Diocesan Memorandum Prot. No. C-160/2007 April, 2007 Secretariat/Department Page Office of the Bishop Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation 62 Chancery 66 Clergy and Religious 68 Parish Life and Development 71 Catholic Charities Health and Human Services 74 Communications 79 Miscellaneous 79 64 The Diocesan Memorandum is published monthly as a service to clergy, religious and lay leadership in the Diocese of Cleveland. The deadline for the next Diocesan Memo is the tenth of this month. ** The Diocesan Memorandum is now on the WEB for your convenience. Enter the Cleveland Catholic Diocese website anytime at http://www.dioceseofcleveland.org and just click on the tab marked “Diocesan Memorandum. Office of the Bishop HOME MISSION COLLECTIONWEEKEND OF 2829 APRIL 2007 There are many places right here in the United States and in its overseas dependencies where the Church is poor, communities are scattered, and priests are few. Money given to the Catholic Home Missions Appeal helps Catholic communities across America survive and thrive, by underwriting evangelization, religious education, education for future priests, training for lay ministers, and poor parishes that would have to close their doors without outside help. Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 62 The Catholic Home Missions Appeal helps strengthen the Catholic Church at home. More than ninety-two cents of every dollar contributed goes directly to the missions. The Catholic Home Mission Appeal Collection will be taken up the weekend of 28-29 April 2007. PARISH INFORMATION DAY – 30 May Please consider sending your Parish Secretaries/Bookkeepers/Accountants on 30 May to a Parish Information Day. Part of the day will focus on Stewardship and a presentation regarding electronic contributions. Presentations from some of the Diocesan Offices will also be a part of the day. We encourage you to please send the representatives from your parish that would best benefit from this day. More information will follow in the near future. IT’S TIME FOR A NEW LOOK! STEWARDSHIP OFFICE The Stewardship Office is sponsoring a contest for a new stewardship logo! The submitted artwork should still incorporate the name of our stewardship initiative “God’s Gifts for God’s People”. The current logo may be viewed at www.cdcf.org, then click on the Parish Stewardship Program link. The new logo may include reference to time, talent and treasure or may be unique and creative. Entries will be accepted from the 1st of March through the 1st of June. Submit entries to: Mary Pat Frey, Stewardship Office, Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, 1027 Superior Ave., Room 350, Cleveland, OH 44114. Or email entries to stewardship@dioceseofcleveland.org . The winner will be announced by June 15th and will be blessed with a $100 check donated to a charity of their choice and breakfast with Bishop Lennon. The judges will be Mary Pat Frey, Fr. Ed Estok, and Bishop Richard G. Lennon. If you have any questions, please call Mary Pat at 216-696-6525 or 800-869-6525 X2120. Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 63 Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation BISHOP’S GOLF OUTING TO BE HELD 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 AT FIRESTONE COUNTRY CLUB Plan to join us on Monday, 10 September for a fabulous golf experience at Firestone Country Club. Proceeds from the event provide tuition assistance for Catholic schools with high student poverty levels in the Diocese of Cleveland. To reserve your five-some or request more information, contact Mary Lou Toler at the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation at 216-6966525 ext. 2140 or mltoler@dioceseofcleveland.org 2007 CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL Eva and Larry Dolan are the chairs of the 2007 Annual Appeal for Catholic Charities, helping the diocese meet its goal of $9.5 million to serve the hungry and homeless, elderly and disabled, children and families. Bishop Lennon will be at many of the 64 service sites throughout the appeal, and the story of our charitable good works through Catholic Charities will be spread over the course of the year. PASTORS TO RECEIVE LIST OF PARISH DONORS Pastors will receive a list of their parishioners who gave so that the parish can personally acknowledge and thank their members for their gift. For more information, contact Karen Joyce (kjoyce@dioceseofcleveland.org) at the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation at 216-696-6525 ext. 1910 or Celeste Cappotto (ccappotto@dioceseofcleveland.org) at ext. 1049. ENCOURAGING 2007 IRA CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS UP TO $100,000— USING THE SERVICES OF THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF CLEVELAND FOUNDATION (CDCF) Legislation allowed for direct contributions up to $100,000 