FACE TO FACE ENCOUNTER - CERTIFICATION ADDENDUM GENESIS HEALTH SYSTEM Patient Name Birth Date I certify that the face-to-face encounter took place on: (MM/DD/YY) and is related to the PRIMARY REASON the patient needs home health services, WHICH IS: Medicare Only I certify that this patient is HOMEBOUND because absence from home requires considerable and taxing effort DUE TO: (i.e., limited ambulation, unsteady gait, poor balance, SOB with minimal exertion, mental confusion, bed or wheelchair bound, needs assist with equipment, etc.) Physician Signature Date of Signature Physician Printed Name These certification statements are required by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, and mandated by the Affordable Care Act (effective 01/01/2011), in order for home health agencies to provide services to Medicare beneficiaries. These statements are required to be completed by the physician. Therefore, please fill in the blanks on this form, sign and date it, and return via fax to Genesis VNA at 563-421-5049. P:\Forms (Do Not Delete...)GHS\Face-To-Face Encounter.pdf Form # 4501503202 Developed 12/10 Revised 07/11