where the modeling activities will be summarized and publications will be outlined. One day will be devoted to training in inverse modeling. In this meeting the modeling groups in Brazil, Colombia and Chile plus at least one representative, preferably students, from Argentina and Peru will participate NB. The estimated cost is about 5 kUS$, considering air-tickets (0.5 kUS$) and per-diem (ca. 70 US$). Most part of traveling expenses should be covered by IAI but as resources from other projects or from the national research councils become available, the workshops could include others researchers and students. ii) Conferences We do not plan to organize any big conference within the framework of this project. However, we will promote the joint participation of our teams in several conferences that will take place during 2004, particularly: The 8th Scientific Conference of the IGAC Project 4-9 September 2004, Christchurch, New Zealand (http://www.igaconference2004.co.nz/) 2004 AGU Fall Meeting 13–17 December 2004 4.3. Reports and publications In addition to material to be published in internet pages, we foresee at least a couple of publications in peer-reviewed journals. One dealing with inventory building and another with modeling, including methodology and applications (inventories, evaluations). August 2003 6 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 5. Activity PLAN AND TIMETABLE Month Estimated Cost (k US$) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IAI In-kind 4.1Methodology review a)Emission estimates i. Measurements in Lima x x ii. Measurements in Sao Paulo x 4.2 Modeling… i x x x ii x x x iii x x iv x x x 4.3 Networking and capacity buiding Student support Visits, Small-workshops and Conferences x x 4.4 Publications All x 8 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 10 11 1 30 60 60 4 26 150 NB. For details see budget in Section 15 (page 23). August 2003 7 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 6. RELATION TO IAI SCIENCE AGENDA We have indicated that our research proposal is functional to “Understanding global change modulations of the composition of the atmosphere, oceans and fresh-waters”. We touch upon several topics listed in the call for proposals. This is simply because mobile source emissions are one of the main drivers of the changes in the composition of the atmosphere that are taking place in South America. Thus, establishing appropriate methodologies for estimating these emissions and evaluating them is crucial for assessing global change over this area of the world, particularly when considered within an Earth System Modeling perspective. 7. REGIONAL COLLABORATION Through this research we will establish a new network of scientists who work in the largest six cities in South America: Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Lima, Rio do Janeiro, Santiago and Sao Paulo. These scientists and their research groups will exchange their expertise and local know-how, and they will establish common methodologies that are instrumental to urban, continental and global research and management. The group of scientists participating in the work proposed hereby has a broad range of expertise including fundamental and applied mathematics, atmospheric chemistry, meteorology, remote sensing, monitoring, mechanical engineering, etc. In addition, several participants either have worked at or work with their local environmental authorities, facilitating the connections with decision-making. Furthermore, all researchers involved in this initiative teach in universities and lead engineering and science theses, allowing a strong potential for capacity building. Finally, the diversity of climatic zones in which the South American mega cities are located at will make this research valuable for other regions of the world. Figure 1. Population centers in South America. The arrows indicate the cities considered in this study and represented in the research team. August 2003 9 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 8. CONTRIBUTION OF EACH CO-PI The PI will be in charge of keeping the IAI informed on the overall development of the project. The PI and the Co-PIs will be responsible for facilitating the communication and establishment of the network. In addition, each one of them will have responsibilities for the development of specific research activities, which are detailed in the next subsections. 8.1. Argentina The Argentinean team consists of three senior researchers, lead by Darío Gómez (Co-PI). This team will participate in the following specific activities: a) Review of methodologies for estimating air pollutant emissions Top-down and bottom-up approaches as specified by the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPCC, 1997) will be reviewed concerning mobile combustion. Members of the Argentinean team are familiar with this methodology for stationary combustion since they have used it in compiling the industrial processes sector of the two National Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories reported by Argentina (PNUDSECyT, 1997; PNUD-SRNyDS, 1999). The transport source category of the energy sector of these two inventories will be reviewed. The Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPCC, 2000) will also be taken into account. Although these methodologies are applied at the national level, they provide a consistent and rather straightforward procedure for emission estimates. The more detailed methodology proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA; 1992) and its ancillary modeling tools will also be reviewed concerning emission estimates at the city level. Unfortunately there are no official emission inventories for the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. An emission inventory of stationary sources has been compiled and will be available promptly. The studies by Weaver and Balam (1999), and Gaioli (2001) include the only attempts available at estimating emissions from mobile sources. This work will also be reviewed. i) Selection of a methodology for emission estimates A methodology that combines bottom-up and top-down techniques will be selected from the above revision. Availability of activity data and emission factors; local experience in applying this methodology; benefits and barriers; and harmonization with the other members of the network will be considered for this selection. ii) Application of the methodology in Buenos Aires The metropolitan area of Buenos Aires will be divided in regions. A decision will be made whether estimates will be generated for the entire area or for a subset of its regions. Data will be retrieved concerning information on: (1) type of vehicles, (2) fuel used, (3) activity data, i.e. amount of fuel burnt and/or traveled distance, (3) vehicle size, (4) age, and (5) operating conditions, including driving cycles. The network constitutes an excellent opportunity for Buenos Aires since locally measured emission factors are available only for new vehicles. Within this context, the usage of emission factors generated by the other August 2003 10 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities countries will be assessed. The emissions of CO from mobile sources in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, or in the region of reference, will be calculated. iii) Requirements for and evaluation of the Buenos Aires inventory by means of inverse modeling techniques Since there is no air quality monitoring network in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, the information of air pollutant levels within this air basin is fragmentary and scarce. Under these circumstances, it will be very difficult to undertake an inventory evaluation by means of inverse modeling techniques. The activities of the Buenos Aires team will concentrate in building capacity in these techniques by working with those members of the network with a larger experience in this area and for those cities with sufficient air quality information. 8.2. Brazil The Brazilian team consists of two senior researchers both with a broad experience in atmospheric modeling. The researchers are Maria de Fatima Andrade at University of Sao Paulo and Dr. Karla Maria Longo at the Center of Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies in Brazil (CPTEC-INPE). Maria de Fatima Andrade has expertise in air pollution, atmospheric aerosols and photochemical modeling – air quality modeling, with emphasis in air pollution in urban and industrial areas. A main interest in the Brazilian participation is to improve the emission inventory for Sao Paulo, particularly that related to mobile sources and diesel engines. To do so, in collaboration with the Chilean-US teams, traffic parameters will be measured in Sao Paulo. Also, simulations will be used to evaluate the emission estimates, including mobile sources. This will complement work earlier developed by Dr. Andrade’s team regarding ozone pollution and the contribution of mobile sources. In addition, Dr. Karla Maria Longo at the Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos – INPE will participate in the modeling work at the continental scale. Dr. Longo has expertise in modeling and remote sensing and has analyzed the impact of biomass burning sources. According to previous work done at USP, motor vehicles constitute a major source of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to the atmosphere, that react to form ozone, a significant air quality problem in São Paulo, Brazil. Various approaches can be employed to reduce the contribution of motor vehicle emissions to ozone formation. But to evaluate the effectiveness of the approaches, it is necessary to have a good description of the meteorology, chemistry and emission inventory. It is very important to establish emissions reduction policies to achieve compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone. The main sources of ozone precursors in the atmosphere of the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP), Brazil, are the emissions by vehicles that use gasoline, ethanol, and diesel as fuel. An Urban-scale Eulerian Model was applied to simulate the concentrations of ozone and to evaluate the impact of the official emission inventory in the MASP. Diesel emissions appeared to play a very important role in the estimated ozone profiles, due to its high contribution to NOx emission. To perform the analysis a major question is how to obtain an accurate emission profile. It is shown, that, if the official inventory is considered in the simulation the ozone formed is much lower than the August 2003 11 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities measured in the monitoring stations. The MASP is the largest industrialized region in Latin America. It has an area of 8,051 km2 with a population of 18 million inhabitants. Currently there are approximately 5 million automotive vehicles: 300 000 heavy-duty diesels and 4.7 million light-duty vehicles. Approximately 3.7 million of the light duty cars are fueled with a mixture containing 78-80% (v/v) gasoline and 20-22% ethanol, that is referred to as gasohol and 1.0 million fueled with hydrated ethanol (95% ethanol + 5% water). These data were obtained from the State Department of Traffic and were published in a 2000 report. The addition of ethanol to motor vehicle fuels reduces CO but increases aldehyde emissions (especially acetaldehyde), inducing a unique photochemical smog problem in urban areas. In Brazil, light duty vehicles run on a mixture of 78% gasoline and 22% anhydrous (neat) ethanol with the exception of the State of Rio Grande do Sul where LD vehicles run a mixture of 85% gasoline and 15% MTBE was used until a recent ban on use of MTBE. Over the past several years, in the MASP, ambient ozone concentrations have reached over five times the concentration considered protective of public health by the World Health Organization, with routine occurrence, in the winter time, of levels that exceed Brazil's 1 hour National Ambient Air Quality Standard (160 g/m3). In the figure it is shown the Telemétrica da CETESB position of the air qualityRede monitoring stations. Figure 2 .Air monitoring stations in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo Approximately 90% of the ozone precursors are emitted to the atmosphere by the vehicular fleet. According to the official state inventory, 22% of hydrocarbons are emitted by gasohol, 15% by diesel vehicles, 6% by ethanol, and 5% by motorcycles, considering the exhaust emission. Another great contribution to the HC emissions comes from the evaporative emissions, corresponding to 48% of the total HC emissions to the atmosphere. All these hydrocarbons contribute to the formation of the photochemical smog, and are considered as being emitted by mobile sources - 78% of NOx is emitted by diesels, 13% by gasohol, and 4% by ethanol. To study the ozone formation under different scenarios, the CIT Eulerian photochemical airshed model was used. In the next figure it is presented the contribution of each air pollution source to the emission to the atmosphere. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CO HC Light Duty vehicles Particles Resuspension NOx Heavy Duty vehicles Secondary aerosols SO2 IP Industrial emissions Figure 3.Sources of air pollutants in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo. August 2003 12 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities It is important to point out the lack of accurate information related to the emission inventory in the MASP. There is a great interest in changing this situation, and a comprehensive project is being conducted to better understand the impact of the meteorological conditions on the pollutant behavior, including the evaluation of the emission profiles of the light and heavy-duty vehicles, with measurements inside tunnels. It will be important to improve the emission inventory in order to have better estimates of ozone. 