Participation Contract - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2013
St. Petersburg, the Russian Federation
April 21-25, 2013
CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION CONTRACT № RRFM/C__________ Date of application: ___/___/___
Please, send the completed form to ATOMEXPO LLC before the 15th of March, 2013
phone: +7 495 663 38 21, fax: +7 495 663 38 20,
Please note that RRFM Conference participation CONTRACT is valid only for 1 delegate and his/her accompanying person
Conference Organizer: Atomexpo LLC
Represented by Executive Director Shingarev Nikolay Eduardovich, acting on the basis of proxy of 27.06.2012 № 02-/414
I. Information about Participant’s representative
First name ______________________ Last name _______________________________________ Title ______ Academic degree ______
Organization__________________________ Department________________________ Position_________________________________
Organization address______________________________________________________________________________________________
Postal code_________________________________City__________________________________________Country________________________
E-mail ____________________________________Tel.___________________________________________Fax___________________________
II. Banking details
Name of bank___________________________ Full bank address________________________________________________________________
Account number_______________________________________________ SWIFT-code _____________________________________________
Full name of payer organization___________________________________________________________________________________________
III. Registration fee
Participant status. Please mark the selected option V
Cost, EURO,
including VAT 18%
ENS Members
Young Generation (up to 35 years old)
University staff
Professionals from and working in Eastern European countries
Total cost for registration, excluding VAT 18%
Delivery of invitation letter by (DHL, FedEx), excluding VAT 18%
Participation in technical tour (25.04.13). Please choose one option:
Visit to St.Petersburg Institution for Nuclear Physics
Visit to Leningradskaya Nuclear Power Plant (LAES)
! Please note that participation in one of technical tours is included in Participation package. The amount of participants is strongly limited. Organizer reserves the right not to confirm the participation in technical tour in case
Participant doesn’t present scan of his/her passport (necessary for Security system of nuclear facilities) no later than the 5th of March, 2013.
Cost, including
Total cost, including VAT 18%
VAT 18%
Extra ticket for conference dinner including transfer to Conference dinner venue
Extra ticket for welcome drink (21.04.13)
TOTAL, including VAT 18%:
VAT 18%:
Total amount in words:
Please mark the selected option
V and indicate necessary amount of tickets:
Organization of excursion including visit to Christ-on-the-Blood and St. Isaac’s Cathedrals, Peter
and Paul’s Fortress (22.04.13)
Cost, EURO, including
VAT 18%
Organization of excursion tour to Hermitage museum (23.04.13)
Organization of excursion tour “St. Petersburg suburbs”: Peterhof (24.04.13)
Organization of excursion tour “St. Petersburg suburbs”: Pushkin (Catherine’s Palace and the
Amber Room) (25.04.13)
Total cost, EURO,
including VAT 18%
Please note that Organizer reserves the right to change dates of excursions or its cancellation in case the amount of participants who book these services is not enough. In this case Organizer is obligatory to inform Participant
about these changes no later than 10 working days before Conference opens. Organizer is obligatory to reimburse to Participant full amount of payment in case of event cancellation according to claim of Participant.
TOTAL COST, EURO (including VAT 18%)::
VAT 18%::
TOTAL COST, EURO (including VAT 18% and organizer remuneration 10%) ::
Total amount in words:
CONTRACT is considered to be concluded from the moment of signing by Parties.
Organizer’S obligations become effective when 100 % cost of participation in Conference is paid by Participant.
A copy of the signed CONTRACT for participation in Conference received by facsimile or electronic communication has legal force, with obligatory further
exchange of originals in two copies, (before or after Conference). Participant is hereby confirms his intent to take part in Conference, guarantees full payment
and obliges to meet all provisions of CONTRACT.
Limited Liability Company «Information and Exhibition Center of Nuclear Industry» (LLC «Atomexpo»)
Address: bld.11, 40, Orzhonikidze str., Moscow, 117908, Russia
For payments in Euro: Correspondent Bank, SWIFT:COBADEFF, Commerzbank Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Beneficiary Bank,
Account 400888046001 EUR, SWIFT:COMKRUMM of ROSEVROBANK JSCB, Moscow, Russia,
For further credit LLC "Atomexpo", 40 702 978 900 030 072 559
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions the following terms are used:
Conference: European Research Reactor Conference RRFM-2013
Conference dates: 21-25 April 2013
Organizer: Atomexpo LLC;
Participant: the person, on behalf of whom the AGREEMENT is signed
Conference venue: Courtyard Marriott St.Petersburg Pushkin, address: 166 Griboedov's Canal, via 33 Kanonerskaya Street, St. Petersburg, 190121, the Russian
To participate in the Conference, the AGREEMENT is to be filled out/ signed and submitted before the 15th of March, 2013 to Atomexpo LLC, post address: bld.11, 40,
Orzhonikidze str., Moscow, 117908, Russia
It is allowed to submit a signed AGREEMENT by fax + 7 495 663 38 20 or e-mal: with obligatory exchange of the original
versions in two copies to the Organizer (before or during Conference).
