ESI Inpatriate Health Plan Underwritten by Grand United Corporate Health Ltd Application Form Please send your completed form to Elizabeth Egginton at ESI, GPO Box 3162, Sydney NSW 2001 I WISH TO: Join as a new member Add a dependent Change my details COMPANY NAME ........................................................................................................................................................ MY DETAILS: (Please print in block letters) Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms etc) .................................................................... Surname Given Names .......................................................................................................................................................................... Date of Birth .................................................................... Home Address .......................................................................................................................................................................... Sex: ......................................................................... Male Female .................................................................... Postcode ……....................................... Telephone Home ( ) ............................................................. Work: ( ) ................................................................. Email Address ......................................................................................................................................................................... Country of Citizenship ......................................................................................................................................................................... Single I require the following cover: Family COVER TO COMMENCE ……../……../……. DEPENDANTS TO BE COVERED Surname F Surname First Name & initial Relationship to Member Partner Child* Child* Child* Date of Birth Sex M/F Please use a separate sheet for additional dependants. *Full time students over 21 and under 25 years of age must be registered annually by special application. Is any dependant a full time unmarried student over the age of 21 and under the age of 25 and not liable for personal income tax? If YES, please provide person’s name, name of educational institution and course being undertaken. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Do any of the people enrolling above suffer from any ailment or condition for which they are receiving treatment or will require treatment? If YES, please provide person’s name and details of condition (Please provide separate sheet if insufficient space). ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................………………………….. Yes No Yes No LIFETIME HEALTH COVER Please include evidence if you previously had hospital cover with an Australian Health Fund. This will enable us to determine your Certified Age at Entry (CAE). If Lifetime Health Cover applies to you and you did not have hospital cover with an Australian Health Fund, your premium will be calculated according to your birth date(s) at the time of joining. TRANSFER FROM ANOTHER INSURER / HEALTH FUND If you’ve had health cover with another insurer or health fund within the last two months you may apply for continuity of cover. Please include your policy document and membership dates statement from your previous insurer for this to be assessed. Insurer .................................................................. Membership No .................................................... Level of Cover .................................................................. Date Joined: ........./............/...........Date Paid To: ........./............/........... AUTHORITY FOR FASTBACK CLAIMS (Direct Credit of Claims) Account Name ............................................................. Branch (BSB) Number .................................................. Account Number ............................................................. Bank/Financial Institution Name .................................................. Bank/Financial Institution Address ................................................................................................................................................... DECLARATION I request Grand United, until further notice, to credit my/our nominated account with any amount which may be payable by Grand United Corporate Health in respect of a claim on my membership. Signature ………………........................................................... Date ........./............/........... FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 30% REBATE Please complete and sign this section if you wish to receive the Federal Government 30% Rebate on private health insurance as a reduced premium. ■ All people on your membership must be listed on a Medicare card or be entitled to a Medicare card for you to receive the Rebate. ■ You must have a current Medicare card. If your Medicare card is out of date, you cannot qualify for the Rebate until you have obtained a new Medicare card. ■ ility to claim the Rebate, call the Department of Health and Aged Care on 1800 676 296. Medicare Card No: Your name exactly as it appears on your Medicare card Valid to: / / .............................................................................................................. Are all the persons listed on your application listed on a Medicare card or entitled to a Medicare card? Yes No PRIVACY DECLARATION Grand United and ESI is committed to meeting the requirements of the Privacy (Private Sector) Amendment Act 2000. Grand United and ESI will assist all health fund members’ access, update and/or correct personal information. Personal information will be protected by security measures, and will be used by Grand United and ESI for regulatory reporting and for the provision of eligibility information for service providers/agents/brokers and hospitals as well as to provide, and assist in the development of, member services which may include use by it's related agencies, but will not be used for any other purpose, such as the sale disclosure to a third party, without the members approval. Your partner/spouse, if listed on your membership, will have access to membership information with the exception of cancelling the policy. If you do not wish to receive information on other Grand United and ESI products and services please tick this box. If more than one family member over the age of 16 is on the membership, each one signs below. Signature Signature Signature Signature ………………........................................................... ………………........................................................... ………………........................................................... ………………........................................................... Date Date Date Date .........../.........../............. .........../.........../............. .........../.........../............. .........../.........../............. DECLARATION/AUTHORITY I declare that the information stated on this form is true and correct in every detail and I agree to be bound by the Fund Rules of Grand United Corporate Health Limited. I acknowledge that the organisation shall have the right to cancel my membership if the information provided by me is inaccurate or misleading. I have read the Important Information section in the Corporate Health Plan booklet and understand all conditions including those regarding waiting periods and pre-existing conditions. If transferring from another fund, I authorise Grand United Corporate Health Limited to obtain any information necessary from my previous fund. Signature ……………………….......................................................... Date .........../.........../............. WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Please send your completed form to Elizabeth Egginton at ESI, GPO Box 3162, Sydney NSW 2001 Within a few weeks of your application being processed, you will receive a membership pack from Grand United Corporate Health Fund. This pack will include: Your Membership Card Your Member Booklet Claim Forms and details on claiming Once you have received this information, you can contact Grand United Corporate Health on Freecall 1800 249 966 with any queries. If you need further assistance, please contact Elizabeth Egginton at ESI on 1300 365 385.