Discipline sheet: International Marketing 1. Information about the program 1.1 Higher education institution Babeş-Bolyai University 1.2 Faculty Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 1.3 Department Marketing 1.4 Field of study Marketing 1.5 Study cycle Master 1.6 Specialization/Program of International Business Administration and Communication study (Romanian, English and French) 2. Information about the discipline 2.1 Discipline title International Marketing Discipline code EME0209 2.2 The holder of the course activities Ph. D. Lecturer Radu Cocean 2.3 The holder of the seminar activities Ph. D. Lecturer Radu Cocean 2.4 Year of 2.6 Type of Written 2.7 Discipline 2 2.5 Semester 1 study assessment exam regime Compulsory 3. Total time estimated (hours per semester of teaching) 3.1 Number of hours per week 3 From which: 3.2 course 2 3.3 seminar/laboratory 1 3.4 Total hours of curriculum 28 3.6 seminar/laboratory 14 42 From which: 3.5 course Time distribution Study after textbook, course support, bibliography and notes Additional documentation in library, on specialized electronic platforms and on the field. Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports. Tutoring Examinations Others activities................................... 108 3.7 Total hours for individual study 150 3.8 Total hours per semester 6 3.9 Number of credits Hours 48 28 26 3 3 x 4. Preconditions (if necessary) 4.1 Of curriculum Not the case 4.2 Of skills Not the case 5. Conditions (if necessary) 5.1. For conducting the course 5.2. For conducting seminar/laboratory Students will show up in time, in a proper outfit Students will turn off their cell phones Students will not leave before classes are over Students possess a level of English proficiency that allows them to engage in debates and write essays 6. Specific skills acquired Professional skills The professional skills acquired as a result of this course can be divided into two categories: General marketing professional skills – which would include the following UK National Occupational Standards for Marketing: • CFAM1.1.1 - Map organisations within their current and future marketing environment • CFAM1.1.2 - Obtain feedback from existing customers, suppliers and others • CFAM1.1.3 - Identify and monitor competitors’ marketing strategies and activities • CFAM1.2.1 - Define the need for market research • CFAM1.2.2 - Design market research projects • CFAM1.2.3 - Implement programmes to collect market research data • CFAM1.2.4 - Collect market research data • CFAM1.2.5 - Analyse market research data • CFAM1.3.1 - Evaluate and interpret findings and identify connection in complex data • CFAM1.3.2 -Define the customer experience towards informing marketing strategy • CFAM1.3.3 - Establish and understand potential market segments • CFAM1.3.4 - Establish target market segments for products/services and evaluate their potential • CFAM2.1.1 - Develop an organisation’s marketing strategy • CFAM2.1.2 - Develop a marketing oriented organisation • CFAM2.1.3 - Demonstrate the value of marketing to the organisation International marketing specific professional skills – which would include the following UK National Occupational Standards for Marketing: • CFAM6.1.7 - Ensure marketing operations comply with legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements • CFAM6.1.8 - Fulfil the legal, regulatory and ethical requirements impacting upon your marketing activity • CFAM6.2.1 - Assess marketing opportunities within international and/or diverse markets • CFAM6.2.2 - Establish the business case and marketing plan for distributing products/services to international and/or diverse markets • CFAM6.2.3 - Implement and evaluate marketing plans for international and/or diverse markets • Creativity and innovation Transversal skills • Critical thinking • Problem-solving • Autonmy and responsability • Social interaction • Personal and professional development 7. Course objectives (arising from grid of specific skills acquired) 7.1 General objective of the Masterands capable of drafting and implementing an international discipline marketing strategy within a company 7.2 Specific objectives Masterands capable of: o Understanding the value of exporting and the need for a coordinated marketing approach to exporting; o Create a marketing culture within all departments linked to exporting; o Cooperate with & manage the exporting department in drafting & implementing the international marketing strategy. 