The Best HOG Chapter in the World

Ventura Chapter
Harley Owners Group
Chapter # 0366
“The Best H.O.G. Chapter in the World”
Chapter By-Laws
October 2011
The Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) is an organization founded and sponsored by HarleyDavidson Motor Company. The group was established to offer motorcycling benefits and
services to Harley-Davidson enthusiasts throughout the world and to develop a close
relationship between the Harley-Davidson rider, the Harley-Davidson dealer, and the HarleyDavidson Motor Company.
Ventura H.O.G. is an independent chapter affiliated with the Harley Owners Group. It is
established to bring members together for the common interest of promoting motorcycling
activities. The goal of the Ventura H.O.G. Chapter is to generate an increased level of
enthusiasm for riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles. The Chapter is a family-oriented,
nonpolitical, non-religious organization.
The purpose of Ventura H.O.G. is:
1. To promote responsible motorcycling activities for Chapter members by conducting
Chapter activities and encouraging participation in other H.O.G. events.
2. To conduct Chapter activities and operations in a manner consistent with a familyoriented, nonpolitical, non-religious philosophy.
3. To Ride and Have Fun (the RF Factor).
1. Ventura H.O.G. is sponsored by Ventura Harley-Davidson, an authorized Harley-Davidson
dealer. The decision to sponsor said Chapter is undertaken solely at the dealer's
2. The Ventura Harley-Davidson dealer may sponsor only one H.O.G. chapter.
3. The Sponsoring Dealer shall have absolute authority to require the sponsored Chapter to
conduct its operations and activities in accordance with the Sponsoring Dealer's standards.
4. The Sponsoring Dealer shall require the Chapter to operate and conduct activities in
accordance with the Charter and H.O.G. operating policies.
5. The Sponsoring Dealer may change these bylaws at anytime at its discretion.
6. The Sponsoring Dealer shall have authority over, and approval rights regarding, the
content of all Chapter publications.
7. The Sponsoring Dealer shall have authority over any and all matters pertaining to Chapter
8. The Sponsoring Dealer (or the Chapter) may establish Chapter dues, which shall be used
solely to pay or defray the cost of Chapter administration.
Chapter affiliation with H.O.G. shall be for a one-year term and shall be subject to annual
application and acceptance by H.O.G.
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1. The Harley Owners Group, a division of Harley-Davidson Motor Company, is the governing
body for all H.O.G. chapters. Each chapter affiliated with the Harley Owners Group shall be
a separate and independent organization providing services to its chapter members on a
"not for-profit" basis.
2. The Chapter must adhere to the Charter and to H.O.G. Operating Policies.
3. Affiliated chapters shall be named after the respective city or locale of the Sponsoring
Dealer. H.O.G. shall have the right to approve chapter names.
4. Should H.O.G. determine, in its sole discretion, that a chapter is not adhering to this
Charter, H.O.G. may rescind its recognition of the chapter as a H.O.G.-affiliated
organization. Dealers may likewise rescind sponsorship of their chapter at any time, at
which time the chapter's H.O.G. affiliation shall also cease.
Ventura Chapter - Harley Owners Group
Ventura Harley-Davidson / Buell
1. The Ventura Chapter must have the following primary officers and may have only one of
each of these officers: Director, Assistant Director, Treasurer, and Secretary.
2. The Ventura Chapter Board shall consist of the Director, Assistant Director, Secretary,
Treasurer, Activities Officer, Membership Officer, Webmaster, Ladies of Harley Officer,
Senior Road Captain, Safety Officer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Editor, Photographer, Historian,
and Sponsor.
3. All officers are expected to assist the Sponsoring Dealer and the Director in upholding the
"Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters."
4. Any officer, other than the Sponsor, may be removed from office by the majority of the
voting members of the Board subject to the approval of the Chapter's Sponsor.
5. All officers are voting members of the Board and are allotted one vote each.
6. Officers must be physically present at Board meetings to vote. No proxy votes shall be
7. Persons holding more than one Board position are allotted only one vote.
8. All officers (other than the Sponsor and Webmaster) are to be elected by the Ventura
Chapter membership for a term of two years.
9. Due to the technical requirements of the position, the Webmaster will be appointed for a
two-year term by the Director with majority approval of the Board.
10. If a member is nominated for a Ventura Chapter office and subsequently accepts an office
nomination for another Chapter, the Ventura nomination will be rescinded. An officer of the
Ventura Chapter cannot simultaneously be an officer of another H.O.G. Chapter.