8.3. Chile The team that will participate in UMESAM consists of four (4) scientists, two mathematicians with expertise in homogenization, control theory and inverse modeling (Axel Osses and Jaime Ortega), an atmospheric scientist with expertise in atmospheric modeling and chemistry at global and regional scales (Laura Gallardo), and a senior researcher with expertise in emission estimates for urban areas from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Mauricio Osses), University of Chile, and under-graduate and post-graduate students (Henry Quiroz, Eduardo Cerpa, Andrés Cabello, etc.). This team will be lead by Laura Gallardo who also acts as PI. There are two major areas of research that will be developed by the Chilean team; these are emission estimates and inverse modeling. a) Emission estimates Road transport is the major source of air pollution in urban areas. Therefore, it is necessary to quantify emission levels as accurately as possible, with appropriate spatial and temporal resolution, for both global and local pollutants. Modeling atmospheric pollutant emissions from traffic activity data has been widely used for developing emission inventories in urban areas. There are different approaches to obtain spatially desegregated traffic information such as surveys, transportation models or realtime data. Traffic surveys have the major limitation that they supply data limited to a certain time and location, whereas real-time traffic data require an adaptive urban traffic control system. Detailed and complex transportation models can simulate entire urban domains, but they still do not contain all the information needed for the compilation of a complete inventory of emissions. Particularly, public transport activity (e.g. traffic volume and mean velocities) are not always fully represented by strategic transportation models. Public transportation is a dominant source of urban air pollution; therefore it is necessary to quantify emission levels as accurately as possible. The more precise the description of the driving behavior and fleet composition, the more reliable the emission estimate will be. Urban areas with high population densities are often exposed to poor air quality. Several recommendations for developing countries to address the problems of urbanization and air pollution have been proposed, such as improvement of monitoring and emissions inventory capabilities in cities. These are prerequisites for preventive measures to be introduced. Proper urban and transportation planning can achieve significant improvements in air quality. The introduction of clean technologies is a major goal in air pollution management. This research is oriented to estimate the impact on air quality due to a major urban transport planning project proposed for the city of Santiago (Chile), where public transportation is a major source of urban emissions. August 2003 13 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities Dr. Osses is planning a sabbatical research during 2004 at the University of California at Riverside (UCR), working with Dr. James Lents on vehicle emissions modeling and measurement technologies. After finishing this research Dr. Osses will return to the University of Chile to continue his academic research and cooperating with local authorities in both urban air quality management and transport planning activities. This research will be co-financed by UCR and the University of Chile, with the compromise of returning to Chile once finished (December 2004). The objectives indicated in section 4.1.(a) will be completed through the following methods and activities: The review of existing methodologies for estimating pollutant emissions will consider four main approaches: IVE (UCR-USA), MOBILE (EPA-USA), COPERT (EU) and MODEM (Chile). IVE and MOBILE will be approached during applicant’s visit at UCR, working directly with Dr. James Lents, who is developing IVE methodology and has long experience with MOBILE computer program and applicability to different situations. COPERT programme will be discussed with Dr. Samaras (Greece) and Dr. Baldasano (Spain) during a visit to Europe. It is important to mention that there has been previous contact with all these researches and the applicant in several occasions. The main aim of this review is to better understand both bottom-up and top-down methodologies to estimate emission inventories, with emphasis into developing countries and mega cities in the world, where input data is poor or low-quality. Special emphasis will be address into GHG emissions. Application of above methodologies to a complex case study: Urban Transport Planning for Santiago (PTUS). Chilean Government is working on a massive change in transport for the Metropolitan Region. Also, Santiago has very good information on traffic activity, emission factors and air quality. These two factors allow an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of different policy initiatives and their potential impact on emissions. The applicant works as a technical advisor at the General Coordination of Transport (CGTS) responsible of the whole implementation of PTUS in Santiago. There are also good contacts with the Environmental Commission (CONAMA) and the Planning Secretariat of Transport (SECTRA), for gathering information and having a general view directly from main decision-makers related to the proposed activity. Local measurements of traffic activity and estimation of emissions for two Latin American cities. Emission calculation using MODEM and IVE models has been applied into different cities with simplified methodologies. MODEM has been used to obtain emission inventories in 10 Chilean cities, and an adaptation has been used for another 7 cities where no traffic data was available but socio-economic factors are consider. IVE has been tested in Los Angeles (USA), Santiago (Chile), and Nairobi (Kenya). The proposed local measurements aim to include two Latin American cities such as Lima and Sao Paulo, in order to check applicability. Measurements are fully completed within two weeks at the location and no expensive equipment is required, taken into consideration that UCR already has some GPS units, software and notebooks. Analysis of urban air pollution arising from mobile sources and the effectiveness of different policy initiatives aimed at their control and abatement. More specifically August 2003 14 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities looking at potential benefits on global GHG reduction considering urban transport planning playing an important role in developing countries. Using top-down techniques based on socio-economic data (calibrated with Chilean cities, Lima, Sao Paulo and Nairobi, where bottom-up approaches have been applied) it will be possible to estimate potential impact of urban activity on global emissions. Also, future responsibilities of urban activity may be estimated according to expected growth in developing countries during their transition to sustainable cities. The Chilean experience with transport planning PTUS can be used as a reference to evaluate the impact of policy initiatives on a massive implementation throughout the developing world. b) Inverse modeling As stated earlier, inverse modeling and data assimilation appear as growing and key research areas within the atmospheric chemistry and earth system science communities. This is because a large number of observations of tropospheric chemical species are becoming available from both in-situ and remote platforms (e.g., satellites). This is expected to result in improvements of the performance of available three-dimensional chemistry transport models (3-D CTMs), a better bracketing of the strength and location of emissions of relevant compounds, optimization of the design monitoring networks, and a better quantification of model errors and sensitivities, etc. (Granier et al, 2003). There is a well-established expertise in the mathematical basis of inverse modeling at the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) at the University of Chile as expressed in collaborations with important researchers in the area in France and the United States. This expertise has been further strengthened through collaboration with researchers at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC) within the group lead by Dr. Bruno Sportisse and the Institut National de Recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA), within the group lead by Dr. Isabelle Herlin. Within the framework of this collaboration, we have applied forward and backward mode several atmospheric models (Quiroz et al, 2003). We started by applying inverse modeling for source estimate for non-reactive species. Now we expand our activities towards more reactive species and particularly, observation network design. i) Evaluation of the emission inventory for mobile sources in Santiago using carbon monoxide observations as constraints and generalization for other mega cities in South America A complete emission inventory is available in Santiago. This inventory was built using bottom-up techniques for the scenario year 1997, when the attainment plan of Santiago was launched (CONAMA-RM, 1997). Later on, the inventory has been corrected and projections for the years 2000 and 2005 have been carried out (CENMA, 2000). Table 1 shows he total emissions considered in this inventory. The emission estimates for mobile sources included in this inventory used a bottom-up methodology developed by Mauricio Osses and co-workers (Corvalán et al, 2003, a, b). As a first step, carbon monoxide (CO) surface concentrations will be computed using a three-dimensional atmospheric chemistry and transport model (MATCH, Robertson et al, 1999) driven with high-resolution (ca. 11 km) meteorological fields provided by a weather forecast model (HIRLAM, Undén et al, 2002), previously applied over Central and Northern Chile to oxidized sulfur and arsenic dispersion at the regional scale (Gallardo et August 2003 15 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities al, 2002; Gidhagen et al, 2002; Olivares et al, 2002). The resolution of the meteorological fields will be increased to ca. 3 km by means of a cinematic interpolation method that forces the wind flow to follow the topography improving the simulation of surface winds (e.g., CENMA, 2001). This will provide necessary a priori knowledge that is required in the inversion procedure and a first evaluation of the inventory. The second step will be to optimize the mobile sources inventory using as constraints available surface hourly observations of carbon monoxide (Figure 2), a tracer of transportation sources, for a suite of characteristic meteorological conditions including large-scale subsidence, mountain flows, coastal lows, etc.. The optimization procedure is inverse modeling by means of which the source strength will be forced to be consistent with the observations. For this purpose we will use the method of the ad joint (e.g., Elbern et al, 2000). Basically, a functional that reflects the distance between the model estimated concentrations and the observed concentrations is built and minimized in order to find an optimum adjustment of the model parameters (In this case the emission strengths). Since there are more parameters to be determined than observations the problem is ill-posed and one has to introduce regularization terms and a priori knowledge to estimate the parameters or, in mathematical terms, to ensure uniqueness and cohersivity for the distance functional (e.g., Enting, 2002). The procedure applied for Santiago should be adapted and expanded to other mega cities, particularly for Sao Paulo where there are significant amounts of data available and where there is a vast experience in modeling. In the case of Sao Paulo we will have to include CO due to extensive biomass burning too. ii) Design of a model experiment to evaluate the CO emission inventory for mobile sources at the continental scale using both in situ and remote observations as constraints The modeling teams will design an experiment to evaluate an emission inventory for CO and to intercompare regional-scale models available in the region, particularly those in Chile and Brazil. This experiment should include both direct and inverse modeling exercises as well as in situ and remote observations. The experience in remote sensing of the teams at INPE and NCAR will be crucial for this. Also we will review and compile the exercises already performed at the global scale (e.g., Kasibathla et al, 2002; Petron, 2003). The emission scenarios should consider both available global inventories (e.g., GEIA, EDGAR, etc.) and the one we can extract from this project. August 2003 16 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities Table 1. Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), reactive nitrogen oxides (NO x), volatile organic compounds (VOC), sulfur oxides (SOx) and ammonia (NH3) in Santiago. Unit: kton/yr. Source: CENMA (2000). Year Type Species 1997 2000 2005 Stationary Mobile Total Stationary Mobile Total Stationary Mobile Total CO NOx VOC SOx NH3 16 188 203 12 176 187 19 225 244 10 42 52 10 47 57 12 65 77 59 25 84 55 25 80 75 37 112 23 2 24 7 3 10 19 4 23 19 0.5 19 28 1 29 30 1 31 Figure 4. Monitoring network in Santiago (left) and daily averages of carbon monoxide (CO in ppm). The average of the oldest 8 station is presented, plus/minus one standard deviation of the mean for the period April 1997-December 2000. Data available at: http://www.minsal.cl/sesma/macam2-rm/macam2-rm.htm throug the Health authority of Santiago. 8.4. Colombia The University of Los Andes from Bogota (Colombia) has been involved in several research projects aimed at establishing the emissions inventory for the city (Bogota) as well as validating such inventories using inverse modeling techniques. All of these efforts have been linked to the development and implementation of the air quality model for Bogota. The estimation of the emission factors for mobile sources in Bogota, via inverse modeling, was comprised of two steps: determination of the emission factors using an inverse calculation of the operational street pollution model (OSPM), and determination of pollutant emissions from mobile sources using a mathematical model for emissions estimation. The results of these two methods were used to inter-validate the outputs of the two models. The OSPM describes the dispersion of the pollutant emitted at street levels inside urban canons. This model has been validated and widely used in several cities around the world, including Copenhagen, Helsinki, Beijing, St. Petersburg, Nantes, Paris, Utrecht, and Oslo. The determination of pollutant emissions using a mathematical model was conduced using August 2003 17 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities an analytical tool developed by the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne from Switzerland. Five pollutants were considered in our calculations: NOx, SO2, CO, VOCs, and PM10. The establishment of a network of scientist in South America and the revision and compiling of existing methodologies for estimating emissions of pollutants are among the main objectives of the proposed project. Therefore, the first (and most important) contribution from the Colombian team will be to share our experiences with inverse modeling. We will prepare a set of presentations and publications to be presented in the two workshops to be held at Santiago and Sao Paolo on March and November 2004, respectively. In addition, we expect to produce at least one journal article to be published in the international peer-review literature. The second contribution from the University of Los Andes will be to compare the results obtained by the methods mentioned above (OSPM and mathematical modeling) with the results obtained after applying the same procedures used in the other cities (Santiago, Sao Paulo, and Buenos Aires) employing Bogotá’s air quality network data. Since it is well known driving cycles play an important role on pollutant emissions from vehicles, the third contribution from the Colombian team, time and budget permitted, will be to conduct a pilot study of the typical driving patterns for Bogota City. A global positioning system (GPS) unit, combined with a microprocessor and a flash memory to store up to one-week of driving data at a time, will be installed in a limited sample of vehicles. In addition, video taping of traffic will be conducted to roughly estimate the composition of traffic at different periods of time. Finally, a voltage based start-up monitor will be set up in several vehicles to determine driving times and start-up information. These instruments will be provided by the University of Chile through collaboration with the college of engineering, center of environmental research and technology (CE-CERT) from the University of California, Riverside. 