COALITION NEWS SURREY COALITION OF DISABLED PEOPLE Astolat, Coniers Way, Burpham, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7HL Phone 01483 456558 Text 07780933053 Fax 01483 456561 Email Issue 46 August 2015 Working together to promote equality of opportunity and independent living for disabled people in Surrey MAGNA CARTA CELEBRATIONS Coalition Board member and Chair of the North DANS, Jonathan Fisher and his guide dog, Eddie, had the great honour of being presented to Her Majesty the Queen at the Magna Carta 800 year commemoration in Runnymede Meadows on 15th June. Jonathan was one of only about 30 people out of the guest list of 4500 to be presented and he took the opportunity to mention Surrey Coalition, the Disability Alliance Network and Runnymede Access Group in his few minute’s conversation with Her Majesty. Jonathan also witnessed the rededication of the original memorial and the unveiling of the 12 brass jurors chairs, noting that one had a transcription in Braille - a fitting tribute to Jonathan who is a Braille teacher, amongst his many other skills and activities. OPPORTUNITIES TO HAVE YOUR SAY ATTEND THE DANS ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wednesday 23rd September From 10.00 am to 3.30 pm At Dorking Halls 1 This year’s theme is “Getting there and Getting in” - all about Access to Buildings, Transport and the Environment. Contact: Yasmin Broome if you haven’t done so already. Email:, Tel. 01483 517294, or Text 07812104490. HOUSE OF LORDS ENQUIRY INTO THE EQUALITY ACT The House of Lords has launched an Enquiry and is calling for evidence from disabled people about the impact of the Equality Act on their lives. Use this link for more information: or contact us in the Coalition office. The closing date for evidence is 4th September SURREY COALITION’S AGM 2015 Don’t forget to put the date of our Annual General Meeting in your diary. Thursday 5th November From 10.30 to 3.30 At Leatherhead Leisure Centre The Programme and booking form will be sent out in late September, together with information on nominating yourself or another Coalition member for election as a Board Director at the AGM. Please contact Carol Pearson in the Coalition office if you would like to find out more or discuss making a nomination. NEW DIRECTORS WANTED FOR SDPP Surrey Disabled People’s Partnership are recruiting more Directors for their Board. Go to SDPP’s website for the Information Pack, or contact Clive Wood:, or Tel. 01483 541 686, Text 07590 354527 2 OPPORTUNITIES TO HAVE YOUR SAY WHEELCHAIR SERVICES You may have seen an article in BBC News in July called “Wheelchair Services in England are failing”. This is what Paralympian Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson said when launching a new national charter to improve services across the country. At least 1.2 million people across the UK use wheelchairs, and many can wait years for the right wheelchair - although an ill- fitting chair can cause hip dislocations, pressure sores and make people’s impairments and conditions worse. Use this link for more information about Baroness Tanni’s campaign called “Right Chair, Right Time, Right Now”. We know that wheelchair services are very variable across Surrey - e.g. the current waiting time for an assessment in Guildford is 18 weeks. Something needs to be done and we have been pressing for improvements through the Major Equipment and Adaptations Review, which has been taking place in Surrey over the past 9 months. Add your weight to press the CCGs to commission better wheelchair services in Surrey. Send examples of your experiences to us in the Coalition office and we will pass them on to the Review team which includes CCGs, Surrey County Council and the Borough & District Councils, who know that equipment and adaptations services across Surrey need to improve. Email, or Tel. 01483 456558 or Text 077809 33053 ELECTRONIC PATIENT RECORD SYSTEM ENGAGEMENT SESSION Surrey & Borders Partnership are inviting people who use their services and carers to an engagement session to seek their views on plans for 3 their new electronic patient record system - System ONE. They want to discuss how people would like care plans, letters and SMS text messages which can be generated by the new system. This is being held on Monday 10th August, from 10.30 to 2.30 at SABP HQ. To book your place email, or Tel 01372 216285 or SMS Text 07825 118 878 WHAT MEMBERS HAVE BEEN DOING SURREY INDEPENDENT LIVING FAIR 2015 More than 1000 people visited the Fair organised by Surrey Independent Living Council at Epsom Downs Racecourse on 25th June to visit the 7 exhibition stands of services available in Surrey, and to join in the