Unit 4 Reading Guide - Madison County Schools

APHG Reading Guide
Chapter 8: Political Geography
Field Note (219 – 222)
1. In your own words, what does the quote “We prefer self-government with danger to servitude in tranquility”
mean? _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. What were some of the problems encountered by the newly independent states in Africa during the 1960’s?
3. According to de Blij, what did European colonialism bring to the political thinking of Africans?
4. What do political geographers study today? _____________________________________________________
KQ #1: How is space politically organized into states and nations? (p. 222 – 234)
5. Political Geography: ________________________________________________________________________
6. State: ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. Territoriality: _____________________________________________________________________________
8. Sovereignty: ______________________________________________________________________________
9. Territorial integrity: ________________________________________________________________________
10. How was the concept of territoriality shown amongst Native American tribes? ________________________
11. Where were the first states found in early Europe? ______________________________________________
12. What treaty sets the stage for the modern idea of statehood in 1648? _______________________________
13. Mercantilism: ____________________________________________________________________________
14. Describe the concept of a state that swept Europe in the late 1600’s. ________________________________
15. Nation: __________________________________________________________________________________
16. Who defines what makes a nation? ___________________________________________________________
17. Nation – State: ___________________________________________________________________________
18. What is the goal of creating a nation-state? ____________________________________________________
19. What are some of the problems associated with the nation-state ideal? ______________________________
APHG Reading Guide
Chapter 8: Political Geography
20. How can nationalism be used to accomplish goals? ______________________________________________
Define and give an example of each:
21. Multi-national State: _______________________________________________________________________
22. Multi-state Nation: ________________________________________________________________________
23. Stateless Nation: __________________________________________________________________________
24. What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference in 1884 – 1885? ___________________________________
25. In what ways are the countries of Africa still tied to their colonial masters? __________________________
26. According to de Blij, what has been one of the lasting impacts of colonialism? _________________________
27. Explain the metaphor given for World Systems Theory that involves the painting by Georges Pierre Seurat.
28. Capitalism: ______________________________________________________________________________
29. Commodification: _________________________________________________________________________
30. Immanuel Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory: _______________________________________________
31. Core: ___________________________________________________________________________________
32. Periphery: _______________________________________________________________________________
33. Semi-Periphery: ___________________________________________________________________________
34. What are the benefits of Wallerstein’s view of the world? _________________________________________
KQ # 2: How do states spatially organize their governments?
35. According to Hartshorne, states experience forces that would alter them. ______________________ forces
are those that unify the people as one, while ________________________ forces are those that divide the
36. Unitary Governments: _____________________________________________________________________
37. Federal Governments: _____________________________________________________________________
APHG Reading Guide
Chapter 8: Political Geography
38. Despite many governments best efforts, states do sometimes experience forces that seek to move the
power away from a central authority and move it to regional or local levels. This movement is known as
39. What are the three basic types of devolution? __________________________________________________
40. Give an example of each type. _______________________________________________________________
41. What do electoral geographers study? ________________________________________________________
42. What factors might a political geographer study that relates to voting patterns? ______________________
43. Reapportionment: ________________________________________________________________________
44. Gerrymandering: __________________________________________________________________________
KQ # 3: How are boundaries established, and why do boundary disputes occur? (p. 242 – 245)
45. Boundary: _______________________________________________________________________________
46. Using the maps / graphics on page 243, explain how boundaries can have economic consequences.
47. Briefly describe the four steps in establishing a boundary:
a.) Define: ____________________________________________________________________________
b.) Delimit: ___________________________________________________________________________
c.) Demarcate: ________________________________________________________________________
d.) Administrate: ______________________________________________________________________
Define and give an example:
48. Geometric boundary: ______________________________________________________________________
49. Physical – Political boundary: ________________________________________________________________
50. There are 4 types of boundary disputes: Definitional, Locational, Operational, and Allocational. Briefly
describe each in your own words. _______________________________________________________________
APHG Reading Guide
Chapter 8: Political Geography
KQ# 4: How do geopolitics and critical geopolitics help us understand the world? (p. 245 – 248)
51. ______________________________ is the interplay between geography, power, politics, and international
relations. While political science focuses on situations, systems, and institutions; _________________________
brings locational considerations, environmental contexts, and territorial perspectives to the fore.
52. What are the two classical schools of geopolitics? _______________________________________________
53. Ratzel’s theory compares the state to a _________________________________, which must go through
several different cycles in the life of the state.
54. Who used Ratzel’s theories to support their claims for territorial expansion? ________________________
55. Sir Halford Mackinder however focused his theories not on the need for continual conquest, but for need to
conquer and control one area, known as the ___________________________. This territory he said could be
found in _________________________________.
56. Critical Geopolitics: ________________________________________________________________________
57. Give some examples of how the US president has influenced the thinking of people in the US. ____________
58. Following the break-up of the Soviet Union, what became the “new threat” to the new geopolitical world
order? _____________________________________________________________________________________
59. Unilateralism: ____________________________________________________________________________
KQ# 5: What are supranational organizations, and what I the future of the state? (248 – 255)
60. Supranational Organization: _________________________________________________________________
61. Today there are more than _________ such organizations, with subsidiaries that number above _________.
62. What are some of the subsidiaries of the largest supranational organization (the United Nations – UN)
mentioned in the book? _______________________________________________________________________
63. In addition to these, the book mentions:
a. ) European Union: ____________________________________________________________________
b. ) OPEC: ____________________________________________________________________________
c.) NAFTA: ____________________________________________________________________________
d.) MERCOSUR: _______________________________________________________________________
64. How are states being affected by the emergence of supranational organizations? ______________________