Tentative Schedule NB: This schedule may be changed by the instructors to meet the needs of the class. The texts will be discussed on the day indicated, please read them carefully before this day. Check the course web site for any new changes to the schedule. Tuesday, 1 of September Introduction to the course; Europe After Rome READ: Hunt, pp. 275-293 Origins of European Identity: The Roman Empire and its Cultural Legacy Thursday, 3 of September Dr. Coolidge: Medieval Spain READ: Hunt, 303-309; Peasant Fires, Author’s Note, Ch. I and II PREPARE: Write a letter to yourself that answers the following questions: 1. What are your goals for your first year of college? 2. What do you expect to learn in your year of Honors Western Civilization? 3. How do you expect to change over this year? 4. When you read this letter next April, what do you want to remember about yourself as you are right now? Dr. Wright: The Muslim Empire and Coexistence Contributions: Hispano-Arabic, Jewish and Early Lyric Poetry READ and PREPARE: "The Courtly Culture of Europe" (Hunt, 367-369) and Poetry Selections and questions (please print out a copy) Tuesday 8 of September Labor Day Break Thursday, 10 of September Dr. Coolidge: The Medieval World READ: Peasant Fires, ch. II-VI ; Hunt, Chapter 10 Dr. Wright: Medieval Concepts of Love READ: Ibn Hazam, The Ring of the Dove (please print out a copy) and Andreas Capellanus De Amore (please print out a copy) PREPARE: Questions for The Ring of the Dove and Andreas Capellanus (please print out a copy) Tuesday, 15 of September Dr. Coolidge: The Medieval World READ: Peasant Fires, ch. VII and VIII Dr. Wright: The Cultural Enterprise of Alfonso X the Wise and The Rise of Narrative: Don Juan Manuel Read: Count Lucanor (Course pack 5-36) Thursday, 17 of September Dr. Coolidge: The Black Death READ: Black Death Documents and Hunt, pp. 426-447 Dr. Wright: The Black Death and Artistic Responses: The Dance of Death; Boccacio, The Decameron READ: Boccacio, The Decameron Prologue- Day 1 Novel I (Course pack 37-53) Questions to consider as you read (please print out a copy) Tuesday, 22 of September Dr. Coolidge: The Renaissance READ: Machiavelli, Chapters 1-11; Hunt pp. 448-463 Dr. Wright: READ: Boccacio, The Decameron Day 1 Novels II, III to end (Course pack 53-86) Questions to consider as you read (please print out a copy) PREPARE: "Romanesque" and "The Order of High Gothic" (Hunt, 374-375; 415-421). Find visual examples of Romanesque and Gothic Art and Architecture and bring them to class to hand in. Be prepared to explain the differences between the two styles Thursday, 24 of September Dr. Coolidge: Renaissance Politics READ: Machiavelli, Chapters 12-26 Dr. Wright: Renaissance Literature: Dante READ: Selections from Dante's Inferno and Paradiso PREPARE: Divine Comedy Discussion Questions (please print out a copy) Tuesday 29 of September Dr. Coolidge: Pre-Reformation Catholic Church ***Peer-editing workshop: Bring rough draft of your paper: Paper topic and Guidelines Dr. Wright: The Age of Pilgrimage: Canterbury and the Camino de Santiago READ: Chaucer, “General Prologue”; “The Prioress "Prologue and "Tale”; “The Pardoner's "Prologue" and "Tale” PREPARE:Classdiscussion questions (Please print out for class) READ: The Legends of Saints and the Cult of Relics Thursday, 1 of October Dr. Coolidge: The Protestant Reformation READ: Hunt, pp. 474-486; Martin Luther, 95 Theses (online) ****Paper #1 Due (Dr. Coolidge)**** Dr. Wright: READ: Chaucer, ; "The Wife of Bath Prologue" and "Tale" and "Chaucer's Retraction" PREPARE:Classdiscussion questions (Please print out for class) Tuesday, 6 of October Dr. Coolidge: The Catholic Counter Reformation READ: Cowans, Documents #11: Charles V, Statement on Luther; #17 Saint