many leisure and sporting activities. This was an amazing opportunity for disabled and older people, and carers to find out about the services and activities available in the County. We hope that SILC will run another event next year. SURREY SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT FUND — ANNUAL RECEPTION Pictured here are Anna Sartori, Vice Chair of Surrey Coalition, and Jonathan Fisher, a Coalition Board member with the High Sheriff of Surrey and Trustees of Surrey Community Foundation which sponsors the Fund, at a Reception held at Surrey University in June to celebrate the Surrey Supported Employment Fund. Anna sits on the panel which considers applications from individuals for small grants to help them into employment, and she presented one of several case studies heard at the reception. DISABILITY ALLIANCE NETWORK SURREY The 4 Area Groups of the DANS met again in July, where they discussed and gave their views on a wide range of issues, including: Patient Transport Local Access Group updates 4 Adult Social Care Local Account for 2014/15 Health and Social Care Commissioning Talking buses being introduced in Surrey by Abelio Plans to Transform Leatherhead The new Buddy Scheme in Elmsbridge Consultation on Sustainable Transport in Dorking, Greater Redhill, and Blackwater Valley, and much more. Join your local Area DANS group to have your say on local and county wide issues affecting disabled people. Contact, Tel. 01483 517294 or Text 07812104490 for information about the next meetings. CAMPAIGN AGAINST “A” BOARDS The Disability Alliance Network Chairs group has started a campaign to encourage people to report “A” Boards which are causing obstructions on pavements in their local area. The County Council’s policy on “Advertising on the Highway” requires “A” Boards (Advertising Boards) to be placed against the shop front and not cause an obstruction to pedestrians. John Pateman from SCC Highways has said: 'It is very important that we encourage people to report particular problems to us, and that we need to make it as easy as possible for customers to report these problems. We take every report extremely seriously. We ask customers to contact us by one of the following methods: complete an online form telephone our Contact Centre on 0300 200 1003 or Text 07527 182861, or email us at "" Please look out for A Boards causing an obstruction and report it to Surrey Highways. 5 SURREY HEATH VOLUNTEER AWARDS Jenny Teagle, one of our Coalition Board members, is pictured here with the Mayor of Surrey Heath at the Borough’s Annual Awards for Volunteers Ceremony held on 4th June. Jenny received a certificate for her many contributions in improving access in the Borough and in many other parts of Surrey. In the last year Jenny has undertaken access audits of the new Farnham Road Hospital being built by Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust in Guildford, and of all police stations in Surrey for Surrey Police. SURREY LOCAL TRANSPORT REVIEW Surrey Coalition and DANS members have been involved throughout the County Council’s Review of Local Transport Services which started last autumn because the Council needs to save £2mil on transport services over the next 3 years. A further consultation on bus services in North West Surrey and East Surrey during May gave people a further opportunity to have their say and as a result many of the proposed changes to bus routes have been amended to reflect people’s concerns. Proposals for savings went to SCC Cabinet in June, and we were pleased to hear that they agreed not to change the concessionary bus passes which enable disabled people to travel free at any time, and that they have also kept the free companion pass for people who cannot travel on buses alone. Changes to bus services following the Council’s decision start in August and details are available in Libraries and at local Council offices, and are on the County Council website: Phase 2 of the Local Transport Review will start later this year, and we will ensure that disabled people are again given the opportunity to have their say. ACTION FOR CARERS ANNUAL CONFERENCE More than 100 carers attended this year’s Annual Conference, held at Denbies Vineyard on 9th June. The keynote speaker, Emily Holzhausen from Carers UK, gave an 6 inspiring talk about the new rights for carers to an assessment and support as those they care for, which came into force with the Care Act on 1st April 2015. She is pictured here with Action for Carers Chair, Karen HoldsworthCannon, and their then Chief Executive Jane Thornton. We were really sorry to say farewell to Jane who retired at the end of June, and have greatly appreciated the