Youngstown City Schools SCIENCE: PHYSICS UNIT #3: LINEAR MOTION- - (4 WEEKS) SYNOPSIS: This unit focuses on the concepts of linear motion and the many practical applications in everyday life. Students will perform lab exercises to evaluate and measure linear motion. To highlight the completion of the topic, students will build a projectile launch system and demonstrate the system in class.. ENABLERS: acceleration, average acceleration, average velocity, constant acceleration, displacement, free fall, free-fall acceleration, velocity, and force STANDARDS V. LINEAR MOTION A. reference. B. The students will analyze and evaluate projectile motion in a defined frame of The students will design and conduct investigations of two-dimensional motion of objects. 1. 2. 3. C. components of projectile motion. 1. 360. Adding vector forces Motion down inclines Centripetal forces and circular motion The students will analyze, calculate, and evaluate independence of the vector Net forces will be calculated for force vectors with directions between zero and D. The students will demonstrate their understanding that projectile motion is when an object has both horizontal and vertical components of motion, as in a projectile, the components act independently of each other. For a projectile in the absence of air resistance, this means that horizontally, the projectile will continue to travel at constant speed just like it would if there were no vertical motion. Likewise, vertically the object will accelerate just as it would without any horizontal motion. Problem solving will be limited to solving for the range, time, initial height, initial velocity or final velocity of horizontally launched projectiles with negligible air resistance. E. The students will evaluate, measure, and analyze circular motion. F. The students will analyze and evaluate the nature of centripetal forces. G. The students will investigate, evaluate and analyze the relationship among centripetal force, centripetal acceleration, mass, velocity, and radius. H. The students will demonstrate their problem solving skills involving horizontally launched projectiles. LITERACY STANDARDS RST.3 Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. RST.8 Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, and conclusions in a science or technical text, verifying the data when possible and corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of information. WHST.3 students must be able to write precise enough descriptions of the step-by-step procedures they use in their investigations or technical work that others can replicate them and (possibly) reach the same results TEACHER NOTES MOTIVATION 1. Grab students’ attention by using the on-line video on projectile motion review key ideas and make sure that students get the key ideas. 2. Review angular motion from Unit 2 and relate it to linear motion. 3. Use Angry Birds (or 7/08/2013 YCS Science: PHYSICS Unit 3 - - LINEAR MOTION 2013-2014 1 TEACHER NOTES MOTIVATION 4. Students set both personal and academic goals for this Unit. 5. Preview the authentic assessment TEACHER NOTES TEACHING-LEARNING 1. Remind students about previous unit; give practice questions - - 2 and 4-point questions and if students need additional help, spend time on details of the roller coaster and centripetal force. (Amusement Park Physics: Roller Coasters; note: most amusement parks have specific activities for this if you contact them). 2. Students investigate, evaluate and analyze the relationship among centripetal force, centripetal acceleration, mass, velocity, and radius. Students examine equations and create a “cheat sheet” of equations that can be used as a reference sheet for working problems involving centripetal acceleration, mass, velocity, and radius. (VH) Teachers: note that the following website has lots of great lessons for different subjects in this as well as other units. 3. Conduct Centripetal Force Labs: Constant Radius and Mass Lab, Constant Radius and Force Lab, and Constant Mass and Force Lab (this one is the best). Students graph data collected in labs to address speed and velocity and potential and kinetic energy (students can go back to the work in Unit 2 if necessary). Students must follow complex multistep procedure when carry out labs; analyze the results based on explanations they have heard or read. If possible, include the concept of radius and centripetal force in the discussion. (VB3; VF; VG; VH; RST.3) 4. Students perform either the Acceleration on an Inclined Plane Track (Pasco) or the Acceleration Due To Gravity Lab (Pasco); discuss pre-lab, safety, etc. and read information about the topics; students