Psychic Linkup Ritual For Healing

Psychic Linkup Ritual For Healing
Darkmoon November 11th, 6PM Pacific time, 7PM Mountain, 8PM Central,
9PM Eastern...
In preparation: Designate a quiet time and space for the rite. Phones
silenced, message machines on..."do not disturb" signs are on the
door. Let everyone in your life know you will be occupied at this time
and ask for their support in giving you space.
Decide where you will do the ceremony. Those who wish to, and who have
AOL or AIM, are welcome to join me to do the ritual together in chat.
It's not necessary, however, to be online for this, if sisters prefer
otherwise. The most important thing is to be in synch and focussed...
these are two of the ingredients that make the magic effective with
real results.
Prepare an altar with items on it appropriate to the theme of healing.
Green candles, green stones are good... green growing things...
Goddesses associated with healing and nurturance such as Isis, Hygieia,
Medicine Woman...We have also talked about invoking Durga for the
undoing of ills in our an image of Durga would be
appropriate. Smudge yourself and the space with sage
or other incense of your choice.
Let us journey again together to the forest nestled into the slopes of
the beautiful Paps of Anu, the Breasts of the Great Mother, in Ireland.
---come to Amantha's website to see a picture:
At the appointed time, make yourself comfortable and sit with a
straight spine...whether before the computer or indoors or outside.
Slow down your breathing and breathe deep and full. Imagine that your
breath is travelling down to your toes, up to your crown, and out four
feet into your aura. Relax and quiet your mind. When you breathe out,
let the outbreath carry away all anxiety, tension, distractions, hurts,
negativity. On the inbreath take in Love... the universal love of the
Goddess that is all around us at all times. Breathe Her in and breathe
Her in, fill yourself, your body, your energy field with accepting
unconditional Love.
Visualize a journey to the Paps of Anu. We can go there by magical
boat, if you like. That was how those of us who met in chat last time
went to the Forest of Anu. The boat is curvacious with soaring lines
and decorated with carvings of deities and runes, mandalas and flowers,
vines and trees, animals and mythic beasts. There are quaint cozy
cabins and an open area on deck suitable for a small circle. We embark
and sail through the air until we reach Ireland, and then gently float
down til we are moving on a river that takes us to the sacred Grove
where we will all meet in circle.
When our boat scrapes sand, we disembark and enter the sacred grove
where all our sisters are gathering from all around the world. Wave to
the ones you recognize, or have some hugs. Find your place on the rim
of the circle.
In the center of the circle is a great black cauldron. Three women are
tending the fire that burns within it. It is a gentle fire, with
fragrant woods and dried herbs. Sweet smoke wafts from it and embraces
the grove. Connect with the sister on each side of you, and with the
woman across the circle from you. Join hands. Breathe. Do the Circle of
Eyes... that is, meet the eyes of each sister, briefly around the
circle. Let sisters meet your eyes and see the beauty within you. See
the divinity and beauty in the eyes of each sister. Breathe.
Breathe and ground. Feel your roots going down down into the depths of
Mama Gaia...feel how She welcomes and upholds you. Breathe in Her
support, stability, and love.
The roots of me go down and down
Oh Mother Earth in Thee I ground....
Raising the Cone and Casting the Circle
We will accomplish these simultaneously with the Rainbow Cone
Meditation. Begin by chanting a low note of Ma. Carry your note as
long as you can comfortably...take time to breathe...then continue to
chant Ma. As you chant, make a weaving motion with your upper body so
that you are describing a circle with your spine as axis. See how this
sends the energies of your aura swirling around you.
Still in the first low note of Ma, focus on your root chakra at the
base of your spine. Visualize the color red swirling in and around this
part of you, so that you are sitting in an energy vortex of red.
Do this with each of the seven chakras. As you rise up to each chakra,
chant a higher note of Ma. See the swirling colors layering on, until
at the crown you can see yourself in a spinning rainbow cone. See how
your cone joins with all the other cones of all the other sisters in
the circle, so that we are creating a giant rainbow cone, the peak over
the center of the circle.
The Chakras:
Red...Root... Survival, Health, Grounding, Manifestation, Connection to
Orange...Belly...Sexuality, Creative Power, Fire, Blood Mysteries.
Yellow...Stomach...Power of influence and
Green...Heart....Love, Emotions, Compassion, Connection, Vulnerability,
Sky Blue...Throat...Communication, Poetry, Truth, Trust, Words, Song
Indigo Blue...Third Eye...Telepathy, Divination, Intuition, Psychic
Violet...Crown... Connection to the Goddess...exit door out of the
body...door to Spirit...the peak of the cone.