8.5. Peru Peru will participate through a multidisciplinary team organized around Instituto de Investigación de la Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera, Metalúrgica y Geográfica de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (IIGEO), in close collaboration with Grupo de Investigación Geográfica Ambiental (GIGA). It consists of 9 researchers covering a broad range of disciplines including chemical engineering, geography, law, urbanism, education and sociology. Their collaboration with the research proposed hereby will be focused around the following areas: Intercomparison of air quality measurements made at the various South American mega cities Implementation of the methodologies developed/chosen through this research for Lima. Compile a data base to be used in regional scale modeling Due to population growth and urbanization several Peruvian cities have experienced a deterioration of air quality. Such is the case in Arequipa, Chiclayo, Chimbote, Cusco, Huancayo, Ilo, Iquitos, La Oroya, Lima-Callao, Pisco, Piura, Trujillo and Pasco. The main sources of pollutants are connected to transportation and mining sources. Also the fishing August 2003 18 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities industry contributes to the deterioration of air quality. In the case of transportation sources, the old fleet of buses and cars is syndicated as a major contributor. Since 1990, the transport fleet has increased in number exceeding by 1998 the 720 thousands units, leading to a Diesel consumption of 21 200 000 barrels in1999. Particle concentrations in Lima can exceed 200 g/m3, much above international standards. This leads in turn to health impacts. For instance in year 2000 the number of upper respiratory infections reached 2 174000 cases. Altogether, it is very important for the Peruvian community to establish reliable methodologies for emission inventory building and evaluation. 8.6. USA Dr. Mauricio Osses is going to do a sabbatical research during 2004 at the University of California at Riverside (UCR), working with Dr. James Lents on vehicle emissions modeling and measurement technologies. After finishing this research Dr. Osses will return to the University of Chile to continue his academic research and cooperating with local authorities in both urban air quality management and transport planning activities. This research will be co-financed by UCR and the University of Chile, with the compromise of returning to Chile once finished (December 2004). This Project considers activities both in Chile and USA, linking sabbatical research at UCR with START follow-on research. The review of existing methodologies for estimating pollutant emissions will consider four main methodologies: IVE (UCR-USA), MOBILE (EPA-USA), COPERT (EU) and MODEM (Chile). IVE and MOBILE will be approached during applicant’s visit at UCR, working directly with Dr. James Lents, who is developing IVE methodology and has long experience with MOBILE computer program and applicability to different situations. The main aim of this review is to better understand both bottom-up and top-down methodologies to estimate emission inventories, with emphasis into developing countries and mega cities in the world, where input data is poor or lowquality. Special emphasis will be address into GHG emissions. Inverse modeling methodologies will be discussed with Gabrielle Pétron, who is a postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the ASP division. During her PhD she worked in collaboration with the Service d’Aéronomie in Paris, France, and the Atmospheric Chemistry Division at NCAR, Boulder, Colorado. Her PhD research dealt with the inverse modeling of CO surface sources using 3D global chemistrytransport models and both in situ and satellite data (from the MOPITT instrument). Her current interests include the application of assimilation and inversion techniques to help better constrain the parameterization and boundary conditions used in CTM. 9. CAPACITY BUILDING One third of the total budget in this project is explicitly dedicated to students. Some other contributions for promoting student participation will also be searched for. This is in line with the commitment of the researchers involved who all emphasize capacity building in their work and research. Besides, since this project is thought as a triggering initiative, we expect that co-guided theses will result from the collaborations. Also, every single August 2003 19 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities workshop and visit developed within the framework of this project will include capacitybuilding actions, including seminars and lectures. 10. POLICY RELEVANCE Emission inventories are key-tools in environmental management. Our research will not only provide inventories that are relevant for decision-making but more importantly, it will provide comparable methodologies for inventory building and evaluation. In addition, this will be useful for environmental management at the urban and continental scales. 11. RELATED RESEARCH WORK Within the new IGBP, it has been decided that the former IGAC project GEIA (Global Emissions Inventory Activity) would be revitalized and reformulated. A transition team, led by Claire Granier (CNRS-MPI-NCAR) and Alex Günther (NCAR), has been identifying the new tasks. There is an overall agreement on the need of emphasizing the methodological approaches and the evaluation of the inventories. Our proposal is coherent with this and in fact it grew up from a contribution by Laura Gallardo and Mauricio Osses, who participate in the GEIA transition team to the GEIA meeting held in Boulder last June, previous to the IGBP conference in Banff, Canada. Complementary, at the time of preparing this proposal, Dr. Mauricio Osses (DIMEC, University of Chile) is attending the workshop phase of the Advanced Institute on Urbanization, Emissions, and the Global Carbon Cycle, organized by the International Advisory Committee, START, NCAR, and the Packard Foundation (Boulder, Colorado, 422 August 2003). Participants will compete for limited funds for small, follow-up research projects during the workshop. The project concept note presented by Dr. Osses considers his participation in Lima and Sao Paulo as part of the CE-CERT team, as well as experimental research to be carried out in Santiago looking for better emission factors of particulate matter from heavy duty vehicles under real-world driving conditions. 12. SUMMARY STATEMENT Hereby we propose a pilot activity that would promote the integration of local and global scientific communities via networking, under the auspices of the IAI, around the establishment of methodologies to implement and evaluate emission inventories for urban mobile sources. The overall idea is, on the one hand, to provide a common and comparable methodology that combines bottom-up and top-down inventory building techniques and that can be readily applied in South American cities, and on the other hand, to implement inverse modeling techniques for evaluation of emission inventories. The choice of mobile sources stems from the fact that these sources constitute a major, striking and obvious problem in South American mega cities around which several activities are ongoing already. In addition, a common methodology will facilitate the intercomparison of inventories and an integrated assessment for the subcontinent as a whole, certainly within the context of an Earth System Modeling approach that is promptly required for dealing with global change issues in the Americas. August 2003 20 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 13. REFERENCES Avissar, R.; Silva-Dias, P.L.; Silva-Dias, M.A.F. & Nobre, C. 2002. The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA): Insights and future research needs. Journal of Geophysical ResearchAtmospheres, 107, D20, 8086, doi:10.1029/2002JD002704. CENMA, 2000. Mejoramiento de inventarios de emisiones de la Región Metropolitana. Final Report. National Center for the Environment. (In Spanish) [Available from CENMA, Av. Larraín 9975, La Reina, Santiago, Chile]. CENMA, 2001. Diagnóstico integral de la contaminación atmosférica en la macrozona central de Chile. Informe Final [CONAMA, Obispo Donoso 6, Providencia, Santiago, Chile] CONAMA-RM, 1997: Plan de prevención y descontaminación atmosférica de la Región Metropolitana. Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente, Región Metropolitana de Santiago [Available from CONAMA, Metropolitan Office, Valetín Letelier, 15, Santiago, Chile, www.conama.cl]. Corvalán, R., Osses, M., Urrutia, C., 2003 a. Correlations between hot emission of on-road mobile sources and socio-economic parameters. Under revision to be submitted to the Journal of Transportation Research, Part D. Corvalán, R., Osses, M., Urrutia, C., 2003 b. Estimación de emisiones de contaminantes atmosféricos desde fuentes móviles en zonas urbanas de las Regiones Metropolitana, V, VI; VII y IX. Accepted at the XI Chilean Congress on Transport Engineering. Santiago, Chile, 20-24 October 2003. Gallardo, L., Olivares, G., Langner, J. and Aarhus, B., 2002: Coastal lows and sulfur air pollution in Central Chile. Atmos. Env. 36, 23, 3829-3841 Gidhagen, L. Kahelin, H., Schmidt-Thomé, P. and Johansson, C., 2002: Anthropogenic and natural levels of arsenic in PM10 in Central and Northern Chile. Atmos. Environ. 36, 8303-3817. Granier et al, 2003. Modeling. In “The Changing Atmosphere: An Integration and Synthesis of a Decade of Tropospheric Chemistry Research”. Brasseur et al (Eds.). Springer-Verlag (ISBN: 3-540-43050-4). Molina, L., and Molina, M., (Editors) 2002. Air Quality in the Mexico Mega City: An Integrated Assessment, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Molina, L & Molina, M., 2001: Air pollution in mega cities: Mexico City Case Study. In EUROTRACnewsletter, 23/2001, pp. 4-9. Elbern, H., H. Schmidt, O. Talagrand and A. Ebelb, 2000: 4D-variational data assimilation with an adjoint air quality model for emission analysis ", Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 15, Issues 6-7, Pages 539-548 IGAC, 2003. Science Plan and Implementation Strategy IGAC II. Disponible en http://www.igac.noaa.gov Lindesay, J. A. , M. O. Andreae, J. G. Goldhammer, G.Harris, H. J. Annegarn, M. Garstan, R. J. Scholes, and B. W. van Wilgen, International Geosphere- Biosphere Programme/ International Global Atmospheric Chemistry SAFARI- 92 field experiment: Background and overview 101( D19) , 23689- 23697, 1996.( Paper 96JD01512) , Journal of Geophysical Research , 101( D19) , 23521- 23530, 1996. Molina, L., and Molina, M., (Editors) 2002. Air Quality in the Mexico Mega City: An Integrated Assessment, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Molina, L & Molina, M., 2001: Air pollution in mega cities: Mexico City Case Study. In EUROTRACnewsletter, 23/2001, pp. 4-9. Olivares, G., Gallardo, L., Langner, J. and Aarhus, B., 2001: Regional dispersion of oxidized sulfur in Central Chile. Atmos. Env. In press. Parrish, D., 2001. The North Atlantic Regional Experiment (NARE). In IGACtivities, 24. (http://www.igac.noaa.gov/newsletter/24/) Pétron G., Modélisation inverse des émissions du monoxyde de carbone, PhD thesis, Université Paris 6, Paris, July 2003. Quiroz, H., Gallardo, Issartel, J-P., 2003: Arsenic dispersion over Central Chile: assessment using the retroplume method. Manuscript in preparation to be submitted by August 1st 2003 to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics special volume with the proceedings of the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, in Nice, France, April 2003. UNPOP, 2003. División de Población, Naciones Unidas. (http://www.un.org/esa/population/unpop.htm ) WB, 2003. http://www.worldbank.org/wbi/airelimpio/ August 2003 21 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 14. POTENTIAL REVIEWERS 1. Dr. Claire Granier (Inverse modeling, coordinator for new GEIA) Service d'Aeronomie CNRS Universite Paris 6, Boite 102 Tour 15-14; 5eme etage 4, Place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05 France Tel: 33-1-44-27-50-16 Fax: 33-1-44-27-37-76 clg@aero.jussieu.fr CIRES/NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory R/E/AL8 325, Broadway Boulder, CO 80303-3328 USA Tel: 303-497-79-67 Fax: 303-497-56-86 cgranier@al.noaa.gov Max Planck Institut fuer Meteorologie Bundesstrasse,55 20146 Hamburg Germany Tel: 49-40-411-73-411 Fax: 49-40-411-73-298 granier@dkrz.de 2. Dr. Gregory Carmichael Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 Phone: (319) 225-1399 E-mail: gcarmich@icaen.uiowa.edu 3. Cuitláhuac Cruz Project Leader, Emissions Inventory Department Secretaria de Ecologia Gobierno del Estado de México Tel: (52) 55 5576 2933; Fax: (52) 55 5576 2933 cuicruz@starmedia.com 4. Dr. Prasad Kasibhatla (CO inverse modeling) Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Duke University, Durham, NC, USA e-mail: psk9@duke.edu 5. Dr. Makoto Koike (Asian mega cities!!) