II. NACAL Land tenure – Village headman – questionnaire – English version 17 September 2006 Questions to the village headman: Borderlands of the village 1) Village area [Enumerator: Ask the village headman or an appointed knowledgeable villager to follow on a walk on the borders of the following areas in the village recording the area using a GPS] Total village area____ Non-arable lands a) Unallocated non-arable lands (reserves) b) Allocated non-arable lands to lineages # hectares # hectares # hectares # hectares 2) Do the lands of this village border on a) Other villages Yes No i) If yes, how many? # villages b) Estate lands Yes No c) Government lands Yes No d) Forest reserve Yes No e) National park Yes No f) Game reserve Yes No g) Agricultural scheme Yes No h) If there is a government scheme, what is it? (1) Rice Irrigation (2) Cotton growing (3) Livestock (4) Land previously used by MYP (Malawian Young Pioneers) (5) Research station (6) Settlement (7) Tea (8) Tobacco (9) Training (10) Water (11) Drainage (12) Other Size and age of village lands and population 3) What is the approximate size of the village a) Number of founding lineages/hamlets ___________________ b) Number of other (non-founding) lineages ________________ c) Number of households (banja) _______________ 4) What is the approximate age of the village #years old a) Do you know when this village was first settled? i) (year stated) ii) After the referendum? iii) During Banda years? 1 iv) Before independence (1964)? v) Before World War II vi) Before the Chilembe uprising? vii) Before the Europeans came? b) Do you know the name of the family that first settled here? ____________ Size in political power, social complexity Peoples of the village 5) How many different ethnic groups do we find in this village? ___________ 6) What are they? a) Chewa b) Lambya c) Lomwe d) Mang’anja e) Matengo f) Misuku g) Mtumba h) Ngonde (Nkhonde in NSO) i) Ngoni j) Ntarire k) Nyanja l) Nyakyusa m) Poka n) Sena o) Tonga p) Tumbuka q) Yao r) Wenya s) Other: _____________________________ 7) How many languages are spoken in this village? ______ 8) What are the languages spoken? a) Chichewa/ chinyanja b) Chiyao c) Chitumbuka d) Other ______________________________ 9) How many settled stranger families with land use rights are there in this village? _______ 10) How many settled strangers without land rights are there in this village? ___________ Village lands 11) What kinds of land do we find in this village a) Land allocated to lineages in the village (not households) b) Land for common usage of the villagers (dambo, forest, hills) i) If YES Is any of the land (1) Leased to estates? (2) Leased to persons outside the village? (3) Used by agricultural schemes? (4) Other: specify _________________ Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 2 c) d) e) f) ii) If NO If there are no commons lands: Why? (1) Taken by government (2) Allocated to new households (3) Other ________________________ Land for burials (graveyards) Land for roads, and other public purposes Unallocated lands, reserve lands Other ____________________________ Yes No Yes No Yes No When people leave the village 12) What happens to the lands if an ordinary villager leaves the village? a) For a years or two? i) The land is kept in trust by the family ii) The lands are used by other household members iii) The person will loan the lands to a relative iv) It will be loaned to other co-villagers members of the village, not relatives v) Nothing b) If he leaves for a long time (more than 2 years)? i) The land is kept in trust by the family ii) The land is taken by the lineage iii) The land goes back to the one that allocated the land c) If he leaves completely? i) Redistributed within the family ii) Taken back by the headman iii) Sold 13) What happens to the lands of an immigrant to the village (“obwera”) who leaves the village a) For a year or two? i) The land is kept in trust by the family ii) The lands are used by other household members iii) The person will loan the lands to a relative iv) It will be loaned to other co-villagers members of the village, not relatives v) Nothing b) For a long time (more than two years) i) The land is kept in trust by the family ii) To the lineage iii) The land goes back to the one that allocated the land c) Completely? i) Redistributed within the family ii) Taken back by the headman iii) Sold The land management 14) Have you leased or sold use rights to any land from the reserve or village commons? a) No b) Yes leased: If yes leased i) Number of fields ___________________ # fields ii) Total area # hectares iii) Length of lease? _____________ # years c) Yes sold: If yes sold i) Number of fields ___________________ 3 ii) Total area # hectares iii) Aveerage price? __________________ # Kwacha/hectare 15) Have you given immigrants (“obwera”) use rights to any land from the reserve or village commons? a) No b) Yes i) Number of fields ___________________ # fields ii) Total area # hectares iii) On average for how long _________________ # years 16) During the last 10 years has any land been converted to state lands and leased to estates? a) No b) Yes converted and leased: If yes converted and leased i) Number of fields ___________________ ii) Length of lease in years? _____________ The landless and near-landless 17) Does the village have any households that are landless or near-landless, i.e. with less than 0.1 hectares of land? a) No b) Yes If yes: i) How many households? ____________________ Usage of reserve lands 18) Does the TA (traditonal authority) have any reserve lands anywhere not allocated to villages? a) No b) Yes, If Yes i) Are any of the reserve lands close to this village? (1) No (2) Yes, If yes can villagers get more land from this reserve? (a) Yes (b) No: If no: Why? _________________________ ii) Can strangers get allocated land from the reserve? (1) No (2) Yes, If yes what are the conditions (a) No conditions (b) Pay tribute to the TA (traditional authority) (c) Have to pay rent (d) Have to buy it Access to land for strangers 19) Can strangers get land from other people than the TA chief or village headman? a) No b) Yes: If yes: How do they go about it i) No requirements except mutual agreement ii) Get land based on humanitarian considerations/ “the right thing to do” iii) Renting iv) Buying The village commons and its resources 20) Do the village have areas for common use? Yes No 4 21) If yes, how many? ___ # a) If only one, do all lineages have equal access? Yes No b) If more than one, are they split between different lineages? Yes No 22) Who manages the commons? a) The lineage elders b) The village headman c) Other ____________________________ 23) Can non-villagers get access to the village commons or reserve lands? a) No b) Yes: If yes: For what purpose? i) Livestock grazing, ii) Firewood collection, iii) Building materials, iv) Other? __________________________________ c) Yes: What are the conditions for access, what gives them legitimate access? i) No conditions, it is customary ii) Permission by the Village Headman iii) Permission by a government official iv) Gifts v) Payments 24) What is your village commons used for? What do people get from it? a) Right of way b) Grass for thatching c) Pasture d) Firewood e) Stones for building materials f) Soil for building materials g) Mud for building materials h) Cut and remove branches of wild trees i) Water j) Hunting game k) Sand and gravel from riverbeds l) Medicinal herbs and roots m) Honey n) Mushrooms o) Caterpillar p) Mice 25) Do persons from this village collect such items mentioned in the previous question from a) The lands belonging to other villages? i) No ii) Yes, if yes: On what basis do they do so? (1) No conditions, it is permissible (2) Permission by the Village Headman (3) Gifts (4) Payments (5) No permission but we just use them b) Estate lands i) No ii) Yes, if yes: On what basis do they do so? (1) No conditions, it is permissible 5 (2) Permission by the Village Headman (3) Permission by the Estate manager (4) Gifts (5) Payments (6) No permission but we just use them c) Neighbouring state lands (forest reserves, national parks, wildlife reserves, game reserves, agricultural schemes) i) No ii) Yes, if yes: On what basis do they do so? (1) No conditions, it is permissible (2) Permission by the Village Headman (3) Permission by the Government official (4) Gifts (5) Payments (6) No permission but we just use them d) Individually owned gardens i) No ii) Yes, if yes: On what basis do they do so? (1) No conditions, it is permissible (2) Permission by the Village Headman (3) Gifts (4) Payments (5) No permission but we just use them 26) Do villagers keep grazing animals? a) No b) Yes, If Yes i) Do you (the village headman) regulate the maximum number of cattle that can de grazed? (1) NO (2) YES, If yes, what is the maximum _______________ ii) Where do they find pasture? (1) Village commons (2) Dambos (3) Reserve lands (4) Lineage lands (5) Household lands/ Their own lands (6) Public lands (roadsides etc) iii) Can someone graze his animals on fields belonging to other villagers? Y N If yes, under what conditions can it occur? (1) After harvest time (2) randomly (3) all the time 27) Where do villagers get firewood from? a) Village commons b) Unallocated lands c) Forest reserve d) National park e) Wildlife reserve f) Agricultural scheme lands g) Estate lands h) Lineage lands 6 i) Their own land j) Other? 28) Where do villagers find sand for building material? a) Village commons b) Unallocated lands c) Forest reserve d) National park e) Wildlife reserve f) Agricultural scheme lands g) Estate lands h) Lineage lands i) Their own land j) Other? 29) Where do villagers find stone for building material? a) Village commons b) Unallocated lands c) Forest reserve d) National park e) Wildlife reserve f) Agricultural scheme lands g) Estate lands h) Lineage lands i) Their own land j) Other? 