9 Honors August 23 Syllabus (get signed by Weds.) New vocabulary words (GNO/SCI) August 24 Lincs for vocabulary words (due Weds.) Notes on the reading process Class discussion August 25 Collected Lincs Discussion on descriptive writing List a minimum of 10 things you would want if you could have your room made over Elaborate on those 10 items Draw your new room and label Discussion of sensory words, directional words and vivid adjectives Create a letter to Dear Home Makeover in 5 paragraph essay format describing the room of your dreams. ROUGH COPY due Aug 26 for peer assessment. August 26, 2010 Check of rough copy Peer assessment of rough copy; Final copy due tomorrow Grammar from Wariner’s Fourth Course book pg. 4 to 6 (ex 1, 2 and 3) Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow Aug. 31 Lincs for vocabulary Discussion of novel – mood/tone; death; symbolism (up to pg 29) Review of figurative language; similes, metaphors, personification Grammar ex 4 and 5 on pg 7 blue Weriner’s book pronouns Read pages 30 to 61 for homework and complete quesitions Sept 1 Crossword exchange for vocabulary words Discussion of the impact of death on Liesel Figurative language worksheet (all devices – definitions worksheet) Look for figurative language in pg 1 to 61 Homework – read pages 62 to 90 9 Honors September 7, 2010 HW – read to page 190 tonight New vocabulary words – MIS (to hate) LINCS During reading activities – notes on Hitler Youth power point Look at common errors in the essays (class discussion of “Dream House Essay”) September 8 Markus Zusak interview Class discussion of readings up to pg 190 Read alouds of Dream House Essays – share constructive criticism **Possible reading quiz** Finding figurative language in the novel – what is its function (group activity – find 5) September 10, 2010 Reading quiz up to pg 238 Tone worksheets What words does Markus Zusak use to portray tone in The Book Thief? HW Read to pg 266 September 20, 2010 9 Honors New Vocabulary words (phil) Discussion of part 7 from The Book Thief Power Point and discussion of propaganda Read pages 407 to 430 September 21, 2010 Collected Lincs Vocabulary in class practice (not collected) Subject / Verb agreement packet Read excerpt from “The Most Dangerous Game” pg 40 to 43 and answer the following prompt – How does the setting of the story contribute to the mood? (State 1 mood and use setting examples to cite and explain your chosen mood.) September 22, 2010 9 Honors HW – Read to page 455 this evening Create original sentences for words 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Singular and Plural Subjects (subject verb agreement) Unit III Lesson 29 (worksheet) Worked in groups to find figurative language in the novel and explain why that device was used? What does it help the reader visualize, imagine, feel, etc.? 9/27 9 Honors New vocabulary words (DYS root) Subject/Verb agreement ws – 3 Bcr – How does setting in “The Most Dangerous Game” contribute to mood. (Read pgs 39 to 42.) September 28, 2010 Lecture on novel (part 9) Look for figurative language in the novel in groups and share Collected setting bcr September 29 Lincs Story with vocabulary words Subject Verb practice Subject Verb quiz Read September 30 Collected Lincs Passed out papers Went over subject verb quiz Read to the end and prologue (quiz tomorrow) October 1, 2010 Vocabulary quiz Quiz on prt 10 and epilogue Descriptive essay on extended metaphor – home is where the heart is September 28, 2010 Lecture on novel (part 9) Look for figurative language in the novel in groups and share Collected setting bcr September 29 Lincs Story with vocabulary words Subject Verb practice Subject Verb quiz Read September 30 Collected Lincs Passed out papers Went over subject verb quiz Read to the end and prologue (quiz tomorrow) October 1, 2010 Vocabulary quiz Quiz on prt 10 and epilogue Descriptive essay on extended metaphor – home is where the heart is October 5, 2010 9 Honors Collected Book Thief books Handed out Night books and materials needed for chapter summaries Read to page 22 Chapter summary due 10/6/10 October 6, 2010 Vocabulary in class practice (not collected) Quiz on chapter 1 of the novel Talk on available contests for literature Read chapter 2 and chapter summary October 8, 2010 9 Honors Vocabulary quiz on EU vocabulary words Collected chapter 2 summaries Collected objective sheets Assigned chapters 3 and 4 for the weekend Quiz on chapter 2 Worked on Prisoner’s Journals in the lab 9 Honors Collected “Prisoner Journals” Lecture on chapters 1 and 2 (notes) Read chapter 5 Figurative language worksheet for chapter 5 and multiple choice for chapter 5 October 13 9 Honors Collected homework worksheets Lecture on sections 3 and 4 Watch – The Holocaust – Memory of Millions (short clip) HW – Read chapter 6 – create ½ page summary, quote and reaction October 18, 2010 New vocabulary words (eu) Practice with vocabulary words Lincs Collected summary for chapters 7 to 9 October 19, 2010 Vocabulary story Quiz on chapters 7 to 9 Pass back papers and organize notebooks October 25, 2010 9 honors New vocabulary words (Hypo) Lecture on novel chapters 1 and 2 Read chapter 3 aloud in class. Read chapter 4 and 5 at home (answer questions for chapters 3 and 4 only) Continue working on the Utopia project. October 26, 2010 Lincs vocabulary words Finish up in class essay (interview/descriptive of another student) CRES BCR #1 (must be made up in class) Read chapters 6 and 7 and answer questions UTOPIAN project due tomorrow October 27, 2010 Collected Utopia projects Collected bathroom passes Collected The Giver ch 6 and 7 questions CRES – bcr 2 (must be made up in class) Journal entry – (must be ½ page) The time I was so embarrassed… HW – Journal entry – The best gift I ever received…. (doesn’t have to be a tangible item.) November 15, 2010 9 honors New words ( Viv root) VIV- live, alive 1. survive- outlive; remain alive after The remarkable story of how 16 members of a rugby team were able to survive 72 days after their plane crashed in the Andes Mountains gained worldwide media coverage and was even turned into a movie. 