Northwest Indiana Educational Service Center

Northwest Indiana
Education Service Center
The Direction of Service for Education
Dr. Carrie Cate-Clements
Program Coordinator
2939 41st Street
Highland, IN 46322
Voice: 219.922.0900
Fax: 219.922.1246
Great Books Foundation Programs in Indiana K-12 Classrooms (Company Demonstration)
A special workshop exclusively for district administrators and principals. Registration and continental breakfast will
be provided from 9-9:30AM. Program: 9:30-12PM will include: critical thinking through Shared Inquiry, NEW Junior
Great Books series for grades 3-5 and nonfiction for middle school and high school, and funding and planning your
implementation. FREE! April 17, 2007 at the NWIESC.
Dr. Timothy Rasinski will present a workshop on Phonics and Fluency in Reading (K-8) on April 18, 2007.
Phonics and fluency in reading have been found to be key elements of any successful reading program. Dr. Rasinski
will share approaches to assessing and monitoring progress in the key aspects of reading. $150 - Members, $250 Non-Members (includes breakfast, lunch, and materials). Deadline: April 10, 2007 One credit hour of
graduate credit will be made available (for an additional fee) for people who participate in this workshop.
Dr. Jim Popham, Accountability Editor of ASCD's journal, Educational Leadership, will present a
workshop on April 24, 2007 at the NWIESC: Making Instructional Sense of the Assessment Hand You've Been
Dealt. Dr. Popham will show participants how to make the best instructional choices based on the assessment data
generated in the classroom and on standardized tests. Dr. Popham is one of the country's foremost
authorities on educational testing. He was a professor in the UCLA Graduate School of Education for 29
years, teaching prospective teachers about testing and how to use testing as a means toward more effective
classroom instruction. $150 - members, $200 non-members (fee includes materials and lunch). Don't miss this
opportunity to meet Dr. Popham and learn from his research and experiences. This is an excellent workshop for
administrators, teachers, superintendents, and members of school improvement committees.
One credit
hour of graduate credit will be made available (for an additional fee) for people who participate in this
Eliminating the Achievement Gaps Seminar
This seminar is sponsored by the Education Committee of the Northwest Indiana Race Relations Council.
Information and presentations will be provided by a variety of classroom teachers and administrators from across
Indiana including northwest Indiana. This seminar is designed to present “best practices” that have produced good
results in eliminating “gaps” in academic achievement between diverse student populations. Seminar participants will
also begin to draft a plan to eliminate gaps in their own classroom, school or district. Participation is suggested by
school or district teams, as well as by individuals. April 25, 2007 at the Duneland Falls Banquet Center/USWA
Local 6787, 1100 N. Max Mochal Highway, Portage, IN 46304. $25 (includes materials, breakfast, and lunch).
IDOE Division of Professional Standards – Administrator Mentor Training
NWIESC Boone Township, Crown Point, Duneland, East Chicago, East Porter County, Griffith, Hammond,
Hanover, Highland, Hobart, Kankakee Valley, Lake Central, Lake Ridge, Lake Station, Merrillville,
Munster, North Newton, Porter Township, River Forest, Tri-Creek, Union Township, Whiting, Bishop Noll
Institute, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Joseph Dyer, St. Stanislaus, Campagna Academy, St. Michael,
Charter School of the Dunes
Audience: licensed building principals with at least three years of administrative experience OR if retired, must be
within four years of retirement date. Administrative Mentors can only work with candidates outside their home district.
Cost: $15. Location: NWIESC. April 27, 2007, from 9AM-11:30AM.