30) Where do villagers find soil for building material? a) Village commons b) Unallocated lands c) Forest reserve d) National park e) Wildlife reserve f) Agricultural scheme lands g) Estate lands h) Lineage lands i) Their own land j) Other? 31) Where do villagers find grass for building material? a) Village commons b) Unallocated lands c) Forest reserve d) National park e) Wildlife reserve f) Agricultural scheme lands g) Estate lands h) Lineage lands i) Their own land j) Other? 32) Do villagers produce charcoal? a) No b) Yes if Yes where do they take the wood? i) Village commons 7 ii) Unallocated lands iii) Forest reserve iv) National park v) Wildlife reserve vi) Agricultural scheme lands vii) Estate lands viii) Their own land ix) Other? c) Yes, if yes do they sell any of it? i) No ii) Yes Conflicts about lands 33) Have people from neighbouring villages sometimes used or taken land that you consider to rightfully belong to this village? a) No b) Yes 34) Have neighbouring estates sometimes used or taken land that you consider to rightfully belong to this village? a) No b) Yes 35) Is there a state of conflict with the following subjects: a) Other villages i) No ii) Yes If Yes: (1) why (a) Do not agree about boundaries (b) Rerouting water channels (c) Using too much water from rivers (d) Stray cattle (e) Using our resources grasses, trees, pastures, sand (f) Other ____________________________________ (2) how is it usually solved (a) Fail to resolve it (b) The dispute is settled between the affected households (c) Village/ Group village headman negotiate (d) Traditional Authority mediate and judge (e) District commissioner mediate and judge (f) Local Party Official mediate and judge (g) Ward councillor mediate and judge (h) Magistrate court mediate and judge (i) Other (specify)._________________________________ b) Estates i) No ii) Yes, if Yes: (1) why (a) Do not agree about boundaries (b) Rerouting water channels (c) Using too much water from rivers (d) Stray cattle 8 (e) Using our resources grasses, trees, pastures, sand (f) other __________________________________ (2) how is it usually solved (a) Fail to resolve it (b) The dispute is settled between the affected households (c) Village/ Group village headman negotiate (d) Traditional Authority mediate and judge (e) District commissioner mediate and judge (f) Local Party Official mediate and judge (g) Ward councillor mediate and judge (h) Magistrate court mediate and judge (i) Other (specify)._________________________________ 36) Is there within the village a state of conflict over lands between a) Lineages or family groups? i) NO ii) YES If yes: (1) why: (a) do not agree about boundaries (b) rerouting water channels (c) stray cattle (d) other ________________________________ (2) how is it usually solved (a) Fail to resolve it (b) Settled the dispute between the parties (c) Matrilineage elders (mbumba, mwinimbumba, malume) settle the disputes (d) Patrilineage elders ( ?? ) settle the disputes (e) Village/ Group village headman mediate and judge (f) Traditional Authority mediate and judge (g) District commissioner mediate and judge (h) Local Party Official mediate and judge (i) Ward councillor mediate and judge (j) Magistrate court mediate and judge (k) Other (specify). _________________________ b) Households within a lineage? i) No ii) Yes, if yes: (1) why: (a) do not agree about boundaries (b) rerouting water channels (c) stray cattle (d) other ________________________________ (2) how is it usually solved (a) Fail to resolve it (b) Settled the dispute between the parties (c) Matrilineage elders (mbumba, mwinimbumba, malume) settle the disputes (d) Patrilineage elders ( ?? ) settle the disputes (e) Village/ Group village headman mediate and judge (f) Traditional Authority mediate and judge (g) District commissioner mediate and judge 9 (h) (i) (j) (k) Local Party Official mediate and judge Ward councillor mediate and judge Magistrate court mediate and judge Other (specify). _________________________ Fisheries 37) Do any of the villagers fish regularly in a) Lake Malawi, b) Lake Malombe, c) Lake Chilwa, d) Lake Chiuta, e) Shire river f) Other lakes or rivers 38) Do any of them sell the fish a) No b) Yes If yes: where? _________________________________ Work on estates 39) Does any villager work on estates? i) No ii) Yes, if yes: how many? _________________________ Marriage and inheritance of land: village questions 40) For customary law marriages: Is the village: a) Uxorilocal matrilineal (man and wife live in the wife’s village and children belong to the wife’s lineage) b) Virilocal matrilineal (man and wife live in man’s village but children belong to the wife’s lineage) c) Virilocal patrilineal (man and wife live in the man’s village and children belong to the man’s lineage) i) Without lobola ii) With lobola (1) Is lobola usually paid? (a) Usually (b) Rarely d) Other _______________________________________ 10