Online Scavenger Hunt 1: Government Resources

Online Scavenger Hunt 1: Government Resources
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Find the sources in these questions and key the answers; include the name of
the site and the URL (Web address).
To save time writing URLs, keep your browser and Word documents open. When
you find the site you want, highlight the address in the browser bar and
copy/paste to your Word document.
Print front/back when finished, staple, and turn in to your tray.
Weather Stories
1. You are writing a weather story about a hurricane, and you want to put it in
a) Find a site that offers a list of hurricanes, and write the name of the site and the
URL; then answer these questions: Clue: Check the National Hurricane Center.
b) Name the costliest hurricane in the United States since 1900.
c) When and where did it occur?
d) How much were the damages?
2. You are writing a story about earthquakes. Find a site that offers good tips on
earthquake preparedness. Clue: Check the U.S. Geological Survey.
a) Write the URL for the site.
Plane Crashes
3. A small plane has crashed in or near your community. You want to find out how
many plane crashes with fatalities occurred in your community and/or your state in
the past year. Clue: Check the National Transportation Safety Board under aviation
and do a query for your state or area in the past year or two.
a) How many fatal crashes occurred in the last year?
b) How many nonfatal crashes occurred in the last year?
c) If the type of plane or company involved has had more than one fatal crash in
the last year or two, check the record of that company using the same query site.
d) What major investigation of an airline crash did the NTSB conduct in 2000?
What was the name of the airline that crashed?
U.S. Census Statistics
4. You are writing a story about population growth in your state. The U.S. Census Bureau
predicts that in the foreign-born population of the United States will grow significantly.
In 2000, the Census Bureau reported that about one in 10 residents was foreign-born,
and about 25 percent of this population was Asian. Using the most recent census,
localize this story: Clue: U.S. Census Bureau – people – projections for your state.
a) What is the total population for your state based on the most recent census
statistics available?
b) What was the population of Asian and Pacific Islanders in your state in 2000?
c) What is the projected total population of Asian and Pacific Islanders for 2025?
Political Reporting
5. You are writing a story about campaign contributions to senators in your state. Find a
site that will give you that information. Clue: Check the Federal Elections Commission.
a) What are the latest totals for money your two senators received?
6. You are checking contributions on a state level. Clue: Check
a) What was the total amount of contributions the governor received in the last
b) What is the limit on the amount of money for personal contributions to a
campaign in your state?
Government Statistics
7. You want quick access to government statistics for a variety of federal agencies. Find
a site that will link you to them. Clue: fedstats
a) Find the latest government figures for tuition costs of college and universities.
(Check under fast facts for education).
b) What was the average tuition, fees, room and board at four-year public
institutions for the latest year available?
c) What was the average tuition, fees, room and board at four-year private colleges
and universities?
8. Find the home page for your state. Write the URL.