8. Contents 8.1 Course Chpt. 1 Introduction to exporting 1.1. Exporting and domestic selling: similarities and differencies 1.2. Exporting: a rational choice 1.2.1 Risks of exporting 1.2.2. Benefits of exporting 1.2.3. Actual reasons for exporting Chpt. 2 Drafting an Export Marketing Plan 2.1. Prerequisites 2.2. Self-assessment of export readiness and potential 2.3. Assessment of one's value delivery network export readiness and potential 2.4. The Export Marketing Plan outline Chpt. 3 Foreign market selection 3.1. Reactive vs. Proactive Market Selection 3.2. Expansive vs. contractible methods 3.3. The two-step process of selection: the screening stage and the in-depth research Chpt. 4 The macro-environment 4.1. The political and legal environment 4.2. The economic environment 4.3. The socio-cultural environment 4.4. The technological environment Chpt. 5 The micro-environment and the synthesis 5.1. Porter's five forces model 5.2. Austin's model 5.3. The SWOT analysis Teaching methods Observations Power-point presentation +debate N.a. Power-point presentation +debate N.a. Power-point presentation +debate N.a. Power-point presentation +debate N.a. Power-point presentation +debate N.a. Chpt. 6. The marketing strategy 6.1. Setting objectives 6.2. The product strategy 6.2.1. Product definition; product choice for exporting 6.2.2. Standardization vs. adaptation vs. customization 6.2.3. Branding choices 6.2.4. Quality assurance and exporting 6.3. The distribution strategy 6.3.1. Supply alternatives: produce in the foreign market vs. export goods from the home market Power-point N.a. 6.3.2. Distribution channels presentation +debate 6.4. The price strategy 6.4.1. Specific concepts in international marketing: Dumping, Transfer pricing, Countertrade, Trade terms, Methods of Financing & Means of Payment 6.4. Pricing decisions 6.4.3. Grey marketing 6.5. The communication strategy 6.5.1. Objectives 6.5.2. Integrated marketing communications 6.5.3. Instruments of the communication mix Bibliography: Books in English 1. Czinkota, M., Ronkainen, I. – International Markting, Ed. Thompson South-Western, 2007 Kotler, P., Keller, K.L. – Marketing Management – Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006 2. McCarthy, Perreault - Basic Marketing – Irwin, 1993 3. Muhlbacher, H., Dahringer, L., Leihs, H. – International Marketing. A Global Perspective – Thompson Business Press, 2006 Books in Romanian 1. Bradley, F. - Marketing international - Ed. Teora, 2001 2. Curry, J.E. - Elemente de marketing international - Ed. Teora, 2001 3. Danciu, V. - Marketing international : provocari si tendinte la inceputul mileniului trei – Ed. Economica 2005 4. Nicolescu, Luminita - International marketing - Editura ASE, 2005 5. Pop, N., Dabija, D.C., Dumitru, I., Pelău, M., Petrescu, E.-C. – Marketing international - Ed. Uranus, 2011 6. Sasu, C. – Marketing international – Ed. Polirom, 2005 8. 2 Seminar/laboratory Seminar 1 - Case study: Starbucks Seminar 2 - Case study: Tata Motors Seminar 3 - Case study: Mercedes-Benz Seminar 4 - Case study: PepsiCo Teaching methods Printed Case study + video Printed Case study + video Printed Case study + video Printed Case study + video Observations N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. Seminar 5 - Case study: Club Med Printed Case study + video Seminar 6 - Case study: HSBC Printed Case study + video Seminar 7 - Case study: Walt Disney Printed Case study + video Seminar 8 - Case study: Google Printed Case study + video Seminar 9 - Case study: McDonald’s Printed Case study + video Seminar 10 - Case study: Avon Printed Case study + video Seminar 11 - Case study: Levi’s Printed Case study + video Seminar 12 - Case study: Toyota Printed Case study + video Seminar 13: Final review Printed Case study + video Seminar 14: Exam simulation Printed Case study + video Bibliography - company websites, online articles and: Atkinson, R., Court, R. - The New Economy Index http://www.neweconomyindex.org/NewEconomy.pdf Danciu, V. - Marketing international – studii de caz http://www.ase.ro/biblioteca/carte2.asp?id=142&idb= Geert Hofstede™ Cultural Dimensions - http://www.geert-hofstede.com/ International Market Selection http://www.intlms.com.au/screening_in_context.htm Kogon, M. - Exporting Basics https://www.citd.org/files/global/startup/ExportingBasicsUpdate080807.pdf Onkvisit, S., Shaw, J. - International Marketing – 4e - Routledge http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/0415311330/resources/slides.asp http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/0415311330/resources/cases.asp Pierobon, J.M., - How To Succeed In International Business http://www.pierobon.org/export/ch3/web.htm Porter's Five Forces - Assessing the Balance of Power in a Business Situation http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_08.htm N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. 9. Corroboration / validation of the discipline content according to the expectations of the epistemic community representatives, of the ones of the professional associations and also of the representative employers of the corresponding program. The course will be submitted for review to representative employers for the corresponding program. 10. Evaluation Type of activity 10.4 Course 10.1 Evaluation criteria Knowledge of the field 10.2 Methods of assessment Exam: multiple choice questionnaire In-class solutions to the case studies Abilities to implement specific knowldge 10.6 Minimum standard of performance Acceptable level (5 points minimum as a sum of the two evaluations) 10.5 Seminar 10.3 Share in final grade 60% 40% Date of completion Signature of the course holder Signature of the seminar holder 27.08.2012 Lect. Univ. Dr. Cocean Radu Lect. Univ. Dr. Cocean Radu Approval date by department 06.09.2012 Signature of the Head of the Department Prof. Univ. Dr. Plăiaş Ioan