WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS E. SREEVALSAN WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS E. SREEVALSAN Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai, India 1. Winds in Atmospheric Boundary Layer The atmospheric boundary layer {ABL) is the lowest layer of the troposphere where wind is influenced by friction. This layer is particularly characterized by well developed mixing (turbulence) generated by frictional drag as the atmosphere moves across the rough and rigid surface of the earth and by the bubbling up of the air parcels from the heated surface. It is in this layer where windmills are to be placed to extract the wind energy. The characteristics of the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer are prime importance in wind turbine design and operations. Schema of the ABL is given in the fig 1. Fig. 1.Schema of the ABL 1.1 Variation of Wind speed with Height Wind shear is the variation of wind speed with height. The rate of increase with height strongly depends upon the roughness of the terrain and the changes in this roughness. The variation also depends on the atmospheric stability conditions. Even within the course of 24 hours, the wind profile will change between day and night, dawn and dusk This can be described by the so called logarithmic wind profile with stability correction. This expression, which is well supported by theoretical considerations, is written u z ( 1) u z = x I L k z0 Where u* is the friction velocity, k the von Karman constant, z0 the roughness length, and a stability dependent function, positive for unstable condition, zero for neutral and negative for stable conditions. Conditions and negative for stable conditions. The wind speed gradient is diminished in unstable conditions (heating of the surface, increased vertical mixing) and __________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind Resource Assessment Unit Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai 1 WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS E. SREEVALSAN increased during stable conditions (cooling of the surface, suppressed vertical mixing), See figure 2. Fig 2. The wind speed gradient in unstable, stable and neutral conditions. Another option is power law approximation. The expression is as follows. z u z1 = 1 uz2 z2 (2 ) Where uz1 and uz2 are the wind speed at heights z1 and z2 respectively and p is the power law exponent, with a typical value of 0.14 for most of the homogeneous site. A serious problem with this approach is that p varies with height, surface roughness and stability, which means this equation, is of quite limited applications. 1.2 Obstacles on the ground A changing orography of the earth, varying vegetation in the landscape, buildings, natural or man made obstacles have a local effect on the wind speed profile. This reduces the wind speed distribution and generates turbulence. Usually, the effects of surface obstacles on the leeward side have to be gathered empirically, in spite of using basic theory. Windward, it can be assumed that a cluster of the trees of a height it causes disturbances of the air stream five times the height, H in downward direction, disturbances of the air stream can reach fifteen times the height H( See fig 2). Figure 3 estimates changes in speed and turbulence in the wake of sloped roof building. Fig. 2. Disturbance of the air stream by a cluster of trees __________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind Resource Assessment Unit Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai 2 WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS E. SREEVALSAN Fig. 3 Changes in speed and turbulence in the wake of sloped roof building. 1.3 Turbulence The turbulent variations of the wind speed are typically expressed in terms of the standard deviation, , of velocity fluctuations measured over 10 to 60 minutes, normalized by the friction velocity or by the wind speed. The variation in these ratios is caused by a large natural variability, but also to some extent because they are sensitive to the averaging time and the frequency response of the sensor used. In horizontally homogeneous terrain, the turbulence intensity , is a function of height and roughness length in addition to stability, whereas _ not too far from the ground, may be considered a function of stability only. A typical value for neutral conditions is 2:5 for homogeneous at terrain, often larger for inhomogeneous terrain, but with very large local variations. The turbulence intensity is a widely used measure, and for neutral conditions with a logarithmic wind profile over at terrain, we find Typical values of for neutral conditions in different terrains are: Flat open grassland: 13% Sea: 8% Complex terrain: 20% or more 2.0.Wind speed statistics. It varies with the time of day, season, height above ground, and type of terrain. An area's surface roughness and obstacles are also important determinants in wind resource. High surface roughness and larger obstacles in the path of the wind result in slowing the wind by creating turbulence. These fluctuations are immediately apparent (instantaneous wind speed values) from an anemometer recording of wind speed. But precise information about wind speed is very important in assessing wind resource of a site. The way out is making it desirable to describe the wind by statistical methods. