Foundations of American Democracy

Foundations of American Democracy
I: Developments from Europe:
- Magna Carta
Common Law
English Bill of Rights
Town Meetings
o Developments in America
 Mayflower Compact
 House of Burgesses
 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
II: Fears of the Founding Fathers:
- Why did government NOT trust citizens?
III: Enlightenment
- What does it mean to be enlightened?
o Regarding Religion:
o Regarding Government
Thoughts on Man
Baron de Montesquieu
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Thoughts on Govt.
IV: Education:
- What is the purpose?
V: Press
What is the purpose of the press?
Why should the government NOT own the press?
What is the “other” duty of the press?
Keep Press(ing) On (Use Supplemental Reading)
1: Who was John Peter Zenger?
2: What does Governor Cosby do that causes Zenger to go on the attack?
3: How does Cosby try to alter the judicial process?
4: What is Zenger charged with?
5: Hamilton likens the loss of a press to the loss of __________, which is worse than
7: Judge Delancey all but orders a jury to issue a verdict of ___________. What was the
actual verdict?
While we pay all due obedience to men in authority we ought at the same time to be
upon our guard against power wherever we apprehend that it may affect ourselves or
our fellow subjects....
What does this passage suggest about the importance of the press in America?
How is the Zenger trial a victory not just for freedom of the press, but also for our
judicial system?