Ignatious Loyola, Autobiography; #21: The Struggle Against Protestantism Dr. Wright: Female Piety READ: The Book of Margery Kemp (Course pack, 155-191) and Leonor López de Cordoba (Handout) PREPARE: Study Questions Catholic Reform: Mysticism: Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) READ: St. Teresa of Avila, "Autobiography" (in Cowans, 93-99); Selections from Interior Castle and "Let Nothing Disturb Thee" (please print out a copy) PREPARE: Compare and contrast in writing the works of the three women. What differences do you note in the spiritual and/or mystical experience of each one? What similarities do you note? How would you define mysticism based on these readings? Thursday, 8 of October Dr. Coolidge: Trip to Chicago Dr. Wright: Away at conference Tuesday, 13 of October Dr. Coolidge: The Spanish Inquisition READ: Cowans, Document #2: Ferdinand and Isabella, Letter on the Inquisition; #3: Juan de Marian, The Conquest of Granada; #4: Surrender Treaty of the Kingdom of Granada; #5: Ferdinand and Isabella, Decree of Expulsion of the Jews; #6: The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain; #12 The Inquisition; #34: Phillip III, Decree of Expulsion of the Moriscos; #35: The Archbishop of Seville, On the expulsion of the Moriscos READ: Kagan and Dyer, Chapters 1-3 Rewrite of paper #1 due today Dr. Wright: Trip to library Thursday, 15 of October Dr. Coolidge: Religious Violence READ: Hunt, pp. 486-504; Kagan and Dyer, Chapters 4-6; Cowans, Documents #23: Margaret of Parma, The Situation in the Low Countries Dr. Wright: Ferdinand and Isabella: Creation of Marginal Voices: the Context of Celestina Read: Celestina (Acts I-IV); Answer Questions (please print out a copy) Group Presentation Tuesday, 20 of October Dr. Coolidge: Witchcraft READ: Hunt, pp. 514-520, Witchcraftdocuments Dr.Wright: READ: Celestina (Acts V-XVI) Group Presentation ***Post your list of articles (include complete bibliographical information) on Blackboard (the five articles on history should be posted on Dr. Coolidge's Blackboard site and tthe five on the literary works read in class on Dr. Wright's Blackboard site). Thursday, 22 of October Dr. Coolidge: The Early Modern World READ: Davis, Chapters 1-4; Hunt, pp.504-509 Dr. Wright: The Other as Fictional Hero: the Rise of the Picaro: Lazarillo de Tormes READ: Lazarillo de Tormes (Prologue; Chapters 1-3) READ: Francisco Pacheco, "The Art of Painting" (Cowans, 168-171); "Arts in an Age of Religious Conflict" (Hunt, 509-511) PREPARE: Find examples of Baroque art from both Protestant Reformation Europe and Counter Reformation Europe and bring them to class to hand in. Tuesday, 27 of October Dr. Coolidge: The Early Modern World READ: Davis, Chapters 5-8 Dr. Wright: READ: Lazarillo de Tormes (Chapters 4-7) Group Presentation on entire work Thursday, 29 of October Dr. Coolidge: READ: Davis, Chapters 9-12 and Epilogue Dr. Wright: Cervantes’ Don Quijote and the Early Modern World READ: Cervantes Don Quijote Chapter 1 (Course pack 125-133) ***Peer-editing workshop: Bring rough draft of Paper #2 Paper Topic Tuesday, 3 of november Movie day!!! The Return of Martin Guerre *****Paper #2 Due (Dr. Wright)**** Thursday, 5 of November Dr. Coolidge: Absolutism READ: Hunt, pp. 523-552 and start Erauso, pp. 3-79 Dr. Wright: Read: Cervantes, Don Quijote (Course pack 133-170) Prepare:DiscussionQuestions (please print) Tuesday, 10 of November Dr. Coolidge: The Age of Exploration READ: Erauso, pp. 3-79; Hunt pp. 463-471; 567-578 Dr. Wright: Two National Theaters in the Age of the Baroque: Spain and England READ: Othello Group Presentation Thursday, 12 of November Slavery and Violence in the New World Dr. Coolidge: READ: Erauso, vii-xlviii; Cowans, # 7: Christopher Columbus, Letter on the New