COMMUNITY VISITORS SCHEME INVITATION TO APPLY FOR FUNDING OPEN COMPETITIVE GRANTS FUNDING ROUND 2013 DoHA 233/1213 Instructions for Submitting Applications for the Community Visitors Scheme Grants Funding Round 2013 Applications close at 2pm Canberra time (AEST) on Friday 5 April 2013 (Closing Time). Deliver Part D of your Application (courier or hand delivery) to: Community Visitors Scheme Grants Funding Round 2013 – DoHA 233/1213 Department of Health and Ageing Tender Box Sirius Building Foyer, Ground Floor 23 Furzer Street WODEN ACT 2606 Note: The Tender Box is accessible for deliveries between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday (public holidays excepted). Do not hand deliver to the security guard. Applications are to be lodged in the tender box by the Applicant or authorised representative. Provide 4 unbound (i.e. unstapled and single sided) copies of your Application (Part D), together with the following documentation; Certificates of Incorporation Letters of Support (if required) Financial Statements Late Applications The Department will only accept your Application if it is late as a direct result of mishandling by the Department. In all other circumstances, in the interests of fairness, the Department reserves the right not to accept late Applications. In considering whether it would be fair to accept a late Application, the Department will take into account the degree of lateness, whether the cause of the lateness was beyond the Applicant's control and such other facts as it considers relevant. The Department may also ask the Applicant to provide evidence to support its claims regarding the reasons for late submittal. DoHA 233/1213 1 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding If the Applicant considers that their Application will be late they should notify the Contact Officer prior to the Closing Time advising of the circumstances for the lateness. The Chair of the Assessment Panel will take the reasons into consideration when deciding whether or not to accept the late Application. Enquiries All general enquiries relating to this Invitation to Apply for Funding under the Community Visitors Scheme Grants Funding Round 2013 should be directed to the Contact Officer on either (02) 6289 8284 between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm (AEST) Monday to Friday, or in writing to DoHA 233/1213 2 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding STRUCTURE OF THIS INVITATION TO APPLY PART A GENERAL INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS PART B ASSESSMENT OF APPLICATIONS PART C HOW TO APPLY FOR FUNDING PART D APPLICATION FORM SECTION 1: CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION SECTION 2: APPLICANT DETAILS SECTION 3: GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION SECTION 4: FUNDING REQUEST / ASSESSMENT CRITERIA SECTION 5: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SECTION 6: DECLARATION PART E FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ATTACHMENT A – COMMUNITY VISITORS SCHEME PROGRAM GUIDELINES ATTACHMENT B – STANDARD FUNDING AGREEMENT (TEMPLATE) DoHA 233/1213 3 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part B PART A - GENERAL INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS 1. Background 1.1. The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) was established in 1992-93, following a successful pilot in 27 nursing homes (high care) in South Australia and Queensland during 1990-91. Under section 82-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997, the Department funds community-based organisations (known as auspices) to recruit, train, support and undertake policy checks of volunteer visitors to visit socially and/or culturally isolated recipients of Commonwealth aged care services. 1.2. On 20 April 2012 the Australian Government announced the Living Longer Living Better aged care reform package. This funding round includes the expansion of the CVS to include visits to Home care recipients and group visits to recipients of residential aged care. 1.3. Further information about the Living Longer Living Better aged care reform package is available at 1.4. Funding will be made available over a three year period commencing 1 July 2013 and finishing on 30 June 2016. Applicants should note that a fixed grant of $1,424.50 per allocated visitor per annum, which includes $50 per visitor for a mandatory police check, will be paid to successful applicants. For example, the grant that will be offered to an applicant which successfully secures 30 new places will be $42,735 per annum. 1.5. A total of 2,720 new visitor places will be available for 2013-14 funding, expanding by a further 135 places in 2014-15 and a further 140 places in 2015-16. 1.6. The CVS Guidelines form part of this grant funding round package. They are attached at Attachment A. 2. Policy Context 2.1. The purpose of the CVS is to alleviate social and/or cultural isolation experienced by: Recipients of Commonwealth subsidised aged care services living in the community; and Residents of aged care homes whose quality of life would be improved by friendship and companionship. 