1. Nominating years alternate as follows with officers taking their positions on January 1 of
the following year:
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Board Position
Assistant Director
Activities Officer
Membership Officer
Webmaster (appointed in odd year;
takes position in even year)
Ladies of Harley
Senior Road Captain
Safety Officer
Nominated and Elected In
Even Year
Odd Year
2. The Sponsoring Dealer may fill any position(s) and assume their respective
3. The Sponsoring Dealer or Director, with the approval of the Board, may appoint a
replacement or hold a special election for any member of the Board who cannot perform
his/her duties.
4. If a special election is held, it shall follow the rules of election set forth in these by-laws.
DIRECTOR (Elected in odd-numbered year.)
The Director shall:
1. Oversee/preside at Chapter and Board meetings.
2. Uphold the National H.O.G. Charter and Chapter By-Laws.
3. Vote at general and board meetings only when there is a tie vote.
4. Provide general supervision of the affairs of the Chapter.
5. Appoint any person or committee not otherwise ordered by the membership or Board.
6. Represent the group on proper occasions and business contacts.
7. Assist other officers in their records, correspondence and other duties.
8. Promote interest on the part of other members in Chapter activities.
9. Appoint Road Captains based on recommendations from the Senior Road Captain.
10. Appoint Webmaster with approval of the Board.
(Elected in even-numbered year.)
The Assistant Director shall:
1. Assist the Director in carrying out his/her duties.
2. Meet the same qualifications as the Director and is required to share in the workload
assigned to the Director position.
3. Perform the duties of the Director or any other officer in their absence.
4. Obtain H.O.G. insurance and local permits (if necessary) for events.
5. Inform the Chapter members of State H.O.G. Rallies.
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TREASURER (Elected in even-numbered year.)
The Treasurer must have some technical knowledge and experience to be nominated for
this position including accounting, bookkeeping or similar experience.
spreadsheet software, equipment and skill are also necessary.
The Treasurer shall:
1. Collect and disburse Chapter funds as required.
2. Keep complete accounting journals.
3. Prepare Chapter budget, update with actual expenditures and present to Board
quarterly. Prepare an annual budget report for the Board no later than March I st of the
following year.
4. Report the financial transactions to the Board monthly.
5. Submit an annual financial statement to H.O.G. no later than January 31 st of each
year. The outgoing officer shall complete the annual financial statement for their last
year in office.
6. Prepare Chapter corporate income tax returns and any other document required for
Chapter Charter for incorporation.
7. File forms to be treated as a non-profit organization.
8. Submit Chapter accounting procedures to the Board for approval.
SECRETARY (Elected in odd-numbered year.)
The Secretary shall:
1. Be responsible for the administrative needs of the Chapter:
a. Take minutes of Board and Chapter meetings (provide minutes (or summary) to
Editor for the Newsletter).
b. Handle all Chapter correspondence
c. Maintain Chapter files including membership and guest waiver forms
d. Coordinate printing/distribution of Chapter promotional materials (WOW brochure,
Chapter poster, etc.)
2. Provide H.O.G. National with a list of Chapter officers and any other reports as
required by H.O.G. National.
3. Administer all officer elections.
4. Send timely communication to members via Internet regarding rides and events.
ACTIVITIES OFFICER (Elected in odd-numbered year.)
The Board strongly recommends the Activities Officer be a Road Captain.
The Activities Officer shall:
1. Oversee the administration of Chapter events.
2. Maintain the chapter website Ride Calendar on the Chapter’s website and Ride Line
answering machine.
3. Promote interest in H.O.G.-sanctioned activities.
4. Plan Chapter tours, runs and other related activities.
5. Coordinate dates of activities with other officers.
6. Obtain and distribute ride maps/directions to Senior Road Captain and Webmaster via
email prior to rides.
7. Coordinate with Senior Road Captain on Chapter runs and events to insure the safety
and ride briefings are covered.
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8. Function as the primary contact decision maker on ride cancellations with input from the
Safety Officer and Sr. Road Captain.
9. Select and coordinate Road Captains on Chapter rides in the absence of the Sr. Road
Captain and/or the Safety Officer.
10. Provide all necessary forms and instructions (i.e. sign-in sheet, waivers, and ride tickets)
to the ride coordinator in the absence of the Activities Officer, Sr. Road Captain and
Safety Officer. In the alternative, arrange for other officer/road captain to perform such
necessary duties.
MEMBERSHIP OFFICER (Elected in odd-numbered year.)