to approved charitable institutions, which include parishes, from donor IRAs. Donors age 70½ or older who wish to make such contributions are encouraged to speak with their financial advisor regarding such gifts and their potential tax benefits. The staff of the CDCF can assist parishes wishing to communicate this information to their select donors. Communication with eligible donors can include either option below: the CDCF can create a bulletin insert or announcement for you to reproduce, or Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 64 the CDCF can sort its database for eligible donors in that parish and review findings with the parish, draft a letter from the parish to donors who qualify, edit the letter based on parish staff feedback, and produce the mailmerged letters for parish staff to send. If you are interested in using either of these services of the CDCF for donor communications on the IRA legislation, please contact the CDCF Chief Financial Officer, Barbara Kraig, (bkraig@dioceseofcleveland.org) at 216-696-6525 ext. 8070. APRIL THEOLOGY ON TAP FEATURES SPEAKER GERRY FAUST, FORMER FOOTBALL COACH AT NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY Plan to join the Associate Board of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation on Thursday, 26 April 2007 for the spring installment of Theology on Tap. Gerry Faust is the featured speaker who will share how he integrates his faith life with family and friends and his work in football. The event will be held at the Boneyard Grill in Broadview Heights, and $3 covers admission. Social begins at 6:30pm, with the talk at 7:30pm. Please RSVP to Celeste Cappotto at ccappotto@dioceseofcleveland.org (216-696-6525 ext. 1049) if you are interested. Space is limited. Register Early! JULY THEOLOGY ON TAP -The MOST REV. RICHARD G. LENNON AS SPEAKER Plan to join the Associate Board of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation on Tuesday, 31 July 2007 for the summer installment of Theology on Tap. Please RSVP to Celeste Cappotto at ccappotto@dioceseofcleveland.org (216-696-6525 ext. 1049) if you are interested. REMINDER: CHURCH IN THE CITY GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINE 16 APRIL 2007 Catholic parishes, schools, social service organizations, and other faith-based organizations that are partnering with a Catholic organization are eligible to apply for a Church in the City grant to further the efforts of their shared program. There are five core principles, at least one of which must be addressed in the grant proposal: preferential love of the poor, social justice, urban redevelopment, interdependence, and restructuring. The grant guidelines and application can be accessed by visiting the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation’s website (www.cdcf.org) or by contacting Terri Preskar at 216.696.6525, ext. 5090. Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 65 2007 CROOKED HALO BENEFIT ON 6 OCTOBER SUPPORTS ROSEMARY CENTER Join the Associate Board of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation on Saturday, 6 October 2007 for their annual Crooked Halo Benefit. This year’s beneficiary is Rose-Mary Center in Euclid, which serves children and adults with mental and physical disabilities. Funds raised at Crooked Halo will go directly to the expansion and renovation of an autism wing at Rose-Mary. For more information on the event, contact Celeste Cappotto at 216-696-6525 ext. 1049. For information on RoseMary and their work as a Catholic Charities service site, visit www.clevelandcatholiccharities.org/rose-mary. Office of the Chancellor ST. PATRICK’S DAY, 2008 Next year, Easter falls extremely early, on 23 March. One liturgical note to keep in mind is that 17 March 2008 will be the Monday of Holy Week. This means that the liturgical observance of the feast of St. Patrick cannot take place. This is true universally, so not even parishes dedicated to St. Patrick are permitted to make exception. All those who have responsibility for planning liturgical celebrations are asked to make note of this and inform others who would be affected. This means that music and all things relating to the liturgy should be proper to Holy Week. The Solemnities of St. Joseph (19 March) and the Annunciation of the Lord (25 March) will be transferred as follows: In 2008, The Solemnity of St. Joseph will be celebrated on Saturday, 15 March (the Saturday before Palm Sunday) and the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord will be celebrated on Monday, 31 March (Monday of the Second week of Easter). Since the feast of St. Patrick has the status of an optional memorial, the feast is not transferred, but may be observed at a later appropriate date on any day on which a votive mass would be appropriate. USE OF MUSTUM AND LOWGLUTEN HOSTS A REMINDER: A diocesan policy