Contact Info - Professor Dohan's Website, Queens College, New

Fall 2011 QUEENS COLLEGE - DEPT OF ECONOMICS Student Profile For Prof. Dohan’s Students Eco 101 or Eco 102
__________________ ______________________
Last Name (Print
First Name (Print)
________________ _______________________________________________ __________________________
Year QC (# of credits)
Plannd MAJOR/ DEGREE PROGRAM AT QC if any. Planned date of graduations
Student Acknowledgement of Understanding Class Guidelines
I have read the course syllabus for Eco. 101 or 102 for the fall semester 2011 semester, in its entirety. I have had the opportunity to
ask the instructor, Prof. Michael Dohan, any questions about any aspects of the syllabus, course requirements, academic integrity, use
of cell phones and other electronic devices, grading policy, classroom rules and exam rules. I have also received answers to all such
questions including the consequences of not following these policies.
I have written on the back of this form the dates of any classes which I won’t be able to attend for religious observance, family
matters, business or other reasons. I understand that information on the syllabus may be changed during the semester, and that such
changes may be communicated either in class, on the class websites ( or by e-mail. I acknowledge that it is
my responsibility to keep up with class announcements and Aplia. Notices will only be send to your college email:
SIGNED ____________________________________ Date__________
All of the following information will be kept confidential.
Town/Area_________________________________, State __ __ Zip Code _________
Contact Info
Cell Phone ____________________Home phone_______________Other Email______________________
Advisement and Career Plans
Do you have an adviser here at Queens College? Who______________________ Are you planning to take CPA, CFA or similar
exams? ______. Get an MBA, MPA etc.______ Get a PH.D in Economics, Business, Accounting__________
Do you want an Advisor (until you choose your major at least)?_______
Describe briefly your Career Plans after graduating from QC? (Think five years out). E.g., accountant, doctor, store manager,
M&A in finance, banking, broker, public policy, government, staff economist, teaching, non-for-profit, rock band, manager,
1. Are you interested in joining the Economics/Business Club and admission to the Economics Honor Society_______.
2. Are you interested in improving your English and general knowledge for business in a weekly seminar?_______.
3. Do you want or have a TA, lab assistant, tutoring or other job on campus____________
4. Do you want an internship in internet marketing______. Do you plan to go to school in the summer______.
Current Work or Family Responsibilities (How many hours do you study each week_________?
Do you work outside of or in QC? (Yes, No) If yes, How many hours per week?
Location _______________? How long to get to QC from work(_______hrs/min). From home(_______hrs/min)?
What is company/store, etc and what do they do?
What is your position or type of work?
Do you have or care for any young children at home (ages?)
Previous Education (in High School, another US colleges, or a foreign college or university (optional), A levels, O levels
Name & country Where, When with GPA: ___________________________________________________________________
Math SAT____ English SAT ____Economics Courses Including HS AP with grades Taken & When
Have you taken your CUNY CPE in math (placement) _______, English CPE_______,
Rate yourself in Algebra and Graphs: (Poor, fair, good, very good). Math Courses Taken with Grades & Date,
HS Algebra ___ _______ , Regents Math____ ___________, Pre-Calculus (115,122)_____ ______ Calculus_____ ______ College
Statistics: Beginner ______ Advanced (Sampling, Hypothesis testing)______, Regression Analysis_____ ______
Are you a transfer student?_____ From_________________________College?. When________? Where?________________?
How many credits did you or are you transferring?______In Eco?______ In Bus?______ In Acct?_____
Have they been evaluated here at Queens? ______________
Are you here for a 2nd BA___ In what field? _________. What was your first BA?__________ How many years studying____?
College_______________________ City__________ Country_________ Degree_______ GPA____
Rate yourself in English in each area (1=very poor, 10= fluent): Reading,____ Speaking____ Vocabulary_______,
Language Spoken at Home ___________________________ Other Languages Spoken _________________________________
Country or Place of Birth_______________ When did you come here____________ Second generation____________________