The Membership Officer shall:
1. Ensure Chapter members have current national H.O.G. membership.
2. Enroll new members into Chapter
a. Collect membership/release forms and dues
b. Enter membership information on Chapter website
3. Ensure the annual Chapter Membership Enrollment Form/Release is on file for each
4. Administer annual Chapter member renewal process.
5. Maintain membership report in the Chapter Business site of or H.O.G.
6. Prepare and distribute the New Member Packets.
7. Staff the Membership Table at the Chapter meetings.
8. Introduce new members at the Chapter meetings.
9. Work with Activities Officer and Safety Officer to conduct New Member Rides.
10. Administer the Chapter’s Ambassador Program.
11. Coordinate Membership table and/or promotion of Chapter at special events.
(Appointed in odd-numbered year.)
The Webmaster must have technical knowledge and experience to be considered for this
position, including, but not limited to, website development, website management, relational
database processes, SQL, or similar experience.
The Webmaster shall:
1. Prepare, edit and update the Chapter website at least biweekly.
2. Manage website in a manner consistent with Internet guidelines in Chapter
Handbook and National H.O.G. guidelines on Chapter websites.
3. Coordinate with other officers to ensure accurate information on rides, events,
activities, etc.
4. Present potential website information to the Director and sponsoring dealer for
approval and coordination with dealer home page.
5. Coordinate with Director on Passwords and protect members’ privacy by restricting
personal member information on the website.
LADIES OF HARLEY OFFICER (Elected in even-numbered year.)
The L.O.H. Officer shall:
1. Encourage women members to take an active part in the Chapter.
2. Inform Chapter members of L.O.H. benefits and activities.
3. Coordinate L.O.H. Chapter activities.
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EDITOR (Elected in odd-numbered year.)
Editor must have a computer with a minimum of Windows 2000 software and working
knowledge of software capable of preparing/publishing the Newsletter in transmittable format
to be nominated for this position.
The Editor shall:
1. Organize and assemble written and electronic Chapter materials for publication.
a. Receive all articles one week prior to the Chapter meetings;
b. Confirmation of articles received by Editor shall be sent by email;
c. Any officer not submitting an article shall also notify the Editor.
2. Prepare, edit, and facilitate the distribution of Chapter publications, including the
Chapter newsletter.
3. Provide all materials to Sponsoring Dealer and Director for approval prior to
4. Send (email) a copy of all Chapter publications to H.O.G. National.
SENIOR ROAD CAPTAIN (Elected in even-numbered year.)
The Senior Road Captain shall:
1. Be responsible for the Chapter’s Road Captain program.
2. Be a current Road Captain.
3. Select and coordinate Road Captains on chapter rides.
4. Coordinate and provide training of potential and current Road Captains.
5. Coordinate annual review of Road Captains; make recommendations to Director.
6. Recommend new Road Captain candidates to the Director.
7. Provide the duties of the Safety Officer in his/her absence.
8. Final review of ride route and distribution of route to Road Captains.
9. Prepare, update and distribute Road Captain packets annually. Packets are to be
provided all road captain.
SAFETY OFFICER (Elected in even-numbered year.)
The Safety Officer shall:
1. Provide information to the membership relating to Safe Rider Skills and Motorcycle
Safety Foundation courses.
2. Enforce all rules of group riding
3. Keep membership informed of safety tips pertaining to group riding and motorcycle
riding in general.
4. Assist in collection of signed release forms.
5. Be a current Road Captain.
6. Coordinate with the Senior Road Captain to recommend Road Captain appointments
to the Director.
7. Conduct safety briefings to the group and individually as needed.
8. Select and coordinate Road Captains on chapter rides in the absence of the Senior
Road Captain.
PHOTOGRAPHER (Elected in odd-numbered year.)
The Photographer must have a digital camera (preferably with rapid exposure capability) and
have the knowledge and skill to use it with a computer to be nominated for this position.
The Photographer shall:
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1. Take and organize Chapter photos to be submitted to the Webmaster for inclusion in
the Website Photo Gallery and any other photo display in a timely manner.
2. Coordinate with the Webmaster, Historian and Editor.
HISTORIAN (Elected in even-numbered year.)
The Historian shall:
1. Organize a written account of Chapter activities, membership levels, and any other
data of an historical nature.
2. Prepare and maintain the Chapter display at the Dealership.
3. Coordinate work with the Photographer for pictures.
4. Historian will be the dessert liaison and will pick up and serve cake or other dessert for
the General Membership meetings when necessary. (May be done by any Committee
SERGEANT-AT-ARMS (Elected in even-numbered year.)
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall:
1. Form a committee to setup, take down and cleanup the meeting room for General
Membership meetings.
2. Attend sign-in sheets for guests at General Membership meetings.
3. Assist Director in keeping order at General Membership meetings.
4. Introduce guests at Chapter meetings.
Nominations for officers shall take place at the General Membership meeting in October.
