TEACHER NAME: J. Jonaitis T U E S D A Y B Block 3: Planning Block Block 4: Planning Block Block 1: English 9 Block 2: Forms of Literature Block 3: English 9 Block 4: Planning Block Read and complete myth summary sheet for “Arachne” and “Origen of the Seasons” 2/7—Gods and Goddess quiz Collect TASK 3 assignment and rubric Begin reading “Death of a Salesman” 2/7—Literary Elements quiz Read and complete myth summary sheet for “Arachne” and “Origen of the Seasons” 2/7—Gods and Goddess quiz Block 1: Forms of Literature Block 2: Writers’ Workshop Block 3: Planning Block Block 4: Planning Block Block 3: English 9 Block 4: Planning Block Collect TASK 3 W assignment and rubric E Begin reading “Death of a D Salesman” and take notes N 2/8—Literary Elements E quiz S D A C Block 1: English 9 Y Review voc #1 words and definitions. Journal #3 Begin writing RD of Neat vs. Sloppy essay 2/8—voc #1 quiz 2/12—RD Neat or Sloppy 2/14—FD Neat or Sloppy Mythology Gods and Goddesses quiz Read “Medusa’s Head” and “Cupid and Psyche” and take notes Literary elements quiz Continue reading Death of a Salesman and taking notes T H U R S D A Y D WEEK: 2/4 Block 2: Writers’ Workshop Finish descriptive paragraphs with group and turn in. Handouts: Rest of voc units and definitions, Journal entries list, sample voc paragraph, Neat vs. Sloppy essay assignment. Journal #2—3 objects and their significance to you. Discuss SHOW vs. TELL details and begin Neat vs. Sloppy assignment. Voc quiz #1—2/8 Block 1: Forms of Literature Pass out TASK 3 writing M assignment and rubric. O Go over format of the N assignment. D Form controlling ideas as a A class and discuss. Y Begin assignment. Homework: Task 3, typed and double spaced. Literary Elements quiz 2/8 F A ROOM: 110 Block 1: Forms of Block 2: Forms of Literature Block 2: Writers’ Mythology Gods and Goddesses quiz Read “Medusa’s Head” and “Cupid and Psyche” and take notes Block 3: Planning Block 4: Planning Literature SNOW DAY F R I D A Y Workshop SNOW DAY Block SNOW DAY Block