san jose/evergreen community college district


















President Lind called the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board of the San José/Evergreen

Community College District to order on Tuesday, September 13, 2005, at 5:30 p.m., in the

Board Room at the District Office.

Board Present: Ms. Maria Fuentes, Mr. Richard Hobbs, Mr. Ron Lind, Ms. Autumn Gutierrez,

Mr. Randy Okamura, Mr. Richard Tanaka, Mr. Fred M. Tovar,

Mr. Joseph Macedo

Board Absent: Ms. Alicia Shreffler

Also Present: Chancellor Rosa Perez, Secretary to the Board

Mr. Michael Hill, Vice Chancellor, Administrative Service

Dr. Chui Tsang, President, San José City College

Mr. Gene Heck, President, CSEA

Mr. Joe Lugo, President, Classified Senate, SJCC

Mr. Henry Gee, President, Academic Senate, EVC

Ms. Virginia Scales, President, Academic Senate, SJCC

Dr. Mark Newton, President, Faculty Association

Mr. Phil Renteria, President, MSC

Ms. Karla Reyes, President, Associated Students, EVC

Mr. Rick Diffenderfer, President, Associated Students, SJCC

The Board adjourned to a Closed Session at 5:31 p.m. Closed Session item(s) included: (A)

Conference with Labor Negotiators (Government Code Section 54957.6) (B) Conference with

Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation (Government Code Section 54956.9) (C) Public

Employee Appointment – New Positions (Government Code Section 54957) a. Academic

Employment, b. Classified Employment, c. Management/Supervisory/Confidential d.

Confidential District Office (D) Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (Government

Code Section 54957)

Dr. Mark Newton, President, Faculty Association expressed confusion and asked why standard items were placed on Closed Session?

Chancellor Perez stated that those items were placed on Closed Session, in case there were any questions of a particular nature, regarding the candidates being selected that would be appropriate for Closed Session.

The Public Session was reconvened at 7:15 p.m.

President Lind led the Board and members of the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the


A) Actions Resulting From Closed Session. There were no actions to report.

Moved by Trustee Macedo, seconded by Trustee Tanaka that the minutes of the Regular

Meeting of July 12, 2005, be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously; student trustees voted in the affirmative.



Chancellor Rosa Perez reported the following additions:

VII-C-2-a, Management/Supervisory/Confidential, Fiscal Services, Assistant Controller.

This item was a placeholder. The name of Ms. Serena Muindi was submitted for this

Board Minutes

September 13, 2005



V. COMMUNICATIONS position, this evening.

VII-C-2-c, Management SJCC, Vice President of Student Affairs. The name of Ms. Marie

Elaine Burns was submitted for this position, this evening.

VII-C-2-d, Confidential, District Office, Ex. Assistant to the Chancellor. The name of Ms.

Bayinaah Jones was submitted for this position, this evening.

B. Items to be Deferred. None.

C. Adoption of Agenda.

Moved by Trustee Tovar, seconded by Trustee Macedo to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously; student trustees voted in the affirmative.


Adoption of Consent Agenda.

VII-C-4-a, Change of Status was removed from the Consent Agenda by Ms. Barbara


Moved by Trustee Gutierrez, seconded by Trustee Tovar, that the Consent Agenda be approved as amended. Motion carried unanimously; student trustees voted in the affirmative.

Chancellor Rosa Perez, introduced Ms. Bayinaah Jones, Interim Executive Assistant to the

Chancellor. Chancellor Perez provided education and work history for Ms. Jones and welcomed her to the SJECCD staff.

Dr. Chui Tsang, President, San José City College, introduced two new Vice Presidents: Dr. Tim

O’Hare, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Ms. Marie Elaine Burns, Vice President of

Student Affair. Dr. Tsang provided background information on their education and work history.

Dr. David Wain Coon, President, Evergreen Valley College, introduced two new Vice Presidents

Dr. Josua Hoyos, Interim Vice President of Student Services and Dr. Kuniko Hay, Interim Vice

President of Instruction. Dr. Coon provided background information on their education and work history.

Mr. Michael Calegari introduced Ms. Serena Muindi, new Assistant Controller. Mr. Calegari provided background information on Ms. Muindi’s education and work history.

Mr. Phil Reteria reported that The Latino Educators’ Association of San José City College would be celebrating Latino/Latina Heritage Month beginning September 15, 2005 through October

15, 2005. He invited all everyone to attend the various activities at both colleges.


Public Comments.