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Graduate School of Science University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033, Japan Tel: +81-533-89-5157 Fax: +81-533-89-5161 e-mail: koike@eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp August 2003 22 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 15. BUDGET The research to be developed through this initiative will be financed mainly through other sources. Most part of the budget solicited to IAI is intended to cover traveling costs (~1/3) and capacity building (~1/3). An engineer and database manager will be hired at the CMM. Support is requested for financing his/her dedication. Other funds will be provided by on-going projects at the CMM. This research assistant will be responsible for data processing for Santiago and compiling the data provided by the group, and providing a web page from where these data can be downloaded and shared. Item/ Countries Research assistant Students Travels Publications kUS$/country % per country Argentina 0 2 2 0 4 13 Brazil Chile Colombia Peru 0 8 0 2 2 2 2 3 2 0 1 0 4 14 4 13 47 13 USA 0 2 2 0 4 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 8 10 11 1 30 In-kind contributions to this project are significant since most part of the actual research will financed in this way. Nature (specify) Travel Travel, materials and publications for vehicle emission modeling research Salaries, travel and materials for vehicle emission measurements in Lima Salaries, travel and materials for vehicle emission measurements in Sao Paulo Part of an engineer’s salary Total = Reasonable estimate in K US$ $6 $20 Donating Institution CLARIS/Activities linked to CMM START $60 USEPA $60 Hewlett Packard Foundation CMM research projects $4 $ 150 August 2003 23 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 16. APPENDIX I: MAJOR COLLABORATORS 16.1. Argentina (CNEA) Grupo Monitoreo Ambiental (GMA), Unidad de Actividad Química (UAQ), Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA), Postal Address: Avenida General Paz 1499, B1650KNA San Martín, Argentina; phone & fax: 54-11-67727130 (www.cnea.gov.ar) The Environmental Monitoring Group (GMA) undertakes applied research and technical assistance focused on air pollution assessment, particularly that related to energy and the environment. The group carries out, in an integrated manner, measurements of air pollutants in emission sources and in ambient air, modelling and environmental impact assessment since 1993. Research interests concern the links between air pollution and its sources. The group has contributed regularly to climate change studies, especially those concerning the development of greenhouse gas inventories for Argentina for years 1990, 1994 and 1997. Technical assistance to the private sector includes major facilities of industries such as: iron and steel; petrochemical; pulp and paper; and food. Main activities of the GMA are summarized below. The co-operation agreement with the Electricity Regulatory of Argentina is relevant since it has allowed to gain relevant experience that comprised: (1) the characterization of the emissions of more than a hundred thermal power plants; (2) about ten air quality monitoring campaigns in the vicinity of several power plants; (3) the development of guidelines that served as a basis for regulation; (4) the modeling of air pollutant dispersion, and (5) the participation in two extensive studies sponsored by the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA). Assessment of sources of metals and metalloids present in urban aerosols. This research is a joint-activity of the GMA and the Plasma Laboratory (UAQ, CNEA) and is carried out in collaboration with Dr. Sergio Caroli (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy) and Dr. M. Fernanda Giné (Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Brazil). It is partially funded through a grant of the Secretary of Science and Technology of Argentina. Modeling urban air pollution in Buenos Aires city. The main goal of this research is contributing to the fragmentary and scarce air quality information of this metropolitan area. This research is done in collaboration with the Universities of Buenos Aires, Flores and San Martín. Two theses at the first two Universities are being developed within this framework. The GMA is the Argentinean scientific coordinator of the Concerted Actions Project on environmental policy instruments in Latin American and European liberalized electricity markets. The project is undertaken within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission and involves R&D institutions of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. August 2003 24 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities The regulatory agencies of Argentina and Spain together with the Pan American Health Organization conform also the consortium. Assessment of CO2 capture and sequestration from fossil power plants in Argentina: potentials, barriers, and cost effectiveness. This research is done within a coordinated project of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that involves R&D groups of eight countries namely Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, China, Korea, Poland, Romania and Russia. Two theses at the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Buenos Aires are being developed within the framework of this research. a) Researchers at GMA involved in the proposal The team participating in this project consists of two engineers with expertise in emission measurements and estimates and one physicist with expertise in air pollution modeling. The team has also expertise in emission inventories. 16.2. Darío Gómez (Co-PI), Chemical Engineer, Head GMA, Part-time associate professor, Chemical Engineer Department, University of Buenos Aires. Laura Dawidowski, Lic. Phyiscs, GMA researcher, Part-time associate professor, Engineering School, University of Flores. Héctor Bajano, Mechanical Engineer, GMA researcher, Part-time professor, National Technological University. Brazil (USP-INPE) Brazil participates via two institutions. Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas, Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo (USP, http://www.iag.usp.br/meteo/meteo_ativida.htm) and the Center of Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies in Brazil (CPTEC-INPE, http://www.cptec.inpe.br). USP and CPTEC-INPE are among the most prestigious research institutes in South America. They have a broad and long experience in atmospheric science. Both groups have been heavily involved in the LBA program, which as stated before, serves as a paradigm for integrated regional studies, i.e., the type of studies this proposal is intended to become a triggering network for. The researchers participating in the research work and networking proposed hereby are: Dr. Maria de Fátima Andrade is a reasearcher at the Department of atmospheric Sciences, Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosférica, Universidade de São Paulo. Dr. Karla Longo is a researcher at the Center of Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies in Brazil (CPTEC-INPE). August 2003 25 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 16.3. Chile (CMM-DIMEC) Chile participates through two institutions, the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) and Department of Mechanical Engineering (DIMEC) at the University of Chile. The former with expertise in atmospheric modeling (direct and inverse) and the latter with expertise in inventory building. a) CMM Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CMM), Universidad de Chile (UMR-CNRS 2071), Postal Address: Casilla 170-3, Santiago, Chile phone: 56-2-6784525; fax: 562-6889705 (www.cmm.uchile.cl) The Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) stems from the Department of Mathematical Engineering of Universidad de Chile, a well establish research group with a broad range of scientific interests. The group has a significant record of publications and extensive experience in training students at the doctoral and engineering level. Research at the CMM is organized around fundamental and applied problems in the areas of mining, forestry, telecommunications, transportation systems, education, genomics, environmental and atmospheric modeling, applied cryptography and security, image fusion and energy. Within the group of mathematical mechanics, the CMM has developed research regarding atmospheric and inverse modeling: Atmospheric dispersion of oxidized sulfur (SOx) and its impacts on the stratus deck off the Chilean coast (aerosol-cloud-climate interactions). This research is done in collaboration with the group lead by Dr. Joakim Langner at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, the group lead by Dr. Olivier Boucher at the Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique (LOA, UMR 8518), and with Dr. Annica Ekman at the Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University. A M.Sc. thesis at the Geophysics Department, University of Chile has been developed within the framework of this research and a PhD thesis has been started in July 2003. Inverse modeling applied to the determination of sources and monitoring network design. This work is jointly developed with the group lead by Dr. Bruno Sportisse at the École National des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC) and at the Institut National de Recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA). A M.Sc. thesis at the Geophysics Department, University of Chile has been developed within the framework of this research and a PhD thesis will be started in early 2004. Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange (STE) processes and their impact on the ozone balance in the subtropics of the Southern Hemisphere. In this project, done in collaboration with the Chilean Weather Service and the University of La Serena in Chile and with SMHI in Sweden and the Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK) in Germany, meteorological models August 2003 26 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities will be used to produce dynamically interpolated three-dimensional (3-D) regional and meso-scale meteorological fields, which will drive a 3-D Eulerian transport model that will simulate the intrusion and subsequent dispersion of an ozone-like tracer subject to photolysis and dry deposition. The simulations will be evaluated against in situ (ozone soundings) and available satellite measurements of ozone, water vapor and other relevant STE tracers. There is a thesis in Atmospheric Science planned in connection with this project. Optimal control and sentinel techniques for source estimate and observatory design. Optimal control is well known in atmospheric applications as an “adjoint technique”, but the interpretation of the adjoint variables and the correct choice of adjoint boundary conditions are not completely clear in the applications. Our idea is to introduce a more precise mathematical framework and justify theoretically the different usual intrepretations of adjoint variables in order to determinate sources. Sentinel techniques are not usual in athmospheric source estimation, but has been applied in the identification of sources in other areas as river pollution. We will study this technique which is in fact equivalent to controllability properties of the system. The final objective is to design inventory techniques by optimizing location and time of the observatories. Exact controllability and relationships between data assimilation in meteorogy and weighted observability inequalities or Carleman inequalities. Main data assimilation difficulties come from the fact that recovering initial data from observations in an evolution dispersive equation is an ill-posed problem. Initial data cannot be reconstructed continuously from observations and this is translated in observability inequalities with exponentially vanishing weights as initial time is approached. Practical experience shows that specific weights have to be used in numerical implementations of some data assimilation atmospheric dispersion problems in order to have good convergence of the algorithms. Which is the relationship between these weights and Carleman weights? This is the main theoretical question we will study. The CMM is mainly funded as an Excellence Center through the Chilean Research Council (Comisión Nacional de Investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología, CONICYT). CMM receives support from the University of Chile, and the industry, in particular, CODELCO Chile, the major producer of Chilean copper. The CMM is a Mixed Research Unit (UMR 2071) created between the University of Chile and the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), being the first to be established in Latin America. i) Researchers at CMM involved in the proposal The team participating in this project consists of four (3) scientists, two mathematicians with expertise in homogenization and control theory and an atmospheric scientist with expertise in atmospheric modeling and chemistry at global and regional scales. August 2003 27 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities Laura Gallardo (PI), PhD Chemical Meteorology, CMM Associate researcher, Part-time teacher, Geophysics Department, University of Chile. Jaime Ortega (Co-PI), PhD Mathematics, CMM Post-doctoral researcher, Part-time teacher, Mathematical Engineering Department, University of Chile. Axel Osses (Co-PI), PhD Mathematics, CMM Associate researcher, Mathematical Engineering Department, University of Chile. Chilean under and post graduate students working at the CMM will also participate in these activities. In addition, the French team at ENPC who collaborates with CMM, will also support this research since part of PhD thesis to be developed by the Chilean student Henry Quiroz at the ENPC 2004, deals with inverse modeling techniques for inventory evaluation of mobile sources. b) DIMEC Departamento de Ingeniería Civil Mecánica (DIMEC), Universidad de Chile. Postal address: Casilla 2777, Santiago, Chile. Phone: 56-2-6784466, fax 56-26988453 (www.dimec.uchile.cl). The Department of Mechanical Engineering (DIMEC) belongs to the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the University of Chile, and its staff comprises 13 full time lecturers, working on several research fields related to mechanical sciences. Studies carried out at DIMEC have been focused on Emission Inventories for both mobile and stationary sources in several Chilean cities. Experimental work has been carried out for estimating local emission factors for passenger cars, and modeling techniques have been specifically developed for mobile sources in Santiago. Recent projects leaded by DIMEC researchers are listed below: Technical assistance for evaluating the economic and environmental impact of clean technologies for public buses. This project was funded by GEF and the World Bank and it provided technical assistance to evaluate potential clean technologies for the renewal of the public transportation fleet, such as hybrids (internal combustion and electric engines), electric, CNG-powered buses, and the introduction of large articulated buses. The project specifically provided technical assistance to perform field and laboratory tests for diesel-electric hybrid buses. The introduction of these buses in the public transport fleet would allow reductions in emissions of airborne pollutants up to 60% of EURO II standards currently used in Chile, and up to about 30-40% in GHG emissions (the latter achieved as the hybrid bus requires less fuel to run). Emission Inventories from both mobile and stationary sources have been estimated for five Chilean cities, using bottom-up techniques, with local emission factors and activity data. The development of modeling techniques for mobile sources constitutes a major achievement on this research field, with August 2003 28 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities a strong link between transportation modeling tools, geographic position systems (GPS) and our vehicle emissions model (MODEM). This work has been funded by several public institutions during the last five years (Comisión Nacional de de Medio Ambiente, CONAMA; Ministerio de Planificación, MIDEPLAN; Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones, MTT). Santiago has recently adopted a new Urban Transport Plan 2005-2010 (TranSantiago), which incorporates the environmental dimension as an integral objective of the plan to help reduce greenhouse gases from ground transport in Santiago through a promotion of a long-term modal shift to more efficient and less polluting forms of transport. DIMEC has an active participation on this plan, offering technical assistance to TranSantiago. Thus, in order to minimize airborne pollutant emissions and concentrations, the plan includes a set of measures to promote use of public transportation, nonmotorized transport modes, land-use planning fully integrated into the transport planning process, de-concentration of population and activities’ nuclei, and cleaner fuel and vehicles. All these measures will have an important effect in mitigating climate change. DIMEC will participate through a researcher (Dr. M. Osses) with expertise in emission estimates for urban areas. Dr. Osses is a full time lecturer at DIMEC and he will be undergoing a postdoctoral research in vehicle emission analysis at the University of California at Riverside from March 15, 2004 to December 15, 2004. The work will be carried out at the College of Engineering Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT), under the direction of Dr. James M. Lents. Research work includes emission studies to be done in Lima, Peru; Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is also expected an improvement of the emission factors to be used in the International Vehicle Emissions (IVE) model, being built for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), to be used in South America and elsewhere. Thus, team participating from DIMEC will consist of a researcher, Mauricio Osses, PhD Mechanical Engineering, and students, some of them working under coguidance of CMM researchers. 