entitled, “Use of Mustum and Low-Gluten Hosts for Priests, Deacons and Laypersons” was issued on 15 March 2006. If a parishioner suffers from Celiac Disease please refer to this policy on how to proceed in assisting him/her to receive Holy Communion. Before providing the Low-Gluten hosts please have the person check with his/her physician to see Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 66 if he/she agrees with the use of the low-gluten host for your parishioner. The place to order these hosts is included in the policy. Any further questions please call Sr. Laura Bouhall, OSU, at 216.696.6525, ext. 2060. DIOCESAN PASTORAL PLANNING OFFICE VIBRANT PARISH LIFE – PHASE II Bishop Richard Lennon will be completing his review of the parish requests for reconsideration and will make a final decision on all clusters by April 30. Bishop Lennon is sending a letter to parishes in March which describes the steps in selecting parish representatives to serve on Cluster Planning and Coordination Teams and the training schedule for these teams. In May, Bishop Lennon will send a letter which will finalize all clusters, identify significant issues and challenges that will need to be addressed in certain clusters, and describe the next steps in the process. Work is underway on the resources to be provided to Cluster Planning and Coordination Teams at training sessions in May and June of 2007. For responses to any questions or comments regarding the work of the Diocesan Vibrant Parish Life – Phase II Committee, please call 216-696-6525 or 800-869-6525, ext. 4210, or send an email to: aperkins@dioceseofcleveland.org DIOCESAN PASTORAL COUNCIL: SPRING GATHERING FOR PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL LEADERS The Diocesan Pastoral Council will convene its annual Spring Gathering for Parish Pastoral Council Leaders on Saturday, April 28th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at St. Basil the Great Parish in Brecksville. The theme for this event is: Naming Our Challenges, Responding With Hope. There will be remarks and dialogue with Bishop Lennon, and an Overview and Discussion of Key Diocesan Realities as a Context for Cluster Planning in moving forward with Vibrant Parish Life – Phase II. Presentations will be given on Demographic Trends by Rick Krivanka, Priest Trends by Fr. Larry Jurcak, and Financial Trends by John Maimone. An invitation with the agenda and further details was sent to pastors and Parish Pastoral Council Chairpersons in March. For further information, call 216-6966525 or 800-869-6525, ext. 4210. Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 67 FROM CYNICISM TO HOPE: APPLICATIONS OF APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY TO MINISTRY SETTINGS The Appreciative Inquiry Ecumenical Network will be presenting a workshop entitled: Connecting to Hope When Buried in Cynicism: Find a Way in Everyday Ministry for clergy, parish staff and lay leaders on Thursday, April 26 from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm at Montrose Zion United Methodist Church located in Fairlawn just off I-77 at Ghent Rd. The workshop is jointly sponsored by the East Ohio United Methodist Program in Pastoral Care, The Presbytery of the Western Reserve, Northeastern Ohio Synod – ELCA, the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio and the Pastoral Planning Office of the Diocese of Cleveland. A brochure with further details and registration information is available on the diocesan website, by calling the Pastoral Planning Office at 216-696-6525/800-869-6525, ext. 4210, or by emailing aperkins@dioceseofcleveland.org . Clergy and Religious DECEASED REALITIVES OF PRIESTS REMEMBERING THE CALL SEMINAR IS TUESDAY, 26 JUNE 2007 We wish to express our sympathy to the family of the late Father Vincent Moraghan on the death of their mother, Mary Ann Moraghan and to Father John Terzano on the death of his brother Theodore M. Terzano. Please remember them in your prayers. CONTINUING EDUCATION AND FORMATION OF MINISTERS Please save the date for the next Remembering the Call seminar entitled, “Catholic Americans: Voting Prophetically in a Politically Charged Environment.” Our distinguished speakers will be Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, and Chair of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Policy, and Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK, the Catholic social justice lobby in Washington, D.C. One of the main purposes of the conference is to help parish ministers prepare for the presidential election year with some inspirational, yet practical, wisdom on how to effectively preach and teach the Church's rich social doctrine in the face of partisan and often hostile reactions from parishioners. Ohio has been one of the key states in the last several election cycles and we expect that 2008 will be another important election year. Please Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 68 note that the time schedule for the conference will be a little different this year; it will be held from 1:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 26 June 2007, at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. Registration brochures will be available later in the spring. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS DIOCESAN VOCATION OFFICE VOCATIONS TO CONSEDRATED LIFE Sunday, 29 April 2007 is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Resources to celebrate this day were mailed 5 March 2007 to all Priests, Deacons, School Principals, Directors of Religious Education, Newman Campus Ministers, Vocation Ministers, and Congregational Leaders. Please take a few moments to review these resources. Encourage your community to join in one of the five Diocesan Prayer Services for Vocations from 2:00 to 3:00 pm. Five parishes have volunteered to open their doors for the afternoon Prayer Service. Please encourage parishioners to attend. The locations are: St. Agnes-Our Lady of Fatima Church, Cleveland, kindness of Fr. Robert Marva, OFM Cap.; St. Paschal Baylon Church, Highland Hts., kindness of Fr. Michael Arkins, SSS; St. Peter Church, Lorain, kindness of Fr. Kenneth Wolnowski; St. Rose of Lima Church, Cleveland, kindness of Fr. Jose Antonio Posadas, OFM; St. Vincent Church, Akron, kindness of Fr. Joseph Kraker. A display poster and bulletin announcements were sent to each parish with information. If you have any questions, contact Sister Lenore Thomas, IHM 216-696-6525 or 800-869-6525 ext. 3460, lthomas@dioceseofcleveland.org or Father Michael K. Gurnick, 216-696-6525 or 800-869-6525 ext. 3410, mgurnick@dioceseofcleveland.org. English and Spanish Version Prayer Cards are available, free of charge, from the Diocesan Vocation Office. Please complete the order form included in your resource packet or e-mail, mavenoso@dioceseofcleveland.org to place your order. For further information/additional resource packets contact the Diocesan Vocation Office, 216-696-6525 or 800-869-6525 ext. 3490 or e-mail mavenoso@dioceseofcleveland.org. Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 69 “WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” RETREAT This year’s retreat will be held on Saturday, 16 June 2007 at the Center for Pastoral Leadership. The Serrans of District 85 will be delivering packets of information to each parish mid-April. Please consider personally inviting men and women, 18-40 years of age, who you may know are exploring the possibility of priesthood or religious life. Please contact Father Michael Gurnick, mgurnick@dioceseofcleveland.org, or Sister Lenore Thomas, IHM, lthomas@dioceseofcleveland.org, or the Diocesan Vocation Office at 216-696-6525 or 800-869-6525 ext. 3490. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS The World Day of Prayer for Vocations will take place on Sunday, 29, April, 2007. Let us come together as a diocese to pray for Vocations from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. HISPANIC MINISTRY Available, free of charge, through the Diocesan Vocation Office are Spanish Vocation Prayer Cards for High School and above age groups. Please call the Diocesan Vocation Office at 216696-6525 or 800-869-6525 ext. 3490 or e-mail mavenoso@dioceseofcleveland.org to place an order. VOCATION PRAYER CARDS Vocation Prayer Cards are available, free of charge, for grades kindergarten through young adults. All of the prayers have been formulated by religious in the diocese. Other prayer cards are available upon request. To place your orders please call the Diocesan Vocation Office at 216-696-6525 or 800-869-6525 ext. 3490 or e-mail mavenoso@dioceseofcleveland.org. PRIESTHOOD ORDINATION VOCATION OFFICE FOR DIOCESAN SEMINARIES Four men will be ordained to the Priesthood on Saturday, 12 May, 2007 at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist. Michael Denk, John Pfeifer, Jr. and Joseph Previte will be ordained for the Diocese of Cleveland – and Hasang Paul Kim, who participated in the formation program at Saint Mary Seminary, will be ordained for the Archdiocese of Daegu, Korea. Please pray for each of them as they give themselves in service to the Lord and the Church. May many more be inspired to respond to God's call in their lives. Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 70 OFFICE FOR RELIGIOUS Religious in the diocese who are celebrating Silver, Golden, and Diamond Jubilees this year will be honored by Bishop Richard G. Lennon at a liturgy and luncheon at the Center for Pastoral Leadership on 21 April 2007. Invitations were mailed 5 March 2007 to those whose names were submitted by the Religious Superiors to the Office for Religious. Because this celebration involves a catered dinner, it is limited to the jubilarians. In cases where a driver is needed to accompany those who are celebrating, the driver is invited to the meal. Please inform the Office for Religious of this additional participant by calling 216696-6525 or 800-869-6525 ext. 2920, or e-mail: mstarrie@dioceseofcleveland.org. ANNUAL RELIGIOUS JUBILEE CELEBRATION Parish Life and Development APPLICATION FORMS FOR GRANTS FROM THE NATIONAL AFRICAN AMERICAN AND NATIVE AMERICAN COMMISSION ARE AVAILABLE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Application forms for grants from the National African American and Native American Commission are available now in the Parish Life Office. If your parish, school or institution has Evangelization Projects for which you are seeking funding, please request an application form. The criteria for the projects are the following: -initiated and carried out through a Catholic Institution - innovative and creative approaches to evangelization -collaborative efforts -e.g., several parishes, parish and school, parish and other groups, diocesan offices and parish communities. -outreach to inactive, alienated and people with no church affiliation If funding for a salary is included in the proposal, the amount should be one quarter or less of the salary. No funding is provided for benefits. The Grant Review Board has requested that the source covering the cost of salaries and benefits for the project be listed on the grant application. Applications must be returned to the Parish Life Office by June Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 71 1st. All proposals will be considered by the Grant Review Board and recommendations will be given to Bishop Richard Lennon. Grants to our diocese from the National Commission will be announced in the spring of 2008. For more information please contact Sr. Rita Mary Harwood, SND at (216) 696-6525 or 1-800-869-6525, ext. 3500. The following projects received funding during the 2007 year: -Called to be One, Diocesan Race Committee -Spreading the Good News, Epiphany Catholic Church -Adult Faith Formation In the African American Community, St. Agnes-Our Lady of Fatima Parish -Operation Good News - Evangelization Outreach; St. Henry Parish -“It’ s Going Down” For Abstinence; St. Agnes-Our Lady of Fatima Parish -“Keeping the Faith Alive”; St. Agnes-Our Lady of Fatima Parish -Collaborative Revival 2007; Office of African American Catholic Ministry/St. Timothy Church -“Christ is with Us: Celebrating the Gifts of the Sacraments – National Black Catholic Congress X, Office of Ministry to African American Catholics -Sankofa Family and Youth Conference; Office of Ministry to African American Catholics - Looking for a “Breakthrough”; BCI – Youth and Young Adult Ministry, CYO-Catholic Charities -Buffalo Bound – 2007 National ; Office of Ministry to African American Catholics -2007 Thea Awards; Office of Ministry to African American Catholics -Diocesan Gospel Choir; Office of Ministry to African American Catholics -Men’s Bible Study ; Epiphany Catholic Church -Marriage in Dialogue; St. Agnes-Our Lady of Fatima Parish -Confirmation 2008; St. Aloysius- St. Agatha Parish -Prison Ministry; Diocesan Ministry to the Incarcerated Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 72 “PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN” ATTENTION PARISHES: BE SURE COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDES ARE AVAILABLE The Protecting God’s Children Program is an ongoing effort in all parishes. Each parish should have “Community Resource Guides” available for proper referral of individuals who made need such assistance. The “Protecting God’s Children” program has resource guides available for each of the eight counties served by the Diocese. If you need Community Resource Guides at your parish please contact the Director, Donna Albertone at 1-800-869-6525 ext. 1149 or e-mail Director Albertone at dalbertone@dioceseofcleveland.org. Please include the number of Resource Guides you wish to have sent to your parish. INTERFAITH COMMISSION CONFERENCE OF RELIGIONSSPRING CONVOCATION “Faiths and Foods” Sunday, 29 April 2007, Rumi Foundation, 750 Beta Drive – Mayfield Heights. The spring convocation of 2007 will focus on that basic human need, food, and how that need is coordinated with faith. The religions of the world have varied attitudes. Some demand abstinence from certain foods. Others have times of fasting and varied interpretations of what it means to fast. Some use certain foods and drinks during their official worship. Some have exhortations about how much one should eat. Some prescribe prayers before meals. The feasts and holidays of the varied religions include use of certain foods and drinks to underscore the observance of them in the home and family life of their followers. So our speakers will offer food for thought on these matters but also the different religious traditions