As you chant hear how your voice blends with the voices of all your
sisters, until the sound of Ma is a mighty chorus of women, vibrating
through our bodies and resonating among the trees.
Once the cone is raised let the Ma sounds die down naturally.
See the rainbow cone spinning, spinning through, around and above us,
enclosing the circle in a great rainbow colored tipi of energy. Feel
the energy and the throbbing silence.
We declare the circle cast:
The circle is cast
The spell is made fast
Only the good
Can enter herein
The magic is made
So let it begin...
We invoke the Goddesses by chanting their names... chant each for a
while until you feel She is fully present.
Call on any Goddesses you wish, and ask them to surround our circle
with their energy, and to help us make our workings a success.
We are here to help bring healing to the world, to our countries, to
women, to ourselves. We call on Durga, Fierce and Righteous Warrior
Goddess, to help us gently burn away all that afflicts us.
We call on Hygieia, Goddess of Healing Serpent Power, to bring true
health to us and to our world. Let all the worlds be joined in harmony.
We call on Anu, Goddess of this Mountain, to strengthen us with your
Love and Support...and we thank You for welcoming us into Your sacred
forest Grove...
Priestesses approach the cauldron with bundles of dried herbs in their
arms. As each thing that needs healing is called out, they drop a
handful of herbs into the flames.
From around the rim sisters call out the Names. All in the circle
repeat each one, and acknowledge with "SO BE IT!" or "SO IT IS!" or
Speak out the names such as:
Let our spirits be healed from the lies that have been told.
Circle repeats and affirms:
us heal
hole in
the devastation to Iraq
the ozone layer
of prisoners
away of our human rights
Betrayal, Heartbreak, Abandonment
Pollution of the Water, Soil and Air
Clearcutting, murder of trees
Fraudulent governments, oppressive regimes
Sisterhood fragmented
Please also be sure to add in your own personal healing issues.
For example: "I ask to be healed of the isolation, abandonment,
heartbreak, poverty, struggle, and physical illnesses that have
afflicted my life... "
Circle can affirm with "Let this sister be healed" and "So Mote It Be"
When all requests have been made and herbs dropped into the cauldron,
we chant together:
Heal my body heal my soul
Goddess Goddess keep me whole
Heal our bodies heal our souls
Goddess Goddess keep us whole...
Heal our countries, heal their souls,
Goddess Goddess keep them whole...
Improvise, add on, etc.
As we sing this healing chant, we spiral dance slowly inward towards
the cauldron. As each of us arrives at the center we look into the
flames and visualize the desired outcome of our prayers. See in the
flames positive images such as:
Talking heads in mass media telling the truth.
Fraud and deception exposed as people embrace in the streets and
celebratory singing soars around the world.
Cease fires declared and the bombs and guns are still
Iraquis and Americans, Israelis and Palestinians...Christians and
Pagans...agree to make peace..making friends...sharing food...shaking
Sisters finding sisters and embracing and forming circles of love and
trust around the world... sister circles linking with one another
around the world...a web of sisterlove embracing the
planet...influencing human destiny...helping
to bring lasting peace...
Each of us personally healed in the ways needed... see yourself healthy
and whole, moving through your life, doing the things you want, being
with those you love and who love you, your body free and beautiful,
your heart happy, your spirit joyful...
Please add freely:
are opening up with a sweet surrender
a woman's way of healing
are opening up with a sweet surrender
a woman's way of healing
are opening up with a sweet surrender
a woman's way of seeing
are opening up with a sweet surrender
a woman's way of being
Etc., Add on, improvise...
After everyone has passed by the cauldron all spiral gently out again
and return to your place on the Rim. The chanting dies down and we
close our eyes and breathe in the quiet once again.
Sisters may wish to add something to the ceremony at this point. Brief
thoughts and prayers may surface for nourishment and affirmation.
Acknowledge the deities we have invoked and thank them for their
presence and support. "Go if you wish, stay if you wish..."
Another Circle of Eyes, with the added acknowledgement to the women on
either side of you: "You Are Goddess." And to the woman across the
way: "You Are Goddess."
Then three times "I Am Goddess."
And together three times: "We Are Goddess!"
And embrace the sister nearest you as a lovely way to ground.
We declare the circle open:
The circle is open
But never broken
Merry meet
And merry part
May the love of the Goddess
Live in your heart...
Take a few moments to chat and say goodbye to sisters as the circle
dissolves, and embark on your return journey to your spot in "real"
life...give thanks, slowly come back.
Blessed Be.