16.4. Colombia (UDLA) The Colombian participation will be through the University of Los Andes (UDLA), specifically, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DCEE) at the School of Engineering. UDLA is one of the leading academic institutions in the country and it is characterized by its numerous collaboration projects with international universities in South America, Europe and United States. Departamento de Ingenieria Civil y Ambiental, Facultad de Ingenieria. Universidad de los Andes. Postal Address: A.A. 4976 / 12340. Carrera 1a No. 18A-70 Edificio W, Piso 3. Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Tel: (57-1) 3324312. Fax: (57-1) 3324313 (www.uniandes.edu.co) August 2003 29 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities The University of Los Andes is a private institution with about 8,500 undergraduate students and 1,500 graduate students. It offers 26 undergraduate programs and 56 graduate programs. Since its foundation more than 50 years ago, UDLA has been a research oriented university and has participated in numerous collaboration projects with other academic institutions inside and outside the country. DCEE offers two undergraduate programs: civil engineering and environmental engineering, as well as four graduate programs: master’s in civil engineering, specialist in environmental management, specialist in roadway and transport infrastructure, and specialist in risk assessment and management. In addition, the department offers a doctoral program in engineering. The department’s faculty is comprised of 19 full-time members that hold high education degrees from prestigious international universities. Additionally, 20 adjunct faculty members support our educational and research activities bringing their experience from the private sector. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Los Andes is composed of seven workgroups including environmental engineering, seismic and geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, water resources, roadway infrastructure, and construction management. An area of specialization is offered for each of these groups as part of the master’s program in civil engineering. Several research centers are part of DCEE, including the environmental engineering research center (CIIA by its initials in Spanish) which manages the environmental engineering laboratory, one of the landmarks of the school of engineering. This laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation providing wide analytical capabilities. CIIA offers numerous services to industry, including most of the conventional analyses of water and solid waste samples, air pollutant emissions (isokinetic sampling of effluent stacks), ambient air concentrations (CO, NOx, SOx, particulate matter, and others), and noise exposure assessment. This laboratory is also capable to conduct advanced sampling and analysis of environmental samples such us solid-phase micro-extraction, and laser granulometry. Although the resources of CIIA are used to offer services to industry, the main goal of this center is to participate in advanced consulting and research projects. These activities have been done successfully for more than ten years. Recent air-quality related projects conducted at CIIA include: analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from mobile sources in Bogota, development and implementation of an air quality model for Bogota, establishment of an air quality management system in Colombia, development of an emission inventory for Bogota, validation of Bogota’s emissions inventory using an inverse modeling technique, and development of a photochemical pollutants model for Bogota city Most of the projects mentioned above has been developed trough collaboration efforts with top ranked academic institutions from Europe and United States such us the August 2003 30 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and the Ecole des Mines de Nantes. Researchers at CIIA involved in the proposal The team participating in this project consists of three scientists, two chemical engineers and one civil engineer, all of them with master’s degrees in environmental engineering. Two members of the team are doctoral candidates that will be earning their degrees in the incoming year. The proposed team has a wide range of experience in air pollution related problems and is used to work together. Eduardo Behrentz (Co-PI), Doctoral Candidate. Environmental Sciences and Engineering Program, UCLA School of Public Health. Staff Research Associate, UCLA Department of Environmental Science and contractor with the California Air Resources Board (ARB). Luis Carlos Belalcazar (Co-PI), M.Sc. Environmental Engineering. Assistant Professor (meteorology and air pollution) in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Erika Maria Zarate (Collaborator), Doctoral Candidate, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Principal Investigator of the project in developing the air quality model for Bogota City. To maximize the technology transfer process, we will involve undergraduate and graduate students in different activities throughout the development of the project. If additional technicians are required for some periods of time, the Center of Research and Technology Development of the University of Andes will provide them. 16.5. Perú (IIGEO-GIGA) Peru will participate through a multidisciplinary team organized around Instituto de Investigación de la Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera, Metalúrgica y Geográfica de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (IIGEO), in close collaboration with Grupo de Investigación Geográfica Ambiental (GIGA). It consists of 9 researchers covering a broad range of disciplines including chemical engineering, geography, law, urbanism, education and sociology: Daniel Florencio Lovera Davila ( Ing Qumico – Metalurgico) , Co-PI Daniel Nuñez Ato ( Ing Geografo ) , Co-PI Valentin Laureano ( Ing Geologo ) Valentin Bartra ( Derecho Ambiental ) Nora Valencia ( Sociologa ) Gaby Cabello ( Educacion) Helga Valdivia ( Medio Ambiente) Gustavo Arias ( Ing Geografica ) Arquitecto Luis Diaz ( Urbanista) August 2003 31 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities IIGeo is a Research unit that coordinates and promotes research in various areas including environmental science within the framework of sustainable development. Several projects have been developed, including: Diagnóstico y Propuesta Ambiental para el Plan de Desarrollo Urbano del Distrito de Comas. Plan de Desarrollo Sostenible del Distrito de Lacabamba en Ancash. Aspectos Ambientales para la recuperación del Lago de Chinchaycocha de Junín. Recuperación del Humedal de Ventanilla hacia un Humedal Ramsar. Asesoramiento y Capacitación de la Unidad Vecinal de Mirones Bajo para un Plan de Desarrollo Sostenible con Participación Vecinal. Tratamiento pasivo de Aguas Servidas por el Método Wetland en el Parque de las Leyendas. Red Latinoamericana sobre Industrias Extractivas y Desarrollo Sostenible (UNMSM – ONU). Red de Información General para la Gestión Urbana de Comas (Lima – Perú) These projects have produced a number of publications, among them: "Relaciones entre calidad ambiental y calidad de vida en Lima metropolitana" "Reducción de la contaminación en la refinación de aceite" "Contaminación e impacto ambiental en la bahía de Chancay" “Niveles de contaminación atmosférica en Lima metropolitana” http//:www.unmsm.edu.pe/iigeo 16.6. E-mail: iigeo@unmsm.edu.pe. United States of America (CE-CERT/NCAR) Close research within DIMEC and the College of Engineering at the University of California in Riverside (UCR) will be carried out on this project. UCR will participate through its Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT). Studying the relationship between transportation and air quality is CE-CERT's most prevalent research theme. Transportation accounts for more than half of air pollutants in urban areas, and it accounts for nearly one-third of all energy consumption in America. Although decades of research and development have cleaned up emissions from the transportation sector to a huge degree, significant questions about energy choices, emissions, and environmental effects require more research. To contribute to answers in these fields, CE-CERT has established programs in advanced vehicle and energy technologies, fuels, emissions measurement, control technologies, and atmospheric processes. Spin-offs from these core fields include research into stationary and point sources of pollution, water quality, land use, and planning. The Director of the Laboratory of Environmental Policy, Atmospheric Processes, and Modeling at CE-CERT is Dr. James M. Lents. The focus of this laboratory includes the following major programmatic topics: August 2003 32 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities Environmental Policy Analysis--examines the practical implications of air quality regulations from environmental, energy, social, and economic viewpoints. Major objectives include the development of policy tools for environmental planning and the identification attributes of successful regulatory and technology policies. Atmospheric Processes--explores the ways in which emissions react in the atmosphere, which determines their environmental impact. Through the use of ambient measurements, smog chamber simulation and modeling, researchers are determining the atmospheric reactivity and secondary products of gaseous emissions. Analytical services provided in this area include field and laboratory chemical analysis of fuels, pollutants, and other substances. Modeling--performs theoretical evaluations of present and future urban and regional air quality. This includes photochemical air-shed modeling, source-receptor modeling, development of emission inventories, and improved numerical methods. This research develops analytical tools for predicting air quality and for assessing the impact of environmental regulations. CE-CERT, 1084 Columbia Ave., Riverside, CA 92507 | Voice: 909-781-5791 | Fax: 909781-5790 | info@cert.ucr.edu In addition, the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the ASP division will participate in the application of inverse modeling of CO surface sources using 3D global chemistry-transport models and both in situ and satellite data (from the MOPITT instrument). August 2003 33 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17. APPENDIX II: PI AND CO-PI CURRICULA PI and Co-Pis in alphabetical order: 1. Maria de Fatima Andrade, Brazil 2. Eduardo Behrentz, Colombia 3. Luis Carlos Belalcazar, Colombia 4. Laura Gallardo, Chile 5. Darío Gómez , Argentina 6. James Lents, USA 7. Karla Maria Longo, Brazil 8. Daniel Lovera, Peru 9. Jaime Ortega, Chile 10. Axel Osses, Chile 11. Mauricio Osses, Chile 12. Gabrielle Pétron, USA Other participants by country: Héctor Bajano, Argentina Laura Dawidowski, Argentina Erika Maria Zarate, Colombia Andrés Cabello, Chile Eduardo Cerpa, Chile Roberto Corvalán, Chile Daniel Nuñez Ato, Peru Valentin Laureano, Peru Valentin Bartra, Peru Nora Valencia , Peru Gaby Cabello , Peru Helga Valdivia , Peru Gustavo Arias , Peru Arquitecto Luis Diaz , Peru August 2003 34 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.1. Maria de Fátima Andrade (Co-PI) Maria de Fátima Andrade is a reasearcher at the Department of atmospheric Sciences, Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosférica, Universidade de São Paulo. She has been advisor for 5 Master theses and 2 PhD theses. Research interests: Air pollution, atmospheric aerosols and photochemical modeling – air quality modeling. The description of atmospheric process related to the air pollution in urban and industrial areas. Selected publications 1. M.C. Forti, L. M. Moreira-Nordemann, M. F. Andrade, C. Q. Orsini (1990): "Elements in the Precipitation of S. Paulo City (Brazil)" , Atmospheric Environment Vol 24B, N o 2, pp 355-360,. 2. F. Andrade, C. Orsini e W. Maenhaut (1993): "Receptor Modeling for Inhalable atmospheric particles in São Paulo, Brazil", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B75 308-311. 3. F. Andrade, C. Orsini e W.Maenhaut (1994): "Relation between aerosol sources and meteorological parameters for inhalable atmospheric particles in São Paulo city, Brazil". Atmospheric Environment Vol 28, No 14, pp. 2307-2315. 4. O. Massambani e F. Andrade (1994): "Seasonal behavior of tropospheric ozone in the São Paulo (Brazil) Metropolitan Area". Atmospheric Environment Vol. 28, No. 19, pp. 3165-3169. 5. Braga A L F, Conceição GMS, Pereira LAA, Kishi HS, Pereira JCR, Gonçalves FLT, Andrade MF, Singer J, Böhm G., Saldiva PHN (1999): Air pollution and Pediatric Respiratory Hospital Admissions in São Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Environment Medicine. 1: 95-102. 6. K. Narayanan Nair, Freitas ED, Sanchez O. R ,Silva Dias, MAF, Andrade M.F. (2000). Variability of Boundary Layer Processes for the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo during winter. Ciência e Natura ,2000, pp. 9-236. 7. AG Ulke, M.F. Andrade (2001). Modeling urban air pollution in São Paulo: sensitivity of model predicted concentrations to different turbulence parameterizations. Atmospheric Environment, Vol 35 (10), pp 13522310. 8. Montero L., Vasconcello P.C., Souza S.R., Pires, M.A., Sanchez O., Andrade M.F., Carvalho L.R.F. (2001) Measurements of Atmospheric Carboxylic Acids and Carbonyl Compounds in São Paulo City, Brazil. “Environmental Science and Technology”, 35, 3071-3081. 