World; 8: The Requirement9: Bernal Díaz del Castilla, The Conquest of Mexico; 13: Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, Just War in the Indies; 14: Barolomé de Las Casas, Thirty Propositions;15: Letter from Five Franciscans;16: Viceroy Luis de Velasco, Letter to King Charles; 18: Ysabel de Guevara, Hardships in the Río de la Plata Region; 20: Philip II, What to Learn Concerning Indian Tribute; 24: Letter from Four Indian Governors Dr. Wright: READ: Behn, Aphra, Oroonoko Group Presentation Tuesday, 17 of November Dr. Coolidge: The Scientific Revolution READ: Hunt, 509-517; 552-565; Fredrickson, pp. 1-47; Galileo, Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina, Dr. Wright: READ: "The Individual and Society" (Hunt 615-618); Rousseau, Discourse on the Arts and Sciences Group Presentation WRITE a paragraph stating whether you agree or disagree with Rousseau and why or why not. ***Rewrite of paper #2 for Dr. Wright due today Thursday, 19 of November Dr. Coolidge: The Scientific Revolution READ: Hunt, pp. 600-606 ***Peer-editing workshop: Bring rough draft of Paper #3: Paper topic Dr. Wright: READ: Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality Group Presentation WRITE a paragraph stating whether you agree or disagree with Rousseau and why or why not. Tuesday, 24 of November Dr. Coolidge: The Enlightenment READ: Hunt, Chapter 15; Cowans, Pedro Rodríguez de Campomanes, On the Political Economy of Spain (251-256) ****Paper #3 Due: Dr. Coolidge**** Dr. Wright: READ: Rousseau, The Social Contract Group Presentation Write a paragraph defining the term "social contract" according to Rousseau. Answer: What does Rousseau consider that citizens gain and lose by the social contract? Thursday, 26 of November Thanksgiving Break Tuesday, 1 of December Dr. Coolidge: The Enlightenment READ: Voltaire, selections from the Philosophical Dictionary and Cowans, Documents #50: Benito Feijoó, Causes of Spains's Backwardness; #51: José Campillo y Cossío, A /new Economic Policy for America ; #53: The Count of Aranda, On the Independence of the Colonies; #55: Joseph Townsend; #56: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, In Praise of Charles III; #57 Pedro Rodríguez de Campomanes ***Optional rewrite of paper #3 for Dr. Coolidge due today Dr. Wright: Travel, Orientalism, the critique by/of the Other READ: Persian Letters (Montesquieu) (Course pack 171-190) and Citizen of the World (Goldsmith) (Course pack 191-205). "The Growing Public for Culture" (Hunt, 582-586) When reading, think about and then answer the following questions:: What Montesquieu/ Goldsmith criticizes and why? Why does he use the epistolary form? Why does he use Persian/Chinese travelers in Europe? How are the Persians/Chinese characterized? Usbek's Journey Paper Topic #4 Thursday, 3 of December The Enlightenment and the Other Dr. Coolidge: READ: Voltaire, Candide, all Dr. Wright: READ: Letters From a Peruvian Woman (pp. 3-50) Tuesday, 8 of December Dr. Coolidge: French Revolution READ: Hunt, Chapter 16; Cowans, Document #58: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, Letter on the French Revolution; #59: José Marchena; #60: Charles IV, Declaration of War on France; #61: Jovellanos Dr. Wright: READ: Letters From a Peruvian Woman (pp. 50-174); Lady Montagu, Selected Turkish Embassy Letters and Cadalso, Moroccan Letters (Course pack 207-233) Thursday, 10 of December Conclusions Sleep of Reason ***Peer-editing workshop: Bring rough draft of Paper # 4 ****Annotated bibliografies due today!! Finals week, 14 of December Paper #4 for Dr. Wright due during the final exam period. Exam times: Monday, December 14, 2009 at 12:00 - 1:50 PM (Dr. Wright) Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 4:00 - 5:50 PM (Dr. Coolidge)