Kennesaw State University - Leadership and Campus Life

Information on Student Organization Cubicle Space Application
Fall 2015-Spring 2016
Please Note: Space is limited; therefore not all student organizations can receive a cubicle space. Those organizations that fully demonstrate how
they will effectively utilize the cubicle and complete the application by the deadline will be given 1st priority.
Every fall semester, space will be assigned for the upcoming academic year. Contracts are good for
one academic year and must be renewed EACH year. Even if a group has taken ownership of a
cubicle they are still required to complete the application for the 2015-2016 year. Each
registered or recognized student organization that has been active for one year and is in good
behavioral and financial standing with the university is eligible to apply for a cubicle. Student
organizations are encouraged to complete each section of the application as thoroughly as
possible to help determine the specific needs of each applicant. The criteria are set out below:
 Student Organization Participation/Involvement
 Need for visibility
 To use the space to conduct organizational business. (CUBICLE SPACE IS NOT TO BE USED
AS A STORAGE SPACE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. There is a separate application
available for storage requests)
Applications may be retrieved from or at the
Campus Life Front Desk at 211 SU. Please type or clearly handwrite each application and submit it
to Ruth Loffi at or to the Campus Life Front Desk at 211-A SU Campus Life
Information Desk by no later than Monday August 10th at 5:00 pm. Applications received after
this deadline will not be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Each student organization will be notified by email of the allocation decision and those decisions
will also be posted at 211-A SU Campus Life Information Desk by August 10th, 2015. Brief Timeline
of Cubicle Space Allocations for 2015-2016 academic year:
April 6th, 2015
August 10th, 2015
August 17th 2015
August 21st, 2015
Applications posted online or available at 211 SU Information Desk
Applications are due by 5:00 pm to 211A SU Information Desk
Allocation decisions will be posted
Cubicles available for move in
Cubicle Space Guidelines
Individual and organizational behavior is supervised by the Department of Campus Life,
utilizing the Cubicle Space Guidelines; university polices (refer to Student Rights &
Responsibilities at Section XI), and generally
accepted community standards of conduct. It is the responsibility of organizations to inform
their membership of the rules of conduct in the cubicle space. In order to maintain an
attractive work/meeting area and businesslike atmosphere for all student organizations the
following guidelines must be followed:
1. Office Hours:
a. Each student organization is expected to utilize their space a reasonable number of
hours a week. Encourage members to use the space and take pride in it. Those
groups that are approved for a cubicle will receive an email with specific procedures
for logging hours.
b. The organization’s contact information and their CampusLink account must be up to
date and contact information must be typed and posted at the cubicle. Campus Life
will periodically check the cubicle area to verify usage of space. As requests for
space exceed availability, failure to utilize allocated space appropriately is grounds
for the loss of the space.
Cubicle Decorations:
a. Signage with your organization’s name will be supplied by the Department of
Campus Life and will be used for identification. Please do not remove or cover this
signage in the process of decorating your space as items that obscure signage may
be removed by the Department of Campus Life.
b. If you wish to attach items to the walls of your cubicle, please use only push pins or
thumb tacks. Do not use any type of glue or other material that may damage the
partition or cubicle as any repairs or replacement of equipment will be charged to
your organization.
Respect: Respect and communicate with other organizations with regard to any problems
that may occur. Please be mindful that respect includes, but is not limited to, using
language that is appropriate in a professional setting. Using profane, objectionable, and
offensive language, disparaging remarks or discriminatory comments will not be tolerated.
Notifications: Up-to-date information regarding the cubicle will be sent to the student
organization officers and advisor via email or the contact address on Campuslink.
Personal Items: The organization is responsible for all items brought into the cubicles.
These should be marked accordingly. The cubicle area is not immune to theft or vandalism.
The Department of Campus Life is not responsible for any items stolen or lost from the
cubicles. In the event of theft or loss, please notify the Department of Campus Life at 211A SU Campus Life Information Desk and file a report with campus police. Any purses,
wallets, personal computers, televisions, videos, textbooks and other valuables are at risk if
they are left unattended in the cubicle.
Discipline Policy:
a. Discipline for violations of these guidelines will be enforced by the Campus Life
Advisory Council/Department of Campus Life. Students (or Student Organizations)
who are found in violation of a cubicle condition will be requested to meet with the
Director of Campus Life or a designated staff member from Campus Life.
b. For students (or Student Organizations) who are found guilty of violating a cubicle
condition, the following sanctions will be imposed:
1st Violation – Warning via email or letter to President and Advisor
2nd Violation – Removal of Organization from cubicle with 1 (one) week of notice.
G://campuslife/student organizations/cubicle application fall 2015-2016
**Applications are due by 5 pm on Monday August 10th at 5:00 pm and must be submitted to or delivered to the Campus Life Information Desk at 211-A SU
Name of Registered/Recognized Student Organization:
President: _________________________________________Phone Number: ________________
Email Address: _________________________
Advisor: ___________________________________________ Phone Number:________________
Email Address:__________________________
Organization Information (Be as accurate as possible!):
1) How long has your organization existed? _________________________________________
2) How many active members does your organization have? ___________________________
3) What is the purpose of your organization?
4) What role did your organization play on campus last year? How many activities or events
did you host and what were they? (use additional pages and detailed documentation as
G://campuslife/student organizations/cubicle application fall 2015-2016
5) For what purpose is your organization applying for a cubicle space? What are your goals for
use of space? How might it impact your organization’s success?
6) If your organization had a cubicle during the 2013-14 academic year, how many hours per week
was the space used on average? ____________ Do you expect usage to stay the same or change
during the 2014-15 year? Please explain:
7) Is there a particular organization with whom you would be willing to share a cubicle? If so,
please identify:
By submitting this form, I agree that the ______________________________________________
(Name of your organization)
Has read, understand and will adhere to the cubicle space guidelines
Have given honest responses to the above questions on the above form.
SIGNED: ___________________________________________ DATE _______________
Officer Name
G://campuslife/student organizations/cubicle application fall 2015-2016