partnership we have had with Jane and our sister organisation, Action for Carers, over many years. We look forward however to welcoming their new Chief Executive, James Gault. ACCESS FOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS AT TRAIN STATIONS South West Trains asked Surrey Coalition to help select the best options for improvements to 3 stations in Surrey for which Department of Transport “Access for All” funding has been awarded to provide improved access. Members were therefore involved in discussions with South West Trains and the local Borough Councils about new footbridges, with lifts, at Virginia Water, Walton on Thames and Godalming Stations. Work on all three schemes should be completed by next April. SURREY HARD OF HEARING FORUM Members of Surrey Hard of Hearing Forum are pictured here at their meeting last month, reviewing progress on the many projects they have initiated over the past year. These have included: Working with Tracey Wade, from Guildford Diocese, to develop lip reading classes. One course has been held in Godalming, and further courses are starting in Tandridge, Redhill and Runnymede soon The Diocese now has over 100 Hearing Champions trained to provide hearing aid repairs and retuning, and are running 28 monthly clinics across Surrey 7 Due to a shortage of lip reading tutors, it is hoped that the Diocese and SCC will sponsor 2 or 3 people to undertake lip reading teacher training, to improve the supply of tutors in Surrey, and Further plans were discussed for helping people to set up local peer support group to practice lip reading and for social interaction, like the extremely successful Guildford Hard of Hearing Group The Loop Checkers group have also been working with SCC property managers to prepare the specification for the installation of new loops in their buildings, and most importantly, to have an ongoing checking and maintenance programme. For more information on any of these projects, or to join the group, please contact us in the Coalition office. LET’S LOOP SURREY “Let’s Loop Surrey” was formed two years ago by the Surrey Coalition of Disabled People and is focused on promoting awareness of hearing loops. The group are all hearing aid wearers, who act as secret shoppers by visiting businesses to check the quality of loops. Where there are problems, then the group works with those organisations to get the loop fixed. The group is looking for more volunteers to become involved. It’s a small commitment, but a big opportunity to change the way communities in Surrey view and hear hearing loops. If you would like to find out more, contact Alison in the Coalition office or text our text-only phone number 077809 33053 NON EMERGENCY PATIENT TRANSPORT SERVICES Surrey Coalition has been involved in monitoring the services provided by SECAmb, and seeking improvements in response times, since they were awarded the Non Emergency Patient Transport service contract 4 years ago. The NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups are now starting work on the procurement of a new service from April 2017, and have been seeking the views of the public and patients in a number of ways 8 over the past few months. Coalition members have taken the opportunity to give their views, in particular about delays in being picked up from home, arriving late for appointments and then waiting for long periods to go home both after an outpatient appointment or after an inpatient stay in hospital. They have given their views by: Completing an online survey undertaken in June and July, which will help to shape the future service specification, and Attending Local meetings held in each CCG area during July North West Surrey CCG are leading the procurement process on behalf of the other CCGs and invited people to join a new group on Patient Transport, which met first on 30th July and then monthly, to help the CCG develop the specification for the future service. 8 Coalition members from all over Surrey and representing the interests of people with a range of health conditions and impairments have volunteered to join this Patient Advisory Group. We will keep you updated on progress over the coming months. If you have any further comments you wish to make on Patient Transport, please contact us in the Coalition office. LIFE COACHING WORKSHOPS Mary Frances Trust (who provide Community Connections services in Epsom & Ewell and Mole Valley) are running two workshops, on 20th and 27th August, from 10 am to 12 noon At MFT’s The Crescent Centre in Leatherhead To book your place Tel. 01372 375400, Text 07929 024722, or email ACCESS VISIT TO COUNTY HALL As reported in the June Issue of Coalition News, we