Spring GT Gathering - Guiding Students with High Ability in Indiana: Social and Emotional Considerations
GT Coordinators, Curriculum Directors, Teachers, and Administrators will gather together to network and learn from
the staff of the Indiana Department of Education’s Division of Exceptional Learners regarding the grants and final
reports. Of special interest, Dr. Ginny Burney and Dr. Kristie Speirs-Neumeister will explore ideas for developing an
effective curriculum for gifted students. Participants will gain an understanding of both the characteristics and the
social and emotional issues facing gifted students. May 2, 2007; 9:00 AM-2:00PM FREE! Complimentary breakfast
and lunch will be served. Funded in part by the Indiana Division of Exceptional Learners, Office of Gifted and
Free Resources:
Mr. Kevin Bain from the Indiana Youth Institute will demonstrate the website and the resources
available with this free program. is a totally free, Indiana-specific career exploration resource for
teenagers to learn about themselves, potential jobs, and the education necessary to make their futures possible.
May 2, 2007, 2PM-3PM, FREE! Audience: Guidance Counselors, Curriculum Directors, Technology Coordinators
(Guidance Counselors attending the Spring GT Gathering are encouraged to stay for this valuable session)
Safe and Drug Free Schools: Spring 2007 Technical Workshop (Sponsored by the IDOE)
The technical assistance workshop for the spring will focus on the application for fiscal year 2007 which will require
an additional year to be added to the SDFS Comprehensive Plan originally submitted with the FY 2004 application.
Time will be provided to work on the addition to the comprehensive plan during the workshop and receive input as
needed. Participants should bring copies of the comprehensive plan to this workshop. May 3, 2007 from
9:30AM-12:30PM, refreshments will be served. FREE!
Excelsior Software’s Pinnacle Plus: Assessment Management System & Analytics (Company Demonstration)
Endorsed by Dr. Robert Marzano and specifically referenced in his newest book “Classroom Assessment & Grading
That Work,” Pinnacle Plus is the solution for those districts wanting to implement Dr. Marzano’s recommendations.
Pinnacle Plus was also named the winner in the Best Student Information System or Gradebook category at the
Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) 21st Annual Codie Awards. Perhaps the most powerful aspect of
Excelsior’s Pinnacle Plus is its ability to interface with over one hundred student information systems. Excelsior
Software has taken further strides of late in the development of an entirely web-based, platform independent
gradebook that offers an extremely easy-to-use interface. Parents can also access their child’s grades online with
absolutely no overhead or “posting” on the teacher’s side. May 3, 2007. Registration begins at 12:15PM, Program
from 12:30-2PM. Lunch will be provided. FREE!
ACT: Strategies to Improve Student Performance
Did you know that 99.9% of postsecondary institutions in the United States use the ACT for admissions and
placement? The ACT is the most widely accepted college admissions test in the United States. From administrators
and curriculum directors to guidance counselors, continuous pressure is being placed on these individuals to help to
prepare students for college placement and admissions examinations. This session will focus on the use of the
EXPLORE and PLAN student reports to help the student. What do cohort group reports tell the learning community
and student achievement and comprehension? Examination of course-end-testing as a way to implement and
monitor achievement will also be emphasized. Phil Daniel from ACT will be the facilitator of this session. May 8,
2007 at the NWIESC. Registration begins at 9:45AM, workshop: 10AM-12PM. Deadline: May 2, 2007. Free to
NWIESC Members, $10 – Non-Members. Audience: administrators, curriculum directors, and guidance counselors.
NWIESC Principal’s Networking Forum
Join area Principals and Assistant Principals as we network and learn from one another. From staffing and testing
concerns to professional learning communities, this group sets its own agenda. New building level administrators
and seasoned professionals are welcome to attend in an effort to help one another grow professionally. One of the
topics for this session is the focus on the Reid Interviewing and Interrogation seminar that will take place this summer
at the NWIESC. This networking session is open to all building level administrators at all school levels. This is a
support group – come and share your ideas and hopefully, take back some good ideas to your districts. May 10,
2007 from 9AM-11AM (registration begins at 8:45AM). No charge – NWIESC Membership only.
