Character PowerPoint Assignment for

Minor Character Presentation Assignment for
Things Fall Apart
You will meet several interesting characters throughout this book. Some of them are admirable people who
you are meant to like, and some of them are the exact opposite. To prove you have a deep understanding of
one of the characters, you will create a presentation that analyzes one of them.
RL.9-10.3, RL11-12.3: I can analyze how characters develop over the course of a text, interact with
other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.
SL.9-10.4, SL.11-12.4: I can present information and supporting evidence clearly so that my audience
can follow my points, and I can present in a style that’s appropriate to my audience and purpose.
Requirements for this assignment are:
 Your presentation must thoroughly explain the following aspects of the character:
o The character’s description (Who is s/he? etc.)
o The character’s basic personality traits and examples from the book that show those traits
o What happens to the character throughout the course of the book?
o What are the character’s motivations (What causes this person to do what s/he does in the
book? Greed? Courage? Compassion? etc.)?
o Why is this character important to the story?
 You must cite specific parts of the book (page numbers are always good) where you obtained your
 If you choose to use visual aids in your presentation, DO NOT simply read your visual aids to us.
Use your visual aids only as notes to your presentation.
You may choose any of these characters: Nwoye, Obierika, Mr. Brown, Ezinma, Ekwefi
This assignment is worth 60 points. Here’s the point breakdown:
 The information in the presentation shows thoughtful, insightful understanding of the character – 30
 The presentation included references from the book that further explain the traits – 15 pts.
 The presenter used good speaking skills (good pace of presenting, eye contact, interesting voice
inflections, etc.) – 5 pts.
Total: 50 points
Any of these will lose you points:
 Lateness
 Failing to meet each requirement of the assignment
 Sloppiness or spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes on your visual aids
 Rudeness during another classmates’ presentation
Presentations will be given on Tuesday, January 8. You will have many partial hours to work on this
project. Good luck, and let me know if you get stuck. We’ll figure it out!