Pastor’s Recommended Reading List As of April 13, 2014 All these books are recommended. Highlighted books are essential for ministry or faith. Recent Additions are in Blue. Read ‘em before they’re burned or banned by the Politically Correct enemies of freedom! Most of these can be purchased on-line at or check your local used bookstore Revivalism and Missions Signs and Wonders: Why Pentecostalism is the World’s Fastest Growing Faith by Paul Alexander One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven by Mark Cahill Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot All Things Are Possible by David Edwin Harrell, Jr. Still Taking the Land with Wayman and Greg Mitchell; edited by David Drum High Adventure in Tibet by David V. Plymire The Unlisted Legion by Jock Purves Sodom had No Bible by Leonard Ravenhill Eternity in their Hearts by Don Richardson Peace Child by Don Richardson An Open Door by Ron Simpkins The Harvest Generation by Ron Simpkins Who Will Rise Up? by Jed Smock The Deep Sea Canoe by Alan R. Tippett In the Day of Thy Power by Arthur Wallis Great Revivals by Colin Whitaker God’s Missiles Over Cuba by Tom White Unto the Ends of the Earth by Ian Wilson Christ on the Jewish Road by Richard Wurmbrand Theology, Healing and Ethics Demon Possession Today and How to be Free by A.A. Allen (Presented by R.W. Schambach) The Revelation of John: Volume 1 by William Barclay 1 Christ the Healer by F.F. Bosworth If Ye Continue by Guy Duty Concerning Spiritual Gifts by Donald Gee The Bible in the Light of Our Redemption by E.W. Kenyon Bodily Healing and the Atonement by Dr. T.J. McCrossan The Bible, Its Christ and Modernism by Dr. T.J. McCrossan Healing: Commission, Confrontation, Compelling Witness by Wayman Mitchell w/ John Gooding Bible Doctrines by P.C. Nelson Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee Why Standards? Making Sense of Ministry Requirements by Jay Nembard The Six Miracles of Calvary by William R. Nicholson The Wind Bloweth Where It Listeth by Lewi Pethrus Ministry, Sermonizing The Charismatic Ministry by Gordon Lindsay The Last Christian Generation by Josh McDowell Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting by Derek Prince We can take the Land by Ron Simpkins The Humor of Christ by Elton Trueblood How to Murder a Minister by Pastor X 1599 Geneva Bible: Patriot’s Edition Israel, Prophecy, Global Conspiracy Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs by Mark Biltz The Great Mystery of the Rapture by Arno Froese Fourth Reich of the Rich by Des Griffin The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop The Rabbi Who Found Messiah by Carl Gallups The Second Coming of the Antichrist by Peter D. Goodgame A Woman Rides the Beast by Dave Hunt The Whole Realm of Rebellion by Dr. Noah Hutchings U.S. in Prophecy by Dr. Noah Hutchings The New Temple and the Second Coming by Grant R. Jeffrey Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny by Grant R. Jeffrey Apocalypse: The Coming Judgment of the Nations by Grant R. Jeffrey Eye to Eye by William Koenig Conspiracy: A Biblical View by Gary North The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris The Key to the Middle East: Discovering the Future of Israel in Bible Prophecy by Derek Prince The Islamic Anti-Christ by Joel Richardson The Next Three Wars in Israel by Arthur Sommerville God’s Tsunami by Peter Tsukahira Marriage and Family The Children’s Bible in 365 Stories by Mary Batchelor; Illustrated by John Haysom Love for a Lifetime by James Dobson Straight Talk to Men about their Wives by James Dobson 2 What Wives Wish their Husbands Knew about Women by James Dobson Dare to Discipline by James Dobson Men are like Waffles, Women are like Spaghetti by Bill and Pam Farrel How to be Happy though Married by Tim LaHaye Sexual Happiness in Marriage by Herbert J. Miles Biography/Personal Testimony God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew Fearless by Eric Blehm Before the Dawn by Mickey Block Letters and Papers from Prison by Dietrich Bonhoeffer By Faith (In Him) by Claude H. Curtis The Life and Diary of David Brainerd edited by Jonathan Edwards The Confusing World of Benny Hinn by Fisher and Goedelman Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor E. Frankl Charles Grandison Finney: Revivalist and Reformer by Keith J. Hardman Why We Can’t Wait by Martin Luther King, Jr. The Life and Teachings of Christ by Gordon Lindsay (3 Volumes) A Man Called Peter by Catherine Marshall The Bridge at Dong Ha by John Grider Miller Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef Road to Unafraid by Jeff Struecker The Healer-Prophet: William Marrion Branham by C. Douglas Weaver In Pursuit of Destiny by Ian Wilson Christian Living and Ethics Breaking Intimidation by John Bevere The Devil’s Door by John Bevere The Bait of Satan by John Bevere Under Cover by John Bevere Prison to Praise by Merlin Carothers Maximized Manhood by Edwin Louis Cole Integrity by Richard Dortch At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry by Steve Gallagher War: Moral or Immoral by R.B. Thieme The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee Love Not the World by Watchman Nee The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand Leadership Real Man by Edwin Louis Cole Strong Men in Tough Times by Edwin Louis Cole Leadership is Male by J. David Pawson Lincoln on Leadership by Donald T. Phillips The Lost Art of Disciple Making by Leroy Eims History, Reformation, Islam and War Christ, Muhammed and I by Mohammad Al Ghazoli For the Soul of the People by Victoria Barnett The Gold of Exodus by Howard Blum Paul Revere’s Ride by David Hackett Fischer Foxe’s Book of Martyrs by John Foxe The People’s Pottage by Garet Garrett Stern: The Man and His Gang by Zev Golan The Popes Against the Jews by David I. Kertzer Crescent and Star: Turkey Between Two Worlds by Stephen Kinzer In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How It Changed a Nation, a Language and a Culture by Alister McGrath The Arabs by Anthony Nutting Killing Jesus: A History by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard The Truth About Muhammad by Robert Spencer 800 Horsemen: God’s History Makers by Col Stringer The Day of Islam by Paul L. Williams Babylon Mystery Religion by Ralph Woodrow Videos You Must Watch The Agenda: Grinding America Down Creation, Evolution and Science Ministries: Five-Disc Study Set Generation RX The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment The Living Stones: Connecting with Believers in Israel Monumental Science, Culture and the Occult Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection by Gary Bates This Little Church Went to Market: Is the Modern Church Reaching Out or Selling Out? by Gary E. Gilley This Little Church Stayed Home: A Faithful Church in Deceptive Times by Gary E. Gilley The Vanishing Proofs of Evolution by Thomas F. Heinze When a Nation Forgets God: Seven Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany by Erwin W. Lutzer The Lennon Prophecy by Joseph Niezgoda Trojan Church by Dr. Gregory Reid Demons: The Answer Book by Lester Sumrall The Myth of Mary by Cesar Vidal 3 Meaningful Fiction By the Waters of Babylon by Stephen Vincent Benet Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad The Martyred by Richard E. Kim Rifleman Dodd by C.S. Forester The Testament by John Grisham The Man without a Country by Edward Everett Hale Brave New World by Aldous Huxley The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis Grapes of Canaan: Hawaii 1820 by Albertine Loomis The Road by Cormac McCarthy Animal Farm by George Orwell Patriots by John Wesley, Rawles Survivors by John Wesley, Rawles Founders by John Wesley, Rawles Gods and Generals by Jeff Shaara The Mantle by William H. Stephens Legends of Our Time by Elie Wiesel Night by Elie Wiesel 4