eSchoolsPLUS+ (Company Demonstration)
SunGard Pentamation, Inc. announced that Indianapolis Public Schools has selected eSchoolPLUS+ as
their web-based student information system. eSchoolPLUS+ allows educators and parents alike to manage
their students while providing them access to the most relevant, insightful, and potent information about their
students, enabling them to be highly effective. Student administration: easy to manage day-to-day student
administration and information such as demographics, scheduling, attendance, discipline, standardized
tests, report cards, and transcripts. eSchoolPLUS+ provides teachers with an integrated gradebook,
assignment and attendance management system as well as the ability to easily communicate with parents. It
provides parents with the ability to be more informed as to their child’s grades, attendance, assignments,
and discipline information. May 15, 2007. Registration begins at 9:45AM. Presentation from 10AM12PM. Lunch will be provided. FREE!
John E. Reid & Associates: Interviewing & Interrogation Seminar
The NWIESC is pleased to announce that Reid Interviewing & Interrogation will conduct a
workshop at the NWIESC on August 8-9, 2007. This is typically a 3-day workshop condensed into 2 days
to meet the busy schedule obligations of professionals. Many principals from northwest Indiana have
requested this training in an effort to better understand the factors affecting the behaviors of students,
teachers, and their staff. The presenter will delve into behavior symptom analysis including the
evaluation of: attitudes, and nonverbal, verbal, and paralinguistic behavior. Participants will learn how to
conduct a Reid Behavioral Analysis Interview using the Baiting Technique. The seminar will address:
interview and interrogation preparation, a distinction between an interview and interrogation, proper room
environment, and factors affecting a subject’s behavior. Participants will also be instructed how to
analyze factual information prior to the interview and how to ask behavior provoking questions. August
8-9, 2007, 8AM-5PM. $425-NWIESC Members & Law Enforcement Officials; $475 – Non-NWIESC
Members. Fee includes meals, refreshments, materials, and presenter’s honorarium. Graduate level
credit is available for educators (for an additional fee).
Ventures for Excellence: Training to Select and Develop Great Teachers
The single most important responsibility of a school administrator is to ensure the employment and
development of great teachers. The Ventures for Excellence structured interviews and other assessment
approaches are used extensively in hundreds of the best school districts in the U.S. The interviews
enable a trained educator to carefully listen for evidence in the individual teacher’s attitudes, skills, and
behaviors. Each training phase is designed to provide skill building in the use of a specific number of
questions to ask teachers. Phase 1: December 4-5, 2007; Phase 2: February 12-13, 2008.
By popular demand….
September 11, September 12, October 11, and October 12 (four days of training). Stay tuned for further
information regarding times and workshop fees. Three credit hours of graduate level credit will be optional for
participation in this workshop.
What's new in the land of portfolios, mentoring, and beginning teacher assessment in Indiana? Mrs. Debby
Williams, Assistant Director, Assessment, Induction, and Continuing Education at the Indiana Division of Professional
Standards will spend a day with mentors, curriculum directors, HR directors, and administrators to provide updates on
the IMAP and review the changes to the portfolio submission process. September 14, 2007
Lynn Lupold, Indiana High School Redesign Coordinator, will join us on September 27 to learn about the key areas
for redesign and its relevance at the high school level.
Dr. Carolyn Coil hosts a Train the Trainers Workshop for Successful School-wide Differentiation on
October 2 and 3 (please note change of date).
This two-day workshop is designed for school
administrators, teachers, and coordinators who want to become Trainers or Resident Experts in
differentiation in their own schools or school corporations.
Beginning Teacher Intern Program – Rules 46-47
To meet the needs of beginning teachers who are under the old Rules 46-47 one-year mentorship program and their
mentors, the NWIESC is offering a morning and afternoon session from which to choose. Each session is limited to
30 registrants. Beginning teacher and mentor must attend together. Participants will learn about the state
requirements and their responsibilities to maintain their licenses, suggestions for mentoring new teachers, and
information about the conversation from Rules 46-47 to Rules 2002 licenses. Dr. Carrie Cate-Clements will facilitate
these sessions. October 9, 2007: Workshop from 9:15-11:15AM or 1:00-3:00PM.