2.2. The target groups of CVS services are recipients of Commonwealth subsidised aged care services under the Aged Care Act 1997. Further details are contained in Section 1.2 of the CVS Guidelines at Attachment A. 2.3. The outcome of CVS is to enhance aged care recipients quality of life through the volunteer visits. The anticipated benefits for recipients of CVS services are discussed in Section 1.2 of the CVS Guidelines at Attachment A. 3. Funding Objectives and Activities 3.1. Funding is being provided to further the objectives of the Community Visitors Scheme, including the expanded scope of the scheme introduced by the Living Longer Living Better aged care reform package. Funding under this Invitation to Apply will support activities that: DoHA 233/1213 Provide group visits to people in aged care homes; 4 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part A Provide one on one visits to people ageing in place who receive Commonwealth subsidised aged care services; and Utilise flexible, innovative methods of communication to facilitate interactive relationships between volunteers and care recipients which will allow CVS Auspices to better reach socially isolated older people in regional and remote areas. Further information can be found in the CVS Guidelines at Attachment A. 4. What Will Be Funded? 4.1. A fixed grant will be provided to a successful applicant on the basis of the total number of visitors they are allocated, as per section 1.4 (Part A). 4.2. Within the total grant provided, there will be restrictions on the type of activities and costs that can be offset against the grant. Section 2.2 of the CVS Guidelines at Attachment A provides a comprehensive list of activities and costs that will be funded. 4.3. As noted in Section 1 (Part A), funding will be on a fixed allocation of $1,424.50 per allocated visitor, per annum. The total places offered under this funding round in each year are expressed below: Financial Year Places 2013-14 2,720 2014-15 2,855i 2015-16 2,995ii Note i: 2014-15 places include the 2,720 places from 2013-14 plus 135 new places in 2014-15. Note ii: 2015-16 places include the 2,855 places from 2014-15 plus 140 new places in 2015-16. 4.4. 4.5. Provided sufficient suitable applications are received: 4.4.1. approximately 90% of the places will be allocated to applicants conducting One on One Home Care Visits. This allocation includes funding for the flexible, innovative methods of communication; 4.4.2. approximately 10% of the places will be allocated to applicants conducting Group Visits in aged care homes; 4.4.3. approximately 70% of the places across both Group Visits and One on One Home Care Visits will be allocated to Identified High Need Aged Care Planning Regions and/or Special Needs Groups. Applicants will need to indicate the number of visits intended to be delivered to: 4.5.1. Identified High Need Aged Care Planning Regions; and 4.5.2. Special Needs Groups, as defined by the Aged Care Act 1997 and Allocation Principles 1997 which are: DoHA 233/1213 5 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part A - Care-Leavers (including Forgotten Australians, Former Child Migrants and Stolen Generations) LGBTI (including lesbians, gay men, bisexual, transgender and intersex people) People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds People who live in rural or remote areas Homeless people People from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities Veterans and/or People who are financially or socially disadvantaged. 4.6. If applications received exceed the number of places available, the allocation of places will be made on the basis of merit, within aged care planning regions. 5. What Will Not Be Funded? 5.1. Within the total grant provided to successful applicants, there will be restrictions on the type of activities and costs that can be offset against the grant. Section 2.3 of the CVS Guidelines at Attachment A lists activities and costs that will not be funded. 5.2 Other Costs which will not be funded under this funding round include: capital purchases and construction works; major equipment purchases, such as motor vehicles, office equipment and furniture; overseas travel, relocation costs; costs associated with activities not directly and specifically related to administration of the Community Visitors Scheme; and retrospective items or activities. 6. Who Can Apply for the Funding? 6.1. Applications are encouraged from a wide range of non-government and government entities. Applicants are not required to have had a prior funding relationship established with the Department, but must be a legal entity to be eligible for funding. 7. When will Funding be made Available? 7.1. Funding will be made available over a three year period commencing 1 July 2013 and finishing on 30 June 2016. 8. Timeframes 8.1. The Department anticipates that the outcomes of this funding round will be known in the first half of 2013. The Department will contact successful Applicants after they have been selected to discuss the preparation of the Funding Agreement (see Clause 9 below). 8.2. The Department will notify unsuccessful applicants after the execution of all Funding Agreements with successful applicants. 