1. Governing Board Member’s Reports: a) Student Trustee Macedo expressed concern regarding a lack of pay phones at the SJCC Campus, and the lack of enforcement of the no-smoking policy on campus. b) Student Trustee Shreffler reported that she met with Chancellor Perez to discussed student concerns. c) Trustee Gutierrez reported that she would attend a leadership academy. She will be working with about 20 other local leaders learning how to affect policy in the area; she further reported that her son just started attending San José City

College. d) Trustee Tanaka reported that SB930 passed on August 29, 2005. He suggested the Board send a letter to Governor urging him to sign this bill. e) Trustee Tovar wished Trustee Gutierrez a happy birthday. He reported that as the incoming President for the California Latino Association of Community

College Trustees, along with African-American and Native-American groups have nominated Chancellor Perez to be one of the key note speakers at the CCLC in

Exhibit 16-D


Board Minutes

September 13, 2005

November. He reported that the Hispanic Business Magazine has ranked the

Stanford School of Medicine as the number one medical school for Hispanics. f) Trustee Hobbs reported that the Board Policy Committee met last week for the eighth time and they have completed their work. Dr. Jon Kangas has sent the draft policies district-wide and the constituency groups have been asked to review and provide input by October 14, 2005. Trustee Hobbs stated that he would be leaving the meeting for about an hour to attend a memorial services in behalf of Jim McEntee, his previous boss. g) Trustee Fuentes welcomed the new staff and reported that through her work, she has been involved in the response for Katrina Hurricane victims. h) Trustee Tanaka also welcomed the new staff and stated that he is glad to finally have a full management and leadership team in place.

2. Chancellor’s Report. Chancellor Perez welcomed the new employees and thanked everyone who is involved in supporting and assisting Katrina victims. She thanked the colleges for inviting her to participate the Colleges IID Days. She thanked the

Board for helping with the Accreditation Recommendations. The recommendations have been sent to Jon Kangas and he has sent them forward to the college committees for their review. Reports will be ready at the October Meeting.


President’s Reports:

Dr. Coon reported that the college hosted a retreat for the Administrative Team on

August 30, 2005. The group worked on team building, planning, and leadership competencies. The college also hosted a Fall Instructional Improvement Professional

Development Day. Student Learning outcomes worked very well at the EVC IID day.

He thanked Judy Rookstool for the work she put into the IID Day. He noted that EVC is also celebrating Latino Heritage Month September 15 through October 14 th that includes a series of films, a month long exhibit in the library, a guest speaker Aida

Huertado and ending with a Latino Legacy World War II, Sixty Years Later. He reported that many from the college community attended Ms. Alma Tanon’s son’s funeral.

President Chui Tsang reported that the semester opened to a rousing success. He stated that SJCC’s IID Days were very successful. He highlighted three programs that have been very successful in providing services for students, i.e., Medical

Administrative Activities Program; the Financial Aides Office, under the leadership of

Octavio Cruz was able to get the financial checks out to the students before the beginning of school. He thanked all who helped including ITSS, EOPs, the EVC

Financial Aid Office, etc. He noted that an outside auditor had just completed an audit and there were no exceptions. He thanked Jenny Jones, Xiomara Martinez,

Denise Matsumoto, Sophia Partida, Tuyet Tran, Anh Truong, Michelle Samaniego and some part-time staff who worked very hard to make this possible.

4. Constituency Report:

Mr. Henry Gee welcomed the new Chancellor, EVC President, two Vice-Presidents and

11 new faculty members.

Ms. Virginia Scales welcomed the new employees and the new Vice President of

Student Affairs. She reported that the Accreditation Reports and the Board Polices are being reviewed and it is expected to have this work completed after the first

Academic meeting that is scheduled on September 20, 2005.

Mr. Gene Heck reported that Chancellor Perez and President Coon met with the CSEA

Executive Board Members and the custodial staff at Evergreen College. He reported that Chapter 363 has overwhelming approved the tentative agreement.

Mr. Joe Lugo reported that he will no longer the president of the CSEA Classified

Senate. The SJCC Classified Senate has disbanded. Mr. Lugo will continue to

Exhibit 16-D


Board Minutes

September 13, 2005



VIII. BUSINESS represent the Classified staff under a new title: CSEA Classified Senate. He noted that the Tech Center also needs public phones.

Mr. Phil Renteria welcomed the Chancellor, Dr. Coon and all the new hires and stated that MSC needs the okay to start making appointments to the different committees.

