PHED 1301 (Hybrid) – Introduction to Physical Fitness and Sport Spring, 2015 Syllabus – Tuesday (9:30/11:25) & Wednesday (11:25) INSTRUCTOR: Patty Donaldson Monday/Wednesday: 3:00 – 5:00 Tuesday/Thursday: 3:00 – 4:00 Friday: by appointment E-MAIL: PHONE: 936-633-5435 Cell: 214-507-1872 (8am – 10pm) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a survey course that acquaints the students with the basic principles, objectives, and scope of kinesiology early in his/her training. It is intended to further orient the student by familiarizing students with the history of movement, sports and physical education, recent developments, current research, and potential career paths. 3 lecture hours each week. CREDIT HOURS: Three credit hours. This course does not satisfy the 2 hours needed for activities course credit. PREREQUISITES: None AUDIENCE: Freshmen and Sophomores TEXTBOOK: Wuest/Fisette, Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport, 17th ed. McGraw Hill, 2011. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: Current publications and/or Internet sites. OFFICE HOURS: LEARNING OUTCOMES: To understand the nature and scope of kinesiology. To gain knowledge concerning the changing concepts in movement and sports. To understand the relationship of kinesiology to health, recreation, the teaching profession, and professional organizations. To understand the importance, impact, and interrelationship of various sub-disciplines of kinesiology, including motor behavior, biomechanics, exercise physiology, sport sociology, sport psychology, and pedagogy; To describe the different career opportunities in the field of kinesiology; To analyze and interpret various forms of communication; To effectively discover, develop, organize, and phrase the course information in written form through the use of essays, papers, and/or reports; To develop the ability to orally communicate clearly, coherently and persuasively the course information through the use of group discussions and/or presentations; and To use computer-based technology in communication and acquiring information concerning kinesiology. ASSESSMENT OF CORE OBJECTIVES (pending approval by THECB) Critical Thinking (Inquiry, Synthesis, Analysis, & Results) will be directly assessed through analysis and evaluation of fitness test as well as essay questions on exams. Communication (Organization, Quality of Sources, & Communication Skills) skills will be directly assessed through verbal presentations, written evaluation of fitness tests, and essay questions on exams. Social Responsibility (Intercultural Competencies, Civic Responsibility, & Engages in Community) will be directly assessed through appropriate participation in class as well as participation in educational events in the community. Personal Responsibility (Ethical Issue Recognition, Commitment, & Accountability) will be indirectly assessed through timely completion and submission of assignments as well as ability to complete assignments individually. 3/10/2016 @ 12:11:07 AM PHED 1301 (Hybrid) – Introduction to Physical Fitness and Sport Spring, 2015 Syllabus – Tuesday (9:30/11:25) & Wednesday (11:25) ASSIGNMENTS: Full participation in class discussions Quizzes Communication: 2 verbal presentations (sport lesson), 5 Discussion assignments, and 1 Written Evaluation of Fitness test Fitness Test (Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Strength & Endurance, Flexibility, and Body Composition) In-class Exams POLICIES: Children and guests are not allowed in the classroom. Students are expected to be present, attentive, and remain in class during the scheduled time. It is the responsibility of the student to attend all classes and a record of attendance will be kept. It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw officially in the College admissions and registrar’s office from a class the student no longer desires to attend. Students may be dropped for nonattendance. All missed assignments, tests, and work will result in a “0" grade and will be averaged into your cumulative grade. Any behavior that would disrupt classroom discussion or instruction will not be tolerated and the student will be asked to leave the classroom and must meet with the instructor before readmittance back into the class. Student