8.3. The funding period will commence from the date of execution of the Funding Agreement, or 1 July 2013, whichever date is earlier, through to 30 June 2016 (see Part A, Item 1.4). DoHA 233/1213 6 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part A 9. Funding Agreement 9.1. The Department has developed a Standard Funding Agreement and this will be the agreement offered to successful applicants. 9.2. The successful Applicants will be required to sign the Standard Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth, represented by the Department, before receiving any funding. 9.3. The Schedule to the Standard Funding Agreement will provide a detailed description of the activities to be provided in the project, based on the Application and subsequent negotiation. Funding will be paid in instalments throughout the project. 9.4. Applicants should note that, if they are successful, some details of their project (including a project outline, their name and the amount of funding awarded) will be posted on the Department's website as part of Department’s legislative reporting obligations. 9.5. The Standard Funding Agreement at Attachment B will form the basis of the Department’s offer to successful applicants. 10. Insurance 10.1 All Applicants should ensure that they have in place, or if successful are required to obtain, sufficient insurance (the types and amounts of insurance) necessary to cover all obligations in relation to the Activity. DoHA 233/1213 7 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part B PART B - ASSESSMENT OF APPLICATIONS 1. How Will the Applications for Funding Be Assessed? 1.1. An Assessment Panel will be established by the Department to assess Applications against the threshold and assessment criteria. The Assessment Panel will consist of officers from the Department. 1.2. In order to be considered for funding each applicant must satisfy the Conditions of Participation and the Threshold Criteria (as described under Part D, Sections 1 and 3 respectively). The Assessment Panel will consider whether these conditions of participation and threshold requirements are all satisfied by the applicant. Only applicants wishing to apply for places which will be used to explore innovative technology options to facilitate volunteer visits in Home Care should answer Optional Criterion 1. 1.3. Addressing the assessment criteria, even addressing it well, does not guarantee that funding will be provided. 1.4. Section 4.4 (Part A) notes that this funding is subject to the allocation of places between the two Funding Priorities and to identified high areas and aged care recipients experiencing special needs. 1.5. Section 4.6 (Part A) notes the process for allocating applications if this process is oversubscribed. It is anticipated that not all applicants will be able to be funded, due to over-subscription. 1.6. The assessment process will comprise of: the receipt and registration of applications, including initial screening for eligibility and compliance with the Conditions of Participation; assessment of eligible and compliant applications against the Threshold Criterion; and assessment of those applications passing the Threshold Criterion against the remaining Assessment Criteria. 2. Assessment Criteria 2.1. When assessing the Applications for funding, the Assessment Panel will use the assessment criteria in Part D, Section 3 ‘General Project Information’ and Section 4 ‘Assessment Criteria’. 2.2. Eligible organisations will be assessed according to how well they meet the Threshold Criterion. 2.3. When assessing the Threshold Criterion, only applications that are assessed as ‘Met Requirements’ will proceed to full assessment of the remaining assessment criteria. Assessment ratings for the purposes of the Mandatory Threshold Criteria are: Table 1: Rating scale for Threshold Criterion Rating Met Requirements – good claims against the relevant criteria, meets all expectations with convincing information provided Did not meet Requirements – does not meet expectations, may be lacking detail and/or information provided DoHA 233/1213 8 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part B 2.4. All Applicants should complete Assessment Criteria 1 to 3. Optional Criterion 1 should only be completed by applicant organisations that intend to utilise flexible, innovative methods of communication to facilitate interactive relationships between volunteers and care recipients in Home Care, as discussed in Part A. 2.5. All Applications will be assessed to ensure that they deliver visits according to the priorities of the Community Visitors Scheme expansion as identified in the Living Longer, Living Better aged care reform package, including that the visitor places sought will not duplicate places already funded through the existing Community Visitors Scheme visitor places allocated. 2.6. In assessing an Application against the assessment criteria, the Assessment Panel may consider the Applicant's financial viability and the risk of the Application. 2.7. In assessing an Application the Assessment Panel may use material included in response to one assessment criterion in the assessment of other assessment criteria. 