Title of the Course: IED 475 (02) British Poetry and Prose IV
Instructor: Associate Prof. Dr. Huriye Reis
Year and Term: 2010-2011 Autumn
Class Hours: Tuesday: 09:00-11:45 ZNG
Classes begin: 05 October 2010 Tuesday
Classes end: 11 January 2011 Tuesday
I. Aim of the Course: This course provides an introduction to the major writings of the Victorian
period and the early twentieth century English literature in a literary and cultural context. It
studies the major conventions, themes and writers of these periods through a study of selected
poems and prose works.
II. Course Outline:
Week I : (5 October 2010)Introduction; 19th C. English History, Politics and literature
Week II
: Tennyson , “The Lotos Eaters”, “Ulysses”, From “In Memoriam”
Week III
: R.Browning “My Last Duchess”, “Porphyria’s Lover”, M.Arnold “Dover
Week IV
: Mathew Arnold, From Culture and Anarchy.
Week V
: E.Barrett Browning, from Aurora Leigh, Book V
Week VI
: MIDTERM I: 09 November 2010, C.Rossetti “Goblin Market”, PreRaphaelite Poetry: D.G.Rossetti “My Sister’s Sleep”,
Week VII
: 16 November Bayram Holiday
: Introduction; The shift in the understanding of poetry, The Aesthetes, Art For
Art’s Sake.
Week IX
: 20th century and poetry, Georgian Poets and War Poetry
Week X
: Thomas Hardy “Channel Firing”, “The Darkling Thrush”, “Neutral
Tones”, “A Broken Appoinment”
Week XI
: Hardy continued, The War poets.
Week XII
: MIDTERM II, 21.12.2010 Thursday .
Week XIII:
Week XIV
W.Owen “Futility”, “Anthem for Doomed Youth”,
: S.Sassoon “Glory of Women”, “The General”
III. Textbooks
The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol. II.
IV. Method of Instruction: There will be introductory lectures on the historical and literary
background of the Victorian period and the twentieth century. However, the classes will mainly
be conducted through textual analysis and critical reading of the primary texts. Students should
read the primary and the secondary material as they are expected to display a considerable
knowledge of the social and literary background.
V. Requirements:
Attendance is obligatory. More than 11 (eleven) hours of absence will result in F1.
Students should obtain and read the texts assigned for the class discussions. When there are study
questions on the works students should prepare their answers in writing and should present their
arguments orally.
VI. Assessment:
There will be two Mid-Terms (25+25=50%) and a Final (50%) examination. In the
grading of the examination papers, up to 25% of the total mark will be taken off for grammatical
and writing mistakes.