have been working with the County Council’s HR department to help them improve their recruitment and retention of more disabled employees. A recent phase of work was an access visit to County Hall in April, to suggest access 9 improvements for both disabled staff and visitors. A long list of recommended improvements was produced and we are pleased to see that some have already been implemented, such as: Improved markings of disabled parking bays and zebra crossing and the gradient of the slope at the front entrance New automatic doors to the staff canteen, and A start on making an accessible meeting room on the ground floor, including a new hearing loop. One of our priorities is a wheelchair accessible route to the Ashcombe Suite where many public meetings are held, and we understand that surveyors are currently examining the options. We hope to be able to report further progress on this soon. Other initiatives introduced to assist disabled people to apply for jobs with the Council are a new more accessible recruitment website, the offer of an automatic interview as a two ticks employer, and the relaunch of “New Start” offering work placement opportunities for people with mental health issues. We hope this scheme will be extended to people with visual impairment to support the successful employment scheme now being run by Sight for Surrey. HAMPTON COURT FLOWER SHOW Surrey Disabled People’s Partnership and Surrey Coalition ran a joint exhibition stand at the Hampton Court Flower Show in early July, to promote the work of both organisations. Members of the Get WiS£ Benefits Advice and Advocacy services are pictured here on the stand, from which they gave out packets of cornflower seeds to promote their services. WORK WITH SURREY POLICE MESSAGE FROM THE DEPUTY CHIEF CONSTABLE 10 Those of you who attended our AGM last year will remember the very open, engaging and reassuring keynote speech given by Nick Ephgrave, Surrey’s Deputy Chief Constable and Disability Champion. We continue to meet regularly with Surrey Police to help them tackle and reduce disability related crime, and we reported that residents of Surrey were worried about threats of cuts in policing in Surrey. Nick has therefore sent a letter to reassure us that Surrey Police will continue to respond when we need them. OUT IN THE OPEN We attend their “Out in the Open” meetings to help Surrey Police implement EHRC recommendations on reducing disability related crime. This work included the survey of disabled people carried out by Surrey Police last autumn, which showed that more needed to be done to engage with disabled people in local communities and neighbourhoods, and to increase people’s understanding about how to contact Surrey Police through 101 and 999. 6 key actions resulting from the survey were taken to the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board meeting in July by Jon Savell from Surrey Police and Surrey Coalition Chair, Cliff Bush, to seek their commitment to working together to reduce the stigma which is the cause of disability related crime. HATE CRIME POSTER We have also worked with Surrey Police to produce a poster which we hope people will print and display. This is attached for people receiving an electronic version of Coalition News, and you can obtain a paper copy from the Coalition office. WHO YOU GONNA CALL? VIDEO Use the link below to the Surrey Police Website to see the video produced by Lancashire Police, explaining the correct use of 101, 111 and 999 for contacting the emergency services. Unfortunately it does not have subtitles or BSL signing, but it’s good for those of you who can hear it. 11 NEW SERVICES ONE STOP SURREY Helping residents to live and age well in Surrey. This is a partnership of trusted agencies including local Councils, Police, Fire and Rescue and Age UK Surrey, working to ensure residents are able to access the services needed. This is not an emergency service. The scheme enables people from the agencies involved to onwards refer those who they come into contact with who may need other services. With the individual’s consent, a referral is made to Age UK Surrey using a checklist to identify the services the person needs, and then Age UK Surrey arrange the appropriate services. Visit the website for the referral form and to find out more, or contact us in the Coalition office. FREE APPS TO MAINTAIN YOUR MENTAL AND PHYSICAL WELLBEING A list of useful Apps has been produced by the Acute Therapy service in the Abraham Cowley Unit. Contact us in the Coalition office for a copy of the list, which includes “5 ways to wellbeing”, which is really good to help maintain emotional wellbeing (list attached to this