Salem Witch Trials Web Sites Witchcraft in Salem Village This site provides a wealth of primary source documents, from trial transcripts to rare books, and historical maps of Salem Village. Also features a helpful Q&A with the town archivist for Danvers (formerly Salem Village). Salem Witch Trials A wealth of information about the Salem Witch Trials Famous American Trials: Salem Witchcraft Trials 1692 Find a chronology of events, images, select trial transcripts and petitions, biographies, excerpts from Cotton Mather's Memorable Providences, and more. Salem Witchcraft Hysteria (National Geographic) Experience the events of 1692 through the eyes of an accused witch. The Salem Witch Trials 1692: A Chronology of Events A brief timeline of the events of 1692 in Salem Village. U.S. Overall history and a quiz to take. The New Yorkers take on the Salem Witch Trials and aftermath Social Studies National Standards Correlations The content and activities in this project help students meet the following content standards for grades 5-8, as described by the National Center for History in the Schools (NCHS). United States History - Understands the characteristics of societies in the Americas, Western Europe, and Western Africa that increasingly interacted after 1450 - Understands how political, religious, and social institutions emerged in the English colonies - Understands how the values and institutions of European economic life took root in the colonies and how slavery reshaped European and African life in the Americas World History - Understands the economic, political, and cultural interrelations among peoples of Africa, Europe, and the Americas between 1500 and 1750 - Understands major global trends from 1450 to 1770