2.8. The Assessment Panel may also seek information about any Applicant from any other source, including from within the Commonwealth, whether or not the individuals or organisations contacted are nominated as referees by the Applicant. 2.9. The Department may also consider information about the Applicant that is made available through the normal course of business of the Department, including an applicant’s history of performance under the CVS, if applicable. 2.10. If the assessment process identifies unintentional errors of form in an Application, the Applicant may be contacted to correct or clarify the errors, but they will not be permitted to make any material alteration or addition. Unintentional errors of form may apply to mandatory conditions of participation. 2.11. The Assessment Panel will undertake assessment of applications in comparison with other applications submitted, and will consider the applicant’s response to each Assessment Criterion. 2.12. For the purposes of this funding round, the First Assistant Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Division, will be the decision maker. 2.13. Although an application may achieve a high rating, this does not guarantee funding. The rating scale to be used is represented in the table below: Table 2: Rating scale for remaining assessment criteria Rating Highly Suitable - excellent claims against the criteria, exceeds expectations, information provided confirms consistent superior performance Suitable - good claims against the criteria, meets all expectations with convincing information provided Not Suitable - claims against the criteria do not meet expectations, may be lacking detail and/or information provided DoHA 233/1213 9 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part C PART C - HOW TO APPLY FOR FUNDING 1. Complete the Application Form 1.1. You must submit your Application for funding on the Application Form in Part D and it must be completed in English. 1.2. The Declaration in the Application Form must be signed by a person authorised to act on behalf of the Applicant. 1.3. If you are from a non-government or private sector organisation, you should include in your Application: One (1) copy of the organisation's Certificate of Incorporation; and One (1) copy of the organisation's previous financial year's financial statements (preferably audited). The Department may ask for further information about the Applicant's financial viability. DoHA 233/1213 10 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part C 2 Complete the Application Checklist 2.1. Before you submit your Application, complete the following checklist to ensure that your Application is complete. Before You Begin [ ] Read this Invitation to Apply for Funding (including Part E “Frequently Asked Questions”). [ ] Ensure that you understand the conditions of participation and the threshold criterion set out in Part D, Sections 1 and 3 and the Assessment Criteria set out in Part D, Section 4 “Assessment Criteria”. [ ] When you submit an Application, confirm that, if your Application is successful, you will accept the terms of the Standard Funding Agreement or specify in the application any areas where compliance is not agreed and the reasons why (see Part D Section 5 “Acknowledgements”). The consequences of any inability to comply will be considered as part of the assessment process. Completing Your Application [ ] Use the template Application Form in Part D and complete every Section, unless you are instructed otherwise. [ ] Complete the Application Form in English. [ ] Indicate that the Applicant makes the acknowledgements in Part D, Section 5 of the Application Form “Acknowledgements” by selecting 'YES'. [ ] Complete and sign the Declaration in Part D, Section 6 of the Application Form (Note: The Declaration must be signed by an authorised officer of the Applicant). Submitting Your Application [ ] Check that you have completed each Section of the Application Form, unless you are instructed otherwise. For non-government Applicants: [ ] Attach to the Application one (1) copy of the Applicant's Certificate of Incorporation. [ ] Attach to the Application one (1) copy of the Applicant's previous financial year's financial statements (preferably audited). 3. Submit Your Application 3.1. Submit your Application for funding in accordance with the submission details and methods on the cover page of the Invitation to Apply for Funding. 3.2. You are responsible for ensuring that your Application is completed accurately. 3.3. You may not alter the substance of your Application following its submission. If you discover an error in your Application you should inform the Department immediately in writing by email to The Department may seek information from you to clarify any aspect of your Application, but it is not required to do so. 4. Retain a Copy of Your Application 4.1. It is recommended that you retain a copy of your Application for your records. DoHA 233/1213 11 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part C 5. Taxation Implications 5.1. Applicants are responsible for ensuring they comply with the appropriate taxation legislative requirements. 