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind Resource Assessment Unit Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai 3 WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS 2.1. E. SREEVALSAN Annual average wind speed. A first rough judgment about the wind energy potential can be made on the basis of the annual average wind speed, i.e. the average of all measured data, including calm over a period of one year. The annual average should be calculated for as many years as possible. Suppose we have a set of measured wind speed values ui, , then the mean of the set is defined as = 1 u n n i 1 (3) uI The sample size or the number of measured value is n. 2.2.Standard deviation In general, the standard deviation is a summary measure of the difference of each observation from the mean. Here, the standard deviations of wind speed and direction are pointers of the turbulence level and atmospheric stability. Standard deviation is also useful in detecting suspect or erroneous data when validating average values. The standard deviation is defined as = 1 n n 1 i 1 2 u u (4) i 2.3.Time distribution Generally an Electronic Wind data logger records a large number of hourly wind speed, standard deviation and direction values. This is known as time series of wind data and it is a sequence of observations that are ordered in time. This may be a continuous record of hourly or 10- minute average of wind speed and direction for one year. The simplest transformation is to rearrange the time series of data into a monthly table of 24 columns for each hour of the day and 30 or 31 rows for each day of month. Averaging of these data in different way will help us to know the diurnal, monthly annual wind pattern of the site. A sample of time distribution is given in the table 1. ------------------------------ Data Information ---------------------------Spd1, SD1, Dir1, Spd2, SD2, Dir2, Spd3, SD3, Anlg, Gust1, Time, Date 8.38, 1.07, 343, 12.39, 1.01, 89, 14.68, 1.28, 0, 12, 0000, 020102 8.01, 1.01, 343, 11.53, 1.01, 87, 13.29, 1.01, 0, 11, 0100, 020102 7.74, 0.91, 343, 11.42, 1.01, 90, 13.35, 1.17, 0, 10, 0200, 020102 6.35, 1.07, 343, 9.56, 1.28, 89, 11.53, 1.39, 0, 9, 0300, 020102 6.78, 1.71, 343, 10.89, 2.30, 100, 12.87, 2.56, 0, 13, 0400, 020102 7.58, 1.28, 343, 12.28, 1.17, 111, 14.57, 1.07, 0, 12, 0500, 020102 5.98, 1.28, 343, 10.57, 1.39, 115, 14.15, 1.12, 0, 11, 0600, 020102 7.26, 1.44, 345, 10.84, 1.49, 127, 13.77, 1.28, 0, 12, 0700, 020102 9.02, 2.03, 345, 11.26, 2.08, 129, 12.97, 1.76, 0, 15, 0800, 020102 10.46, 2.19, 345, 12.33, 2.08, 131, 13.24, 1.87, 0, 17, 0900, 020102 10.14, 1.98, 345, 11.48, 1.82, 124, 12.12, 1.76, 0, 16, 1000, 020102 Table 1. Time distribution data __________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind Resource Assessment Unit Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai 4 WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS E. SREEVALSAN 2.4. Frequency distribution. Apart from the time distribution of wind speed and direction, it is important to know the frequency distribution of wind speed over a wind regime i.e. the number of occurrences of each wind speed range are counted, or binned, and then expressed as a fraction of the total number of U 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 Total 1.00 57 65 15 8 23 47 99 117 61 14 10 66 22 2.00 80 49 17 9 21 48 86 75 67 8 12 55 20 3.00 106 103 24 15 33 63 139 126 92 14 21 111 32 4.00 169 144 45 23 52 97 169 186 148 29 38 126 51 5.00 138 140 56 36 80 130 202 187 172 48 58 167 69 6.00 131 121 70 57 110 95 88 85 143 56 63 124 72 7.00 78 94 74 74 144 115 36 52 105 60 72 108 79 8.00 81 85 72 117 186 147 52 51 91 68 83 98 96 9.00 61 83 77 135 183 125 48 47 73 73 103 75 102 10.00 52 54 84 142 96 84 24 52 30 94 105 35 98 11.00 27 38 121 135 43 26 10 14 8 110 102 14 93 12.00 8 12 113 105 19 9 12 5 3 112 89 8 81 13.00 4 8 101 71 7 5 10 3 4 104 81 5 68 14.00 6 1 66 44 1 4 13 0 0 88 72 3 53 15.00 1 1 27 18 1 1 10 0 1 63 46 3 33 16.00 2 1 22 7 0 0 0 0 1 36 