Newsletter for people receiving an electronic copy). NEW NATIONAL FREE PHONE SUPPORT FOR FAMILY CARERS OF PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES Family Carers Support Service have launched a new Freephone support service which is open between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm, weekdays, accessed by landline or mobile phone. The number is 0808 801 0448 or you can email 12 KEEPING IN TOUCH We are working on a smarter way to send emails to you so you receive information relevant to the area you live in or about issues that you have told us you are interested in. If you don’t currently receive information from us by e-mail and would like to, please let us have your email address, or if you have changed your email address please don’t forget to let us know by e mailing SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN GUILDFORD Pictured here are three young women who have started work in three different but complementary roles to support people living in Guildford: On the left is Claire Lane, who is the Volunteer Development Worker setting up an Information Hub in Guildford. Whilst we do not yet have a fixed Hub, Claire has started running Pop up Hubs in various venues in the Borough. Contact Claire if you wish to be a Hub volunteer or to find out more: email or Tel/ Text 07702699425 In the centre is Nicola Bassani, the Community Connector employed by Guildford Diocese and funded by and based at Guildford Borough Council. Like the other Community Connectors in Surrey Heath, Spelthorne and Mole Valley, Nicola is connecting people, local groups and organisations to fill gaps in services and support in the Borough. For more information contact, Tel 01483 790324, Text 07531 268476 On the right is Rachel Guilford, who runs Neighbourhood Angels, a voluntary befriending scheme for adults in Guildford. Contact, or Tel/Text 07796 098077 to volunteer or find out more. NEW BUDDY SCHEME IN ELMBRIDGE Matt Seaby (former Volunteer Development Worker at Walton Hub) has 13 started a new job as Buddy Scheme Coordinator with Voluntary Action Elmbridge. The scheme was launched on 14th July to start recruiting volunteer Buddy Mentors to provide support for disabled people into volunteering roles in the Borough. A Buddy mentor will attend interviews, provide travel training and support people in a voluntary job. For more information or to volunteer, contact, Tel. 01372 463 587, or Text 07553 314968 GETTING INVOLVED IN HEALTH HEALTHWATCH SURREY “VOICE IT” EVENT Healthwatch have started a new series of “Voice it” events which are open to everyone to go along and give their views both good and bad, about health and social care services. The first is being held on 3rd August, from 2 to 3 pm here at Astolat, Burpham, Guildford. Use this link for more information: https:// Healthwatch then plan to run similar events every 3 months in different parts of Surrey. Keep an eye on the website or Tel. 0303 303 0023 or Text 07592 787 533 or email A LIVE CHAT SESSON On Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing is being held on Tuesday 18th August from 5.30 to 7.30 pm. Use this link to find out more: https:// WITH NHS CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUPS (CCGS) Go along to the following events being held by your local CCG and partners: 14 Making it Real in Surrey Heath—Thursday 10th September 2015, from 1 pm to 4 pm at Camberley Theatre. For more info and to book your place contact, Tel 01276 707346, or Text 07979 887467 North East Hants & Farnham CCG AGM—Wednesday 23rd September, from 6 pm to 8.30 pm at Farnham Castle. To book your place email, or contact us in the Coalition office North West Surrey CCG—are setting up a new Patient Advisory Group to help them implement innovative plans for integrating health and social care through their Locality Hubs project. To see a copy of the role of the Patient Advisory Group, and to express an interest in becoming a Patient Representative, please contact Carol Pearson in the Coalition office. Guildford & Waverley CCG—are looking to expand the membership of their Public and Patient Engagement Forum (PPEF) which meets every two months on the first Tuesday, from 12.30 to 2.30; the next one being in October. Contact Alison White in the Coalition office if you live in Guildford or Waverley and would like to join the PPEF. HEALTHWATCH DATA SHARING SURVEY Healthwatch Surrey ran an online survey during June to seek people’s views on sharing health and social care records. Over 600 completed the survey, including many Surrey Coalition members, and we look forward to seeing the results when these are published in September. SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL’S