Historic Preservation and Disaster Recovery Efforts Workshop

Historic Preservation Workshop
State Historic Tax Credit Program
Presented by
State Historic Preservation Office
In Partnership with
Le Mars Main Street
Le Mars Historic Preservation Commission
Le Mars Convention & Visitors Bureau
37 1st Ave NW
Le Mars, Iowa
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Iowa provides a state income tax credit for the sensitive rehabilitation of historic buildings. It ensures characterdefining features and spaces of buildings are retained and helps revitalize surrounding neighborhoods. Historic
properties of all shapes and sizes can benefit from the State Tax Credit Program. Attend this workshop to learn
how to complete a state historic tax credit application.
8:45 AM
9:00 AM
9:10 AM
Brief Overview of State Tax Credit Program and Recent Law Changes
Sarabeth Anderson, State Historic Preservation Officer, State Historical Society of Iowa
Elizabeth Foster Hill, Tax Incentive & National Register Programs Manager, State Historic Preservation Office
 Update on 2013 Legislation on State Tax Credit Program
 Five Available Funds—Statewide; Disaster Recovery; CED-GP; Small Projects; New Jobs
9:25 AM
The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation
Jack C. Porter, Preservation Consultant, State Historic Preservation Office
10:55 AM
11:05 AM
State Tax Credits for Historic Properties: _The Part I Form
Elizabeth Foster Hill, Tax Incentive & National Register Programs Manager, State Historic Preservation Office
Ralph J. Christian, Historian, State Historic Preservation Office
Paula Mohr, Architectural Historian, State Historic Preservation Office
 Does The Project Meet Program Eligibility Requirements?
 Is The Building Eligible for the National Register of Historic Places?
12:15 PM
Lunch Break (Lunch is on your own; a list of nearby restaurants will be available at the workshop)
1:30 PM
State Tax Credits for Historic Properties, continued: The Part II Form
Jack C. Porter, Preservation Consultant, State Historic Preservation Office
Elizabeth Foster Hill, Tax Incentive & National Register Programs Manager, State Historic Preservation Office
 Planning the Rehabilitation Work
 Meeting the Standards
 Project Amendments
3:00 PM
3:15 PM
State Tax Credits for Historic Properties, continued: The Part III Form
Elizabeth Foster Hill, Tax Incentive & National Register Programs Manager, State Historic Preservation Office
 Completing the Rehabilitation Work and Filing the Completion Paperwork
3:45 PM
Sequencing of Applications and Reservation of Tax Credits
Berry Bennett, Interim Co-Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer, State Historic Preservation Office
4:00 PM
Report on Stakeholders Group
Sarabeth Anderson, State Historic Preservation Officer, State Historical Society of Iowa
4:30 PM
Questions and Answers about Tax Credits
Historic Preservation Workshop
State Historic Tax Credit Program
Le Mars, Iowa
June 13, 2013
Primebank -- 37 1st Ave NW
Registration Form
Please Print
Name: ________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________
Organization: ___________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
City/State/Zip: ___________________________________
Phone: (daytime) _________________________________
Phone: (evening) _________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
Registration Fee is $10.
To ensure that we have adequate materials available, you must register in advance of the workshop. Fee due
with registration form. Fee may be paid by credit card (Visa, Discover, or MasterCard) or by check. Checks should
be made payable to State Historical Society of Iowa.
Credit Card
_____Visa _____MasterCard ____Discover
Name on card___________________________
Number______________________________________________ Exp. Date___________________
To ensure adequate workshop materials, please send completed registration forms by June 5
By fax:
By mail:
Kathy Gourley,
State Historical Society of Iowa
600 East Locust St
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
Because of Internet security issues we cannot accept credit card information via email. Please fax or mail.
Questions: Email kathy.gourley@iowa.gov or call 515-281-3989
Participants are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements.
We encourage you to make your reservations early, as this week is the Le Mars Ice Cream Days event.
The Iowa Travel Guide lists several hotels in Le Mars. These include:
Baymont Inn & Suites, 1314 12th St. SW; 712-548-4910; www.baymontinns.com;
Econo Lodge, 1201 Hawkeye Avenue SW; 712-546-8800; www.abvilemars@yahoo.com
Holiday Inn Express & Suites, 1285 Sleepy Eye Dr.; 712-5461700; www.hiexpress.com/lemarsia;
Amber Inn, 635 8th Ave. SW; 712-546-7066; www.amberinnlemars.com; amberinnlemars@yahoo.com