5.2. For some general guidance on the taxation treatment of grants and funding from the Commonwealth, Applicants may wish to refer to the Australian Tax Office website at However, Applicants are advised to seek independent advice from a taxation professional on how funding paid to you (or to any entity you propose to establish to receive funding) would be treated for tax purposes. 6. Complaints Handling Process 6.1. Written complaints should be emailed to The investigation will be managed by Ageing and Aged Care Division and the Investigating Officer will be senior to the person responsible for managing the process. 6.2. The Investigating Officer will: acknowledge the complaint within 10 working days of receipt, and indicate the expected timeframe for a formal response; ensure all correspondence on the complaint is recorded and filed appropriately; investigate the complaint; prepare a report; and advise the complainant in writing of the outcome. 6.3. The response to the complainant will be in writing and will outline the issue that has been raised, what action has been taken to examine the issue and an assessment of the complaint. 6.4. If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome, they may seek an independent internal review. 7. Independent Internal Review 7.1. The complainant should lodge a written request for further examination of the complaint and an independent review by email to 7.2. The request will be referred to an independent internal review officer who will: 7.3. notify the complainant of their appointment and the expected timeframe to assess the complaint; confirm the matters to be reviewed; seek any further information required to complete the review; and advise the complainant in writing of the decision within the timeframe specified. The written notice of the decision will outline the complaint that had been raised and the matters that were taken into account in reaching the decision. DoHA 233/1213 12 For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D PART D - APPLICATION FORM FOR FUNDING UNDER THE COMMUNITY VISITORS SCHEME SECTION 1 – CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION Note: Applicants need to satisfy all the following Conditions in order to be considered for funding under this funding round. Indicate where you have satisfied each condition. Applications WILL NOT be assessed further if they do not meet the Conditions of Participation. Conditions Indicate if conditions met √ 1. The Application is completed in Part D (in English). 2. The Declaration at Section 6 is signed. 3. The Applicant’s legal status is as specified in Section 2 (and a certificate of incorporation is attached, if appropriate). DoHA 233/1213 13 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D SECTION 2 - APPLICANT DETAILS Details of Applicant Applicant Organisational Type [Tick box against organisational type] Note: If you identify as an Organisation under type a) – d) please attach to the Application one (1) copy of the Applicant’s Certificate of Incorporation. a) Incorporated Associations (incorporated under State/Territory legislation, commonly have 'Association' or 'Incorporated' or 'Inc' in their legal name); b) Incorporated Cooperatives (also incorporated under State/Territory legislation, commonly have "Cooperative” in their legal name); c) Companies (incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 – may be not-forprofit or for-profit proprietary company or public companies limited by shares or by guarantee); d) Aboriginal Corporations (incorporated under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2006 and administered by the Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations); e) Organisations established through a specific piece of Commonwealth or State/Territory legislation (many public benevolent institutions, churches, universities, unions etc); f) Partnerships; g) Trustees on behalf of a Trust; h) State/Territory or Local Governments; i) Where there is no suitable alternative, an individual or - jointly and separately – individuals. Other (please specify) ............................................................. DoHA 233/1213 14 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D Applicant Organisational Details DETAIL REQUIRED APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: Applicant Name Provide the name of the legal entity submitting the Application. This will also be the name of the contracting party if the Application for funding is successful. Australian Business Number (ABN) If the Applicant is an entity registered on the Australian Business Register, provide the ABN used by the Applicant. Australian Company Number (ACN) If the Applicant is an Australian company then provide the ACN unless the number also appears in the ABN given above. Registered Business Name If the Applicant uses a name registered under the business names register kept under the law of a State or Territory of Australia, then provide this name. Registered Business Address This needs to be the official address in respect of the legal entity submitting the Application. If the Applicant is using a business name, it may be the address registered in respect of the business. Address for Notices This needs to be the address the Applicant primarily wishes to be used for notices given under any contract (if different to the Registered Business