Dr. Mark Newton reported that he and Ms. Barbara Hanfling provided orientation for new faculty. He stated that they are particularly grateful to the Chancellor for her interest in consulting with the Faculty Association Union and her commitment to shared governance.

C. Oral Communications.

D. Written Communications:

1. Excused Absence – Trustee Autumn Gutierrez. This item was approved on the

Consent Agenda.

A. Student-Right to Know Reporting Subscription Agreement with State Chancellor’s Office.

Approve on the Consent Agenda.

A. Academic:

VII-A-1, a to d, Employment. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-A-2-a, Class Advancement on Salary Schedule. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-A-3-a, PRC Step Increase Step 14, 17, 19 Plan Completion. Approved on the

Consent Agenda.

VII-A-4-a, Change of Status. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-A-5, Reassigned Time. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-A-6-a, Leaves. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-7-a, Retirement. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

B. Classified:

VII-B-1-1, Correction to August 16, 2005 Board Agenda Employment. Approved on the

Consent Agenda.

VII-B-2, Elimination of Position. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-B-3, Establishment of Positions. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-B-4, Establishment of Positions. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-B-5, a to i, Employment. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-B-6, a to c, Change of Status. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-B-7, a to e, Professional Growth. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-B-8, Resignation DO. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-B-9, Retirement Part-Time SJCC. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-10, Approval of Negotiated Agreement with CSEA 2004-05 & 2005-06. Moved by

Trustee Tanaka, seconded by Trustee Tovar. Student trustees voted in the affirmative.

Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Hobbs was absent during this vote.


VII-C-1-a, Correction to May 10, 2005 Board Agenda Resignation. Approved on the

Consent Agenda.

VII-C-2-a to d, Employment. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-C-3-a, Admin Employment Contracts. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

VII-C-4, Change of Status. Ms. Barbara Hanfling stated that it is difficult when an agenda has an item that states “Change of Status” but they do not know what it is changing to. She requested that more identifying information be included in these type of items. Moved by Trustee Macedo, seconded by Trustee Gutierrez. Student trustees voted in the affirmative. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Hobbs was absent during this vote.

VII-D-5, Retirement. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Public Hearing – 2005-2006 Budget.


2005-2006 Budget. Mr. Michael Hill, Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, provided

Exhibit 16-D


Board Minutes

September 13, 2005 a detailed report on the 2005-2006 Budget. He reviewed the 2004-2005 General Fund

Budget Outcomes, Changes in Revenue and Expenditures from the 2005-2006 Tentative

Budget, Impact of Operations on Fund Balance, Student Attendance FTES Summary, and a recap of the 2005-2006 Fund Balances. He reported that our district had negotiated a good utility contract with the League Consortium and did not have to pay as much as could have been paid. Mr. Hill noted that the Budget being presented for adoption for

2005/2006 is better than those of recent years due largely to a more stable state economy and that the only thing that could have a significant negative impact would be an inability to hold on to our FTES. He stated that the Expenditure Savings turned out to be $250,000 more than estimated due largely to lower subsidies from the General

Fund to the Health Services Fund and Child Development Fund. Mr. Hill answered questions from the Board and members of the audience.

Ms. Lauren McKee commended Mr. Hill for keeping the district going without any layoffs.

Ms. Serena Muindi and Mr. Gary Cooper also commended Mr. Hill’s for the outstanding work he has done for this district.

Moved by Trustee Tovar to approve the 2005-2006 Budget as submitted, seconded by

Trustee Tanaka, motion carried unanimously, student trustees voted in the affirmative.

President Lind provided a review of the Budget’s Committee recommendation as follows:

1) The permanent EVC budget would be augmented by $100,000 from the district’s

Reserve, instead of from San José City College. This would bring both colleges into balance according to our allocation model. (2) In the spring of 2006 an Actuarial Study of the retirees’ benefits. (3) Will embark on a one-year pilot project to do an oversight of the retirees’ benefit program will be done. A part-time employee will be hired to monitor the fund. Mr. Hill reported on the Retirees’ benefits program is running at $2.7 million dollars to the pay benefits for retirees. Moved by Student Trustee Joseph Macedo to accept the Budget Committee’s recommendations and accept the 2005-06 Adoption

Budget as amended, seconded by Trustee Fuentes. Motion carried. Trustee Hobbs was absent during the vote.

Trustee Okamura moved that the Board earmark $2.5 million, from the Reserve to support Enrollment Development, which includes schools and community partnerships and innovative projects, and strengthen student retention and success and the

Chancellor prepare and present a plan within these parameters for Board’s review, not later than the end of this Academic Year. The Chancellor may present alternative plans that optimize enrollment development objectives, not to exceed $3 million. Seconded by

Trustee Fuentes.