NEW EQUALITY FAIRNESS AND RESPECT STRATEGY SCC Cabinet approved this new strategy on 23rd June - use this link to see it, and contact us in the Coalition office if you would like a paper copy: Equality, Fairness and Respect Strategy. The Strategy aligns with the Council’s Corporate Strategy and will help to ensure services support all 15 Surrey residents and our staff are healthy, safe and confident about their future. The Strategy demonstrates the Council’s commitment to deliver fair and inclusive services to meet the needs of all Surrey’s communities. It also reflects our commitment to be a best practice employer for all our staff and reflect the diversity of Surrey’s population. The Strategy has been developed with colleagues across the Council and partners from the voluntary, community and faith sector, through the Surrey Equality Group. Surrey Coalition represents the interests of disabled people on the Surrey Equality Group, and also works with the Council’s HR Department to help them achieve these aims (see page 9 for more information). OPPORTUNITIES FOR PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES AND AUTISM NEW SELF ADVOCACY GROUPS 2 new groups disability in: have recently started for adults with a learning STAINES—at the Hub, every other Tuesday morning GUILDFORD & WOKING—at Jacobs Well Community Hall, every other Wednesday afternoon. Call Barry Hobbs 0208 549 1028 AFTER 8 CLUB Run by Prospect Housing the Club meets monthly from 8 pm to 10 pm in different venues, for any adult with a learning disability who can bring a friend or carer with them if they wish. For more information: 01737 243818 16 NEW AUTISM CENTRE TO OPEN AT BROOKLANDS COLLEGE The College is opening a new purpose built centre in September, offering courses for young people with autism and a higher level of need. To find out more email, or Tel 01932 797712 NHS CHOICES The Department of Health now has easy read leaflets to help people make informed choices about health and social care. The leaflets set out patients rights to choice, where to find information to help you choose, and how to complain if choice isn’t offered. Please contact us in the Coalition office if you would like a copy. UPDATES ON THE SURREY HUBS GUILDFORD HUB We are delighted to announce that we will be using a shop at 4 Swan Lane in Guildford as a Pop up Hub on Friday 14th August and Friday 28th August. This shop is leased by Guildford Borough Council and available at present for one off use by community groups. Claire Lane, the Volunteer Development Worker for the Guildford Hub, is hoping to arrange some more days at the Swan Lane shop in September. Claire is also working with the Borough Council and local voluntary organisations to start Pop up Hubs in various locations across the Borough. Claire urgently needs people to volunteer to help her run these Pop up Hubs, so please contact her if you are interested. Email or Tel/Text 07702 699425. WALTON HUB This picture shows the car which ran into the front of the Community Hub 17 where Walton Information Hub is based, on 14th July. Fortunately this accident happened at night, so no one in the building was hurt, and services carried on as usual the following day. HUBS SUPPORT PEOPLE WITH LONG TERM NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS The 9 Surrey Hubs are working with our LTNC Group to promote awareness of and to provide peer support for people with long term neurological conditions, such as MS, Parkinson’s, Brain Injury and Motor Neuron Disease. Led by Ella Findlay at the Camberley Hub, several awareness raising events have been held across Surrey, and Hub volunteers with lived experience of these neurological conditions are offering peer support to others. NEWS IN BRIEF GOVERNMENT DEFERS FUNDING REFORMS We were extremely disappointed to hear the news on Friday 17th July that the Government have deferred plans to introduce a Cap on Care costs, which was a manifesto commitment, and was due to be implemented in April 2016. We understand that this has been deferred until 2020, the time of the next general election. We hope however that here in Surrey, the County Council will continue with plans to introduce Trusted Assessors from the voluntary sector, who are well placed to assist with social care assessments and reduce the burden of demand on social workers. This is particularly important given the Care Act changes introduced in April this year to provide universal access to information and advice, and to assessment and services for carers on an equal basis as for those they care for. ACCESSIBLE SPORTS GROUNDS BILL Lord Faulkner has introduced a bill in the House of Lords to