evaluate the hypothesis in the article, the data collected, the analysis of the data and the conclusions drawn. Corroborate or challenge the findings in the readings with what is found in their own experiments. Explain why results are the same or different. Data are collected, recorded and discussed. (VA; VB2; RST.8; WHST.3) 5. Students use data collected from the first activity, and predict how changing the angle of the incline will affect the acceleration of an object (e.g., car); each car will not yield the same result (e.g., hot wheels car A compared to hot wheels car B); test prediction by setting up the track; no adjustment allowed. Students then examine other factors that might impact the acceleration (e.g., car doors open, weight, counterbalances, etc.). Students must follow complex multistep procedure when carry out labs; analyze the results based on explanations they have heard or read. (VA; B2; RST.3) 6. Finish discussion on acceleration and inclined planes using PPT presentation. Do Question-answer session from PPT; students take notes (IEP students get copy of PPT); all students have a flashdrive and could download the PPT if they wanted; they can also download labs and websites for student to access on their own. (VA; B2) 7. Have students do sample problems with teacher, and then do some for practice. Teacher corrects any misconceptions or student errors (these are teacher-made problems). VA; B2) 8. Teacher addresses adding vector forces and combining vectors: (a) Forces acting in the same direction; (b) Forces acting in different direction; (c) Forces acting at angles (bumper 7/08/2013 YCS Science: PHYSICS Unit 3 - - LINEAR MOTION 2013-2014 2 TEACHER NOTES TEACHING-LEARNING cars; football with forces pushing against each other, soccer, volleyball; pushing a car that ran out of gas - - 2 people better than one; movement of an airplane with headwind and direction). Look at direction of the movement of an object depending on the forces pushing in certain directions (e.g., friction, gravity, force of an object pushing up) Look at two cars colliding in an accident and how to determine fault in an accident. Pose several questions for students to investigate and make predictions. Practice problems include calculating net forces for force vectors with directions between zero and 360. (VB1; VC) 9. Teacher uses PPT presentation on Projectile Motion; students take notes (refer to Motivation #1) (VD) 10. Teacher introduces the project for students to design a launcher (from whatever they want) and using only rubber bands for power. They decide if they want to do a canon or a catapult. This will be the Authentic Assessment. Corroborate or challenge the findings in the readings with what is found in their own experiments. Explain why results are the same or different. Data are collected, recorded and discussed (VD; VE; RST.8) NOTE: introduce at beginning of unit and complete prior to the Unit Test). Could also be done with eggs. 11. Students do virtual lab on projectile motion; website: (VD) 12. Teacher explains practice problems on projectile motion. Students will solve problems, including predicting landing spots of projectile. Teacher uses Question/Answer to assess understanding. (VD; VE) TEACHER NOTES TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT 1. UNIT TEST TEACHER NOTES TEACHER CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT 1. 2- AND 4-POINT QUESTIONS 2. LAB REPORTS TEACHER NOTES AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT 1. Students evaluate their goals for the Unit. 2. Students work in small groups to create the ping pong ball launcher. Materials are common things found around the house. Students have 2-3 weekends to do this project. When students demonstrate their launcher, the teacher asks questions to each student about the concepts they are to know. See attached for the Ping Pong Ball Launcher on pages 4-5 7/08/2013 YCS Science: PHYSICS Unit 3 - - LINEAR MOTION 2013-2014 3 AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT: PING-PONG BALL LAUNCHER PURPOSE: To obtain the highest possible score while launching a ping-pong ball via a catapult from three (3) different specified distances and having it land on/in a circular target. ENTRIES: Each team will be limited to one entry. The same device must be used for both launch distances, although it may be modified for the different launch distances. Each team will consist of one official competitor who may have up to two (2) assistants, depending on the needs associated with the individual catapult. APPARATUS: 1. The catapult will have a base that is up to 30 cm3 that will not scuff the gym floor. 