Chancellor Perez stated that she welcomes the opportunities to capture and retain students. She noted that our Vice Presidents can help evaluate how to wisely use these dollars. She asked for time to evaluate and create a timeline on what is possible. She plans to come back with a plan that is going to achieve the optimum to maximize our enrollment.

After an extended discussion regarding whether to set a timeline or not, Trustee Tovar made an amendment to remove the timeline. Trustee Okamura agreed to amend his motion to include: remove the timeline, and add a proviso that the Chancellor would suggest a timeline at the next Board Meeting.

Student Trustee Macedo moved to accept the amendment to the motion regarding the earmarking $2.5 million, seconded by Trustee Fuentes. The motion carried unanimously; student trustees voted in the affirmative.

Trustee Hobbs expressed his frustration with not receiving the specific impact of what services are not being offered and what courses are being offered.


Monthly Financial Report - June 2005. This item was provided as an “Information Item” only.


District Expenditure Report. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

Exhibit 16-D


Board Minutes

September 13, 2005









Disposal of Surplus Equipment. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Evergreen Valley College Associated students Expenditure Report – April through June

2005. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Establishment of 2004-2005 Appropriates Limit (GANN). Approved on the Consent



Appropriation Limit – Including 2004-2005. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Appropriation Limit – Section 5. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Agreement – State Chancellor’s Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP). Approved on the

Consent Agenda.


Puente Memorandum of Understanding. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Live 365 Internet Radio Service Agreement for KJCC. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Lease Renewal Between Santa Clara County Office of Education and San José City

College. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Quarterly Financial Report – 2004 – 2005 Fourth Quarter. Approved on the Consent



Acceptance of 2005-2006 Vocational and Technical Education Act (VTEA) Statewide

Advisory Committee for Public Safety Title 1-B Grant Award (#05-0383 – Public Safety

Training). Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Learning Disabilities/CalWORKs Agreement with County of Santa Clara ($527,548).

Approved on the Consent Agenda.


County of Santa Clara CalWORKs Program Agreement – Evergreen Valley College

($111,725). Approved on the Consent Agenda.


County of Santa Clara CalWORKs Program Agreement – San José City College

($135,180). Approved on the Consent Agenda.


California Department of Education Child Development Services Agreement CCAP-4356 and Resolution – Infant Toddler Child Care Resource Program. Approved on the Consent



San José City College Associated Students Expenditure Report – April through June 2005.

Approved on the Consent Agenda.

A. Change Order #1–Student Center Remodel - EVC. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

B. Award of Contract – Landscaping – Bid Package #5: Science Complex SJCC. Approved on the Consent Agenda.

C. Award of Contract – Sheet Medal & Flashing, Bid Package #12: Science Complex - SJCC.

Approved on the Consent Agenda.

D. Appointment of Candidate – Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee. Approved on the

Consent Agenda.


Professional Services Agreement w/Project Control Associates – Project Neutral an d

Mediation Services – Student Services Center Project. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Professional Services Agreement w/Project Control Associates – Project Neutral and

Mediation Services – Student Services Center Project. Approved on the Consent Agenda.


Professional Services Agreement for VoIP Upgrades at EVC w/Salas O-Brien Engineers.

Approved on the Consent Agenda.

President Coon introduced Associated Student Body President Ms. Karla Reyes. Ms Reyes provided a report on the EVC fundraiser to raise money for the Katrina victims. EVC will host

Constitution Day Forum next week.

Mr. Rick Diffenderfer, SJCC Associated Student Body President, reported on the activities SJCC is hosting to assist the Katrina Victims.

Mr. Phil Renteria reported that the SJCC Associated Student Body purchase IT calculators that they will be renting to students.

A. Evergreen Valley College/San José City College. Was submitted as an “Information”

Item only.

B. Future Action Bin.


Follow-up on Employment Trends for the Board’s Retreat.

Exhibit 16-D


Board Minutes

September 13, 2005


Governing Board Election Filing Fees


Reorganization of Fiscal Services

C. Agenda Items for the Next Board Meeting.

1. Board Self-Evaluation







The meeting was adjourned with a Moment of Silence for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, Ms.

Alma Tanon’s so and Ms. Andrea Leiderman, who recently passed away.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.



Rosa G. Perez, Secretary

Governing Board

Exhibit 16-D