24 2 18 17.00 0 0 10 1 0 0 1 0 0 16 12 0 8 18.00 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 0 3 19.00 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 20.00 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 Table 2. An Example of frequency distribution wind speed occurrences in all bins. This is a statistical description of the wind climate at any site. For the best statistical representation, the winds should be measured over a period of many years as possible. A similar frequency distribution can be made for wind direction for a specific period of time. A joint frequency distribution can also be prepared from the raw data. When the number of hours in each interval is plotted against the wind speed, the frequency distribution emerges as a histogram. The shape of the frequency distribution characterizes the wind regime: steady wind regimes have a nearly symmetrical frequency distribution (approaching a Gauss or normal distribution) whereas unsteady wind regimes have an asymmetrical distribution, which in many cases can be approached by a so called Weibull distribution. 2.5. Probability density function The probability density function is the continuous counterpart to the histogram. The area under the density function is unity, which is shown by the equation given below. f u du = 1 (5) 0 The cumulative distribution function F(u) is given by __________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind Resource Assessment Unit Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai 5 WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS E. SREEVALSAN f x dx (6) 0 The variable x inside the integral is just a dummy variable representing wind speed for the purpose of integration. Both of the integration above start a zero because , the wind speed cannot be negative. When the wind speed is considered as a continuous random variable the cumulative distribution function has the properties F(0) = 0 and F() = 1. The quantity F(0) will not necessarily be zero in the discrete case. There are several density functions that can be used to describe the wind speed frequency curve. The three most common are 1. Gaussian (Normal) distribution 2. Rayleigh distribution and 3. Weibull distribution 4. 2.5.1.Gaussian (Normal ) distribution. The wind speed u is distributed as the Gaussian (Normal) distribution if its probability density function is u u 2 = ( 1 2 )exp (7) f u 2 2 Where u is the mean and is the standard deviation. 2.5.2.Rayleigh distribution The Rayleigh probability density function is given by f u 2 u =( u 2u )exp 4 u 2 (8) 2.5.3.Weibull distribution The Weibull probability density function is described as follows. f u = k u cc k 1 u k exp c (k >0, u >0, c >1) (9) This is a two-parameter distribution where c and k are the scale parameter and shape parameter respectively. The influences of the shape parameter on the shape of the function f(u). For k> 1 the function has a maximum away from the origin, while k <1 it is monotonically decreasing. For k =1 the distribution is exponential, k =2 gives the Rayleigh distribution and k = 3.5 gives an approximation to the normal distribution. The wind speed distributions are generally found to have a k value between 1.5 and 3.0 and the value is often close to 2.0. Weibull curve gives maximum fit to the histogram compared to other distributions. The accumulated Weibull distribution F(u) which gives the probability of having wind speed equal to or less than u is obtained by integrating equation with the result. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind Resource Assessment Unit Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai 6 WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS E. SREEVALSAN Estimation of Weibull parameters from given data There are several methods available for determining the Weibull parameter c and k. These include, 1. Least squares fit method 2. The Maximum likelihood method 3. Mean Wind Speed and Standard deviation analysis. Determining c and k by least squares fit is explained below. Least square fit method If F(ui) is a cumulative distribution function defined as the probability that a measured wind speed will be less than or equal to ui , then, i F(vi) = p(uj) (10) j=1 The cumulative distribution function is represented by the Weibull parameters as given below F(u)=1- exp [-(u/c)k] (11) F(u) contains an exponential term and, in general, exponentials are linearised by taking the logarithm. Then ln [-ln(1-F(u))] = k ln u- k ln c (12) Eqn (4) is in the form of an equation of a straight line. So, y = ax + b (13) Where x and y are variables, a is the slope, and b is the intercept of the line on the y axis. Also, y= ln [-ln(1-f(u))] a=k