will provide tastes of foods that reflect their religious as well as cultural and ethnic background and traditions. This would be the first ‘interfaith’ tasting party you will attend. (Directions: take I-271 to the Wilson Mills exit, east on Wilson Mills, north onto Beta Drive. The Rumi Foundation is part of a large building containing different offices surrounded by a parking lot. The large numbers 750 is on the corner of the building. If you have reached SOM Center Road you went too far.) 3:00 p.m. Presentations from the perspective of Baha’is, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs. (These will be split between two sessions with a very short Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 73 break to stretch.) --after each presentation there will be an opportunity for two questions from audience; of course during the food tasting there will be plenty of opportunity for further discussion. It was felt necessary to limit the questions to get to hear all the speakers. 4:30 p.m. foods of the varied religions and their cultural expressions; beverages of coffee, tea, and water will be available. Free and open to the public. A free-willing offering will be taken up to defray expenses. FLYER ENCLOSED FOR “FAITHS AND FOODS” JOB CLEARINGHOUSE Please see the flyer for details concerning the Conference of Religions, Sunday 29 April 2007, “Faiths and Foods” from 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. PASTORAL MINISTRY OFFICE Please keep in mind that the Pastoral Ministry Office serves as a clearinghouse for those who are seeking positions, as well as those who are looking for a pastoral minister for their parish. Confidentiality is maintained. Please call the office at 440-943-7670 if you would like more information. Catholic Charities Health and Human Services FAMILY PERSPECTIVES MARRIAGE AND FAMILY MINISTRY Please find family gospel insights and prayers in the Family Perspectives and General Intercessions flyer for the month of May, 2007. Our website: www.clevelandcatholiccharities.org/mfm lists precana days, NFP classes, trainings, divorce recovery groups and more. Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 74 COUPLE MINISTRY TRAINING – HOLY ANGELS, CHAGRIN FALLS – BEGINS 19 APRIL 2007 Couple ministers are volunteer married couples selected by their parish and trained by the diocese who assist in marriage preparation, meet with engaged couples, and provide a living witness of Christian marriage. Training will be offered at Holy Angels, 18205 Chillicothe Rd. Chagrin Falls 44023-4879 (Bainbridge) – Thursdays, 19 April – 24 May 2007 from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Fee is $125 per couple, paid by the parish. Brochures are available through the Dept. for Marriage & Family Ministry. To register, please contact Ginny at 216-334-2972. Fall Couple Ministry Training will also be offered at St. Bridget, 5620 Hauserman Rd., Parma 44130 on Thursdays, 20 September – 25 October 2007 from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. For more information, contact Rose Jacobs at 216-334-2973 or by email at rjacobs@clevelandcatholiccharities.org This information can also be found on our website at www.clevelandcatholiccharities.org/mfm MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION TRAINING CONFERENCES If your parish wants to begin a ministry of consolation or enhance your present bereavement ministry program, then please take advantage of the following individual training opportunities. The first is at St Bridget of Kildare, 5620 Hauserman Rd, Parma 44130. This training will be held on two Saturdays, 21 April 2007 and 28 April 2007 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Attendance at both sessions is mandatory. The second training will be held at Immaculate Conception, 2846 Hubbard Road, Madison, 44057. This training will be held on two Saturdays, 12 May 2007 and 2 June 2007 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Attendance at both sessions is mandatory. The conference is for priests, deacons, deacons’ spouses, lay ecclesial ministers, and volunteer parishioners. The registration fee $100. CEU’s are available for counselors, social workers and nurses at an additional fee of $25. Contact Terese Hardman at 216-334-2978 for registration information or a brochure. MINISTRY OF MOTHERS SHARING (M O M S) Ministry of Mothers Sharing will sponsor two programs with Kim Langley of Life Balance Enterprises, entitled “Emotionally Intelligent Parenting: Raising Kids with Better Social Skills and Self-awareness”. The program will be held at the following locations: Wednesday, 18 April 2007 at St. Gabriel Parish, 9925 Johnnycake Ridge Road, Concord and Thursday, 19 April 2007 at St. Christopher Parish, 20141 Detroit Road, Rocky River. Both Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 75 presentations will be from 7:00- 9:00 p.m. The cost is $10 per person. Registration forms are available through the M O M S Parish Coordinators or by calling Terese at the Department for Marriage & Family Ministry, 216-334-2978 or e-mail: thardman@clevelandcatholiccharities.org. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING TEACHER TRAINING INSTITUTE A program to train new certified natural family planning teachers will be offered beginning Saturday, 19 May 2007 and consisting of six monthly classroom sessions. This program is certified by the Diocesan Development Program for NFP, USCCB Committee for Pro-Life Activities. Sessions will be held at St. Augustine Manor Health Campus, 7911 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland OH 44102. Cost is $625 per couple. Parishes, hospitals, and healthcare agencies may sponsor candidates for training. Parishes are encouraged to recruit married couples to teach natural family planning. Brochures are available through the Dept. for Marriage & Family Ministry, 216-334-2978 and information is available at our web site: www.clevelandcatholiccharities.org/mfm. For more information, contact Rose Jacobs at 216-334-2973 or email: rjacobs@clevelandcatholiccharities.org OLDER ADULT MINISTRY – 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration Liturgy will be held on Sunday, 29 July 2007 at 2:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Please make sure your parish has received the registration form. It was mailed to all parishes in March. If you have not received the registration form mailing or if you need more information, please contact Terese at 216-334-2978 or email thardman@clevelandcatholiccharities.org . PREP RELATIONSHIP SKILLS WORKSHOP FOR ENGAGED AND MARRIED COUPLES A PREP (Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program) Skills Workshop for Engaged Couples will also be accepting married couples wishing to improve communication and other relationship skills to enhance marriage. The next workshop will be held on Sunday, 6 May 2007 from 8:30 – 4:30 p.m. at St. Theresa of Avila, Parish Life Center, 1878 Abbe Rd., Sheffield Village, OH 44054. This workshop fulfills the Pre-Cana requirement for engaged couples and will be led by Michael Pavlak, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and licensed marriage and family therapist trained in the research-based PREP program. Cost of the program is $95 per couple. Please call 216-334-2978 Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 76 to register or registration forms are available online at www.clevelandcatholiccharities.org/mfm CANA II REMARRIAGE Couples who are remarrying are to receive special preparation as required by the Diocesan Marriage Policy. The Cana II Day is designed to address the specific issues of remarriage and is scheduled on Saturday, 21 April 2006 at Holy Angels Church, 18205 Chillicothe Road, Chagrin Falls. Cost is $95. Please call 216-334-2978 to register or registration forms are available online at www.clevelandcatholiccharities.org/mfm MARRIED LOVE AND THE GIFT OF LIFE – NEW USCCB DOCUMENT A new document issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in November, 2006, provides an explanation of Catholic teaching on conjugal love and responsible parenthood in an easy to read question and answer format. The intended audience is engaged and married couples. We recommend purchasing this publication for Pre-Cana Team members, Couple Ministers, and your engaged couples. Available in English, No. 5-787 (20 pp., in packages of 10) and Spanish No. 5-943. Price: 1-9 packages of 10, $20 per package. Order form can be accessed online at http://www.usccbpublishing.org or call: 1-800-2358722. NEW PRAYER RESOURCE AVAILABLE – THE FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION – A NOVENA The Feast of the Annunciation has been used for many years by NFP promoters to encourage married couples to be open to God’s gift of new life. The Bishops’ Committee for Pro-Life Activities, Diocesan Development Program for Natural Family Planning has developed a novena honoring the feast. The Novena can be ordered by calling 1-866-582-0943. Publication number #0726. Prices are 1-99 - 30 cents each, 100+ - 20 cents each. NATIONAL CATHOLIC YOUTH CONFERENCE (NCYC) 2007 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY AND CYO OFFICE Take your youth two hours South for a faith experience they will never forget! Lead them to the 2007 NCYC, “Discover the Way (Descubre El Camino)” 8-10 November in Columbus, OH. Featuring: Christian Musicians, bands and concerts each day; Nationally Recognized Speakers offering keynotes and evening concurrent sessions covering many topics for catholic youth and adults; Powerful Prayer and liturgy experiences by and for young people; Interactive Park – a festival village inside the Greater Columbus Convention Center where