make sport provision, and in particular, football grounds, accessible for disabled people as required under the Equity Act 2010. He introduced his bill on 18 17th July, saying that its purpose was to create a civilised and safe environment for disabled people who want to attend sporting events. The bill proposes giving a power to Local Authorities to refuse a safety certificate to stadiums which do not comply with the Accessible Stadia guidelines. The bill was supported by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson and the full transcript of the debate can be read here. SURREY LAW CENTRE This is just a reminder that Surrey Law Centre is there to “Help the disadvantaged people of Surrey defend their legal rights”. Surrey Law Centre offer regular free legal advice sessions all over Surrey, on issues including Family, Employment and Civil law and Domestic abuse. For information on the location and timings of these sessions, please contact us in the Coalition office or contact Surrey Law Centre on 0330 002 0099 TRAVEL SMART SCHEME Surrey Lift Share is a local organisation which links drivers and passengers so they can share their journeys. There are 4000 lift share schemes in the network, so there is a good chance of finding a journey match wherever you are going. This is a free service, which reduces everyone’s travel costs. Look on the website: HIGH COURT RULING ON PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE PAYMENTS A High Court ruling on 5th June decided that the delays by the DWP in processing claims for Personal Independence Payments (PIP) are unlawful. A judicial review was brought on behalf of two people affected by delays, having to wait 13 months and 10 months respectively for a decision on their claims. As a result the DWP has been called upon to reconsider its plans to roll out PIP to the 1.5 million people currently 19 receiving DLA (Disability Living Allowance) who are due to be reassessed for PIP from October this year. We are waiting to hear more, but please don’t forget that if you are a current DLA recipient and receive a notice to apply for PIP, then you should contact Surrey Disabled People’s Partnership for help to complete the assessment form. Contact SDPP Advocacy: email:, Tel. 01483 750973, or Text 07561 392818. LIVING & AGEING WELL IN SURREY AWARDS 2015 Just a reminder to send your nomination for an award by Wednesday 7th October. See page 7 of the June Issue of Coalition News for more information on the award categories. Visit the website: for a nomination form or get a copy from your local Council office or library, or contact us in the Coalition office. The awards ceremony is being held on 18th November 2015. CHANGES TO ADULT SOCIAL CARE JOB TITLES We are pleased to report that Adult Social Care have decided to revert to more commonly known job titles for their professional staff. So Social Care Practitioners are now called Social Workers and Assistant Practitioners are now called Assistant Social Workers—much easier for everyone to understand. OTHER NEWSLETTERS We have received the following newsletters from partner organisations— contact us in the Coalition office if you would like a copy of any of them. UNIQUE Adult ADHD Surrey—June/July 2015 Newsletter Disability Rights UK—E Newsletters for June and July 2015 UK Vision Strategy—June 2015 Newsletter Disabled Motoring UK—June and July Newsletters 20 Kent Surrey Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative—June 2015 Bulletin Freewheeler Theatre Company—News July 2015 Level Playing Field Newsletters—June and July 2015 Family Voice Surrey—July 2015 Southern Rail Accessibility Newsletter—July 2015 Shaping our Lives, National Network—E-Bulletin July 2015 Healthwatch Surrey News—July 2015 First Steps—July Newsletter Living & Ageing Well in Surrey—Newsletter July 2015 Disability Action Alliance—Newsletter June 2015 SABP’s Partnership People—Summer 2015 UPDATES ON MENTAL HEALTH SURREY MENTAL HEALTH GROUP This group of people who use mental health services and carers has been independently supported by Surrey Coalition since the Surrey LINK Mental Health Group ceased three years ago. They work with NHS and Social Care Commissioners to contribute to strategies and plans for service improvement and to monitor delivery of all services including Community Connections, IAPT and Suicide Prevention as well as the acute and community services provided by Surrey & Borders Partnership. At their last meeting in June they discussed possible terms of reference for a new group and network to give a stronger voice of influence and challenge over mental health in Surrey. Together with Action for Carers, Surrey, we have now decided