Address). Insurance Confirm willingness to obtain required levels of insurance if successful. GST Is your organisation registered for GST? DoHA 233/1213 15 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D Authorised Contacts Preferred Contact Alternative Contact Referee 1 Referee 2 Name: Position/Title: Postal Address: Street Address: Phone Numbers (office/mobile): Fax Number: Email: Referees Name: Company Position/Title: Phone Number: Email: Note: Attach to the Application one (1) copy of the Applicant’s previous financial year’s financial statements (preferably audited). DoHA 233/1213 16 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D SECTION 3 – GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION Yes/No Is the applicant an existing CVS auspice? If yes, how long (in years) has the applicant been a CVS auspice? Areas of the project Please complete the following table for the number and type and geographic region of places you are applying for in each financial year: Name of Aged Care Planning Region Number of Home Care visitor places* sought Special Needs Group/s Targeted with Home Care visitor places Number of residential Care Group visitor places* sought Special Needs Group/s Targeted with Group visitor places Total number of new visitor places sought Please add rows to the table as needed. *Please complete number of visitor places in multiples of 5. Note: The number of Group visitor places sought represents the number of visitors to be placed with a group, not the number of aged care recipients to be visited. For more information about the parameters of group visits, please refer to the CVS Guidelines at Attachment A. For guidance on Aged Care Planning region geographic boundaries, please go to: Special Needs Groups, have been defined by the Aged Care Act 1997 and Allocation Principles 1997 and are listed - Care-Leavers (including Forgotten Australians, Former Child Migrants and Stolen Generations) LGBTI (including lesbians, gay men, bisexual, transgender and intersex people) People from non-English speaking (culturally and linguistically diverse) backgrounds DoHA 233/1213 17 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D - People who live in rural or remote areas Homeless people People from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities Veterans People who are financially or socially disadvantaged. Threshold Criterion Note 1: Applicants MUST provide a response to the Threshold Criterion. In assessing the Threshold Criteria the Assessment panel will not refer to other parts of, or attachments to, your application. Only responses rated as having Met Requirements will proceed to assessment of the remaining assessment criteria (Section 4 - Funding Request). Note 2: When addressing this criterion it is essential that your response is comprehensive and complete, yet succinct. Responses to this criterion should be limited to 600 words only. 1 - DEMONSTRATED EXPERTISE AND CAPACITY, INCLUDING SKILLS AND THE NECESSARY INFRASTRUCTURE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COMMUNITY VISITORS SCHEME. DETAIL REQUIRED APPLICANT'S RESPONSE a) Please provide details of your organisation’s experience in delivering similar activities. b) Briefly describe how your organisations’ program/project management policies will assist volunteer recruitment and reporting to enable monitoring and measurement of CVS visits. Responses to this question will be assessed in accordance with a rating scale of Met/Did not meet Requirements (see Part B, Section 2.3 (Table 1)). Only responses rated as ‘Met DoHA 233/1213 18 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D Requirements’ will be eligible for the next stage of the assessment process: ‘assessment of assessment criteria’. SECTION 4 – ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1 – NEED (All applicants should address this criterion) Note 1: Responses to this criterion should be limited to 600 words only. DETAIL REQUIRED APPLICANT'S RESPONSE a) Provide evidence of why the visitor places applied for in this application (ie. Group visits or Home care visits) are needed in this region. b) Briefly explain how your organisation’s existing policies will assist with implementing these new visitor places. This could be demonstrated by a discussion of your: ability to implement the CVS within budget and timeframes, as well as abide by and meet all reporting requirements; ability to work collaboratively with all key stakeholders; and capacity to undertake all establishment phase activities and be ready to start recruiting volunteer visitors within three months of entering into the contract with the Department. DoHA 233/1213 19 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D 2 – ABILITY TO MEET THE NEEDS OF TARGETED SPECIAL NEEDS GROUPS (All applicants should address this criterion) Note 1: Responses to this criterion should be limited to 600 words only. DETAIL REQUIRED APPLICANT'S RESPONSE a) Provide details of your knowledge of, or experience delivering services to, the special needs group(s) you are targeting. b) Briefly explain how you intend to identify and engage with relevant aged care providers to facilitate volunteer visits to these special needs groups. DoHA 233/1213 