9. Sanchez O, M. F. Andrade (2002). The Influence of meteorological conditions on the behavior of pollutants concentration in São Paulo, Brazil. Environmental Pollution, 116 (2002) 257-263. 10. Miranda R., Andrade M.F., Worobiec A, Van Grieken R (2002). Characterisation of aerosol particles in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area. Atmospheric Environment, Vol 33/2 pp. 345-352 11. Gonçalves F. L. T., Andrade M. F. , Forti C. , Astolfo, R; Malheiros, R. A.; Massambani, O., Melfi, A. J. 2003. Rainfall chemical composition estimed by Aerosol Scavenging Modeling for North-Eastern Brazilian Amazonia (Amapá State)." Environmental Pollution, 121 (1), pags.: 63-73. 12. NAIR, K Narayanan, FREITAS, Edmilson, CCOYOLLO, O Sanchez, DIAS, Maria Assunçao Faus Silva, DIAS, Pedro Leite Silva, ANDRADE, Maria de Fatima, MASSAMBANI, Oswaldo. DYNAMICS OF URBAN BOUNDARY LAYER OVER SÃO PAULO ASSOCIATED WITH MESOSCALE PROCESSES. Accepted for publication in Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2003. August 2003 35 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.2. Eduardo Behrentz (Co-PI) EDUCATION 2000-Present Doctoral degree in Environmental Sciences and Engineering (in progress), Environmental Sciences and Engineering (ESE) Program, School of Public Health (SPH). University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 1997-1998 Master of Science in Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Los Andes (UDLA). Santa Fe de Bogota. Colombia 1992-1997 Undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering (minor in Biology), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UDLA. Santa Fe de Bogota. Colombia PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2003-Present Staff Research Associate, UCLA. SPH. Contractor with the California Air Resources Board 2001-2002 Graduate Research Assistant, ESE program. UCLA. SPH 1998-2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. UDLA, Coordinator of the Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory, Environmental Engineering Research Center. UDLA, Associate Director for Undergraduate Studies, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. UDLA 1997-1998 Graduate Research Assistant, Environmental Engineering Research Center. UDLA. SELECTED PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2003 - Present Estimates of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Motor Vehicles and the Effects of Catalyst Composition and Aging. Co-Investigator. UCLA. SPH. Contract with the California ARB 2001 - 2002 Characterizing the Range of Children's Pollutant Exposure During School Bus Commutes. Project Scientist. ESE program, UCLA SPH. Contract with the California ARB 1999 - 2000 Establishment of an Air Quality Management System in Colombia. Project Co-Director in Colombia. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) – UDLA. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Behrentz, E., Sabin, L.D., Wong, K., Winer, A.M., Colome, S.D., Bumiller, K., Fitz, D.R. 2003. Real Time Measurements of Gaseous and Particulate Species during School Bus Commute-related Activities. A pilot Study. In preparation. Fitz, D.R, Bumiller, K., Sabin, L., Behrentz, E., Wong, K., Winer, A.M, Colome, S., 2002. Variables Affecting Children's Exposure to Vehicle-Related Pollutants During School Bus Commutes in Los Angeles. ISEA/ISEE 2002 Conference. Linking exposure and health: innovations and interactions. Vancouver, BC Canada. # 10869. Caicedo, B., Giraldo, E. and Behrentz, E. 2002. Modeling leachate and gas flow in sanitary landfills, Unsaturated Soils. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Unsaturated Soils, Recife, Brazil (ed. Jucá, J.F.T., de Campos, T.M.P. and Marinho, F.A.M.), Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, Vol. 1, pp. 107-112. Behrentz, E., Sabin, L.D., Wong, K., Colome, S.D., Fitz, D.R., Winer, A.M. 2001. Characterizing the Range of Children's Pollutant Exposure during School Bus Commutes. Presented at the Symposium to Honor James N. Pitts, Jr., University of California, Irvine. August 2003 36 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.3. Luis Carlos Belalcazar (Co-PI) Date of birth: 29/08/72 Nationality: Colombia Personal address: Cr 65 B No. 17 A – 11 Phone: + (571) 4 05 58 10 Email: lbelalca@uniandes.edu.co Education Civil and Environmental Engineer, MSc Universidad de los Andes, 2001 Chemical Engineer, BSc Universidad de America, 1997 Relevant professional experience 2001 – present. Engineer and Researcher Universidad de los Andes, Bogota Colombia My research work includes: achieve an emission inventory for Bogota Colombia; Determination of traffic emissions from pollution measurements and inverse modeling; emission inventory validation; design and implementation of an air quality model for Bogota; new strategies for the air quality management in Bogota. 2003 – present. Asst. professor. Meteorology and Air Pollution Universidad de los Andes, Bogota Colombia Course taught for undergraduate and graduate students 2000 – 2001 Teacher assistant. Biological treatment, waste water engineering Universidad de los Andes, Bogota Colombia Courses taught for undergraduate and graduate students Publications A.E. HERNÁNDEZ, L.C. BELACAZAR, M.S. RODRÍGUEZ AND E. GIRALDO. Retention of Granular Sludge at High Hydraulic Loading Rates in an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Vol. 45(10),169-174–2002 Presentations L. Belalcazar; E. Zarate; A. Clappier. Modelación estadístico de los datos generados por la red de calidad del aire de Bogota (in Spanish). Internacional Air Quality Managment in Latin America, Tools and Case Studies. Bogotá, Colombia 2002. E. Zarate; A. Clappier; E. Giraldo; L. Belalcazar. Poster, development and Implementation of an Air Quality Model for the Bogotá Zone, Colombia. Cartagena, Colombia 2001. A.E. HERNÁNDEZ, L.C. BELACAZAR, M.S. RODRÍGUEZ AND E. GIRALDO. Retention of Granular Sludge at High Hydraulic Charges in an Anaerobic Nembrane Bioreactor. 9th WORLD CONGRESS ANAEROBIC DIGESTION Antwerpen, Bélgica. 2001 August 2003 37 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.4. Laura E. G. Gallardo Klenner (PI) Laura Gallardo is a researcher at the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) and a part-time teacher at the Geophysics Department at the University of Chile. She got a PhD in Chemical Meteorology at Stockholm University in 1996 and has developed various research activities including extensive international collaboration leading to various publications in peer-reviewed journals. Her main research interests are Atmospheric modeling at regional and global scales; Biogeochemical cycles; Anthropogenic impacts on the climate system; Electrical discharges and oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. She has been elected as a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) for the period 2003-2006. At the Department of Geophysics, University of Chile, she teaches a course on atmospheric chemistry models and another on global change. At the Department of Mathematical Engineering she teaches on inverse modeling. She has lead 8 theses in engineering and atmospheric science. Appointments 1991-1996 PhD student (teaching and research), Stockholm University 1998-Part-time teacher, Geophysics Department, University of Chile 1997-2001 Scientific Advisor for the Chilean Environmental Agency (Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente, CONAMA). 2001- Associate researcher, Center for Mathematical Modeling, University of Chile Degrees B.Sc. Physics 1986, Department of Physics, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile M.Sc. Chemical Meteorology , 1993, Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University Ph.D. Chemical Meteorology, 1996, Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University Publications (2000-2003) Gallardo, L., Carrasco, J. and Olivares, G., 2000: An analysis of ozone measurements at Cerro Tololo (70ºW, 30ºS, 2200 m.a.s.l.) in Chile. Tellus B, 52, 50-59. Kalthoff, N., Bischoff-Gauß, I., Fiebig-Wittmaack, M., Fiedler, F., Thürauf, J., Novoa, E., Pizarro, C., Castillo, R. Gallardo, L., Rondanelli, R., 2002: Mesoscale Wind Regimes in Chile at 30 °S. J. Appl. Meteo., 953-970. Gallardo, L., Olivares, G., Langner, J. and Aarhus, B., 2002: Coastal lows and sulfur air pollution in Central Chile. Atmos. Env. 36, 23, 3829-3841 Olivares, G., Gallardo, L., Langner, J. and Aarhus, B., 2002: Regional dispersion of oxidized sulfur in Central Chile. Atmos. Env. 36, 23, 3819-3828 Rondanelli, R., Gallardo, L., Garreaud, R., 2002: Tropospheric ozone changes at Cerro Tololo (30ºS, 70ºW, 2200 m) in connection with cut-off lows. J. Geophys. Res., 10.1029/2001JD001334, 03 December 2002. Quiroz, H., Gallardo, L. Issartel, J-P., 2003: Arsenic dispersion over Central Chile: assessment using the retroplume method. Manuscript in preparation to be submitted by October 1 st 2003 to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics special volume with the proceedings of the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, in Nice, France, April 2003 Research grants (Last 5 years) CLARIS, A Europe-South America Network for Climate Change Assessment and Impact Studies. FP62002-Global-1 Proposal No. 001454. CONICYT-FONDECYT 1030809, 2003-2006 (Principal Investigator): Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange processes and their impact on the ozone balance in the subtropics of the Southern Hemisphere: A multi-scale integrated study based at Cerro Tololo (30ºS, 70ºW, 2200 m.a.s.l) CONICYT-INRIA, 2002-2003 (Principal Investigator): Application and development of inverse modeling techniques to air quality monitoring network design CONICYT-BMBF, 1999-2-196, 2000-2001 (Co-investigator): Un sistema de información ambiental sobre contaminación atmosférica Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA 1998-2000) (Principal Investigator) “Aplicación de un modelo de escala regional a Chile central” del programa “Fortalecimiento del Sistema de Información de Calidad del Aire”. August 2003 38 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.5. Darío R. Gómez (Co-PI) Darío R. Gómez is head of the Environmental Monitoring Group at the Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina (CNEA) and Associate Professor at the University of Buenos Aires. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering (U. of Mar del Plata, 1977) and completed his graduate formation at the University of WisconsinMadison, U.S. (1980-1983). Air pollution impact assessment and climate change are his fields of interest since 1993. In 1995 he was appointed Head of the Environmental Monitoring Group where his duties involve: (1) Planning, coordinating and supervising its activities; (2) Undertaking research on air pollution assessment; (3) Serving as the representative of the Constituyentes Atomic Center on environmental matters, interacting with other governmental institutions, NGOs and the private sector; (4) Coordinating the participation of CNEA in the technical cooperation agreement with the Electricity Regulatory Agency of Argentina (ENRE) that concerns air pollution impacts relative to thermal power; (5) Coordinating the participation of CNEA and ENRE in the Project on Environmental policy instruments in Latin American and European liberalised electricity markets of the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission, 2001-2003; (6) Coordinating the Project on Assessment of CO2 capture and sequestration from fossil power plants in Argentina: potentials, barriers and cost-effectiveness, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2002-2003; (7) Cooperating with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as Editorial Board member of the Database on Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors (EFDB) and as lead author of the Special Report on CO 2 capture and storage; (8) Cooperating with the Methods, Inventories and Science Programme of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change as reviewer for the Annex I Inventory Review Process, 2003; (9) Obtaining funds through technical assistance and research grants. Recent publications (last three years) 1) Chapter of Books and Technical Reports La Contaminación del Aire. E. San Román, G. Arrechea, H.A. Bogo, N. Cadoppi, C. Colombano, M.E. Debray, L. Gidhagen, C. Glogauer, D.R. Gómez, A. Kreiner, L. López, J.A. Lukowski, J. Moretón, R.M. Negri, M. Nicolini, V.L. Orce, M. Ozafrán, A.A. Paladín, R. Plá, S. Reich, N. Slezak, C. Vázquez, M. Vázquez. In: Diagnóstico Ambiental del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. J.M. Borthagaray, R. Fernández Prini, M.A. Igarzábal de Nistal, E. San Román, M. Tudino (coord.), Ediciones de la Fac. de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Buenos Aires, 37-105, 2002. Evaluación Externa de la Iniciativa de Aire Limpio para el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, D.R. Gómez. In: External Evaluation of the Clean Air Initiative for Latin American Cities, R. Boon (editor), Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2002. Evaluación Externa de la Iniciativa de Aire Limpio para la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, D.R. Gómez. In: External Evaluation of the Clean Air Initiative for Latin American Cities, R. Boon (editor), Ibidem. 2) Peer reviewed articles The mean angular distance among objects and its relationships with Kohonen artificial neural networks, J:F. Magallanes, J. Zupan, D.R. Gómez, S.L. Reich, L.E. Dawidowski, N. Groselj. J. Chemical Information & Computer Sciences, in press, 2003 Trace elements content in size-classified volcanic ashes as determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. P. Smichowski, D.R. Gómez, S. Rosa, G. Polla. Microchemical J., in press, 2003. Source extracting information from air quality data measured in an Argentinean steel mill. D.R. Gómez, J.F. Magallanes, S.L. Reich. J. Air Waste Management Association, 52, 174, 2002. Fractionation of elements by particle size of ashes ejected from Copahue Volcano, Argentina. D.R. Gómez, P. Smichowski, G. Polla, A. Ledesma, S. Resnizky, S. Rosa. J. Environmental Monitoring, 4, 972, 2002. Preliminary results of the chemometric treatment of air quality data from a large city. J. Magallanes, S. Reich, D.R. Gómez, L. Dawidowski, N. Groselj, J. Zupan. En: Slovenski Kemijski Dnevi 2002, P. Glavic, D. Brodnjak-Voncina (editores).FKKT (ISBN 86-435-0491-2), Maribor, (Slovenia), 303, 2002. Traffic pollution in a downtown site of Buenos Aires city. H. Bogo, D.R. Gómez, S.L. Reich, R.M. Negri, E. San Román. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 1717, 2001. Receptor analysis using neural networks. L.E. Dawidoski, D.R. Gómez, S.L. Reich, C. Vázquez. In: Air Pollution IX, C.A. Brebbia, C. Latini (editors.). WIT Press, Ashurst (United Kingdom), 607, 2001. El rol de la microscopía electrónica de barrido y la fluorescencia de rayos X para esclarecer un episodio de contaminación ambiental. C. Vázquez, G. Custo, L.E. Dawidowski, D.R. Gómez, M. Villegas, M. Miyagusuku. Avances en Análisis por Técnicas de Rayos X, 11, 2001. August 2003 39 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.6. Karla Longo (Co-PI) Karla Longo is a researcher at the Center of Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies in Brazil (CPTECINPE). She got her PhD in Physics at the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo – Brazil, studying the aerosol particles and trace gases in the atmosphere of the Amazon basin, focusing on the influences of the regional and large scale circulation. Her main research interests is air quality modeling and, recently, she has being studying the regional atmospheric models response to the presence of aerosol particles in the atmosphere. Past Research activities August/2001–December/2002: Associate research program at the Atmospheric Science Department of University of São Paulo – Brazil, with the project: Numerical modeling of the transformation and transport of aerosol particles in the Amazon region – An evaluation of the climatic impacts. FAPESP grant’s. May/2000 – July/2001: Pos-Doc Researcher at the Earth Science Division - NASA Ames Research Center, California – USA, with the project: Transport and transformation modeling of biomass burning aerosols. NRC grant’s. March/1994 – July/1999: Ph. D. program at the Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil PhD dissertation: Study of aerosol particles and trace gases in the atmosphere of the Amazon basin: Influences of the regional and large-scale circulation. August/1996-September/1997: Visiting student at the Laboratory for Atmospheres - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, USA, with the project: Transport of aerosol and trace gases emitted by biomass burning in the Amazon during the SCAR-B “Smoke Clouds and Radiation – Brazil” experiment. CNPq grant’s. Award Outstanding Student Paper Award of the atmospheric science section of the American Geophysical Union 1997 spring meeting with the poster presentation: "Correlation between smoke and tropospheric ozone concentration in Cuiabá during SCAR-B". Baltimore, MD, USA, 1997. Selected Publications: Freitas, S., K. M. Longo, M. S. Dias, P. S. Dias, R. Chatfield, E. Prins, P. Artaxo, F. Recuero, Monitoring the transport of biomass burning emissions in South America, submitted for publication at the Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 5th RAMS users workshop special issue. Andreae, M. O., P. Artaxo, H. Fischer, S. R. Freitas, J.-M. Grégoire, A. Hansel, P. Hoor, R. Kormann, R. Krejci, L. Lange, J. Lelieveld , W. Lindinger, K. Longo, W. Peters, M. de Reus, B. Scheeren, M. A. F. Silva Dias, J. Ström, P. F. J. van Velthoven and J. Williams. Transport of biomass burning smoke to the upper troposphere by deep convection in the equatorial region. Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 28 , No. 6 , p. 951 , 2001. Freitas, S. R., M. A. F. da Silva Dias, P. L. da Silva Dias, K. M. Longo, P. Artaxo, M. O. Andreae and H. Fischer. A convective kinematic trajectory technique for low-resolution atmospheric models. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 105, No. D19, p. 24375-24386, 2000. Longo, K. M., A. M. Thompson, V. W. J. H. Kirchhoff, L. Remer, S. R. Freitas, M. A. F. Silva Dias, P. Artaxo, W. Hart, J. D. Spinhirne, M. A. Yamasoe, Correlation between smoke and tropospheric ozone concentration in Cuiabá during SCAR-B. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, D10, 12,113-12,129, 1999. Artaxo P., E. T. Fernandes, J. V. Martins, M. A. Yamasoe, P. V. Hobbs, W. Maenhaut, K. M. Longo, A. Castanho, Large Scale Aerosol Source Apportionment in Amazonia. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, D24, 31,837-31,847, 1998. Artaxo, P., A. Castanho, M. A. Yamasoe, J. V. Martins, K. M. Longo, Analysis of atmospheric aerosols by PIXE: The importance of complementary measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 1998. Kaufman, Y., P. V. Hobbs, V. W. Kirchhoff, P. Artaxo, L. Remer, B. N. Holben, M. D. King, E. M. Prins, D. E. Ward, K. M. Longo, L. F. Mattos, C. A. Nobre, J. Spinhirne, A. M. Thompson, J. F. Gleason, S. A. Christopher, The Smoke Cloud and Radiation Experiment in Brazil (SCAR-B). Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, D24, 31,783-31,808, 1998. Freitas S. R., K. M. Longo, M. A. F. Silva Dias, P. Artaxo, Numerical modelling of air mass trajectories from biomass burning areas of the Amazon basin. Annais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Vol. 68, 193-206. 1997. August 2003 40 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.7. James Lents (Co-PI) James Lents serves as Director of the Center for Sustainable Suburban Development at the University of California at Riverside and Director of the Atmospheric Processes and Modeling Laboratory at the College of Engineering Center for Environmental Research and Technology located at the University of California at Riverside. Dr. Lents also serves on the Board of Directors of the Energy Foundation and as President of the International Sustainable Systems Research Center, a non profit organization set up to support research into ways to provide for sustainable urban areas. His research is focused on the development of effective environmental management plans, emissions analysis, environmental sustainability and global warming, and the use of market based tools for environmental improvement. Prior to his present positions, he spent 27-years directing air quality improvement programs across the United States including 12 years as Executive Officer of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, 8 years as Director of the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division, and 8 years as Technical Director of the Chattanooga Air Pollution Control Bureau. His success in improving air quality in the United States won him many awards and international recognition including the Air and Waste Management associations SmithGriswold Award, the Swedish Academy of Science/WASA International Environmental Achievement Award, the American Lung Association Award, the Public Health Officers Association Annual Environmental Award, and the Clean Air Coalition Annual Air Quality Award. Dr. Lents has served on numerous state and national advisory boards and his research and environmental improvement efforts to date include work in Almaty; Kazakhstan; Beijing and Shangai, China; Cape Town, Durban, and Johannesburg, South Africa; Pune, India; Nairobi, Africa; Santiago, Chile; and Taipei, Taiwan. Recent publications (last three years) Barth, M.J., Malcolm, C., Younglove, T., Davis, N., Lents, J.M. (2002). Developing Link Emission Factors in the Southern California Air Basin. Proceedings of the 12th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop. Barth, M.J., Malcolm, C., Younglove, T., Davis, N., Lents, J.M. (2002). Developing Link Emission Factors in the Southern California Air Basin. 12th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop. Allison, J., Lents, J.M. (2002). Encouraging Distributed Generation of Power that Improves Air Quality: Can We Have Our Cake and Eat It Too?. Energy Policy. Vol. 30, pp. 737-752 Norbeck, J.M., Lents, J.M., Barth, M.J., Tonnesen, G.S. (2001). Program for the Study of Extremely LowEmission Vehicles: Year 1 Activities. Other Documents and Presentations. Winter-Spring report, February 28. 01-VE-59968-01-FR. Hill, N.C., Welch, W.A., Durbin, T., Lents, J.M. (2000). Air Quality Emissions Impacts in Los Angeles of Removing MTBE from Gasoline. Final Report. Lyondell Chemical Co. Lents, J.M., Allison, J. (2000). Can We Have Our Cake and Eat It, Too? Creating Distributed Generation Technology to Improve Air Quality. Other Documents and Presentations. Final Report to the Energy Foundation, Grant G-0001-05083. December 1. 00-11-PO-57498-01. Lents, J.M., Younglove, T., Swineford, J., Levine, C., Hill, N.C. (2000). Evaluation of Alternative Fuels for Waste Transport and Disposal Operations in Riverside County. Other Documents and Presentations. Final Report to the Riverside County Waste Resources Management District under Agreement LENTS/RCWRMD/98. February. CE-CERT document 00-PO-RT15-003-FR. Hill, N.C., Levine, C., Swineford, J., Younglove, T., Lents, J.M. (2000). Evaluation of Alternative Fuels for Waste Transport and Disposal Operations in Riverside County. Final Report to Riverside County Waste Resources Management District.. Tatsutani, M., Nikkila, N., Barnes, K., Lents, J.M. (2000). The Impact of the Regulatory Process on the Development of Modern Vehicle Emission Rates. Chapter in Environmental Regulation and Technology Innovation: Controlling Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers. NESCAUM, Boston, MA, September 2000. Lents, J.M., Barnes, K., Nikkila, N., Tatsutani, M. (2000). The Regulation of Automobile Emissions: A Case Study. Other Documents and Presentations. In Environmental Regulation and Technology Innovation: Controlling Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers. Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, Boston, MA. September. Zaka, R., Swineford, J., Hill, N.C., Lents, J.M. (1999). Evaluation and Dissemination of Control Technologies for State Implementation Plans using the World Wide Web. Other Documents and Presentations. Poster session, Air & Waste Management Association conference, St. Louis, MO. June. August 2003 41 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.8. Daniel Florencio Lovera Davila (Co-PI) Daniel Lovera is on full time main professor, School of Engineering Metalurgical, Ability of Geologic, Mining Engineering, Metalurgical and Geographical (FIGMMG), National University bigger than San Marcos (UNMSM), Director of Institute of Investigation (IIGEO) of the Ability, Coordinator of the Area of Engineering of the Superior Council of Investigations of the UNMSM (CSI), Coordinator of the Net of Environmental Education of San Marcos, Coordinator of the Net of Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development (Agreement UNMSM - UNCTAD), Member of the National Commission of Climatic Changes (CONAM), Member of School of Engineers from the Peru (CIP),it belongs to the international nets: OIDP Spain, EARTHDAY - USA, INFOCYT - OEA, IADB - BID, IIDS - ONU Degrees High school in Chemical Engineering, Ability of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, UNMSM, 1983 Chemical engineer, Ability of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, UNMSM, 1984 Schoolmaster in Chemical Engineering, Ability of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, UNMSM, 1999 · Studies of Specialization I study of Post Grade in Engineering Metalurgical, Ability of Engineering Metalurgical, University of Concepción, CHILE, 1997 / Microscopy of Polarized Luz applied to Mineral Locations and you plant Concentrates - PUCP - PERU / Corrosion and Protection against the Corrosion" UNC - PERU / Partial Differential equations and Methods of Applied Mathematics", UNMSM / Total Control of the Quality, CIP PERU / non Destructive Rehearsals applied to Pieces of Teams Metallurgists, CIP - PERU / Copper Hydrometallurgy , University of Concepción - CHILE / Desing and Operation of SAG Circuits, University of Concepción - CHILE / Finite Elements, University of Concepción, CHILE / Dynamic Fluid in particled Systems and Phenomena Interfaces, UFRJ - BRAZIL / Indicators of Sustainable Development in Latin America, ECLAC, CHILE / System of Administration ISO 140001, INDECOPI - ISO / I Manage Rational of WETLANDS, RAMSAR - UNMSM · Participation in Projects and Programs of Environment Monitoreo of the Quality of the Air in the City of Marcona. EMTAL programs (Energy and Mines), 1998 / Simulation of Sequential Processes in the Remediation of Efluents Industriales.2000 UNMSM / Automation of the Plant Pilot of Remediation of Industrial Efluents. 2001 - UNMSM / National of the World Day of the Earth Programs. UNMSM ,2001,2002.2003 / Commission Technique of the Quality of the Air. City of The Oroya, 2001 / it Programs of the World Day of the Means Set. UNMSM, 2001,2002.2003 / Technologies of the Treatment of Solid Residuals" / UNMSM - UIS Colombia, Julio 2001/Programa of Formadors of the System of Environmental Administration ISO -14000, INDECOPI - ISO - UNMSM. 2000 / Half Environmental shop in The City of The Oroya, June of the 2001 / Programs of Investigation in Clean Technologies. UNMSM, 1996 - 2001/Proyecto of Stability of Floors: Impermeabilization of the Puddles of Ferrites of Zinc - Chemical processes - Centromín - 1998 / it Programs International World Day and Summit of the Earth 2002 - UNMSM / Plan Environmental Urban Development of Comas. 2002 / plan of Development Sustainable Lacabamba 2003/Proyecto Latin American Net of Extractive Industries and I Develop Sustainable 2003 / Program of Quality of the Air, UNMSM - 2003 · Publications i)Padilla R., Lovera D, M.C. Ruiz, "Leaching of Chalcopyrite in CuCl2 - NaCl - O2 System " Departament of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Concepción, Orlando Convention Center. It USA 13 February 1997. Published in Proceedings of the V Symposium Material of Processing Fundamentals TMS Yearly Meeting USA 1997. ii)Lovera, D. Modeling and Simulation of the Cinematic and Dynamic Process of Sedimentation. Thesis Grade of Schoolmaster. Central library, UNMSM ,1999 iii)Palomino A, Lovera D. A New approach to the analysis of the Phenomenon of Sedimentation by means of functions Space Storms of the Variable of Field fbk III Panamerican Workshop of Computational and Applied National Mathematics.Universidad of Trujillo. April 2000 iv)Lovera D. Simulation of the Production and Remediatión of Waters coming from the Drainage of Rocks Sour(ARD), Have of the Institute of Investigation Geology,Mines, Metalurgy and Geographical, Vol. 4 N° 7 , January-June 2001 v)Lovera D,Puente L., Aviles P., Herrera Y., Nonalaya C., Modelamiento of the Kinetics of Lixiviatión of Concentrated Auriferous in the System CuCl2 - O2. V National Symposium of Auriferous Mining. May of 1999.UNMSM. Lima Peru. Prized to the Investigation Tecnologíc. August 2003 42 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.9. Jaime Ortega (Co-PI) Jaime Ortega has a PhD in Applied Mathematics and works as post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematical Engineering, University of Chile. He teaches several under and post graduate course at this University and develops research in differential equations and control theory. Since 2001 he participates in the inverse modeling group at the CMM working on Geophysical applications. Degrees B.Sc. Faculty of Sciences, Departament of Mathematics, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 1989. M.Sc, Faculty of Sciences, Departament of Mathematics, Universidad de Concepción, Chile,1991 Ph. D. in Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Departament of Applied Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid-Spain, 1997. Grants since 2000 Proyecto FONDECYT 1000543. Comisión Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-CONICYT, Director (2000-2002). Proyecto Incentivo a la Cooperación Internacional FONDECYT N_7000543. CONICYT, Director, (2000-2002). ECOS-CONICYT Equations aux derivees partielles de la mecanique et de la physique.Modelisation,controle et calcul scientifique. French-Chilean Project, Member (2002-2004). FONDEF D00I 1068 Interface dynamic models in fusion, conversion and refinement in Teniente Copper Converter. Applied Mathematics Grant, Member (2001-2003). INRIA-CONICYT Analyse numerique et controle des interactions uide-structure French-Chilean Project, Member (2002-2003). Grant INRIA-CONICYT (2003): "Application and development of inverse modeling techqniques to air quality monitoring network design". Grant FONDECYT 1030943 (2003-2007) "Inverse problems for partial differential equations and ap-plications to engineering". Director. Publications A result of unicity of unbounded solutions on the boundary of bounded domains in PDE with nonhomogeneous term in L1(). J.Ortega, R.Letelier. Proyecciones, Universidad Cat´ olica del Norte, 13 2, 99-113 (1994). Local Gradient Estimates and existence of minimal solutions of some nonlinear elliptic equations blowing-up on the boundary. J.Ortega, R.Letelier. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, Vol V, 1, 111-124 (1993). Existence of a unique solution to a quasilinear elliptic equation on a bounded domain. J.Ortega, G. D´iaz, R.Letelier. Panamerican Mathematical Journal 6, 4, 1-35 (1996). Comportamiento asint´ otico, control y estabilizaci´ on de algunos sistemas parab´ olicos y de placas. J. Ortega. Ph. D. Thesis (adviser: Dr. Enrike Zuazua I.), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1997. Large time behavior in R N for linear parabolic equations with periodic coefficients J. Ortega, E. Zuazua. Asymptotic Analysis, 22 (1) (2000), 51-85. On a constrained approximate controllability problem for the heat equation. J.Ortega, E. Zuazua. Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications 107 (3) (2000), 29-64. Generic simplicity of the eigenvalues of the Stokes system in two space dimensions. J.Ortega, E. Zuazua. Advances in Diff. Equations, 6 (8) (2001). Generic simplicity of the eigenvalues and stabilization for the plate equation J.Ortega, E. Zuazua. SIAM J. Contol Optim. 39 (5) (2001), 1585-1614. On a constrained approximate controllability for the heat equation: addendum. J.Ortega, E. Zuazua. Journal of Optimization Theory and applications 118 (1) (2003). Numerical simulations of gass bubbles formation at a submerged orifice in a liquid. A. Valencia, M. Cordova, J. H. Ortega. Int. Comm Heat Mass Transfer, 29 (6) (2002), 821-830. August 2003 43 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.10. Axel Osses (Co-PI) Axel Osses is a full time Assistant Profesor, Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidsad de Chile and member of the Center for Mathematical Modelling, UMR 2071 CNRS-Universidad de Chile. His research deals with Control of Partial Diferential Equations. Since 2001 he participates in the inverse modeling group at the CMM working on Geophysical applications. Degrees Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France, 1998 D.E.A. U.Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI and Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, 1994-1995. Ingeniero Civil Matemático, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile,1994 Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención Ingeniería Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile, 1991. Research grants since 2000 2003-2005 FONDECYT-CONICYT 1030808-7030059, Controlability of PDE's, Unique Continuation, Carleman Inequalities and Applications. Personal Project and International Cooperation grants. Director. 2002-2004 ECOS-CONICYT C01E02. Partial Diferential Equations in Mechanics and Physics. Modeling, Control and Scientific Computation. French-Chilean Cooperation Project. Chilean director. 2001-2003 FONDEF D00I 1068 Interface dynamic models in fusion, conversion and refinement in Teniente Copper Converter, Applied Mathematics Project. Member. 2000-2005 FONDAP-CONICYT 15000001, Center of Mathemathical Modelling. Member. 2000-2002 FONDECYT-CONICYT 1000955-7000955, Theoretical and Numerical Study of Controllability in Fluid-Structure Interaction Systems. Personal Project and International Cooperation grants. Director. Publications 2002 A. DOUBOVA, A. OSSES, J.-P. PUEL, Exact controllability to trajectories for semilinear heat equations with discontinuous di_usion coe_cients, Volume dedicated to J.-L. Lions, ESAIM:COCV, vol. 8, pp. 621-661, 2002. 2001 A. OSSES, A rotated multiplier applied to the controllability of waves, elasticity, and tangential Stokes control, SIAM J. Control and Optim., 40(3), 777{800, 2001. 1999 A. OSSES, J.-P. PUEL, Approximate controllability of a linear model in solid-liquid interaction, ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, vol 4, 497{513, 1999. 1998 A. OSSES, Une nouvelle famille de multiplicateurs et applications a la controllabilite exacte de l'equation d'ondes C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 326, Ser. I, 1099-1104, 1998. 1998 A. OSSES, J.-P. PUEL, Boundary controllability of a stationary Stokes system with linear convection observed on an interior curve. Journal on Optimization Theory and its Applications 99(1), 201{234, 1998. 1998 C. CONCA, A. OSSES, J. PLANCHARD, Asymptotic analysis relating three spectral models in uid-solid vibrations, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 35(3), 1020-1048, 1998. 1997 C. CONCA, A. OSSES, J. PLANCHARD, Added mass and damping in fluid-structure interaction. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 146, 384-405, 1997. Theses Juin 2003- in progress. Eduardo Contreras, Mathematical methods for travel time inversion from seismic measurements in the Juan Fernández Moho, joint research at the Center of Mathematical Modelling during and after its Master Thesis in Seismology, Geophysics Department, Fac. de Cs. Fs. y Mat., U. de Chile. March 2003- in progress Claudio Pizarro, Asymptotic control of reinforced structures, Mathematical Engineering Thesis in coll. with M. Vanninathan, Mathematical Engineering Department, U. de Chile. October 2001- in progress Galina García, Adaptativity and Control in Oceanographic Models, Ph. D.Thesis in Applied Mathematics, Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción. Co-director. August 2003 44 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.11. Mauricio Osses (Co-PI) Mauricio Osses is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Chile. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering (University of Chile, 1992) and completed his PhD formation at the Department of Fuel and Energy, University of Leeds, U.K. (1993-1997). Dr. Osses gained his PhD in emissions from internal combustion engines at University of Leeds and worked as a research assistant for the Thermie Project, sponsored by the Ford Co. and the European Union. Dr. Osses current research is focused on emission inventories from mobile sources, experimental measurements of vehicle emission factors, vehicle reduction techniques, urban traffic activity, regulated and non-regulated pollutants, fuel composition, alternative fuels, modeling of vehicle emissions under urban conditions and their connection with air dispersion models. Dr. Osses also works as a consultant for the Chilean Government in transportation-emissions programs. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS IN ENGLISH Osses, M., Henríquez, A., Triviño, R., “Positive mean acceleration for the determination of traffic emissions”, June 2002, 11th International Symposium Transport and Air Pollution, Graz, Proceedings Volume II, pp. 65-72, ISBN 3-901351-59-0. Fernández, R., Osses, M., Valenzuela, E., “A model to predict bus commercial speed to estimate public transport emissions”, June 2002, 11th International Symposium Transport and Air Pollution, Graz, Proceedings Volume II, pp. 27-34, ISBN 3-901351-59-0. Corvalán, R., Osses, M., Urrutia, C., “Hot emission model for mobile sources: application to the Metropolitan Region of the city of Santiago, Chile”, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, ISSN 1047-3289, Vol. 52, Nº2, February 2002, pp. 167-174. Osses, M., Gherardelli, C., Fresard, F., “A model to determine primary air pollutant emissions from urban buses in Santiago de Chile”, Seventh International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment 2001, Lemnos Island, Greece, 14-16 Mayo 2001. Publicado en “Urban Transport VII”, WIT Press 2001, ISSN 1462-608X, pp. 419-428. Fresard, F., Osses, M., “Topographical effects on global emissions from mobile sources”, Seventh International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment 2001, Lemnos Island, Greece, 14-16 Mayo 2001. Publicado en “Urban Transport VII”, WIT Press 2001, ISSN 1462-608X, pp. 521-534. Carvajal, M., Osses, M., “Exhaust emissions of aftermarket CNG and LPG conversions of light-duty vehicles”, 17th Congress of the World Energy Council, Houston, Texas, September 12-18, 1998. Osses, M., Andrews, G., Greenhough, J., “Diesel fumigation partial premixing for reduced particulate soot fraction emissions”, SAE paper 980532, SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 23-26, 1998. Andrews, G., Osses, M., Greenhough, J., “Diesel inlet air fumigation for reduced carbon and NOx emissions”, 5th International EAEC Congress, SIA paper 9506A14, 1995. Osses, M., Clark, P., Andrews, G., Ounzain, A. and Robertson, G., ‘Enhanced exhaust gas recirculation using exhaust throttling for NOx reduction at WOT’, I.Mech.E. Conference Transactions, Applications of Powertrain and Fuel Technologies to meet Emissions Standards, p. 321-336, MEP, C517/011/96, 1996. Andrews, G., Osses, M., Desai, M., Haralambidis E., Ounzain, A. and Robertson, G., ‘Comparison of the Emissions and SFC for 10:1 and 12:1 Compression Ratio 1.8 litre SI Engines using Lean Mixtures’, I.Mech.E. Conference Transactions, Lean Burn Combustion Engines, 1996. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS IN SPANISH Corvalán, R., Osses, M., Urrutia, C., Cayunao, P., “Estimación de la contribución del convertidor catalítico en la reducción de emisiones”. Revista Internacional Información Tecnológica, ISSN 07168756, Vol. 12, Nº6, pp. 3-10, 2001. Osses, M., “Convertidores catalíticos de recambio”, 9º Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Octubre 2000. Corvalán, R., Osses, M., Urrutia, C., “Caracterización de emisiones de vehículos livianos a gasolina en las redes viales primarias de la Región Metropolitana – Chile”. Revista Internacional Información Tecnológica, ISSN 0716-8756, Vol. 11 Nº3, pp. 101-110, 2000. Corvalán, R., Osses, M., “Estudio experimental de emisiones asociadas a flujos viales en la Región Metropolitana”. 8º Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidad de Concepción, 27-30 Octubre 1998. August 2003 45 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17.12. Gabrielle Pétron (Co-PI) Gabrielle Pétron is a post-doctoral fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the ASP division. During her PhD she worked in collaboration with the Service d’Aéronomie in Paris, France, and the Atmospheric Chemistry Divison at NCAR, Boulder, Colorado. Her PhD research dealt with the inverse modeling of CO surface sources using 3D global chemistry-transport models and both in situ and satellite data (from the MOPITT instrument). Her current interests include the application of assimilation and inversion techniques to help better constrain the parameterization and boundary conditions used in CTM. Degrees PhD, Environmental Sciences, Université Paris 6, France, 2003. Advisors : Dr. Claire Granier and Dr. Boris Khattatov. M.Sc., Meteorology, Oceanology, Environment, Université Paris 6, France, 1999. B. Sc., Earth Sciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Ulm, Paris, France, 1998. Grants NCAR/Advanced Study Program post-doctoral Fellowship (2003-2005) EOS Interdisciplinary Science Program (EOS/IDS) grant proposal ‘‘A Study of Tropospheric Budgets of CO and CH4 Using Data Assimilation.’’ (PI: Dr. Boris Khattatov) French Ministry of Research and Higher Education fellowship (2000-2003) Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Ulm scholarship (1996-2000) Publications Pétron G., Modélisation inverse des émissions du monoxyde de carbone, PhD thesis, Université Paris 6, Paris, July 2003. Greenberg J.P., Guenther A.B., Pétron G., Wiedinmyer C., Biogenic VOC emissions from forested and cleared Amazonian landscapes, accepted for publication in Global Change Biology. Pétron G., Granier C., Khattatov B., Lamarque J.-F., Yudin V., Müller J.-F., Gille J., Inverse modeling of carbon monoxide surface emissions using CMDL network observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 107, D24, 2002. Pétron G., Harley P., Greenberg J. and Guenther A., Seasonal temperature variations influence isoprene emission, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 28 , No. 9 , p. 1707, May 2001 Granier C., Pétron G., Müller J.-F. and Brasseur G., The impact of natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbons on the tropospheric budget of carbon monoxide, Atmospheric Environment, 34, 5255-5270, 2000. Granier C., Müller J.-F., Pétron G. and Brasseur G., A three-dimensional study of the global CO budget, Chemosphere, 1, 255-261, 1999. August 2003 46 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities CONTENIDOS 1. 2. 3. Title: Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities (UMESAM) Executive Summary Introduction and objectives 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Objectives a) General b) Specific 4. Approach 4.1. Methodology review, selection and implementation a) Emission estimates b) Inverse modeling 4.2. Modeling and evaluation a) Networking and capacity building 4.3. Reports and publications 5. Plan and timetable 6. Relation to IAI Science Agenda 7. Regional Collaboration 8. Contribution of each Co-PI 8.1. Argentina a) Review of methodologies for estimating air pollutant emissions 8.2. Brazil 8.3. Chile a) Emission estimates b) Inverse modeling 8.4. Colombia 8.5. Peru 8.6. USA 9. Capacity building 10. Policy relevance 11. Related research work 12. Summary statement 13. References 14. Potential reviewers 15. Budget 16. Appendix I: Major collaborators 16.1. Argentina (CNEA) a) Researchers at GMA involved in the proposal 16.2. Brazil (USP-INPE) 16.3. Chile (CMM-DIMEC) a) CMM b) DIMEC 16.4. Colombia (UDLA) 16.5. Perú (IIGEO-GIGA) 16.6. United States of America (CE-CERT/NCAR) 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 9 9 10 10 10 11 13 13 15 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 28 29 31 32 August 2003 47 / 48 Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Mega cities 17. Appendix II: PI and Co-PI Curricula 17.1. Maria de Fátima Andrade (Co-PI) 17.2. Eduardo Behrentz (Co-PI) 17.3. Luis Carlos Belalcazar (Co-PI) 17.4. Laura E. G. Gallardo Klenner (PI) 17.5. Darío R. Gómez (Co-PI) 17.6. Karla Longo (Co-PI) 17.7. James Lents (Co-PI) 17.8. Daniel Florencio Lovera Davila (Co-PI) 17.9. Jaime Ortega (Co-PI) 17.10. Axel Osses (Co-PI) 17.11. Mauricio Osses (Co-PI) 17.12. Gabrielle Pétron (Co-PI) Contenidos 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 August 2003 48 / 48