Financial Literacy Fair - Centier Bank is please to announce their second annual Financial Literacy Fair for
Educators to be hosted at the NWIESC on Tuesday, October 16, 2007. This year’s sessions will mirror the morning
and afternoon presentations, so that two teachers will be able to attend with only the cost of one substitute. Breakout
sessions will also be available for primary, elementary and high school levels, and all materials have been correlated
to state standards.
Dr. Peggy Sharp returns! What’s new in children’s books? Increasing student learning with children’s
literature – new titles for 2007-2008. This seminar introduces new and exciting titles for the 2007-2008 school year.
This unique opportunity to preview and learn about the latest in children’s books with highly practical ready-to-use
ideas to implement in all areas of your program. October 17, 2007.
October 18, October 19, November 12, and November 13 (four days of training). Stay tuned for further information
regarding times and workshop fees. Three credit hours of graduate level credit will be optional for participation in this
Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) – Teaching children handwriting is fast becoming a lost art in this age when
technology and standards are taking control of the classroom. Please join Patty Bounce from HWT on October 30,
2007. In the HWT curriculum, teachers are provided with specific techniques to teach children how to verbalize the
rules of letter formation and to combine verbal and visual feedback with writing and reinforcement. Audience: grades
The How's and Why's of Podcasting - Staci Trekles from Purdue University Calumet will host this workshop on
November 1, 2007. Ever heard of podcasting? If not, there's no doubt that a lot of your students have and perhaps
they have joined the millions of people who are "tuning in" to everything from political talk radio shows to comedy
skits to the latest happenings. Podcasting can deliver just about any audio or video presentation directly to anyone's
desktop, laptop, or iPod, making educational applications like lectures, interviews, and literature discussions
immediately accessible to students anytime, anywhere.
Dr. Thomas Guskey presents Differentiating Instruction with Mastery Learning on November 7, 2007. This
presentation describes way to differentiate and provide a higher quality of instruction for students through the use of
mastery learning instructional strategies. It focuses on the practical issues involved in the classroom application of
mastery learning and describes ways to adapt these procedures to personal teaching styles, specific classroom
situations, and the needs of particular students.
Project CRISS – SECONDARY: Project CRISS was developed by Carol Santa, Ph.D. (Past-President of the
International Reading Association) and a team of high school teachers. The goal of the project is to equip students
with a vast toolkit of learning strategies and with the knowledge to create strategic plans for all learning tasks they
might encounter in school, work and beyond. This workshop will be held on November 8, 9, & 28 (three days of
training). Stay tuned for further information (tuition is extra). Instructor: Chuck Kobliska.
Dr. Bethanie Tucker – Tucker Signing Strategies – A Mental Model
Tucker Signing Strategies for Reading provides a mental model that students need in order to decode words easily,
accurate, and fast. It uses a system of 44 hand signs that prompt associations between letters or word chucks and
their sounds. Intended audiences include: administrators, teachers or tutors who work with students at the third
grade level or below, special education teachers, speech therapists, ELL instructors, and parents. January 30, 2008
Project CRISS – ELEMENTARY: Project CRISS was developed by Carol Santa, Ph.D. (Past-President of the
International Reading Association) and a team of high school teachers. The goal of the project is to equip students
with a vast toolkit of learning strategies and with the knowledge to create strategic plans for all learning tasks they
might encounter in school, work and beyond. This workshop will be held on February 5, 6, & 28 (three days of
training). Stay tuned for further information (tuition is extra). Instructor: Chuck Kobliska.
Indiana Association of the Gifted/Indiana Department of Education Conference: February 11-12, 2008: The
Westin Indianapolis, 50 South Capitol Avenue.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Annual Conferences:
New Orleans, Louisiana
March 15-17
Orlando, Florida
March 14-16
San Antonio, Texas
March 6-8
San Francisco, California
March 26-28