to hold a WORKSHOP FOR SERVICE USERS AND CARERS to involve as many people as possible in creating a new network. This is to be held 21 On Friday 25th September From 10.30 to 1 pm At Leatherhead Leisure Centre Please put this date in your diary and further information will be sent out nearer the time. If in the meantime you would like to register your interest in attending please contact Carol Pearson: Tel. 01483 456 558, Text 077809 33053 or email, or Sandra Bolton: email:, Tel. 01483 570166 or Text : 07736 561979. The next meeting of the current Surrey Mental Health Group is on Friday 11th September, from 10.30 to 1 pm at Park House, Leatherhead. Contact Carol Pearson (as above) if you would like to attend. BBC 2 PROGRAMME ON MENTAL HEALTH Use this link below to see the recent BBC2 programme on mental health which includes Ruby Wax. PARTNERSHIP BOARD UPDATE The Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Partnership Board meets quarterly to bring commissioners, providers, service user and carer representatives together to drive implementation of the new strategy launched last year. The Partnership Board is accountable to the Health & Wellbeing Board which agreed Mental Health as one of its top 5 priorities when it was set up two years ago. On the agenda for the next meeting are items on the inequity in funding and provision of acute psychiatric liaison services across Surrey, employment support service, and the work done by Mental Health Strategies to model and map the future need for acute psychiatric beds. All requested by members of the Independent Mental Health Group. FoCUS Join the Forum of Carers and people who Use the Services of Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Contact our FoCUS Involvement Facilitator,, 22 Tel/Text 07793149235 for more information. FoCUS NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 6 ENCLOSED for members interested in Mental Health is a copy of the Summer Issue of “Focus on FoCUS” which gives more information on what FoCUS members have been doing. The newsletter also gives the dates of the next meetings of the 4 Area Groups which everyone is welcome to attend. These next meetings are in September. WOKING MIND AGM Pictured here are the audience of over 40 people who attended Woking Mind AGM in June, listening to an address by Prof David Rye, their President. We then heard about the many activities run by Woking Mind as part of the Community Connections service for people with self defined mental ill health in Woking. DH DIRECT PAYMENTS Specialist Payroll Provider for Direct Payment Users Email: Tel: 020 8977 3559 At dhdirectpayments we understand that managing direct payments can be difficult and we are here to help our many clients with all their Personal Assistant Scheme needs. We have been working with Direct Payment users and funding organisations for over 15 years and have a wealth of knowledge and experience which we use everyday to make sure our clients receive a pain free payroll service. If you are new to Direct Payments, we would be 23 happy to talk to you about any concerns that you might have about employing your own staff or if you have been receiving direct payments for some time but would like to use an efficient and value for money payroll service, please call us on 020 8977 3559 where an experienced member of our team will be able to answer your questions and discuss how we can help you. Surrey Coalition does not endorse any product or service advertised DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ACTION FOR CARERS NORTH WEST CARERS FORUM Tuesday 22nd September 2015 10.30 am to 2.30 pm Silvermere Golf & Leisure To register contact Tel. 01483 302748 or Text 07714 075993 DISABILITY ALLIANCE NETWORK ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015 Wednesday 23rd September 2015 10.00 am to 3.30 pm At Dorking Halls See enclosed flyer and booking form 24 GUILDFORD ACCESS AWARDS 2015 Wednesday 7th October 2015 7 to 8.30 pm Park Barn Community Centre Contact us in the Coalition office if you wish to attend ANNUAL EVENT ON MENTAL HEALTH Organised by the NHS Mental Health Commissioning Collaborative Thursday 15th October 2015 11.00 am to 4.00 pm HG Wells Centre, Woking Hold the date and more information will be sent out soon SABP MEMBERS EVENT The next event organised by Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is on “Good mental health for young people” Monday 9th November 2015 4—7 pm Harlequin Theatre, Redhill MARY FRANCES TRUST AGM Friday 2nd October 2015 Early afternoon in Leatherhead Precise time and venue to be confirmed. SURREY COALITION’S 2015 AGM Thursday 5th November 2015 10.30 – 3.30 Leatherhead Leisure Centre 25