x=ln u b=-k ln c (14) It is shown [1] that the proper values for a and b are: w p2(ui)(xi –x)(yi –y) I=1 a = (15) w p2(ui)(xi –x)2 i=1 1 b = w w yi -I=1 a w w xi ( 16) I-1 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind Resource Assessment Unit Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai 7 WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS E. SREEVALSAN where x and y are the mean values of xi and yi respectively and w is the total number of pairs of values available. Then the Weibull parameters are, k=a (17) and, c = exp(-b/k) (18) It should be emphasized that the actual histograms of wind speeds may be difficult to fit by any mathematical function, especially if the period of time is short. Of course, if the actual distribution is available, then the use of these distributions is preferred. In all those cases, however, where the monthly averages over several years are available and only one year of detailed measurements, then the twelve monthly k values (in case of Weibull distribution) can be used to regenerate the distributions of the years before. The Weibull distribution also shows its usefulness when the wind data of one reference station are being used to predict the wind regime in the surroundings of that station. The idea is that only monthly average wind speeds are sufficient to predict the complete frequency distribution of the year or the month. Figure 4 shows actual distribution as well as Weibull distribution Fig. 4 Actual and Weibull distribution of wind speed Wind rose Figure 5 shows Wind rose diagram Fig. 5 Wind rose diagram Wind rose is a diagram that indicates frequency of occurrence of winds shown in each direction sectors and different wind speed classes for a given location for a given time. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind Resource Assessment Unit Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai 8 WIND STRUCTURE & STATISTICS E. SREEVALSAN 4.0.Power in the Wind Wind as already mentioned is merely air in motion. The air has mass-though its density is low and when this mass has velocity the resulting wind has kinetic energy which is proportional to 0.5[mass x velocity2] Kinetic energy passing through the area in unit time is the power in the wind and is given by P = ½ Au x u2 ( 19) P = ½ Au3 ( 20) Where = mass per unit volume of air u = velocity of wind and A = an area through which the wind passes normally. The above expression gives the total power available in the wind, for extraction by a wind driven machine; only a fraction of which can be actually extracted. A. Betz of Gottingen showed in 1927 that the maximum fraction of power in the wind that could be extracted by an ideal aero motor was 16/27 or 0.593. The power density is a flow of air through a unit area at right angles to the surface of the earth is given by Pd =½u3 Watts/ m2. (21 ) 5.0.Annual Energy Production & Capacity Factor. To estimate the annual energy production from a given machine at a site, power curve method can be used since this method gives most realistic results. The wind speed frequency distribution will be used to estimate the annual energy production of a wind turbine by multiplying the number of hours in each interval with the power output that the windmill generates at that wind speed interval. If the frequency distribution of wind speed at the hub height is not available, the wind speed at the hub height level is to be generated by the power law equation. Capacity factor is one element in measuring the productivity of a wind turbine or any other power production facility. It compares the plant's actual production over a given period of time with the amount of power the plant would have produced if it had run at full capacity for the same amount of time . A reasonable capacity factor would be 0.25 to 0.30. A very good capacity factor would be 0.40. Example: If a 600 kW turbine produces 1.5 million kWh in a year, its capacity factor is = 1500000 / ( 365* 24 * 600 ) = 1500000 / 5259600 = 0.285 = 28.5 per cent. References: 1. Gary L. Johnson, ”Wind Energy Systems”1985, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632. 2 E.H. Lysen, “Introduction to Wind Energy” Basic and Advance Introduction to Wind Energy With Emphasis on Water Pumping Windmills, CWD-Consultancy Services Wind Energy Developing Countries, P.O.Box 85-3800 AB Amersfoort – The Netherlands, 1983 3. E.L .Peterson, N.G.Mortenson, Lars Landberg. Jorgen Hojstrup and Helmut P. Frank. "Wind Power Meteorology", Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, December 1997. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Wind Resource Assessment Unit Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Chennai 9