All members will be advised of the date of this meeting at least 30 days prior to the
meeting through the Newsletter, email and or other methods.
To be nominated, the member must be present unless the Director has been notified
previous to the meeting by the member that the member cannot attend and will accept
the nomination.
To be nominated, candidates must be able to perform the minimum requirements
delegated to that office by these by-laws and the H.O.G. Charter.
If only one candidate is nominated, nominations are closed, no election is necessary and
the candidate will take over his/her duties on January 1 of the following year.
Nominees may submit campaign statements for the November Newsletter prior to
deadline established by the Editor. No other campaign material is permitted.
Nominees may address the membership at the November General Membership meeting
after which the vote will be taken.
In order to vote, a person must be a current National and Ventura Chapter H.O.G.
member prior to the November General Membership meeting.
A member must be present to vote (no proxies).
Ballots will be counted by two Chapter members appointed by the Director and result
verified by the Chapter Secretary.
If any position has more than two candidates running and none receive more than 50%
the ballots cast, a run-off election will be held that same evening. The two candidates
receiving the most votes will participate in the run-off election.
The newly elected officers will take over their duties on January 1 of the following year.
If a current board member is elected to a new office, nominations for the vacated office
can be made at the same meeting.
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General Membership meetings will be held monthly, unless otherwise specified.
Members will be informed if a change of time and/or location is mandated.
Guest privileges at monthly meetings shall be unlimited for the immediate family of a
member in good standing.
Other guests and prospective members are limited to two meetings.
Any member, child, or relative of a member or guest who becomes disruptive to the
proceedings of the meeting may be asked to leave.
Board meetings will be held monthly unless otherwise specified.
Board meetings shall be held as often as deemed necessary by the Director. The time
and place for such meetings shall be announced in advance at the General Membership
Board meetings are closed to the membership. Any member wishing to attend a Board
meeting in order to speak on a topic must inform the Director at least one week prior to
that meeting. If space and time permits, that member shall not be denied attendance.
The Sponsor or the Director, with Sponsor's approval, may at any time call a meeting of
select members.
All current National H.O.G. members may join any affiliated local chapter. An expired
membership in National H.O.G. automatically excludes eligibility for membership in local
chapters. If, by vote of the voting members of the Board and the Sponsoring Dealer a
member's conduct is deemed undesirable, that person's membership in the local chapter may
be suspended or revoked. If a membership is revoked, that member is not entitled to a refund
of any dues for the remainder of the year.
Chapters are to be not-for-profit organizations. Local yearly dues for this Chapter shall be not
more than the maximum set forth in the National Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters, and be
used solely for Chapter administration. Chapter may use various legitimate fund-raising or
event fees to provide additional chapter funds. All such fund-raising activities shall be subject
to approval by the Sponsoring Dealer.
To be eligible to become a Road Captain, a member must successfully complete the
Motorcycle Safety Foundation's Advanced Riders Course. Term of Road Captain is one year
subject to review by Senior Road Captain, Safety Officer and Director. Review will be based
on participation and performance.
A Road Captain shall:
1. As designated by the Senior Road Captain, lead/tail groups of riders on Chapter rides.
2. Assist in obtaining release forms at Chapter events.
3. Help acclimate new members into the Chapter.
4. Educate Chapter members about group riding techniques and hand signals.
5. Assist in planning routes for Chapter rides.
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The open arms program is designed to reach out and show our encouragement and support to
a member going through a difficult time, including an illness, surgery, or loss of an immediate
family member or other significant life changing event. To be eligible to become the Open Arms
coordinator, the coordinator must be a current member in accordance with H.O.G. and the
Ventura H.O.G. Chapter.
An Open Arms Coordinator shall:
1. Coordinator and Director shall communicate any event listed above.
2. Coordinator shall send cards to chapter members/family in the event that a member
may be going through a difficult time, including an illness, surgery, or loss of an
immediate family member or other significant life changing event.
3. In the event of a loss of life, the coordinator shall propose to the board a small
donation to a member’s favored charity, provided that such funds are available.
4. Monies spent for postage and cards shall be reimbursed.
Membership Phone Directory, Email Directory and Ride Line are for H.O.G. business only;
Director must approve any other use (non-H.O.G. rides, fund-raisers, etc.).
1. The Chapter will hold a minimum of four closed events per year.
a. Closed Events are those chapter events which are open to chapter members
and one guest per member.
b. Member Events are events that are open only to H.O.G. members.
c. Open Events are those chapter events which are open to chapter members,
national H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.
2. Release forms are to be signed prior to any guest and/or minor attending a ride or event.
3. Guests and prospective members are encouraged to become a member after
attending two rides/events.
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