2. revive- bring back to life; restore When fashion designers can offer no new styles, they usually revive old ones such as bell bottoms and peasant blouses. 3. vivid- having the vigor and spirit of life; sharp and clear; graphic By using carefully chosen verbs and adjectives, you can turn dull descriptions into vivid ones. 4. convivial- fond of eating and drinking with friends; sociable; jovial; hospitable When Tamara went to Spain as a foreign exchange student, she was thrilled that her host family was so convivial; they threw a party upon her arrival and continued to make her feel at home during her entire stay in Madrid. 5. vivify- enliven; make vivid A few inexpensive art reproductions, cleverly arranged, can vivify an otherwise drab, boring wall. 6. vivisection- the act or practice of cutting into or otherwise injuring living animals, especially for the purpose of scientific research. Animal rights activists protested outside of a lab that used vivisection on pigs; protestors claimed this method injured the animals horribly in order to test the effectiveness of a new surgical method. 7. viviparous- Giving birth to living offspring that develop within the mother's body. Unlike animals whose young hatch from eggs, most mammals are viviparous, for the offspring develop inside of the mother and then are born alive. 8. vivacious- Full of animation and spirit; lively: Though Scarlet O’Hara was not particularly beautiful, she was so vivacious and charming that she had a great number of suitors interested in her. 9. vivarium- A place, especially an indoor enclosure, for keeping and raising living animals and plants under natural conditions for observation or research Many believe that the National Zoo is only there for tourist enjoyment, but it should actually be considered a rather large vivarium. Not only are animals given a place to live that resembles their natural habitat, but scientists at the zoo also carefully monitor and record animal behavior, hoping to learn more about the animal kingdom. Dialogue worksheet and practice Notes on characterization - The acronym we use is P A S T A P = physical traits (the author tells us more about the character through his physical appearance A = attitude (the author tells us more about the characters through the characters attitude OR the attitude of others to this character. S = SPEECH – what the character says and how they say it OR what is said about the character A= action- The author shows more about a character through their actions (what they do or don’t do) Discussion of independent reading assignment; we will go to the library to pick a book of 150 pages or more to complete the independent reading project. Calendar attached. November 17, 2010 10 minutes of free reading at the beginning of class for their independent read project Vocabulary practice (comic strip using words) – homework if not finished Caged bird packet (narrative, point of view, pasta – characterization) Last 10 minutes of class – free read for project READING RESPONS 1 DUE BEFORE CLASS 11/18 – PLEASE EMAIL IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. November 29, 2010 Review of characterization and P A S T A Read the short story “A Cask of Amontillado” Create a P A S T A chart for Fortunato and Montesor New vocabulary words November 30, 2010 Hand out new novel Ender’s Game Discussion of ethics, moral, values, etc (pre reading skills) PROJECT 3 AND 4 DUE WEDNESDAY December 1, 2010 9 Honors Discussion of exposition and rising action of a narrative Collected PASTA charts which was Monday night’s homework Read chapter 1 of Ender’s Game Set up our competitive groups, selected names of group and introductions HW – Read chapters 2 and 3 AND take notes December 14, 2010 9 Honors Competition – chapters 9 to 12 (Review) December 15, 2010 9 Honors Analyze the conflicts that motivate characters and that drive the plot (e.g. person v. person, person v. nature, person v. society, person v. him/herself) LA.E09.10.04d Analyze the perspective of the author or speaker as well as the effects of first or third person narration. LA.E09.10.04e Work in pairs for worksheets on chapter 13 and 14; create questions for ch 14 up to page 280. Talk of rewriting a narrative – start 3 pigs Homework - Finish reading chapter 14 December 21, 2010 SRI TESTING Notes on Aristotle’s Rhetoric (see 12/21 Power Point on web site) Work on MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech papers. December 23, 2010 9 Honors MLK speech packet and persuasion HOMEWORK OVER BREAK – Fairy Tale rewrite. Use 1st person to rewrite any fairy tale of Disney movie (animated) from a character’s point of view who is NOT the main character. For example, if you rewrite Cinderella, don’t write it from Cinderella’s p.o.v. Write it from the step-mother or step-sisters. This point of view will change the story. Make sure you stay in your character’s voice, use 1st person, have dialogue and it should be 3 to 5 pages in length. January 3, 2011 9 Honors Collected Fairy Tale rewrites Obama Inauguration Speech (persuasive techniques) Finish questions for homework January 4, 2011 9 Honors Packet on MLA formatting of notes for research Ender’s Game essay exam passed back and explained Research of persuasive topic HW – ½ hour of research and notes for topic