Movie Poster Review

Movie Poster Review
Overview: Now that we have finished our last short story, you will
have the opportunity to design a movie poster advertising the film
version of either “The Necklace,” “The Tell-Tale Heart” or “The Man in
the Black Suit.”
Objective: Demonstrate close reading and literary analysis skills by
designing a poster that displays your knowledge of the four major
literary elements studied so far in preparation for our final short story
unit test next week.
Assessment: All members are responsible for all knowledge and
may be called on to explain while presenting. Individual grades may
be lower than the group, if a student fails to: use time effectively, or
explain concepts accurately.
All written analysis for each component must be neatly printed and
labeled with the literary device on the back of your poster.
 Re-title the story with an appropriate new title for the movie
version. Be sure to choose one that reflects the mood of the
story. Be ready to explain your choice.
 Create a “tag-line” that introduces one form of irony in the
story. A “tag-line” is similar to a subtitle (smaller and longer
than the title itself) and is used to build interest and mystery
about a film.
o (Situational, Verbal, Dramatic)
*3 sentence minimum
 Include at least three images that reflect the mood of the
story. Be prepared to explain the link between the pictures and
the mood of your story. The mood of a story can change –
choose one dominant mood to focus on.
o Reminders of mood contributors = imagery, suspense,
foreshadowing, figurative language, setting
Make sure to use your Mood Handout in order to be precise!
*3 sentences minimum per image.
 Create a character portrait to represent how the author
portrays a main character’s one-to-two most significant
o Focus on two of the five components of STEAL to
support your inference and draw upon these components
to create your character visual.
*3 sentences minimum per component.
 The final visual of the movie poster should be a symbol that
represents an important idea within your story –Your symbol
should be an object that stands in for something larger than
itself, creating a deeper meaning. Be prepared to explain.
*3 sentences minimum per component.
 Poster is neat and there is limited “dead space.” Group worked
well to design an interesting product.
 EXTRA: You may cast the major roles in your film with current
actors. The website IMDB is a great reference for actors. Be
prepared to explain your casting choices well (Think STEAL!).
Total: _________ /65
Grading “Breakdown”
1) Mood (title and three images):
2) Indirect Characterization:
3) Irony:
4) Symbolism:
I cannot wait to see your finished products… Enjoy! 
*insanely clever
*cleverly deranged