20 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D 3 – RISK MANAGEMENT (All applicants should address this criterion) Note 1: Responses to this criterion should be limited to 600 words only. DETAIL REQUIRED APPLICANT'S RESPONSE a) Please detail how your organisation will manage risks around providing CVS. Risks may include, but are not limited to your organisation’s ability to implement the CVS places in accord with the budget, timeframes, reporting requirements, and ability to engage with service providers. DoHA 233/1213 21 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D OPTIONAL CRITERION 1: INNOVATIVE USE OF TECHONOLOGY Note 1: Only applicants wishing to apply for places which will be used to explore innovative technology options to facilitate volunteer visits in Home Care should provide a response to this Optional criterion. This should be reflected in your response in the table at Section 3 of Part D. Note 2: Responses to this criterion should be limited to 600 words only. DETAIL REQUIRED APPLICANT'S RESPONSE Provide details of your intended approach to facilitate interactive relationships, using technology (especially towards older people with special needs or in Identified High Need areas, if applicable) between volunteers and home care recipients. DoHA 233/1213 22 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D SECTION 5 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS If this Application for funding is successful, the Applicant acknowledges and agrees: that the project name, brief project description, the amount of the funding and name of the Applicant's organisation may be: included in the Department’s reporting on the internet in line with the Commonwealth Grant Guidelines and Senate Orders; used by the Commonwealth in media releases and other publications (such as Annual Reports); and/or used to compile a consolidated report. that it will be required to provide proof that it has sufficient insurance cover to conduct the proposed activities specified in this Application Form if requested and that the funding will be provided in accordance with the terms of the Standard Funding Agreement at Attachment B and the Applicant agrees to abide by the terms of that Agreement. [Please circle to indicate whether the Applicant makes the above acknowledgements] YES / NO If NO, please explain why the Applicant has not made the above acknowledgements. ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ Please list any Agreement clauses where there is a level of non compliance in the table below. Clause Reference Reason for Non Compliance DoHA 233/1213 23 For Official Use Only (When Completed) For Official Use Only Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Part D SECTION 6 - DECLARATION Guidance for completing this Declaration This Declaration must be signed by an authorised representative of the Applicant (or, if this Application is a joint/Consortia Application, an authorised representative of the Lead Organisation). The authorised representative should be a person who is legally empowered to enter into contracts and commitments on behalf of the Applicant / Lead Organisation. An Application which does not provide all required information or which contains false or misleading information may be excluded from consideration. I hereby apply for a grant under the Community Visitor Support Scheme Grant Funding Round 2013 of: $..............................................[insert GST inclusive amount] for ............................................................................................................................................. [insert Project Title provided in Section 3 – General Project Information]. I certify that the information given in this Application is complete and correct. I declare that the Applicant is not listed as a terrorist under section 15 of the Charter of the United Nations Act 1945.1 Signature: Name (BLOCK LETTERS): Position of Applicant: Date: 1 A consolidated list of such persons, entities and associated assets is maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade under the Charter of the United Nations (Dealing with Assets) Regulations 2008. DoHA 233/1213 24 For Official Use Only (When Completed) Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding PART E - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS In this Part we have included answers to some frequently asked questions. Will late Applications be accepted? The Department will only accept your Application if it is late as a direct result of mishandling by the Department, which is clearly stated on the front page of the Invitation to Apply. Do Applications have to be hand delivered or couriered? Can they be posted to the tender box? As stated on the front page of the Invitation to Apply, all applications must be provided by courier or by hand to Community Visitors Scheme Grants Funding Round 2013 - DoHA/233/1213 Department of Health and Ageing Tender Box Sirius Building Foyer, Ground Floor, 23 Furzer Street WODEN ACT 2606 The Tender Box is only accessible between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). Where is the Tender Box? The Tender Box under the digital clock in the foyer (ground floor) of