GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION Investments in fixed assets present any purchase made by business entities in order to obtain new fixed assets, as well as to increase the value or replace the existing ones. Acquired capital goods may be new or previously used, purchased or received in kind from other parties in the country or abroad, manufactured under own arrangement or obtained through financial leasing. Included are all investments in new capacities, as well as investments in extensions, supplementary structures, reconstruction and modernisation of existing or replacement of obsolete, worn or damaged capacities. Excluded are investments in regular and capital maintenance of existing capacities. The data on investments at current prices are based on the “Annual survey on investments in fixed assets” (INV-01), which has been harmonised with international statistical standards and methodologies. Apart from providing data on the national investment activities, the objective of the survey is to ensure the calculation of Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) as an aggregate of GDP use, the creation of capital accounts, etc. However, even though this survey ensures that the major part of data is obtained, it is necessary to carry out additional calculations to provide data on GFCF, which are required for the system of national accounts. Reporting units are all business entities in the country that make direct investments, regardless the type of ownership. The coverage of the “Annual survey on investments in fixed assets” is full for large and medium-sized legal entities. Sample method is applied for legal entities that pursuant to Article 7, the Law on accounting and auditing are classified as small-sized enterprises, as well as for unincorporated units that are obliged to submit an annual financial statement. This survey is used to provide data on payments for investments by means of financing (own funds, joint funds, credits and other funds), data on realised investments by technical structure (construction works, machinery and equipment and other fixed assets) and data on construction type (new structures, reconstruction, modernisation, supplementary structures, extensions and replacement of existing capacities). For the territory and the regions of the Republic of Serbia, the data are processed according to the sections and divisions of the Classification of Activities, and for the municipalities the data are processed by sections of activities. The data are grouped applying the organisational principle (prevailing activity and head office of investor) and by the kind of activity principle (by destination and location of investments). Payments for investments are the monetary investment in fixed capital during the year in which the payments were actually made, irrespective of the time of construction or acquisition of fixed capital. Apart from payments in cash, included here are the payments of commercial credits and financial leasing that were used in the referent year, as well as payments for translation exposures in the current year, regardless when they occurred. Realised investments in fixed assets in a reporting year present the value of effectively finalised constructions, production or acquisition of facilities, equipment and other capital goods, disregarding whether these investments were accomplished or not and whether they were paid out or not (excluding investments revaluation). Investments in fixed assets of natural persons and unincorporated enterprises that do not have the obligation to submit annual financial statements are calculated by using the data available from the existing statistical surveys (of construction, agriculture, foreign and domestic trade, employment, i.e. labour force, etc.), at the section level of the Classification of Activities, by technical structure of fixed assets (construction works, machinery and equipment and other capital goods), for the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The data on GFCF at constant prices are available by technical structure of investments – investments in construction works (dwellings and other buildings and structures), investments in equipment (with a split into investments in domestic and imported equipment) and investments in other fixed assets (cultivated biological resources, mineral exploration, software, entertainment, literary or artistic originals and other fixed assets), by section level of the Classification of Activities. Within each section level (NACE Rev. 2), the calculation of real growth of investments is carried out by deflating each GFCF component at current prices separately, applying appropriate deflator (the same one used for certain investments category in all activities). Deflators are selected among available data sources from the actual statistical system. In addition, new ones are calculated especially for the constant prices estimation needs. GFCF at constant prices are estimated based on following data sources: Statistical surveys – “Annual survey on investments in fixed assets” (INV-01), Price statistics – Producer price indices of industrial products for domestic market, Producer price indices of industrial products by destination of consumption, Producer price indices of industrial products for selected groups of products for specific needs and Producer price indices of agricultural products; Consumer price indices, External trade statistics – Import unit value indices (UVIs), Labour force statistics – Gross earnings indices, Administrative sources – Financial statements. Construction works investments Since the total input structure for construction includes building materials, wages, energy, transport and a number of other elements, the deflator used for this part – the Composite price index for construction works has been developed as a weighted average of various indices: PPI of materials for incorporating in construction, PPI of energy, PPI of machinery and equipment n.e.c., PPI of motor vehicles and trailers and index of gross salaries in construction. With this approach, all cost components (material costs, consumption of fixed capital and remuneration for employees) are taken into account considering its contribution to the total construction costs. Weights are obtained based on data from annual construction enterprises financial statements, as shares of each element costs in the total expenditures of enterprises. Equipment investments For estimation of investments in equipment at previous year prices, the following two composite indices are used as deflators: Composite price index for domestic equipment Composite price index for imported equipment The starting point for computation of deflators is the detailed results of the “Annual survey on investments in fixed assets”. For the statistics of investments equipment is divided into domestic and imported, and these items are further broken down into 10 categories of investment goods (product groups). For each of these product groups, appropriate price index is chosen (PPIs for domestic part and exchange rate adjusted import UVIs for imported equipment). Separate composite price indices are derived for each of the nineteen NACE Rev. 2 sections, because the structures of investment products categories vary across industries. Composite price indices are obtained by multiplying the weights with the price indices. Weights are obtained from annual investments survey as share of each product group in total investments in equipment, at section level. Investments in other fixed assets The calculation of investments in other fixed assets at constant prices is carried out by deflating the current prices values. The deflator for investments in other fixed assets – Composite price index for other fixed assets is obtained as weighted average of various deflators. For each element of investments in other fixed assets appropriate deflators are selected: PPI for agricultural products, PPI for mining, CPI for computer software and accessories, CPI for recreation and culture, CPI for services and Composite price index for construction works. At the section level of the Classification of Activities, different composite price indices are derived. Weights are obtained from annual investments survey as share of each product group in the total investments in other fixed assets, at section level (NACE Rev. 2). By adding together investments in construction works, equipment and other fixed assets at previous year prices, the total GFCF at constant prices is derived. The obtained time series at previous year prices could not be used for real growth rate calculations since data are not comparable. To obtain comparable time series, the method of chain-linking is applied and chain-linked volume measures at relative 2010 prices are calculated. Chain-linked volume series expressed in monetary terms are not additive.