you can create, draw, Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 77 decorate and make items, surf the internet, participate in creative group games, eat and hang out with many of the 25,000 people attending, listen to different musicians, review the latest publisher’s material on youth ministry/youth culture and much more!! Open to all Catholic high school age youth and their chaperones. Cost: $430 per person includes: conference registration; hotel accommodations; transportation; some meals; tour; diocesan t-shirt & hat; and trading items. Other price options are available. Registration accepted on a space available basis. Deadline for Individual Registration Form; Parish Rooming List; Diocesan Medical Release; NFCYM Liability Form; and Diocesan Scholarship Request: June 29. For registration forms or more information, contact Mark Delsander at 216-334-1261 x25, mxdelsander@clevelandcatholiccharities.org or visit: www.clevelandcyo.org. YOUTH ANIMATORS AT NCYC Do you have youth attending the 2007 National Catholic Youth Conference that can take lead roles in song, dance/movement or oral proclamations? The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry is accepting applications for Youth Animators. Deadline is 1 May 2007. For an application or more information, please contact Mark Delsander at 216-334-1261 x25, mxdelsander@clevelandcatholiccharities.org or visit: www.clevelandcyo.org. NCYC SUMMER PILGRIMAGE EVENT Save the Date! Sunday, 8 July, 2007, 2-7 p.m. Gather with other teens making the pilgrimage to the National Catholic Youth Conference in Columbus. Highlights include: Mass; Picnic; Music and Games. For more information, contact Mark Delsander at 216-334-1261 x25, mxdelsander@clevelandcatholiccharities.org or visit: www.clevelandcyo.org. YOUNG ADULT FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM Where are the young adults at your parish? We have a model of young adult faith sharing groups that can be hosted at your parish or a cluster of parishes. Sessions meet for 3 hours, 1/week for six weeks. Each evening includes a meal, communal prayer, sharing in small groups, discussion and reflection with young adults. This is a terrific opportunity to join together in partnership for faith formation and catechesis for young adults in your parish. For more information, contact Paul Kelly at 216-334-1261 x28 or Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 78 pekelly@clevelandcatholiccharities.org. SCOUTING COURT OF HONOR The Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting will host their annual Court of Honor on 29 April 2007, 3:00 p.m., at St. Sebastian, Akron. The service will recognize all Ad Altare Dei, Pope Pius XII, Pope Paul VI, and Good Shepherd, Bronze Pelican and St. George awardees. The Reverend Neil Walters will preside. For more information, please contact Georgia McCoy at 216 334 1261 ext. 26 or glmccoy@clevelandcatholiccharities.org. Communications PUBLISH BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT In our continued effort to comply with the requirements of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People,” the Communications Department is again asking all parishes to please publish the bulletin announcement on the Bulletin Page from the COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT RE: “CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE” . PLEASE SEE BULLETIN PAGE. When published, parishes are asked to forward a copy of their bulletin to: The Diocese Communications Department c/o Robert Tayek 1027 Superior Ave. 4th Floor Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2503 Miscellaneous EXPLORE COLLEGE OPTIONS AT FREE COLLEGE FAIR EVENT The Cleveland State College Fair will be held Sunday, 15 April 2007 at the Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sponsored by the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) and hosted by the Ohio Association for College Admission Counseling (OACAS), this event is free and open to the public. Over 200 institutions, including Catholic universities and other institutions of higher learning will have representatives on hand Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 79 at the event able to talk to students of various means, grades and backgrounds. In addition there will be several helpful informational sessions ranging from NCAA athletic eligibility to Financial Aid & Scholarships to the Transferring Process at Community Colleges. This annual event is the only opportunity of its kind to explore so many post-secondary education options under one roof. For more information visit www.nacac.com/fairs or call 800-822-6285. HAMMOND ORGAN AVAILABLE A Hammond 9800M Deluxe Organ and Bench – excellent condition- Leslie Animation and many other features is available. For further information please call 440-427-8508. Diocesan Memorandum 2007 Page 80