Honors Chemistry

IBHL Chemistry
North Atlanta High School
2015- 2016
Instructor: Ms. Jeanne Hall
E-mail: jmhall@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Room # 7123
A. Course Description:
This course is designed to prepare students for a rigorous program that combines academic study with the
acquisition of practical and investigational skills. The Diploma Programme chemistry course includes the
essential principles of the subject but also, through the selection of options, allows students to explore some
areas in greater depth. Assessments include class and homework, labs and lab reports, quizzes and tests, a
mid-term and final exam, and, of course, the final IB exam. IBHL chemistry is challenging for everyone;
students should be spending at least 10 hours weekly outside of class studying chemistry. Students must
remember that this IB chemistry exam in May could be the factor that determines if they will receive the
B. Text:
Chemistry, the Central Science, Prentice Hall Publishing, 2009
Replacement cost: $120.00
IB Chemistry Study Guide, Oxford Univ. Press, 2007, $45.00
Chemistry SL, Pearson Baccalaureate, 2014, $54.00
C. Content Organization
Topics for 1st Semester
Medicinal Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Acids and Bases
Topics for 2nd Semester
Atomic Structure
Quantitative Chemistry
Review of all topics
D. Labs
The IB Diploma Programme emphasizes developing the student’s ability to design, conduct and
analyze chemistry labs. Students will be assessed according to the IB criteria for labs: design, data
collection and processing, conclusion and evaluation, manipulative skills and personal skills. Lab reports
are submitted for review before a second evaluation, in order that the reports may be improved. Students
will need to make up and complete any missed labs within five days. The IB Office randomly selects
individual student lab reports to evaluate for class representation and final IB grade, so it is critical for all
students to meet the standards of the IB rubric. IB chemistry labs constitute the internal assessment
for chemistry.
E. Materials Needed
Binder and tabs
Lab notebook
Scientific Calculator
II. Grading Policies
A. Computation of Grade
Formative Assessments (including classwork, homework, some lab reports and quizzes): 45%
Summative Assessments (including some lab reports, tests, mid-term exam, and projects): 45%
Final Exam: 10%
B. Grading Scale
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
F = < 69%
C. Deficiency Notices and Grade Progress Reports
Students will receive deficiency notices and progress reports periodically. These must be
signed by both student and parent and returned to the teacher.
D. Class Policies:
Daily attendance is required. Seniors need to carefully control for absences from class. Avoid
sacrificing class time; absences will take their toll on your understanding and performance.
Seniors who miss a class are expected to come after school for a tutorial.
2. Students should arrive to class on time.
3. Failing students will need to attend at least one tutorial every week until they achieve a passing
4. If a student misses class the day on which an assignment is due, he /she is expected to submit the
assignment immediately upon his/her return. If the absence is excused, the assignment will not be
late if it is submitted the next day. After that, the teacher will deduct 10 points for every calendar
day for late assignments, which must be submitted within three days upon return.
5. Unexcused late work might be accepted up to three days and the highest possible grade will be a
6. Quizzes and tests missed because of an excused absence must be made up within two days upon
7. Technical difficulties are no excuse for submitting late work.
8. All field trip absences must be approved by the teacher except for unforeseen illness or family
emergencies. Do not count on your chaperoning teacher to clear your absence; you must do this
9. The IB chemistry exam is required and will be taken in May 2015. In April & May, students need
to attend two out of three designated after-school review sessions.
10. Students are responsible for the replacement cost of any broken lab equipment.
E. School Policies:
Tardiness and any disruptive behavior will be dealt with according to our NAHS policy and corrective
Please remember that in order to be successful in higher level chemistry, students should be spending at
least 10 hours weekly, studying it at home. There is a direct correlation between success in IB chemistry
and the amount of effort and time invested in studying it. I am looking forward to teaching you the IB
chemistry this year!
_________________________________ Student
___________________________________ Parent