the Sirius Building at the corner of Furzer and Wogan Streets, WODEN ACT. The application is to be put into the chute for the Tender Box. The security guard is not permitted to accept applications – do not hand an application to the security guard. Applications must be lodged in the tender box by the Applicant or authorised representative. Do I submit the entire Invitation to Apply or just the Application portion? Submit only Part D, Sections 1-6 (4 copies) of the Invitation to Apply, together with other information that is expressly requested of you as noted in the Invitation to Apply. Who should sign my application? The Invitation to Apply states that an authorised officer of the Applicant’s organisation should sign the Declaration in Part D, Section 5 of the Application Form. An authorised officer should be a person who is legally empowered to enter into contracts and commitments on behalf of the Applicant/Lead Organisation (where the Application is a joint/consortia Application). DoHA233/1213 25 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Do we have to submit four (4) copies, or is one enough? As stated in the Invitation to Apply, Organisations must provide 4 unbound (i.e. unstapled) copies printed single sided, of their application(s). When will my organisation find out if my Application has been successful? The selection process may take some time to complete, but it is anticipated that Applicants will be notified of the outcome in the first half of 2013. Should Organisations complete the Funding Agreement? Do not complete the Standard Funding Agreement included as part of the Invitation to Apply, as this is provided as an example only. Only successful Applicants for funding will be required to sign a Funding Agreement following negotiations and prior to receiving any funding. Can an organisation submit more than one Application? No. Organisations should supply details of all visitor places they wish to apply for in the table in Part D, Section 3. Can I obtain an extension of time or add additional information to my application once submitted? As stated on the front page of the Invitation to Apply, the Department will only accept your application if it is late as a direct result of mishandling by the Department. In all other circumstances, in the interests of fairness, the Department reserves the right not to accept late Applications. Additional information will not be accepted on submitted applications with the exception of letters of support or financial documents, or as requested by the Department. Who can apply for grants? Interested organisations need to determine if they are eligible to apply for funding. Part A, Item 6 of the Invitation to Apply provides further guidance on who can apply for funding. Are there any GST or income tax-related issues involved in receiving funding? Part C, Item 5 of this Invitation to Apply and outlines the taxes (including GST), duties and government charges for which successful funding Applicants will be responsible. We recommend that you seek independent advice regarding the income tax implications of receiving funding. What is the funding period? Funding in this funding round is available from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2016. Can State or Territory Government funded services apply for funding? Yes, State or Territory Government funded services can apply for funding. For further information refer to Part A, Item 6 of the Invitation to Apply. Can my organisation be allocated fewer places than it asked for? Yes. The number of places you apply for will be considered as part of the assessment process and may be considered further during the Funding Agreement negotiation stage. The final number of places (and related funding amount) offered by the Department may be less than you applied for. Can I request a hard copy of the documentation? The Department expects that most applicants will be able to access the documentation through the Department’s website, however it will provide a hard copy on request. DoHA233/1213 26 Department of Health and Ageing Invitation to Apply for Funding Can organisations apply online? It is not possible to apply online. As specified on the front page of the ITA application form, all applications must be submitted to the Tender Box. What sort of Referees are required? Who can be a referee? Interested organisations need to determine the most appropriate referees to support their application. Can the application form be copied to Word? The ITA documentation on the Department's website comprises both Word and pdf versions of all documents. You need to use the Word version of the ITA application form to complete your application. Can you let me know if my Application is likely to be successful or provide guidance on how to complete the Application? Due to probity reasons, it is not possible to provide additional guidance on the eligibility or likelihood of success of any application, or to offer assistance to complete your application. Who should I contact if I need more information? If you have any other questions or you need more information, you can send an email to as identified on the cover page of this Invitation to Apply for Funding. DoHA233/1213 27