PAYMENT PROCEDURE: Payment is effected by Participant according to issued invoices within ten banking days of receipt by transferring monetary
funds to Organizer´s account.
The payment is effected by Participant by wire transfer in the following order:
The advance payment shall be made within 10 banking days commencing the invoice issue date.
Additional services booked by Participant on-site shall be paid on the base of invoices issued by Organizer within 5 (five) banking days after Conference
Participants who failed to pay the invoice before the Conference start will not be allowed to attend .
After the Conference, Participant shall sign an Acceptance Record of the services provided.
CONFERENCE PACKAGE includes: one person’s participation in all sessions, conference dinner (23.04.12), welcome drink (21.04.12), St. Petersburg sightseeing
excursion (21.04.12), coffee-breaks and lunches, USB stick (including list of participants, transactions and presentations) as well as participation in technical tour
(25.04.13) in case Participant submits to Organizer scan of his/her passport no later than the 5 th of March, 2013.
CONFERENCE PROCEDURE: Conference agenda will include plenary and parallel sessions, topical section sessions, round-table sessions. The working language is
English. Speakers are provided with computers and projectors.
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES: The rights and obligations of Participant under the CONTRACT cannot be transferred to any other person. Participant is
obliged to fulfill the safety regulations, preventive fire-fighting regulations, industrial health regulations effective at the territory of Courtyard Marriott Pushkin Hotel.
Participant in entitled to demand from Organizer in the written form to remove any disadvantages in provided services within the period not exceeding one working day
from the moment of receiving the respective written request of Participant. In case no claims regarding removal of disadvantages are received from the Participant
the services will be considered to be properly provided.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES: In case of a failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of this CONTRACT the Parties shall undertake to reimburse
another Party the losses within the limits of the damage caused in compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Participants who failed to
pay the invoice before the Conference start will not be allowed to attend.
REFUSAL TO PARTICIPATE IN CONFERENCE: Refusal of Participant to participate in Conference or to perform the CONTRACT terms and conditions
implicates the payment by Participant to Organizer of a penalty in amount of 100 % (one hundred per cent) of the participation cost specified in page 1
of the CONTRACT.
CANCELLATION OR CHANGE OF THE CONFERENCE TIMING: In case of change of the Conference timing or cancellation and provided that Participant
has been notified of that not less than one month prior to its opening, Organizer bears no responsibility before Participant for expenses incurred by the latter one due to
the Conference timing change or cancellation. Herewith Organizer shall return to Participant the monetary resources received from him upon Participant’s request.
CANCELLATION OR CHANGE OF THE EXCURIONS TIMING: In case of cancellation of excursion or any other culture event and provided that Participant
has been notified of that not less than 5 working days prior to the Conference opening, Organizer bears no responsibility before Participant for expenses incurred by the
latter one due to the excursion or any other culture events timing change or cancellation. Herewith Organizer shall return to Participant the monetary resources received
from him upon Participant’s request.
FORCE-MAJEURE: Parties are not liable for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under CONTRACT which occurred as a result of
circumstances of insuperable force, i. e. extreme and unavoidable circumstances, including fire, act of terrorism, natural disasters, war, military operations of any type,
decisions of governmental authorities. A Party which did not perform or improperly performed its obligations due to force-majeure circumstances shall immediately
inform the other Party of such circumstances occurrence and termination. Adequate evidence of occurrence of the above circumstances and their duration will be the
documents (information sheets) issued by respective competent authorities.
ARBITRATION: All disputes and disagreements between Participant and Organizer shall be solved mutually by negotiations, and in case of failure to achieve
the consent they shall be settled in an arbitration court for resolution of economic disputes at the Private foundation “Center for arbitration and legal examination”
in compliance with its rules. The arbitral award is final. Applicable legislation is the material law of the Russian Federation.
MISCELLANEOUS: All requests for supplementary services related with the participation in Conference are the integral part of CONTRACT. In all other things not
provided under the CONTRACT Parties shall follow effective legislation of the Russian Federation.
OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All extra services applications are essential parts of the Agreement. Other items not included into CONTRACT
TERM OF VALIDITY: This CONTRACT shall enter into force commencing the day of Organizer receives agreement signed by Participant and shall
remain in effect until the 25th of April, 2013. .
Organizer: ATOMEXPO LLC / Date____________________
Participant: _______________ /Date____________________
Executive Director ______________________ N.E. Shingarev
Signature ______________________
Attention! Not valid without Page 1!