will lose daily participation grade. Cell phones are to be turned off during all class times and out of sight, unless otherwise directed. Assignments are due on specific dates as scheduled and may not be made up except for excused absences. They must be submitted prior to date of absence. Tests will not be made up. The final exam grade may be used to replace one missed test. Students are required to bring all needed supplies (book, highlighter, pen, notes, scantron, etc.). No eating, drinking, or use of tobacco products in the classroom. Register with RAVE for emergency notifications including weather-related. Go to and search for Angelina College. You will register via your school email address and can submit your cell phone for text notifications. Students requesting accommodations for disabilities must go through Karen Bowser in Student Services offices. To report any complaints of discrimination related to disability, age, gender, religion, sport, or race, you should contact Dr. Patricia McKenzie, Administration Building, Room 105 or 936-633-5201. EVALUATION: The grade will be derived from the following: 30% - 3 Written tests over Blackboard material & text 30% - Communication (2 verbal & 1 written) & fitness test 20% - Quizzes (drop lowest) 20% - Discussion Board A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%, F=below 59.5% TEST DATES: Test #1 at the conclusion of chapter 3 (chapters 1 – 3) Test #2 at the conclusion of chapter 7 (chapters 4 – 7) Test #3 (final exam – cumulative) 3/10/2016 @ 12:11:07 AM PHED 1301 (Hybrid) – Introduction to Physical Fitness and Sport Spring, 2015 Syllabus – Tuesday (9:30/11:25) & Wednesday (11:25) Wk of: 1/19 In class Internet Introductions: syllabus, email, & Blackboard tutorial 1/26 ch 1 & 2 notes; Bloom’s Taxonomy Chapter 3 notes; assign Lifetime Activity to present Presentations on Lifetime Activity Review Test #1 (if time) Review & Test #1 Discussion #1: autobiography – follow directions! Syllabus quiz Print/View Chapter 1 & 2 notes Take Quizzes #1 & #2 Print/View ch 3 notes; take Quiz #3 2/2 2/9 2/16 2/23 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 4/6 4/13 4/20 4/27 5/4 5/11 Tuesday: no class Wednesday: Discuss test #2 chapter 5 Tuesday: discuss test #2 chapter 5 notes Wednesday: no class SPRING BREAK! Discuss chapter 7 (Fitness principles) Perform SFA Fitness test (dress to work-out) Discuss Chapter 6 (biomechanics) Review & Test #2 (chapters 4 – 7) Discuss chapters 8 (Soc), 9 (Psyc), & 10 (Pedagogy) Ch 11 (Career Prep) & ch 12 (Teaching/Coaching); assign careers to teach Career Presentations Final review 5/8 – Anderson Field Day Final Cumulative Exam: Tuesday 9:30 class Tuesday 11:25 class Wednesday 11:25 class 3/10/2016 @ 12:11:07 AM Due: Tue/Wed Final Discussion Post & quiz due Monday 1/26 @ noon Quizzes due: Monday 2/2 @ noon Quiz due: Monday 2/9 @ noon Study for Test #1 Review chapter 4 notes (no class discussion); Quiz #4 (EC on test #2) Tues/Wed: Discussion #2 Wed: Print/view chapter 5 notes Quiz #5 available 2/25 @ 8am Tues: Print/view chapter 5 notes; take Quiz #5 Quiz #4 due: Monday, 2/23 @ noon Discussion due Monday, 3/2 @ noon Discussion #3 (spring break plans) Discussion due Monday, 3/16 @ noon Quiz due: Monday, 3/23 @ noon Paper uploaded by Monday, 3/30 @ noon Quiz due Monday, 4/6 @ noon Discussion due Monday, 4/13 @ noon Print chapter 7 notes Take quiz #7 Write evaluation of fitness test results Print/view chapter 6 notes Take quiz 6 Discussion #4: Choose another fitness test (ID in blog) to compare to SFA fitness test Print/view notes for chs 8, 9, & 10 Take quiz chapters 8-10 Print/view chapters 11 & 12 notes Take quiz chapters 11/12 Discussion #5: Issues Print/View chapters 13 & 14 notes Take quiz chapters13/14 Learner’s Survey Quiz due Monday, 3/9 @ noon Quiz due: Monday, 4/20 @ noon Quiz due Monday, 4/27 @ noon Quiz due Monday, 5/4 @ noon Extra Credit Exam: Thursday, 5/7 @ 9:00 Exam: Tuesday, 5/ 12 @ 11:00 Exam: Monday, 5/11 @ 11:00 PHED 1301 (Hybrid) – Introduction to Physical Fitness and Sport Spring, 2015 Syllabus – Tuesday (9:30/11:25) & Wednesday (11:25) I have read the syllabus and understand my responsibilities and requirements for PHED 1301. Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3/10/2016 @ 12:11:07 AM Signature Date