2. When in its ready-to-launch position for the 4 meter competition, the catapult must completely fit into a box 30 cm on aside (i.e. 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm). 3. The catapult itself can be either metallic of non-metallic materials; only rubber bands can be used to give it power 4. The catapult must be self-sufficient (i.e. no electric motors, human help, compressors, etc.). A release mechanism (i.e. a trigger) MUST be utilized to launch the ball. 5. The target will consist of a series of concentric circles, as illustrated. 6. The projectile used will be provided by the teacher (e.g., ping pong ball, marshmallow, egg, etc). COMPETITION: 1. Each competing team will launch four ping-pong balls at the horizontal target on the floor at each of 2 distances. 2. The distances will be 4 meters, and 7 meters, as measured from the center of the target to the shooting box. 3. The catapult may be placed anywhere within the taped off launch area at the two designated distances; and the base of the catapult must fit inside it. 4. The point of initial contact between the ball and the target will be considered for scoring purposes. 5. The score for each distance will be determined by the three (3) balls yielding the highest score. The score yielded by the 4th ball will only be used to break ties. 6. The final score will be arrived at by adding up the scores from each of the 2 phases of the competition. The team with the highest score will be the declared the winner. MECHANICS AND SCORING: 1. A competitor must have all four launches completed for each distance within 5 minutes of the start of each phase of the competition. Launches that are not made by the end of the 5 minutes time limit will be recorded as 0 points. 2. There will be a three (3) minute time period allotted for adjustments from 4 m to 7 m distance. No adjustments may be made prior to this three (3) minute segment of time nor may any recorded launches be made during this adjustment period. (Practices may be taken but they will not count.) 3. Any ball that is launched during the two 5-minute competition periods will be counted for scoring purposes and any launched ball will be worth a minimum of 10 points. 7/08/2013 YCS Science: PHYSICS Unit 3 - - LINEAR MOTION 2013-2014 4 4. Scoring beyond the 10 points may be achieved only by balls which initially hit the target (not the floor). A ball must land completely in an area to receive a score. Any ball partially in each of 2 areas will receive the LESSER of the two scores. APPARATUS Complied with measurement requirements for the base of the launcher Catapult fits in the designated area Catapult is powered by rubber bands Catapult is self-sufficient with release mechanism COMPETITION Launched 4 projectiles at target from 4 meters Launched projectiles at target from 7 meters Score obtained at each distance showed understanding of design for the launcher All 4 launches for each distance were accomplished within 5 minutes timeframe 7/08/2013 RUBRIC for PROJECTILE LAUNCHER 1 2 3 Did not comply with Complied with some of Complied with most measurement the measurement measurement requirements for the requirements for the requirements for the launcher launcher launcher Catapult designed, NA NA but it does not fit in the designated area Used rubber bands, NA NA but did not use the best number for the task Catapult is not selfNA Catapult is either selfsufficient and does sufficient or has no not have a release release mechanism mechanism 1 Launched 1 projectile at target from 4 meters Launched 1 projectile at target from 7 meters Score obtained showed little understanding of the best design for the launcher The 4 launches at each were not accomplished in the 5 minute time frame 2 Launched 2 projectile at target from 4 meters 3 Launched 3 projectile at target from 4 meters Launched 2 projectile at target from 7 meters Launched 3 projectile at target from 7 meters Score obtained showed some understanding of the best design for the launcher The 4 launches at one of the distances were not accomplished in the 5 minute time frame Score obtained showed understanding of the best design for the launcher NA 4 Complied with all measurement requirements for the launcher Catapult fits in the designated area Used rubber bands for maximum performance for the launcher Catapult is selfsufficient with release mechanism 4 Launched 4 projectile at target from 4 meters Launched 4 projectile at target from 7 meters Score obtained showed thorough understanding of the best design for the launcher The 4 launches at both distances were accomplished within 5 minute timeframe YCS Science: PHYSICS Unit 3 - - LINEAR MOTION 2013-2014 5