Technology Integrated Lesson Plan Title: We the people…. Summary: The students will be able to explore the three branches of government and their roles in our government. Name: Mrs. Deborah Otarola Suggested level: 4th grade Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s): Learning objective(s): Students will learn to use the laptop computers. Students will explore the three branches of government Students will learn the importance of these different branches in our government. Materials required: Laptop computers Worksheet Textbook Approximate number of class periods: This activity should take about 2-3 classes periods for the students to complete. Each period is approximately 50 minutes. Classroom management strategies: (individual, small group, large group – explain) The students will work with a partner to explore the different websites and links to complete the worksheet. Warm up: Brainstorm the importance of rules in school, at home and in our community. Read the book or show the video of Shhh! We’re Signing the Constitution by Jean Fritz Activities/ Procedures: 1. Students will be given scavenger hunt worksheet. 2. Teacher will review what results are expected. 3. Students will be given ample time to complete the scavenger hunt. Assessment strategies: 1. Students will be assessed from their completed worksheet. 2. Students will be assessed for their time management, cooperation and following directions. Related Web Sites: Back-up plan: (if the technology fails!) Students will use their textbooks to work on this activity. We will try to use the laptops in the next class period. Branching out: After the students complete the scavenger hunt, they will use the information that they learned to write their own constitution. Recommendations/ comments: Have additional resources available for the students; If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution by Elizabeth Levy House Mouse, Senate Mouse by Peter W. Barnes Marshall, the Courthouse Mouse by Peter W. Barnes How the U.S Governments Works by Syl Sobel and Pam Tanzey A Mice Way to Learn About Government by Peter W. Barnes NAME ______________________________#_____DATE_____________ This worksheet requires that you use the internet sources listed to find the answers for the following questions. Please write your answers directly on this paper. A. Type in the location box: B. Click on the kite for grades 3-5 C. Click on the Branches of Government D. Use the chart to answer questions #1-3 1. Name the three branches of government. A. B. C. 2. Name two people in the Executive Branch. A. B. 3. Congress is in the ______________________________ Branch. E. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH 4. Name the two parts of Congress. A. 5. F. B. What power does the Congress have? Click on CONGRESS. CONGRESS 6. G. What is the primary role of Congress? Scroll down and click on the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOUSE OF REPRENSENTIVES 7. How long is the term for a representative? 8. How many terms can a representative serve? H. Scroll down and click on the SENATE. SENATE 9. How many senators does each state have? 10. How long is a term for a senator? 11. How many terms can a senator serve? I. Scroll down and click on Branches of Government. Click on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH at the bottom of the page. EXECUTIVE BRANCH 12. Who is the head of the Executive Branch of the government? 13. Who is the president of the Senate? 14. Who is the leader of the army and the navy? J. Click on PRESIDENT. 15. If the President does not approve a bill from Congress and refuses to sign it he is said to _____________________ it. 16. How long is the term for a president? 17. How many terms can a president serve today? K. Click on the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 18. How many presidents has the United States had before George W. Bush? L. Scroll down and click on the Branches of Government. Click on THE JUDICIAL BRANCH. JUDICIAL BRANCH 19. What is the highest court in the country? N. Click on the SUPREME COURT. 20. How many Justices make up the Supreme Court? 21. How long is the term for the Justice? O. Scroll down and click on SUPREME COURT JUSTICES. 22. Who is the Chief Justice today? 23. How many women are on the Supreme Court? List their names. P. Type in the location box: 24. Take a tour with President Bush, Laura Bush, Vice-President Cheney or Lynne Cheney and state one fact that you learned. Your tour was with Fact : 25. List one fun fact about White House history. Fact: Research Report : We the People.... Teacher Name: Mrs. Otarola Student Name: CATEGORY ________________________________________ 4 3 Organization Information is very organized with wellconstructed paragraphs and subheadings. Information is organized Information is organized, The information appears with well-constructed but paragraphs are not to be disorganized. 8) paragraphs. well-constructed. Amount of Information All topics are addressed and all questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each. All topics are addressed and most questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each. All topics are addressed, One or more topics were and most questions not addressed. answered with 1 sentence about each. Quality of Information Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly Information has little or relates to the main topic. nothing to do with the No details and/or main topic. examples are given. Mechanics No grammatical, spelling Almost no grammatical, or punctuation errors. spelling or punctuation errors A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Internet Use Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance. Occasionally able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance. Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested internet links and/or to navigate within these sites. Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance. 2 1