Unit 1 Schedule and Study Guide

A.P. Psychology
Unit Schedule: Prologue – The Story of Psychology
History and Approaches of Psychology
Big Question: What makes psychology unique among other fields of study?
Unit 1 Objectives:
 Define psychology and trace its historical development.
 Briefly describe the different perspectives from which psychologists examine
behavior and mental processes.
 Identify some of the professional and research interests of psychologists.
 Identify and explain the big issues in psychology.
-Textbook distribution, class expectations
-Lecture: History of Psychology
-What do you want out of this class/Why did you take A.P
-Continued lecture
-Discovering Psychology Video: “Past, Present,
-Read “Perspectives in Psychology: Test Anxiety”
handout and complete chart
-Issues in Psychology
-History of Psychology Quiz
-Lecture: Family Tree of Psychology: What do
Psychologists do?
-Test – Intro Chapter
-Study Guide / Binders Due
pp. 1-6
pp. 6-13
Prologue Overview
Psychology’s historical development and current activities lead us to define the field as
the science of behavior and mental processes. This introduction discusses the
development of psychology and the range of behaviors and mental processes being
investigated by psychologists in each of the various specialty areas. In addition, it
describes the six major perspectives from which psychologists work. This is followed by
a description of three major issues that cut across psychology, including the stability of
our traits, the rationality of our thoughts and actions, and the relative contributions of
biology and experience to intelligence, personality, and behavior. It then provides an
overview of the diverse sub-fields in which psychologists conduct research and provide
professional services. The introduction concludes by explaining how to get your study of
psychology off on the right foot by learning (and pledging to follow!) the PRTR study
Key Terms
Using your own words, write a brief definition or explanation of each of the following. Do this after or
while reading the assigned pages for class.
1. psychology –
2. structuralism –
3. functionalism –
4. behaviorism –
5. humanistic psychology –
6. cognitive neuroscience –
7. nature – nurture issue –
8. natural selection –
9. levels of analysis –
10. biopsychosocial approach –
11. basic research –
12. applied research –
13. counseling psychology –
14. clinical psychology –
15. psychiatry –
Introductory Chapter Study Guide
Complete the following study guide as you read the assigned pages for class.
Psychology’s Roots (pp. 2-4)
1. Define psychology and briefly outline its historical development.
Psychological Science Develops (pp. 4-5)
2. Explain how psychology’s different perspectives contribute to a complete view of
human nature.
Contemporary Psychology (pp. 6-10)
3. Describe the historical roots of the nature-nurture issue in psychology.
4. Using a unique example, demonstrate how the biopsychosocial approach can
integrate information from multiple levels of analysis.
Psychology’s Subfields (pp. 10-11)
5. Identify and briefly explain the major subfields of psychology.
6. Contrast basic and applied research. Give an example of a psychologist in each.
Tips Studying Psychology (p. 12)
7. Psychology is the science that studies memory, learning, and behavior
modification. In short, it has much to teach you that you can take advantage of as
a scholar. This short list is just a start, but summarizes some important ideas that
can help you.
a. Identify one of these tips you would like to improve upon this year
throughout your classes. How will you do this?
b. Explain how the SQ3R method is used.