The IQ Controversy

The IQ Controversy
What do you think?
Article One:
Time Magazine
Testing the Je Ne Sais Quoi
Article Two:
Psychology Today
Intelligence: The Surprising Truth
Article Three:
Scientific American
A Multiplicity of Intelligences
Article Four:
Scientific American
The General Intelligence Factor
Testing the Je Ne Sais Quoi
Who is Robert Sternberg?
What does he think of traditional IQ tests?
What’s the difference between the SAT and an IQ test?
What is the problem with having racial differences in IQ scores?
Intelligence: The Surprising Truth
1. What is a psychometrician?
2. What is a cultural ecologist?
3. What does the fact that IQ correlates with simple abilities suggest? Why?
4. What does the fact that IQ correlates with school attendance suggest? Why?
5. What is the problem with predicting IQ from birth order?
6. What does the fact that IQ relates to breast feeding suggest? Why?
7. What does the fact that IQ correlates with birth date suggest? Why?
8. What does the fact that IQ evens out with age suggest? Why?
9. What is the argument for multiple intelligences?
10. What does the fact that IQ correlates with head size suggest? Why?
11. What does the fact that intelligence scores are predictive of real-world outcomes
a. What does the article use as evidence for this?
12. What does the fact that IQ is context-dependent mean?
13. What is the Flynn Effect?
14. What does the fact that IQ is influenced by diet mean?
A Multiplicity of Intelligence
1. What do Louis Thurstone and Joy Guilford have in common?
2. Who developed the triarchic theory of intelligence?
a. What is it?
3. What does Gardner (the author) think about IQ testing?
4. How does Gardner define intelligence?
5. What are Gardner’s 8 Criteria for an intelligence?
6. What are Gardner’s eight intelligences?
7. Why does it matter if these 8 items are called “intelligences” or talents?”
8. What group of people have “embraced” multiple intelligence theory?
The General Intelligence Factor
1. According to research, does a single intelligence factor exist?
2. Other than performance on tests, what does IQ predict?
3. What is g?
a. What evidence is there that it exists?
4. What is Spearman’s factor analysis?
5. What does g have to do with the ability to perform complex mental activities?
6. What is this article’s criticism of Gardner’s MI Theory?
7. What are the biological correlates of g?
8. What do reaction time and intelligence have to do with each other?
9. Explain the correlation between age and IQ.
10. Do adopted children more closely resemble the adoptive parents or their biological
11. Does IQ correlate with school performance?
12. Name three things that IQ influences.
Intelligence Paper Assignment
AP Psychology
Mr. Gambale
After reading the attached articles, your assignment is to write an essay which synthesizes
the material and puts forth your view of the intelligence debate. The grade for the
assignment will be determined as follows:
Article questions:
35 points
50 points
15 points (each article must be used in your essay)
The essay must answer the following questions:
1. What is your definition of IQ?
a. How does it compare with Gardner’s definition and the with definition of g?
2. Do you think that intelligence is a single factor or multiple factors?
a. Give three pieces of evidence to support your argument. (must cite articles)
3. What is the other side of the argument?
a. No matter what you decide, you will not be totally convinced yourself. What
good points does “the other side” make?
Good Luck, Have Fun and May g with you!!